(. - Citizen evilie PRICE 5 CENTS. 1 VOLUME VIII.-NO. 201. ASHEVILLE, N. C THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 22, 1892. Ash Daily i us I J 71 i P 1 i if 3 4 l. : Fresh Candy. Our Christmas Candies Expected Friday, Bee. 23rd, By Express. Only a limited number of three and five pound boxes to come. Persons desiring these sizes will do well to leave orders nt once. Candies, Nuts and Oranges at wholesale. Kroger. F0R CHRISTMAS l 50 Boxes of Florida Oranges, From 25 to 50c Per Dozen. Special Prices By the Box. ALMOXDS, PILIIBRTS, KRAZIL XVTS, I'liCAXS, ENGLISH WALNUTS. PICS, LAYBR RAISIXS, PATHS, SBHDLESS RAISINS I'RVXIiS, CI'RRAXTS, CIT RON. LARCH AXDSMALL STICK CANDY. PKLSCII MIXED CHOCOLATE AXU CAXOV. CANDV ROCK REAL ESTATE. W. B. GWYN. W. W. WEST. Gwyn & West, (Successors to Walter B. Gwyn ) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. 8OUTHBA8T COURT SjjUARB. IPRliSIl LOT Ol' CRACK- tuns axu cakes will ni: IX TODAY. l'LUM I'VO- "DIXGS, ETC. D. COOPER, COURT SQUARE. BI6 BARGAINS FOR CHRISTMAS We ask our many customer to sec our 25c, 50c. aud $1 Xmas Bargain Tables before baying your prcscuts. Many things on them worth dou ble the money. We still have many pretty dol'x. Will al low you IS p-r cent, off above one dollar purcbaws. This with our low pr'ccs will make them very cheap. A Merry Xmas to all. THRUSH'S CRYSTAL PALACE. A HARVEST OF WEDDINGS STEVENSON IS NOT COMING HAKRIAGE9 IN BUNCOMBE WITHOUT NUMBER. HE RETURNS TO ILLINOIS TO MORROW. BON MARCHE BEAUTIFUL LINE OF NOVELTIES FOR THE HOLIDAYS I IMPORTANT TO CONSUMERS ! HANDSOME FLUSH CELLULOID SILK AND SILVER ORNAMENTS; ALSO A FINE LINE OF U8FI UL GOODS, 8UCII AS A NEW LINE OF DRESS GOODS, LADIES' REEF liRS, KID GLOVES, RIBBONS. Etc. LAKGB ASSORTMENT OF MATE HIALS FOR ARTISTIC NEEDLE WORK. N. B. LARGE DISCOUNT ON CHILDREN'S LONG WRAPS. BON MARCHE. We have now in Stock many desirable ar ticles of ft od Tor the Judge ueorne A. Stanford Has Declared HIh intention of Be coming a Benedict Others) Who Think the Exomplca Good one, It is learned that Judge Geo. A. Sliuford of the superior court will quit bachelorhood next week, taking unto himself a bride fiom ariong the bills of North Georgia. The Judge will leave Asheville Sunday afternoon for Coosa Floyd county, Ga., where he will be united in marriage on the Tuesday fol lowing to Miss Julia E.Dean, a daughter ofH. V. Dean, one of the prominent men of th-it section. After the wedding the bridal couple will go to Florida to spend their honeymoon. Their home will be in this city of course. Miss Dean is known to many in Asbe ville and is greatly liked here. She is a step-niece of Mrs. Thomas D. Johnston of this city, her father having married a sister of Mrs. Johnston, Fairview was the scene ol a double wedding yesterday nlternoon, both brides being daughters of Key. A. I. Justice of the Baptist church there. 1 he ceremony was performed by Dr. J. A. Speight, edi tor ot the Asheville isaplist. Miss Lil lie Justice, the elder of the two sisters, was led ty the altar by b. a. Miller, and Miss Julina Justice by Leroy D. Brook- shire. Both brides prettily costumed and the double wedding attracted much attention in Fairview. Mr. Brookshire and Mr. Miller are both Buncombe men, the former being a son of Thos. P. Brook shire and a cousin of Sheriff Brookshire, The brides are granddaughters of R. B. Justice, the veteran surveyor and one of the best known men in western . c A nuict wedding took place at the rest dence of Jas. H. Hampton on Bailey street, at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon, at which the contracting parties were George Atkins and Minnie Arnold, both of this city. Rev. E. L. Stamey, pastor ol Bethel M. L, church, aouth olhciated The groom is a brother of Rev. Jas. At He Has Decided That he Cannot Visit Asheville This Trlp-Au Announcement That Will be Re gretted on All Sides. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 22, Special. Vice- president-elect Stevenson has decided not to go to Asheville. He returns to Illi nois tomorrow evening. Atlanta Journal. Atlanta, Dec. 22. Mr. Sttvenson re fuses to discuss politics, but in talking with one of the gentlemen in the party concerning the South and the adminis tration he said: "As to what the incoming administra tion will do, I refer to the distinguished gentleman who has his country home at Buzzard's Bay. He has more reliable information on that subject than I have, There is not a shadow ol doubt on my mind," he continued, "but the South will be more prosperous under the coming administration than it ever was before. The South and North wil! know each other better and the season of distrust will be wiped away." This announcement will be received with regret by citizens of all classes in Asheville. A reception had been ar ranged in honor of Gen. Stevenson and everything possible would have been done to insui e him a Merry Christmas here. NO QUORUM. HOLIDAY Come and Sec Our Larue and varied Stock of GROCERIES. Never before bus such an immense Stock I been offered to the people of this city and Western Carolina. Respectfully Powell & Snider. CORTLAND BROS.. Real Estate Brokers And Investment Agents NOTARY PUBLIC. Loans securely placed at 8 per cent. Offices 44 & 36 Fattoa Avenue. Second Cfloor, fcl9dv HAVE YOU EVER SMOKED The following brands of cigars? If you have not you have certainly missed the veri best 5 cent cigars sold in she city. The celebrated KISS OF THE WAVES," 8 cents straight; Blomberg's "EXTRA GOOD," 8 cents, six for 25 cents; "ESSENCE OP ROSES," 5 cents straight. All are long Havana filler. THE MODEL CIGAR STORE 17 PATTON AVENUE. JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. Furnished and Unfurnished Houses. OFFICB ROOMS. Loans securely placed at Bight per cent. AKTItl'B J. WILLS. Albkkt b. wills. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS MO. 39 PATTON AVE. FITZPATRICK BROS., Contractors and Dealers in Mixed .Paints and Painters' Supplies, WALL PAPER. SO Nuitu Main Street, Asukv TELEPHONE NO. 143. c3 ci h 5 jr mi X Wta jr e-t g.s8 J ill, u o g 5 s2 a ' s Ok 5j g w. H Is S 2 ffi til S O mM - H X kins, ir., formerly ol tins city, but now i i. f,- " o. ir ('II t - v- nrcsiuenr. ui cmory ucury vuium u.. 1 iUEj I and of Prof. B. E. Atkins, president of the Asheville t-emale College. 1 he cou ple will live at Mrs. Ottinger's, 28 Pen land street. At Dillsboro this morning occurred the weddine of William V. Tennent, formerly of this city, and Miss Nannie McLoy daughter of W. A. McCoy ol Dillsboro. The bridal couple came to Asheville on the Murphy train this afternoon accom oanicd by Mrs. M. G. Tennent, mother of the eroom and Miss Laura Tennent his sister. They will spend the Holidays with Mrs. Tennent at 111 Montford ave nue and will return to Dillsboro to live At the residence of B. I. Alexander on Bailev street tonight, will occur the marnaee of lobn K. Buird, and Mis Sallie Alexander, both of Asheville, Mr. Baird is floor ninnngcr at the l-armers warehouse. AdolphusL. Abcrncthy ol Hickory, aud Miss Gertie Kesler of Henderson ville, were married in the Methodist church at the latter place last evening by Rev. Ira I.rwin. They spent last mgnt in Asne- ville with Mrs. J. A. Hartsell and went to Hickory this atternoon. Weddlug Postponed J. A. Melton, living near Alexanders, was to be married to Miss Cordelia Revis, a neighbor's daughter this morn- inc at the same time that bis bride'i brother, William E. Revis was to be united to Miss Augusta Warren. 