THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. Tuesday Evening, November 15, 1892. I BIO IVY'S FUGi The Banner Township of Thin Counlr Honored. The news having leen circulated through Tub Citizen yesterday that there would be no Democratic celebra tion today on account of tbedcatli of Chief Justice Merrimon, very few people came to town. At noon today a number of Deino crats assembled in the court house to witness the presentation of a flag to Big Ivy township for having made a larger increase in her Democratic volctlian any township iu the countv. County Chairman J. I). Murphy was called to the chair and said that the occasion demonstrated the truthfulness of the adage that sorrow and jov come together, as the sunshine and the rain. He SDoke feeliuelv of the death of Chic! Justice Merrimon, and of the fatal illness of State Treasurer Bain, and of the np- propnatcness of the postponement ot all demonstrations of joy over the recent political victory. Mr. Murphy then introduced Hon. lohn W. Starnes. who Presented the ban ner to Big lvv. The presentation speech was short but eminently suitable to the occasion. The flac was received bv Chairman J. N. Morgan, of the Democratic township committee of lvv. who returned thanks for the honor conferred. The committee appointed to purchase the flac was unable to have it on hand today, and one wasborrowed for the oc casion. HON. JOHN TEMPLE UKAVKP. Washington, Nor. IS. Forecast till S m. WednesdavFair: northeast gales shilling to northwest; cookrWednesday morning followed by warmer i nursuur morning. A bulldoc on murder intent, After Alderman Charley Starnes went; Hut the Alderman, he Forthwith climbed a tree An ordinance to the Board he has scut. C. W. Austell of Richmond is in Aslic- illc. V. A. lllackburu of Brvsou City is here todav. ludgc Armhcld of Statcsvillc was in citv todav. He Will inaugurate the Houtuern Bnstneaa College Course. The first lecture of President M. M Lemmond's Southern Business college lecture course will be delivered in the audience room of the college next Mon day evening, the 2lst. The lecturer will be Hon. John Temple drives, of Atlanta Ga.. and his subject will be "The Reign of the Demagogue." The following are some of the expressions by prominent men about Mr Graves: Grover Ueve land "He is the most brilliant anil statesmanlike orator heard in New York for vears." David B. Hill-"ln John Temple Graves I have heard Henry Gradv surpassed." llenrv Watterson 'ne is the most eloquent Southerner of today. A treat mav be expected by all who attend the lecture. Tickets go on sale at Ravsor & Smith s t-riday morning The once ot tickets lor the course ot tiv lectures is $2.50, with reserved scats, or $1! without reserved seats. "THE MOONajHINUR " It Will Come to Hie Grand Friday Evening. The attraction of the week at the Grand opera house will be "The Moon shiner," which comes on Friday evenin, The play abounds in realism and start ling scenic eltects. 1 lie isnstoi, icnn Pnnrier snvs: "The Moonshiner' is an original and nlcnsinp departure from the stereotype and threadbare comedv-drama of mod crn life. It has comedy, tragedv, pathos and erotcsqiteness in its make-u and the combination is made with skillful hand, and the result is a play o such realism and vivid picturesquenes: that it wins admiration from the sever est critics. Manv scenes ot 'The Moon shiner' urc so real, so true to nature full of power and sweetness that the strike the sympathetic chords that v brnte in the heart of universal humanity DEATH OF J. HIGH Ml'RPHY AROUND TOWN. LETTEKS FROM THE rEOPLE. J. . I.anc of Summit, N. ., is at the Swannanoa. Fines in Recorder Miller's com t this morning amounted to $.". H. 11. Donohoo, a well known St. Louis man, is at the Battcrv l'ark. Dr. C.J. Oliveros left yesterday for the istern part of the State on prolcstiomil business. M. A. Newland of Mai ion ami V. C. Newlaud of Lenoir are at thcGrand Lcn tral today. Cant. 1. R. Ncill, chairman of the Dem ocratic committee o! Yancey county, is n the citv todav. Internal revenue collections tor the Filth North Carolina district vestcrdav were $0,701. 