Y 1 THE ASHEVtLLE DAILY CITIZEN. TJviil n v Uvpnitn. l.inuarv 13. 1893. - . -J . OJ . .a -a i a .- - I I . ... . - . t x t nnn raih r. WIFT'S SPECIFIC FOR re novating the entire system, eliminating all Poisons from the Blood, ivhetlur of scrofulous or malarial origin, this prep aration has no equal. . MAM "For eighteen months I had at titling sore on my tone"'- J " treated by best total physicians, but obtained no relief; the sort gradually grew worse. I finally took S. S. Si and vtas entirely cured after using a few bottles:' C. B. McLemorb, Henderson, Tex. TREATISE on Blood and Sldn Diseases mailed free. Tub Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, i. Two Stepping Stones to consumption are ailments we often deem trivial a cold and a cough. Consumption thus ac quired is rightly termed " Con sumption Irom neglect. Scott's Emulsion not only stops a cold but it Is re markably successful where the cough has become deep seated. OCEAN'S GRAVEYARD. THE WONDERFUL SARGASSO SEA OF THE GREAT ATLANTIC. The Knormotis Floating Semi-Island To ward Which Nearly Everything on th. Mighty Deep lrlftt and Is Held sa Prisoner Its Inhabitants. Scott's Emulsion is the richest of fat-foods yet tfte easiest fat-food to take. It arrests waste and builds up healthy flesh. Prepared by Beott ABowns.lt. Y. All draegiata. Savo Paying 'Doctors9 Bills "BOTANIC BLOOD BALM THE GREAT REMEDY . FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES -Ha been thoroughly tested by em inent phrnleteiM and the jwoplo for yearn, end never faila to cure quickly and rrmaaently SCROFULA. ULCERS. ECZEMA. RHEUMATISM. PIMPLES. ERUPTIONS. and all manner of EATlNfJ, SPREADING and R UNTO NO BORER. Invariably cure, the aunt Athaome blood disease. It rflrectlona are fol lowed. Price i per bottle, bottles for For ale by drainrtita. SENT FREEworKEe. (3LUUD BALM VU.i atiania, For several years past the hydro graphic bureau at Washington lias been trying to acquire a more intimate knowl edge of the movements of the waters of the ocean, and a great number of bot tles, containing messages and securely corked, have been dropped overboard by vessels. Many of these have floated thousands of miles before they were picked up, and while some were washed upon native and foreign shores others have found their way into the great Sar gasso sea. From the courses taken by these dif ferent bottles it has been found that the ocean currents move around in a vast circle. Those which were dropped over board on the American coast took a northerly course, while those on the European side floated toward the south. Bottles dropped overboard in the North Atlantic started toward the northeast, and those from the African or Spanish coast floated almost directly west until they reached the West India islands. The general directions of the currents were thus ascertained, showing that the waters acted upon by winds and cur rents circulated round and round like a pool. In all pools floating objects are quick ly cast outside of the revolving currents, or they are carried with them in their circular route for some time until they are washed nearer the center or side of the pool. The bottles that were forced outside of the currents of the ocean were cast upon the shores of some country, but those which were worked toward the center eventually found their way in the calm waters of the Sargasso sen. Here they remain peacefully until picked up by some vessel, or until some storm casts them back into the great pool. Vessels very rarely visit the great sea in the middle of the ocean, but occa- A Railroad Pass That Never came. An old neighbor of the Goulds at Box bury, Delaware county, told a story about the millionaire's visit to his old home in the midst of one of his busiest financial seasons. "Jay and I was always good friends," said the old man, "which is more'n I can say for him and most of the other folks here. Yon see, old John