f- K I THE ASHEVITjLE DAILY CITIZEjS. Friday Evening, January 13, 1893. TO CHICAGO BY BOAT. I ARHIINn THUM I r j Trcr viptw rirniwj I ' " - mam Si : i n h i Nol Trip to be Taken by Three Aabevllle Men. From Asheville to the World's Fair by boat ! How does that strike the reader of The Citizen? Yet that is the trip which a trio of Ashcville young men are to take. The adventurers are Messrs. W. H. Vaughao, O. W. Vaughan and James Sorrells. The boat to be used was made in this city, and can now be seen in the building on West College street, in rear of tbe Grand opera bouse. It is sixteen feet long, three feet wide and weighs 400 ponnds. It has side wheels, with eight paddles each, which will be worked by a pulley. A tent has been constructed for the boat, of 16-ounce ducking, and a stove will serve to make the cralt com fortable in the coldest weather. Tbe boat has been christened the "Swanna noa." and is painted white, with borders of red. Tbe voyagers will carry a bird dog, shotguns and pistols, with ammunition for bunting. The days will be put in on the water and the trio will camp out at night. When provisions run low a few days will be spent on the shore hunting, until tbe locker is replenished. Tbe trip is to be made by way of the French Broad, Holston, Tennessee, Ohio and Illinois rivers and the Illinois canal. The boat will be launched here as soon as the weather moderates and tbe dis tance will be covered by easy stages, the voyagers expecting to reach Chicago be fore North Carolina day, August I'M, at the World's Fair. The boat will prob ably be exhibited at tbe Fair. The voung men are elated over the prospects of tbe trip, and expect to have plenty of fun on their long water junket. A NORNINO PAPER. Ass Association Hai Start One In AsnevlUe Boon. A movement is now on foot, which bus not lully developed as yet, looking to the establishment of a morning paper in Asheville. Tbe matter is now in such a shape that nothing of a definite nature can be given. It is known, however, that negotia tions are now pending, which, if brought to a successful culmination, will result in the purchase of tbe presses and type of the Asheville Banner, which paper bas suspended. The new paper, it established, will be issued every morning of tbe week. Mon days excepted, and may take the South ern Associated Press dispatches. The editor will be Fred. R. Tiffany, origi nally ot Connecticut, but more recently connected with several large business enterprises in Mitchell county and Ma rion, N. C. The paper will be owned by an associa tion of Asheville men, with, it is under stood, Mayor Chas. V. Blanton at its head. The members of the association are to bold a meeting soon, at which the matters prelimiary to the starting ot the paper are expected to be made. The paper will be Democratic. RUNAWAY CAR. Carly Morning; Race Down Houtu Main street. A slick street car track on the South Main street grade below the car shed early this morning caused car No. !) on the Asheville street railway to take a wild chase after itself down the bill. The car started at tbe usual speed, but its pace began to quicken, and Motor man Phil. Williams and Conductor Millican applied the brakes, but it did no good, and the runaway car could not be checked until it struck the switch at tbe Goodlake curve. When it reached this point the car left the track and ran out towards Biltmore for about fifty yards, over the new pavement and then canity turned crosswise in the street in an attempt to look back at the track over which it had made such fast time. There were several passengers on the car, but none of them were hurt. Tbe damage to the car was insignificant, and it was soon making regular trips. THIS EVENING The Meeting of Citizens in the Court House at 7130. Every citizen of Asheville will be deeply interested in the work to be done in the court house this evening, at tbe meeting of citizens of Asheville, The question of dividing the city into four wards will be discussed specially, and other matters affecting the city will come up. Every citizen who takes an interest iu this matter is requested to attend the meeting this evening. Listen tor the ringing of the bell. License to WecE. Register Mackey has issued license to wed as follows : J. Hardin and Neazer Sales, of Bun combe; white. J. H. Kobison and Laura Davis, of Buncombe; white. G. R. West and Laura Hensley.of Bun come; white. