THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. Thursday Evening, November 10, 1892. I CURES , tmmn poisoa Hatnre should bo assisted to threw offimporitiesoftho blotd. Nothing does It so well, so promptly, or so safely as Swift's Specific LIFE SAD WO CHARMS. For three years I was troubled with mala rial poison, which caused my appetite to fail, mid I was greatly reduced In flesh, and lift tost all its charms. I tried mercurial and totah remedies, but to no effect I could p t no relief. I then decided W try A few bottles of this wonderful i rW nedicine made a complete and permanent c arc, and I now enjoy better health than ever. J. A. Rick, Ottawa, Kan. Our book on Blood and Skin Disoasos mailed free Swirr Specifics Co., Atlanta, Ga. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Auctioneer and Collector. Person, hating rents to collect will And none better and prompt. I will also rent house, when required. LOCK BOX 335. angSOdtf R. H. REEVES, D. D. 8., DF.NTAI. I OFFICK 1'nnnH.ny Bunding, over Redwood's Store, Tattoa Avenue. Ncsidence, 8S race street. J- P. RAMSAY, D. D.8. llcntal Office i Over the National Bank of Asheville, Bar nard Building. Reeiacnce, o inanotu: h. Ich26dlv DR. It. F. AIMING TON, OFFKI ROOMS OVBaCOSBY'SjBWBLBVSTORI!, PATTON AVBNUB. h.whHkI attention siren to filling teeth and treating diseased pm, and all diatom pertaining to tne aentai structure. mayl3dtf E. H. BRITT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE. Grading of all kinds done. All sites of crushed stone furnished. 8end all order to poitoffice Bos 148, Asheville, N. C. anglOdtt 34-Ycars' ExpcrIcuce-34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Office and ahop, Wolfe Building. CORNER COURT PLACB AND MAKKBT BTRBBT. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General t Insurance Agent Rrar No. 20 80a th Main street. established 1866. Asheville, N. C auS dlT J. A. TENNANT, ARCHITECT : AND ; CONTRACTOR matta arai?lfliatloitB nd ettlmatc fur- nlaheH. All work In mv line contracted for. aad no charxci for drawing on contracts awarded me. VsforaSfiPM whrn defllrrd. Office. Southeast Court Square. Aahrrtlle, N, C. icuiuqij PERSONS HAVING Boots or Shoos to Repair Can hate them neatly done by tearing at SHOE STORE OF G A. HEARS, 29 South Main 8t. Also orders taken for new work. All Rood stock. A. FRECK. Oct 193di FINE WEATHER WE'RE HAVING. A Fact Appreciated by a Tom y. -.n with an Extensive Yocnbtilury. We have a young society uum in De troit we are proud of. Ho is a society man who can bo something else when be wants to be, and he wants to be quite frequently. Be is a dry wit, and he do lights in prodding society people whoso capacity is limited to society. Most of all, he is against society talk. During the first week in October ho was in Mow York and attended a reception, or rather a tea, at 5 0 clock. It's a charming day," observed the well young woman he hud met shortly after he had entered the room. "Yes," he admitted, because it was a harming day. "We have been having very lovely weather for some time, she continued, Yes," ho responded, with the air of a man who knew what he was talking about and proposed to finish the subject completely before ho was done with, "and the long spell of clear weather in the middle Atlantic states bids fair to last a day or two longer. The high pressure area still cover the states east of the Mississippi, with its center rest ing on the Atlantic coast, showing no inclination to pass off. This area brought much colder weather into the lake regions and the New England and middle Atlantio states on Saturday night. In northern New York and New England frosts occurred. In this city yesterday was fair; highest official tem perature, 60 degs. ; lowest, 43 degs. j aver age humidity, 60 per cent.; wind, north west; average velocity, twelve miles an hour." The girl gave a slight gasp and looked at him appealing!)', but he was pitiless. I see by the United States signal serv ice forecast," he went on, "that the in dications are for New England gener ally fair and warmer weather, probably followed by showers Monday night in extreme northern portions of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont; wind shifting to southeast. For eastern New York, eastern Pennsylvania, New Jer- soy and Delaware, fair and warmer wind shifting to southeast. For the Dis trict of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, warmer; fair; winds shifting to south. For western New York, western Penn sylvania and Ohio, warmer and