Gould married my sister for his second wife, and there was always more or less or a family feeling between the Goulds and us. Bays I to Jay: 'Why don't you come and see us once in awhile? You're al ways going to get the best we have, yo' know.' Jay said suthin 'bout bein al ways liayin season with him and couldn't spare the time. . There wasn't any thin he'd like as much as to visit up here, for he liked the old folRs, he said. He asked me how I'd like to go down to York. I said farming was not so good as it was and money was mighty scarce. He said that was all right, an then he fumbled around his pockets for some thing, but it was not there. He ex plained that he thought he had his book with him, so that he could give me a pass for myself and my wife down to York, but ho must have forgotten it and left it at home. He suid he'd send the pass to me; but if he sent it some other one must have got it, for 1 never did. I was a-speakin 'bout it afterward down at the hotel, and the boys said it was most likely Jay Gould never sent it. One tiling anyhow I'm certain of that is, ef he had that air book with him that time we met he'd a writ out that air pass." New York World. "MOTHERS I ! FRIEND WASTED. To Young Mothers i "lirANTBD-Younu man T to share room and do lieht hour ckecoinK. Beat ol references given and required. Address MJjnj ran-., jan9dlw Mo 662. FOR RENT. FOR RUNT-The eight-room cottage. No. 24 Davidson street. Apply dCCl3dtl lOl l ULLUiU Makes Child Birth Easy. Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Endorsed by the Leading Physicians. JooH to "IfMhert" matted FREE. nox RENT Nine room house, corne. J2 French Broad and Pa tton avenues. Ap Ily to dcc272w M. I. FAOG. North Main street. OR RENT The Mclke house, will be for rent after January otn.iosa. rorocscrip in tion, see for sale advertisement elsewhere Tub Citizkn. dec27 if ? BRADFIELD RECULATOR CO $ Jj .ti aai-ra. r.l a I vvo i ATLANTA, GA. SOLD BY ALL DRUQOISTS. URNISHBD Rooms and private board ut reasonable rates. Apply 17 riay- ood St. jan2dlm Capital. $50,000. Surplus, $40,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. Slate, County And City Depositor?. Organ I a eel 18. DEPOSITIBOXES IN FIRE PRCOF VAULTS FLUTED AT REASONABLE RATES GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. FfRrPr?To on Depo.lt. In Savin Department. TTALUABLB LAND V tne of authoritv cc deed of mortgage by James FOR SALE Bv vir- conferred by a certain v James Rhodes end Elizabeth Rhodes, his wife, to the Asheville Homestead and Loan Association, dated the 13th day of February, 1892, and re corded in the oftiue of the Roister of reeds of Buncombe county. North Caroline, in book of mortgages and deeds of trusts No. 24, on panes 111 et. seq., and upon which mi rteage drfau't has been made, we will on Saturday, 14th day ol January, A. D 1893, at the court house door in the city of Ashe ville, county of Buncombe, State of North Carolina, sell at public arc-ion to the high est bidder for cash the land and premises conveyed by the said mortgage ana ac.criii ed therein as follows : Beginning on a stake in the northeast margin of an alley, the southwest corner of lot No. 21 of McDowell addition to the city of Asheville and runs S. 12 K. s ith margin of said alley 50 feet to a stake, the northwest corner of lot No. 19 of McDowell's addition to the city of Asheville; then S 87 E. SO feet with the line of said lot 19 feet to a stake; thmre N. 12 W. SO feet to a stake, the southeast corner of lot No. 21 of McDowell's addition to the city of A.hevllle: thence N. 87 W. 80 feet with line of said lot No. 21 to the beginning, the lot being lot 20 of McDowell's addition to the city of Asheville and being the same lot conveyed to the said James Rhodes by R. McBrayer and wife by deed dated 1st day of innunrv. 