THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITlZEtf. Friday Evening, November 18, 1892. MARK ERADICATES BLOOD POI SON AND PLCODTAINT. Cevkral bottles of Swift's Specific (S.S.S.) entirely cleansed my system ol contagious blood poison of the very worst tvpp. Wm. S. Loomis, Shicvcport, La. CURES SCROFULA EVEN IN ITS WORST FOUMS. T HAt scrofula In and cipinspd my 1 system entirely i.vm it by taking sewn hottlcs of S. S. S. 1 hvo not Trad nny symp toms since. C.W.Yvii.n.x, Spartanburg, S. C Uafcaraj ha"s cured hundreds of CASES OF SKIN CANCER. Treatise on Wood and Bkin Dip?ases niailed ircc .SwifT bvucii'iL Co., Atl.imj, Ga. ocou s tmuision of cod-liver oil presents a perfect food palatable, easy of assimilation, and an appetizer; these are everything to those who are losing flesh and strength. The combina tion of pure cod-liver oil, the greatest of all fat pro ducing foods, with Ilypo phosphitcs, provides a re markable agent for Quick Flesh Building in all ail ments that are associated with loss of flesh. A Prftpirml hy Rnott A Bown. ClifiniitS, New York. Hold bjr all druggists. Paying Doctors' Bills Bo n B1C U.U.pOD BALM THE GREAT REMEDY - FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES - Hu been thoroughly t"Ud by em inent phyttlclaiiH and tho people for 40 ream, and never fa tin to euro qukkij and permanently SCROFULA, ULCERS, ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM, PIMPLES, ERUPTIONS, and all manner of EATTNO, flPRKAMNl? and KUNN1NO KOKrX Invariably euro the nint InnthHomo blood dlsruwe If dinrtlonn are fol lowed, Ilce si pur bottle, fl buttlus fur $&. For ale by drufnrtrt. SENT FREE wod""iftl 'cues. BL00O BALM CO.. Atlanta, Ga. A Tonic and A Pleasure: That'o the happy conibinatiou found i:i rlSt0. Root 1 III Cc? Beer You drink it for pleasure, and get physical teiiefit. A whole some, refreshing, appetizing, thirst quenching drink. Due package makes five gallons. pon't he deceived if a d ;.i!tr, for ino sal. uf tarrcr profit, Iclls yuil sums other kind h "ju't sst-n'l" 'thf Xoiauuiwc (l a good aft the genuiuc Iiikiu'. TYLER DESK CO., ST.LOUIS.MO Our Mammoth Catalogue- of Base Counters, Dkbus, and othor Omen Fubnitubb for 1HUS now ready. New Goods. New Styles In Desks, Tables, Chairs, Book Cases, Cabi net, &c, Ac, r.iul at matchless prices, as above indicated. Our Roods are well known and sold freely In every country thai apcaksF.nglish. Catalogues freo. Postage lie- N' OTICB. Julia K. I.vmnn. Athcrton Blight, 1). C. Waddi II. truster, and A. .1, tri-s ice. vs Harvev M. Rumseur. llv virtue of the oowcr upon nie conferred by tbeducrcernade in the aboveentltlcd cause and by reason oi tnc failure oi sma rinrv j M. Kamscur to comnlv with the minire- menta of ad decree, and pnv the judgments rendered in said cause within tbe time mentioned therein. I. 1). C Waddcll, com missioner, will aril at nublic nuction. to the highest bidder, for cash, on the 6th day of December, imuj. at the court nousr aoor in the city or Asnevtiie. n c, me following oe scribed land and premises, to-wlt: Begin nlng at a stake in the northwest corner of Depot street and Connelly avenue, ami runs thence with the western margin of Depot street north 3 west 911 feet to a strike in said margin of Depot street, the corner of lot No. HIS of the Southern Improvement company's land, in and near snid city of Asnevliie, as plotted oy said Harvey m, Rsrntcuri thence with the line of said lot No, HIS sooth 88 west 100 feet to stake, the southwest corner of said lot No. 105: thence south 2" east, UU feet to a stake In the northern margin or Connelly avenne; theme with said Connelly avenue north 88, east IMS feet to the beginning: being lot No. 100 of said Improvement company's land as surveyed and plotted us tiforesaid. Dated November lu, isvi. u.i:. hsuhoul, novtOdwedtt Commissioner. OJ'PiCB HO PATTON AVBNUB, - . - . AT WEAV15R & MYBRS 8TORB CAROLINA CQflL COMPANY DEALERS IN COAL a COKE JELLICO, 1UMP AND ANTHRACITE. I VORKlill (X)Alj ICI.KAN. GOOD WEIGHT. AY 180 TBL-BPHONtt -NIGUT It, TRMiFfiV 0 I C TO TjjUiiiiiiiiiJipii JTtB $21 wH SHE HAD HIS MEASURE. And Be Will Piws Her Honsr liy Nint Time. The tramp knocked nt the kitchen door and the lady let him in, or rather opened the door mid blocked his