lay Evening, December 28, 1892. . THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. kWIFT'S SPECIFIC FOR r enovating th entire system, eliminating all Poisons from theBloott, whether of scrofulous or malarial origin, this prep aration has no equal. . tote! I MARK " For eighteen months had an eating lore on my tongue. I was treated ty test local physicians, Int obtained no relic; th: sore gradually grew worse. I finally took S. S. .V, end vets entirely cured after using a few htllcs." C. 11. NcLr.MUKH, Henderson, Tex. TREATISE on fllor-d z.:i! Ma lMseasf s mailed iree. Thk hwirT Specific Co, Atlanta. 0 a. Letters from Mothers speak in warm terms of what Scott's Emulsion has done fortheir del icate, sickly children. It's use has 1 r o u e h t - o - . . thousands back to rosy health. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil with Ilypophos phites is employed with great success in all ailments that re duce flesh and strength. Little ones take it with relish. Prepared by Scott A Bowne, N. Y. All driiircl.ts. ill 5 wy Save paying 'Doctors' Bills ODD BOTANIC UiEJiEJi BLOOD BALM THE GREAT REMEDY - FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES - Had boon IhoronKtaly twruni by em inent phynk-iAtiii and the people for 40 ream, and never fulls tt cure quickly and pt'rmanently SCROFULA, ULCERS, ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM, PIMPLES, ERUPTIONS, and all manner of FATING. BPRKAMNll and RUNNINU aUKB. InvarinblT curt Uie iiiuhC loathsome blood tllsKvtueii If Ilr--t.n8 are fol lowed. I'riro $i pur battle, 9 bottles fur 0. ft sale by drufrirlst. SENT FREEwoffiL0?ruEs. BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. til Hi Hires Do you Root Drink Beer? BOLD ANI1 lit-IJOYKD EVERYWHERE. TYLER DESK CO., ST. LOUIS, NIO Our Mammoth Patnloftno of Bank Counters, Drkks, and other Omen Fubsitubu for 189SI now ready. New Oooda. New Stylos in Desks, Tables, Chairs, Book Cases, Cubi nets, &c, Ac, and nt matchless prices as nbovo indicated. Our goods are well known and sold freely in overy country tin speaks Enjrllsh. Catalogues froe. Postage 12c IMS . Tir Welcome Halo. The author of "Round the Compass in Australia" had put up for the iii;-:it with the manager of a stock farm. It was a time of drought, and the evening passed amid stories of frightful suffering and losses. The manager thought It would he hardly possible to hold out a week longer. "Shady Jack's well is done," he said, "and the -Frenchman's tank is empty." His wife tried to encourage him. "Hope for the best," she said. "My oath!'' answered the manager, 'but the best things never come off." "Yes, Dick," responded his wife, "but the worst things never come off." Night uf ter uight this man had walked the room, alternating between prayers and curses, as each day's record was an other thousand sheep dead, another emp ty well, until at last he had come to tlii.- grim courage of despair. "I shouldn't care bo much," he said in the traveler, "but then my wife, mv girls in there!" He drew his sleeves across his eye and bowed his head ou the table. Fur ten minutes he sat there so. Then tin visitor saw him raise his head, start, spring to his feet and listen with strains attention. What was that? Somethii:;. pinged ou the corrugated roof overhead ''Bain, rain, rain!" he shouted -s In rushed outside and fell on his kne with his hands stretched out toward th clouded sky. "Thank God! Thank God! WitV Girls! Mary! Rain!" Even so. The flood gates of the t-, were opened, and before morning th visitor was helping to put up a dyke c; one side of the house. The march of de struction was staid. Y positively cures V HEADACHE OF EVERY KIND! It Is porfectly harmless nnd contains no liolsouous drug. Recommended tor ono object unly-theCUliEof HEADACHE. A trial will convince you. Any reliable drupRlst who may not have It on hand will procure It promptly tor any one who wishes to try It. Do not uccept any substi tute. V) cents antl.0O. BRADYCROTINE MFG. CO., MACON, GA. , ; FOR 8ALB AT Pel hum's Pharmacy. WHISKEY Atlanta, Ciu. Office lWwmieUttllbL nnd Opium Habits