1 ne double wedding was to take place at the Melton house. When it came to securing a license however, young Melton fennd that his affianced was not old enough to be married without the written consent of her guardian and the wedding had to be oostponed. The other marriage oc curred this morning and Melton came to town this afternoon with the consent oi Miss Revis' guardian and the knot will be tied tonight. SHOT AT HER HUSBAND. B0NAPART1STS ALL READY ANXIOUS FOR THE DEATH OF THE HEPIBLIC. The House Therefore Adiourus The Senate Work. Washington, Dec. 22. In the House, mmediately after the reading and ap proval of the journal, Mr. McWilliara moved an adjournment. Defeated, 42 to 4-8. Committees were called on for re ports, but without important results, and as there was evidently no quorum present the house, at 12:15, adjourned until Ian. 4,1893. In the Senatethere was also no quorum present when the day's proceedings be- ean. Many had leit tne city lor tne holidays, and among those was Vice President Morton, in who absence the chair was occupied by Mr. Manderson, president-protein ot the oenate. Among the papers presented ana referr ed were the joint resolutions of the Ver mont legislature renuestme Congress to enact laws establishing a unitorm policy of immigration trom foreign nations and ot immigration liom Mate to state. NICARAGAU CANAL, Memorials Preaented In the Sen- ale In Its Favor, Washington, Dec. 21. In the Senate today Mr. Morgan presented a joint memorial from the Alabama legislature urging that such measures shall be adopted by Congress as will best secure the speedy construction of the Nicaragua canal and its control by the united States government. He also, in the same connection, presented a memorial of Geo. S. Converse of Ohio and others, a committee appointed bv the convex tion recently held in New Orleans, ask ing Congress to aid in the construction of the Nicaragua canal. Both were ordered printed as a Senate document. in tne same connection mr. oucrman reported from the committee on foreign relations a bill to amend the corporation of the Nicaragua canal (which was placed on the calendar I, and he give no tice that he would, at as early a day as possible, attempt to secure action upon it. BLAINE NO WORSE. BUNCOMBE SYRUP OF TAR Jealous ol The Monarchists, How ever, and One PartvWHl Prob ably Kill Oft The influence of Ibe Other A Farce of a Duel. Paris, Dec. 22. Today it is the Bona- partists that are stepping to the front to take advantage of the difficulties of the Republic. The activity of the Royalists aroused the jealousy of the Imperialist leaders and at a secret conclave they drafted a manifesto addressed "to the people of France," urging them to recall the house of Bonaparte to the throne. This manifesto has not yet been issued, but awaits the approval of Prince Victor, the present recognixed head of the ex Imperial family. Prince Victor is now in Brussels and the Bonapartist leaders in Paris have sent agents to that city to induce him to sign the manifesto and authorize its publication. Prince Victor has been living in com parative retirement recently ,but has kept careful watch uponthe course of events and, has been lound fully equal, Bonapart- ists say, to any crisis that may arise, and while prudent as to taking decisive steps he will be positive and courageous in action when once tne step is iukcu. Imperialists have been canvassing ear nestly for supporters among the Depu ties, but not with much success. As the chance ol revolution against the republi can government seem to increase the divis ion between the Monarchists ano non- aDartists widens. Members of both par ties, which heretofore have met on the common ground of opposition to the Re nuhlie. are now showine considerable jealousy as to which party will profit by the ditterences oi tne KeDuouc. Airciiuy this jealousy is showing itself in the strained relations between prominent members of the Right. The course of the Bonapartists awaits the pleasure of