fair, probably followed at lake stations by local showers during the afternoon or night; southwest winds increasing in force. Fair weather continues in all dis tricts, except in the upper lake region and in the Dakotas, where local showers are reported. The area of high pressure has moved almost directly southward from the lake regions, and now covers the Atlantio coast from New England to the east gulf states. The slight depression which was central north of Montana on Saturday evening has moved eastward to Lake Superior, and a second disturb ance is apparently advancing from the region north of Montana, the barometer being relatively high over the Rocky mountain districts. It is much cooler in the middle Atlantic states. The tem perature continues low in New England and New York, where frosts occurred this morning, and it is warmer in the npper lake regions and in the npper Mis- sissippl valley. Generally fair weather will continue throughout the central valleys and in the districts on the At lantio coast, with warmer southwester ly winds from Virginia, northward to New England." Then he smiled sweetly and would have heard what tho girl had to say about it, but she didn't have anything to say she was speechless, and he passed on to the next one, smiling as before. Detroit Free Press. Accommodating. DO YOU EXPECT TO BECOME A MOTHER? "Mothers' Friend" maxes child birth easy. Aulstt N.tiuv, Leswns Dsnget, and Shortens Lkbor. " My wife suffered more in ten minutes with her other children than she did all togother with her last, after having used four bottles of uotucb's psli&xd." says a customer. Henderson Dale, Druggist, larnii, HI. Sent by express on receipt of price, 1 per bot . llook " To Mothers " niailca free. W. Ringtail Hollo, Micky, me boy which is the hardest this nnt or your head? Michael Oh, drop that, won't you? Billy Ringtail- ner's Magazine. -Sure, Mikel Scrib- BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO OR Sill BV u hbuooists. Atlanta, OA NOTICE By virtue of the power of rale contained in deed of trust made and delivered to me by the Asheville Light and Power comoanv. wmen aaia aeeu is antea February 18. 1892, and made to secure the amentota note lor .o,uutr, uuc j. a. Vnnent. I will on Mondav. Deceinher 6, 1M2. at the courthouse door In the city of Aahcvillc. N. C. sell to the highest bidder fur cash the land mentioned and described In said trust, located on Valley street in aaid city and being aame lot on which is lo cated the new electric station nousc wnirn furnishes the motive oower for the Asheville Street railway cars, ror inriucr lniorma- tion apply to the undersigned or J. A. Ten nent. 1 nis Movcmocr o, 1 ova. W. R. WHITSON, oct6saUt Trustee. He Had Iteen There. A boarding house in Detroit adver tised for a hall boy. Among a host of applicants was a raw boned, lanky youth, who rang the doorbell and was met by the landlady herself. "Want a boy?" he asked, shifting from one foot to the other. "Yes," said the landlady, taking an inventory of the applicant. "House run by a missis?" "Yes." "Be you she?" "Yes." "An you want a boy to tend door, run errants, trot to tho grocery, sit in a cold hall, say you're out sixty times a day, and keep agents tvnd tin peddlers and kids often th steps?' Yes," said the astonished woman; "that's just what 1 do want." 'Much money in itr queried tho boy. 'Two dollars and fifty cents a week." Promises or cash down?" 'Yon get your money regularly if you earn it." "I'm your huckleberry, missis. Wot kin 1 dow first? Start out on a collectin tower, or make the fires in the sick hoarders rooms, or watch out for the fellow that is going to slide his trunk out "ithout pay in his board?' "Look here," said the landlady, "you know too much, i guess we can't make a trade." "All right, mum. If 'sperience and know how don't go for something, 1 ain't in it. But you'll be sorry, nnun, when tho butcher comes around with his last year's bill. I'm a pacifyor of the first water, but you don t" She hired him. Detroit Free Press. rmtllSTEB'S SALE Bv virtue of the now A cr of sale, contained in a certain deed in trust, executed to me, the undersigned, as trustee on the 12th or Ma v. 1H00. bv Mrs. K. O. Walke to secure the payment of a note therein mentioned, delault Having Deen made in the payment of same, 1 shall on the loth of November, 1802, expose for sale at nublic outerv to the blithest bidder for cash at the court house door in the Ciy of Ashe ville the property in said deed oi trust luiiy described, said Dronertv being situate