cured al hmnu w llh- outpaiu.Uook of tlcularxaeiit ritr.K. n.M.Woni.I.EY.M.D, OUP.CB 39 I'ATTON AVBNUB, - - . . - AT WBAVBR & MYBRS' STORE CAROLINA CO ft COMPANY DEALERS IN COAL AND COKE 1ELUC0, HHP AND ANTHRACITE. B3 GOOD WEIGHT. DAY J130 -TBLBPHONB NIGHT 144. Hunting Zebras. After crossing the usual heated yd low plains, looking for all the world lil. an expanse of overparched hayfields am' dctted here and there with droves of springbok, wo oulspanned two and m rnde back again across the hot, weary plain for camp, We had not long quit ted the forest before we sighted a good troop of Burchell's zebra, feeding quiet ly. We spread out in line and rode up to them, The troop, which consisted mostly of mares with a yearling foal or two, was guarded by an old stallion, who stood sentinel nearest to us with his head up. Presently, turning half round, he guvi some sort of signal and the rest of tin band galloped briskly off, curvoti:: and capering as they ran. After uiovinj; a few hundred yards the troop suddenly wheeled round in lino to have a good look at us again. These tactics of tho zebras were dis played in a retreat of some miles, the old stallion always covering tho rear, un;i! the troop, outflanked by Dove, shot oil to tho right and my chance came. I gal loped hard to intercept them, and as they stood for a minute on seeing mo in the line of flight, got a steady shot at 200 yards. The bullet clapped as if on a barn door, and as tho troop continued their flight I saw ouo zebra turn away alone. Presently she stood again, 1 was soon within sixty yards, and with another bullet finished her. She proved to ben fine mare in beautiful coat, aud her head nnd skin uow decorate a room at home. Longman's Magazine. A Story of Millionaire Mck. James Lick, of San Francisco, was an unlovable millionaire, of whom a curious story is told. When a poor youth in Pennsylvania he was rejected by tho daughter of a wealthy miller on accoitnt of his poverty. He vowed at that timo that he would sumo day build a mill that would far surpass that of his sweet heart's father. Many years later he kept his vow and constructed at San Jose a mill of highly polished California wood valued at Ifc200,000. During his lifetime Mr. Lick had few friends and apparently cared for none. He lived .plainly aud was seen very little in pub lic. I he larger part of Ins fortune was left to charities and public institutions, one notable bequest lieing tho stun of $00,000 for the erection of a statue to Key, the author of the "Star Spangled Banner." While many institutions profited by Mr. Lick's posthumous gifts, his most famous achievement was the establish ment of the Lick observatory on Mount Hamilton, under the management of the University of California, Mr. Lick's body was placed in 1MN7 under tho base of the pier sustaining the great telescope. New York World. An tsngllsli Court Decision. Patent medicine advertiser who offer to bank on the virtues of their remedies can be compelled to redeem their prom ises in the English courts. A test case decided this week by the court of ap peals establishes an interesting prece dent for America as well. A year ago, when the influenza was prevalent, the Carbolic Smoke Ball company in an ad vertisement guaranteed immunity from the disease to everybody who used the remedy three times daily for two weeks, 100 to be the forfeit. Mrs. Carlill used the smoke ball faithfully for three weeks and then the epidemic seized her. She sent in her claim for 100, but the money wasn't paid. All sorts of excuses were offered. It 'was argued that the offer was a mere device to attract attention, a wager vague in its terms, that there was not a complete contract, because Mrs. Carlill did not notify the company of her ac ceptance of the offer. All these excuses have been brushed aside by the courts in which Mrs. Carlill brought suit. Lord Justice Bowen, in the decision, likens the case to the offer of a reward for a lost dog. People do not write let ters to the advertiser accepting his offer, but they look for the dog. It is safe to say that the decision will