9 9 evme PRICE 5 CENTS- VOLUME VIII.-NO. 193. ASHEVILLE, N. C., MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 12, 189. Ash Daily Uitizeiio JUST RECEIVED! CHINESE PRESERVES Canton (linger l'ots aud Half Tots. Crystalizod Canton (linger in y awl lb. tius. Orysteilized. APRICOTS, PINEAPPLE, GROCERIES! wis keep the hbst grades and IJIALITIES IN VARIETY AM) ASSORT MENT THAT INSVRES TO ALL IWYERS ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY IN GETTING jrsr what they waxt. come ix AXD SHE OCR COMPLETE ASSORT MEXT. YOUR XISEDS HAVE BEEN STUDIED, VOIR HM.VT.S HAVE HUES' UNDERSTOOD. AND NOW WE ARE WAIT- ISO TO I'LEASE YOU PERFECTLY WITH TIIEIIEST GROCERIES Yur CAS FIND AXYWHERE. YOUR TRADE IS VAI.UA- HI.E. WE ARE OVT FOR THE PRIZE. DOLL BAZAR. THIS IS THIS NAMB WE MVST CALL Ol'R DOLL Dlil'AKTMBNT THIS VBAS. THE THEATER CONDEMNED HEKMON ON THE SUBJECT LAST EVENINGt A. D. COOPER, CHERRIES, PEARS, PRUNES, LIMES. KROGER. REAL ESTATE. W. B. GWYN. W. W. WEST. Gwyn & West, (Successors to Walter B. Gwyn ) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Ceiit. Notury 1'ubPc, Commissioner of foecdv FIRE INSURANCE, SOUTHEAST COURT SQUARE. BON MARCHE BEAUTIFUL LINE OF NOVELTIES FOR THE HOLIDAYS I HANDSOMB PLUSH CBLLULOlb SILK AND SILVER ORNAM liNTS; ALSO A FINE LINE OF USEFUL GOODS, SUCH AS A NEW LINE 01' DRESS GOOHS, LADIES' REEF ERS. KID GLOVES, RM'.BONS, Etc. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF MATE RIALS I'OK ARTISTIC NEEDLE WORK. N. n LARGE DISCOUNT ON CHILDREN'S LONG WRAl'S. BON MARCHE. CORTLAND BROS.. Real Estate Brokers And Investment Agents NOTARY PUBLIC. I.uans Ki-urcly placed at 8 per cent. Offion 24 St 2A Potton Arenac. Second ;floor, fc-bOdlT HAVE YOU EVER SMOKED Tbe following brands of clears? If you buve not you have certainty missed the very best S cent cicurs sold in she city. The celebrated "KISS 01' THE WAVES," 0 cents straight Hlonibers's "EXTRA GOOD," 6 cents, six for S3, cents j "ESSENCE OP ROSES,' cents straight. All are long Havana tillers, THE MODEL CIGAR STORE 17 PATTON AVENUE. JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. Furnished and Unfurnished Houses. OFFICE ROOMS. Loans securely placed at Eight per cent, Al.BKKT g. WILLS AKTIU'SJ. WILLS, WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS NO. 39 PATTON AVE. FITZPATRICK BROS. Contractors and Dealers in WE HAVE TIIE.I OF ALL KINDS AXD WILL OFFER SPECIAL I'RIC E S O X THEM FROM XOW TILL THE I3TU. OCR TOY DE J. PARTMENT IS IMMENSE AND YOl' CAN EIXD A.?k'. THING IN THIS LIXE Vol' WANT AT A VERY LOW THRASH'S CRYSTAL PALACE, TWO STORES. j) South Main M .iliid II Puttou Avi-mu;. Pastor White of tbe First Bapttat Cburch Delivers the First of a Series of Talks on Popular Amusements. "Tbe institution results iu prostitu tion," snid Rev. J. L. White, pastor of the First Baptist church, referring fo the theater, in a sermon preached last even inp in his church before a congregation that tested the capacity of the large auditorium and listened earnestly to what was doubtless the plainest, most powerful sermon on the subject ever de livered here. The sermon was the fust of a series ol four which Mr. While will preach on "Popular Amusements." The text was: There is a way which set-m -111 rixht unlo a man. but the end thereof are the ways ol death. Even in liiuehter the Ucim is sorrowful; nnd the end of that mirth is heaviness. Proverbs 14: 12 13. "The greatest dancer to Christianity," Mr. White said in opening, "is 'society.' There are now no amphitheatres in which the fierce beast leaps upon the humble follower of Christ; there are no prisons.no deaths at the stake, lint the hiss, the cut, which is used by some to compel Christians to surrender their principles is employed at the demand ol NEW ENGLAND CONDENSED MINCE MEAT. CONVEXIEXCE IX THE KITCHEN IS OF THE HIGHEST IMPORTANCE. CONDENSED MINCE MEAT EN I IlLES THE HOUSEWIFE TO PRL PARE A DELICIOUS MINCE PIE IN i' MINUTES TRY ONE PACKAGE. POWELL& SNIDER Z I P S3 O (J o 4; l! Mixed Paints and Painters' Supplies, WALL PAPER. 