AROUND TOWN. Washington, Dec. 13. Forecast till S p.m. lhursdar. Generally lair: cooler; nortneriy moos. Thos. T. Cornwall of Atlanta is iu tbe city. Hunter Arnold of Cadi, 0., is here today. Geo. K. Pritchard of Bakersvilli' Asheville. L. L. Sojjar of Cleveland, 0 , is at tbe swannanoa. J. D. Murpliy, esq., bus returned from Philadelphia. Local revenue collections visterdav amounted to $4S3.93. Three drunks in Recorder Miller'scourt this morning paid $o each. J. M. Leaco ot Wavneviile came over to Asbeville this afternoon. M. V. Izlar of Sumter, S. C, is auto graphed at the Grand Central. At Grant's pharmacy at 2 p. m today the thermometer registered o'JJ. W. B. Trent and M. S. McCkllan of Knoxvillc are at the Swannanoa. V. M. Lytic of Spartanburg came up to Asheville on business yesterday. Capt. Melvin 12. Carter left this after noon for Charlotte on professional busi' ncss. Miss Love Milliard has returned to Asbeville after an extended visit to friends in Charlotte. C. L. Crutehfield of the Kaleigh State t-bromele nunc up to Asbeville vebterdav and went out to Waynesville this morn ing. The citv's giadinc forte, under I. K liallew, began the work of widening and ,;i ading .North Mam street yesterday at ternoon. Gen. h. K. Hampton went down to Morganton yesterday to attend the an nual meeting of directors of the State hospital at that place. M. Marks, who has been with the Bal timore clothing house here for some time, left today (or (ioldsboro, where he lias accepted a position. Rev. B. S. Tipton of this county will preach in the Christian church, comer Spruce and Woodlin streets, next Sun day morning and evening. The Raleigh News and Observer savs udge II. 11. Carter, T. II. Cobb, Thos. A.Jones and Chas. A.Moore of Asbeville are at the Yarboro in that citv. n ngnt stcoman is in uie city again after an extended tour of the Southern States, in the interest of the Asbeville Tobacco Works and Cigarette company A class in Trinity church Sunday school will exhibit tor sale at ltl Hailey street on Thursday afternoon, the 14-th, some nieelv dressed dolls and other small articles. The members of the city polite force were paid off for one month by Treas urer J. 12. Rankin today. Tbe citv still owes the policemen ILtir salaries for a month and a half. today a number oi tobacco wagons were lett standing on Patton avenue in front of Carter's warehouse, forcing la dies and pedestrians to take to the north side of the street in order to pass. The New York Sun of Monday notes the arrival in that city of George Y. Vanderbilt, and savs: "Mr. Yuw'er bilt is confined to his bed with a slight sickness resulting from a cold and the fatigue of the journey." The public generally is invited to the meeting of the Lyceum this evening to hear the address to be made before the society by Alaj. Hubert Bingham, ol Bingham's school. It is cxneeted that Capt. T. V. Patton will also speak. W. B. Williamson returned yesterday afternoon from Philadelphia, where In- had been visiting his brother, Wcldnn E Williamson, who was shot a short time ago by John V. Smathers. Mr. William son says the wounded man is improving rapidly, being now able to walk about his room. HOSPITAL OPENING. Everbodv Invited Haturdav Af ternoon from j to 3 O'clock. Tbe new Mission hospital, at the cor ner of Woodfin und Charlotte streets, is to be thrown open to the public for in spection next Saturday afternoon, De cember 17, from 3 to 5 o'clock. The ladies of the Board of Managers will be present, to receive the friends of the institution and show them over Un building erected lor the continuation, on an enlarged plan, of