16. Gen. Lew Wallace, the distinguished luthor, accompanied by Mrs. Wallace, sat Kenilworth Inn.fora rest of several weeks. Frank I'. Coi ncning, who has been ill for several weeks at the Grand Central, is now, liis many friends will be glad to know, able to sit up in his room. The South Main street branch of Thud V. Thrash & Co.'s Crvstal I'alace is be inn filled with tine china and holiday goods and will be opened for business in a lew days. Mrs. Wm. Adickes died this morning it her home, corner of College and Spruce streets. She was about ;i. years ot age The interment will be at Riverside ceme tery tomorrow at 10 o'clock. Managers Sticars & Sawyer have booked for the Grand next week "Little Lord I'autitlerov" Monday evening; Lit tie's "World." Wednesday evening, and "Golden Nugget," Thursday cveninj It is probable that the running ol cars on the Lookout Mountain division of the Asheville Street railway w ill be re sumed this week. The schedule over this line has been abandoned for three weeks. "Miss F. L. Goodrich of Ohio, who has recently moved to Flat Creek, and erected a neat house, has cstaulisiicd an iiuius trial school iu district school house No (5, which promises to be ot great advan tage to that neighborhood. John Child has returned from a North em trip. He brought back a specimen ballot made up for voters' use at the polls. The ballot is a curiosity, at leas to the average Tar Heel voter. It is almost half as large as Tin; Otizkn. Rev. J. L. White, pastor of the First Baptist church, lelt today lor Kicnmomi Va.. where he uoes to conduct a ten days' meeting. As Mr. White will be ab sent next Sunday his pulpit will be tilled by Rev, I. D. Arnold, who will on fcun day morning preach a special sermon to the members of the Junior Order l ulled American Mechanics. Hurrah for Yancey countv ! liMTOK TttK Citizen: Wc have some good Democrats in this county yet and they can't be bought cither. As the rc suits of Tuesday's election shows, she comes to the front with a handsome ma jority for the Democrats. The oldest citizens in the county are good Demo crats. We learn that Geo., 10.1 years old, walked about live miles on wosticks to vote the Democratic ticket. This was at Cane U'ver precinct. DeniDcrut. Wauls to lsriiouuce. Lditor Tut; Cniziis: I notice an ar ticle in your Saturday evening's paper signed "R. G. V." Now "R. G. i'." is a fit subject to be scut to Morgaiiton or Raleigh, whichever place has room. I am surprised that any Demoeiut has so far forgotten himself that he would say iinvtli'iig that would sooth the leelings ol uuv Radical or Republican in Western North Carolina, I say denounce them from Ben Harrison to Harrison Brown under Major W. W. Rollins. Then you will meet the wants and expectation of Un people that voted for Cleveland it Co. viiscrvcr. A Merciful I'ouiKlliiK. liniToK Tin; Ciiizi.x: We I myself and wife I again desire to express our biuccrc thanks to the kind friends who invaded our cottage on Monday night and gave us such a merciful pounding. The crowd was composed of representatives of dif ferent denominations, and was large notwithstanding the rain and mud. Had the night been lavoralile there is no tell ing w hat the result would have been. Our pantry has a different appearance to what it had vestcrdav, but above all this act ol kindness has encouraged our wants, and makes us feel that our work is