i -.is. r -v f-v TT THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. Friday Evening, November .18, 1892. AFTER OFFICES AROUND TOWN. AahevUle Democrats Who Want to Work for Vncle Sam. Now that the battle of votes is over and matters generally have settled down to their normal state, the question of the Billing of the offices to be turm d over to the Democrats alter next March is agi tating the public mind. Asheville has a host of good Democrats who could fill all of the offices in the district, but it is known that everything cannot come here. But there are candidates just the same, and every man will work his hard est to get the "persimmon." For the position of postmaster, now held by Geo. W. Cannon, there arc sev eral aspirants. These are Capt. J. K. DuBose, Chas. T. Rawls. N. V. Atkinson and Jno. P. Kerr. Sheriff Dun. I.. Revnolds and John. lordan are candidates for the office ol United States marshal for the Western District of North Carolina. For the office of collector there are so far three candidates, Locke Craig, Cleve land elector for the Ninth district, u. CnrWr and M . L. Kced. Kope Elias of Franklin is a candidate for appointment to tne position ui ui trict attorney, now held by Chas. Price From the Statesville Landmark it is that the candidates in the east m end nf the district are numerous. It savs V. H. Williams of Newton, Paul B nf Ponpnrd and M. H. i'innix ol Ixincton are candidates for the collect orshiu: R. B. Glenn of Winston and H. C.Jones of Charlotte for the attorney ship; M. 0. Sherrill of Newton to bt marshal, and L. C. Caldwell and F. D. Hackett of Statesville for the assistant attorneyship. Washington, Nov. IS. Forecast till S p. m.SaturdayFair, preceded by show ers today; com ware oaiuru W. u- oortliwesterly gazes; irosis. C. IS. Hamlin of Chattanooga is here. "The Moonshiner" at the Grand this evening. Recorder Miller held no court this lnornug. Fred H. Sparling of New York is at the Swaunanoa. Geo. McArthur of Coshocton, ( ., is in Asheville on business. HANGS FIRE. Not Tne Street Railway Matter Vet Settled. The Asheville street railway problem seems no nearer a solution than it was before the action of the Joint Board on Wednesday. The Board on that day adopted a resolution waiving the right to force the company to pave eighteen inches on either side of the rails, nrnv irled the comrjanv would waive the right to re-occupy Patton avenue between Bailey street and the square and provided further that the court hnulri authorize the receiver to make this chance in the track. Here is where the matter hancs. The question was the United States court, but was post nnnrd while the suooosed aarcemen was beinir made. Now thecourt has ad journed, and the order cannot be gotten from this court at least. Alderman Starnes says President Car rier, of the West Asheville and Sulpliu Snrincs comoanv. has oroposed that h will make trackaRe arrangements with the Asheville comnanv. and that it the cannot acree upon the price he will leavi the matter to referees. In the meantime paving moves along rapidly on Patton avenue west ot the government ouuuui Mr. Carrier cut his proposition proper form and presensed it at the meet- ing oi tne oiui uuuru im, hiwiuv. A MONAGENAKUN. II Un tie CAHFBELL AND DAVIS. And Voted for Grover Cleveland In Ibe Last Electlou One ol Western North Carolina's well known aged citizens is Maj. Wni. Bryson, of Jackson countv. Maj. son was !H years old in October. cast his first ballot in S20, and has I voted in every presidential election since that year. On November 8 he was taken in a buggy to the polls, carried up stairs in a chair, and there voted the straight Democratic ticket. This was in the town of Webster. Maj. Bryson built his house on the Ttick aseegee river, near the mouth of Cullo whee, when that territory wasembraced in Buncombe county. Afterwards it fell in Haywood county, later in Macon, and is now in