on the north side of Chestnut street in said Citv of Asheville. For further description of said property reference is hereby made to said deed in trust as recorded on pages 261 ct. aea. of Book 22 of the Record of Mortgagea and Deeds in Trust in the Register's office for Buncombe county, N. C. This 18th Oc tober, 1HU2. A J. LYMAN, octl8dltw6t Trustee. WANT COLUMN WANTED. "lirANTBD Goats used to harness. Must TV be. heap. Address H. B. M nov7dlw P. O. Box 662, Asheville. WANTED Bv Miss Edith Wynne Young, of New York State, a limited number of pupils on piano or organ. Terms moderate. Call at residence, Asheville, N. C. Address, Oakland Heights. novSdlm WANTPBOPLBTO KNOW Dr. C.J.Oli vcros. socialist on eye. ear, throat and nose oiseoscs can ue louua over Kaysor Smith's drug store. No. 81 Patton avenue. Fitting of glasses also a specialty work. Hours 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. 3 p. m. to S p. m. lulyldtf FOR RENT. FOR RBNT No. 60 South Main street. Address WM. JOHNSTON, Jr., Boa 177. TjIOR RENT House on Charlotte street JJ on street car line furnished or unlur- nished. Apply to J. A. Tcnnent or II. F. Grant. nov7dlw TTIOR RENT One 8 room cottage. JL' Haywood No. 370 street; immediately on car line. All modern conveniences. Apply at 384 Haywood street, 2d door west aug&dtf IjASTURB FOR RBNT 75 acres near the city, splendid grass, plenty ol water and shade. Ample for 40 or AO head of cattle. t'rtcc per montn per neau. apply to J. P. KERR, julv23dtf Cltiscn office. HARRIS' LI I II WATER Has the foIJowiDg advantages over other mineral waters : I. Contains one third more lithia than any sprint? in tho United States. II. Analysis by K. Ogden Doremus, M. D., LL. D. " III. Nearly one half price of Buffalo and Londonderry Lithia. IV. Always fresh by special arrangement with Express company obtained at short notice and does not remain for days in heated cars. Uses Bright's diseases, Stone in the Bladder. Gout. Cystitis, Rheumatism and all conditions of the kidneys, bladder and stomach, requiring an alkaline-lithia treat ment. For Dyspepsia it is unequalled, in Chronic Consti pation unexcelled. PELIIAM'S PHARMACY. Sole Agents for Asheville. North Carolina. TTIOR RENT FOR THE SUMMER Mv Xj residence In West Asheville, half acre lot with large oaks: good well, stable, etc.. etc Seven rooms in the house and furnished. I Good horse, buggy and harness for sale, mavlldtf C. H. SOUTHW1CK. FOR RENT FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES I A large front second story room, about I 30x20 feet, over Barnum's store, No. H North Court Square, on reasonable terms. Possession given at once. septl2dtf CHAS. A. MOORB. DON'T FORGFT THAT THE TTIOK RENT Brick store room and second I Aj story, fronting on South Water street and adjoining Williamson's furniture store I room, within 200 feet of Patton avenue a I good place ar supply and storage business. 1 1 srptlOdtf I'HOS. U. JOHNSTON. 6o urovc street. FOR SALE. TTIOR SALE One dcs. second hand stoves. A! Apply to WEEKLY CITIZEN cet2!ldtf W. F. RANDOLPH. Sec. School Com. R A FEW LETTERS. DRESS -CUTTING Prof. O. H. dcLamorton. Scientific tailor avstcin. with and without seams, will be taught to tne laaies oi Asne ville for only f 5.00. satisincuon guaran teed or money refunded. School ut 73 MONTFORD AVBNUB. oct27dlm Asheville. " NEW MILLINERY. Mrs. McCorklc, 27 North Main stmt, has a new stock of Millinery, just received, that equals any to be found in Asheville in style, quality and variety, and is selling it cheaper than you caa get it elsewhere The ladies of Asheville are Invited to call and ex amine goods and prices. oct21dtf BONNYCREST INN I Bight miles sonth of Asheville, mile from Skytand Springs Station. Bates 2 per day, $12 per week; $40 per month. TH08. A. MORRIS, Prop'r, maylOdtf Skyland, N. C. TAKE THE CHICAGO AND ALTON RAILROAD Wcat and Northwest. Emigrant going to sarsf the Western State, or Territories will save time and money going via Chicago and Alton route. It IS UK Quickest route to Kansas City. Den lo. and all oolnts in loano in.tnM fWffrm. lltAh and California. Finest tad Best Equipped Road in the . West. Oely line running Solid Vcstibuled trains lf(M at. Louis and Kansas City. Reclining Chair car ana i ounsi oicepers free of extra charge. I will meet parties at any railroad station with thfAiik tickets and baaraasc checks. For fall Information, map. aad descriptive pamphlet or the west. write to or can on B. A. NBWLAND, Traveling Paaaeager Agent, 33 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. 