Asheville Daily Citizen VOLUME VIII.-NO 157. ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 1, 1802. PRICE 5 CENTS. IF YOUR APPETITE FAILS YOU TRY A DOVE HAM. KROGER, 41 College St. REAL VI. B. OWYN. ESTATE. W. W. WKST Gwyn & West, (Successor lo Walter U. Gwyn ) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public, Commissioner ol Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. SOI'TIIBAST COURT MIJVARE. CORTLAND BROS., Real Estate Brokers And Investment Agents NOTARY PUBLIC. I.ohus securely placed at R per cent. Offices J 26 I'attoa Avenue. Second ;floor. JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTA1E AND LOAN BROKER. Furnished anil Unfurnished Houses. OFFICIS ROOMS, t.ouns securely placed nt Blent per cent. AKTIH'K J. WILLS. Al.BKHT K. WILLS. WILLS BROS., ARCH ITECTS NO. 3fl PATTON AVE. UUTS NEW SILVER 35 and 37 Pulton Avenue, ALLREADY FOR BUSINESS NEW STORE, NEW GOODS, ALL ARE ASKED TO WHETHER TO We have labored hard but have not found it necessary to copy our noighbors. VICTORY! is Tiiiisi: iws v iasa.i stik- KIX: .SIGHTS 1'HK CANIHItATliS A.n ort:ns it is a curat sat isr.ycTios to fcWcMr that OUR GROCERIES II A IB 1IC.V VOVVI.AK l-AVOU. THLV Wtl.t. IUK Tllli LIGHT ! PA V AS Wlil.t. AS NIGHT. H'i k;;j;' the hhstasd iklshlst which coffins ti.mi:. LIGHT Till! TORCH Ol' GOOD jvih:mi:st;a.d jois oir inn VROCLSSIOS. A. D. COOPER, NORTH KU RT HQl'AHI. GROCERIES, HAY AND GRAIN NEW STOCK Ladies' : Wraps UNDERWEAR FOR Ladies, Misses, Children, Men and B ys. COMPLETE STOCK IUST ARRIVED. Another Importa tion storm Herges CHENILLE AND LACE CURTAINS, NEW GOODS IN ALLJDEPARTMf NTS. BON MARCHE 37 South Maiu Street. NE AV - GOODS UliCEIVKU DAILY. The must attructivc nnuils, bucIi as fumy smokinjt urticles. Have added to my line the largest assortment of toilet sets, fancy work boxes, ladies' ami gents' traveling sets The largest line of spurting goods ever seen In Aslicsillc. L. BLOMBERG, Model Ciirar Store. FITZPATRICK BROS, Contractors and Healers lu Mixed Paints and Painters' Supplies, WALL PAPER. 30 Novtii Main Stkiikt, Asukvili.k, N. C TBLKFHONU NO. I'.'. AND CHINA HOUSE NEW PRICES VISIT THE MEW STORE BUY OR NOT. to have an attractive store )UMIVfi WILL HE DELAYED FEW DAYS ON ACCOUNT Ol' THE EXTENSIVE AL TERATIONS NOW BEING MADE IN Ol'R I'ALACli. WE WILL ANNOUNCE IT IN DUI2 TIME. EUR YOU NUTTOMISSTI1E LARG EST AND FINEST DIS I'LAY EYEK SHOWN IN THE SOUTHLAND. YOU SHOULD SEE IT. NEAR LY EVERY ORIENTAL COUNTRY'S PRODUC TIONS WILL HE REPRE SENTED IN THIS RARE EXHIBITION. THUD. W. THRASH S CO., CRYSTAL PALACE. 41 1'A'ITON AVKNUIJ. MINCE :: MEAT -AND- PLUM PUDDING. Wc have just received a large shipment of I lie above articles nice '11111 fresh direct from t he maiiulacioi y. Wc buy only the best and can always guarantee sat isfaction. Respectfully, POWELL Sc SNIDER 3 A NOVEL IDEA. Umbrellas re-covered while you wait for them, making them nearly as good as new. Call and learn our low prices THE SHOE STORE, WEAVER &SMYERS, ill) I'attou Avenue. Ashcvlllc, N. C o o o LOSS 01MIIE ROUMANIA INTISIATliDTMAT tti; WAS A ROTTEN BOAT. The t'aa vuicers Drowmd Willi out Any WarnlitK From (be Olli certt That There Was Anv Ian Ker Suflcrtuit of tlie fctirvl vors London, Nov. 1. The Lisbon corres pondent of the Times who has been to the scene of the wreck ol the Steamship Koumauia near Cape Fozlalooil has suceeded in obtaining n louj; interview with l.icut. Kooke and Capt. Hamilton, the Hiilish urmy officers who were saved. Doth of these officers complain bitterly of the state of repair of the lost steamship Routnauia. They complain ol the failureof ship'sofiiccs to inform them that the vessel had stranded and of the omission of the crew to aid them in lowering boats r.hcn they knew the steamer was lost. The Rouniania, according to l.icut. Kooke and Capt. Hamilton, was steam ing at the rate of five knots an hour when she stranded. She struck in the sand sixty yards from the shore. The shock was so shunt that the passengers had not the slightest idea of what had hapiK-ned, nor were they informed that a disaster had occurred. At 1 o'clock the ship broke suddenly. An hour and a half later a great noise m the ship's hold from the shifting of iron bars, together with the noise of the surf and of a heavy rain siiiall aroused Lieut. Kooke who says he left his cabin to impure on deck what the trouble was. He was about to assist in