Jackson. Maj. Bryson reared sixteen children, gave them all a good education, and as they married, gave each of them a farm. He was on the first grand jury that ever sat in Macon county, and was foreman of the first grand jury in Jack son. Up to a few years ago Mai. Bryson mi an active man. but his extreme old age has greatly enfeebled him. His children and grandchildren constitute some of the best citizens of WesternNorth Carolina. Among the visitors to Asheville is W. . Newsome ot Louisville. At Grant's pharmacy at 2 p. in. today the thermometer registered 0. Some oerson broke a lare glass in a basement window of the Legal building last night. Thos. J. Vaniienuin.of the firm of Chas. Heiscr &. Sons. Baltimore, is at the Swaunanoa. Internal revenue collections tor the Filth North Carolina district yesterday were $.010.14. There is more complaint to Tun Citi zen about the condition ol the bridge on McDowell street. Shclhv Aurora : Mr. Kdgar II. Fulcn- widcr ol Asheville, was here this tvceK on a visit to ins relations aim menus, The Buncombe Countv Teachers' as sociation will meet in the hull ot the Southern Business college tomorrow. The car on the North Main street line of the Asheville street railway has been dubbed "Tbump-the-Track-Jr." It's a thumper from 'wayback. The raid on the "still," which IVrms the conclusion of the fourth act ot "The Moonshiner, is one of the most thrill ing climaxes ever seen in any plav. The Asheville Street Railway com pany's track lorce was today put to work on the College street line and will be kept there until all of the old stringers in the track have been taken tip and re placed by new timber. The West Asheville Improvement com pany has added to the number of poles on Aorta ftiatn street in riiniiiujj " wires over that street to furnish light at a point about hall way between Starnes avenue nnd Chestnut street. Charlotte Observer: Rev. P. L. Groome, the Western Carolina Advocate, of Asheville, the consolidation of the Methodist papers of Asheville and Statesville, was in the city yesterday. Miss Love Milliard, of Asheville, is ex pected here the latter part of the week to remain until alter the marriage of Miss liloise Butt and Mr. Dowd. Yesterday afternoon a sign reading "This street is not passable" was put up on a stick at the junction of Merriinou avenue nnd North Main street, where the grading force was at work. Lawrence McLoud saw the sign and tacked rinlit under it a card bearing the question "Which one ?" The force of the question is readily seen by even body who passes over North Main street. The special scenery for "The Moon shiner,"wliich holds the boards at the opera house this evening, was painted for the plav by Sosmaii & Lamlis, ol Chicago. The pass in the great Smoky mountains, the "blockade" still operat ing by moonlight, the interior of the lnooonshincr's cabin, and the snow storm in the great smokies, are inagnm- Ttielr Majorities In tne Hemitorlal District. The board of canvassers of the Thirty- third Seuatorial district met in the court house in Asheville at noon today, for the purpose of canvassing the polls of the counties of Buncombe, Madison and Hay- jpoodr Sheriff D. L. Reynolds, as provided by l;yv, summoned the following gentlemen, who constituted the board ot canvass ers: J. E. Jovner, W. G. Corpciiiiiir, K. B. Justice, D. V. Lee, of Buncombe, and James M. Smith ot Madison. After as scmblinjr the board selected Sliei ill Rey nolds as chairman, alter which the polls ol the various counties were canvassed with the following results : Inhn M. Campbell rev'd in Huncumbe 3.U7S .. ttuynoou Tola! Jos. S. Unvis rccM iu Iiuiu'onilie.. Matiisou.... UuvwfHMl .. l.!53 case :i."i9 l,lNi 1.U7S Totu' 6,.i77 T. J. rcrcuson ree'il in Wuncumhc 3.1 Mail K'lll 1.7MB Uuvwuud U03 Totu' 5,'J23 11 f Shnitk rt-i'M i i lluncombe 3.