1. CHARLTON, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, OFFICE 39 PATTON AVBNUB. - - . . AT WBAVBR& MYERS' 8TORB showing the Sad End of a ralnftil Cor respondence. They had been separated some time, although they told their frionds that they loved each other dearly. She was in Kalamazoo. He was in Walla Walla. She learned through a friend that he was reported as smitten with a girl in San Francisco, and as she fortunately had found ono whom she hoped to learn to love (and who was rich and infirm) she wrote him as follows: IlEAn Cnjuu.iE-Vou have- broken my heart i know all. Consider our cnKauoment broken, but remember I shall always hops to bo your friend. Maud. He replied to this: Dear Maud I am glad that I linvo learned that you are not to be trusted before wo niado the awful mistake, of murrlaKC After this she was afraid that ho might interfere with her arrangements con cerning the one she hoped to learn to love, so she wrote him: Dear Charlie Plcaso send bock my letters. I will send you yours. Maud He answered: Dear Maud I have already learned not to trust you. Bend my letters back first. Charlie. She did so, inclosing them in tho fol lowing: Mn. Toi.uver- You are very unkind. Maud Uazeltop, Then she waited a reply. She waited three months. The reply did not come. Noither did her letters, so she wrote the following: Mk. Tolliver Inasmuch as 1 have not re ceived my letters back, and as thore has been plenty of time, I am forced to the painful cou- cluslon that you are too poor to buy the neces sary postage .tamps to send them. I therefore Inclose sufficient stamps, and shall expect my letters by return mail unless you are lost to all sense of honor. Maud IIazletop. She received an answer by return mail. It was: Dear Maud I always knew yon wero con ceited, but 1 did not know yon were conceited enough to suppose that 1 would keep your let ters. They were aH thrown away Immediately I banks lor the stamps. CUAntns. They do not correspond now. Ex change. A Natural Supposition. EAL E8TA fB SALE Bv virtue of au. thoritv vested ard retained in me by a ccitsin contract lor the sale or tne land hereinafter described toS. F. Chapman, dated His first dy of January, A. D. 1890, and registered in the Register's office of Bun combe county in book 78, at page 104, I ill sell at the court house door in the city of Asheville, at public auction for cash at 1 2 o'clock m on tne I4tn aay oi novemoer, A D. 1892. a certain piece or parcel of land sltuute, lying and being in the county of Iiuncom D" and state oi Norm Carolina, on the west sie ot the French Broad river ad joining Innd of the undersigned, John Mil'er, Inlin Cockran and others and more Dartlcu- larlv described in said contract, to which reference is made for description, and con taining eighteen and cne-half acres more or less, tne rniu . v. inapman nuvtng maoc default in the payment oi interest, accord ing to tne requirements oi saia ontracr. OCtllWKIS J.O. AUAMS. I7IOR SALE A and harness. well trained goat, sulky Apply at CITIZEN OFFICE TP YOU ARB BUILDING don't fail to put A in Watson's fire urate, for saie Dy BALLARD 8c K1V.H. TTIOR SALB One large black Walnut Kol- AJ lcr-top Writing Desk. scnt23dif IS ONLY $1,00 PER YEAR. Address BOX NO. 88, Asheville, N. C. T" ANH SALE ny authority of a decree of XJ the tsu(erior court ot uuncomne county in a special proceeding entitled Nannie J. Alexander et. a 1 . 1 viii otter tor saie at mm- lie auction, at the 'court house door in the city of Asheville ou Monday the 6th day of December, lnu, tnnt certain trnct oi iana niluate in the county of Buncombe on the east side of French Broad river, at the mouth of Pint Cn-ek, and containing one hundred and eighteen acrismore or less, it being that portion of the lands belonging to the late A.M. Alexander, known as lot No. 5 in the sale thereof for partition and purchnsed by II. A. Sumner. The tract is sold by order of court to sutisfy the balance due on his purchase from suid H A. Sumner, he having failed to complete his payment as reoulred bv the former dec ee of sale. Terms The sale will be for cash. a"d the purchaser will receive a need in fee-stmple. Possession given on confirmation ot sale T. S. MORRISON, oct27w4t Commissioner. FOR SALB OR RENT New furnished house one of the best locations. House I conveniently arranged. Address AO KB. r. J. flftion, nov7dlw 63 Church Street. TTIOR SALE A house and lot at Biltmore. JJ near Vanderbilt's brick yard, on river road. Price jsso. Apply to WALTER. S. CUSHMAN. 