pas sago. "Wliat do yon want?" she inquired harahly. "A great many things, madam," he replied deferentially, "which 1 never expect to get, and in that respect 1 aui the equal of the millionaire. However that is another story. To return to your inquiry, propounded a few Beconds ago, 1 should reply that 1 came to ask you who the people are residing in the house adjoining you on the right?' "Is it any business of yours?' she in quired, preparing to shut the door. "No, madam," he said more politely than over, "but 1 had some curiosity to learn, being a stranger in your large aud beautiful city." This compliment to Detroit detained her a moment. "Why do yon want to know?' bIip ventured. "Because, madam, the lady there, I am sure beyond tlio pcradventure of a doubt, is the very homeliest woman my eyes ever rested upon or rather, I may say, found only unrest upon and she dresses in such dreadful taste that really it spoiled my appetite and 1 could not ask of her what 1 so much hungered for He bowed and smiled expectantly. He had worked that gag many a time and oft. Well," she replied so gently that he could almost taste pie, "noliody lives there and hasn't for three months. Be ing a stranger in the city, is there any; thing else yon would like to know abon tr There might have been, but if there were the tramp didn't ask it Ho actu ally blushed, and touching his bat he walked out, and taking himself around into tho alley lio administered thereto a kicking, interspersed with remarks de rogatory to blame fools and compli mentary to sharp Detroit women. De troit Free Pross. Tho Dear Girls. Once upon a time thero was a liltlo girl, and she had a little curl which wasn't right in the middle of her fore head. It was hack of one of her ears, and one day after sho had burned it nearly off about seventeen times sho thought of a great scheme. That very same evening a man vrs, there was a man in tho case noticed that dear little curl, and immrdiately burst forth into a spasm of admiration for it. "A perfect ringlet," he went on. "Ah how pretty it is! The little dainty curl!" Then, as he twined it lovingly about his finger, the pretty little curl unfas tened itself and lay calmly in his hand. It was really qnito embarrassing all around. Tho dear child had burned off the orig inal curl, so sho pinned on one of her mamma's for a substitute. It was hut natural, I suppose, for that man to pick- out the only curl that did not belong there. One can. never give a reason fur such things. Never, never do as that girl did, for when a man gets so that he admires vour curls you may convince yourself then and thero that ho is in earnest. It lo really a pity to have pretty scvnesbrokeii up just because of a horrid little faU curl, and so it may be the wiser plan to go right on curling and burning. Then you'll know that tho curls are your very own, even if they do have a peculiar burnt odor. Chicago News-Record. Couldn't Trust tho Hoy. A Lewiston man with the colio went into a down town drug store Wednes day, where he had been accustomed to do business with the proprietor, A new clerk confronted him.- "Whore's Mr. B V" soid he to tho clerk. "He's out. Anything I can do?" Tho gentleman hesitated and looked at the clerk. He was an immature youth with a self con fident look about him. If the gentleman were not generous and considerate he might term him "fresh." "Well," said tho Lewiston gentleman, "I don't know. Do yon know anything about the lmsi ncss? You see I've been accustomed to deal with Mr. B . Fact is, I'm not feeling well, I havo a return of a cholera attack. Mr. B usually gives mo some hot drops. Do you know anything about it.'" The youth looked at his first patient as though he had been in the business hfty years and had killed a reg iinent of patients. "Oh, yes. Let's see You ve got a kind of cholera infantum ain't yer, way down low in yer stomach'" The Lewiston man looked nt tho youth as he handled tho bottles, and he said "louneedu t mind, young man. You've located the pain all right, but I'm too old to be treated for thut disease bv a young man who is liable to be curled up with it at any moment." The clerk doesn't know now what the customer meant. Lewiston Journal. Frnctlia Makes 1'crfcet. A needy traveler