lowering a boat when the vessel collapsed, lie was washed ashore with a mass ol" wreckage. Capt. Hamilton gays that he was aid ing his wile to pass through a skylighl when he was washed awav. He was un conscious till he lound himself on shore and he supposed that he had been stutiued. Lieut. Kooke adds that he moved about naked on the sand till day break when he saw seven Lascars in a cluster, all badly injured and near by mother injured Lascar who soon died. lie sent one Lascar northward while he himself went southward in search of a house. About 1 o'clock in the afternoon Kookc met a fiscal guard who returned with him to the scene ol the wreck. The icutenant was afterwards left alone in niche in the cliff while the guard went to Obilios to inform his superiors. The guard did not return till the lollowing ay. In the meantime, Lieut. Kookc, who had been strolling about entirely aked, met Capt. Hamilton, who was in the greatest grief. Lieut. Kooke event ually left him going another direction. Capt. Hamilton soon met somebody om 1'eniehe who took him to a hos pital. A cart drawn by oxen appeared it the scene of the wreck Saturday and conveyed Lieut. Kooke ami the injured Lascars to 1'eniehe alter two days and nights spent in the open air, during which time bands ol savages pillaged the steamer's cargo and carried oil tons of it. A Ol'ICK I I hi; Chicago Often Getn up That Kind ; I.osh $125,000. liiiCAi;o, ,ov. l. netwceii ,s am; id I o clock this morning great volumes ol smoke and flames issued Irom the win lows of the fourth story ol" the new Chi igo Athletic club building on Michigan avenue near Madison. Right in the rear of the club house were the Continental hotel and the St. Ilernard house whili on the south ana north respectively, were the Chicago fire cyclorama and the Westcin bank note building. The club house was supposed to lit lire proof, but it burned like tiud.r and be fore the fire company could get on the ground, the whole interior was ablaze Tue guests at the two hotels had plenty of time to escape, even though the fire had spread, they became frenied by the sight of the flames so near and began tumbling over each other in their endeavor to escape from what seemed to them certain death. A majority reached the street via the staircase and every one got out safely. In the meantime the fire was rapidly consuming the clul house and m less than lorty minutes nothing was left but the bare walls. The great mass of blazing lebris showered on the cyclorama and bank note companies buildini".s, but was extinguished as last as it li II. 1 he cv- clorama was damaged by water to a considerable extent, but as vet it is im possible to rstunutc the loss. The loss on the Athletic building is variously esti mated at from $80,000 to $ll!."i,0DO. It was still in the hands of the contrac tor who had not yet turned it over to the Athletic association. Htv(ii:s of Thev are Appalling In China- New Minister to the V. 8. Va.ncoi vkh, B. C, Nov. t. The China Mail says: Chi-Yui has been appointed the next Chinese minister to the United States, He now holds the post of chief supervisor of instruction. The ravages of cholera at Chong King are appalling. The deaths there arc es timated at from 30,000 to -10,000. Peo ple going any distance from home carry tags with their name and address there on, so that if they arc stricken their friends can be notified. The cholera is also raging nl Hankow, claiming numer ous victims. A Chance for Uood Democrats. WASHINGTON, NOV. 1. It IS expected that the Department of State will soon receive the resignation of John Dr Wash burn as United States minister to Swit zerland. George S. Buthclor hns tendered to Secretary Foster his resignation of the office of United States minister to Portugal; accepted. Uathlor becomes legal advisor in Europe for an insurance company, 150,000 for H liaise. San Francisco, Nov. l.