Asheville Daily Citizen, VOLUME VIII. NO. 222. ASHEVmLE, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 10, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS- V Heckefs SELF RAISIhB BUCKWHEAT. Hecker's SELF - RAISUB - CORN - FLOUR Hecker's YELLOW CORN TUBAL NEW V')K ST ITU BUCKWHEAT FLOUR COUNTRY GROUND BUCKWHEAT FLOUR HIST K R it It I V U. 11 . .rftptl. U U M 1 11 1J V iJ 1 I U 1 EaiTaL kJ.-" el-JGS Pot., all nixes, for baking Bos- fP1 " ton bean.. kr-m0 i . f '"ni .rmJf'"-m I We offer specially low price, on our I r"JTrT- asf-Ja1 flvk jflaWfRrKr I ','VA atock of china, dinner, tea and cham- .SiiJlliF Ve,"11 bef tt' Bxtremc barSun now. 1 i gggggJ I LEGISLATING AT RALEIGH Till-: RO1DC0NG8KS8. SUFFERING FROM COLD LARGER PART OK THE NEW BILLS OF A LOCAL MATURE. A. D. COOPER, STAPLE AND FANCY! GROCERIES, North Court Square. dozen different pkces of figured Jupancsc ailks, which we will offer at 88 cent, fur a fen days, worth Sl.SSner yard. We .till hare many pretty anil attractive things in our Htorc, a. well an the Staple.. THRASH'S CRYSTAL PALACE. Many Young Bleu In Ihe Houxe Four Preachers Present The F rat Democrat Elected From lit e i-Tbe Buncombe Tenipc r5 ce Question. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 16 Special. It seems to be the disposition ol i mnnv the members to watch the treas ury. The finance committee in the Sen I ate. and esnccinllv McDowell of Meck lenburg, and Davis of Haywood, are giving close attention to and objecting to unnecessary and extravagant expen ditures. The larger portion of the bills intro duced have been either of a local charac ter or changes of present statutes. Some ot those introduced, in which the people of vour county are interesli-d, are those i - - lookinsr to the election of criminal court iudizes and solicitorj by popular vote, instead of bv the justices of the peace. A petition was received a few days since, addressed to Speaker Overman, from a few citizens of Buncombe, asking for a vote on the temperance question. This wasauite a surprise to both the senators and Represenatives who had not been The Proitratn For Dlscuslou An nouuced. Rai.eigii, Jan. 16. The Committee of Arrangements of the Halcigh Chamber of Commerce vill recommend to the Road Congress, January 1 9, the follow ing programme fur discussions: 1. The benefit of good and permanent highways and the values saved by their use. 2. Is there any need at this time for the improvement of our public roads? The special reasons therefor. 3. The kind ot roadways neeueu in various parts of North Carolina, and the best manner of keeping them in repair. 4. Wavs and means tor building good permanent public roads and maintaining them. The committee hopes that delegates and others who have given these matters particular thought will come prepared to submit papers before Congress under either of these heads. It iscxpectcd that the proceedings of the Congress will be published, including all papers of value presented. Everything now puiuts to a large and interested assemblage ot taose who desire to see our public roads unproved. WISCONSIN SENATOR. PERSONS FROZEN TO IMC ATM IN TENNESSEE BTJlSTCOJytBE SYRUP OF TAR Deinocrats Think IIIn Name Is Knight. Madison, Wis., Jan. 10. The friends of apprised of the petition until read before John H. Kuight of Ashland, claim that All tlie Rivers Blockaded Willi Ice snow to Inches Deep Bus iness Bnspended Tbe Poor Be ing Helped. Memphis, Tenn., an. 10. Never in the history of the Central South has there been so much suffering from cold weather as at present. All the rivers are blocked with ice and snow, rendering passage over them impossible. Many trains are late, some abandoned by their suffering crews. Most iutense suffering is prevalent among the mountaineers. The snow is from ten inches to three feet deep in eastern Tennessee and western North Carolina and eastern Kentucky, and all kinds of labor are suspended. Knoxvillk, Tenn., Jan. 10. Not for thirty years has there been such severe weather as now prevails in this section. The thermometer is far below zero, and dozens or more of people are reported frozen to death. Business of all kinds is suspended, and the united efforts of city officials and church members are being utilized to aid the poor. All trains are late and it is difficult to run them on anything near schedule time. MR. CLEVELAND'S CABINET. Mnple Syrup That wejjfuurantec to be 100 per cent. pure. - KROGER. - - REAL ESTATE. W. B. OWVN. W. W. WEST. Gwyn & West, (Successor to Walter B. Gwyn.) