t THE ASHEVILlLE DAILY CITIZEN. Wednesday IS venmtf, January 18, 1893. 3- SOMETHING- v Vi blood medicines had I f ailed lo mo any good. WibLC.v TRADE SIS i l.ad a malignant breaking out on my leg c ' waacured sound and well r : two and a halt pomes. MARK T was troublcl from childhood with nn a?. vntprt raflO or ioiwr, niiu. tin " n mil iiormimciitlv WaujAcr Mann, MannvtUc, 1 T, Our Xmo's. on Wood nnd Pkln DITOasf mniieu roe. Bwiit Srcumv w.i Auauia, Thin Children Grow Fat on ocott s limulsion, because fat foods make fat children. They are thin, and proportion assimilate food rich in -cr - - is remain tliin just in to their inability tj fat. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is especially adaptable to those of weak diges tion it is partly digested already, Astonishiner how quickly a thin person gains solid flesh by its use slhnost as palatable as milk. Prepared by Scott A Bowne, N. Y. All drufrKifltfl. A Tonic " and A Pleasure: That's the hnpny combination found i:i A I'loulinif Holt I. "I woador," said Ooorgo llayKcr at tho Victoria yesterday, "that there is no scheme for a hia Hunting hotel on tho laleo during the World's fair, modeled after tho one .iust conixleted in Maine, and which will noon he Bent to Florida waters to cruise or float, whichever term uiay ho riht. I saw it before I left Maine. It is an linnioiiRo and rather Tin wieldly looking affair, and an outaide view is not particularly prepossessing, but its interior decoration and the ar- raiiKeinents for tho convenience and com fort of guests equal almost any of the land hotels, except that it lacks the met ropolitan character of our large city hotels and has too much of a sporting flavor to suit tho average man who is not a Kimrod or a "Walton. It will be patronized chiefly by sporting men who will hunt and fash in southern waters, To take the place of cabs, which always stand on the outside of hotels, there are rows of skiffs, and the umbrella receivers, instead of being full of umbrellas and canes, have fishinir rods in them. "Undoubtedly many gentlemen will brine their families with them, so the parlors and ballrooms are fitted up as in land hotels. It is a slow moving crate and I suppose most of the time it will be stationary, only movinK from place to place as reports of good hunting or fish ing reach the manager. Most of the hunting expeditions will be made in small boats up into tho bayous and riv ers and swamps. Tho management will probably bo entirely free from the nn noynnco of dead beats and hotel sharps, for if they should bo detected out on the ocean they might bo used as bait for tho fishes." Chicago Tribune. Tito luxcitcjuient in l-'rance. To ivnderr-tuiid tho extreme excitement wliieli tho Piinnma iiitiuiry produces in Franco we must recollect that it involves the whole ivticstion of tho fitness of tho sovereign power to exerciso its functions. Tlio mspnto among Frenchmen tho radical dispute which underlies nil oth ers is whether universal suffrage, un controlled mid ungukled either by a monarch, u. Csesur or a claws, is compe tent to create for itself a sovereign pow er, l lint it lias created 0110 in tno as sembly is not questioned. That body can, in practice, dismiss the president did lo it in CJrevv's case; can compel any minister or cabinet to resign; can nominate their successors and can pass any law whatever that it thinks is de sirable for t ranee. Its action is not arrested by any veto, and it is not liable to penal dissolution without tho consent of tliat half of itself which is called tho senate, a consent which it miht be very difficult to extort. Indeed, tho chamber ' itself must often bo consulted, for it must puss the budget before