applied for assist ance to a benevolent lady, who gave hint a trifle, and, in order to put some thing more in his way, got him to beat her carpets. The poor man went to work with so ranch gusto and evident skill that his benefactress could not help asking: "I suppose that is your regular occn pation, or perhaps you aro a furrier by trade?" "No, ma' am a schoolmaster!" Eu- lenspiegel. No Need of Hurry. Sweet Girl It's just too mean for anything! Thore isn't going to bo any opera. Old School Friend Are you so fond or music? Sweet Girl N-o, but I think if ther had been forty or fifty nights of opera ahead George I mean Mr. Nicefello would have proposed as a matter of economy. New York Weekly. Beslied. "That's a noat motto," aaid Briny Bil lins to a building society man who asks, "Why pay rent when yon can own your own homer "Yes," was the reply, "but I have just had a tenant who revised it in a way that made me dislike it. He says, 'Why pay for a home when yon can owe the rent? "-Tit-Bits. Help Wanted. Editor John, write to your uncle out in rutnam county and see u we eneaae hii hired man. cant Assistant What on earth do we ) want or mm? Editor 1 want some competent son to nollnlmratn with mi. nv) In i per writ ing genuine dialect verse. Kate Field' vtr 1. 1 . ,.... . YTWUUUBtgU. A Wise Kesolve. Barrows These railway accidents arc becoming too numerous. I shall travel hereafter on a bicycle. Mrs. Barrows But accidents are just as common with bicycles. Barrows True; but there are never so many people killed. There's only one victim in each case. Harper's Bazar. All Threo Aro Satisfied. A f iimiy story is told of two French noblemen and a favorite actress. Tho Frenchmen wero suitors of the lady, and both seemed to be equally esteemed by her. It appears that in Franco, as well as in many other countries, a lock of hair is considered a signal pledge of ten der passion. 5111c. Bertha glories in the possession of auburn ringlets, and would not part with ono of them for less than a duchy. Her admirers, however, hap pened to have hair of the same golden hue as that of their common love. Each begged a tress of her hair in ex change for a lock of his own, to which the charming crcatnro readily assented, and without touching a single hair of her head cunningly managed to effect an exchango of parcels, by which each gentleman received a curl of his rival's capillaries. Tho count now wears the barons hair next his heart, and the baron sleeps with tho count's lock under his pillow. Million. Snld In Fun. "I wish I could give a performance that would really bo appreciated," said the actor. "I will tell you what to do,' said his friend; "announce ynur posi tively last appearance." Washington Star. Boggs Hello there, Joggs, what aro on going to do with that keg of powder? Joggs I am going (o try to blow myself away from a porous plaster that's on my back. Harvard Lampoon. Mistress Do you call this sponge cake? Why, it's as hard as can be. New Cook Yes, mum; that's the way a spongo is before it's wet. Knak it in your tea, mum, New York Weekly. "I will now proceed to draw the color line," Raid the bookkeeper as he seized his red ink pen. Washington Star. Sim Fathizor ion look run down, old man. Kant Helpit I am. My creditors are after me everywhere. Detroit Free Press, Ifis Curo for Sleeplessness. I can't got to sleep. 1 try everything. I count np to a hundred, and look at one spot on the ceiling, and say my prayers forward and then backward, and then 1 think of sheep going over a fence, but it isn t any use. Thon as I m tossing around I think 1 hear some ono saying, "Ueorgo, get np; it's half-past 7." "All right; in a minnto." "George, get up, or you'll be late." "Oh, no; 1 won't be late. Just a few minutes longer." 