1 H'li . reference to which is here by made. This the 22nd day of December, 1892 JONES WEBB, Attorneys for the Asheville Homestead and Loan Association, Mortgagee. dec22dtda and one eight-room, furnished, modern nn nrovements. Buttrick street. S3o: one eleven room, Haywood street. S60 permonth. Ap nlv to Inhn M. Cnmobell or W. H. Johnston, Court Snuarc. dec261mo TO RENT A Thirteen room house, corner North Main street and Starncs avenue. Newly furnished, hot and cold water, bath tub, closets, etc., house heated with steam, large grounds. Electric cars pass every fif teen minutes. Apply to T. C. STARNES, dec!3dtf S Starnes avenue. "TTIOR KEN T The Dr. Carroll residence on E Merrlmon avenue, furnished. Large rr,H. Anr.lv tn n. II Revell. No. 2 Hen dry Block, or J. L. Wagner at the Asheville I'lumbing and Heating bouse. janiaim TinnMS for RENT Offices and bed- JLV rooms from $2,50 up. In Hendry Block. DIRECTORS Lewis Maddux, II. T. Collins, M. J. Fagg, J. E, Reed, Chas. McNamce, J. E. Rankin, M. J. Uearden, to. 1. need. BANK;OPEN FR0lr.9.A. M. TILLl P. M tON' SATURDAY Til L S P. M. W. C. SPRINKLE. F. B. LAWSON. Apply to jan4dlm No C S. COOPER. 07 North Main street. I "V H ST 71V d Tsaeas. . -s Mitchell's store, I At 28 Patton Ave , F. I from January 2d to 14th. 1' your sight requires the aid of CLASSES. 1 will fit them correctly WITHOUT CHARGE I'or teed. rfionally they are driven there by storms or adverse winds. Strange sights meet the gaze of the sailors at such times. Wonderful stories partly true and part ly false have been told by sailors re turning from a forced trip to the Sar gasso sea. The surface of the sea is cov ered with floating wrecks, spars, sea weed, boxes, fruits and a thousand other innumerable articles. It is the great re pository or storehouse of the ocean, and all things which do not sink to the bot tom or are not washed upon the shores are carried to this center of the sea. When one considers the vast number of wrecks on the ocean and the quantity of floating material that is thrown over board, a faint idea of the wrecknge in the Sargasso sea may be conceived. Derelicts or abandoned vessels fre quently disappear in mysterious ways, and no accounts are given of them for years by passing vessels. Then sudden ly, years later, they appear again in some well traveled route to the astonish ment of all. The wrecks are covered with mould and green slime, showing the long, lonesome voyage which they have passed through. It is generally supposed that such derelicts have been swept into the center of the pool and re mained in the Sargasso sea until finally cast out by some unusually violent storm. The life in this sea is interesting. Soli tary and alone the acres of waters, cov ered with the debris, stretch out as the vast graveyard of the ocean, seldom being visited by vessels or human beings. Far from all trading routes of vessels, the sight of a sail or steamship is something unusual. The fishes of the sea form the chief life of those watery solitudes. Attracted by the vast quan tities of wreckage floating in the sea, and also by the gulf weed on which many of them live, they swarm around in great numbers. The smaller fishes live in the intricate avenues formed by the seaweed, and the more ferocious deni zens of the deep come hither to feed up on the quantities of small fish. In this w.y the submarine life of the Sargasso sea is made interesting and lively. The only life overhead is that made by a few sea birds, which occasionally reach the Bolitudes of this midocean cemetery. A few of the long flyers of the air penetrate to the very middle or the ocean, but it is very rarely that this occurs. Some have been known to fol low vessels across the ocean, keeping at a respectful distance from the stern. Other birds have been swept out to sea by storms, and have finally sought ref uge in the Sargasso sea. Still others, taking refuge on some derelict, have Weldenfeld, I been gradually carried to the same mid- There is sufficient food floating on the surface