appreciated. It has a far deeper sig nificance to us than mere support to the physical man. Mav the Lord bless one and all and make us more cuVtcut in His service in the future than we have been in the past. 1.. Stumvy. Smoked Halibut, Smoked Bloaters, Kippered Herring, Finnan Haddocks, Russian Caviar. Kroger. THE MARKETS. WHEN YOU HAVE DETERMINED lo set a new parlor suit, n sidcboiud any article of lurniture the question Is apt to he, How much of elegance and beauty can lc had, together with bo I id wearing quali t it'll, for the price j-uu ouht to pay. There is not anywhere a stock of furniture and carpets in which these nualitki are more successfully combined with moderate cash Ihun in ours. Kvcn if you are not quite ready to buy, it may please vow to Inspect our goods, and it certainly will please us to Miow them. W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., i6 Patton Avenue, Asltcvlllc. $4.50 Jellico Lump For Grates. SINGLE TON ORDERS $4.00 Jellico Not For Stoves. TELEPHONES 36 & 40. ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL CO, 30 PATTON AVENUE $8.50 Hard Goal All Sizes. TRY THE HEW COAL, Gayton Red Ash Semi-Anthracite. $7.00 Gayton" l'OR FUSNACBS, Grates, Ranges. WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE . GAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO, 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 71-2 COLLEGE STS. Corner Main and Eagle Streets, ASHEVILLE, N. C 1 - 1 I. ' I.V I gnilUl HOW SUH'k 1! UVUiy. rri'tJU HOW Kceplaatoct "Mount Vernon," "Canadian Club." and Old IhiiCT Rye Whiskies. I 0" rude qualities; choice selections; complete Brom"8' Bctr' A,c Bm,8tout aii good delivered (r, rorter on nratiKiil, Hntcrnncc No. 13 North Mnin and 7V4 College streets. No. 162. P. S.: On and after May 0th 1 will send statement of accounts by mail to parlies its debted to me If not settled by that time. Respectfully, Htoclt Quotations. Nkw Vork, Nuv.ll Hrie i.'ti;l: Clm'niro and North western 1 Hi1 ,; Lake Shore i;si!;ii: Norfolk am) Western, 10; Klehmond anil West I'umt Terminal I); Western l.nion 9N-'4. llallimorc I"rlcen. Bai.tiuohk, Nov. I.V Flour, tinn; western suner 1 '.tiNnlM.';; extnt. l'.Off;:t.5; itiiuily, :t.lln(a-l..lMI, Wheat, tinner No. 2 red spot 72' it?'',; southern, quiet; Fultz, 7tlta7; LotiKiierrv 7-('i7ti Corn southern, white WM. '.jN yellow .Hl,(.lN. New Vork Market. Nkw Yokk, Nov. l.r. Stocks, stronu nnd ensv. Monev easy at o('t hxcliuntre. lotiK, 4. Hit'.; short, 4 Mit.; stute bonds, dull; government bonds, su'tdv. Cotton futures, tinn. November. H 77; I'eecmber x M7: Jnnunrv, 8. in); FcbruRrv, '.i.lii; March It. US; Annl it-4. Flour tir tn and active. Whent uttive hut stefldy Corn linn; Fork quiet but stendv at $1-' 2o(il.$l.5. Lord quiet but firm at $'..7'.t; Spirits Turjten- tine quiet but tirm at .lora.U 1 j. Kosin quiet but lirm at $l.7Uil.3L'Vi. Freight tiuict ami sleuiiy. It. It Ticket llruker, Mrmbrrol American Ticket lirukcr AHHOcia lion. Clarke, tiraiifl central Hotel IicadyOui' styles: hi-h j! variety. You will find our stock uuuh up of practical ser viceable well made goods, cut in style, close in price Our ('lothiug is made to wear and to look well out of the store as well as in thestore. Wo ask every reader to oblige us by inspecting our stock, composed this season of larger lines of Men's and Hoys' Clothing, Puulap and Melville 1 bits, Manhattan Dress Shirts. We call special attention to our immense stock of Underwear from the cheajiest to tholinest. Silk goods in all sizes. In Neckwear, (Moves nnd Hosiery we show elegant goods in latest novelties. We are ready to show our fall stock and invite your attention. Telephone No. 10y. THE WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. blair & Mcdowell, UNDERTAKERS AND