Prince Vitor, who has yet to oc nearu from officially. THE FRENCH Dl'IL, Any It Was Never Known to Do Harm to Ibe Principals. Paris, Dec. 22. A duel between M. Clemenceau and M. Deroulfde took olace as arranged yesterday. Neither was injured. Gen. Felix G. Sanssier, mil itary governor of Paris, had refused to act as an arbitrator. The idea of arbi tration was ridiculed as an evidence of cowardice on the part of Deroulede who suggested it. Destaudes was appealed to and he ut once proceeded to bring things to a climax. He decided that De roulede and Clemenceau should have an opportunity to take six shots at eacn other and that the combatants suouio uc placed twenty-five paces apart with the privilege of advancing three steps during the tiring. TILL MARCH FOURTH. -AND WILD CHERRY GELYOUR XMAS CANDIES i at: EMMLIBAY PRESENTS AN EXCEPTIONAL COLLECTION OF ART J S TIC, USEFUL, DESIRABLE ARTICLES PARTIC ULARLY APPROPRIATE FOR XMAS GIFTS. Sterling Silver Novelties, Silver and Plated Goods, A line of the Newest Pictures, The very, latest styles of Stationer j, Heinit&ii & Reagan Art Pottery and Rich Cut Glass, Limoges China, Table Services, Ornamental Pieces, Novelties in China, Japanese Silk, Papier Mache Goods. Fine Cutlery, Handsome Jardineres, Etc. The Prettiest, Freshest, and Cheapest Line of French Dolls in the City J.H.LAW, oar 1 nrt -n sa h i m j uiiQoruuon.Hvenue, Asnevuie, a. u. I in original packages from the factory. DRUG STORE, Patton Ave., and Church t. Wc arc the Sole Agents for And then Left Her Sewlnii Ma chine as Bond for Appearance, Mrs. March McCorcleand her husband Calvin McCorcle, appear to have had difficulty several days ago. The pair are colored and witnesses say that at the time of the trouble the wifecame running ud Bailey street carrying a pistol and chasing her husband. It is said that she had already hred one shot at him. t o hecmnn Noland arrested the woman last night. She was before Recorder Miller this morning and was fined $30, Mrs. McCorcle declared it was an out rage for Mr. Miller to try to make so much money for nothing and said she'd apiieal to the criminal court. Her bond was hxed at $iuu and while sue was gone to look up a bondsman she left a good sewing machine in the Recorder's custody for her 'appearance. Policeman Noland and lriplett, both newly mar ried men, assured the Recorder they would nay bun $30 for the machine if it was forfeited to the city. Savs Clover Will Surety Return. Albert G. Glover, charged, by Dr. R. H Reeves and A. I. Lyman, with obtaining money under false pretenses, has gone to Boston to spend Christmas with his wife and family. It has been alleged that Glover has left Asheville with the inten tion of not returning to stand trial, but W. W. Jones one of his attorneys denies this. "Mr. Glover has simply acted on the advice of his lawyers in going to his family," said Mr. Jones to Tub Citizen this morning, "and he will be back here promptly on time. He has too good a case to think of leaving nt this stage of the game. Alliance Meeting;. In some sections the Farmer's Alliance has been badly disturbed on account of many of its members going off after the Third party, but in Buncombe county the conservative element has followed the original principles of the order and kept it out ot partisan nolitics. At many of the sub-alliances new members are being added. A full and important county meeting will be held in Asheville Thursday, January 12, 1893. Gloves, neckwear, mufflers, handker chiefs, suspenders, suits, overcoats, hats, make tine holiday presents, 1 he largest selection of these goods can be found at the Wbitlock Clothing House. The bargains you get off our Xmas special price tables are the biggest values in town. Thrash's. The Palace. Patent Medicine Men Advising His Physician Now. Washington, Dec. 22.