or to be obtained from the fishes which live among the forests of seaweed, to support a large colony of birds. It is surmised that many of those found in the sea have inhabited those regions f or years, partly from choice and partly from necessity. Birds swept out there by storms would not care to venture the long return trip to land, and finding an abundance of food and wrecks on which to rest and rear their young they might easily become contented with their strange lot. Just how far the strong winged sea birds can fly without resting is all conjectural, but it is doubtful if many of them would undertake such a long journey seaward with no better prospects ahead than dreary wastes of water. Detroit Free Press. ower I nf ..t. piintoiti.d In n deed of trust exe cuted by O. W, Radford and L. S. Radford, his wire, to me unoersignca in ice wmvre v.. the 4th day of June, A. D. 18Ul,and recorded in the othce of Register of Deeds of Bun combe County North Carolina, in book No. 2 of deeds of trust ol said otnee at page iv Vetting- the Most Out of the Horse. The art of getting the most out of horse flesh on the line of march is one which needs study and practice to every whit the same extent as do race riding or the haute ecole, and therefore feats of endurance should form part of an of ficer's education as well as those upon the tan or between the flags. To cover many miles with success a mn must, first of all. study his own condition, and while he makes his TR0V.Lf fonfanedTa Td"ftrus? chanter fit must not torgei to rentier himself so too. He should carefully watch how his horse takes its food and vary the amount of it, the time of feed ing and the nature of forage, so as to insure that the animal. derives the max imum amount of benefit from the nour ishment it takes. Then he should endeavor by experi ment to discover the pace "vhi -h suits its conformation best and tho most ju dicious manner of varying it, so as to afford relief to the muscles and yet get over the ground. The particular pace that best suits the animal having been arrived at, it should be trained to go at that pace evenly and methodically and with the regularity of a machine. And care should be taken never to stretch the bow to the utmost, or the subsequent reaction will more than counterbalance the present gain. London Saturday Review. FOR RUNT Small store room. 6 South Main St. Apply to Harold E. Joins! on. or R. B. Johnston, lock box 177, city. jan7dtf EAGLE WAREHOUSE, For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco, T7IOR RENT JD of Legal building. DlT to jan9dl w Desirable office on firat floor Verv low rent. Ap FRANK CARTER, I'nder First National Bank. FOR SALE. - r in Watson's Fire Grate. For sale by BALLARD & RICH. -virooD default having been made In the payment of the interest as therein set forth, at the re quest of the Western Carolina bank, the un dersigned will sell by public auction for cash to tne nmnest Diaocrat inccoun nuust uw in the City of Asheville County of Buncombe and State of North Carolina, on Monday, the 30th day of January, A. D. 1893, the lands and premises as set forth and described in said deed of trust, situate lying and being; in Ihe County ot Buncombe and State of " orth Carolina, on the waters of Hominv creek, adjoining the lands of T. A. 8t8rnea, A. H. Starnes and others, containing eignty three acres, be the same more t-r less; and for a more definite description, reference is hereby made to said deed of trust, registered on above stated as apart of the description hereof, in order to pay off and satisfy the In dibtncss so secured by deed of trust dated this 27tb day of Decimber, A. D. 1892. L. P. McLOUD. dec28d30d Trustee. phr rink firewood, cut any length, at ,S2 OO per double load. delivered. FRENCH BROAD LUMBER CO , oct!7dtf Te ephone 31. SALE The Melke house, western Dart of the dty; one of finest residences "T7IOR 1 no in Asheville, containing