'George, you vo got to be at the office at 0. You'd better look sharp." "Oh, all right. Right away. So com- f'ble hero can't m-m-mpret' soon m-m-m hgnor-hgiior-hgnor" (blessed Bleep). Tit-Bits. Hud to Wear Them. A story is told of the actress Mllo. Marie Magnior and her pearls. Ono day, as she was about to appear on the sccno, somebody mado the remark that her pearls were really of an enormous size. "It is true," she replied; "the lady whom 1 represent on the stage no doubt woro smaller pearls in real life, But what can 1 dor I have no small pearls." Argonaut. Wanted Politeness. "Why didn't you thank that young man who roso up and gave you lnsseatr "He gave it to me because ho thought I looked older than any other woman in the car. That s why I duln t thank him, And 1 don't thank him!" Chicago Trib nne. Kent rrolunity. Miss Backbay, of Boston Now we do not speak any more. I don't recognize a girl who indulges in profanity. Mr. Pitts ou don't mean to say "Oh, yes, I do. We wero talking of Browning, and sho said, 'Oh, bother Browning! " "But bother is not profanity." "Maybe not, but bother Browning is." Terro Haute Express. Couldn't Tell. "What sido is tho gentleman on?" asked the stranger who had been listen ing for two hours to a lawyer arguing a cose in tho supreme court. "I don't know, replied the gentlemanly door keeper; "he hasn't committed himself yet." Green Bag. Doubtful Honor. The Plain Citizen I see they have named a street after you. You ought to feel proud. The Eminent Citizen 1 am not certain of that. It Btarts from a brew ery and ends at the jail. Indiunapoli Journal. Explained "I fell into tho pond today.'aud it was np to my neck, said Walter. "Nonsense, said Jack; "tho water in the pond isn't more than a foot deep. "Oh, but I went in head hrst, saia Walter. Harper s Young People. II Didn't Work. Brace One of our eminent scientists has discovered enough disease germs on a bank bill to kill a whole regiment. Bagloy Pshaw 1 Hand over the five you owe me. I in no coward. New York Horald. Unfavorable Sign, Chopson Hey? What? Hain all next week? How docs anybody know? Who ays so? Staikes (sad, but firm) I do. I've ar ranged to have my house painted next week. Chicago Tribune, tr rovn back Aonm. Or you are all worn ont, really good for noth ing, It It TCneral debility. Trv nKnwvtt mnir Hi'rTKllS. It will cur you, cleanse ymrr liver, sod give a vooa appeuw. CHILD BIRTH MADE EASY! " Mothers' Friend " is a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and in constant use by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown "MOTHERS' FRIEND" WILL DO all that' is claimed for it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessens 1'ain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Book io " Mothers " mailed KRI-E, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Sent It v express on receiptor price $1.50 per hirttie BRAOFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Ga. BOLD II V AM. Mtl'UOIBTS RAND OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT, Friday. November 18 - ... - - SCKNEi IN Til li SMOKY MOUNTAINS! SHOOTING MATCH AND I'OX CHASE, MUJNSHINliK'S STILL IN OPERATION. NEW PLAY ! NEW SCENERY ! ftEW MECHANICAL EFFCCTS ! Seats ou Flile at Sawver lli-ntlii.,-s fl.t fiittnn Avenue, Thursduv morninc 1'riies SO, 50, 7.1, $1,()0 IRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY, Monday, Nov. 21st, The Brightest of All Comedie?, Little Lord Fauntleroy IN RODUCING W GREATEST' CH'LD ACTHESS, MABEL PAIGE SUPPORTED UY AN EXCELLENT COMPANY, Xitilc Lord Fnuiitlcroy" upnrnlM to hu man nature, and it uoia glniiuht to the heart tUrouRh nny amount of thickness by tih own intrinsic urauty. wonu. Seats on cute at Sawyer Ores'. Saturday morning: l'rices 'Jo, ou, 73 and $1. GRAND OPERA HOUSE TWO NIGHTS, November 23 and 24. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF LITTLE'S WORLD, miSS EDITfl PI AS THE GALLANT SAILOR BOY. Miss Etta Lyons, In the Entrancing Serpentine Hanec. THE SINKING - SHIP AND THE FAMOUS HAFT SCENE! Alona worth price of admixsion. GittKD SPECTACULAR PRODUCTION RcquitlnLi a Car Load of Scenery. Scat, on eue at Suwver Droit.', -'t-t I'atton art mic. Thursday morninj?. rruc'8 i-'ii, ou, to una $l NOTICIi Py virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust made and delivered to me by the Ashevillc Light and Power company, which said deed i dated February 18, lHD'J, und made to secure the payment of a note for $3,000, due J. A. Tenncnt. I will on Monday, December 5. 