30 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. scptodtf TlTOOD FOR SALB Oak lire wood, cut TV any length, at S2 00 per double load, delivered. FRKNCH BROAD LUMBIJR CO , octWdtf Teephone31. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE! CtROUHA GOAL COMPANY -DEALERS IN- COAL COKE IJELUCO, IUMP AND ANTHRACITE. GOOD WEIGHT. DAY 130 TBLBPHONB NIOUT 144. Dared Not Uettirn. The old man who sat by the roadside coughed violently. He seemed to have one foot in the grave, yet ho was a wan dorer, ragged and forlorn. A littlo boy stared in wonder at the strange, decrepit figure. "Why don t you go homo? the child demanded. The old man shuddered. Burying his face in his hands ho moaned miserably. "Don't cry." The words of comfort from the tender lips wrung the grief stricken heart. "Boy" His voice trenabled with age and bodily weakness. "I dare not go homo." "Don't dare?" The youthful eyes grew big with as tonishment. "No; I do not dare." There was a world of sadness in his tones. 'Twenty-seven years ago, boy, 1 loft my home bright and early. My wife kissed me fondly Tears sprang to his eyes and rolled un heeded down his cheeks. "and told me to get some thread, sugar, toweling, matches, a washboard, saleratus, needles and and" As he faltered the look of agony in his face grew more intense. "and one othor thing that I forgot and never could recall I have been an outcast ever since. I dare not go home." Intently the boy watched the stooping figure until it hobbled laboriously from sight Detroit Tribune. NOTICE By virtue of an execution in my hands for collection, iu favor of W. II. l.m-krtt Kl Co.. and aiminst T. K. Brown and A. B. Fortune, I will sell at the court house door in the city of Asheville, on Mon day, the 5th day of December, 1 H!)2, the fol- imvinc described real estate: A piece or par cel of land known as the Alfred Burnett land, In Black Mountain township, containing 100 acres, more or less; also a piece of lund known as the Alex, and lilsey Burnett place, containing: 100 acres, more or less; also a piece OI iana in tile muck uvr, euniaunnK 150 acres, more or less. The above described property being that of TV- K. Brown. Also the following described property bcloncing to A. B Fortune, to-wit; A piece or parcel of land lying on the waters of the Swanna. noa River, and known as tne fortune nun olacc. containing acres; also one town lot on College street, in the city of Asheville adiolnina the lot which A. B. Fortune now occupies. D. L. REYNOLDS, tues4t Sheriff of Buncombe Co. TTIOR SALB The Mclke house, western JJ part ol the city; one of finest residences in Asheville, containing la rooms, acres in lot, fine oak grove and beautiful lawns nd snrumter v. maunineent view tnat can not be obstructed. For further information address W. P. SOUTHERN, Executor. 421 West Haywood St. uly27dtf MISCELLANEOUS. DR. W. P. WHITTIN'GTON has moved to his new residence, No. 17 Vance Street. oct20dlm Terms on MISS DBNNB. The Mclke House, Asheville, N. C. THE fl WINE AD Nos. 41 and 43 S. BONANZA," LIQUOR CO, Main St., Asheville. NO. 41. a Private home for invalids. XI. application to olBtf TONEY TO LOAN On improved Ashe A.TjL vine real estate. scpt20dtf Apply to NATT ATKINSON SON. 1 JOARD Comfortable rooms with good JL board in good location. novStf MRS ALICE REYNOLDS, 48 Spruce street. TTOARD1NG Good fare and comfortable JJ beds. novltf Convenient to Postofiice. MRS J. A LHB, No. 26 Flint street. WHOLBSALB DEPARTMENT, GENTS' f AKLUK AND KHAU1NU KUUM. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND BOTTLB GOODS, 8AM- XT A ) PLB, BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM. J J, BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEMENT. We respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Main Entrance, No. 43. Telephone Call, No. 7. Poatofflce Box Q. JOTICE. North Cakiii.ina. I Buncombe County. I Superior Court. 