-11 Madison l.t3i! lluywiHi'l '1,010 U.05H -4 WHEN YOU HAVE DETERMINED to gt a new parlor suit, a sideboard any article of furniture the question is apt to lie. How much of elegance and beauty cm n be had, together with solid wearing quali ties, for the price you ought to pay. There is not anywhere a stock of furniture and carpets in which these qualities are more successfully combined with moderate cash than in ours, liven if you are not quite ready to boy, it may please you to inspect our goods, and it certainly will please us to show thein. W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., 16 Patton Avenue, Aelicvillc. TELEPHONES 36 & 40. v Wra. A WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. Corner Main and Eagle Streets, ASHEVILLE, N. C Heady Our grand new utock is ready, rresh new Total R. C.illcspir Hallow Campbell's plurality over Shook, nc cordins to the vrHe, is The major ity of Duvis, over l:er;uson is 6iU. Now is the best time to select Over- . . . . i ... i coats. We have tlicm nist want von want at the Whitlock Clothing House, corner store liable block. The actiiiL' of Udith Mai and the sulc us and dancini; by other talented mem lu'rsnfthe World's company make a Krand cntcitaiiimciit. We ate hiadiitiiirters for Mackintoshes variety i I. -.,11, I." II ..imnni .V I n- court square. " vicpable well made goods, cut in stylo, dose in price i Mucin- PlnliiiKr ij mnrlo f r wonv nnil n limb woll nut, nf iho Ktnru cor- r " ft " as well as in tliestore. Wo ask every reader lo oblige us styles; high grade qualities; choice selections; complete You will find our stock made up of practical ser- Oui $4.50 Jellico Lump For Grates. SINGLE TON ORDERS $4.00 J.ellico Nut For Stoves. ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL CO., 30 PATTON AVENUE $8.50 TRY THE HEW COAL, $7.00 Hard Coal Gayton Red Ash "Gayton" FOR Fl'RNACES, All Sizes, Semi-Anthracite. Grates, Ranges. CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO, 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 71-2 C0LLE6E STS. .1-0-1- Tlic bti Ale and Telephone Cloves. Caps. Overcoats ami toslicsat Whitlock Clothing House, tier store UhIc block. Mackintoshes ami umbrellas at V.. 0 Harmtm & Co.'s, No. 8 Court S(,uare. IKm't fail to see the cheese our wiiulow. Kroner. It it Ticket llrnker, MemlH'rol Amerlcail TU-Urt uroktr ahkocih Hon. Clarke, iraiia.eiiirni nu.r. Index to Men AdverttHenieulrt. Y.hhs Tlirah. Wantbii nil. NiiTk-K Ulyes Pmitili'ilny, tll'HHA Hih'sk I. i. tic's Worlil. hl.KcTKtiPolsH Wa-thtiurn, A Kent. THE MARKETS. Htoclc UUUlUliOIIH. by inspecting our stock, composed this season of larger exhibit i Minos of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Dunlap and Melville Hats, Manhattan Dress Sliirts. We call special attention to our immense stock of Underwear from the cheapest to the finest. Silk goods in all sizes. In Neckwear, Gloves and Hosiery we show elegant goods in latest novelties. We are ready to show our-fall stock and invite your attention. Telephone No. 108. Keep in tool "Mount Vrrnud." "Canadian Club," and Old Baker Rjre Whliikiea. Wines, Drandica, Beer, Ale and f tout for family use. All goodi delivered tree. Porter on draucht, Entcrcntc No. 13 North Main and 7i College trcrts. No. 1B2. I'. S.: On and alter Mny lull I will end tatcment of account! bj mail to parties in debted to inc if not settled by that time. Respectfully, Frank O'lDonnell PROPRIETOR CAROLINA. HALOON. WE LEAD ; OTHERS FOLLOW. : Cl'.u-Miro kw Viikk. Nov. 1 S. V.riv .mil Nnrthwestern 111)1,; Luke Shuic Kl-' Sorlulk and Western, K, Kiehnuind nni West I'oint Terminal U; Western I ni" THE WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. U<iniore IiUen. Raltimokk. Nov. IS Floor, firm; western suner 1 1UHU.1! 5; eitra. 