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. Loans at 8 BON 1VIARCHE ust received a new and hand some Hue of Hamburg und Naiu Book Embroideries, Torchon I. aces, while goods. Great re ductions on Ladies' Wraps, sonic very pietty ones. Winter Dicss Goods at a. great sacrifice to close. BON MARC HE. I 37 Soutn Main at. IMPORTED GROCERIES I- RENCH TEAS, STRING BBANS, MUSHROOMS, MACEIHJINBS. TRUI-l'l-liS, PATE DK 1'OIS GRAS ANCHOVIES, SARDINES. OLIVB OIL., CAI'BKS, CANTON GINOHU, IAMS, PRESERVES, PICK LBS. Powell & Snider. the House. In the House there are ciuite a number of very youthful members; live less man 25 vears old: W. li.unmesoi wane, ana S. Erwin of Cleveland, 22; F. L. Merritt of Wake. 23; W. R. Eureol Gates, 2. and F. L. Fuller ot Durham, nearly zo. In the Senate R. B. McLaughlin of Iredell, aced 27. is the youngest man and he is followed closely by J. A. Brown of Columbus; E. F. McRae of Robeson, and also I. W. McLauehlin of Cumber land. The latter keeps one eye on the ladies' gallery. Revs. U. W. Newell oi iTankiin ana j, G. Burch of Alamance, represent the ministrv in the Senate. A number ol the meniners nave ior- merlv been connected with the press, amone them Senators Potter of Beau fort and Erwin of Shelby. 'How many preachers are there in the House ?" asked a gentleman a few days ago. Tlie reply was: "tour, inciuaing lien. Bob Vance, who is us good a preacher as anybody." All three of the ordained preachers are leading members of the Primitive Baptist church, l ney are Elder Rone, of Beaufort; Elder Law rence, of Martin, and Elder McLawhorn, of Pitt. The most prominent members in the House are Gen. R. B. Vance of Buncombe and Hon. W. H. Kitchiti of Halifax, both ex-Congressmen and tried and true Detn ocrats. The Senate has four uhvsicinns Urs. T. B. Twittv. W. P. Mercer, M. A. Rov- ii 1 1 and Wm. Merritt. Only three of the present "Tar-heel Solons" are colored, one in the Senate and two in the House. The average age of the members will hardlv exceed 35 years. Senator J onn s. eranor was toe nrsc and only Democratcvcr elected in Wilkes, and this is not altogether due to the fact that Dr. Tyre York bad returned to his old party. 11'. F. T. the caucus of Democrats to nominate a United States Senator will be brief and that Knight will be named unless Bragg of Fond du Lac.and Mitchell of Milwau kee, succeed in forming a coalition for some dark horse. Knight claims thirty-three votes on the 6rst ballot with a sufficient number of members favoring him for the second choice to exceed 4-2, necessary to nominate. The springing ot a dark horse might deplete tbe Ashland man's ranks, and it ij thought by many that he is ovcr-sangviine. The death ol Senator 1-rcd Home ot Cedarsbtirg yesterday, takes one vote from Mitchell's and one from Bragg's list of second choice legislators, but it does not reduce the number of tac 4-2 votes necessary to make a majority of the caucus. Eighty-two ballots would have been cast with Horn; his death leaves 81 , but still 4-2 votes is a majority. til-is MA IS SOCIALISTS. Re- Ttaetjr Gained Notblntc by Ibe cent strike of Miners. Hkrun, un. 10. Whatever may be the future intentions of the Social Demo crats to inaugurate a general strike among the German coal miners, there can be no question that tne present difficulty, that had its origin in a So cialist desire to spread their doctrines and gain converts has resulted in an enormous failure. Notwithstanding the efforts of certain malcontents to keep as many of the miners as possible trom re turning to work, the men who quit their employment some days ago are anxious to return, in me ijciseniurcnen uisinti all the miners, with the exception of those suspected of haying been implicated in the lawlessness that characterized the strike are at work, and no further trouble is apprehended. Neither Illinois Nor 'Wisconsin Libel v to be Represented lu It Washington, Jan. 13. Unless Mr. Cleveland changes his mind during the next few weeks the chances are that III i uois nor Wisconsin will have a represen tative in the Cabinet. A Senator who has been recently in consultation with Mr. Cleveland reports to his anxious colleagues here that both of the Western States which threw their electoral votes to the Democratic column are 1-kelv to be left in the cold as far as representation in the Cabinet is concerned. The only man who has been seriously pressed upon the President-elect from Illinois is Col. Mor. rison, and Wisconsin's one candidate is Mr. Wall. As t nines now stand Mr, Cleveland doesn't want either of them in his Cabinet. As for Illinois, Mr. Cleveland believes that State already has sufficient honor under the government. He is represented as saying that Illinois has the Vice-Presidency, the Chief Justiceship, and at the present time the Chairmanship of tbe Committee on Ways and Means in the House, and that this was enough for any btate. Possibly this is a mere ex cuse for leaving Illinois off his Cabinet slate. His objections to Wall and Mor rison are not entirely personal, ueo- Sccurely Placed Per Cent. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. SOUTHBAST COURT SQUAB B. CORTLAND BROS., Real Estate Brokers And Investment Aseuta NOTARY PUBLIC. Lrtana ev.-nrelT placed at 8 per cent. Office 44 8t 26 Fatton Avenue. Second ;tloor. fcbftdlv HAVE YOU EVER SMOKED Tbe following brands ofdgari? If yon have I not yon have certainly missed the very beat I a cent clears aold in ahe city. The celebrated I i KISS OF THB WAVES," B cent, straight; Blombrrg'a "EXTRA GOOD," S centa, alx for 25 ; "ESSENCE OF ROSES," B centa atraight. All are long Havana filler. MODEL - CIGAR - STORE 17 PATTON AVENUE. JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. Furnished and Unfurnished Houses. OFFICB ROOMS. Loans aecurely placed at Bight per cent iHTHDlj. WILLS. Albert k. wills. WILLS BROS., ARCH ITECTS NO. 3 PATTON AVE. FITZPATRICK BROS., Contractors and Dealers in Mixed Paints and Painters' Suppi . WALL PAPER. SO North Main Strebt. Asheville. TELEPHONE NO. 12. t-H o CO t-H X H e O CO S w -a at O a O m o t a a a at en a S o x it a ss n a -i H J. s u m s. M i 5 1 H y. w is H H - O n a. O a o X at O o 06 o a. o S5 a 2 H os o en Ol a. as u o u Q O O a w Pi a z i H O -1 o a z (0 a o o o tc a to o DC C UI O X () to GREAT JANUARY SALE! $1000 WORTH OF GOODS AT ABOUT ONE HALP THE EARLY SEASON'S PRICES! Many remembering onr laat January Sale may have put off buying, but sow all may beseat by this (rest clearing sale. We are sure that none who come can be disappointed. Among the many gooda marked iji- down are: Tea Sets, 56 Pieces, Porcelain, $ HeinitstiS Reagan DRUGGISTS. House bills introduced: To give the Railway Commission power to assess the nroncrty of steamboat companies; to establish a State colored normal college at Winston; to give the Railway Com mission uower to require the careful handling of baggage; to amend the code in regard to married women, and to re lieve railway companies from making annual reports to the Governor. Bills nassed a final readme: to remove the State Colored Normal college from Warrenton to Franklinton, northern Presbyterians having pledged com mo dious buildings and $2,000 a year at the latter pluce; to change the date ot tbe in auguration ot State officers and make it the third Wednesday after the first Monday in January next after the elec tion. By Mr. Vance of Buncombe lo pro hibit shooting at pigeons as a target; to make it a misdemeanor to abandon am mats: to turn over fines paid for crueltv to animals to societies organized for the tirevention of that cruelty. Bills ot prominence iintroducea m tne House recently were to repeal the mer chant's purchase tax, to cteate an addi tional cause tor divorce, and to exclude married persons from the benefits of the public schools. . ? , , ... .i A resolution was lnirouuccn in mc House Saturday requesting members of Congress to urge an amendment to the Constitution giving the people the right to vote directly for President and Sena- tort. Tbe Senate on Saturday tabled three important bills, those being to amend the code in regard to usury; to restore to the tax lists lands unlisted for three years, and to repeal tbe homestead law. A Olll IU piUUIUll.CUUULyCUU1UJIBSIL.UClB from appointing ignorant or incompe tent persons as judges of election, went to the table, the Republicans yoting for it. A committee of five Senators and seven Representatives was appointed to take into consideration the matter of a proper exhibit by North Carolinaat tbe World's tat". A bill to repeal thcprei ent county gov ernment law, introduced by tbe Republi cans, was overwhelmingly defeated. COULDN'T AGRKG. -AND- WILD GHERRY SPECUJ ATTENTION PAID TO THE FILLING ti 2.90, 400, 6.95, 15.20, 16.80, Old Price, f 4.1() 6.55 10.50 22.50 23.70 " China Dinner Sets, Porcelain, Dinner Sets, China, A large lot of parts of broken dinner acta in French china at about one-third price, great quantity of Fine French China Plates and caps and saucers, in broken dozens, at sacrifice. OF PRESCRIPTIONS. We arc Sole Accots in Asheville fur Frances) Ann Kemble Dead. LiHuon, Jan. 10. Mist Frances Ann Kemble (Mrt. Pierce Butler) the well known actress, died today. Mitt Kemble had been ill but a short time. Her condition was not regarded as seriout, and her death was unex pected. The remains will be interred in Kendall Green cemetery, wnere tne body of Miss Kemble t father was buried. Caucus of Republicans to Deter mine au Order of