work a sweep ing modification of the claims made on behalf of the thousand and one curealls in the public prints. Loudon Letter. The Value of Thought. It is hardly necessary to say that all men need to "swing" the moral compass from time to time and to take their bearings in the sen of life. The advice is as true as it is conventional. Upon the use of thinking for Bitch purposes we shall not, then, dwell. We may, how ever, point out, ns a means of strength ening and invigorating the mind in a secular and worldly sense, the habit of thinking is of the greatest possible value. The minds of those who dread think ing, as if it were a penance, become like tho bodies of thosa fed solely ou spoon meat soft and unable to stand the slightest strain. Rending, ns one or dinarily reads, is like swallowing pap; tmnking, like eating solid food. The man who trains his mental powers by meditation and by following outlines of thought obtain an intellectual instru ment a hundred times more powerful than he who is pontent never to think seriously and consecutively. London Spectator. The Khun of Kulva In Humpe. The khan of Khiva, Lyed Mohammed Rahim, is now paying a visit to tho courts of Europe. He has visited St. Petersburg and will visit Berlin, Vienna, London and Paris. The khan is in hi' fifty-third year. He speaks several lan guages, including the Persian. Arabu and Russian, and his dress is that of a European, although his connections are those of an orthodox Mussulman. He travels in company of his niollak or priest and his own cook, as he eats no food but that prepared according to the rites of his religion. The khan's annual income is about $200,000. His court in quite modern in its rules nnd observ auces. Milwaukee Sentinel, A Had Speculation. A Newton (Kan.) man recently made a bad speculation. His gun was stolen, and when the thief was captured and the gun recovered, he agreed not to up pear against the prisoner on his paying him fifteen dollars. He was prosecuted for -compounding a felony, and his fine and costs amounted to f 13.00. Ex change. - General Armstrong, of the Hampton Institute, Virginia, although much im proved in health, still gives some evi dence of hi paralytio shock of a year or Officeholders Who Pay Bent. Governor Leon Abbett, who was in formally nominated for senator from New Jersey by Governor Elect Werts at the Democratic socioty's dinner in Jer sey City a few evenings ago, has a law office on Broadway opposito the postof flcu. Tho sign is on the stairs and on the door, but "Leon Abbett, Lawyer," is very seldom inside. Callers are in formed that the governor is m Trenton, or that the governor is in Jersey City, or elsewhere in New York, or in some other part of New Jersey. Many other out of town officeholders have offices on Broadway. Railroad Commissioner Cha- piu's law oftice is in the Corbin building. Ho drops in occasionally, but one can not find him unless he makes an appoint ment. Mayor Uoody, of Brooklyn, is a mem ber of a banking firm. He keeps an eye on his business, but does not go to his office regularly. Commissioner of City Works Adams, of Brooklyn, has a law office in this city, and finds time to drop in ana pass the time of day with the of fice boy occasionally. It is estimated that upward of 600 officeholders and others are paying rent for offices which they do not occupy. It's a good thing for tho landlords. New York Adver tiser. Thv Indicatory Ode. Departing from the precedent estab lished when the preliminary arrange ment for the recent dedicatory cere monies were made, it has been decided to pass by the younger aspirants for the laurel wreath and request the veteran Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes to furnish an appropriate ode for the May Day cele bration of the opening of the exposition. It seems to be the universal opinion of tho directors nnd of the commissioners that the last member of America's first school of great writers should be paid tins compliment. After Miss Harriet Monroe had been commissioned to prepare the dedicatory ode, and until the young lady had her self