30 NOKTU ;MiISTBBKT, ASl'BV.LLB, . C. TELEPHONE NO. 12. Q i o 0 o "8 5 Ot O 5 Q W PC RT.V MR C4MI'III:.I. CO o o J. Has. ljJSZ 37 Patton Avenue. SILVER, POTTERY AND ART GOODS. Every day is opening day now till Christ mas. All are invited to call and call often. Specially .low prices on pictures of all kinds, and 15 per cent, off prices of framed artist proof etchings for this week only. Why put off buying Christmas presents till the last moment? GET YOUR XMAS CANDIES Ilcinltsli &. Reagan's DRUG STORE, Patton Ave, and Church St We are the Sole Agents lor the Prince of Darkness. A young man is often 'tabooed' if he refuses to attend the theater, the dance, the euchre party or the wine supper. Against this spirit and these institutions we speak. We use no 'Puritan severity,' but wish to nj ply argument to reason. We avow our laith in recreation. lhe Christian with houe and faith to sus tain is the happiest person on the earth. He can reiaice evermore m the Lord. lie has pleasures untold. He can have fun and laugh. These are a necessity nnd arc as harmless as work when not as- sotiated with evil. Manv amusements arc not connected with sin. Such are manv parlor games whuh refresh the wearied mind, and manv outdoor ever cises that are exhilarating. Amusements must draw their moral qualities from their association. When they are linked with established institu tions ot sin thev are siiitul. the theater is an institution. II it bcouc of sin, then theatergoing is sinful and must be avoided." Mr. White then reviewed the history ol the theater from its organization in Greece down to the present day. Con tinuing, he said : Thenatureol theatrical performances. the essential dcmaniis ot the stage, tin constitution of human nature m ike it impossible tor the theater to ex st save under the lawof degeneracy. Theactors and actresses are upon the whole im moral. 01 course there are exceptions. The fact 19 enough. 1 hey arc 'excep tions.' The concession is demonstra tion. There are tew whose names are comparatively unsullied. Hut they are dangerous, hecause tney decoy to me infamous. Among the vast majority virtue is unknown. Lewdness is master. "The institution results in prostitu tion. We do not speak exclusively of the lower order but of the so-culled best. The manner in which girls are forced to dress is degenerating. The opera is un dressed; it is nudity. Think of a young girl entering such a I'le when her home training had been noble. It is heathen ish. Dr. Cuyler, an observer of men and of society says 'The average theater is a gilded nustincss.' "The plays themselves are very cor rupt. Again we speak of the best plays. Ccrtaiulv the lower are degradiilg. 1 11st as certainly are Shnkespcarc'sniuiall Un rest. In these the spirit of revenge for insult is taught. Injured honor can only be vindicated at the point ol the sword. Such is unchristian. It is contrary to the teachings of our Lord. When tl e life of Christ, as exhibited on the cross, is introduced it is done for ridicule and to excite the disgust of the auditors. When good traits in character are intro duced this is only to make bad pat-sinus more prominent. "It is well known that Edwin Ilooth never allowed 111s children to attend tne theater without first examining the plav. Macrcady advised against theatergoing. I know its iiillueucc upon the young. The girls and boys of my congregations who have attended now and then, 01 habitually, have had no positive Chris tian influence. Instead of helpingChrist's kingdom thev, hinder; instead ot saving they often corrupt. Their spiritual gar ment is not always brought awav un spotted by the flesh. Young men have frankly told me that tney have leit tnc exciting scenes of the theater and have sought gratification for their aroused sensual passions; that thev have men led along in the giddy whirl to the bar room aud to the card table, oung men always leave with base ideas of woman. Verily, the steps of the theater take hold on hell, nnd its chambers arc the cham bers ol death. Someone asks: 'Are not some good Cnn't we attend those? 