1M-, at the court house door in the city ol Ashcville, N. C, sell to the highest bidder for cash the lund mentioned and described in said trust, locuted on Vatlev street in said city and being same lot on which is lo cated the new electric station house which furnishes the motive power for the Ashevillc Street railway cars. For further informa tion applv to the undersigned or J, A. lcn nent. This November 0, 1SD2. W. R. WIIITSON, nofsuUt Trustee. NOTICE By virtue of an execution inmy hands for collection, in favor of V. It. Locket t Hi Co , nnd against T. K. Brown and A. B. Fortune, I will sell ot the court house door in the citv of Ashcville. on Mon day, the 5th dny of December, 1S!2, the fol lowing ucscnuco rcmcstuic: a piece or par cel of land known as the Alfred Burnett land. In Black Mountain township, containing 100 acres, more or less; also a piece of land known as the Alex, and uisey nurnctt place. containing ion acres, more or less; also a pi'ce ot land in tne Mack cove, containing 150 acres, more or less. The above described property being that of T. K. Brown. Also the following described property belonging to A. u Fortune, to-wit: a niece or parcel of land lying on tne waters oi me ftwanna- noa River, and known as the Fortune mill place, containing acres; also one town lot on College hi reel, in the city of Ashcville, adjoining the lot which A. B. Fortune now Occupies. l KUIftULUS, tues4t Sherifl of Buncombe Co, NOTICE By virtue of several executions in mv hands for collection In favor of Holmes, Booth & llnydcn, American Casu alty Insurance company, the Dayton Manu facturing company, Vf, L. Moore and others and against tne Atncviue street Kaiiway company, 1 will sell nt thccourthoucdoor in Abbeville on Mondav. the 6th of December. 1HH2, the follow ing described property to satisfy said executions, to-wit: All the Bonds, chattels, lands and tenements and rights, privllcdues and franchises oi the Ashc ville Street RaUwav. beintr the nronvrtv rights. privlledKCK and franchises neuuired by Its purchase of the property, rights, priv iledges and franchises of the Ashcville Gas and Water Supply company and of the Asnevuic i.ignt ami cower company, aua an of the real and personal proerty of said Ashevitte Street Railway company, Includ ing an tneir cart, motors, rans, tics, string ers, enslnes. nnwrr hnmr and station, and the lot whereon said power house is built, otticc, furniture now In their office and all other property, immunities and prlvlledges belonging to or used in connection with saia Asncvme street railway company. D. L. REYNOLDS, Oct. 81, ISO 2, Sheriff Buncombe Co. oct31 monM. WANT COLUMN, WANTED. WANTEli YounB ladv would like posi tion in an c flicc. Writes a cood hand and understands bookkeeping. Can operate on typewriter. Address ., novllfllw" ..weu um.. WANTED Bv Miss Edith Wynne Young, of New York State, a limited number of pupils on piano or organ. Terms moderate. Given at vour residenee. Address, Oakland Heights. Ashevillc, N. C. nwllm WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW Dr. C.J.OIN eros, specialist on eye. enr, throatand nose chseasea can uc louuu over rtaysor Smith's drug store, No. 31 Putton avenue. Pitting of glasses also a speeialty work. Hours 0 a. m. to 1 p. m. 3 p. m. to S p. m. lulvldtf FOR RENT. CIOK RENT Small store room, No, 01 JLj South Main street. Address WM. JOHNSON, JR. llox 177. FOR RENT Handsomely furnished housr, No. 05 College street. Apply to JOHN CIII1.1), No 1 I.egul Block or 04 I-'rtnch i:ror,d Ave. novll'dlm I)ASTl'RB FOR RENT 75 acres near the c-ity. splendid grass, plenty ot wuti-r find shade. Ample for 40 or r0 head of cattle. Price $1! per month per head. Apply to J. P. KERR, julv23dtf Citizen office. ITIOR RENT FOR THE SUMMER My ! residence in West Ashevillc, half acre lot with large oaks; good well, stable, etc., etc Seven rooms in the house and furnished. Oood horse, buggy and harness for sale, muvlldtf C. H. SOUTHWICK. IjVJR RUNT FOR HlfclNESS PURPOSES ' A large front second story room. about :iOxi'0 feet, over Hurnum's store. No s North Court Square, on reasonable terms. Possession given at once, sept 1 I'd ti CHAS. A. MOOKU. FOR RUNT Itrick store room and fccond story, fronting on South Water etrrct and adjoining Willinmson's furniture tttore room, within liOO feet of i'ntton avenue a muni place ft r supplv and storage business. TMOS. I) JOHNSTON. srptlOdtf BR drove Street. FOR SALE. IilOR SALIi A grade heifer. Apply ! citiziss ori-iei-:. novl tdtf CVW FOR SAM! A good cow can be J bought cheap. Inquire at Citizer olliee. nnvtiMtf 10R SALE Or.c lb z. S'.