1 he Merchants' and Planters' Bank of Mil tons. N. C. vs. I. M. Ncal Publication. The defendant in the above cntitli d action is hereby notified that wurrants of attach ment nave oecn suca our ny inc piain-in against the property or said detendunt in the State ol Nortll Curolinn; that said action has been commenced by the plaintiff above named for the recovery of the sum of $l,'JO, due by judgment of record obtained in the circuit court of the City of Danville, Va., with Interest on said sum from the 2d day of June, 1802. at the rate of six per cent per annum, and that tne sain warrants nave been returnable to the Superior court of said Buncombe county, n. c. on tne l.un Mon dav alter the first Monday of September, 1802. Tins tne xotn aay oi uctoner, mm. J. L. CATI1KY, Cleik Superior Court. HENRY B. 8TEVBNS, Attorney for Plaintiff. oct20d Htliu Gentleman How do you sell those chickens? Dealer Eighteen cents a pound. Gentleman Oh, 1 thought probably yon told them by the head. Harper's Bazar. Comrades. Btrawber You wouldn't think I had those suspenders three years, would you? Bingerly Wo ma they come with ue tronieraT new Yurlr, Herald, Just as Catching a Tawnlng. "Do you see that gentleman sitting opposite?" said one man in a cable car to his next neighbor. "Yes." "I'll bet five dollars 1 can make him pull his watch out of his pocket and consult the time without saying a word to him." "All right," aaid his friend, "it's a go. And the first speaker proceeded to try the experiment He waited a few moments until the glance of the man referred to fell on him, and then with much deliberation drew forth his watch and looked at it. The man across the aisle saw the movement and instantly lifted his own watch from his vest pocket "It never fails, said the successful experimenter as he pocketod the five dollars. "Look at your own watch and it's as catching as yawning. Try it yourself on somebody." St. Louis Chronicle. urea ot it. Simpson Whatever induced your nncle to marry the widow of a man who was hanged? Jimpson He had been married to a widow before, and says that he was tired of having the virtues of a former hus band constantly flung in his face. Tit-Bits. Got Credit. Perdita I'll give him credit for get ting me an engagement ring. Penelope I understand that's wnat the jeweler did too. Jewelers' uircniar. OTICE Bv virtue of two executions in my hands tor collection m mvor oi n O. Davis, trustee, and Jno. B. Utcheson, trading ns C. W. Thome & Co., and acuinst T. Bostic, issued under the superior coun of Buncombe county, I will oiler lor sale at public outcry for cash at the court house door ia the city of Asheville on Monday, the Mh dav of December. 1892. the fWlowingdc- scrliied property, xo-wu: unc parcel oi land lvins and heinE in the citv of Asheville, ountv 01 ttuncomoe ana state ci norm Carolina, being the same lot conveyed by F. A. Sumner and wife to J. T Bo.tlc by deed dated October 14, 1802, end registered in the office cf the register of deeds of Bun comhe countv. in book 84 ou pnee 57, and more particularly bounded and described as follow : Beginning at a stake, the northeast corner of O, W. Candler's lot. and on the South Margin ol mil street, ou lu-mu lect west ol W. B. wests' nortnwest corner, ana runs with said Candler's line south 38 31' east 15(1 feet to a stake; thence east 10 feet to a s' nke; thence north 38 38' east 41) 7-100 feet to a stoke: thence north 38 20' west 214 4-101) lect to a atuxe on tne southsidc of Hill street; thence with Hill street south 45 41' west 50 18-100 feet to the benlnning, to satisfy said executions and costs. This November J, 1802. D. Li. KUinULUH, oct3dl&3tw Sheriff Buncombe county T OST OR STOLEN A red Irish female JJ setter, four white feet, white spot in forehead. Reward ot Jio it returned to OTTO NbWKUM. oct20dlm Glen Rock Hotel. TUB CHATEAU Private boardinghouse, No. 211 Haywood street. Fine city and mountain views; penect sanitation; not and cold water; comfortable, airy rooms; well provided table; attentive service; rea sonable rates. Two hundied yards from Montford car line MRS.M. B, DETWILER. oct7dtf Proprietress. TTVISSOLUTION NOTICB Notice Is hereby 1 J siven that the partnership heretofore cxr ting between P. L. Cowan and Mary L. (lueen under the nrm name ot i'. L cowan & Co., is this day dissolved. 1 he said bus iness will be contiuued by P. L. Cowan & Bro. All debts and nceounts due said firm are payable to P. L Cowan & Bro. uctoner zu. 1BU3. t. i..tuwA, oc2Udtf MARY L. QUEEN. 1SSOLUTION NOTICB The firm ofW. P. Wanton & Co. is this Cay dissolved by mutual consent. J. K. Cowan having parchnsed the Interest of W. P. Blanton, the business will in tne future be conauctea un der the firm name of Cownn & PoKgett. W. P. Blanton & Co.. will settle all debts and nceounts contracted by them prior to this date. This October ihuu. W. P. blanton:i CO. nov7d30il COWAN c DOGGETT. VTOTICR Bv virtue of several executions 11 in my hands forcollection in favor of Holmes, Booth ac Haydcn, American -au. altv Insurance com nanv. the Da vton Manu facturing company, W. L. Moore and others and airainat the A.beville Street Railway company, I will sell at thecourthousedoorin