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. Senator Turpie was on Thursday night chosen by the Democratic caucus of Indiana to succeed himself. Sir Francis Knollys, private secretary to the Prince of Wales, says the Prince has no intention ot visiting tbe tmcago Columbian exposition. Vice Admiral Rieunier has accepted the office of Minister of tbe Marine. This completes tbe Cabinet. M. Riennier has been in command at Toulon. Inspector Byrnes, of New York, has preferred cbarges against some ot nts men for allowing gambling dens and opium joints to remain in full blast in their pre cincts. The Democrats of Illinois made an en thusiastic demonstration over the inau guration of Governor Altgeld, the first Democratic governor of the State shice before the war. Colorado passed nader the control of the people's party Wednesday, uavit 11. Waite being inaugurated governor. Tbe Republican party bas been in power ever since it was a aiaic. A lit: iiiuiiiiuu "- - - notified that tbe German sad Swedish governments have pronibited Canadian emigration commissioners irum piucnr ins; emigrants from those countries. Tbe Harvey World's Fair hotel, Chi cago, was destroyed by fire, causing a building, which was almost reidy for occupancy, was a two-story structure and contained 800 room. In view of tbe danger of a cholera epi demic ia tbe spring the managers of the Alias, the Dominion and the Bearer steamship lines have instructed all their European agents to refuse ta book say German emigraatabr tbs Usited States or for Canada, ankss tbe would-be pss seugtrs had beea removed from Get mas territory three weeks previous to the Mia- OAtC Washington, Jan. 13. Forecast till 8 p. m. Saturday : Fair; colder Saturday morning; warmer in evening. The A. L. I. will not hold a drill to night. F. R. Bealol Northvillc, Mich., is berc today. Recorder Miller held no court this morning. J. A. Means and wife of Louisville at tue bwannanoa. J. D. Brevard Baby boy Twelve pounder Much joy. Go to the meeting in the court house this evening at 7:30 o'clock. J. D. Prince and Milton Jordan of New York are here on a business trip. II. C. Tones is able to be on th- streets again, after being ill for several weeks. Solicitor Eug. D. Carter returned yes terday from a professional trip to Ma rion. Miss L. E. Jones ol Owcnsboro, Ky., fs in Asheville on a visi'., stopping at the Swannanoa. Internal revenue collections lor the Fifth North Carolina district yesterday were $2,596.62. Speaking of ice in the Kicncli Iiroad river, H. Batterham tells The Citizen that he went skating on this river nine rears aes this January. Asheville's cold weather seems to have come to stay. Today has been clear and cold, and the high wind blowing bas made tbe day more disagreeable. Rev. I. L. White, pastor of the First Baptist church, is happy over n addi tion to his family a fine boy, which ar rived yesterday. All are doing well. Fitch Taylor will lead the boys meet ing at tbe Young Men's Christian asso ciation thi evening at 7:3U o'clock. subject, "The Ocean. All boys over eleven invited. H. C, Jones is able to be on the streets again, after being ill for several weeks with erysipelas. During his illness Mr. Jones' moustache was shaved of', and hisiriends can scarcely recognize him now. Tbe cold weather so far has had little effect upon the schedules of the trains running into the citv. Recently, how ever, the train from Murphy was bulle tined seven hours late! In some in stances trains have been delayed by the freezing ol axles in the journals of the cars. A bucket of oysters fell out of ; 11 ex press wagon this morning on College street iu rear of Tiik Citizen office, as the wagon was on tbe way to the market. Tbe oysters were spilled, of course, and the crowd of colored bo vs which immediately gathered umcklv scooped up every bivalve. The people of the county as well as tbe city are reminded of the meeting to be held in the court bouse next Tuesday, January 17, at noon, for the purpose of discussing plans tor tbe improvement ot Buncombe county 9 roads. There are no questions of greater importance to the county than this, and there should be a very full attendance. Pro!. Chas. V. Riley, of Washington City, U. S. entomologist" and honorary curator of insects in the United States National museum, stopped over in Ashe ville yesterday, on his