the good work the institution has long been doing. All private rooms in the building have been furnished, also two wards and reception room. The ladies desire that the public shall know of the generosity with which their efforts have been met. The mnnagers invite everybody to tbe hospital opening, and will be glad to see a large number of friends on Saturday afternoon from 3 to 0 o clock. Dr. CurreM'o Lecture. On Friday evening, December 16, Dr W. S. Currcll will deliver the second lecture of the V. M. C. A. course. Dr. Currcll is Professor of liimlish at David son college. He is a man of pleasing address and makes a charming lecture. Little pleasantries add spice to his style. His subject will be"Literature and Life." Course tickets for the ten lectures are still on sale at $1.50. A Good Number. The twelfth number, Tolumc two, ot tbe Lyceum magazine, with an inviting table of contents, is out. The editorial paragraphs, "As Viewed from the Heights," Wrong Principles in Criminal Law." by G. H. Mayer; "Some Lessons of the Recent Strikes," by Judge Charles E. Fenner, are among the excellent con tributions of this issue of tbe Lyceum. Hotel Arrival. Glen Ruck: Dr. Hard wick and daugh ter, Marshall, N. C; Miss Sallie Sted- man, Sylva.N, C; Mrs. Dunistorm, Miss Dunistorm, Toronto, Canada; W. K. Howard, Atlanta; I. K. Cockson, Spar tanburg, S. C; Geo, W. Means, Con cord, N. C; G. L. Reno, Carters. Books and Booklets. Children's books, new calendars from Marcus Ward Dutton, K. Tuck & Sons and others all at Law's, 37 Patton ave nue. Dolls I Dolls I Dolls ! Every kind from a penny tip, bee oar line bisque heads, jointed and dressed for 25 cents, rnrasn s, ratton avenue. Airy rooms flooded with sunshine are the ART Pablobs of Ltndsey & Brown, filled with holiday goods, opening two days and nights. 15 per cent, discount. Many dealers are advertising goods at cost and at reduced prices. Estabrook's first prices are so low that no reduction ia necessary to suit customers. The pictures at Law's are selling fast. They are under the usual price and are particually good pictures, too. - THE TOBACCO MARKET. Heavy Breaks and Saiisfactorv Prlcea tne Kale Sprinkle &Lawson, of the Iiagle ware house, make the following report to The Citizen of recent sales at their house : "J. V.Salesbce,3 lots, at 14 75, 42 and 2C; S. J. Salesbec, 5 lots, at 9, 9.25. 22.50, 34, 32; Larkin Doekerv, 8 lots, at 29, 3S, 16 50, 24.50, 8.50," 30, 22 50, 9.25; Alfred Doekery, 5 lots, at 15 50, 17, 32, 23 50. S.25; W. M. Parham, G lots, at 20,25, 26. 21.50,19,11; Geo. Doekery, 9 lots, at 10 50, 15.50, 40. 30, 1(.00, 48, 35, 12. 11.50; Lindsev & Kv mer, 8 lots, at 37, 45, 19, 70, 19 50, 38, 69, 60; Tom Salesbec, 7 lots, at 10, 21 3o, 48, 15, 31, 32; G. G. Rector oi Ball 7 lots, at 34,20 50,38,23.50,20.50 10.75, 8.75; Cling Clark, 6 lots, at 48 22 50,9.50, 11.75, 31.8: Ball & Ram sey. 6 lots, at 10.25, 24.50, 27, 42, 25, 11.50; Caroline Doekery, 7 lots, at 9. 67, -'oo. l-'.oo, L'6, 34; oe Hall lots, 11, 12, 13.75, 28, 20; G. G. Rccior an J H., 1 1 lots, at 12, 12.50, 33, 22.50, 50,70. 37, 7, 8.50. 22 50, 31; Cling uavis Kector, 14 lots, 224 lbs. at 38, 18o lbs. atl8, 114 lbs. at 14.25, 225 lbs at 63. 