A.ncviiie on Monaay, tne otn oi uccemocr, 1892. the following described property to satisfy said executions, to-wit: All the iroods. cnattcis. lanas ana tenements una rights, privilcdges and franchises of the Ashe ville street tcaiiway, Deing tne property rights, privilcdges and franchises acquired bv its purchase of the property, richts. priv- ilenges ana irancnises oi tne ABncviue tus nnd Water Supply company and of the Asheville Light and Power company, and all of the real and personal property of said Asheville Street Railway company, includ ing all their cars, motors, rails, tics, string ers, engines, power house and station, and tne lot wnereon saui power nousc is uuut, oificc. furniture now in their office and all other orontrtr. immunities and privilcdge. belonging to or used in connection with suid Ashcrillc Street Railway company. u. L. KBVNULUa, GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY, Saturday, Nov. 12th, THE CELEBRATED COMEDIENNE MISS VERNONA JARBEAU In Her Brilliant Musical Comedy, "STARLIGHT" Supported by HerOwn Company of Comedy ana Musical taicnt. EVERYTHING CHANGED! New Songs. New Dances, New Music, New Faces, New costumes, incw aayings, New Funnv Situations. THE LATEST NOVBLTY THE WIDOW'S CHORUS AND DANCE The Hit of the Season! Miss Jnrheau's Great Songs, "Nigger and the Bee," "S'igo," "Push Dem Clouds." "Where Are Yon Going Mv Pretty Maid." JEFF D. BERNSTEIN, TROP'R AND M'G'R Scats on sale at Sawyer Brothers, No. 34 Patton Avenue, many morning. Prices 25, 50, 75, S1.00 RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CP. F. W. Huidekopbr and Reuben Foster, Receivers. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule In effect Oct. 0 '1892. r EASTBOUND" Lv Knoxville. " MorristowB. Lv. Paint Rock, " Hot Springs, Lv. Asheville, Round Knob. " Marion. " Morganton, " Hickory, " Newton, " Statesville, Ar. Salisbury, " Greensboro, " Danville, NOTIQ-NO.Ig 815am 935am 6l27am 12 2Vpm 6 40am 12 30pm miuam Z30pm 1024am 1109am 1208pra 130pm 157pm 250pm 400pm 9 50pm 345pm 428pm 609pm BSOpm 6 11pm 701pm 761pm oopm 12 40am 1240am Oct. 31. 1802. oct31mon4t. Sheriff Buncombe Co. OTICB. NORTH WAKOliir,, 1 iu ouiliui i, N OTICB. Madison County. I August Term, 1802. I N Khhs. nlaintiff. vs W. I. Reynolds. fendimt Notice ol summons ana warrant of at tachmellt. The dtfendant, W, J. Reynolds, will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action wus Issued against said defendant on the 2nd dav of March, 1KU2, by M. A ehnndlcy, clerk of the Superior court of Mndison county, ana nutc ui curtn Caro lina for the recovery ol the sum ol Three Hundred Dol ura due bv contract and for money paid to use of defendant by plaintiff, which summons was returnable liefore the Judge of the Superior court for aaid county and state on tne oiu Monaay ociure tne Y tn Mom av in Brntember. 1HU2. That the sheriff having returned said summons with the endorsement, uuc ana aiugent search made and dtfendant not to be found within the countv," an nlina summons was ordered by the court which was duly issued on Oc tober 3, 1892, returnable to the November term of the Madison Superior court. The defendant will also take notice that a war. rant oi attachment wa issued in said action by the clerk of said court on the 2nd day of Marcn. imij. wtticn warrant was returna ble before the Superior court of said county and State at time and place above named for the return ol the summons, and that said defendant is required to appear at the Novcmrjcr term, to-wit; ud tneiim muu dav after 1st Mnmlnv In September. 1N92, of Madison Superior court and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff or the relief demanded will be granted. This nrtober4. 1BB2. M. A. CHANDLBY, Cltrk of the Superior Court. I. M. GUDGKR, JR.. Attorney for Plaintiff, octsdltwSt Statu oh Nobtii Caioi.ina.I County of Buncombe. I Superior Court Bmil Dubncy Helnemann, va. Bertha Rose lieiremann. To the defendant named above : You are herebv notified that Bmil Palmer Helnemann has brought an action against vou for divorce, entitled as above. In the Superior court of Buncombe county, North Carolina, by causing a summons to be Is sued against you in said action, dated the autn aayoi uct , lflw.wm itiuih.uic w next enduing term of said court to be held for nU cnuntv nt the court house In Asheville on the thirteenth Monday alter the first Monday in September, being the filth day nriin mhcr. 1HB2: And the Sheriff of said county having returned said summon, with the endorsement tnereon ia juu muuui w in