disarmed criticism, many harsh things were said of the committee's ac tion. In this case it will be impossible for the most exacting to find fault with the choice, This has been the idea of those who have made the decision. No direct promise has been received from Dr. Holmes, still it is understood that if the request is made he will consent to serve the exposition. It is also said that he will make tho ode his final master piece. Chicago Inter Ocean. A Ueinarkuble Decision. The decision of the New York courts the1 other day in favor of the Godeys, granting them the right to illustrate their new style dresses by printing rep resentations of them on the figures of prominent society women, whose faces are so well reproduced that one cannot but recognize them, will strike terror to the hearts of prominent women in the north aud everywhere, but if the law says it's right it's right, and that is all there is to be said about it. If your face appears in a fashion magazine over a dress pattern of a gymnasium suit, a full dress costume, or anything else the fash ion designer cares to represent in the line of women's clothes, all you can do is just "to grin and bear it" and say nothing at all. New Orleans Times-Democrat. An Amusing Newspaper Ttltinder. Edmund Yates writes: "One of the most amusing newspaper blunders I have recently met with occurred in con nection with the manifestations at Brus sels. On the line of the route followed by the procession stands a marble statue of General Belliard, a Frenchman, who fought at Waterloo and died in 1832. Somebody -placed a universal suffrage placard in his hand. Upon this the Paris papers, misled by a telegram, an nounced that the insurgents had at tivked the king's escort, seized General Belliard and forced him to carry a sedi tious handbill aguiust his will." Klghty Slopes with Fifteen. Ezekiel Morrow, eighty years old, passed through Evergreen, Ala., with a girl of fifteen he claims as his wife. They were eloping, they said, from his home near here to Texas because Mr. Morrow's children and grandchildren objected to the marriage. Cor. Phila delphia Record. Tho Tolca of Experience. First Collegian This newspaper talk about the brutality of football is perfect ly ridiculous. Second Ditto Simply idiotic. Hand me the arnica, will you? Million. An Enormous Hun'ulu. An enormous bull buffalo, which was hot in Montana about a year ago and is now on exhibition in a Buffalo store window? stands nearly 18 hands high, measures 9 feet 0 inches in length and weighed when shot about il.OOO pounds. In a shingle mill at Gray's Harbor, Wash,, recently, the entire works were kept running all day on a single cedar stick, which made 188,500 shingles. A San Francisco firm is about to com mence the revival of whaling in the Antartio ocean, which has not been car ried on for many years. James Whitcotnb. Riley, in addition to being the best dialect poet we have, is one of the best story teller! in th world.. CURES RISING 'BREAST . "MOTHER'S FRIEND" ,,17 ottered cluld-lieurliif; wwmun. I have leeu mid-wife for manv yeara, aud In each case where "Mother's fri-Md" had been used it lias accomplished womler.-i and relieved much iifTerlnc. His the 1 remedy for rising of the breast knuwn, .-.:.d worth the price for tliat aluue. Jilts. .M. M. lliirsTKit, Montgomery, Ala. Iran tell all expect."-!!'-, mothers If thev will use a few bottle of Mother's Friend they will fro through the or-nl without anv pniii uud suffering. :n. Mav I'.. amiam, Argiisville, 1). I'sed Mother's Trier. 1 liefore birth uf my eighth cnlld. Will i.evi ,- ci-aw Its praise. Mlis. .!. I'. MooRK, Colusa, Cal. Sent by express, i-Var-a-i prepaid, on receipt of price, $1.50 per bottle. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Bold by all druggists. Atlanta, 6a. WANT COLUMN. WASTED. WANTED Coachman (colored). Apply to J. EVANS BROWN, dec27dtr Malandia. WANTED Traveling salesman, or have fine aide line. Address, with references, TUB BOUUUET CIGAR CO . dec21d7t Lynchburg, Va. F F FOR RENT Nine room house, corne French Broad and Patton avenues. Ap ply to M.J. FAUO, dcc272w North Main street. FOR RENT The Mclke house, will be for rent after January 6th, 1 893. Fordescrip tlon, aee for sale advertisement elsewhere in TUB CITIZEN. aecu7ti GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONLY ONE NIGHT. Thursday. Dec. 29th. CHARMING Hettie Bernard Chase . AND HER MERRY COMPANY 'n a Scenic Production of Charles W Chase's Romance of Alaska, Uncle's Darling A Team ol.Keindeer, White Arabian Horses, Three Acting Bears and a Troupe of Esquimaux Dogs Positively appear in this Production. M SS CHASE'S CWN BAND AND ORCHESTRA, Scats on sale Tuislay morning at Sawyer Bros., 34 Patton avenue. Prices Boxes, $6 00 and $4.50; seats 23c, 50c, 75., $t. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. F. W. HrjinBKOPBR and Rrubkn Foster. Receivers. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule in effect Nov. 80, 1892 EASTBOUND NO. 13 Lv Knoxville 7 15am " Morristowa 9 35am Lv. Paint Rock.. " Hot Springs.. Lv. Asheville " Round Knob.. " Marion " Morganton.... " Hickory " Newton ' Statesvllle Ar. Salisbury " Greensboro.... " lianville 12 iiSuro 12 89pm 2 45pm 4 08pm 4 49pm 5 33pm H 35pm 6 56pm 7 47pm 8 37 pm 11 ZOpin 1 15-m Ar, Richmond 7 OOam Lv. Greensboro fll 35pro Ar. Durham 3 85am " Raleigh 6 OOam " Goldwboro 12 05pm Lt. Danville 1 30am Ar. Lynchburg 4 05am "Washington 1U 40am " Baltimore 12 03pm " Philadelphia 2 20pm VNew York..... . 4 50pm W ESTBOU ND N OT II Lv. New York 30pm ' Philadelphia a 65pm " Baltimore 9 gQom ' Washington.... " Lynchburg Ar. Danville Lv. Richmond " Danville Ar. Greensboro... Lv. Galdsboro.... Lv Raleigh " Durham Ar. Greensboro... 11 OOpm 5 OOam 7 25am 12 flOam 7 45am 9 20am t7 45pm 6 15am 7 15am 9 15am Lv Greensooro.-.. " Salisbury " Statesvllle Newton " Hickory " Morganto " Marlon " Round Knub.. Ar. Asheville " Hot Spring.,.. " Paint Rock 9 30am 1 1 10am 12 03pm 12 4Hpm 1 OOpm 1 52pm 2 30pm 3 14pm 4 25pm 6 57pm 6 10pm ' Morristowa. " Knoxville A. &S.ft MLROAP" Lv. Asheville ' Ilendersonville " Flat Rock , " Saluda " Trvon Ar. Spartanburg 8 J Opm ""NO-14 7 OOam 8 02am 8 12am 8 37am 9 06nm 10 15am NOT 13 Lv Spartanburg , " Trvon " Saluda " Flat Rock " Hendera'nv'le Ar. Asheville.... MURPHY BRANCH' Lv. AsheviHe Ar. Waynesville " Bryscm City " AndreWB " Tomotta " Murphy 6 50pm 7 onpm 8 27pm 8 R4pm 9 05pm lOJOpm 1N01I7 1 8 30am 1 0 OOam 12 39pm 4 09pm 4 S'.lpm 5 09pm NO 18 Lv. Murphy Ar. Tomotla Andrews Ar. Bryson City.... ' Waynesville ' Asheville 1 6 OOam 6 20am 6 60am 10 10am 12 52pm 2 35pm SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. Nos. 11 and 12 Hullmrtn Sleepers between Hot Spring and New York, via Asheville, Salisbury and Washineton: nlso hetweeu Asheville and Cincinnati via Knoxville and Harriman. Train. No.. 13 nnd 14 Pullman Sleeper be twecn Asheville and Charleston, via Spar tanburg and Columbia via S C. R'y. connect. ing at Columbia lor savannah vias. u k k witu parlor cars. W.A.TURK, 8. H. HARDW1CK, Gen. Pan. Act Asst. Gen. Pass. Act Washington, D C, Atlanta. Ga. VV.H GKHliN, Gen. Manager. Washington V E. McBBB, Gen'l Sunt . Columbia, 8. C. SOL. HAAS, Traffic Manager, Washington "YTOTICB By virtue of a deed of trust .1 mane to me oy J u. martin ana wile, Arnie D. Martin, on the 7th dv of Mav. 1891, to secure a note therein mentioned to ft. W. Pack, which said deed of trust 1. reg istered in the office of the Register of Deed, of Buncombe county in Book 2H, at page 11 et. scquitur, of mortgage record., and by reason nl the failure of .aid J. O. Martin to comply with the terms of .aid deed of trust as therein provided, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at public auction, at the court house door In Asheville, N. C. on Wednesday, the 4th day ot January, 1893, the nroDertv deacrlbed in .aid deed of trust situate on the east tide of South Mala street in Asheville, N. C on which 1. situate the car .bed used by the Asheville Street rail way, bounded as follow: Beginning at a stake in the east margin of South Main St., 256 feet 8. 