-Dr. W. W, Johnston, J. G. Blaine's physician, says bis table is flooded each day with letters from people in different sections of the country, advising him how to treat Mr. Blaine's disease. Some of tbcm intimate that the Doctor has not diagnosed the case properly, while the patent medicine people are filling up a good sized store room with their goods, which thev are sending daily to the Doctor by express, and urging him to test them on his pa tient. "There is really nothing new to say about Mr. Blaine's ease this morning," said Dr. Johnston. "Mr. Blainepasseda comfortable night. He is as well as he was yesterday evening, and is quite bright and cheerful this morning. Two Real Estate Deals. As announced in yesterday's Citizen Gwyn & West have negotiated the sale of 8' 2 acres of land on the Beaverdam road for Mrs. J. H. Osborne, to Ernest Allis ol New York. Ibe pi ice was $8,500, The property is just opposite the residence ot Judge C. E. Fenner and is about two miles from the court house, Mr. Allis will build a handsome residence on the Drouerty, and will improve the erounds so as to make a delightful home, He will move here with uis tamny. Mr. Allis is spending the winter injudge Fen ner s house. I. M. Campbell has sold to George Powell, two houses and lots in Cliveden Park for $3,800. Appointments bv Ibe President Maluly lo Foreign Countries Washington, Dec. 22. The President todav nominated Frederick 1. Grant, ol Washington, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Bolivia, Ar chibald C. Coolidge, of Massachusetts secretary of the legation at Vienna; Geo. Creigton Ceeble, o' New York, secretary of the legation at St. Petersburg; Joseph R. Herod, of Indiana, second secretary of the legation to Japan; to be consuls; Nicholas Smith, of New York, at Liege; Ferdinand C. Gottschalk of California at Stuttgart, Charles W. Deere, of Mass achusetts at Zanzibar; Thomas Herran, citizen of Columbia, at Medcllin; Colo nel John H. Hawkins, nssistant com missary general, to be commissary gen eral of subsistence with rank of Briga- icr general. Is a safe and reliable cure for coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness and all affec tions arising from an inflamed condition of the throat and llungs. Price, 25 cts Manufactured at Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South Main Street. BUNCOMBE SARSAPARILLA, with Iodide of Potash. Sarsaparilla has been long esteemed as possessing decided alterative properties, and, in combination with Iodide of Po- tasiutn, exerts a marked curative action all diseases due to impurity of the blood, especially such as are inherited or are the result of Syphilitic or Mercurial Blood Poisoning. By its use you can save yourself from the suffering caused by foul Erup tions and Ulcerous Sores, through which the system strives to rid itself of Corruptions. It Purifies the Blood, giving it renewed Vitality and Force. Being an Alterative, it changes the action of the system, imparting Fresh Strength and Vigorous Health. The Concentrated Power and Curative Virtues of Buncombe Sarsaparilla rcnaci it the most Reliable Blood Purifier (that can be used, while it is entirely safe for patients of all ages. Manufactured at Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South Main st. BUNCOMBE LIVER PILLS are mild, yet sufficient; do not cause pain or gripe, and act upon the liver and bowels. They are especially valuable as after dinner pills, and readily cure constipation and constiveness, nausea, distress in the stomach, etc. They arc purely vegetable and we be lieve they are tae best family pill yet pre pared and offer thera with perfect confi dence, believing tha t whenever used it will be with the happiest results. Try them and judge for yourself. At Grant's Pharmacy Some One Put Arsenic In Food, It Is Evident, Little Rock, Ark., Dec. 22. It has