155 lbs. at 22 50, 59 lbs. at 20 222 lbs. at 32; 270 lbs. at 11 50, 122 lbs. at 9, 100 lbs. at 9, 31 lbs. at 10,112 lb: at 11, 88 lbs. at 23.50. "The above are actual sales made on our floor. We defy Lynchburg or Van viile or any other market to show a bet ter record. Bre-iks have been beavv ami prices very satisfactory. Our market is active on all grades with character and color. Fancy wrappers and cutters are in great demand at limb onces. There were large breaks at the Farm ers and Carter s warehouses today. From HuslotiM Standpoint As to the moral side of tbe Keelev cure for drunkenness and the opiom habit tiiere can be no discussion. Let's look at it from a business standpoint. A graduate of tbe institute at Greensboro writes: "It is now twelve months since I was cured. For twenty years before my cure 1 never made a dollar. During the past year I have made a support and nave iji-Hio by me besides. Ap ply this to every day hie. Sav that there are 10,000 men addicted to" drink in North Carolina men who arc unlit ten tor business consumers, not pro ducers. Let them take advantage of the Keeley cure and a simple calculation will show that $4,000,000 has been added to tbe wealth ot the State where not penny was made before. Do vou know oi any investment, besides the great good it does, and the happiness it brums that pays so well as the small sum paid to the institute at Greensboro lor the treatment ol drunkenness? lay Gould's dollars don't bother us. We're hustling to make our trieiids rich Shall we help vou to juicy meats of Bun combe and lenuessce or would you pre- icr a selection Irom Armour s dainties, tenderloins, blets, I rankurter, sausage bolognas ami head cheese. Plump poul try, oysters tne iieiRcttonol oualitv.and fresh fish of many sorts, are on our stalls lor your choosing. Hill & Shank, Cen ter Aisle, City Market. Buy your boy a Xinas suit and over- coat. The styles arc exact. Prices lower than ever at W bitlock Clothing House THE MARKETS. Htock UuoditloiiN. NkV VokK. Iti-L- 14. Rrip 'J.'U.- I'hi.-m'n ami Northwestern Hi ; Luke Shore 1 31 ; Norfolk Htul Wi-su-m. :i'.t; Richmond and West Point Terminal : WtRtcrn I nion Baltimore I'rlcen. PiI.Tl.voHK.IIct 1 Flour, dull: western fluot-r 1 iftL2 lo; turn. .'J5iti.: 10; funitlv, 3.PM.3.KO. Wheat, dull nnd r:isv: No. ii red pnt and Oee. 71 .January 74 lt((t7:". Corn Hud. spot and year U. CUlcaKo Market. CmcA'-.o, Dec. 1. Wheat January 73-s. MityTh's. Corn Janunry :o, Ma'yJU ats May 3.riij. Pot k . lanuary l.VTO Mnv 15.75, I.ard Jjinuarv .i.72Vs, Mut 9.11) Short ribs January " H21!'-., May 8. 17V4. COttOlli Nrw York, lice 1. An advance of from 8 toy points in the near mouths and 0 point on the distant months whs recorded in the first dealings in tuturcs this morning. 1 he trudinK was desultory nnd the demand ol the first h ur was 7!.0()0 bales lor March delivery. Total sales too noon 15,000 bales. Latest vales: January 957, February UG7, March 975, April !I87, .May 983. Mew Vork Market. Nkw York, Pec. 14. Stocks dull; States, du!l: governments steady. Cotton futures, opened firm; Iiecember U.5N; jtinuarv 9 t2; February, 9 71; March 9.7M; April it.KS; May, 9 9!i. Flour quiet and easy Wheat active and steady. Corn ilult and weak. Fork inactive and strong; mess $14 50M tlti.oo. Lard dull and w eak Spirit Turpentine quiet and steady. Kosin limited demand. Freights dull and numi. cul. index to New AdvertlaenieuiM. Lost Miss Howyer Big Ihivh Fulcnwidcr. BoARlilNo 55 Uollese Street Taniibm Bicyci.K a. M. Rosa. Ai.K Chas. H. Campbell. Figaro Cii.aks Koysor i Smith. MRS. M'A FEE'S house. No. 55 Colleire Street, has been rented by Mrs Wad dell, who is now ready for boarders. Strictly first class in every respect. dcl4dl w LOST A brown Ostrich Boa, between Starnes nyenuc and South Main .tree, by way ot Flint, Haywood street and I'at ton avenue. Keturn to Miss Howyer, 11 Starnes ayenue, and receive reward. 