Monday Evening, December 5, 1892. THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. Zk A Sf AHI(1' 7" ... .. Ri.well, Medfonl, Iia?s., says l:c r In hiTTi cured of Scrofula hy t!" ' V ittirsef af'.cr bavins ):a- n,lrl rr-a- ky5yaa meat, anil li.-I::." ' t- qaiVa lotv condition of lKV.h,ii: I. iV,!:!; si: ' -oiild not live. ,'f3rr5T. '"'el "'J' llttlolioy 'rVitf lav;-scrofula -r-1 all iiv-'T 1 :rlhld induce need In use f'3','v' Mm, and no . . ;- Ik) ttles cured!: -ins cf tlio dfcease runuia. Mils. T. L.SI ATiiv.r.x, .VatVrviil.- Viu b4kon llloolan I Win IWiv miil -,l r- -e. &W11T Si'KClf 1C CO.., Two Stepping Stones to consumption are ailments we often deem trivial a cold and a cough. Consumption thus ac quired is rightly termed "Con sumption from neglect." Scott's Emulsion not only stops a cold but it is re markably successful where the cough has become deep seated Scott 's Emulsion is the richest of fat-foods yet the easiest fat-food to take. It arrests waste and builds up healthy flcsh. Prepared by Scott A Bonne, N. Y. All druggists, v ! ii'ef'jrthoOU Folks. 2, TiSS CiRUAT i.. ill fil" I f i:. ;'." r. :V:tir n requisite T :H "..-V! f nnilllS OI 1 O i 1 1 ' : (alfr, tot ;;,tf I H r t ..n. u-IIh vnj ill. r I i ' Pflf,0'Ml" ft' DDE) BOTANIC DiUiUi BLOOD BALM: THE GREAT REMEDY FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES - . lilUUHM'tl tllltnttlKlllV U'-t.' l)-'lll liifiit ilnli'liuin nu tlio H-ip'o for 40 i'ftrH, ninl iit-vcr f.iils to cntv (iiiU'itly aiiI iM-rnuuiciHly SCROFULA, ULCERS, ECZEMA, 1 RHEUMATISM, PIMPLES, ERUPTIONS, I an-1 fill manner of K ATI Ml. SPUR A PINO ati'l Ul'SNINU W'lIKS. Inviirtnlily om thi must ' ontliiKnu 1iI'h1 iIIph'.-iwi if (lini-itonn re fl .lowed. Priiv $1 iter buttle, 4 Ulv6 fur 6, for 1 Willi hy (lni'rtH. SFNT FRFF .xi.T-Y.'K ' rp. BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. Ga. i '-i hit Irr i .c!'"'""-. TYLER DESK CO., ST. LOUIS, MO Our Mammoth Cntnloijneof Dank Coustkbs Dkkks, and other Ofkicb Furniturb for IH1H now ready. Now (ioods. Now Stylos in Desks, Tallies. Chairs, Hook Cases, Cabi nets. &c, Ac, nml at matchless prices as above indicalcd. Our goods are well known ami n.ild in every country tlr.. speaks Kru'li 'll Catalogues free. PostaKelic MISCk'UA.XKUl'S. M OSHV ID LOAN On improve;! Ashe vil'e real estate. Alioly lo utaudtf NAT r ATKINSON & SOX "1 'VSIi-SSM VKINO The Misses Kil'iim nl U Hoton r: nrepa'en to no drcsstu'tk iiif. milinerv, fancy p-iitinK, etc.. at 1-1-5 college street mriui w- rp; I.oN Monci to loan in urasnf '.'00 1.. to $noi- for one to sit va-s, on real es late, with hoiidini: in of Ashrvi-.le Kates of interest low. B COKFIS, nnv'J3dlm No. t East Court I'lnee NOTIClt TO CONTRACTOKS. Mayor's Office, Ash-ville, llee !1.'U2. Sealed )rop-.sals wi'l he recciveJ nt thi otliec until 3 o. m. Fridnv, heeentber t. 1H9'J for putting on the roo', etc , of the new city pump house, I'luns anl specltieatiotiB can uc seen at tns oince oi tne i. itv rnwm er. C. I Ul. ANTON, Mavor. U. M. Lliti, City Engineer. d,i 3d,".t TI3SOI.UTION NOTICI? The firm ofW 1 J p. Blanton Co. is this Cut dissolved by mutual consent. J. K. Cowan having parchnsca tne interest oi w. f. uninton, the liusmess win in tnc tuture ne etnuueteu un der the firm name pf Cownti ttL F'oKKett. W I. lllanton .S; Co.. will settle all debts and accounts contracted by them orlor to this date. This UctoDer sr., isia. W. 1'. IlI-ANTON'Sc CO., nor7d30d COWAN ei UOOGBTT. Ol'PiCB y'J PATTON AVBNl'B, - . AT WB.VVUK & MVBRS' STOKE CAROLINA QOflLMflW r J v.V ) i ( Imj' Ma1 Doctors' J Bills J 5 $16 TO $21 mm DEALERS IN COAL A COKE JELL1C0, I CMP AND ANTHRACITE. 1- OKKKU (X)AIj CLEAN' GOOD WEIGHT. DAY 130 TBLBPUONB NIOUT 144. DUNDEE DISTURBED. HE CAN'T ALWAYS MAKE OUT HIS BOY JAKE. JuUo Makes Vso of Some Modern Ameri can Tonus That Aro Not Kinetly 1'laln to His Tather, Who I'roini rs to Inter view Him In tlio Iturn. ICopyright, 18H3, by Charles I). Lewis. "I Bhust like to splicitk n few more words about my son Shake," said Mr. Dunder aa he softly entered the station to And the fnt police sergeant chewing a Michigan tooth pick and rending n, newspaper prediction that this will be the coldest winter for the past ten years. About Jake, eh? " queried the sereeaut in reply. les. i ou know Slinke. Hovhasseex- tcen years old pooty qucek und awful shmart. He vhas a kikxI poy, but I can't make him sometimes oudt. One (lay I hears him Mi peak In mit a poy, und he says: "Doan you be afrault! borne flies (loan' roost on me!' Sergeant, vhas dot American!1" 'I think it is." 