2. l-o(,i,:l.5; luniily. .t.COW.oo. Wheat, firmer No. 2 red siot 7y! v((t"-"'; southern, uut; Fultz, 7('h,j.74; l.rnii-ht'rrv 7-wt7 Corn southern, white Ki(il,74; yellow 4iSlil 1-7 '4. blair & Mcdowell, EVERY - PERSON - SHOULD - KNOW -THAT THE- Big New York Market. THE LECTURE. Hon. John Temple Graves Next Monday Eveumir. President M. M. Lemmond, of the Southern Business college, has had the Wtnre hall of his college, on the third floor of the National bank building, en larged and specially fitted up for the lecture course which is to be opened there next Monday evening. Barring the opera house, this hall is one of the hntt nuited as well as one of the largest in the city, the seating capacity being tinr J.nn The first lecture of the course of five is to be "The Reign of the Demagogue," by Hon. lohn Temple Graves of Atlanta, Oa. Mr. Graves is widely known and conceded to be one of the loremoft ora and hrichtcst minds in the country He has had words of commendation from Grover Cleveland, David B. Hill Henry Watterson and other men irreat prominence. The lecture will be treat. A FAMOUS WOMAN. and should Mm. Julia War Howe to Lecture Here Next Monday Gveninx, Mr. Julia Ward Howe, president of the Assoc ation for the advancement of women, will speak in the Y. M. C. hoti Monrlnv eveninir. Nor. 21 in the interest of ber v ork. Th Association has iust held its an nual meeting at Memphis, and Mrs. Howe, with other distinguished' ladies, will pass tbrougiUAsneviiie on . J : . all will Domewaru juuimsj, "" " -- the pleasure of hearing the best that caq be said in regard to one ot tbe most in--.rino-tooicBotheday. Mrs. Howe :. f th emmtrv's most talented women, well kUcfwn at home and abroad as an autnor, cei, puiionuiiu),... the opportunity of bearing ner fill the hall tflovgrflowing. rct. J. CifWnlte lu Richmond. Rev. T. L. White of this city is noweoi ducting a revival in the First Baptist church of Richmond, Va. Of ' Mr. White the Richmond Dispatch says: "Hu sub ject last evening was ably and earnestly handled before a large and interested congregation. Or. White is no stranger here, having conducted a very successful mectinz at this church in 1890, from which much good resulted. Suits for men and boys; new lot; still . t; nlhed: all sizes, at Whitlock CtothiiiK House, corner store Eagle block. - Thecheffiof France. England,, Hol land. Italy, S(itrland and America on exhibition in OMiMow. Ktorw. nt and realastie staue settings. TO HEAT CARS, NHW YoBK. Nov. 18 Stocks, weuk find ernv. Money faav at 41114 Kxchanne, lone. 4 5: hort, 4;t; state tlull; Kivernnent bonds, tuetdy. lutures. itronK- November, H.HCi; s : lunuary, u.ir; reiirunry, u '.l.:is; April 9.46. Mour linn Wheat aetive but steady Racket Store Is Packed With New Goods. -.- 1 ... 1 . r"i v..ii UNDERTAKERS AND FURNITURE DMIalRS. ? tionery, ricmre frames, dee our large x iciureti, wurui ol New Scheme lor lite W- A c H. 8 Railway. Tbe West Asheville and Sulphur Springs tiKvay eompany will heat the cars on s line this winter by means of eleetrieal heaters. There will be four heaters 111 each car. These heaters have been or dered nnd are expected here within a week or ten davs. The company also proposes to begin fifteen-minute schedule on the line between Haywood street and the depot, as soon as the car body, which has been ordered some time, can lie gotten here. The machinery is ready to be put under the ear as soon as it comes, and cars will then make regular trios every tilttcn minutes during tne av. Tbe "Jlnoushlner " Tbe "Moonshiner," Oliver Taylor's play in five acts, will be seen at the Grand this eveuitig. The play is full of thrilling scenes, such as happen daily in lie life of the mountaineers who manu facture "mountain dew" in "blockade" stills. A fox chase, a moonshine still and a raid bv Uncle Sam's deputy mar shals are a few of the scenes, of which there are a number, and lor which the company carries special scenery. Field Officers N. C. 8. li. On Thursday, December 1, at 1- o'clock the biennial election of field offi cers of the four regiments composing the State Guard will occur. The com missioned officers of the Fourth regiment will meet