a dissolu tion can lie safe, and the budget is often delayed to tho very expiration of tho lepcal term. Tlio assembly is in fact sovereign, mid if the assembly that is, tho senators ami deputies taken together arc proved to have been bribable, or to have toler ated bribery, the deduction is painfully obvious. Universal suffrage lias failed to elect an honest sovereign power. London Saturday Review. CURES RISING BREAST "MOTHER'S FRIEND" . i 11' hU- oNVrtMl child-bearilii; woman. I I: luiil-wifc lor ninny years, lino IVIllCRt i v e r bctMi a i-h c:ihu when) "Mother's l-riend" liml Ik vnuwil i'. n''oiiililn-il womb-is ami rclmvcii union HiifTiMiinr. It, is the iH'st remedy for rislrtr l the breast known, ami worth li e irioeioi that alunc. Mils. -M. Hill M ll;, Montgomery, Alii. I con tell nil expectant, mothers jf tbi'y viill iimo a. lew bottle or Mother's frird 1 1 v will no tliroiiirll lhooiile.il v.Jtlmrt. : t-y inin ami SUITerine;. .Mils. JUH. A ' m A M Mi -N. 1 it It 1'Meil Mother'.-, I-rienl before I it'll eighth cllibl. Wt'l never ee;i..e I t I r-'ire. Mus. .1. I'. Moolti:, Culm i. Sent ly expresH, etuir;'es vrepi'hl, i'-i n-t, :ii, of price, Sl.50 per bottle. RRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Bold by nil ilnipiii;;ta. Atlanta., ti.K. THE MA1TLAND SCHOOL, NO. 40 FRENCH BROAD AVENUE. ENGLISH AND FRENCH HOME AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. MRS. BURGWYN MAIT1.ANI). Friaclftal. Assisted by Mills Wallace of Vassar Collesrc, and Mile. Bothe of I'aris. Special advantages for the study or vocal and instrumental lr.uiic. Afternoon French classes for ladies Railroad Tickets a. y BouRlit an ' Sold Cheapest and Best. Cheap Kates to All Points. All Guar anteed. Mcmlicr American Ticket Bio kcr's Association. Fruits and Candies. RAY'S CIGAR STAND Strauss' Hotel, AND TICKET OFFICE, 8 South Main St. T To Aclvetrlaera insure chanee of advertisements running on regular contract, b handed In bv 10 o'clock a . copy m must LISTEN ! CAROLINIANS LISTEN ! T Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $40,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County And City Depository. Organised 5w?. iK". DEPOSITEBOXES IN FIRP PROOF VAULTS RENTED AT REASONABLE RATES GENERAL BANKING BI KINKSS TRANSACTED. Interest Paid on DepoalU In Ralnit Dcpartmenl. DIRECTORS Lewis MmMux, U. T. ColliiiH. M. J. Fugff, .1. K. Heed, Vhixa: McNiuru-o, J: E. Unnkin, M. J. Hourden, S. H. HeocJ. BANK OF EN fROP 9 A. M. TiLL 4 P. W. CN SATURDAY Til L 5 P. M. JL li Ja.il Beer Voti drink it for i-lr.;.nro, find get phytiicr.l A v.liole- soire, rjfre:i!.i-.!tj, r.ppclizing, ti.irrit qtici:cl:i ilri'.ik. One package c:n!:cs fvo gallons. AdwrtiHtiifr ns Vaiidcrbllt's Guest. Tho following nniinio advertisement hns aiijieured in Tho Times, and also, with a trilling variation, in Tho Morning Post: Sir. U. W. Diivey, of London, lius arrived at New York on hiu return trip from Central America, and is at present the guest of Mr. V'nnderbilt, tho millionaire. Never before having hoard of Mr. R W. Davey, of London, I am burning: for more information concerning this indi vidual. Who is R. V. Davey? What has he been doms m America? vvny is the fact of his being tho guest of Mr Vandorbilt deemed of Bufticient public interest for publication as an advertise ment in tho London papers? Who wants to know where R. W. Davey has been? Who cares where ho is now? Evidently R. W. Davey has a largo circle of ac quaintances who are deeply concerned about his movement, and I shall be glad if any of them will enlighten me on the above points. London Truth. Interesting Missouri Suits, Kansas city men who did not vote in lfeDO and tho lato election are to bo Bued