Business. Washington. Jan. 10. There was a caucus ot Kepuuucan .senators tins morning to arrange the order of busi ness to follow the anti-option bill, which, it is expected, will be disposed of Wednes day. Nothing final was done because of the report of certain Senators to bind the c incus to take up the silver report resolution immediately after the anti option bill. As was expected the silver Senators bitterly resisted tins attempt and the caucus adjourned to meet tomorrow. The House today is engaged in a dis cussion of the resolution calling on t he various executive departments having the matter in charge for a statement ot the amount of Southern war claims allowed and disabled by them. A I-'utal Mlauoderstaudiuic. PlTTSHfRG, Pa., Jan. 10. An cast bound passenger train on the Pennsyl vania railroad lan into a freight train at Laroylc, forty miles from this city, about three o'clock this morning. Tire man Metzens was instantly killed and Engineer Cannon seriously injured. Nine passengers were hurt. The accident was caused by the misunderstanding of an or- derbv the freight train crew. Carlisle I lie Man. Cincinnati, O., Jan. 10. Senator Car lisle, while visiting at bis former home in Covington, Ky., talked freely about his acceptance of the office of Secretary of the Treasury, lie said that it was im portant that bis success should beelected in time to take bis scat March , and that be would mail his resignation after he returned to Washington. A Yale Man In a poorbouse. Grand RArms.Mich., Jan. 14-. Arthur Johnston, seventy-three years old and a graduate of Yale, is dying in Kent county poorbouse. He speaks several languages and has Deen a protcssor in two small colleges. In the booming days of Montana be went there and acquired $500,000. Bad mining specu- graphical considerations have much weight, and just now the chief trouble which Mr. Cleveland is struggling with is to fit the geography of the country to the men he has under consideration for tbe various places. Although it is only seven weeks to in auguration day. he has not made much progress with bis Cabinet. Carlisle and Laraont are the only certainties. Don Dickinson has once declined to be Secre tary of State, and Mr. Cleveland is after him again. The friends of tbe Michigan statesman think he will succumb this time and take the place. While this re mains unsettled Mr. Cleveland naturally has some geographical embarrassments as to Illinois and Wisconsin. To add to the complication, it is believed that the post now held by lerry Kusk has been offered to ex-Gov. Gray, of Indiana, and if Dickinson should accept and Gray de cide to become Secretary of Agriculture, that would make three Cabinet officers in a row Kentucky, Indiana, and Mich igan and render it well nigh impossible to take two more from the adjoining States of Illinois and Wisconsin. Mr. Cleveland can make no further progress with his Cabinet till be hits upon a Secretary of State. There is lit tle reason to doubt that Don Dickerson will be tbe man, and that Wisconsin and Illinois will be left out in the cold. N. Y. Sun. s a sale ana rcnaDie cure ior cougns, colds, croup, hoarseness and all affec tions arising from an Inflamed condition of tbe throat and lungs. Price, 25 cts Manufactured at Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South Main Street. BUNCOMBE SARSAPARILLA, with Iodide of Potash. Sarsaparilla has been long esteemed as possessing decided alterative properties, and, in combination with Iodide of Po- tasium, exerts a marked curative action all diseases due to impurity of the blood, especially such as arc inherited or are the result of Syphilitic or Mercurial Blood Poisoning. By its use you can save yourself from the suffering caused by foul Erup- s and Ulcerous Sores, through which the system strives to rid itself of Corruptions. It Purifies the Blood, giving it renewed Vitality and Force. Being an Alterative, it changes the action of the system, imparting Fresh Strength and Vigorous Health. The Concentrated Power and Curative Virtues of Buncombe Sarsaparilla render it the most Reliable Blood Purifier that can be used, while it is entirely safe for patients of all Jages. Manufactured at Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South Main st. BUNCOMBE LIVER PILLS are mild. yet sufficient; do not cause pain or gripe, and act upon the liver and bowels. They are especially valuable as after dinner pills, and readily cure constipation and constiveness, nausea, distress in the stomach, ctc. jThey are purely vegetable and we be lieve they are tac best family pill yet pre pared and offer them with perfect confi dence, believing tha i whenever used it will be