-cond hand stovis. Apply to W. F. RANDOLPH, octli'.ldtf Sec. School Com. JOK SALE A well trained Ront, sulkj J and hurucss. Apply at CITIZEN OFFICE. I F YOU ARE M'lLIHNG dou't fail to put L in Watson'B Fire Grate. For sale by IIALI.AKD Jk RICH. ,1()R SALE A house and lot nt Dillmorc, near Vunderbilt's biiik yurd, ou river oad. rrice $nno. Annlv to WALTER S. CI'SIIMAN. 30 Pntton Avtnue, Ashevillc, N. C. scpludtf WOOD FOR SALE Oak lirev,0"d, cut any lcnutli, at ?'J 00 per double load, delivered. FRKNCH I1ROAD Ll'MUHR CO , octl7ltf Tc epliouc 31. ITli l R S.H.K The Melkc house, western J ;iart oi the city; one of finest res denecs in Ashevillc, containing 1M rooms, 'Mi acres in lot, tine onk grove and beuutitii! lawns ind shrubbery niaKti'hccttt view that can lot be obstructed. For lurthcr information tddress W. P. SOUTHERN, Executor, 421 West Haywood St. iulvL'7dtf MISCELLANEOUS. D R. W. I WIIITTIN'GTON has moved to hi new residence. No. 17 ance street. icfjoil l m A Private hime for invalids. Terms on application to MiSS ItHNNB, olotf The Melke Hou?c, Ashcville, N. C. MONtiY TO LOAN On improved Ashe ville real estate. Apply to seutSJUdtf NATT ATKINSON & SON. IV)ARD Comfortable rooms with good ) board in l;oo1 location. AIRS A LICK REYNOLDS, novHtf 48 Spruce street. 1OARI)IN0 Oood fare and comfortable beds. Convenient to Postotlice. mrs. j. a unn, novl tf No. lid Plint street. I" OST OR STOLKN A red Iriwh female J setter, four white feet, white spot in forehead. Reward of $H if returned to OTTO NUWKOM, octl!0dLm Olen Rock Hotel. VALUAHLI5 DOG FOR SALK -Marion. N C, Nov. 4-, to G W. Vaughan. Ashcville N. C : I have had dcvcral hunts with yorr dog and I and he i a first class dog, as you say. You ought to have no trouble in get ting yom price for him as he is worth it. Respectfully, C, M. COIMiNING. novHJdl w TUB CHATHAU Private hoarding house. No. 211 Haywood utrtet. fine city and mountain views; perfect sanitation; hut and cold water; comfortable, eiry rooms; well provided tf ble; attentive service; rea sonable rates. Two hundied yards from Montford car line. MRS.M. IS. inmviu-R, oet7dtf Proprietress, DISSOLUTION NOTICK-Thc firm of W P. Dlanton tS: Co. is this t'av dissolved by mutual consent. I. K. Cowan having parchascd the interest ot W. P. 1)1 union, the business will in the future be c -inducted un der the firm name of Cowan Jte l'oggctt. V. P. Hlanton v. Co., will settle all uebts nnd iccounts contracted by them yrior to this late. This October an. 1 WJ. w. p. hlanton; co., nov7d:i0d COWAN DOCGUTT. TRUSTIiK'S SALE By virtue of the pow er of sate, contained in a certain deed in trust, executed to me, the undersigned, as trustee on tnc liltn oi May, ihko, uy Airs. K. G. Walke to secure the payment ot a note then in mentioned, default hiving been made in the payment of sume, I shall on the tit n ot Novemuer, iwms, expose lor saie at public outcry to the highest bidder for cnsli at the court house door in the Cl'v of Ashc ville the property in saiu deed ot trust lully described, said property being situate on tne nortn sme r-i encstnur street in sum t itv of Apheville. For further description of said property reference is hereby made to eaul deed intrust as r corded on pages 251 et. seq. of Book of the Record of Mortgages and I'eeos in j rust in tne kckisut s onice for Buncombe county, N. C. This istli Oc tober, lHlia. A J. LYMAN, octlHdUwnt Trustee. TOTICE. North Cahoijna, Bumumbe County. Superior Court. The Meichaats' and Planters' Bank c.f Mil tons. N. C. vs. J. M. Ncal Publication. The defendant in the above entitled action s hereby notified that warrants ot attach ment have been sued out ny the plain ill against the property of said defendant in the State ol North Carolina; that said action hns been commenced by the plain tin above named for the recovery ot the sum ot si.iKMi. due by judgment of record obtained in the circuit court of the Citv of Danville. Va.. with interest on said sum from the 2d day of June, 1H92, at the rate of six per cent per annum, and tnat tne sum warrants nave been returnable to the Superior court of said iiuncomiic county, n. -., on ine l.stn mod day after the