by the city to test a peculiar law. The charter provides that voters who do not vote at tho general city election every two years shall be charged with a poll tax of $250 each. The registration books of the city show that there were several thousand voters who did not ex ercise their right of franchise last spring. At $050 each theso men owe the city a large amount, and as that sum or any part of it would come very handy just now tho city counselor has taken the first step toward collecting it. Tho money so collected goes into tho sanitary fund, but it benefits tho city departments, as money that would otherwise be taken from the revenue fund for other purposes is appropriated for sanitary purposes. Half of tho best known business men and manufacturers, professional men anil capitalists, tlioso who have large property interests, will find their names on tho list of delinquents. The men who are mostly directly interested in a iinan cial way in tho government of tho city are tho men who seem to tako no part in politics ami neglect to vote. Cor. Chi cago News-Record. Evvry Saturday at -1 oYlork p. in., 1 will oat, without cooking, mixed with water, to prevent chokiutr. every pound of OMKflA FLOUU H!d by me and returned failing to bake well. It is only .ft."i.r per barrel, white rh snow after it is cooked. Also a full line ceries. Produce, Putter and eggs will be sold em ii BOTTOM I KICKS. W. C. SPRINKLE. F. B. LAWSON. for and as of (J ro day at rirst-elnss Lard, lit cents per pound. J. A. WHITE, GROCER, 17 SOUTH MAIN ST11EHT, janlS ASUEVII.l.E. N. C. I-nn't lie ils.:et'ft! if Of larger pt'lil . t . !l IS just TV'S'.' ! a dVider. for (lie prdce yi ti f..)t;.e other kind : ; ( ll--.-. No imkaiifctE ilt.C ltiucs'. Save B.B.B. Paying UUWIUId Bills BOTANIC BLOOD BALM A Ii8cliure;eil Knuinver'it Suit. Ono of tho strangest actions ever brought in the Lawrence county courts has just been commenced by W. P. Nye against tho Pittsburg company, which has been improving tho new town ol Ellwood. Mr. Nye states that he is a lo comotive engineer. Sept. 181)0, he wfia inrtiiffil liv tlio PifrtsdmV'' cnimiilliv to accept a position as engineer on the J became connected with the proprietorship Beaver Valley railroad at $80 a montli, 01 mo puper, moi m.i uu.. i"'.i which was increased by working over ' years ago, no paiu tne rcpimnrauvm ui timo to 100. i tno outgoing .... , . On tho representations or tho company I .ulMiiclie.ru'M Slmro in a Jurtiul. Since there is no longer any conceal ment necessary with regard to the sev erance of Mr. Labouchore's connection with The Daily News I may mention tliat tho price paid for his slinro in the newspaper was A'tlO.OoO. When he firvt The Wonderful Pea. A truly wonderful nnd valuable nw FieM I'ca. Viln-s grow 40 1'cet long. Pods average 20 fas in each. Makes an enormous yieltl and is iiiimu- lass.'d to turn under for enriching the suit, or 10 inuWi. an i ttiniprtse ouantitv offorace and pi'as Icr fi eiliiiK stork. Hinhly nutritions. Our grower savi ihev are "worth five to tin times as 11111.11 us'the ordinary Vow Peas." Fully described WOOD'S SEED BOOK fur 1891. A book of valuable information for every tai nu-r and canlrnrr, Riving cultural direc tions tor all crops mailed Free. T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN. RICHMOND, EAGLE WAREHOUSE, For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco, ASIIEVILLE. The hiiglc WaieLousc tirst begau business last season, and although a new ... . , a i ;n house and a new firm it easily took tlic lead in tne tonncco tiaae 01 ivsncviuc. With our past experience and increased facilities lor handling t bacco we arc latter prcparcd'to serve our friends and customers