THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. Thursday Evening, November 10, 1892. AROUND TOWN. Wishing ton, Nor. lO.-Forecast till 8 p.m. Thursday Generally air; north wetter fy winds; warmer Friday night; northwest galea. A. B. Posey uf Hendersonvile is here today. J. W. Kern of Salisbury ii at the Swan nanoa. Dr. T. W. McLoud of Franklin is in the city. E. M. Goolsby of Greensboro is hereon business. W. W. Stringfield of Waynesville is at the Grand Central. W. Vance Brown is here from Cran berry, Mitchell county. The Joint Board and Board of Alder men will meet tomorrow. Congressman Crawford went back to Waynesville this morning. Mrs. W. F. Snider and children left to day for a visit to Salisbury. Drummers Owen and Davis serenaded Tub Citizen several times today. Geo. H. Smathers and J. H. Hyatt of Waynesville are at the Swaunanoa to day. Vernona Jarbeau and her company will bring ' starlight to the Grand Satur day evening. The first snow of the scar on fell here today, the few flakes blowing from the mountains near at intervals during the whole day. Jeter C. Pritchard. the defeated caudl date for Congress, came' up from Mar shall yesterday. He bears his defeat fairly well. G. H. McCarthy and Miss Mattie, daughter of Francis Stevens, were mar ried at the Central M. E. church parson age yesterday by Rev. Chas. W. Byrd. The Republican banner still hangs across Patton avenue. But since the election the wind has tied the banner almost in a hard knot, and its warmest friend can scarcely recognize it. There will be a rehearsal of the choir of Trinity Episcopal church this evening at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is re quested. A carriage will be sent for the ladies connected with the choir. The Western Carolina Advocate, a consolidation of the Western North Car olina Methodist, and the Statesville Christian Advocate. appeared yesterday. It is enlarged to eight pages and is greatly improved. Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Carrie Smith of Hendersonville, and Mr. J. A. Maddrey ol the State Bank of Com merce in that place. Miss bmith is a sister of Aug. M. Smith ot this city and at one time lived bere. The pictures of Cleveland and Steven son printed in yesterday's Citizen were made by the Southern hngraving com pany ot Richmond, after Democratic suc cess was assured. Tbis was very rapid as well as good work. Maj. J. M. Blair, the auctioneer, today sold all the debts due the P. A. Dcmens Woodworking company prior to March 17, 1892, to S. H. Reed, agent, for $125 cash. At tbe same time be sold a saw mill on Reems Creek to S. F. Chapman, agent, for $545. It is told on Defeated Candidate Har kins that when he came up town to get a shave after the election the barber wanted to charge him a quarter, on ac count of the length ol his face. , Mr. Har kins says, however, that he finally got the shave for 10 cents. The bearing of the suit enjoining the city Irom interfering with the running of cars by the Abbeville street Railway company, which was to have taken place before Judge Bynum atMorganton today, has been adjourned by consent to Tuesday, October 22, at Marshall. The United States court convened in tbe government building today, meeting for the first time in the new building. ) udge Dick, Attorney Chas. Price, Clerk J. E. Reed and Deputy C. B. Moore and other court officers are present. There is a large attendance, several Indians being among those here. LOVED HIS TOE. Henry Ledbetter Prises His Great Toe HlghlT. Tuesday afternoon us Henry Ledbetter, a colored employe at the Vanderbilt quarry, was on his way home, he stop ped ts rest and planted a double-barreled gnn, which be was carrying, on his foot, with the muzzle downward. The gun was accidentally fired and tbe contents passed tbrougn the man s loot. Ledbetter went home and Dr. A. S Whitakcr was