14 44' E. from the N. W. corner of the Penniman lot, and running thence N. 75 211' B.. 215 feet and 9 Inches to a .take In the west margin of a new street; thence -.1,1. - a A 0 1R' U -J J. . n I-.... thence 8. 23 4&' W , 86 feet and 7 Inches to a stake; thence N. 78 30' W , 173 teet and 3 inches to a slake In the east margin ol South Main .treet; tnence wltu the .Kmc N. 1 14' 1! , 20 25-100 feet to a take;,theoce N. 14 44' W . 46U feet to the beirlnnlno-. am being moie fully described In the said deed of trust,, reference being hereby made to the registered copy of the same for a more run and perfect description ot the said land. ini. novemoer uoin, W. B GWYN, nov30d4twed Trustee fTlAKBN UP Came tato enclosure on Frl- X day, the 15th in.t., a pale red cow with crumpled horn.. The owner can get the same saklng the proper step.. I can le found at Idlcwlld Greenhouse, No. 324 Charlotte Street, Asheville. dec21dtf NOAH WORTMAN, Notice to Merchants. A NEW DEPARTURE. Ten cent package delivery to all parts or the city for package weighing le. than 100 pound.. Order, left on .late at No. 4 Court Place will receive prompt attention. dccSdlm FOR RENT. IOR RENT The eight-room cottage, No. 24 Davidson street. AodIv dec23dtf 101 COLLEGE STREET. OR RENT Small .tore room, No, 66 soma Main street. Aaareas WM. JOHNSON, JR. Box 177. FOR RENT Store room and basement, No. 86 South Main street, now occupied bv W. G. Perry, Possession first January, 1893. THOS. D.JOHNSTON, dec7dtanl 5 and 6 Johnston Building. PASTURE POR RENT 75 acre, near the city. BDlendid m-a... Dlentv of water and shade. Ample for 40 or 50 head of cattle. price i per montn per neaa. Apply to I. f. MlJIIIi Julv23dtf Citizen office. FOR RENT OneS, 4, 6, 6 room houses for rent on Hill street, from $6 to $15, and one eight-room, furnished, modern im provements, Buttrick street, $30; one eleven room, Haywood street, $50 permonth. Ap ply to JohnM. Campbell or W. H. Johnston, court aquare. acczoimo TO RENT A Thirteen room house, corner North Main street and Starnes avenue. Newly furnished, hot and cold water, bath tub. closets, etc.. houie heated with steam, large grounds. Electric cars pass every fif teen minutes. Apply to 1. C. S TAKNUP). declSdtf 5 Starnes avenue, FOR SALE. P YOU ARB BUILDING don't fail to put . In Watson's fire urate, for sale oy BALLARD & RICH. WOOD FOR SALE Oak firewood, cut any length, at $2 00 per double load, delivered. FRENCH BROAD LUMBER CO , octl7dtf Te cphone 31. FOR SALE The Melke house, western part of the city; one of finest residences in Asheville, containing 18 rooms, 3&i acres in lot. fine oak grove and beautiful lawns and shrubbery: magnificent view that can not ue obstructed, for rurtner inrormaiion address W. P. SOUTHERN, Executor, 421 West Haywood St. iuly27dtf BOARDING. OARDING Homelike and agreeable convenient to street cars. MRS. A P. LABARBB. drc20dlm 168 Chestnut Street. B TJOARDING Furnished rooms, with or J without Doarcl, at No. s starnes ave nue. aeei2Uiin A Private home for invalids. Terms on application to MISS DBNNE, ol5tf The Melke House, Asheville, N. C. B OARD Comfortable rooms with good board in good location. MRS ALlCli KHYNOLDS, novKtf 48 Spruce street, TJOARDING Good fare and comfortable 1 1 beds. Convenient to Postoilice. MK I. A LKB. oovl-tf No. 20 Flint street. II 8PRUCESTREET Larrjre handsomely rr lurnigjied rooms, wun board, on 3 at and 2nd floors; table accommodations and location excellent, two minutes' walk to court house: terms moderate. Table board era accommodated reasonably. nov29dlm rnHB CHATEAU Private boardinar house X No. 211 Haywood street. Fine city and mountain views; penect sanitation; not and cold water; comiortaoie, airy rooms; well provided table: attentive service: rea sonable rates. Two hundied yards from Monttora car line. MRS.M. E, DETwlLER, oct7dtf Proprietress. MONEY TO LOAN On improved Ahe ville real estate. Apply to septZfdtf NAT l ATKINSON C SOiN. HfONEY TO LOAN-Two thousand dol IfX lars on improved real estate. Two years. Apply to LUKI LANU bKUS. dec273t TT OST On. or near Court Square or Pat- ton avenue saturaay, a may koiq watch and fob with two initials attacned M E. F. and