-ffm. 0. B. MacDonoiigh, capitalist of this city, has cabled the sum of $150,000 to Rothchild Loudon, in payment for the great stal lion Ormande, the peer of the English turf, which McDonough has purchased. McDonough will bring the horse to Cal ifornia and placed in the stud. WH.1.3SA-N OSi ASIIUVU.I.I-:. He Says lie Went to 1'aracllHe in a Pullman Car. Walter We'linan, the Chicago Herald man who spent a lew days acre last month, has written a two-column article ibout Asheville, Dili Ne and the Yau- detbilt estate. In his introductory re marks Wellmau says: 1'ntil today I did not know that one could go to paradise via a I'ulluian car. But here I am in a country which the celestial landscape artists might well imi tate, even if they don't. It is Indian summer here in the moun tains ot Western North Carolina. The nights arc so cool that one wears an overcoat out of doors, and within draws near the big fireplace in which the ash logs arc crackling right merrily. The days arc deliciously warm.hazv, languid yet not wearisome. Around the moun tain toos is a thin bunk ol blue smoke. The air seems to be all ozone and the sunshine all nectar, and you can't drink in enough ol either. It is a time am! a place in which to loaf and invite one's soul. You lorget the cares of life, its habits ami weaknesses nil save the habit ol eating. In Asheville your appetite ross, material and ravenous will re mind vou that though this is a paradise it is only a paradise of theeaithearthy." 1 he underbill estate i then written up, Hill .Nve comes in lor his share, and the letter concludes: "I hac talked so inuJi of N.c and underbill and the palace that I have no space lelt in which to describe the beau ties ol "the land ol the sky and the in teresting people who inhabit it. This favored region lies from I'.OOO to II.OOO feet above the sea, has neither mos quitoes nor malaria an atmosphere noted lor Us dryness and Us health giv ing properties, its coolness in summer md its saluonty in winter. It lias scenery tar lamed, mountain peaus tlie highest this side the Rockies and corn whiskey and candied vams on which Hill Nve is actually growing fat." "I'nci.i-; "iommy" 'i; in; is op. Hi ;rcat Tariiv Spe'icli an Re lated ! "Jack" Cilui;lcll II iii. John M, Campbell, one of the liem.'cralic candidates for the State Sen ate, has a number ol good jokes tnat lie tells on "I'nclc Tommy" I'crguson, one of the Republican standard-bearers, but none of them is better than the one he gets off about "Uncle Tommy's" first tariff speech. hen it came "I nele lommys turn to orate, he got up and waving his arms melodramatically shouted : "I'cllow citizens, I propose to discuss one of the greatest National issues, the tariff. The commonality of the people in general are disposed to grumble at the ;enerality ol the people in common, lust here, Mr.Campbell tells it, J. Wiley Shook, who was sitting behind the speaker, caught him by tlie coat tail, saying : Sit down, you tool; you vc come out at the same hole you went in at." Ihe coninioualitv ol the people in t'cucral" will doubtless see to il on No vember Sth "I nclc lominv never nets a chance to speak on the tariff or aiivthini' else in the legislative halls of North Carolina. Ill KUI.AK A.IH H(;l.lX(i, Rut lie Is surprised In Ihe Act and tiot s to Jull. About 3:30 ihis morning L. A. Milhol land in passing the store of Clinc cv Cor nelius, at Itiltmorc, saw a lighl through one of the windows, lie suspected that a burglar was at work, and calling Dep uty SherilV J. C. Lipe, who was not far away, drew his pistol and stood guard at the door. When Mr. I.ipc anived they en tered the store anil arrested the burglar, who proved to be Tom Lee, a white man who arrived at Hiitmorc from Knoxvillc on Sunday. Lee, when arrested, bad in his hand a big Hritish "bulldog" revolver, but he did not attempt to use it. By his side was a vnlise filled with stolen goods worth at least $10O,whilc a num ber of other articles littered the lloor, evidently ready to be rolled up for trans portation from the store. Lee had made a meal off sardines, crackers, etc., lound in the building. Lee was brought to Asheville by Mr. Lipe and lodged in jail. On the way up he told the officer that he had a negro partner who left the store on hearing a noise and did not return. DON'T I.1KK IT Atid They Will Petition Aualnsl the I'avlug ofllnxlan strecl. Capt. Natt Atkinson has been cireulat ing a petition among residents ol the West ward, protesting against the ac tion of the Joint Board in deciding to pave Buxton street. The petitioners claim that bv paving Spring street the public, teamsters and everybody, will be accomodated more than by the paving ol Buxton, l ie petition was expected to be presented to the special meeting ol the Joint Board tins niicrnoon. A Yolce Miles Long. Ciucaoo, Nov. 1. The Browne Tel phone and Telegraph company, capital stock $5,000,000, to manufacture and sell the Browne telephone, recently pat ented, will be distinctively known as the long distance telephone, llic patentee claims that persons can distinctly talk 3,000 miles apart. 