first Monday of September, 1802. This the 20th day ol October, imux J. 1. L A I 1 1 1 , Clctk Superior Court. HENRY B. STEVENS, Attorney for IMaintiiV oct2()d4 tthu N OTICE. Statu oi' North Cahoi.ina.I County of Buncombe. I Superior Court Bmil Dabney lleinemnnn, vs. Itcrtha Rose lietremann. Tn th (l.'frndnnt named above: Vim nre hereby notified that Hmil Dabney Ueinemann hns brought an action against you for divorce, entitled as above, in the Superior court ot Buncombe county. North cnrniinfl. hv causinif a summons to be Is. sued against von in said action, dated the 2oth day of Oct ,1892. and returnable to the next enduing tciii of said court to be held for suid county at the court bouse in Ashevillc on the thirteenth Monday alter the first Mondav in September, being the filth day of December, 1892: And the Sheriff' of said cntintv having returned snid summons with the endorsement thereon that you cannot be found in Buncombe county, and it having h: en made further to appear to the under signed that you arc a n '.in -resident of this state, and tnat a cause or action exist, against von In favor of the plain tiff, the un derslgncd granted an order on the 2Hh day oi uciooer, lav, mat service oi saui sum mons by publication be made as to vou ai provided by law. You will therefore take notice ol all the tacts hereinbefore set forth Given at office this the 20th day of October, 1802. J. Li. CATHUY, oct26dutwcd Clerk of Said Court. SPECIALTIES. NEW CHOP NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, COUNTRY BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CEYLON LAXAPANA TEA, An India Tea similar to English Breakfast, By .some people liked better than EDglish 1 In a'u h; .t. For sale by S. 11. KEPLER. 1MMENSELVO tJLAFC IrJLACKWELL'S EVERYWHERE. Bull Durham BULL DURHAM Is always uniform in quality. Pure, sweet and dean. The Ideal of Fine Tobacco. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, N. C. You don't hat PERFECTION until you Imi 5(oiffoff5 Qocoa -- BEST & GOES FARTHEST) Highly Digestible and Nutritious. Made instantly with boiling THE "BONANZA," Nos. 4X and 43 S. WHOl.ESAUs DEPARTMENT, GENTS -VT PARLOR AND RKAD1NO ROOM. il BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING Wc rcipcctfulljr solicit a (hare of jour patronage. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Rlain Entrance, No. 43. Posted "hitiownv can Americans so ctlcctivclv inform themselves on the stihjects tlmt claim ptihlic ttttentiou from one month to mutther hy rcntlmfi the Aorti Amertenit He view. IN THE NORTH AMERICAN REYIEW YOU W1I.I. ALWAYS Fl Nil THE RIGHT TOPICS, BY THE RIGHT MEN, AT THE RIGHT TIME. THE TOPICS " n'wny tliosc whiili arc uicrmost 111 me punnc imtKi in nionuit, politic, science, literature, himinetfi, lin unco, incjitfttria1 economy, Racial and mu nicipal all jirs, etc. In Bhurt, nil .uliiects on which Americans require and ricMrc to lie informed. No magnin follow! so closely from month to mouth the course cf public interest. All subjects are treated oi impartially on both tides. THE CONTRIBUTORS o the Review lUK I 111. 11KU UJUI WUIIKll I" V mm 11. his. world looks for the most authoritative statements on the subjects of the day. No other periodical can point to Mich n smer-psion of liiitinnuihcd writers The list is a vo'l of the people who arc mating the history, controlling tin- a Hairs, and landing 1 he opinion of the av.c, such as Mr. Gladstone, the prime minister of En gland; Mr. HlMtr.c, SiRnor Crispl, Kx-Pnme Minister of Ila( ; H irn Ilir ch; H. K. H , the Cuui't of Paris; Canlifinl Gibsons, Hishops Totter, Poanr, MaUalicu, Fokh, etc , etc. THE TIME whrn these subjects ar? treat ed ol by these contnnuturs is ine vcij nine when the stihjects bre in ihe puhlb mind, not a month or two alter the people have ceaied to think of them The promptness with which the Review lurnlshes its rend ers with the most authoritative informa tion upon the topics of tlu' day is one of its rnont vaiuuoie icaturcs, SUBSCRIPTION PR CE $5 K YEAR. THE KORTH AMERICAN REYIEW, 3 East 14th St., New York.. ASSIGNEE'S AUCTION SALF. 2 COFI'IX, Auctioneer. I wi:taellat43 West College street on the 14th day of December at 10 o'clock, at auc tion, for cash, without reserve, the stock of Taylor, liouis & Hrothcrton, consisting ol one horse, two wufion and harness, oflice railing with metal top desks, one range, otic steam heater, wash bowls and slabs, water closets, urinals, gas nnd water terra cotta nnd iron pipes, hemp packing and plumbers' supplies. W, X. WEST, Assignee. novl4d3Ud BOARDI.NG. l-'irtt-cluns Hoard, northern cooking, house heated hy steam . For terms apply to MRS. P. A. FITCHNER, No. 2 Grove street, Ashevillc, N. C. Formerly proprietress of Flushing Hotel. Flushing, L. I. tiovl7dlm Dissolution Notice. Leicester. N C Nov. 6. 