1 have granted that some are good, being exceptions but we should uot attend those which are exceptions. They are part of the in stitution, they keep bad company. Anron tried to mix good with evil. H worshiped the Lord before the call, but God did not accept it because evil was present. The word 01 uou condemns tins in stitution. The term theater is not used but all manner of Bin is condemned. 1 have proven the theater to be an insti tution of lust, that it engenders and en rnurnpes lewdness. It destroys snip itual aspirations; it ridicules the Bullet in 11s 01 Christ, it corrupts tne youin It the institution docs not Dreak the law of God, if it is not evil, nothing in this world is against itis law. "Friends, we oiler you a more excellcu way. Keep thyself pure. Live right eously More God and man. Count all things loss tor a good name, tor the friendship ol .Testis Christ. Shun, there fore, the place and the people who would beguile you, and lead vou astray." "The Modern Dance" will be treated on next Sunday evening by Mr. White. New Pustor's sermon at tbe l- lrst Presbtteriau. The Kev. Mr. Campbell, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, preached his initial sermon Sunday morning to a large and attentive congregation. The text of the discourse was from Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians, 2nd chapter, 1 to 5 inclusive. The sermon was an earnest setting forth of the duty of pastor aud peo ple to preserve the Christian lailh iu its primitive simplicity; conforming their religious life to the life of Paul and the early Christians. Mr. Campbell stated his sincere belief in the power of a sim ple utterance of gospel truths, the una dorned preaching of "Jesus Christ and Him Crucified." He spoke of the Inset ting temptation of many ministers to preach to win the applause of their hearers and 111 hopes of gaining a reputa tion for literary skill. "The minister," he said, "who feels his own weakness, and comes before his people in fear and much trembling, relying not upon the enticing words ot men s wisdom, but upon the demonstration ol the spirit win win souls. Leaning upon God his very weakness becomes his strength." Mr. Caiiiobill referred to a statement of the Kev. Arthur I Pierson, that for eighteen years he preached, striving 111 Ins sermons lor literary and rhetorical excellence, but without success 111 his ministry. Mr. Pierson sought the Divine lid in prayer and it was revealed to him that he must preach "Jesus Christ with earnestness and simplicity." lie did so and was rewarded with more souls in eighteen months than he had before won for Christ in as many years, lluswas of especial interest to at least one mem berot Mr. Cambell's congregation who a number of years ago, was often one ol Mr. Pierson s listeners 111 a Northern eitv. Mr. Pierson s congregation then consisted largely of wealthy and cultured people, and his sermons, scholarly, erudite, finished 111 matter and delivery suited Ins hearers. 1 he clinreli was burned, anil Mr. Pierson preached lor a time in a new opera house crowds of people ol the poorer class attended the ser vices at lis st , partly out of curiosity per ha;s. Manv c ime to see the new opera house but staved toheartheprcaclur. Mr Pierson soon changed his sermons from argnmcntativc, persuasive discourses, to burning utterances ol gospel truths The people continued to flock to hear hitu and a wonderful religious revival ensued. The writer remembers hearing Mr. Pierson remark m one ot his ser mons: "For eighteen years 1 have preached for the glorv of A. T. Pierson, now 1 preach for the glory ol God." The