50.11DO Men Concerned. Niiv York, Nov. 1. The electric wire met in Clarendon hall this morning mid decided upon a general strike. A decision was reuched that all affilliated trades should be called out wiili the exception of tin workers and i-;,-lWrrs. It is thought the slrikc may effect 50,000. Continued Mad Weather. Ol'KKXSTOWN, Oct. J I . i lie vescis ur rriving here continue to report a liurri cane state of the weather on the Allan tic, and there are fears for the safety of many vessels. 1 he btrurta nnel the city ol'Chestcr, on the way to Liverpool were unable to stop uerc. The Hettlnit Is liven. NliW York, Nov. l.-Of $80,000 of fered at even term on Harrison at the New York Stock exchange $10,000 has been taken up to 10:45 o clock morning. this CLOSE ON KU-XTION DAY AN AI'IMCAJ. TO Ill HlM.Si Ml-.N t;:ixi:it ai.i.y. Chairmen Carter and Murphy Auk AHlievlUc'rt Tradesmen To Close Their Stores ou The 8th and Work 1'or nomocracy. In the name of the Democracy of the State and the nation, in the interest ol good government, National, State and county, we call upon the citizens ol Ashe ville to close their offices and places (.1 business on ileclion day, and aid in electing Cleveland l'rcsidcnt of the United States, and in saving the Stale from the danger of Republican rule. Most of the towns and cities of the State, as we are credibly informed, will adopt this course. Certainly little trad- ; will be done on thatdav by any class ol citizens. M. E. Cut ter, Ch'n. I)cm. Ex, Com.. Dili Cong. Hist. .. I). Muriliy, Ch'n Dcm. V.x. Com. Buncombe Co. Asheville, Nov. 1. ON OFl'lCK HOI. U1CUS. A Representative or the Kepubli eau I'arly After Boodle. v-ui.i -miiia, h. l., (let. ;iu. hx-Uon-grcssmaii II. Ci, liwart, of the ninth North Carolina district, is visiting the principal cities of South Carolina and Georgia for the purpose of levying assess ments upon Republican otliec holders (or the national campaign fund of that pai iy. He came to Columbia on Wednesday and the Republican office holders were summoned to meet him in the federal building. In secret conference he insisted that each postal clerk and other em ployes contribute $10 to the fund. He had previously sent to them by mail handsomely lithographed certificates of subscription, and those who had not responded with funds were made to feel that retention in olliec depended on their immediate compliance. Alter taking up his collection in Colum bia he left lor Augusta, (la., with the in tention ol securing money in a similar manner there and alterds in Charleston and other cities. Atlanta Constitution. viii;ri: ark they ? Two Missing ones -One a Thief; the Oilier I"rola!l a Suicide. Richmond, Ind., Nov. 1. Omar L. Hit tie is missing. A suit for $00,000 by his mother is pending against him. For years he has been his mother's agent, and she recently demanded a set tlement which he did not make, and the sail was filed. When Ilittle left lor New York he took securities agrcgating ijSSO.Otio to have cashed. Loi'isviu.i;, K. Y., Nov. 1. Georgia Morris, a pretty young woman has been missing since Friday and her friends fear she has committed suicide. She has been demented since last May over disap pointment in a love affair. She is 2 years old, and the daughter of Alfred Morris of Woodbury. A ltltll.I.IANT I-ICSTIVAI.. Chat lesion is Ooluic Herself Yen Proud. CliAHLicsniN, S. C, Nov. 1. The sec ond day of gala week festival opened this morning with a grand voluntary ol National airs on St. Michael's chimes. All trains coming to the city arc crowded with visitors. The weather is perfect. Thisjmorning eight olliccrs of the United States war ships in port under command of Captain Hrownson and reinforced by the South Carolina contingent sallied forth into the wilds of Berkeley county to chase deer. Tonight there will be a grand cake walk at the baseball park, about twenty couples having entered the lists. It is certain now that the festival will be the most brilliant of any in the history ol the city. ki.i.u:vi:ii of S730. Train Kohhcrs on tlie F,.T., Y.uud ; Railway. Bikmini.iiam, Ala., Nov. 1. The south bound express train on the Fast Tennes see, Virginia and (.eorgi-.t railroad was held up just south of Piedmont last night by two masked men. They pulled the bell cord just alter the train left ank, and when the train slowed up at a little station called Dauphins they ap peared in the express car and made the messenger deliver !f 1 M. Thev went into the mail car and got a lot of valua hie packages. 