called in. Tbe Doctor wanted to amputate Ledbetter's great toe, but Ledbetter firmly declined to have the toe taken oti, saying, "You may cut my throat, Doctor, but you can't cut my toe off." The toe is still on and Ledbetter is doing very well. SPECIAL, EXAMINATIONS Taken In tbe V. M. C. alum. A. Oimua Tbe apparatus for taking physical ex aminations has arrived, and Mr. Stallard is readv to examine the members. Tbis is the same examination that is required by all insurance companies, and no charge is made for it. The practical use of this it that it shows the detects of the body to which attention is to be paid in tbe gymnasium. Appointments tor examinations made from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. 1. W. Pickens will conduct the young men's prayer meeting this evening at 8 o'clock. Subject: "Reading the Bible, but not understanding." Bible class at 8:45 p. m., conducted by General Secretary Mays. Another Little Democrat, J. Will Jones, esq., of Fairview, is not only greatly rejoiced over the success oi Democracy in his township, in Buncombe countv. in North Carolina, and the whole country, but is prouder still of tbe arri val at his house on Tuesday night of a Simon Dure Democrat. Though too ypung to vote as yet, the little fellow is in fine shape, and at last accounts was hurrahing tor ueveiana, or woras to that effect Death of Hash J. Murphy Mr. Hugh J. Murphy, a resident of Or lando county, Florida, died at tbe borne of bis father, Mr. John H. Mutpby, in this countv last evening. Tbe burial will be at Riverside cemetery tomorrow at 10 o'clock. The friend of tbe family are invited to attend without further notice. $4.60 wilt buy m too of Jellico lump coal bom Asherme Ice & toai to. "Mackintoshes any ibe. E. B. BarJ am at Co., B urart aqua. $4.50 wiB bar a ton of Jellico lump toavBom asatnuc ice ex uwi iv. . Mackintoshes aad umbrellas at E. B. Bantam le.', no. 8 court square. jttJgt CJUPES-KXOGEX. RETURNS STILL COMING IN HOW VOTING WENT IN BUN- COMBE. Leicester, sand Hash, Ealrrlew and ;sannanoa Helurna Can; vasalnar Board Meets campl bell's and Davis Majorities. Tbe Board of canvassers met in the court bouse at noon today, and went through tbe returns trom all ot the pre cincts with tbe exception of Biltmore, which had not been sent in. Tbe Board adjourned to 3:30 when it met again and made up the totals of the vote in Buncombe. The following towsbipsbave sent their full returns to The Citizen : Leicester. ELECTORS. Democratic 301 Republican 240 CONGRESS. Crawford, Dem 326 Pritchard, Rep 249 SENATE. Campbell 314 Davis 303 Shook 248 Ferguson 249 KEPRESEN.VT1VES. Starnes 306 Vance 303 Lusk 244 Ray 242 Brock 42 Reagan 46 SHERIFF. Brookshire 308 Harkins 238 Weaver 38 REGISTER. Mackey 304 Barrett 234 Starnes 41 TREASURER. Courtney 300 Payne..." 249 Logan 43 Sl'RVEVOR. Reagan 302 Hamlet 237 CORONER. McBrayer 304 brock 230 Stradley 43 STATE TICKET. Democratic 297 Republican 239 Jt'DICIAL TICKET. Democratic 308 Republican 239 Sw annouoe. ELECTORS. Democratic 141 Republican 122 Prohibition 12 CONGRESS. Crawford 145 Pritchard 124 STATE TICKET. Democratic 141 Republican 123 Prohibition 12 JUDICIAL TICKET. Democratic 139 Republican.. 123 SENATE. Campbell 141 Davis 141 Shook 125 Ferguson 125 REPRESENTATIVES. Starnes 141 Vance 141 Lusk 125 Ray 125 Brock 11 Reagan 11 SHERIFF. Brookshire, 147 Harkins, 120 Weaver 10 REGISTER. Mackey 141 Barrett 125 Starnes 10 TREASURER. Courtney 140 Payne 123 Logan 11 SURVEYOR. Reagan 141 Hamlet .". 123 CORONER. McBraver 141 Brock... 122 Stradley 12 Falrvlew. ELECTORS. Democratic 148 Republican 122 CONGRESS. Crawford 159 Pritchard 130 STATE TICKET. Democratic 145 Republican 121 Prohibition 34 JUDICIAL TICKET. Democratic 150 Republican 122 SENATE. Campbell 153 Davis 155 Shook 132 Ferguson 129 REPRESENTATIVES. Starnes 139 Vance 138 Lusk 129 Ray. 125 Brock 34 Reagan 36 ' SHERIFF. Brookshire 154 Harkins 121 Weaver 29 REGISTER. Mackey; ..... 