Hnnromhe countv. and it having been made further to ppcar to the under signed that vou are a non-resident of this State, and that a cause of action exists uiiinst vou in favor ol the plaintiff, the un H..iini-ii ffranted an order on the 20th dav of October, 1802, that service of said sum mons by publication be made a. to you as provided by law. You will therefore take notice of nil the facts hereinbefore set forth Given at office this the 26th day of October, 18U2. LUlAIBbV, oct26dutwcd Clerk ol Said Court. The "Aston House," 57 CHURCH STREET, AsheTlUe, North Carolina, Visitors to the South will find this a com- PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR $100 REWARD I State op North Carolina, Executive Department, Raleigh, N. C.l Whereas, Official information has been re ceived at this department that, on the night of October 10, 1892, the barns, stables and other property o. Francis Willi., In the county cf Buncombe, were destroyed by fire, and it waa the work of lawless and wicked person, or persons; And whereas, It appears that aaid person, or persons, have fled the state, or so con cealed themselves as that the ordinary pro cess of law cannot be served upon them; Now therefore, I, Thomas M. Holt, Gov ernor of the State of North Carolina, by vir tue of the authority in me vested by law do issue this my proclamation, offering ward of one hundred dollars for the appre hension and delivery of the said unknown party, or parties, to the Sheriff of Buncombe county at the court house in Asheville, said reward to be paid upon the conviction of said person, or persons, and I do enjoin all officers of th- State and all good cltiiens to assist in bringing aaid criminal, or criminals, to justice. Done at our c ty of Raleigh, the 31at day of October, 1892, and in the 117th year of our American independence. Seal. T1IOS. M. HOLT. By the Governor: novl-lw S. F. TBLFA1R Ar. Richmond, 6 18am 6 18am Lv. Greensboro 10 20am 1105pm Ar. Durham, 12 11pm 102am " Raleigh, 1 10pm 300am " Goldaboro, 8 05pm Lv. Daavi'.le, 12 30pm 110am Ar. Lynchburg, 3 OOpm 405am " Washington. 9 2Bpm 1025am " Baltimore, rl 25pm 1203pm " Philadelphia, 3 00am 3 20pm 'New York. 6 20pm 450pm WESTBOUND NOT 0NOni Lv. New York, 4 30pm "Philadelphia, 730am 667pm " Baltimore. 9 37am 9 30pm " Washington, 1110am 1120pm " Lynchburg, 6 22am 6 25am Ar.Danvllle. 8 10pm S 10am Lv. Richmond, 3 OOom S20am " Danville, 8 30pm 8 30am Ar. Greensboro, 10 05pm 10 10am Lv. Geldsboro, 3 50pm t Lv Raleigh, 6 OOpm 7 00am " Durham, 707pm 768am Ar. Greensboro, 940pm 1000am Lv Greensboro, lOlSnm 1020am "Salisbury, 130am 1316pm " Statesville, 336am 109pm ' Newton, 383am 157pm " Hickory, 400am 237pm " Morganton, 461am 319pm " Marlon, 647am 402pm " Round Knoo, 632am 445pm Ar. Asheville, 750am 6.8pm " Hot Springe, 1030am 756pm " Paint Rock, 1048am 810pm " Morriatown, 200pm " Knoxville, 3 20pm Notice to Contractors. Mavor'a Office. N. C Nov. B. '92 Scaled proposals will be received at thl. office until 3 p m. Friday, November 11, 1802. for nutting down on Patton aveaue about 1,800 yard, of vitrified square edged brick sidewalk. Samples of brick to be used must be submitted. Plan, and specifications Ar&S7RAILKOADNO.I6N(3n Lv. Asheville, 1060am Hender.on ville, 1149am Flat Rock, 1168pm Saluda, 1230pm Trvon. lOKKnm Ar, Spartanburg, 306pm Lv. Spartanburg, iryon, " 8aluda, " Flat Rock, " Hcnders'nv'le. Ar. Asheville. THOU PH BRANCH' Np:i6NOl3 800pm 420pm 453pm 514pm 6 28pm oiBpm Lv. Asheville. Ar. Waynesvllle, oryson tity, Andrew.,. Tomotla, Murphy, NO 17 8 16am 044am 13sopm 9 27pm 867pm 430pm Lv. Murphv. Ar. Tomotla, Andrewa, Ar. Bryson City, naysMavuie, ' Asheville, 7No. is tOOOam 19am 649am lOOOam 1229pm Nob. 17 and 18 Conner at a.h1iL 1L Nas. 11 and 13 to aad from Balls bury aad the Bast. fortablc home. It is near the postofiice, has can be seen at the o Bice of the ity engineer. I a sneiterca, sunny situation, nngusa cw-i , '"v-. I toinsms, et. aaawviiis, n. v. auvuuoi. i vju. xtAAs.iTamc MaaagsT, Meaning ton ling. Piano, Charge, moderate. novVdlw'l B. M. Lee, City Engineer. SLEEFlNCAriCTVr(5Er N-11 and 12 Pullman Sleeper, betweea Hot Spring and New York, Via AahevUle, Salisbury aad WaaMagtoa. -. 1,,? xO-Pnllmaa Sleeper, between Asheville and Raleigh. . " u . W. A. TURK, M. BARDWiCK1,1 Gen. Pass. Agt. Asst. Oca. Pas. AfV Waehinrtoa, D C, r Atlanta, Ga. W.H. GRBBN. fieri. Maaam. WaotdnetAa I V. B. McBBB, S. R. bxinorlka. ueni supc, , suptrtotenaent. " coimiima, a. c. atiik, h. v.

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