'Dot's vlutt Shako said, lie said it meant dot ho sliuuip around t so lifely dot no fly ran slitny on him. How does H hurt you if some flies roost on s ou? I see flics on yon, but you doan' shumparotindt, und Shake, ho vhas so fat he can t be lifely. Can you oxplnin her to me?" ' hy, I uiidi'i'stnnd it to mean that a person is sliai p and shrewd." (Jhl hell, a tew days nizo bliake he calls me 'giif'ner.' 1 took him by der col lar pooty quei-k, but he o.plnins: 'Dot vhas all right, fudder dot vlinsder Amer ican way of it. If we vhas go.tiK to lit' in America we must do like odd. r folks. In Shermnny 3"Oti vlias 'fadder:' in dis country you vhas 'gufner.' How vims dot, ser geant?" "I don't iillow my boys to call me gcv nor?" "Klif 1 see! Und two deeferent times he says lie vhas in clothespin or sprinir shicken. How could any poy be some clothespins or liens? It doan' seem possi ble to me, but I like to nsk you." I t hink Jake has fallen into the use of slang terms, like many other boys. Did you ever hear him sny he was up to snuff?" "I haf, two or three tunes, und it makes mo full of troubles. I doan' like Shake to have some snuff nt his nge." "Did you ever happen to hear him re mark that he tumbled to the racket?" "Only two or three days ago he said dot. I doan' see him fall down, und I doan' hear no racket, und I can't make it oudt." "Did you ever hear him tell any one to cheese It?" "Vhy, he tells me dot last week vhen 1 say he must be home by !l o'clock in der eafeningsl I haf some I.iniburger sheese on de counter, und I belief he means dot." "Perhaps he did!" dryly observed the ser geant. "What does he call money?" in Tin: iuiix with jake. "Vhell, hecalls it 'sugar,' 'ducats,' 'cases,' wealth,' 'scrap iron, 'needful,' 'rhino, und so like dot." "I see. I Mtpp i.-e he tells of somebody talkin:,' through his hat, eh?" "Sergeant, he slipeaks dot very way to n e only last night vlien I blows him cop aliouilt spending so mooch mooncyl" "It made him tired, didn't it?" "Dot's vhat he said it made him tired to hear me talk through der top of my hat. How vlias it, sergeant?" "S ell, I think Jake Is getting n little too fresh for a boy of his age." "I3ut only last night he tells me he vhas all saltl I doan' like to slipeak nboudt my own poy, you see, but maybe you can tell me how I shall do? Do you think heshould keep on?" 'If he win my boy I should stop him right where he is." "Uml It vhas ruyduty?" "I think so." "Und it vhas good for Shake?" "First rate. Are you going?" "Sergeant, goodbyl 1 haf some peesness at my place dot I must at I end to right off (tieekl V hen 1 get home my son Shake vhill haf his hat on his ear und be walking aroundt as if he owns dot earth. I shall beckon mit my linger like dis und say: " 'Shake, I like to see you in der barn aboudt two minutest' " 'All right, guf 'ner how vhas it ?' "'Vhell, it vhas. clothespins und sugar und hats und spring shlckens und scrap iron und rackets all mixed oop, und I guess we go oudt und cheese some snuff und make us tired?' " "1 understand!" smiled the sergeant. "Und so vhill Shake, und if some dies doan' roost ou him tomorrow it vhaa be cause no flies can find him." THE ARIZONA KICKER. llrlnulliR Colonel Kelo Around Wttriiiug Ail Kxliorter. HAD to come Down. When we llnd a man within thirty miles of this town who is not n subscriber to Tim Kicker we feel that there is something wrong somewhere, and we proceed to interview him. When a subscriber lets go of the paper without what we consider a reasonable excuse- such as death or removal to Alaska we in terview him 8omo more. Last week the copy sent to ColonelJlni Kelso, whose post- office is at Hitter Creek, was returned to us narked, "liefused, and be durned to you!" We telephoned over for the colonel to come in, and he told us over the wire to go to. We then wrote hint for an explanation, and ho returned our letter unopened. Satur day morning we strnpiied