147 Barrett 123 Starnes.. 34 TREASURER. Courtney. Payne Logan 147 134 33 SURVEYOR Reagan ., Hamlet 147 125 147 124 33 CORONBI. McBrayer Brock .- Stradley and Mash, ELECTORS. Democratic Republican CONORBsl. Crawford..................... ... Pritchard..M.....MM. ................ BTATR TtCKIT. Democratic Republican..................................... Prohibition................................... JUDICIAL TICIJIT. aH!OCfltiCtoMtsssav RqraUicaa.Ms. tRiun Campbell IWWtllll HltM mmmImiinM DryMmmm. UIMAlNHtNnHMMHWWIIHHHM 94 139 97 137 98 136 1 US 90 6 Shook 13 Ferguson 133 REPRESENTATIVES. Starnes... 94 94 136 136 1 1 Vance Lusk Ray Brock Reagan ... SHERIFF. Brookshire 109 Harkins 116 Weaver 2 REGISTER OF DEEDS. Mackey 99 Barrett 132 Starnes 2 COUNTV TREASURER. Courtney 86 Payne 149 Logan 2 SURVEYOR. Reagan 96 Hamlet 136 CORONER. McBrayer 98 Brock 134 Campbell and Davis. The footings of the Senatorial vote in Buncombe-county are as follows : I. M. Campbell 3.674 J. S. Davis 3,721 snook 3,210 Ferguson 3,143 ihis gives Camobell a minority over Shook ot 464, and Davis 578 over Fer guson. IN HAYWOOD, Ten Townships Ont of Eleven Heard From. Waynesville, Nov. 9. Ten townships out ol eleven in Haywood countv give: Cleveland 1,320 Harrison 738 Weaver 30 State officers and judges about the same as for President. Crawford 1,522 Pritchard 998 Prohibition 5 Davis 1,444 J. M. Campbell 1,247 Ferguson 710 Shook 805 Gilmer 1,351 Carpenter 1,028 Havnes 1,374 P. L. Campbell 089 Other county officers about the same as the above. Cattaloochec township is tohearfrom, and will give Crawlord a small majority. J. K. lioooc. License lo Wed. Register Mackey has issued license to wed as follows: J. M. Murray and Hester Sumner of Buncombe; white. $4.50 will buy a ton of Jellico lump coal from Asheville Ice & Coal Co. Elgin creamery College street. Butter. Kroger, 41 Look out for fresh fish and oysters at Hill & Shank's. R. R. Ticket Broker, Member ol American Ticket Broker Asaocia lion. Clarke. Grand Central Hotel Index to New Advertisements. Lost C.J. Alston. Wantkd Prof. Atkins, Notick Arch Masons. Victory A, D. Coopr. Apout Siioks Pulcnwldcr. Wantbd John C. McGnrRor. Tm-sTKs Sals-John C. Scott. For Runt 64 French Broad Avenue. Coal Asheville Ice and Coal Company. "tTTANTBD An eiperienced housekeeper y v comiortaoic place ana gooa wages Apply to PROF. ATKINS, ajt Female College. lTANTfiO Energetic nan of business ex- y y perirnce to meet merchants. Snlarv and commission. JOHN C. McGRBGOK, It Caxton building, Chicago, 111. TjlOR RB NT Handsome! j furnished home, A- no. 00 loiirgc street. Apptv to IOHN CHILI IS. No. 1 Legal Block or 0 French Broad At LOST Last Tuesday, Nov. 8, St. Bernard bitch, white and orange marking, one rear old. Whoever returns same to C. I. Alston, lzi ttaywooa street, will be rc- waraea. it ROYAL ARCH MASONS. The regular convocation of Ashcv:lle chap ter No. 25 will be held Thursday, 10th, at 8 p. m. visitors coroiany welcomed. Busi ness, "bylaws, etc." By order the M. B. n. 1 . JUS. E. UlCKbKlON. Secretary. rpRUSTBB'S S ALB By virtue of a power M. 01 saie containea in a acta 01 trut.t exe cuted to me by RobertG. Treserant anawlfe. Mary Cain Treaevant, bearing date the first day of April. 1891. and registered on page 163, etc., of book 25 of the record of mort gages and deeds of trust in the office of the register of deeds of tbe county of Buncombe, in the State of North Carolina, to secure the payment to George S Scott of one thousand dollars and interest thereon, default having orcn mane in sucu payment as tnerrln pro Tided. 