XB rooms, 3 acres i., ir. fine nnk irrove and beautiful lawna and shrubberv: magnificent view that can not be obstructed. For further information address W. P. SOUTH BRN, Kxerutor, 421 West Haywood St. iuly27dtf JS.Thc Eagle Warehouse first began business last season, and although a new house and a new firm it easily took the lead in the tobacco trade of Asheville. With our past experience and increased facilities for handling tobacco we art better prepared'to serve our friends and customers than ever before. The Eagle is one of the largest and best warehouses in the State, with a capacity of 50,000 pounds a day. Our motto: Polite and courteous treatment to all, highest mars et prices and prompt returns. Give us a trial. SPRINKLE & LAWSON, Pro rletors. P. 91. HUDCilPiS, Bookkeeper. CAPT. J. 91. SMITH, Floor Manager. BOARDING. TriARDI NO Homelike I convenient to street cars and agreeable; drc20dlm MRS A P. LA BAR BE, 158 Chestnut Street. ACME HUB & LIQUOR HOUSE a Private home for Invatlds. Terms on J. application to MISS DBNNE. olQtf The Melke House, Asheville, N. C. T OA RD Comfortable rooms with good JL board in good location. rOTIC E OF SHERIFF S SALE By vli- novStf A Family Affair IlcaU'.i f : ;:io uav-y, Plcr.v.i'.iv; for '.:a Parents, New i J. re for the Old Folks. Ires' R2 Reer THE GREAT TEMPERANCE DRINK is a family ntTatr arequtalte of tho liome. A Jfi5 cent package tr.nkcs 5 pnllon ol a delicious strengthening. cflcrvcsccr.l hovcrogo, Tinn't lift flrvrlvf"! I ft d.tl fof tUo :mktrf lurtt.r profit, tells yoa eon.o nthi r Mnd 1 " Just so Rood 'tin f.tlso. Ko iruHutlon lsMgok lis Uiogcuuluc Hints'. POSITIVELY CURES HEADACHE Scavengers of Conversation. "Deliver me from what some author has called the 'scavengers of daily con versation,' who gather up the literary refuse on every side to offend the intel lectual nostrils of the thoughtful." And Colonel Marcus Bauermann stretched himself in his chair and proceeded to ex plain. "A dude with a thimbleful of brains won a basket of champagne from me on the bet that q-u-i-r-e meant a band of singers which it does, though c-h-o-i-r is another way of spelling it and ten minutes afterward a street car conductor used the word 'transpire' for 'perspire' and won a box of cigars from me on that. "The latest is the case of a drummer for a Boston shoe house, who is sixty years old if he is a day, and whose gray hairs ought to indicate some faint gleams of intelligence, and yet who so berly asked me the pronunciation and meaning of the word 'bac-kac-he,' and when I told him I did not know coolly said it was pronounced 'backache,' and meant a pain in the back. Of course such people are afflicted with paresis, but oughtn't they to be restrained in some way?" St. Louis Globe-Democrat. i tuc of a ven ex in my hands for collec tion, issued by J. L. Cathey, Clerk of the Su perior court of Buncombe county, N. C, I ;n nflr. for anle at the court hi. use door in the city of Asheville, N C , on Monday, the 13th day of March, 1S9.'(, to the highest bid der for cash the following real estate, tr-v. it: A certain piece or parcel of land lrin(5 on the waters of Hominycreek, a part ol the Kussci L. Jones tract, adjoining lands of Mrs. Mol lie Gaston, James Loughran, T. F. Starnes snd others, being pirt toe lands owned by Thos. D. Brittain and his wife Sarah A. B'ittain, on the south sid- of Hominy c-eeV, on the Hendtrsonville road, which waslevied on by H. C. Jones, P S., on the 22d day of rintnher. . nv Virtue Ol an rxn-unuu the instance of J. C. CurtU and F. M. Jones, administrators of Stephen Tones, deceased, to satisfy the sum of one hundred and thirty-five dollars and 23 cents Snid sale la made to satisfy said ven ex and cost, Interest and advertising. This January 12, 1803. J A. BROOKSIIIKIi, Sheriff By J. M. Morgan, Deputy Sheiiff. jani2dtds NOTICE OF SALE By v'rtue of an execu tion in my hands for collection, issued by