than ever before The lvagle is one of the largest and best warehouses in the State, with a capacity of 50,0(10 pounds a day. Our motto : I'olitc and courteous treatment to all, highest mar-ct prices and prompt returns. Give us a trial. SPRINKLE & LAWSON, Proprietors. P.M. BDDUINS, Bookkeeper. CAPT. J. M. SMITH, Floor Manager. ACME WINE & LIQUOR HOUSE THE GREAT REMEDY . FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKIM 0ISEASES - nan been thoroughly tout I'd by em inent phvU-ian anil tlio peoplo for 0 Team, and never falls to eure quickly anil permanently SCROFULA, ULCERS, ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM. PIMPLES. ERUPTIONS .11 manner of EATING. SPRKAPTNO and V.rtJSSVSv.S nrarlably cure tho ni"t loweo. inoe i pc wwwf v ale ry QnigKiaw. SENT FREE wondk.kh l cubes. m3 IKL; lift:- POSITIVELY CURES HEADACHE OF EVERY KIND! It W perfectly hurmlexs una contains no noisonouH rtrup. Kccom mended for one object mily-tho CUKE of HKADACHE. A trial will C'AnVn?'li'u0bl'e'rtrtiKi,'it who niny not tuvo it on bund will procure it promptly for anyone who wishes to try It. no ov uccviu nj lute. nOecntsandJI.OO. BRADYCR0TINE MFG. CO., MACON, 6A. FOR SALB AT PctHmnm's Pharmacy. Dtssolulluu. The 6rtn of Mostin & Robertson is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. Muslin, Pake c Co., who succeed them, ossunie all liabilities and will collect nil accounts due the firm. Bl I Ml'STlN. J. l. KOB 3 TSON Copartni rshlp. Th- oodersigned have this r!ay lormcd a copartnership nnder the firm name of Mus tio, Fakea i Co. Haviae purchased Ibe ac count of Muatln 8c Robertson all debts due them are payable to us. We will continue the business heretofore conducted by Mnstin & Robertson. Office. No. H South Water street. ELI Ml'STlN, B. R. FAKES, W.J. SI.AVUBN. that ho would have a pernumont post- 1 lion no Donjni a nonsu anu iui trout tuu Pittsburg company for $1,750, agreeing to pay $120 every three months nntil tho whole amount was paid. July 31, 1892, he was discharged, as he says, without cause. Ho ceased to pay for his house, I and now ho asks $2,000 from the com pany for broach of contract. Meadville (Pa.) Gazette. A Singular ltnllroatl Accident. A case was reported recently of nn engineer heinst killed by his heail strik ing against a sagged telegraph polo as lie leaned from his cab window, and several instances are lately noted of brakemen being swept from the roof of cars by bridges. But perhaps the most singular accident of this kind occurred in Mis souri last week. An engineer of an Iron Mountain train was leaning out of his cab window passing Williamsvillo when he was caught by the mail catcher tlie iron iole and hook arrangement for catching the mails from moving trains and pulled clean from his engine, through tho window, falling beside the track as his train passed on. lie -was seriously injured. Exchange. ACCIDENTS! The .Travelers" Insurance company of Hartford. Conn , has accident tickets on Sale at 3 Patton avenue. Under Optra House. Office Hours, 9 a m. to 1 p. m. TBOS. WILSON POSTELI,. AGENT. OFFICE 39 PATTOS AVBNL'E, - - -.... AT WEAVER & MYERS' STORE A Nervous llrlilcs;rooiii. The First Presbyterian church was tho scene of a very pretty wedding at an early hour Tuesday morning, the parties ' being Benjamin Spence, of West Bridge- I water, Mass. , and Miss Bianca Verbeelc, ' of this city. During the ceremony tlie ! groom startled the invited guests by fall ing in a faint. His nervousness agitated the bride, and it was feared a postpone ment would be necessary, but at bis re quest, when he regained his composure, the officiating clergyman completed tho ceremony. While going down the aisle the groom again fainted