with the happiest results. Try tbem and judge for yourself. At Grant's Pharmacy Just a Republican Hope. Washington, Ian. 10. In the Senate today Morrill (Rep. Vermont) addressed the Senate in an argument against the McGarrahan bill. Alluding to John Ran! dolph Tucker as having made an adverse report on the claim, he expressed the hope that the rumor that Tucker would be Cleveland's attorney would prove to be true. WINTER UNDERWEAll ! In order to-close out a lot of odds and ends in Winter Underwear and prevent car rying any over, I will sell them at a BIG REDUCTION! tea and SEE OUR SPECIAX, $,11.75 DUSKER. SET X Darlag this sate wc offer best triple plated knives at 1.SS per set, and forks, tabic spoons proportionately low. t J. H. LAW, 35 and 37 Fattbn Avenue, Asheville, Tn Allow Railway Pooling;. Washington, . C, Jan. 10. The House Commerce committee today adopted the report of the sub-committee O'l a bill prepared by it to allow pooling by railroad companies when sanctioned by the Interstate Commerce commission. The measure will probably be called up in the House, and its passage urged some day this week. Mr. Blaine no Better. Washington, Jan. 10. There is no ap parent change in Mr. Blaine's condition today. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. This is a genuine cut-rate sale and it will pay you to call if you need anythinst in the above line. F. E. MITCHELL.. THE MEN'S OUTFITTER, as PATTON AVENUE. AT THE STOBB OP lations ruined him. N. Y. World. Nearly Always Bad Medicine. Pkoria, III., Jan.16. There is a wailing sod gnashing of teeth among specula tors in -whiskey stocks in this city. The lump in prices cost tbe city over a mil lion dollars and the balk of the lots falls ion one man. The slide in stocks was canted by a report that the National House of Representatives would make trouble for tbe whiskey trust. The Hotel Was Burned. Di-Ll-TU, Minn., Jan. 16. The fire which started in the basement of the hotel St. Louis resulted in tbe total de struction of that building. The total loss is estimated at $100,000, with in surance of half that amount. CANDY. ImplllYlns; Tnn Minatlou. Atchison. Kan., Jan. 16. An under standing hat bees reached between Bailey Waggencr and A. A. Harris. whereby Wssgener will retire from the Ti . c. cor. tuirca Birtei ma riuoa Aienno. .h.P is the interest of col Ham.. Rnsslan Cotton Mills Burned. Warsaw. Ian. 16. A cotton mill at OzarkofT, which was one of the largest mills in the Umpire of Russia, has been destroyed by fire. Loss 500,000 rou bles. Killed Bi La and Electricity. Dannemosa, N. Y., lan. 16. Kornet Toth, the murderer of Mrs. Deroacsek, met his death by electricity at Clinton prison this morning. Roman Catholic Bishop Dead. Kdinmrg. Jan. 16. The Right Rev. John McLaichin, Roman Catholic bishop of Galloway, died today. It is believed that Mr. Croker has pledged the support of Tammany to the Cleveland administration ana win Keep his word in good faith. The mercurv was five below zero at Washington Saturday at daybreak. At St. Paul it was twelve below and in some places in the Northwest as much as thir ty below. Tbe suffering of the poor in Cincinnati has become frightful. Small buyers of coal are charged at tbe rate of seven and eight dollars a ton. Cases are reported where men, driven by hunger, have held up bakery wagons and plundered tbem. The deadlock in tbe Nebraska Legisla ture was broken Saturday and the two houses met in joint se.sion and canvassed votes. Gov. lames E. Boyd's (Democrat) farewell message was read and Gover nor Lorenzo Crouse (Republican) was duly installed. A report is current in Londoa that Prince Georee of Wales contemplates a trip to tbe United States in the Spring. His intention, is to participate in tbe naval review in New York harbor with a large squadron of warships, after which be will go to Chicago. Governor William McKinley, in an ad dress before the Ohio State Woohrrowers association at Columbus, said that in his opinion "tbe great policy of protec tion is the true policy, and I believe tSat it it just as dear to tbe American people as it ever was before, and that it will, in time, continue to be." 27 PATTON AVENUE. New Goods are constantly arriving, thereby enables the proprietor to always show a Fresh Stock, as well as offer a Grand Opening Sale for every day in the year, Sun day excepted. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF ! n Meerschaum Pipes and Caudles. Pin Fruits. CIGARETTES - I G LATEST NEWSPAPERS R alwaTTT"2. NOVELS. g RAY'S CIGAR STAND AND TICKET OFFICE, Btranss' Hotel. 28 Boath Mala Street. TRV THE MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY I CMUKC1I STRICT, Txxcnsz 70.