1 will sell for cash to the highest bid der at the court house door In the city of Ashevtlle, In said state and countv on the 12th day of December, 1H92, the land and premises in said deed of trust described, sit uate, lying and being in the countv of Bun. combe and State of North Carolina and in tne western part 01 tne city or Asheville and bounded and more particularly described as follows; Beginning at a stake in the west ern margin of Bretse street, the northeast corner o? the Fraser lot, and running with said western margin of Breese street noitb twenty-two degrees (air 1 west forty-nine and one-half (4914) feet to a stake In said western margin of Breese street; thence south seventy-two and one-bnlf degrees (72) west ten and one-half (1014.) poles to a stake in the (astern margin of an allev; thence with said eastern margin cf said alley south seventeen and one-half degrees (17UI east forty-nine and one-half (49(4.) feet to a stake in the line of said Fraser lot; thence with the line of said Fraser lot nanh seventy-two and one-half degrees (72t4.) east eleven (XI) poles to the beginning, the tame being lot 264 of the Southern Improvement company lands aa surveyed and platted bv H. M. Kamseur; said George 8. Scott having ap plied to me to make said sale ander the pro visions 01 sata a tea 01 trust ana neing en titled to said moneys so due. This Novem ber 9, 1892. JOHN C. SCOTT, novlOdlt&wtds Trustee SOME FACTS ABOUT CAMPHORLINE ! 100 BOTTLES SOLI IN 1891. 700 BOTTLE! SOLD IN 1892. We commenced making this elegant toilet preparation about three yean ago, first sold it in a local wnv without advertising, it gained such a hold here and la several points in this state that increased onr sales as above stated. It Is recommended and pre. scribed by several of out leading physicians in various skis troubles. It la without doubt the very beat remedy we have ever old for rough skins, sore lips, chapped hands, etc. It cool aad healing effect make it indispenaablc alter ihavugv. It to delight fully perfumed, aad a pleasure to use. It hi aa soft as velvet, and tell for M cent a bottle. RAYSOR & SMITH, rretcrlptlon Drugvlat, ' SI PATTOM AYSHVaVv .v WHEN YOU HAVt. DETEEINED to get a new parlor suit, a sideboard any article of furniture the question is apt to be. How much of elegance and beauty ran be had, together with solid wearing quali ties, for the price you ought to pay. There is not anywhere a stock of furniture and carpet in which these qualities are more successfully combined with moderate cash than In ours. Even if you are not quite ready to bay, it may please you to Inspect our goods, and it certainly will please us to show them. W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., 16 Patton Avenue, Asheville. WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. Corner Main and Eagle Streets, ASHEVILLE, N. C Heady Our grand new stock is ready. Fresh new tyleH; high grade qualities; ariety. You will find our stock made up of practical sei iceable well made goods, cut Clothing is made to wear and as well as in thestore. We by inspecting our stock, composed this season of larger lines of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Dunlap and Melville Hats, Manhattan Dress Snirts. We call special attention to our immense stock of Underwear from the cheapest to the finest. Silk goods in all and Hosiery we show elegant We are ready to show our attention. Telephone No. 108. THE WHITLOCK blair k Mcdowell, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMING We would bo glad for our Sideboards, Book Cases, Chairs. Our Parlor Goods ularly to. The stock is large No. 45 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. OPPOSITE CHURCH 8TREKT, DAY CALL NO. 75 TELEPHONE NIGHT CALL NO. 65. C. E3. Moody CAJX STJJ?IlVi' YOU WITH FIREWOOD ft& ak,!S?barnbdd8PUT ANY 8,28 RBADY "0R Kindling and Charcoal. flfi W FOR RANGES, FURNACES AND GRATE8. MAKES NO 8MOKB; VtJX-JJi (CHEAPER THAN HARD COAL Lime, Portland and Louisville Cement and Plaster, Ar tificial Stone Tile and Concrete Works. Fancy