1 1 NOTICE Castle Hall, f'isisah Lodne. No. 32 K. of P.: Sir Kniebts Attend a meeting of your lodge this evening at 7:30 o'clock sharp. Visiting brothers invited. U. M. JUNES, C. C. Statement of the Condition OP THB BATTERY PARK BANK OF ASHEVILLE, N. C, At close of business December 9, 1892. Opened for business March 10, 1891. (Condensed.) RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $210,164 94- Overdrafts 16,770 01 Real estate 16,200 82 Merchandise 5,284 08 Furniture and fixtures 2,731 67 Expenses, etc 3,392 01 Bonds 2,300 00 Due from banks 37,91 37 Cash on band IS, 289 76 Total $313,074 66 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $100,000 00 Surplus 5,000 00 Undivided profits 8,950 67 Bills rediscounted 13,862 90 Due to banks 3,143 52 Deposits 182,117 57 Total $313,074 66 I. f. E. Rankin, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to tbe best of my knowledge and belief. j. a. kankin, lasmer. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14th day of December, 1892. iCOY venison, notary mono. Correct Attest: W. H. Ballard,) G. S. Powell, Directors. T,C Smith. J THE ASHEVILLE DAILY AT THE GRAXD. Lizzie Evans, "the petite soubrettc," who is known to Asbeville theatergoers, is to paytliecity another visit, presenting her new plav, "The Little Blacksmith," a piece that just tits the versatile little ac tress, when her friends will have a chance to see her again. Miss Kvnns and her company appear at the Grand tomor row, Thursday, evening. Of the plav and the star the Atlanta Constitution savs: ' If a c ilicism of tl'c play presented by , tne orient ai d clivcr little Lizzie livans, is based upon the reception it received by the audience and niter all, this is the fairest way to criticise ;mv pel lorninnce then the judgment must be tendered in simple truth that comedienne and plav rank among llic very best that have enlivened the theatergoing world if Atlanta for ninny a night's engagement. "Lizzie Evans will never sec the day when her popularity in Atlanta and the entire Southland shall lade. So bright, so natural and so genuinely original and clev-r, she was easily at home with her role last night and caught stonnsol applause with her lively little songs and many catchy turns." Seats arc now on sale nt Sawyer Bros.' The Njss Family in ' A (Juick Match," will make their second visit to Asheville on Friday evening, appearing at the Giand. The Howling Green, Kv., Times says : "The Noss family, in their musical comedy, 'A (Juick Match,' at l'otter's opera house last night, was something out of the ordinal y course, and was the most delightful 'entertainment of the kind given in this city. The audience showed its appreciation by freiiieiit and long continued applause anil several members ot the wonderfully gifted fam ily were called belorc the footlights t the third anil fourth time." Il.irrv Lacy in "The Planter's Wiie"al the lira ud Monday evening, Dee. !'.. Piano and haniuet lamps, f oVIuck tea stands, brass tables, etc . all very nice lor presents. Trices right. Thrash. Statement of the Condition THE NATIONAL BANK OF ASHEVILLE At AshvvilW', in llir State nt North Carolina. Loans ami I'iMotints 70 Uvei ilrnttn, sir uttd find unsiL-urrtl 7,?fV7 10 I'. S. llomls to secure I'irciilntton CtT.oOO OO I'. S. Itmuls to sicurc (kposils ,"ii,000 no MiTchiimliM 8,fV".i S4- Stocks, securities, etc. Z'j.IJJO (0 luie trom approved reserve agents 0,115 Due from other Na tional Hanks i 000 ()( lue from Mate Hun ks ami bankers 45 HankinK house, fur niture anil fixtures 15,130 M4 Uther real estate and mortK'UKi's owned 7.t7i 4" Current expenses and taxtspaid t,:.,;5 4s rremiums on V. S n-iuds. IG.OitO Oi Cheeks and other cixsh items r75 t Hills of other Hanks 1.05 