way to Hot Springs, and is autographed at tbe Swannanoa. Prof. Riley was a represen tative of the Secretary of Agriculture and assistant commissioner for the United States at the Paris exposition in 1889. To protect the Fur teals. Washington, D. C Jan. 13. In the senate today electoral certificates for electors for president and vice-president of the states ol New York and Siuth Car olina were presented and placed on file. Mr. Sherman (rep., Ohio) from the com mittee on foreign relations reported back the senate bill I introduced by him) to extend to the North Pacific ocean the provisions of the statutes for the protec tion of fur seals, ana other fur bearing animals. After a brief explanation tbe bill passed. saw Burst and Killed Mini. Winston, N. C, Jan. 13. Special. Matt Walker, a colored sawyer at the Salem Female Academy steam saw plant, was killed late yesterday after noon by the bursting of tbe saw. One leg was nearly severed from bia body. Blaine Not 80 Weil. Washington, D. C, Jan. 13. Dr. Johnston, after bis eleven o'clock call this morning, said that Mr. Blaine did not appear so well. He did not have a re lapse last night, but he suffered from difficulty in respiration. The House of Republicans. Washington, Jan. 13 In the" House, on motion of Mr. Culbcrtson, (Dem,, Tex.) Tuesday next was substituted for to morrow lor consideration ot bills re ported by the committee on judiciary. Mew PosimasterB. Washington, Jan. 13. Tbe President today sent to the Senate tbe folio win nominations lor postmasters: Frank Simmons, Albany; Jonathan ShoTall, jr., boutn Boston, va. Whiskey BecomloK Locisvu-LB, Jan. 13. A further ad vance of five cents has beea established by the whiskey trust. Southern Business Collese (or Boys and Glrf a. 1 ne attention 01 tne onblic is sea n called to the fact that this institution is open both day and night for boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen. We teach a complete business course, also thorough course in snortnana and typewntine We have three regular teachers, large specially fitted np apartments with all tbe modern furniture and equipments. including a full number of tbe improved Bar iock typewriters. Persons interested are most cordially invited to come and inspect our school Students can enter at any time. We seek good positions for all our wortny graduates. U. M. Lemmoad. President. CLOSING OF THE MAIl Mads over the various routes from Asheville close as follows sit tbe Asbe- nlle postoffice: for Kutnenoraton, route 6:uu a. m " Brevard, route 6:30 a. m ' Murphy branch....- 7:45 a.m. Rfecb, route.- !:00 a. m " 8outh, via Spartanburjf 6:00 a. m Leicester, route mm...i2:oo m. Barnsville. rout.. 12:30 p. m East, via Salisbury... West, via KaoxriUe.. 1:30 p. m 3:35 p. m G. M. Carter. Cheater, S. C, writes "A negro -hoy here had a bad case of scrofula. Tbe doctor said it would kill him. I got him ta sse Botanic Blood Balm. He took a doses, bottles and m sow well. He has not ssed any ot it for four months and costumes well- Tbe snow at Windsor, Bertie county, was nine inches deep, which is almost unprecedented there. It is stated unofficially that Mr. Charles L. Hintin of Wake county will be Governor Carr's executive clerk. The thermometer at Winston regis tered zero Wednesday morning, the coldest weather there for fifteen years. Attornevs in Raleigh report a great falling off in litigation. One of them re- marked in a loculnr way that preachers now make more than lawyers. Stock in the savings bank at Raleigh bas advanced to 150; in the hosiery yarn mills to 115, an advance of 35 per cent, in eleven months. Governor Holt has made requisition on the Secretary of the Navy for fortv Lee mneazine-riHes and equipments, and also ammunition and equipments for 3 iiich rifled guns lor tbe Fayetteville divi sion ol the Naval Reserve. The large firm of Spencer Brothers, of Washington, Beautort county, has ua- signed to C. M. Brown, president of the Beaufort county bank. The liabili ties are estimated all the way from $i.'0, 000 to $30,000; assets, about $20,000. Near Yunceboro. Craven county, Samuel Roach and Levi Wayne were out rabbit hunting. A gun in the hand of young Wayne accidentally discharged, and the entire load entered the upper part of the thigh ol young Roach and nearly dislocated bis hip-joint. It is thought tbe boy may recover. Wilkesboro Chronicle There is a