Brick and Mortar Color. Agent for King's Windsor tar and Knoxville Sewer Pipe Works. HA Y - AND - FEED Ottct No. 30 Patton Atoiik, Tciepnonc o. T. C. SMITH & CO., DRUGGISTS & PHARMACISTS, Publio Square, sept7dtf CAVALIER To the first ten purchasers he want to Mountain (Cayaller Mountain) Street car Unc Choice of IT lota for (300, Choic:oflSUtafor800. Choke of 10 Iota for WOO. Choke of 18 lota for $000. We are aow buDdtag three lac houses oa property aad aetl to you. . W are ao agent, but offcr our awn land dull tinse. Lets show youthen lota.' OTI3 A, Ore nimuncli'i Store, i choice selections; complete in stylp, close in price Our to look well out of the store ask every reader to oblhreus sizes. In Neckwear, Gloves goods in latest novelties fall stock and invite your CLOTHING HOUSE, FDRNITDRE DEALERS. A SPECIALTY. customers to cull mid see our Desks, Tables, Chairs, OtHve we vail your attention partic and well assorted. Asbestos Cement, Dry Mor J Yard and Warehouse star Depot, Telephone 73. Asheville, N. C. HEIGHTS. build we will atll beautiful lotabj tbe Lookout at these pricc-goodoalj for 80 day: Priced at $400. Priced at $600. Priced at 4)800. Priced at $1000. the lot aad win be glad to show joa this and waattottkr up a slight breese these UIIXER, ' : N. n ratio Avenue $4.50 nTlTnTn - I $4.00 tA V SINGLE TON , lw Jellico Lump JellicoNnt ORDERS For Grates. For Stows. TELEPHONES 36 & 40. - ASHEVILLE ICE AND CAOL CO., " - - 30 PATTON AVENUE $8.50 TRY THE HEW COAL, $7.00 Hard Coal Gayton Red Ash "Gayton" All Sizes. Semi-AntlirMite. CrateSj Um. CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO. 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 Kp In stock "Mount Vernon," "Canadian Cluh," and Old Baker Rye WhlskiVs. The IS-., Wines, Brandies, Beer, Ale and Stont for family use. ' All good deli Terra free.. Ate and Porter on draught. Bntcrancr No. 19 North Main and 74 Coilcire atrerta. Telephone No. 1S3. P. 8.: On and after May Oth I will send statentcut of account by nail to partira In. debtcd to me If not settled by that time. Respectfully, Frank O'Donnell PROPRIETOR CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD ; OTHERS FOLLOW. EVERY - PERSON -THAT Big Racket Store Is Packed With New Goods. T-... .1. . . ..V. t I - -l-v l t . Shoes, Hats, Gents' FurnishiriKs, Trunks, Valises, Sta tionery, Picture Frames. See our large Pictures, worth f 3.00, reduced to $1.50. Five thousand yards Laces at x, , o, ana o cents per yard an styles and prices. Blankets. Quilts. Window Pnrtnina WinHnur fihailoa Pi... tain Poles, 25 cents each, and thousands of other things iuo numerous 10 mennon. me nicest assortment of mb bons ever broueht to the city. Special bargains in Ladies' Fine Jackets. All Wfi flfllt in fnr ihn nnnnlo frt anI see our prices, and they will muus in prices. OWENS & E. B. BARNUM & CO., FINE CLOTHIJSi G AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS FULL LINE UF MACKINTOSH AND HUBBEU GOODS. Men's Fall and Winter Overcoats, Boys' Fall and Winter Overcoats. PROPER STYLES. PROPER PRICES. E. B. BARNUM & CO., No. 8 Court Square, MARBLE HALL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING HOUSE, 32 South Main and 31 North Main, Is by far the best place in Western North Carolina to buy Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes. You will Boon want an overcoat or new suit, bo you had better come now and make your selection. We have a large and " complete stock of, MENS' AND BOYS' SUITS and are the best fitting, and best looking, and best wearing garments 'on the market. DO YOU KNOW US? Jf not now is the time to get acquainted and you will find us to be ' THE PEOPLE'S MONEY SAVERS. G. WHITLOCK. - ANO 71-2 C0LLE6E STS, 0- - SHOULD KNOW THE- be convinced that The Racket JENKINS. Aahcvlllc. N. C. - - PROPRIETOR.:

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