three days' ra tions and 230 cartridges to our saddle, mounted our regular canvassing mule and set off to find out what was the matter with Colonel Kelso. The colonel Is no spring chicken. He knew what would fol low his action and was expecting us. He had laid In 200 cartridges, a week's provl sions and a barrel of water, and was barri caded in his adobe. We sheltered our mule In a ravineand opened fire. We bombarded the colonel from every point of the com pass up to 6 o'clock in the evening and then went iuto camp. We were after him again at daylight and kept It up till noon. Then the wind came around right, and we prepared to set fire to a haystack on the north side of tne house and ourn mm out, The colonel called our hand andsurren dored. Ho had refused our paper, he ex plained, because wo devoted so much space to politics and so little to accounts oi mur ders and executions. It didn't take us five minutes to demolish bis arguments and make him come down with three years' subscription in advance, mid he took it as a great favor that we allowed him to ac company us part way home. We have sev eral other cases on our books and shall at tend to them in regular order as toon as possible. ygg Wriy Vot Onr esteemed eontem- porary down the street publishes a letter this week from an alleged subscriber ask ing why he does not take the law Into his own hands and "remove" us to a more balmy clime. Our esteemed replies that it is because ho is an advocate of law and order, and that if let alone justice will sooner or later pull us up to a limb. Bosh! Our diaries for the past three years give the dates of fourteen different attempts on the part of our esteemed to accomplish the removing net. Why he hasn't done it and THE TWO OFFICE DEVILS. will never be aide to do it unless he gets us in front of a cannon is because he can't shoot. He has fired at us at all sorts of distances, from five feet to twenty rods, and the only damage he ever did was to our hat, and that was accidental. We have a standing offer to let him have ten shots nt ns from a distance of fifty feet and give him J100 for every bullet coming within earshot. As to his advocating law and order, where does ho do It? His editorial page Is set up with eight 8-ounce tacks and barbed wire fencing, and is absolutely unreadable. However, we do not wish to complain. lien there arc no cowboys in town and no terror dodging about for a shot at us we can always count on a little fun with our esteemed. All we have to do is to send our office devil over to tell his office devil Hint THE Kicker Is expecting a w hole keg of ink nt once, nnd ten min utes later our esteemed is blazing away at tlio front door of our office and hitting t he shingles ou the roof. As AN Experiment. We have a letter from a man over in Utah who says he is a greater exhorter than Sam Jones or Sam Small, and he wants to come over here and have a shy at our population. We shall neither encourage nor discourage him in making tho experiment. As mayor of the town we have its best interests at heart. As editor nnd proprietor of THE KR KElt we have always worked for moral Improve ments. As a private citizen, however, we arc inclined to doubt the success of the ex periment referred to. Wedon't doubt that most of the boys would attend the meet ings, and perhaps tho majority of them would remove their hats nnd become more or less Interested, but the chnnces are ninety nine to one that an emergency would All of n sudden old 11111 llradsliaw Would remember that Pete Davis sold him a one eyed mule on the square, or Colonel Jenkins would recollect that Dan Sim nions got the drop on him last Fourth of July, and in less than ten seconds forty critters would jump to their feet nnd begin shooting. It's just passible that it might not turn out this way, and that some of the hoys might be led to see the error of their ways, but if the exhorter shows up he must take the chnnces. If we attend tho first few meetings wo shall take two gnus along with us and try to get a seat with onr back to the wall. THE DIAGRAM MAN. He Tells of the I-ove of De Lisle fin- Arthusa. "Will you be mine?" "Yep!" "Then may 1 never sit down on another bumblebee if I am not the happiest man the world!" They