J. L. Cnthcy, Clerk of the Superior Court of Buncombe county, in favor of Danville Saving Bank, Loan and Improvement com pany and againat J M. Neal. for the sum r four hundred and seventy-nine dollars and i.trm centa. I will ' offer for sale at the court house door in the c;ty of Asheville, N. C to the Highest bidder for cosh, on Mon the i Hth dav of February, 1S93, the following described real etate, to-wit : town lot in tne city oi abiktiik, MRS ALICE REYNOLDS, 48 Spruce street. STtLite lelajas Bar TJOARDINO Good fare and comfortable IS beds. Convenient to rosiomce. Claims the largest stock of first class good 8 of any house in the State. Makes' novl-tf MRS I. A LUB. No. 26 Flint street. T-iiABTiiNr,--l.adv ownine large 1 some house, living alone, would One N. C on feet front on iriARDlNt; Two pleasant rooms can be obt u ned with hoard, near car line, at dcc29dtf Cor. Locust and Woodfin Sts. hand- board gentlemairlind wile, or party of three or lour. House heated by furnance, also log wood fireplace. Beautiful grounds, stable, ana all mnfl.Tti Itn nro vements. Address. A8iievme pos-omce uox cu. dec'JSlm mun ruiTRHI Private boarding house 1 No. 211 Haywood street. Fine city and mountain views; perfect sanitation; hot and cold water; comfortable, airy rooms; well provided table; attentive service; rea sonable rates. Two hundied yards from Montford car line. MRS.M. E. DETWILER, oct7dtf Proprietress. MISCELLANEOUS. miKRN itp Came into enclosure on Fri- L dav. the 15th inat., a pale red cow with crumpled horns. The owner can net the nme saaina tne iiroucr .icu. - found at Idlcwild Oreenhousc, No, Charlotte Street, Asnevine. dec21dtf buabukimk. a specialty of Cooking Braadies and Jelly Wines. Sole agents for the Acme Old Corn. J AS. H. LOUGHRAN, Proprietor. IV o. 58 South Main Street. TELEPHONE CALL PJO. 39, P. O. BOX 688, ASHEVILLE. MY MOTTO IS TO KEEP THE BE8T AND CHARGE ACCORDINGLY. OF EVERY KIND! It iit perfectly harmless and contains 110 poisonous drug. Recommended for one object only the CUKE ol HEADACHE. A trial will convince you. . . , . Any reltublc drupstist who may not have It on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try It. Do not accept any substi tute. 50 cents and 11.00. BRADYCR0T1NE MFG. CO., MACON, 6A. FOR 8 A LB AT Ip.llirii8 Pharmacy. Frank Mjz- Ji 1 i law t'-S-A OPTICIAN, "Three" iu Mythology. In mythology we find the three (3) occu pying even a more honorable place than the so called "mythical No. 7." There were the Three Graces, Cerebus with his three heads, Neptune holding his three tined fork, to say nothing of the Nine Muses.which are made up of three threes, and the third wave, which was thought to bring death and destruction to every thing in its path. In nature we have morning, noon and night; fish, flesh and fowl. Hundreds of trees, vines and gl asses have their leaves and blades set in groups of three. St. J-iouis Kepuonc. Odd Looking Postage Stamps. The postage stamps of China are queer looking specimens with their wriggling, crawling dragons stamped upon them. The Turkish stamps are xjuite pretty. and are nearly all adorned by the cres cent and star. The stamps of Paraguay present a fine appearance, -the main de sign being a lion supporting a pole which I is surmounted by a liberty cap. The stamps of England have undergone few er changes than any other country and have suffered no change whatever in the main design, the portrait of the queen. Ohio State Journal. Vail. street, in said citv. 40 ..IH tr-t rnnninn hock 13 rods more or less, being the same piece of land conveyed i . UMlh.Krimnnd H.Norvell. trus tee, and being the same conveyed to "'d Norvell by deed of trust, registered in book S, page 415, In the office of Register of Deeds for Buncombe county. Said sale. 1, made to satisfy said cxecuti-n and cost. This Isnnarv 11, 1893. J. A. IlKOOKSHIRK. By J. M MORGAN. -Tlr Deputy Sheriff. .iunlld30d s-TnTTPR Rv virtue