and was witli tmtch difficulty revived, but recovered sufficiently to take the train for his home in Massachusetts. Atlantic City Cor. Philadelphia Times. The Dangers la Iced Water. Cautions have been issued by the im perial health office of Berlin with regard to tne use ot ice. investigation lias shown that the ice of commerce sold at Berlin contains micro-organisms that are dangerous to health, and the con clusion has been arrived at that illnesses frequently observed after iced drinks have been taken have probably less to do with the coldness of the drink than with the disease germs contained in the ice. The public have consequently been warned to eschew drinks and food which have become dangerous to health in the manner suggested. Cor. Manchester (England) Guardian. or deceased shareholder X 1,000 for the holding of which ho has now received a sum more than sufficient to start a morning newspaper of his own. Nothing is yet known as to his inten tions, but it is regarded as by no means impossible that, in conjunction with Sir Charles Dilke, who lias long wiwhed to own or have an interest in a daily paper, some pin n may be adopted by which the advanced or disaffected radicals, as dis tinguished from the ministerialists, will have an organ of their own. Leeds Mer cury. Nerves nnd Nerve, After a seven years courtship George Bailev. a well to do farmer, nnd Esther Bailey, his cousin, have made two at tempts to get married in Norwich, Pa., within two weeks, and the wedding is off. The ceremony was to have been performed Wednesday of last week, and a large number of guests were present. Suddenly the prospective bride disap peared and was found locked in her ' room. To lier parents appeals to come out she only replied, "I'm too nervous! I'm too nervous! It'll havo to be put off!" No thing would do but a postponement to Monday. Monday came and the bride I was over her nervousness and ready with j the guests. But now the bridegroom did ! not come. Instead he sent this message: 1 "I'm not nervous. On the contrary, I've I got nerve enough to postpone this wed i ding indefinitely. " And it was post poned. Philadelphia Kecord. TRl'STEK'a, SAUI? By virtue ot" a power of sale contained in a deed ot trust exe cuted by O. W, Kadford and V. SA. Kadford, his wife, to the undersigned in fee simple on the 4-th day of June, A. 1. ls'.lt, and riconlid in the orhec of Register of Deeds ot Bun combe L'ountv North Carolina, in book No. an of deeds of trust of said office at nre 70. default hivinic been made in the payment ol the interest as therein set forth, at the re quest of the Western Carolina bank, the un dersigned will sell by public auction for cash ,h tiiLh.-it liirbb-rat the court house door in the City of AshcviUe County of Buncombe and State of North Carolina, on Monday, the 30th day of January. A. U. 1H:i, the lands and premises as set forth and described in said deed of trust, situate lyinu and being in lbe County ol ltuncombe and State ol orth Carolina, on the waters of Hominv creek, ndjoinittg the lands of T. A. Starnes, A 11. Starni s and others, containing eisnty three acres, be the same more or less; and r.,r a morf ilefinite degcrintinn. rtlercnce is herehv marie to said deed of trust, registered as above stated as apart of the description hereof, in order to pav oil' and satisfy the in dtbtness so at cured by deed o trust rlnteri this 27th duv of December. A. I. la.JA .. P. McUH'II, dcc2Hd30d Trustee. WANT COLUMN. WANTED. WANTED-A stenographer or long expe rience and ability from the North, whose family is id Ashcvillc. would like to locate in Ashevillc permanently. Rapid ami accurate work guaranteed. Pngagements desired. Address D. M.. This Othcc. .ianlTdlw J AS. H. LOUGHR AN, Proprietor No, 58 South Main Street. TELKPHONC CALL. NO. 139, P. O. BOX 688, ASHliVlLLH. MY KOI TO 13 TO KEEP THE BEST AND CHARGE ACCORDINGLY. 