new choir yesterday surpassed itsclt 111 1 he musical part ol the services, 1 here are some excellent voices among the singers, and it is evident from the excellent results he has produced, that Mr. Collins has a talent lor chorus training. AT THIi MOUTH OF A PWTOI, POISONED IY WHOLESALE A sTARTLIMi HTORY I'llOJl IIOM ettTICAP, PA. BUNCOMBE SYRUP OF TAR There Was, It In Allciccd, a Con: HPlrucv to Polnon scores) ol Non 1 nl on Meu WI111 Took StrlkerN' IMaces-Scvcrat ArreslH Made. Pirrsniiu;, Pa., Dec. 11!. A Sunday paper published a startling story yester day of a conspiracy to poison by whole sale the non-union meu at the Carnegie steel plant at Homestead, and as a re sult, it is alleged, several persons lost their lives, while scores are buffering from the effects of the poisonous drug. Devel opments made, it is said, implicate mem bers of the advisory committee of the Amalgamated association and officers of other labor organizations. Today nine or more persons are under arrest, ostensibly on less serious charges hut really for the purpose of averting suspieiou until others iu the alleged con spiracy could.be apprehended. The only name given is Kobert tseatty who was arrested at Louisville last night. It is stated that the chief cook inside the Homestead mills confessed to having placed poison in the food prepared for the non-union men; that he did so at the instigation of the strikers' committees and that he was also under pay from them as well as from the Carnegie com pany. If he caused death and sickness sufficient to frighten the non-union men from the mill and compel the closing of the mill, he said, he was to receive $5,000. Two assistants he engaged, it is stated, became frightened, and in formed Mr. Frick of the crime. This led to the arrest ol the chief cook, nnd as stated above, he made a full confesjion. OFFICIAL VOTE OK WYOMING. Mm She Wan Forced to DIurry, and la Given a Divorce. In the Superior court this morning the sc of Carrie Howard vs. Waller How- rd, petition for divorce, was heard. The petitioners, both ol whom arc North Carolinians, swore that iu thcyearlSS7 the defendant forced her to marry him t the muzzle of a revolver, threatening that il she did not marry hi 111 h: would II her and himsell as well. 1 he couple ved together only a short time. The erstwhile Mrs. Howard is a pretty oman ol perhaps IT). The delend- nt, Howard, din not appear. I he di oree was granted. Eng. D. Carter was the plaintiff's attorney. lliccasc ol 1.11. Ileinpiini vs. 1. . Morrison, action for debt, has been occupying the court's attention this alter- on. 1 lie case was tried at lust court, mt the judge set the verdict aside. I'llllv IN HTATKSVII.I.Iv. The I.eglHlnture Given to the Re publicum. Ciii:vi:.NXi;, Wyo.,Dec. 10. The official count of the State vote has been made public. A contest was opened on the returns from Cudon county, there being two sets. One was horn the county clerk, who re elected lumselt and gave the Kepnblicans the Legislative delega tion, lie threw out Hanna precinct on technicalities. The other returns are from the other two members of the board and count Hanna precinct. The Republican attorney contended that the clerk is the so!e canvasser and that the justices were his subordinates and clerical assistants, it was urged bv the Democrats that the county can vassing boards consist of three members and that the majority must rule. The board accepted the returns sent by the clerk of Cardon county. This gives tht Legislature to the Republicans. The Democrats will organize the house and act upon the contest. Ill GF: Ulil RLS IN ORIGINAL PACKAGES FROM THE FACTORY Ten or Twelve nuslness Houhch Hi'HlrovtcI Walter Culbreth of Ililtinnic received e.tenlnv afternoon a letter from a rela- ivc at titatcsvinc, staling mat nrc nan icen discovered in the heart uf the busi ness portion of the town early Sunday morning, and at the time the