for this puroose nt Charlotte. The commissioned officers ol the Fourth residing in Asheville are T. M. Kimberly, E. B. Lewis and E. E. McDowell. Escaped a Llvlnic Death. London, Nov. 18. The Standard's Moscow correspondent reports that the Russian Saoin. whose candidature lor the throne of Bulgaria was announced last vear, has escaped from biberin whither he was sentenced for life. bnnds Cotton lteeeinbcr I !7; March I and aetive. Corn linn; I'ork I EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. nuiet but steady at $1' 5O0i$13.7. I.ard ouiet but firm at $10; Stunts 1 urren- tine nuiet but firm at :i I fa:ll ' ,. Nosin nuiet but lirm at l.;tUMil..l,. rreisut dull und weak. ABlievtlle Market. Corrected dnilv bv I'DWKI.I, K: SNIDIiH wholesale and retail gnu-era. I hese prices are beinis paid by the merchant, to-uav. $3.00, reduced to $l..r0. Five thousand yards Laces at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 rents per yard all styles and prices. Mankets. Ouilts. Window Curtains. Window Shades; Cur tain l'oles. 23 cents each, and thousands of other things 11V would ho ghul for our customers to vtill utnl mv our too numerous to mention. The nicest assortment of Rib bons ever brought to the city. Special bargains in Ladies Hook Casrs, Desks. Tables. Chairs, Ottke Fine Jackets. All we ask is for the people to come and see our prices, and they will be convinced tnat Ihe liackct leads in prices. Sideboards, Chairs. Our Parlor (loads we rail your attention liartu. nutter Chickens.. Turkeys... Due .. . . 1 ." If i 2 !i I A nple. UOfit '.() IS. Apples, dried 3dl fi ,.1 'JMrt.:'! I'unipkins, eaeh.f,(jlli6 ,. .70fd lOO'KorKum 3o ....-lbL-5'Hccitwax. ,H.r lb 10 1 ..HIS ularly to. The stovk is large and well assorted. -OWENS & JENKINS. PotutocB.iw't fHMHoiu v.. Potatoes. Irish u neat Turnips 3UU 4-0, Corn Onions liMCMeal i Cftbbane, per XU 1 uiita 0 I He ana. ur uu.iuuffci ; wye Pea.... 65!K.7.rii,ny, ton $1K00 Chestnuts I'ijU Ciltry. dox i!ri(,45 No. 45 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. OPPOSITE CHURCH 8TKKKT, 1T"E WANT folks to know thev can Ret f an.electropoise nt iicimtsn .V Kca- can's novlSdiw DAY CALL NO. 75 TELEPHONE NIGHT CALL NO. 65. WANTED situation bv a voting man of varied tniMtita i xporicncc. Can I furnish the very highest references. Addr;ss p. , iux novlSdlt Asheville, N. C. NOT1CB OF SALB-Default having been made in the navments stipulated in C. E3. lycoociy Marxaret Mat tier TV Harried Kenosha, Wis., Nov. 16.-Philiprabst and Marcarrt Finlavson were married bv the Rev. Frank A. Pease, a Methodist minister, in this citjr, July 26, as the rec ords show. Tbe minister did not know them. Stevenson Going to Georgia BloomTngton, 111., Nov. 18. Vice- oresirlent-elect Stevenson has accepted an invitation to attend the opening of- tbe new Commercial club house at At lanta, Georgia about December 20; Wlce Berlb for HcComai Washington, Nov. 18. Tbe EflfsWeut today appointed Louis McCbftias .f jf y0 Maryland to be Associate Justice of thef t district ot loiumDia, vice Daontgomerr resigned. Rrrwerv Burned. Baltimore, Noy. 18, The National brewery at O'Donnell street and Third avenue. Canton, bnrned yesterday. Loss about $300,000: insurance not known. The weather may remind yon to buy heavy underwear and outer clothing; if it don't we do and invite you to the Whitlock Clothing House, corner store Eagle Block. Never in the history of tbe theatres was a more beautiful scene than tbe raft with ki shipwrecked passengers in tbe drama of Little's World. Don't fail to see tbe cheese exhibit in onr window. Kroger. CJLlY S TJX 11 YOU WITH FIREWOOD tfl Kindlings and Charcoal jy TT Tyl FOR RANGES, FURNACES AN ClA-fi (CHEAPER THAN HARD COAL, ,L KINDS CUT AND SPLIT ANY SIZE READY l'OR SB AND DELIVERED. MAKES NO SMOKE; a certain mortsfflKc executed tu me on the I'd dav of October. 