1802. Notice Is hereby given that the copartner ship heretofore existing between Geo. R. lone, and J no. Carpenter under the firm name of Carpenter t Jones i this day dis solved by mutual consent, Jno. Carpenter continuing the busines., assuming liabilities of same and receiving all monies due the firm. JOHNCARIMtNTUR, novlldSOd UUO. R. JONItS. SMOKING TOBACCO, Whether on the hills gaming j In the place of business ; or at home, it always fills that niche of com forta good smoke. Put up in handy packages, and recognized everywhere as a Pure Granulated Leaf Tobacco of the highest quali ty ; it recommends itself to every smoker's use. Sold everywhere. i know IN COCOA means have tried water or milk. LIQUOR 80., Main St., Asheville. A 1 Jt oLL. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND BOTTLB GOOD.S, SAM- XT A J , PLB, BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM. J J '.0 ' : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEMENT. Telephone Call, Ne re Box Q RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. F. W. Hi'ini'.KoPBH and Reubkn Fobthh, Keceivers. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule In effect Oct. ItlSOli. EASTBOUND Lv Knoxville, ' Morristown, NO.I0N07I2 8 loom 935am Lv. Paint Kock, " "6 27nm i22fjoni " Hot Springs, (140am 1239pm -v. Asheville. 900am 230pm " Round Knob. 1024am 345pm " Marion, 1109am 4 2Bpm " Mornunton. 120Hpm 609pm " Hickory, 130pm 050pm " Newton, 157pm (illpm " Stutesville. 2.rOom 701om Ar. Salisbury, 400pro 751pm (..reensboro, il iiOpm v 50pm JMmnville, 12 40am 1240am Ar. Kk'hmoiul, (I 1 Ham 61 8am Lv. (ireensboro 10 20am 1105pm Ar. Durham, 12 11pm 102am " Knleigh, l iopm 200am " Goldsboro, 3 05pm Lv. lianviTle, 1 2 30pm 1 10am Ar. LynchburK, 3 00pm 405am " Washington, 9 20pm 10 26am " Baltimore, " Philadelphia, New York, WESTBOUND Lv. New York, ' Philadelphia, J Paltim ore " Washington, " Lynchburg, Ar.lianville, Lv. Klchniotid, " llilnville, Ar. Greensboro, Lv. (i.ldshoro, Lv KnlciKh, ' Durham, Ar. Greensboro, 11 25pro 3 00am 6J10pm " NO. 9 1203pm 2 20pm 460jim INOTJI 430pm 867pm 930rim 7?Oam 937am 11 loam 6 22am 810pm 300om xaopm 1006pm 3 60pm 600pm 707pm 9 40pm 1120pm 625am 810am 320ani 830am 1010am t 700am 768am 1000am Lv Grecnsnoro, " Salisbury, " Stutesville, Newton, " Hickory, " Morganton, Marion, ' Kound Knoo, Ar. Asheville, ' Hot Springs, " Paint Rock, ' Morristown. " Knoxville, 1015nm 130am 235am 3 33am 400am 451am 547am 632am 750am 1 030am 1043am 10 20am 1216pm 109pm 167pm 237pm 319pm 402pm 446pm 6 58pm 7 6bpm 810pm 2 00pm 3 20pm A. Si RAILROAD-NO. 16 NO'l4 Lv. Ashcville, 1060am Ilcndcr.enville, 1149am " Plat Kock, 1168pm " Saluda, 1220pm " Tryon, 1256pm Ar. Spartanhnrg, 205pm "NO l5'NOri3 Lv Spartanburg. 8 00pm ' Trvon, 420pm " Saluda, 452pm " Flat Kock, 5 14pm H HcnUers'nv'le, 6 23pm Ar. Asheville. 618pm MDRPHY BRANCH " 'tfll Lv. Asheville, Ar. Waynesville, " Bryaon City, " Andrews, " Tomotla, " Murphy. 816m 944am 1220pm a 27pm 867pm 420pm NO. 18 Lv. Murphy, Ar. Tomotla, Andrews, Ar. Bryaon City, " Waynesville, " Ashcville, 1 600am 819am B49m 10 00am 1339pm 8 09pm Nos. 17 and 18 connect at Ashevill. with Nas. 11 and 13 to and from Salisbury and the East. SUE E PI N GCA rf SE RgjjSgr Nob. 11 and 13 Pullman sleeper, betweea Hot Spring and New Tfork. via Ash.vllle, Salisbury and Washingtoa. . "na i fuuman eiecpen betweea Asheville and Raleigh. W. A. TURK, 8. H. HARDWICK. Gen . Pasa. Agt. Asst. Gen. Pass. Washington, D C, Atlanta, Ga. W.H. ORBBN, Gen. Manager. Washington V. U. McBEB, . , K. . BRID0BR8, Gen'l Siipt., . Superintendent, Columbia, 8. C. Aahevllle, N. C. 801.. HAA8,.XralB. Manager, Waaoliigtoa

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