letter was written, 8 o clock a. 111., was stil it. The letter said that ten or buru- twelvc usiness houses had been destroyed. C, S. Cooper, a former resident ol Statesville, and J. II. llosiie, who has consideialilc property interests there, were seen bv Tin; Citizkn today, but aid they had heard nothing whateverol he fire. I.I UOI'KAN TKAUF.. Jolued the Salvation Armv New York, Dec. 12. Miss limma Van Norden, the eldest daughter of Mr. War ner Van Norden, President of the Hank of North America, who is well known in society, has joined the Salvation Army and is a lull Hedged uniformed soldier. Everybody should keep in mind the grand opening at Lindjev & Brown's art parlors, South court place, on the 14-th and 15th instant, and don't forget the 15 per cent, off on all sales until January lit, 1803. -AND- WILD GHERRY The KallwavH Kill About 7,000 Persons a Year. Wasiiixotox, Dec. 12. The fourth statistical report of the inter-statc com merce commission shows that the mile age in the United States June 30, lS'Jl, was nearly 170,000 miles, an increase of nearly 5,000 miles over that of the pre vious year. The total capitalization was nearly $10,000,000,000; the gross earnings were upwards of $1,OOG,000, 000; number of passengcrsearricd during the vear,5;il',000,(IOO; number of tons 01 freight. G7o,000,000. The number ol killed by the railways during tiie year was about 7,000; and t he number in jured, 35,000. TRACV AN ALARMIST? Is a safe and reliable cure for coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness and all affec tions arising from an inflamed condition of the throat and lungs. Price, 25 cts Manufactured at Glint's Pharmacy, 24 South Main Street. BUNCOMBE SARSAPARILLA, with Iodide of Potash. Sarsapurilla has been long esteemed as possessing decided alterative properties, and, in combination with Iodide of Po tasium, exerts a marked curative action in all diseases due to impurity 01 tne blood, especially such as are inherited or are the result of Syphilitic or Mercurial Blood Poisoning. By its use you can save yourself from the suffering caused by foul Erup tions and Ulcerous Sores, through which the system strives to rid itself of Corruptions. It Purines the Blood, giving it renewed Vitality and Force. Being an Alterative, it changes the action of the system, imparting Fresh Strength and Vigorous Health, The Concentrated Power and Curative Virtues of Buncombe Sarsaparilla render it the most Reliable Blood Purifier (that can be used, while it is entirely safe for patients of all ages. Manufactured at Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South Main st. BUNCOMBE LIVER PILLS are mild, yet sufficient; do not cause pain or gripe, and act upon the liver and bowels. They are especially valuable as after dinner pills, and readily cure constipation and constiveness, nausea, distress in the stomach, etc. They are purely vegetable and we be lieve they are tae best family pill yet pre pared and offer them with perfect confi dence, believing that whenever used it will be with the happiest results. Try them and judge for yourself. At Grant's Pharmacy lie Seen an Aggressive Fore iu 11 Pollcv PoiiUlitu Our Way. Wasmixctox, D. C, Dec! 2. .Secretary Tracy in his annual report says our new navy now consists of forty-two ves sels. Recommendations are made for the building of four small vess.ls for river service and thirty torpedo boats. The aggressive policy of foreign na tions, the report says, continues, anil this country, whether it will or not, will soon be force 1 into a position where it can not disregard measures which form a standing menace to its prosperity and security. A KILLING KIO. I Plan For Itirect I. lues to South ern pons. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 12. The movc- nientforthc establishment of direct trade with Europe by means of ocean service from South Atlantic ports has taken shape in the adoption of a plan suggested by Colonel Pope and accepted by the Georgia Central and East Tennessee rail roads. Among other railroads strongly lavorin" and promising support to the direct trade movement nrc the Louisville and Nashville, Richmond nnd Danville aud the Plant system. HInliie and the Catholic Chinch. Ni;w York, Dec. 12.-The Times' Washington special says that Father Dutfy, of New York, was in Washington yesterday. His visit revived rumors concerning Mr. Blaine's religious views, It was the talk at the hotels Inst night that Blaine would join the Catholic church shortly. Thev Would Cheer Crisp. Washington, Dec. 12. The House, on Speaker Crisp's entrance at noon today. present'.)! a most unusual scene. The Democrats arose and cheered him vocif erously. The Republicans joined 111. 1 he speaker rapped for order, but the House refused to come to order nnd continued for some time. molds Ills Heat. 1 Dt iu.iN, Dec. 12. The anti-Parncllites were defeated in their attempt to unseat William Redmond, member for -East Clnrc. The contest was 011 the ground of intimidation. There will be 15 per cent, discount given on every side at Lindscy& Brown's art purlors, South court place, after the 14th instant, until January 1st, 181)3. Estabrooa's line of pocket books, card eases and leather goods of every descrip tion is tbe hncst aud prices tbe lowest. Au Indian Outlaw Who Has Mur dered Mauv. El. Paso, Tcx., Dee. 12. From yester day's Southern Pacific express fiom the West it is learned that the wife of Kid, a notorious Indian refugee, had returned to the San Carlos reservation 'and sur rendered. She says Kid has committed many murders which have been charged to others. Every effort will be made by the armv to capture Kid. Allt'iced to be a Poisoner. Hakrisiuki;, Pa., Dec. 12. Deputy Sheriff Farrell has applied to the gover nor for a requisition on the governor of Kentucky for the delivery of Robert T. Beattv to the Allegheny county authori ties. Bcattv is under arrest in Louisville for assault. There is strong evidence to show that he is concerned in poisoning non-unionists at the Carnegie works Homestead. N CONNECTION with my line of Men's goods I carry shoes; that is, men's shoes. Do you wear shoes ? If so it may interest you to come and see me as 1 am selling a line of men's and boys' shoes at a bits reduction. Desira ble goods. No old stock. F. E. MITCHELL, ' 28 Patton Avenue, Asheville Salolll Recalled. Ni;v Vokk, Dec. 12. Rumors reached here last night that Mgr. Satalli had been recalled by the Pope besause of his recent address on tbe school question. Some Tale ot Woe Behind This VlliNXA, Dec. 12, Uaron Frederick Wergelspig, adjutant to Emperor Fran cis loscph, has committed suicide. The cause is unknown. 'Twill Break William's M-earl Bkrlin, Dee. 12. In an article headed "Shipwreck" the Tagcblatt says the military bill's defeat is already u foregone conclusion. Don't selcet your Xmas presents until vou sec the fine display of pictures and frames at Lindsey & Brown's art parlors next Wednesday aud Thursday, the 14th and 16th instant. Estubrook has on exhibition a large collection of Engravings, Etchings and Photographs, framed and unframed, at 22 and 35, bouln Main street. Do not forget Lindsey & Brown opening days, Wednesday and Thursday in their art parlors, south court place. Clocks! Clocks! Clocks! Small Clocks, Large Clocks, Nickel Clocks, Alarm Clocks, Wood Clocks, Marble Clocks, Onyx Clocks, Weight Clocks. IF YOU WANT CLOCKS YOU CAN GET THEM BY CALLING ON B. H. COSBY, Patton Ave., AshcTlUe, N. C. Large Assortment of Rest Rmnria smalt quantities or b; box. CIGARETTES I G LATEST NEWSPAPERS 1 ' MAGAZINES, NOVELS, g RAY'S CIGAR STAND AND TICKET OFFICE, Strauss' Hotel, 38 Bothh Main Street. -TRY THE MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY THU TBKV BEST WOBJK, CHURCH STREET, TELOOI It

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