On l'raetional pa pe r currency, nickels and cents im'.o fit Specie Hi. 75 7 5u Leal tender notes... ,4,0 US Ott iM.V.U 11 Redemption f u u d with I' S Treasurer, 5 per cent, of circu lation 1 ji7 50 Total $5ns,j7;i r4 l.i.vuii.i r J i. s Capital stock paid in M.'n.onn no Surplus fund ln.ouo no I'ndivitk d pro tits N,0 15 00 National Kink notes outstanding ."0,750 on Individual deports subject to cluck K'.l.M'l' L'li Ieniand eertitica es of deposit .0,471 75 Cashier's checks out stondinn 5.070 U4 I'nited States depos its is 007 41i Deposits of V. S. dis bursing otlieers ir, 00J 57 iI.';s(Mi7 U5 Due to other Nation al Hanks l-7li5 33 Due to State Hunks and hnnkers t oo Notes and hills rr discounted. , Total rvi.ino ot) 3 5 Statk oi- Nmhtii Carolina. Count v ot HutK'ombc, ) ss : I. Lnwrt'tU'c l'lilliani. Cashier nt' the ahuvr naim-il luink, do solemnly swear that the above statement i true" to the best of my knowledge and belief. LAW KUNCIi ru.UAM, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day ot I'eeember, ls'.tl'. I). C. Aum;i.L. ir.. Notary Public. Correct Attest : A I Lyman. 1 W. W i a k a k i, Director. W. T. U'K AVICI CHRISTMAS! r.iYB viHK am. im. x .xu YDI RSIll.F .1 TKH XT l!Y HKH1.U. ixa .i c.i.s; (; CAMriwu.'s Mixicn soiA. i. i:iox, stk.wy- IIICHRY.WI) SAKS.1'.KIU.., tit! A CASH Of-' "yffJ.V" OINOISH au:. oKimRs ki:ci:ii:i at HI-IXITSH A- HHr.AX. UA'f'i; smm:, soxm.HY iii ildixh. in- .U' 1-ACiONY, i'J,- HAYWOOD STMiliT. -O- FAMOUS FIGARO5 cow feei) Ifl nre-emiilMltlv th host, nrf inln rf hinA SALES! On and after this date we will give to every customer who buys a boX cf chance at the beautiful ladies' toilet case, costing $35, now on exhibition at our store. Remember in the FIGARO you get a ten cent cigar for five cents. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 1 1 O'CLOCK. RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 Patton Avenue. 30,000 IN 5 MONTHS CHRISTMAS Any onoof the following will for your mother, sister, sweetheart, wife, etc. LADIES' IHiSKS, FANCY KOCKERS, 1500 K CASES, CHINA CLOSETS, FANCY TABLES, Larn' Slock of Everything in the furniture line and at Low Prices. W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., FURNITURE AND CARPET STORE. 16 Patton Avenue. - - Asheville, N. C. WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. CQllXEll STORE, EAGLE BLOCK, South Main Street, - - Asheville, N. C. Wo offer winter clotliinjr for iiit-n nnd boys that can not lie equaled elsewhere. Dealing exclusively in men's wear we n re able to show larger lines and better styles in sizes to lit any shape. The public ia invited to compare our stock with others in the line. In order lo satisfy the clothing-buyers the dealer must have practical tailoring experience and proper taste to se lect such goods as will give general sat isfactioir The fact that the best, dressed men in this city buy their clothing from us proves that they have found our goods the best. We cany several hundred overcoats, ulsters, cape overcoats, mackintoshes; all cut in latest designs at right prices. In, addition to our superior stock of clothing we have the largest line of underwear, hosieiy, gloves, handker chiefs, E. & W. collars and an immense stock of neckwear. To complete the outfit we have hats, the only genuine Dunlnp hats and other good makes, always the best and most stylish. THE WHITLOOK CLOTHING HOUSE. PARLOR -AND- LATE DESIGNS IN CHAIRS FOR- CHRISTMAS AT- blair & McDowells, UNDERTAKERS AND FURNITURE DEALERS. No. 45 Patton Avenue ovpmjtliulu!,"atiT' DAY CALL NO. 75 TELEPHONE NIGHT CALL NO. 65, C. 3S3. ILVEoodsr CVrV STJl'X'JV YOU WITH