1H91, v M. M Cun-ton and recorded on v&ne '2 et sct ol book 10, n the office of the register of I'olk county State 01 Nortn enronna, nnu dv virtue ot power of sale therin contained I witl nell at uoiie auction ai irvon uc noi on Aionunv December 19. !Hia for cash to the hiuhest bidder the land described in mud moi iKHiff, to-.vit; "Known as the Oarnson tract, be flrinniKeon a hirne white oak nnd black ohk, KOoert lira u en oiu corner; unii runs l II CHIC YYliu otxiu inn iii'iiii i nnv vki I . . . . . - . . . , . poles to. chestnut, Bradencurnrr; thence 1720, 1011 InM iUKl LOUlSYliW 161110121 UlHl rmHll AV north 34 euct ten poles to a Htakc; thence ' ' north 5G west GO poles to a chestnut tnen Bortn 3 east poles to a pine on Braden's line; thence north Gt west 3 poles to a pine on Logan's old line; thence west 42 poles to aB O , Braden's line; thrnce witn said line south :iUlJ east vn poles to hickory on HolUn's line; thence with said line east HI! pole to a chestnut by Hollins' corner; thence with said line south 100 poles to a stake; thence to the beginning; contain ing 00 acres, more or less. ' ?miu laoa is in the township of Try on in said folk county, North Carolina. ULYSSES DOUBLEDAY, novlSfri-U MortRsgcc, tifieial Stone Tile and Concrete Works. Fancy Brick and Mortar Color. Assent for Kins? 8 Windsor Asbestos Cement, Dry Mor tar and Knoxville Sewer Pipe Works. HA Y -AND - FEED E. B. BARNUM & CO., FINE CLOTHIiSG AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS FULL LINE OF MACKINTOSH AND RUBBER GOODS Men's Full nJ Winter Overcoats, Roys' Fall and Winter Overcoats. PROPER STYLES. PROPER PRICES. E. B. BARNUM & CO., No. 8 Court Square, Asheville, N. C. Office No. 30 I'ftttoo Avenue, Telephone 40. I Telephone 73. Yard nod Warehouse near Depot, MISS NELLIE LaBARBE, This is the number of FIGARO Cigars I sold bv us at retail since luly HI. Of course this is an unusual amount of one brand of cigars to sell at retail, but when I you come to think that you pay five ts for a FIGARO ntW get a ten cent -WILL OPEN A- WOMAN'S EXOH-lSTGrB THE FIRST OF DECEMBER At Law's Old Store, Corner South Main and "Willow Streets In connection with her Millinery. For lull particulars ap ply to Miss Nana MacLeod, 88 Charlotte street, or No. 30 . i fTl r4. WT'.U 1 TU 1 Kfli rtf - o . ... ... hike to get the best their money can buy. LieceiUDer, at LiO S Old Stand. ou have never' tried a F1GAK0 don't rotate your moticy on ordinary brands jJof 5f. cigars, Utry this and your trade m nereaiter assurea. cto aiscouuis 10 anyone all pay alike, 5 cents each, $5 per hundred, $50 per thousand. We control the factory's output. For sale nowhere else in town.; RAYSOR & SMITH, Prescription Druggists, . SI PATTON A.VBNUB. CAVALIER HEIGHTS, To the Brit ten purchasers who want to build we will sell beautiful lota by the Lookout Mountain (Cavalier Mountain Street car line at these prices goodonly for 80 dura: Choice of 17 lota for (200. Priced at OO. Choice of 15 lota for $300. Priced at $600. Choice of 10 lots for S6O0. Priced at f00. Choice of 18 lota for $600. Priced at $1000. We are now building three fine houacs oa these lots and will bt glad to ahow you Ihia property and sell to you. Wc arc no agent,; but offer onr own land and want to stir ap a alight bncu these dull times. Let us show you these lots. OTIS A. BIILLEIt. Otct Hlnanauxh's More. Ko. xi Patton Atcnuc G. WHITLOCK. MARBLE HALL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING HOUSE, 32 South Main and 31 North Main, Is by far the best place in Western North Carolina to buy Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes. You will soon want an overcoat or new suit, so you had better come now and make your selection. We have a large and complete stock of MENS' AND BOYS' SUITS and are the best fitting, and best looking, and best wearing garments on the market. DO YOU KNOWUS? If not now id the time to get acquainted and you will find us to be THE PEOPLE'S MONEY SAVERS. - - PKOPRIETOJR.