man who was raised in Wilkes county but now lives in Alexander, who is now 9-t years old. In all his life he has never bought a pound of meat, a pound ot flour, or a bushel of grain ol any kind. He has always raised his supplies at home, and today he is said to own 2,000 acres of land. The proof of the cover of Col. J. D. Cameron's "NorthCarolina Handbook." which the Department ot Agriculture will issue, bas been received. The design is beautiful. On thecovcrare the words, "Handbook of North Carolina. The fruit orchards and vineyards. The for ests, mines and manufactories." The colors are slate and crimson. Leonidas McKniht, whose death sentence was commuted a few tlavs i 1. 1 In. I'.n I'l'rr.jir Unit nrnQ ttl-rtn crllt tn Greensboro secretly Wednesday night. The people of Mt. Airy and vicinity had sworn that McKnight should die, and when thpy heard that his sentence had been commuted they determined to wreaK vengeance upon nun immediately, but the sheriff of Surry county took the uriennit. fritvi inil and limdnht litm to Greensboro, whence he will go to Rn lcigh. THE MARKETS Mew York Market. Nbw York, Jan. 13 Cotton t'utuics, Jan uary, li.ZN; l-rbruarv. y.-i:; jviaivB, v 00; April, U.67; May, U.70; Jane, 9.86. mock Quotations. Nbw York. Ian. 13. Erie 24' 1: Lake Shore 1J9-V Chicago and Northwestern 113: Norfolk and Western, 3NU: Richmond and West Point Terminal 8V3; Western Lnion 97-H- Baltiuorr, Jnn 12 Flour, firm; wheat, riniet; spot, 77M.7K1..; Jan.. 7OV4; Feb. SO; May, HJ. Milliag wlitat by sample, 79 80; corn, firm; spot, January f2; February. 411'. May 71; white com bv sample. 61A 0U; yellow corn 53(154.. AHtievllie Slarkes. Corrected daily by POWELL & S.NIDKR, wholesale and retail grocers. These prices arc being paid by the merchants to-day. Butter J52SI Apple 600100 Eem 'JO 1 Apples, dried 34 Chickens 12Vi30 Pumpkins, cach.S(g25 Turkeys 70(0.100' So rfrum 3() Ducks 21(25Beeawax, per It) 10 Potatoes, sw't OOlHonev 18 Potatoes, Irish ... r,0 Wheat QO Turnips 30(i0Corn 56 Onions 10O Cabbage, per 1t 1 Meal 60 Oats 4-0 Rye 75 Means, pr bu.100611 50 f'eas BO(Ui70 Hay, ton S1HOO Chestnuts 25UICelery. dox 25643 TO FIGHT THE GOLD WVathcr strips iacVcd on your doors and windows will make you comfortable nnd uve coal bills. Wc have tliem in all widths. BROWN, NORTHl'P & CO , ,ianl3d3t 33 Patton Avenue. WORLD'S FAIR. If you are troine to the World's Fair writ- the Dally Citizen. Asheville. N- C. for llustrated orinten matter rlest-rlbim? the Pair, and time tables and nam oh lets issued by the steamer lines or railroads vou would uc from tout home to Chicaea. Kn charore is made. Thin oflcr is made special ar rangement with the Recreation Droartment the Christian Union. AFTER CHRISTMAS AT RAYSOR & SMITH'S. As we did not sell all of our Holiday Goods, we will from now till January lot, sell at from cost to 10 per cntJbeJojcsScifx have received and have not gjvermejnberwetinjia alges, at PjJyhflow their jealvalujealnd see what we offer. Open evenin gsjKnljo'clock. RAYSOR & SMITH YOU WILL Need something in the stationery, or book line daring tbe year. When you do, call on or send your orders to CHAS. D. nVESBi Bookseller And Stationer. NO. . W. COURT 9QVASW. Orders for rubber stamps, engraved cards, etc., solicited. If You FIT UP YOUR OFFICE HANDSOMELY With a Little W. B. WILLIAMSONS CO., HEADQUARTERS FOR LL Kl DS 16 Patton Avenue. WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. CORNER STORE, EA L.K BLOCK- To reduce winter stock, we offer social inducements to cash buyers, all broken lots pjo for half value, full lots at greatly reduced prices. Our su'ts, our underwear cannot be beat for wearing qualities and fit. Extra pants to fit any size, sucn as you cannot find elsewhere, we will sell way down price, call and price our goods. We are prepared to make clothing to order for cash only. Now is the best time to buy overcoats, ul sters and cape coats, the prices and not pack away a single move. Thanking the public for years, we will try to deserve a PARLOR t LATE DESIGNS -FOR- CHRISTMAS AT- blair & McDowells, UNDERTAKERS AND FURNITURE DEALERS. No. 45 Patton Avenue, 0,'polI8rBCv"LLB.,N8c."KUT- DAY GALL NO. 75 TELEPHONE NIGHT CALL NO. 65. OVTV SUPPLY' F1BEWOOB SSbbVS8" any mzb keady ro" Kindlings and Charcoal. t1f TZ" J5 FOR RAN6E9, FURNACB3 AND OKATB8. MAUBS NO 8MOKE: O UJjLJSi cbbapbr than hard coai Lime, Portland