were standing under tho dear old penr treo in the back yard, according to the following diagram, which is drawn to a scale of three miles to the Inch: On the right is Farmer Johnson's barn and on the left the Widow O'Hrleu's only cow, both toned down somewhat, but full of business and patriotism. Do Lislo had loved Arthusa for years and years, but never until this evening had he spoken his mind. He dasn't for herfather was a school trustee and owned the only pay scales In town, while his father was simply a millionaire, though considered quite respectable for one of that class. ' Then you will be my nngel, Arthusa?" be whispered as he strained her to Ills heart, I guess!" site replied as her skull cracked him on the eyebrow. Hal W hat s that? As her languishing eyes are cast upon the eartli to see it there are any bugs around, a folded note attracts her attention. While De Lisle continues to strain she calmly nnd quietly possesses herself of the note and proceeds to read it At the first words a shiver shook hui frame. At the second a shook shivered her from head to heel. Sho gasped for breath. Her eyes rolled, her hairpins fell like raindrops on the grass. Then the scene suddenly changed.jiccordtng to the following diagram, drawn upon the same scale as the other, but exhibiting more sctlvlty in real estate: The uoto bore the odor of a delicate pcr fumo (trial size for a nickel), aud the chirography was unmistakably and unde niably and unqualifiedly the fist of a fe male. It read: My Dear Dot When you come up tonight bring the "sugar" to pay tho rent, which Is overdue. MAam. "Unhand me, villain!" "What's the matterf" "Proofs of your perlidy, sir!" sho gasped as she waved the note around her head. "Hut, Arthusa, let" "Ignoble man! Son of a millionaire! Not another word! Hera is written proofs of the tarry blackness of your villainous heart! If I had a regulation baseball bat in my hands I would strike y u dend nt my feet!" "But, Arthusa, you don't catch on! Malme is" "Villain, shut up!" she almost shrieked as she waved him away. "My life is blasted liko tho blasted oak! I go to lny death!" And she went to her death, according to the followiug diagram, which rovers n great deal of hind worth fifty dollars per acre: With the swiftness and grace of a gazelle Arthusa made for the well, in which hung an old oaken bucket. De Lisle pursued, but before he could overtake her Bhe hail vaulted lightly over the curb and was properly and fashionably drowning In the water below. Her body was never recov ered, having probably lieen drawn down by the quicksands. De Lislo was taken to a raving asylum, where he raved for twenty-two years and-then died with Arthusa's nnme on his lips. The note, as you have probably suspected, was from his widowed sister Mai mo, and if he had been granted two minutes' time in which .to explain all would nave oeeu wen. let tms oe a great lesson to us never to act on sudden im pulses. Any note found in any man's pocket, married or single, an always be satisfactorily explained if he Is given time. Nut a Champion. It was agreed among the dozen of us in the passenger coach that the woman occu pying a seat near the middle of the car with her husband was the homeliest female we had ever seen. She was ten years older than the man, was crosseyed, had ahair lip, was almost toothless, and hernoso had bem seemingly mashed flat. The man himself was at least common good looking. Three or four of us in the front end of the car were sympathizing with him in a soft and gentle way when he rose up and came over to us and said: Gentlemen, you have been wondering if that woman is my wife. She Is. You probably look upon her as the homeliest woman on the face of the earth. You are mistaken." "YOU AUK MISTAKEN." "Well," observed the Chicago man, "it isn't just the thing to criticise a man's wife before his face, but if "Oh, you can speak your mind without offense," interrupted the man. 'Then I would remark that if sho isn't the homeliest woman on this terrestial globe I should like to see, the other one." Very well; come into the next car back. We followed him in, nnd there sat four females, ranging in nge from twenty to thirl y, who discounted her by .'