developed that the sudden deaths and sickness among the convicts at work in Helena is due to arsenical poisoning. How the poison was administered, or by whom, is still a mystery. A chem ist examined the stomach of Robert Ly mnn and found large qualities of arsenic in it. About 2 o clock this morning ten more ot the convicts were taken sud dculy ill. One more man died last night and another this morning, making six in in all. CLEVELAND THREATENED A Railroad cnrlstnias. An order was issued from Train Mas ter Foster's office yesterday that gave joy to many employees of the Western North Carolina railroad. It was to the effect that all freight train traffic is to be suspended from tomorrow at 10:38 n. m. till Tuesday after Christmas at 4:30 a. in. This is to let the railroad hovs snend Christmas at home. A sim ilar arrangement has been made for New Years, trains being annulled from Friday. December 30, till Tuesday, Jan uary 2. No perishable freight will be received for shipment at depots and warehouses after 6 o'clock this evening until 8 a. tn. Monday, January 2. We have some special novelties for gen tlemen and their sons, and invite the public to examine them before Xmas at . i , i i . 1 i- -1 i i. : , i L nc wnuiut: v-iuiuiujc xiuusc. For Christmas buy fancy cheese of S, R. Kepler. What is left of that fine stock of dolls at Law's are bsing closed out wonder fully cheap. For Christmas buy mince meat of R. Kepler. POISONED CONVICTS. Their Superinlendenl Byrnes His Bodv Uuard Down to His Oflicc. New York, Dec. 22. When Mr. Cleve land appeared at his office yes terday morning he was ac companied by Superintendent Byrnes. Both Mr. Cleveland nua inspec tor Bvrnes refused to give any explana tion of the matter. It is rumored, how ever, that Mr. Cleveland has either been attacked or threatened by some crank Cblef of Police Assaulted. Wavnesville. N. C, Dec. 19.-Chief Policeman W. T. Sbetton was severely cut in three places Saturday night while arresting Baxter, uoc ano wner iurpm, three brothers, and Tom Smith. The crowd was led by Baxter Turpiu. The Turpins were lodged in jail to await tne result of Sbetton's wound, bmitn es caped. The Turuins were released la( Sunday evening on a $500 bail eacn Shcttou is resting well and it is now be lieved the wounds will not be fatal. Raleigh Chronicle. Valuable Xmas presents for male mem bersof any family including coachmen and waiters may be had at the Whit'.ock Clothing House corner store uagie block For Souvenir Spoons aud other silver novelties in greatest variety visit j. Jti Law, 37 Patton avenue. For Christmas buy nuts of S. R. Kep ler. Special attention given to furnishing Xmas trees, etc. Thrashs' bargains, For Christmas buy plum pudding of S. R. Kepler. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! FOR MEltf. Go to headquarters at 28 Patton avenue. A full line of Christmas neckwear,muf Hers, silk handkerchiefs, gloves, silk umbrellas, sus penders, etc., etc., now in stock. Also best assortment of men's hats and men's shoes. Prices right ! F. E. MITCHELL, HE MEN'S OUTFITTER, 98 PATTON AVENUE. Oranges, nuts and candies at whole sale, Kroger; For Christmas buy crackers and cakes o 8.R. Kepler. THE WINDOW IN FRONT OF B. H. COSBY'S JEWELRY STORE, 27 PATTON AVENUE. Shows but a meugrc"cjlilblt;of the goods of fered for sale at that place. Step Inside and see the rest. Two doors, one oil each side of the window, afl'ord easy access and pre clude unpleasant jostling. Cheerful attend ance and polite attentions arc assured to CIGARETTES - I G A It RAY'S CIGAR 8TAND AND TICKET OFFICE, Strauss' Hotel, 28 Sooth Main Street, Meerschaum Pipes and Candles. Fine Fruits. LATEST NEWSPAPERS MAGAZINES, NOVBL8. AT Mr A Via ADDWT -XXIV XIIJS MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY 4 TBS TKR.T BEST WOKK,: CHURCH STREET, TELsTKOKI TO. r I