FIREWOOD vdk ZXXAIV ANY SIZB READY F0R Kindlings and Charcoal. COK.J CHEAR4rG'aN H AK U CO A1 GRTES- MAKBS N SM0KB; Lunc, Portland and Louisville Cement nnd Plaster, Ar tificial Stone Tile and Concrete Works. Fancy Brick and Mortar Color. Agent for Kings Windsor Asbestos Cement, Dry Mor tar and Knoxrille Sewer Pipe Works. HAY- AND - FEED Office No. 30 Patton Avenue, I Yrd and Warehouse nr Depot. Telephone 40. Telephone 73. Is pre-eminently the in the market. It is not only nourishing to a high degree but also rich in milk producing element. CORN CHOP for cattle and horses is a cheap and nutritious feed. tSTFOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS.- ASHEVILLE MILLING COMPANY CAVALIER HEIGHTS To the first ten purchasers who want to build we will sell beautiful Iota by UwlLookout Mountain (Cavalier Mountain) Street car line at these prlces-goodonly for 80 days: Choice of 17 lots for S200. Priced at 00. Cholce;of 18 lots for $800. , Priced at fSOO. Choice of 10 lots for 800. Priced at 1900. Choice of 18 loUr $800. Priced at $1000. We are aow building; three One houses on these lots and will be glad to show joa this property and tell to you. , We are no ag.ot, but offer our owa land and want to stir up a alight breeie these duQ times. Let ut show you these lot. OTIS A. MIIXER Otct Ulmnansh'ti store, CITIZEN. PRESENTS inakea nice Christinas present CIIIFFONIKKS, FANCY CIIA1KS, SECRETARIES, SIDEBOARDS, HALL RACKS, ETC. , SUITES, PRESENTS ! best article of the kind No. Patton Avenue. Wednesday $4 50 " f SINGLE TON Jellico Lump ORDERS For Grates. TELEPHONES 36 & ASHEVILLE ICE $8.50 TRY THE HEW COAL, $7.00 Hard Coal Gayton Red Ash "Gayton" - .... FOR Fl'BNACBS, All Sizes. Semi-Antbracite. Grat6S) Rang6i. cmllN1 WINE m LW" STORES, NO, 19 NORTH MAIN AND Kii in stock "Mount Vrrnun," "Canadian Club," and Old llak-r Rye Whiskies The l.oi Wines, Hramlics, Bv-cr, Ale and Stout for fnnilly ose. All goods delivered (ret. Ale and Porter on draught, Kntcrem? No. 19 North Main and 1, CoHexe streets. Telephone No. 1B2. P. S.: On and alter May Uth I will send debted to me if not settled bv that time. Frank O'lDonnell PROPRIETOR CAROLINA SALOON. WE :LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW, NOW READY T ESTABROOK'S BIG Nos. 22 and 35 South Main Street. 2 S TORE: S 2 IMMENSE STOCK OUR DOLL DEPARTMENT AHEAD OF EVERYTHING. We are still in company with Santa Claus, and we can furnish everybody with fine Christmas and New Year gifts. Our stock is so varied that we cannot envnierate special tics, but invite everybody to come early and often and see what we have. Look out for our Christmas paper: H. T. ESTABROOK. FOR SALE Tandem Bicycle ! FOR LADY AND GENTLEMAN, CALL, A'D SEE ALBERT M. ROSS, Battery Park Hotel, TODAY OR TOMORROW. MARBLE HALL CLOTHING AND FURNISHING HOUSE, 32 South Main and 31 North Main, Is by far the best place in Western North Carolina to buy Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes. You will soon want an overcoat or new suit, eo you had better come now and make your selection. We have a large and complete stock of MENS' AND BOYS' SUITS and are the best fitting, and best looking, and best wearing garments on the market. DO YOU KNOW US.? If not now is the time to get acquainted and you will find us to be THE PEOPLE'S MONEYS AVERS. Q. WHITLOOK - Evening, December 14, 1892. $4.00 JellicoHut For"Stofes. 40. - " - AND COAL CO., 30 PATTON AVENUE 7 AND 71-2 COLLEGE STS. stat. tni-iil of utcounts by mail lo parties in- Kcsuectfallv. HOLIDAY DISPLAY ! OF NEW GOODS. - - PHOPRTT2TY1 R-":

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