.0 per cent. "They nre five sisters, nnd I had my pick from the lot," quietly remarked the man. "And now If any of you have a drop of whisky about you I'll" Every mnn of us handed him over a full flask, and told him he was welcome to every drop and the bottles besides. M. QUAD. Doing All She Rensonulily Could. "If," lie murmured, ns he gnzed up into her eyes (they were sitting on tho front steps), "if I had only a little more money to count on" then lie stopped. "What would you do?" she nsked. Deem her not bold, gentle render. The summer, she felt, was over, Boon the cold winds would put a stop to these front step senti mentnls. No fellow ever would propose in the winter time with pa nnd ma in the sitting room listening to everything, and she felt she must jog him a little. Ho turned a little pale and asked If her pa was dealing nt the same grocery ns last year. "Yes, he is; what would you do?" "I I would have a home of my own. 1 would, there!" This seemed like business. "How much have you got?" she said, and her voice sounded firm. "Fifteen dollars a week." He hung his head. "How imiuh do you give n week now for your room?" "Five dollars." "Stuff; we can get a room plenty good enough for lioth of us and a pantry to cook In for that. How much do your meals cost?" "Five dollars n week. "Pooh; we enn both live for that, cook ing nt home. What do you do with the other five dollars? ' "Well, I I smoke, you know." "Well, you can quit Hint right off, nny how, you don't spend five dollars n week on smoking." "Xo, oh, no. Of course there nre ex penses; other fellows nnd such" "Well, you enn stop thoso too. What else?" "I try to save n little." "Thnt is tnlklng. How much linve you saved?" "Eleven dollars and a half." "That's plenty for the minister and mov ing nnd some to spnre for n liceltie or something for you to stand up in. Well?" "Well, Mnry?" "Go nhead, I enn't do everything, you know. You've got to nsk rue." Wash ington Star. He Didn't Know French. The gentleman from tho west pulled himself up to the hotel table, tucked his napkin under his chin, picked up the bill of fare, and began to study it intently. Everything was In restaurant French and he didn't like it. "Here, waiter," he said sternly, "there's nothing on this I want." "Ain't there nothin else you would like for dinner, sir?" inquired the waiter po litely. "Huvo you gut, nn y siuc qua non r" The waiter gasped. "No, sir," he replied. "Got any bon nuts?" "N-no, sir." "Got any semper Idem?" "?to, sir, we hain't." "Got any jell desprits?" "Xo, sir, not a one." "Got any tempus fugit?" "1 reckon not, sir." "Got any soiree dnnsants?" "No, sir." The waiter was edging off. "Got nny sine die?" "We hain't, sir." "Got nny e pluribus unum?" The waiter's face Rhowed some signs of intelligence. 'Seems like I heerd ob unt, sir," aud he rushed out to the kitchen, only to return empty handed. " e aiu t got none, sir," be said, la a tone of disappointment. "Got any uiftl de merf" "N(M, sir." The waiter was going to pieces fast. The gentleman from tho west was as se rene as a May morning. "Got any vice versa?" ho inquired again. The waiter could only shake his head. "No? Well, maybe you've got some ba con nnd cnbbnge nnd a corn dixlger?" ' 'Deed we hns, sir," exclaimed the wait er in a tone of the utmost relief, and he fairly flew out to the kitchen. Detroit Free Press. nolle Illllcrent. Holmes Tly the way, Wander, where do you live now? Wander 1 don't; I board. Life. To Advertisers. T Insure change of advertisements running on regular contract, copy must he bonded In bv 10 o clock . m FOR nYSPEPRIA, Indigestion, anil Stomach disorders, lake IIKOWN'H CUON B1TTKKK. All dealers keep It, SI per brittle, (iennlnehas trade mark ana crossed red lines on wrapper. Dissolution Notice. Leicester, N C, Nov. 8. 1892. Notice I. ti-rl,v a-lvn that the coDnrtncr- shln heretofore exl.tina bctwern Geo. R lour, and Jno. Cn,c"ter under the firm name of Carpenter & Jones i thin day dis solved bv mutual constnt, Jno. Carpenter continuing the business, assuming liabilities of same and receiving all monies due the firm. JOHN CAKl'IiNTBR, novlldaud OHO. R.JONUS. fey tiHAD FIELD'S CURESLL. I DISEASES lrSUBS PECULIAR TO WOMEN;- Hsveusedand reommended It to my friends. All derived great benefit from its use. lilts. Matilda LAnsos, Peoria, III. llest remedy I havo ever used for irregular menstruation. Mils. C. Jktt, Novcmlicr, lsss. Sclma, Col. I have suffered a (treat deal from Female Troubles, and think I am completely cured by Bradfleld's Female Regulator. Mas. Emma F. Swonn, Mansfield, O. Book "To Woman" mailed froo. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., For salo hy all Druggists. Atlanta, G a. WANT COLUMN. WANTED. ANTBD To hire for an linur, two or hree time a week, a K"1 riding Address B. C. Citizen tl ' mule. WANTHD Young man years old wants situation as Htorckrepcr hi ho- U-l. A No understand florist's trade anil general gardening. Hmt of referercn. Ad dress C. . cure Citizen office dceldlw AlfANTBn- -Bv MNs lidith Wynne of New Yoik State, a limited V Young. nitmber of pupils on fiann or organ. Terms fifty cents per lesson three quarters to nn hour, (liven at vnur rt'idei'ee. Address, Oakland Heights, Asheville, N. C. nHdlni WANTHD A New York custom tailor ing house, doing nn agmcy businessex-i-lusivelv. and otVerinie the lest paving line in the market, desires to secure en agent, who .in furnish a bond, to hondlethcirline m the City of Ashcvilie: to proper pqrty will con si un Mittivient imnts patterns to make a Mowing as merchant tnilor. rnr further par ictilars, nddrcss S J it.. No. C.'iM Broad way, hew lork City. n ceodt FOR REST. TOK RI5NT Small store room, No. (iO 12 South Main treet. Address WM. JOHNSON, JH. Box 177. IjloK RENT room cottage, at june J tion (l Oak ami Wood tin streets Applv S. II. RUHD. decad3t Brcvnrd Building. tTIOR RENT Handsomely furr Mud hour , A. No iro l allege street,. Apply to JOHN CHM.n, No 1 Legal niock or 04 novllidlm Erench Brond Ave. ISTUKE FOR RENT 75 acres near the city, spleiidid grass, plenty of water nnd shude. Ample for 4() or fiO head of cattle. I'ricc $2 per month t-er lund Apply to J. KURK, julv23dtf Citizen office. FOR SALE. IE YOli ARE BVILIHNti don't fail to put in Watson's Hire Crntc. Fcr sale bv BALLARD Ul RICH. ITlOK SALE A house and lot nt Biltmore, J near Vnnderbdt's brick yurd, on river road. Trice $r.r'i Apply to WALTERS CTSHVAN ;i0 Patton Avinue, Asheville, N. C. sept Od tt WOOD HOR SALE Oak firewood, cut any length, at $li 00 per double load, delivered. FRENCH BROAD LUMBER CO . octl 7dtf Te ephone 31. IOH SLE The Melke house, western " part ol the city; one of finest res denees in Asheville, containing 1H rooms, 3ity acres in lot, tine oak grove and beautiful lawns .nid shrubbery magnificent view that can not be obstructed. For further information -iddress W. P. SOUTHERN, Executor, 421 West Haywood St. ulyJ7dtf B0ARQING A Private home for invalids. Terms on application to MISS DKNNE, olGtf The Melke House, Asheville, N. C. "I JOARP- Comfortable rooms with good At hoard in good location. A1K3 AI.II.1S K1S .MJl.UK, novstf 4-H Spruce street. BOAR hcih RUING Good fare and comfortable Is. Ccn venient to Postothcc. MRS J. A LBE, novl tf No. -ti Flint street. BOARDINO Delightful board cm be hd nt Col. I. M. Nny's, in Hnmoth. l'i miles north of AkIicviIU. near end ol Look out Mountain streetcar line. Terms reas onable, novl!0dlm I 1 SPRl'CESTKEET I.arne handsomely iJ. furnished room?, with board, on 1st and -nd Moors; table accommodations and loention excellent, two minutes' walk to ourt house; terms modem te, Table board ers accommodated rea onabiy. ii(iv2(.)dlm TIIK CH ATKAU Private boardinRhousc No. 211 Haywood street. Hne city and mountain views; perfect sanitation; hot and cold water; comfortable, airy rooms; well provided table; attentive service; rea sonable rates. Two hundied yards from Montford car line MRS, M. 13. DuTWILKK, oct7dtf Proprietress 1C44. ENTERING ITS YEAR OF JUBILEE 1090. 