I. K. &.. moooirram. Libera reward if returned to dec26tf BLAIR & McDOWELL. NOTICE Bv virtue of the power of sale, vetted in me as trustee, contained In a deed io trust, executed by Sidney P. Henry (deceased) dated 1st nay oi April, itu, aso reeistcred on pases 340 ct. sen. of Book 21 of the record of m or tenures and deeds in trust in the ofhee of the ReKister or Deeds fur Buncombe conntv in the Mate of North l ar- olinu. default bavins! been made in the pay ment of the interest on the debt thereby ne- cured, such default, under the provisions in said deed, causing the entire amount of the said debt to be due and payable, I shall, at o clock noon on weancsuny, zatn any ot lanuary, iwya, expose lor nue at puui.c outcrv. at tne court nouce aoor tn Aunt-vine. N. C.. to the highest bidder for cash, the piece or parcel of land, together with frame bouse on same, situate an Turner street in iai(l City of Asheville, and fully tie? crib' d in the deed in trust Aforesaid. This 20th day of I cembcr, im2 SUd I) C. WAUDKLL, .1 , Trustee, SALARY OR COMM1SSION-To agents to handle the Patent Chemical Ink Eras ing Pencil. The most usctul and novel in vention of the act. Erase ink thoroughly in two seconds. Works like manic. Two hundred to five hundred per cent proht. Agents making $50 per week We also want a general agent to take charge of ter ritory, and appoint sub oKenL-. A rare chanie to make money. Write for terms and Sample ot irnstnir. MONKUb KKASbK MHi. (JU., dccSdlm X 714 1 a Crosse. Wis DRINK THE KNOXVILLE BEER The Best and Purest on Earth. NOTICE In accordance wilb the provis ions of a certain written contract made by and between the und Marcia M. Child on the loth of Septtmlier. 1H90. and on account of the failure of the .aid Marcia M. Child after ren.-atcd oemands to pav the note, or the interest thereor speci fied in said written contract, it being aooar- ent that further delay will not benefit said Marcia M t: mm, i win expose to sale at public auction, at the court ho-ise door in the city of Asheville, for cash, at 12 o'clock m , on the 9th day of January, 1893, the fol lowing city lota, to-wlt: Beginning at a stakcln the Northern margin of Huvwood treet. In the city of Asheville, the southwest corner ot the Atkinson lot and running north 31 B5' west 100 4-10 Icet to n stake; thence south 66 west to a stake In the northeast corner of the B. C. Starnes lot 105 5-10 feet; thence south 22 59' east 128 65-100 feet to a Btake in the northern margin of Haywood street; thence with said street north 69 east 23 feet to a stake; thence north 46 45' east 99 feet, more or les., to the beginning, containing two lots of 61 feet by 120 feet, average front and depth. Map of the lots andfurtherlnfornia tlon can be had at my office. deeSdtds RICHMOND PEARSON. Only the finest liavariaii Hopa and Malt used in its manufacture. A Trial is Earnestly Solicited. J. B. PITTMAN, SOLE AGENT. T. C. SMITH & CO., DRUGGISTS & PHARMACISTS, scpt7dtf Public Square, Asheville, N. C. ACME WINE & LIQUOR HOUSE Wliite Man's Bar 'Claims tbe largest stock of first class goods of any house in the State. Makes'! ; a specialty of j Cooking Brandies and Jelly Wines.) jSolt agents for the Acme Old Corn ) J AS. H. LOUGHRAlLProprietor. No. 58 South Main Street. TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 139. P O. BOX 688, ASHEVILLE. MY MOnO IS TO KEEP THE BEST AND CHARGE ACCORDINGLY. "BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUOR CO., Nos. 41 and 43 S. Main St., Asheville. WHOLESALE DEPARTMBNT, GENTS "VTY A t PARLOR AND READING ROOM. J Jt tX. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND BOTTLE GOODS, SAM- VTY A J PLB, BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM. !M J . trjs BEER : VAULTS ; AND : BOTTLING : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEMENL We respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Main Entrance, No. 43. Telephone Call, No. 77. N The Porum If i vV, . Biihos -T LffKg. President IS H.C. Pom iL.itXSU C.W. El;ot j VALUABLE LAND POR SALE By vir tue of authority conferred by a certain deed of mortgage by James Rhodes and Elizabeth Rhodes, hi. wife, to the Asheville Homestead and Loan Association, dated the 13th day of February, 1892, and re corded in the office of the Regl.ter of r cede of Buncomlie county, North Carolina, in book of mortgages and deeds of trusts No. 24, on pages 19 et. srq and upon which mcrtgage default has been made, we will on Saturday, 14th4ay ol January, A. D. 1893, at the court house door in the city of Ashe ville, county of Buncombe, State of North cmnlins. sell at oublic accilon to the hiizh- est bidder for cash the land and premises conveyed by the said mortgage and describ ed therein as follows : Beginning on a stake in the northeast margin of aa alley, the southwest corner of lot No. 21 of McDowell addition to the citv of Arhevllle and run. S. ft. with margin of .aid alley 60 feet to a take, the northwest corner of lot No. 19 of McDowell', aaoiiion to ine cuy oi Asneviue: then S 87 E. 80 feet with the line of said lot 19 feet torn stake; thence N. 12 W. 50 feet to a stake, the southeast corner of lot No. 21 of McDowell's addition to the citv of Asheville; tnence M. M7" w. ho icet with line of said lot No. 21 to the beginning, the lot being lot 20 of McDowell's addition to the city of Asheville and being the same lot conveved to the said lames Rhodes bv R. McBrayer and wife by deed dated 1st day of January, joui, reierencc to w men i. nere- oymaae. int. tne sana aayot uecetnoer, 1892. lONBS & WEBB. Attorney, fof the Asheville Homestead and juoan Association, Mortgagee. docSiidtds .- ; 5 . , , - ' . ' : t J'-" ft o Tt h (T Fonr i L?W I "W FOrtrit ft to the Cnllni Stain u-lmf Tns Xixs. It ' I fmmil CiMtCKri. to Knoland, and mart ittctrmvarablu th tut thoiiQMfui periudlcal we have ever Aau," THE FOEUM contain! articles about what men are now doing in tho world. The problems and the tasks of your own life and Ooveimos n thought, and of our own country, and of our own w. i. russeli 1 time: the education of vour children: th latest re mits of research In your own ipecial study ; the great books of the period; the realleaderi; the large movements-are these not the moat interesting suhjeotit The secret of Tax Fobum-s hold on its readera is that its writers make it helpful to all who think. Its readers form the dominant part of every pro feiiion, craft, and elass-tbOBS who are succeeding because they have a correct measure of the intellec tual forces and of the larger activities of American life, the best-informed, and the most ambitious. Its writers are the leaders of thought and of ac tion everywhere and in all kinds of important work. Ask the best informed man in your community what he thinks of Thb Fobum, or send to us for the written opinions of some of the leading men in your State, and in all other States. TnsFoSUH: CoiaaSiuiri, Hewlett $5joir- tW Rn'wrfifon. wiv br mt alreet to Tllf! FORr r through anu tutahlithed Hubucriptiun agency or bookseller. Hon. ' Q. F. Edmunds F.tDimo U u HSHIWN ii :'v.-it v or inrvvgn ntt paper t , fVlALLOCK Qin. F. A. Walker mi f- ' SYi': Timothy xJaSvifflfci p,.m,ikt Seashore, Forest, n Mountain rHE publisher of this paper has made special, and for this locality exclusive, arrangements by which we are able to offer to our readers, WITHOUT EXPENSE, the full service of the Recreation Department of The Christian Union "his department was organized to assist persons in their travels, f furnishing them with time-tables of any Railroad or Steam aip line, the circular or card of any Hotel or Boarding-house, rhether in cities or at Summer, Winter, Sea-coast, or Mountain Jesorts, Sanitariums, or Springs. Information of this character. 10VERING ANY LOCALITY IN THE WORLD, is furnished Tomptly and fully. If you will write, telling where you wish o go either in this country or Europe the most helpful cir ulars and time-tables will be sent you, together with descrip ive printed matter issued by the railway or Bteamship lines by rtrich ycu wish to travel. Letters and inquiries may be ad Iressed either to this office or to the RECREATION DEPART IENT of THE CHRISTIAN UNION, MAstor Place, New York.