and Louisville Cement and Plaster Ar- tmcial Stone Hie and Concrete Works. Fancy Brick , and Mortar Color. Agent for King 8 Windsor tar an a -rLn ox viJIe HAY-AND - FEED Office No. SO Patton Avenue Telephone 40. IS THE BEVERAGE OP B UVE RAGES TO KEEP THE BRAIN Pare Chocolate unite, in a perfect form all uquiu rooo. ana contrary to tne popular supposition (foanded on tbe ok of imps re mat ter sold as chocolate) it la the REMEDY PAR-EXCELLENCE FOR DYSPEPSIA! ' - . A cap of the CHOCOL&TB MBNIER, immediately after eating, will produce digntlou in three hours. It Is recommended to eyery brain worker fas place of usiag that which only aUaanlates without strengthenhisT '.r- -FOR SALE BY- GBEER & JOHNSON, Want to Money See FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC. Asheville, N. C. businens suits, our Dress are reduced. We will sell heavy garment that price can liberal patronage in the past continuance ofthe same. SUITES, IN CHAIRS PRESENTS ! YOU WITH Asbestos Cement, Dry Mor Sewer Pipe Works. Yard and Warchoni Telephone 78. Depot, FOR EVERYOJfE WHO WIShES" FRESH AND VIGOROUS the qualities for a healthy and strengthening aim -rai.sxs1 $4.50 JeJlico Lump For Grates. SINGLE TON ORDERS TELEPHONES 36 & ASHEVILLE ICE $8.50 TRY THE HEW COAL, $7.00 Hard Coal Gayton Red Ash "Gayton" FOR FURNACES. All Sizes. Semi-Anthracite. 6rateS( Ranges CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO. 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 7 1-2 COLLEGE STS. Kp In stock "Mount Vernon." "Canadian Club," and Old Baker Rje Whlsklca. The br.t Wine, Brandlca, Beer. Ale and Stout for family time. All good, delivered free. Ale and Porter on draught. Bntcr.nce No. 19 North Main and 7H College atreeta. Telephone No. 182. F. 8.: On and after May 9th I will aend atatemcnt of account, by mail to partiea In debtcd to me If not settled by that time. Reapectfnlly, PROPRIETOR. CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW. French Broad Lumber Go. Having accumulated a large stock of Framing, Sheeting, &c, will sell FRAMING AT 7'50 PER 1,000 FEET, 811 BETING SS.50 Will also take orders for OAK FIREWOOD At $2.00 per load delivered anywhere in;city. octl7dtf Is a chemical comrjound. harmless in plication. It is a powder which is dissolved in water, and this solution sprinkled over the coal. This material is for use on cither hard and range. bares 25 per cent, of the coal: also labor time nd dirt: dratrnva th HmHIv nl gas which often permeates the home, uuu MicuiuruDous diseases, inus insuring uuusca, uuu an places wnere coal is nsed. Coal treated with Kem-Kom ignites quickly, lasts longer, and gives out intense beat. Starts a vigorous tire in one fourth of the time it taken wirhnnt km.K.'nm Larirelv lessens the ashes, nreventa large portion of the smoke, thus keeping the flues free from dirt. With Kem-Kom an inferior coal, such as?screcnings, can be mixed with the ordi nary coal, and a still greater economy effected. FOR SALE BT 8. R. KEPLER, WE DO NOT RETAIL, We will sell to parties buying in 1000 pound lotB FEED AT BOTTOM FIGURES, We keep Bran, Middlings, Corn Feed, Corn Chop, Cracked Corn and Oats, Hay, Meal, Kye, Corn, White and mixed Oats, etc. Get our prices and buy direct. THE ASHEVILLE MANUFACTURERS CELEBRATED ROLLER KIRS AND ELECTRIQ LIGHT FLOUR, Tclcpxonc 36. Office MARBLE HALL CLOTHING HOUSE, 32 South Main Street. Has just got through taking inventory of the largest stock of Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods kept in Western North Carolina. I find out I have too many f:ods. I will for the next thirty days . reduce prices on very thing. Suits, Former Price, ( 11 t OVERCOATS ! Overcoats, Former i . : i Price, : The above Prices 1 mean.. When I Advertise, I adver tise facts. Call and sea me. Yours Respectfully, G. WHMXX)bK - - - lOPBIETOli. $4.00 Jellico Hut For Stoies. 40. AND COAL CO., 30 PATTON AVENUE I 0 I- 11 rvrrv rrmwt nn1 n.rbMl. .;.. .i :.. :. or rft mat. in tlio lwn;ir fma in ' producing diphtheria and all kinds of nasal nealtn and pare air tn tbe homes, school- clinker, and rinf).ra hnm. a. A - AGENT FOR KEM KOM. MILLING COMPANY. 36, Patton Attn uc Price, $ 22.50, Now $1G 00 20 00, " 14 00 18.00, 12.50 1G,00, " 11.50 15.00, ' 10.00 ' 13.50, 44 8.50 12.50, " 8.00 10.00, " 7.00 OVEHCOAT8 ! f 15.00, 12.50, 10.00, 8.00, G.00, 5.00, Now $10.00 9.00 7.50 5.50 4.00 3.00 4 ' i 4