1111: m:ai:i.v fifty yi:a;:s Littcll's Living Arc Has Stnoil I'eeiliss in Ihe licMlin of IV- riodieal Literature, It sc ccts fron ihe wh'de w!de field oi Ivtir iieiin oeriodical literatute the het articles by the ablest livinvj writers n every depart ment, bioKranhy, history, literature, travels. sen nee, politics, entictstp, art, nciion nuti p etrv "(July the best has ever filled its pniie3 the best thought rendered in the purest English. Nothing poor or unworthy hns tvrr ap peared in the columns of The Living Arc." The Presbyterian, 1'hl'udclphiu, April 13, lK'.ll!. A weeklv mn?aine, it uives more than three and a qil'jrterthoiisand doiib'c-eolunin octavo pages of reading matter yearly. forming lour volumes; presenting a mass ol matter unequalled in quality and quantity bv anv other publication in the country. Iniie coining eer The Liviug Ave will continue to be the rtllex ol the nge in which it lives The oiiii Vcned interest In thirds historical. occasioned bv the coming of this qundri centenniul. hns enabled the publishers to miiki-n most hannv iirrnnirement whereby they can present one of the most liberal of- lers ever made for the consideration of an intelliKent class of American renders, vii : a B.(lll eonv of Kidlinth's History ol the II. S. at H nominal price cf 50 cents, when taken in ennneetinn with The Living Aue. 1. Hull's Living. Age, one year, pnstiaid. $S 00, Kidpalh's Hi'.ory of the I.'. S. ot America. Sf. 00 for iS.fiO. 1 his history hns received the emphatic en dorsement of leading educators und of the press ol America. 1 he miblishers of The Livinir Affe are hav inn prepared for their use a special edition of this Kreat woi k, war n, oy inc uutiniun oi new mutter nnntarinc in no previous edi tion, will brlg UK-history down to the pres ent time. It will he ptinied in bold, clear type, on heavy, wnite. noon paper nno bound in extra hue cloth, making one large rojul octavo volume oi over tiuu piics. SEND POR DHSCRIPT1VB CIKCVLARS, Th price given above inc udes postage on the Living Age only. The hook mustbesent at the sulocnoer epc.ic. The Living Age is published weekly al ttu mi ,. ,ar free of nostaue. t ril, era lor tne year 1B.'I will be sent gratis the two October issues con- nnwrrful storv bv hrank Harris editor of The Fortnightly Review, entitled Profit and Loss, and also the numbers of 18112 publish, d after the receipt of their sub ssriptions. CLUB PRICES FOR THE BEST HOME AND l'ORLMGN LITERATURE. 'For $10 SO, The LiviogAgc and nny one of the American $4 monthlies (or Harper's Wc- kly or Bazar) will be lent lor a year, postpaid; or, for $9. BO, The Living Age and .H,-f-hnrr'N Magazine or the St. Nicholas. Kntes for clubbing Th- Living Age with more than one other periodical will be sent on nppl'cation. Sample copies of The Living Age, 13 cents each. Address, LITTELL & CO., Boston. mih r Yf. j t net u DRINK THE KN0XY1LLE BEER The Best and Purest on Earth. (July the finest ltavariun Hops and Malt nwfl in its manufacture. A Trial is Earnestly Solicited. J. B. PITTMAN, T. C. SMITH & CO., DRUGGISTS & Public Square, ecit7dtf ACME WINE & -A.ISTO- TSTliite Ivlan's Bar Claims the largest stock of first class goods of any house in the State. Makes a specialty of v Cooking lirandies and Jelly Wines. jSole agents for the Acme Old Corn. JAS. H. LOUGHR AN, Proprietor, No. 58 South Main Street. Tlil.WHONE CALL NO. 139, P. O. BOX 688, ASHEVlXLIi. MY MOTTO IS TO KEEP THE BEST AND CHARGE ACCORDINGLY. "BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUOR CO., Nos. 4X and 43 S. Main St., Asheville. WHOLBSALH DEPARTMENT, GRNTS' XT 1 A 1 PARLOR AND READING ROOM. JX J, k CK5ARS. TOBACCO AND BOTTLR GOODS, SAM VTl A J PLK, BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM. Ji J, tfcO, BEER : VAULTS ; AND : BOTTLING : DEPARTMENT ; IN : BASEMENT. Wc respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. P A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Main Entrance, No. 43. ashore, Forest, Mountain "j-HE publisher of this paper has made special, and for l thi3 locality exclusive, arrangements by which we are able to offer to our readers, WITHOUT EXPENSE, uLs the full service of the Recreation Department of The Christian Union department was organized to assist persons in their travels, furnishing them with time-tables of any Railroad or Steam iip line, the circular or card of any Hotel cr Boarding-house, hi ther in cilies or at Summer, Winter, Sea-coast, or Mountain i . i It.. Sanitariums, Or Springs. Information of this character, UVILKJNG ANY LOCALITY IN THE WORLD, is furnished ro:v:wi:; r.-i J fu!; If you will write, tcliing where you wish ro : Li Las country or Europe the most helpful cir ;i -.!! ' !'".-..