FURNITURE DEALERS, The bv Ale and Telephone, Frank O'lDonnell PROPRIETOR CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD; OTHERS FOLLOW. EVERY - PERSON - SHOULD - KNOW -THAT THE- Big Racket Store Is Packed With New Goods. RcHulutlouH of Ketspect lv tli Circuit Court or Florida. In the Circuit court lor ('range count Florida., in session at Orlando Nov. 12 resolutions were adopted expressing sor row over the death of I. Hugh Murphy which occurred near Asheville on Xovenv her ). The resolution says : "In the ilpnth if I. Tlutrh Murohv. the bar of Smith Klnriil.-i has sustained a loss of one ot its brightest young men; the State of Florida one of its most efficient prose cuting officers; society a valuable mem ber; his family, a devoted husband and father, and his friends one of the most popular, most genial and best beloved of their number." The committee on resolutions was composed of W. K. Anno, Arthur F. Odlin and II. G. Gar rett. THE BARB WIKK AGAIN. I'resitlent C. T. Kawls, i.f the Central Democratic club, this citv, has received from W. X. Jones, H. C. lieckwith. 11. K. Womblc, Geo. C. Heck ami Henry M. Cowan, committee, an invitation to at tend the Democratic celebration to be held in Kalcigh on Thursday, the 17th. The invitation is extended through I'resi tlent Kawls to every Democrat in Asheville. Index to New Advt-rtlHcmeutH. SriH IAt. I'KK KS I itw. NTKK t'.cu. S l'owcll t'AMHK Powell .V Snitler. Lust 119 rreneh Brunei Avenut'. '.RASP Ol'KKA llorsti MooitshllHT. Woman's Hxcuam-.h Mi-s Nellie l.ultttrhc. (1ST Stmyeil from No. 1 1! l-rimh Itniad avenue on Sumluy luM n larKe I leuw. ill pa.v lot tetutii to above tot- ass. It AI'l-ORTIONMKNT Ull:tT10N Tbltt Time It Hakes Vitly Wounds In a Younit Man's Face. About dark yesterday afternoon as H. M. Crawford, a painter, was on his way to his boarding house, K. II. Lee's, S3 Bailey street, from work in the eastern part of the citv, he ran into a barb wire fence near the "Long house," on Fagle street. One of the barbs caught in the right side of Mr. Crawford's mouth as hr fell and tore aoart the flesh of his face almost back to his ear. His lower lip was also cut for an inch or more. The vntinir man walked to his home. Dr. J. A. Burroughs was called and dressed the wounds. Mr. trawiora wm iiuve slay indoors for some time. IN TBETOILH AGAIN. to Overseer White Brlnits In an Es caped Convict. Overseer H. II. White, of the countv chain gang, returned this l.iornitig from Goldsboro, where he went last week to nlace Fannie Lawson and Cordelia Wil son, colored, iu the insane asylum. Mr. whit, hrnnfht back with him Wilson, ("Shorty") Murthee, the colored man who escaped from the chain gang sev eral months ago. Murthee was found by Mr. White at Weldon, where he has been in the chain gang since three weeks after hit escape from the Buncombe gang. Mm-tlw will be taken to Mr. White's ran tomorrow to serve out his four years term it he can be held. HOUSE BURNED. jatnes callow' Residence on Flat CreeK Dcnrojcu, The residence of James Cttlloway about three miles east of Weaverville, on Flat Creek, was destroyed by fire on Sunday evening, together with all its contents. The smoke house, containing all the provisions of the family, was also humeri. Mr. Culloway and his wife were absent from the honse at the time, Thri wnn nn insurance. Tit fire was accidental. Mr. Calloway lias a family of eighth children, and is a poor man, and any coniriDuiiona ui money or provisions tor his relief will be well bestowed ano luannruiiy roxivtu. Dr. C 1. Oliveros was called over in He eastern section of this State on pro fessional business, and will go further South from there. He will be absent m Aaheville this week, or until Satur- j Nnvember 19. Dr. Chas. S. Jordan will see