of the power of sale, IN vested In me as trustee, contulned in a 324 "BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUOR CO., IVos. 4.M. and 43 S. Main St., Aslieville. WHOLBSALB DEPARTMENT, GBNTS "VTaf 'a A 1 PARLOR AND READING ROOM. JLX J fc-JL. CIGARS. TOBACCO AND BOTTLE GOODS, SAM- KJg Ait PLB, BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM. -131 VS. T3cO BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEMENT. WANTED A Janitor (colored) for the First National bank. No one need apply unless thoroughly qualified and pos sessed of character and recommendations. )adl2d3t W. 11- pbnlaku, v-asnicr. We respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. TVTONEY TO a.t.Jl hu LOAN I have thirtv-five hundred dollars ( S3500) to loan on good real estate security. THOS. A. JONES. 'Attorney at Law. Rooms 3 and 4. Pow ell & Snider building. junlOdtf. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Main Entrance, No. 43. Telephone Call, Me. 7. deed in trust, executed by Sidney 1'. iienry iiinvnarii 1 dated 1st dav of April, 1891 . and registered on pages 346 et. sen., of Book . . i... ...fi.ril . . f mnrtffHwB and deeds trust In the office of the Reuister of Deeds for n..nnn,h. rnnntv in the State of North Car olina, default having been made in the pay- . . - it .. jnWMt cn the debt thereby ae- currd, such default, under the provisions in said deed, causing the entire amount of the said debt to be due and payable, I shall, at U o'clock noon on weoncsuay, uiu j of lanuary. 18B3, expose for rate at pub Uc outcry, at the court house door in Asheville, N. C. to the highest bidder for cash, the piece or parcel of land, together with frame house on same, situate .n Turner street in said City of Asheville, and fully ilecnb-d in the deed in trust aforesaid. Tuia 26th day of IVccmber. 1892 Sod D C. WADDELL. JR , Trustee. DR M. W. ALSTON has moved, umce in Young Men's Institute building. Res idence. Catholic Hill brick church. n building nearest the .lannai w TVRESSMAKINO A lady who under- jLf stands the business would like to go nut hv tlu- dav In urood families. Apply at once. Citizen office. .junlld3t examination. Satisfaction guaran- Ol'PiCB 39 PATTON AVRNUB. - - . ... AT WEAVER & MYERS' 8TORB CAROLINA COAL COMPANY -DEALERS IN COAL COKE JELLICO. IUKP AND ANTHRACITE. GOOD VTEIGHT, DAY ISO TBLBPHONB NIGHT 144. The Greatest Tobacco Users. The Austriaus consume more tobacco than any other nationality or race on the globe, civilized or savage. Recent in vestigation by eminent statistician gives the number of pounds consumed annually by each 100 inhabitants of the different European countries as follows ; Spain, 110 pounds; Italy, 128; Ureafc- Britain, van: Kussia, it; uenmarg, zz4r Norway, 220, and Austria, 273. St. Louis Republic. Lov.'a Strategy. An Ingenuity worthy of a better cms was shown by a man and his wife in the lockup at Bath the other day. They were in separate but adjoining cells, and managed to keep up domestic happiness under these difficulties by playing a game of high-low-jack through a crack in the partition. Lewis ton Journal. tssllts Corporations, Child I don't believe the canal com panies cares much for children. Mother Why not? Child In the tamrner they put the water In, so well get drowned, and in the winter they let the water out, so we can't skate. Crood News, Quit, m Belief. Husband What do you do when you bit your thumb with a hammer? You can't swear." Wife No, but I can think with all my might and main what a perfectly horrid, mean, inconsiderate, selfish brute you are not to drive the nails yourself. New York Weekly. Feminine Contrariness. Old Rooster What have you stopped laying for? " Old Hen It's too cold. Old Rooster Huh! Just like you fe males. Quick as it gets cool enough lor me to crow without getting into a per spiration you quit laying. Oooa iNews. NOTICE By virtue ol the power of sale, vested In me us