-;.tabSen will be rent you, together with descrip ' : . . , .'Uer issued by the railway or steamship lines by ; 'i to travel. Letters and inquiries n?v be ad . ' ' ' cTrico cr t" RICC" A':' 'O M i FPAET- IniLVM UI;I JM, ) j As-.'.r i'lw-c. i-i.v fort. 7ii no war can .ImcnV.'iiis so cth'vtivclr ititiinn tltctitsclvcs on the suhjects Hint cl:iint imlilic attention from one montlt to mother us hy re.-KfinAT the S'urth Anierienn A'eWciv." IN THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND THE RIGHT TOPICS, BY THE RIGHT MEN, AT THE RIGHT TIME. THE TOPICS a" always those which are uppermost in the public mind in morals, politics, science, literature, btisine-s, fin once, industrial economy, social nnd mu nicipnl nITairs, etc. in short, all subjects on which Americans require and desire to be informed. No magazine follows so closely from month to month the course i f public interest. All subjects arc treated ol impartially on both tides. THE CONTRIBUTORS to the Revie arc the men and women to whom the world looks lor the moat authoritative statements on the subjects of the day No other periodical can point to such a succession of distinguished writers. The list is a roll of the people who are making the history, controlling the affairs, and lending the opinion of the ai.e, such as Mr. Gladstone, the prime minister of En gland; Mr. Hlaine, Signor Crispi, Ex-Prime Minister of Italy; Baron Hirseh; II. R. H , the Count of Paris; Cardinal Gibbons, Bishops Potter, Doane, Mallalieu, Foss, etc., etc. THE TIME when these subjects are treat ed of bv these eontiilnitors is the very time when the suhjects ere in ihe puhli.' mind, not a month or two after the people have ceased to think of them. The promptness with which the Review liirnisnci its read ers with the most authoritative intorma tion upon the topics of the day is one of its most valuable features, SUBSCRIPTION PR CE $5 K YEAR. THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW, 3 East i4tta St., New York. and Opium Habits UOIUU Wllll- .Uook ol pnr- ticulnrasciitFKKF. sssssssaansassB.M.wijt Atlanta, Ua. Office m .WOOLI.EY.M.K. KMHWlilteuaUSt. SOLE AGENT. PHARMACISTS, Asheville, N. C. LIQUOR HOUSE Telephone Call No. 79. 1893. Harper's "Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly is acknowledged as stand ing first among illustrated weekly periodi cals in America. It occupies a place between that of the hurried dailv paper And that of the less timely monthly magazine. It in cludes both literature nnd news and presents with equal force and felicity the real events of current history and imaginative themes cf fiction. On account of Its very complete series of illustrations ol the World's Fair, It will be not only the beat guide to the great Exposition, but also its best souvenir. Hvcry public event of general luterest w ill be fully illustrated in its pages. Its contributions being from the best writers and artists in this country, it will continue to excel in liter ature, news, and illustrations, all other pub lications of its class. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per veart HARPER'S MAGAZINE $4 00 HARPIiR S WBBKLY OO HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPBR 8 YOUNG PBOPLB a 00 Postage free to nil snhscrihem In th United State, Canada and Mexico. The volumes of the Weekly begin with the numbers for January of each year. When no nme is mentioned, unsct-ipt'ona will begin with the number current at the time or re. eeiot of order. Bound volumes of Harper's Weekly for three years back, In sent cloth binding, will be sent hy mall, postage paid, or by express, free of cxpi-ase (provided the freight dors not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7.00 per volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be tent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be mane by postoflice money order or draft, to avoid chance of loss. New snapert arc not to coot this ilnllu. ment without the express order of Harper Ac Address: HARPBR & BROTHERS, New York. FOR RENT. Overbrook Home. A'good house at Biltmore station, In a nice grovcof oaks overlooking the Bwannanoa valley, with seven acres of land. Apply to J. M. BROOKBHIRB. Headersonville, Or D. P. II BRNDON, Biltmore, N. C. nov29dlw I