1 he whole thing was lone in three minutes. Express messen- cr J. H. Rogers is certain there were two men, but he does not know whether they were white or black. Resembled Asiatic Cholera. Port Townsi;np. Wash., Oct. 30. The bark Cowlitz, sixtydays from Taku China, arrived today and reported two suspicions deaths. The vessel had no papers or bill of health. On passage the second mate and one seaman were at tacked with symptoms resembling Asi atic cholera, and after a brief illness died. The last death occurred in quar- inline today and the crew was sent to the pesthouse. Ready to Pay. Nitw York, Oct. 31. Receivers Huide koper and Foster give notice that cou pons maturing November, lS'JL', on Vir ginia Midland railway, general mort gage 5 per cent, bonds; Richmond, York Kiver and Chesapeake railroad, second mortgage bonds, and Northeastern rail road of l.eorgia, first mortgage bonds will be paid nt the ofhee of the Central Trust company of New York on the date named. A Urcat CvcHtiir Feat. St. Lot is, Mo., Oct. 31. -One ol the most wonderful performances of the year in the cycling world was the smashing of the Dc Soto round trip record yesterday bv A. G. Harding, the famous St. Louis wheelman. The distance, ninety miles over hills, was made in nine hours twenty-five minutes. An Huterprlsluic liskliuo. CuiCAOO, Nov. 1. Mrs. Simon uack, an Eskimo, presented to her and Ma. bus band a fourteen pound daughter in the Eskimo camp, World's fair ground. She was the first child born on the ground. BUNCOMBE SYRUP OF TAR -AND WILD CHERRY Is a sale and reliable cure for coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness and all affec tions arising from an inflamed condition of the throat and lui gs. Trice. 25 cts. anufaetured at Grant's Pharmacy, 2b South Main Street. BUNCOMBE SARSAPARILLA, with Iodide of Potash. Sarsaparilla has been long esteemed as possessing decided alterative properties, and, in combination with Iodide of Po- isium, exerts a marked curative action ill diseases due to impurity of the blood, especially such as arc inherited or arc the result of Syphilitic or Mercurial Blood Poisoning. By its use you can save yourself from the sulTering caused by foul Erup tions and ulcerous Sores, throuch Inch the system strives to rid itself of Corruptions, It Purifies the Blood, giving it renewed Vitality and orce. Being an Alterative, it changes the action of the system, imparting Fresh Strength and Vigorous Health. The Concentrated Power and Curative irlucs of Buncombe Sarsaparilla render the most Reliable Blood rurificr that can be used, while it is entirely safe for patients of all ages. Manulacturcd at Graut's Pharmacy, 24 South Main st. BUNCOMBE LIVER PILLS arc mild, yet sufficient; do not cause pain or gripe, and act upon the liver and bowels. They arc especially valuable as after dinner pills, and readily cure constipation and constiveness, nausea, distress in the stomach, etc. They arc purely vegetable and wc be lieve they are tae best family pill yet pre pared and offer them with crfcct confi dence, believing that whenever used il ill be with the happiest results. Try them and judge for yourself. it Grant's Pharmacy AT THE SHRINE OF FASHION. Some people seoll at I'nsliion; others are lavish in their obedience to her mandates. Hoth to extreme. Pcrsonnl appearance counts fur a good deal, and It's Just as well to look well if you can. There never is any thing the matter with the personal mice ol' the man who makes his selection from my stock of MEN'S FINE FURNISH INGS. 3 1 ITCIIELI i'S, Mcu'sIShoes, Hats and Furnishings, 98 Pattou Avenue. Clocks! Clocks! Ms! Small Clocks, Large Clocks, Nickel Clocks, Alarm Clocks, Wood Clocks, Marble Clocks, Oayx Clocks, Weight Clocks. IF YOU WANT CLOCKS YOU CAN GET THEM BY CALLING ON B. H. COSBY,1 Patton Ave, Asheville, N. c. It ay's oilahlo educed allroad tes. RAILROAD TICKETS Bought and Sold. O. V. RAY, 8 a. Halo street. Member American Ticket Broken' Amo'b, TRY TUJ MODEL STEAM IJllJNDgy THE VERY BEST WOU, B. B. WHW MAHAUBa, CHURCH STREET, TELEPHONE 70. V." U IWWIlrtfisiillMiiU