after his practice during these few days of Dr. U. sapsence. . Elgin creamery Batter. Kroger, .41 College street. ; Case Iu Indiana I'ullUe Auv Other Indianapolis, Intl., Nov. 10. The suit to set aside the legislative apportion ment will be heard by Uic hupmnc court November 1 7. Morgan Chandler, through his attorney, ex-Judge Niblack, has tiled in the Supreme court his brief in the suit. Niblack denies that there is parallelism between the Indiana and Michigan cases, "and savs that the constitutional provisions in Wisconsin Michigan and New ork, governing the nnortionment ol memuersoi me legisia tttre, are dillerent Iroin tlmsc in tins State. The prccedcuts in the States named cannot therelore be cited lor In diana. Anything like actual equality ol istricts. where integrity ot counties must be preserved, is out of the question. Niblack concludes tnat u greater restric tions arc to be placed upon the making of legislative districts, it must be done tbroutrh an amendment to tne constitu tion. Durham Won. CiiAi'i-x Hill, N. C, Nov. U.-About 150 students accompanied the Univer sity lootball team to uurliam oat urday to gee the varsities wmp Trinity by the score of 21 to 0. Cnpt Hoke at half-back and Shaw at full-back made most of the gains for the I mver stty. John Hoev Dead New Yokk, Nov. 15. ohn Hoey, ex- Presidentof the Adamsexpress company died last night. Tulia E. lohnson. Stafford's P. O..S. C, writes: "I had suffered 13 yeats with eczema and was at times confined to my tied. The itchiSi; was terrible. My son-in-law got me one half bottles o( Botanic Blood Balm, which entirely cured nre, and I ask you to publish this for the bencnt ol otuers sutienng in like manner." FOR DYSPEPSIA, Indigestion, and Storaaeh nlonlPr. taks BROWN'S IRON BITTKHS. AU dealers keen it. tl wr bottle. Gcnuinchai tnde-nutrk sod crowed red lines oa wrapper. Thanksgivinz time is here, but with us it is Thanksgiving time all the year round. Poultry ready for the oven pot; oysters, prime in quality, immense ' : . i. . i c . & : 1 in size, 11911. LUC uucai mui 9W1III, uuu cuts from beet, mutton veal or pork sweet, juicv, tender. Hill Si Shank, cen ter aisie, cuy iuuraci. If taken in time, we will guarantee to at once cure typhoid and all fevers, la grip, headaches, neuralgia, rheumatism, raids. We mean, not something else, but just what we say. Electropoise Co., at Mi Nellie Labarbe's winter opening of millinery and display of latest styles will take place uecemoer x, corner ooum Main and Willow streets, (L,aw s oia stand.) ' - Bar I and Improvement company lor u tranchtue to build und operate an tlrclm- street tail ay on College street between Haywood I North Main Street. novludL't t.lsu. S. I'tlV. lil.L, 1'res.ideut RAND OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT, Friday, November 18 Mackintoshes any size. E. B. nam & Co., 8 Court Square. New style Oil Heating and Cooking Stoves at Jbaw's. Buy Gate City Filter as Law'. J OTlClv App'ication will I the Itnard of Aldermen at their reeulur etme, on 1-nday, L'oth day of November, ;.w.7tV 77. Shlvhourds Now in your chance for bargains l)roes Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Gents' Furnishings, Trunks, Valises, Sta tionery, ricture Frames. See our large 1'ictures, worth $ 3.00, reduced to $l..r0. Fivo thousand yards Laces at J, 2, 3, 4 nnd 5 cents per yard all styles and prices. Blankets, Omits. Window Curtains, Window Shades; Cur tain Poles, 25 cents each, and thousands of other things too numerous to mention. The nicest assortment of Kib hons ever brought to the city. Special bargains in Ladies' Finn .Tni L-ta. All wonak ia for thfi nennle to come and Hook Cusrs, Uvsks, Tnblvs, ( 'fours, Ollk c K00 our priCCs, and they will be convinced that The Racket leads in prices. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. H'c won Il In' l;i (I for our customers to cull mid see our otreilmp'rrS Climis. Our I'urlor (ioods wv villi our attention pnr tc- ulnrly to. The stock is large mid well assorted. No. 45 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. OPPOSITE CHURCH STRliKT, L4B0BATE. DAY GALL NO. 75- -TELEPHONE- -N1GHT CALL NO. 65. C. Hi. HVLood3?F OIV SXJ1XI' YOU WITH PrDPWlM Ti AIT- KINDS CUT AND SPLIT ANY SUB KUADY l'OR AND DliLIVKKliU. mm M. T v WWW fe T. ,i.lj k-fc. t . SCENES IN THE SMOICY MOUNTAINS, SHOOTING MATCH AND FOX CHASE, MOONSIIINER'3 STII.L IN Ol'ERATlON, NEW PLAY ! NEW SCENERY ! NEW MECHANICAL EFFECTS ! Seat! on sale at Sawver Ilrothrra. No. 34 ration Avenue, j nuraaar morning. rrieeH ou, 10, Kindlings and Charcoal. ir "IT TLI I HOR RANGES. FURNACES AND GRATES. MAKES NO SMOl 1LJi.X! (CIIEAI'ER THAN HARD COAL. Lime, Portland nnd Louisville Cement and Piaster, Ar tificial Stone Tile and Concivte H 'orks. Fancy Brick and Mortar Color. t m. J. Tp ll.-' t Jl j I j ft lr jixeub lur jywlts winusor jisuesios Yemeni, vry Mor tar and Knoxville Sewer Pipe Works. HAY-AND - FEED OWENS & JENKINS. E. B BARNUM & CO., FINE CLOT11IJSG AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS FULL LINE OF MACKINTOSH AND KUliBEH GOODS. Men's Fall and Winter Overcoats, lioys' Fall and Winter Overcoata. PROPER STYLES. PROPER PRICES. E. B. BARNUM & CO., No. 8 Coutt Square, AataCTlllc, N. C J- k IIS. Office No. 30 Patton Avenue, .1 Telephone 0. Telephone 73 Yard and WarehonK near Depot, This is tlic number of FIGARO Cignrs sold by us at retail since July 10. Ol course this is an unusual amount of one brand of cigars to sell at retail, but whefc you come to think that you pay five cents for a FIGARO nnd get a ten cent cigar, it is not surprising, Tor smokers MISS NELLIE LaBARBE, WILL OPEN A WOMAN'S EXCHANGE! THE FIRST OP DECEMBER In connection with her Millinery. For lull particulars a p; ply to Miss Nana MacLeod, 88 Charlotte street, or No. 30 Patton avenue. Will have a Doll's Bazaar the 15th of like to get the best their money can buy. December, at Law's old stand. If you have never tried a FIGARO don't waste your money on ordinary brands! nAVa"V LI Ea r Es i HTSi of 5c. ciears. but trv this and vour trade I . u nrn len pnrcnaaers who want to uuud wc ivtu sell beautiful lots by the Lookout is Hereafter assured. No discounts to Mountain (Cat.lUr Mountain) Street car line at these pri-goodonly for 30 Ij.i Choice of IT lota for 200. Priced at $00. Choice of IB lots for S300. Priced at $000. Choice of 10 lota for SOQ. Priced at $900, Choice of 18 lota for $000. Priced at $1000 We are now building three tne houses on these lots and win be (14 to show you this property and sell to you YTe are no agents bat offer oar own land and want to stir up a slight brent these dull times. . Let as show yon theat Iota. OTIS A. MILLER, Over nimnansti' Store, Me. 11 ratton AYcnnclljr;. V llxJLUJli anyone all pay alike, S cents each, $5 1 per liundred, $50 tier thousand. Wei I control the factory's output For tale nowhere else in town. RAYSOR& SMITH, Prescription Druggliita, 31 PATTON AVBND1. MARBLE HALL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING HOUSE, 32 South Main and 31 North Main, Is by far the best place in Western North Carolina to buy Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes. You will soon want an overeoat or new suit, so you had better come now and make your selection. We have a large and complete stock of MENS' AND BOYS' SUITS and are the best fitting, and best looking, and best wearing garments on the market. DO YOU KNOW US? If not now is the time to get acquainted and you will find us to be THE PEOPLE'S MONY SAVERS. - - PROPRIETOR, i