trustee, contained in a deed of tt list executed by B. S. Hall and ...ir saiii ii am H m t Lfl mtiH dav of May. ihoi. nnd reeistered on naure 185. book 25 nf the rr cord of mortearea and deeds in trust in the office ol the register of deeds lor Buncombe county, in the State of North Carolina, default having been made in the ....... .i . nf .it ill rlrlit thereby secured. shall expose lor sale at pnblic auction at the courthouse door, in Asheville, N. C, on Friday. Fubruary lOth, 1893. to the highest bidder for cash, that piece, or parcel of land, together with all buildings ontnesame. Sit uate near Leicester, N. C, In ssid county, and more particularly descrilied In said need trusi. W. M.JARV1S. jan0dltw3tfriday Trustee. TOUND Vol. 2. Code of North JU 1883 janlOdtf. Carolina, CITIZEN OFFICE. SPRINGFIELD : REPUBLICAN, 1 DAILY, $8; SUNDAY, $2; WEEKLY, $1. iRAYENSCROFT SCHO00L, ASHEVILLE, 1ST. O. Term Commences Wednesday- Jan. 11. Recitations Commence Thursday, Jan. xa. THE SUN. During 1803 THB Sl'N will be of Surpass ins Excellence and will print more new. and nn nure literature than ever before in Its history. The Sunday Sun IS THE GREATEST SUNDAY NBWSPA I'EK IN THE WORLD. Tne Lcacllujg Newspaper ei Ntw England. The Springfield Repub'icnn wasestablishcd in 1824 by Samuel Bow'cs It has con stantly and consistently served the people as an independent and progressive newspa per. It undertakes first of all to publish the legitimate news in the broadest Interpreta tion, with promptness, care, intelligent auu convenient arrangement and just propor tion. It seeks at the same time to promote good government, socisl -order and indus trial prosperity, while it also provides a vast amount of interesting, profitable and entertaining reading msfttcr. The Weekly Republican gives the cream ot the seven daily Issues in its 12 broad pages, all the important news and the best of the editorial, torrespondence nnd general and special feature, of the pa.er. It is edited and arranged with great care, ana ts pro nounced by many good indgea the beat weekly newspaper and family journal in the country. FREE FOR ONE MONTH. The Weekly Republican, a 12-page paper. will be scat free for one month to any one who wishes to try It. New subscriber, to The Weekly for 1893 will receive the paper free for the balance of this year. Address THB REPUBLICAN, Springfield. Mass. PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR BOYS. KANSAS CITY MEAT MARKET. STALLS S AII 6 HANDLES NOTHING BUT WESTERN DRESSED MEATS. FOULTRY AND P ice 5 cents a Copy. By mail, a year. Dairy, by mail, - - SO a year Daily and Sunday, by mail. - - $8 yr Address THE SUN, New Vork. GAME. dcc.dl Te ephone 131. POWELL CO. THOS. WILSON P08TKLL, BUILDING AND LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENT, Office Hours: 9 a. n. to 1 p. m. 43 Patton Ave.. Asheytlle. N. C jaaedtf Board and Tuition, - - $300 Tuition 80 :::::::::::::::::::.::::FAClJLrY::::::- Per Annum. Per Annum. Railroad Tickets (1 Bought and Sold Cheapest Cheap Rate, to All Points, anteed. Member American snd Beat. All Guar- Ticket Bro- S kcr's Association. Fruit, and Candle. HAY'S CIGAR STAND AND TICKET OFFICE. Ftrausa' Motel, 28 South Main St. Headmaster R. BlacDonald, B. A., Oxford. Assistant Masters H. H. Walte, B. A., Amherst) and C. Bonnell, B. A., Rutgers. You don't know hat PERFECTION IN COCOA means until you "Tiave tried (BEST & GOES FARTHEST) Highly Digestible and Nutritious. Made instantly -J with boding water or milk. DON'T FORGET THAT THE THE MA1TLAND SCHOOL. NO. 40 FRENCH BROAD AVENUE. ENGLISH AND FRENCH HOME AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. MRS. BVRGWYN IdAlTLASD, PrfncpaU. Assisted by Mia Wallace of Vassar CoUeare. and Mile. Both, of Pari.. . , Special ad-vantage, for the study of TOeml and instrumental mafic Aftcraoosi French clssses for ladies. WEEKLY IS ONLY Sl.00 SRTICTLY IN CITIZEN PER YEAR. ADVANCE I MlUsiUl