'ANTED A Uick, intelligent wnitc ooy nffrnm 1 to 1 veara or aK-. .-. " bov in a lawyer's othcc. aaares in handwriting. .ianHidtf own O. BOX H1, Ashevillc, N. C. Xheft Revealed ly a Bream. Mrs. Cornelia M. Thomas, of St. Paul, is under arrest charged with hav ing stolen $1,000 from her sister, Mrs. Mary D. Phillips, of Seattle, Wash. Tho circumstances preceding tho arrest are peculiar. Mrs. Phillips was in St. Paul recently. She returned to Seattle and while en route dreamed that Cornelia Thomas had abstracted $1,000 of $3,400 which she had in the lining of her dress. A search revealed the amount $1,000 short. Mrs. Phillips returned at once 1 to St. Paul. Mrs. Thomas was searched and part of the stolen money found on her. The Btolen bills were sewed into a belt worn next to her skin by Mrs. Thomas. Minneapolis Journal. NOTICH OF SHIJRII-'F S SAl-IC By vil tuc of a ven ex in my hands lor collec tion, issued by I. L,. Cathey, Clerk of the Su perior court of ltuncombe county, N ., 1 will offer for sale at the court house door in the city of Ashevillc, N C , on Monday, the l.lth day ot Marcn, mu.i, to inc mno"- " der for cash the following real estate, to-wit. A certain piece or parcel of land Itiuk on the wntcra of Hotninvcrerk, a part nl the Kusscl L, Jones tract, atlioining lands ol Mr. Mnt tic tlaston, lames Uoughran, T. I-". tarnes nil others, being p irt tne lands owned by Tl-os D. Ilrittttin and his wife J. aura A. B-ittain, on the south aid- of Hominy cieek. ii .1. ........ ...11.. r,,u,l which aslevicd i. it loncs. 1 S.. on the 22(1 day of October, 1 KDl, by virtue of an execution at the instance of J. C. Curtis onl I'. M- Jones, administrators of Steohen ons. deceased, to satisfy the sum of one hundred and tnir ,lnllaa and 23 cents Sud sale IS nn.i. t.. mtUfv said ven cx anil cost, interest and advertising. This January 12. I A. BRllOKSIIlKH. Sheriff By J. M. Morton, Deputy SsllciirT. innl2(ltds t,.twi? r-. i? ax I . K ll v vftue off an eaecu- tion in mv hands for collection, issued bv I U. C at he v. Clerk ( f the Supcriorcourt of Buncombe county, in favor of Danville Saving Bank. Loan and Improvem-nt com- inn; ana again j ..!.;..-- , lour hundred nnd seventy-nine dollars and f ixteen cents. I will offer for sale at the court house noor in mt c ij .-......-. -. C to the highest bidder for cash, on Mon day, thelHthdny of February. 1 H'J.t, the l-,i.:.;.. ril.nl real etate. to-wlt : line 1 " .. i,.rin .hi. ritv of Aiheviil;. N. C . on Valley street, in saiu civj, -y :" -;.i .tr-rt. running back li rod less, being tne same vce FOR RENT. FORRUNT The eight-room cottage. No 24. Davidson street Apply dcc23dtl lot CObLliCB STRfch r. - rD BKVT The Mi-Ike Mouse, will oe lor H ,.n..im,iif,l'.th 1HI.1 Kordescrip .... 'i. .. , . t ; ,i w-,i t elsewhere in lion, sere nn -,v '.- . .-. T... riTiu dcc!.tl FURNISH BP Rooms and private oouru at reasonable rates. Apply 17 Hay- id St. i woo T-rriR BKNT One 3. Jt? f r rent on Hill street. 6 room houses rom $i to $15 and one eignt-room, lumniiru. .... f. .i.,.,,i, u street. 3i: one eleven rnom. llavwoori street. SO per month. A p ..i i., l.-.h"n M. Caniubell or V . 11. Johnston Court Square. Iec201mo . , u oi.-Mr Tho t ir. Carrol! residence on X? Merrimon avenue. furnished. J-rKe a ...r,i l M.-vell. No 2 Hen- Srv Block. Z'r .1. I.. WaKner at the Ashevble m.iiin., un.l Hi iitinir houtiC. laniiiiTt R OOMS KOK RUNT Offices and bed Afily to jlildltii C-OHKR. No. l'.7 North Main street. w r-, Bl.NT smnll store room X? Main St. Apply to Harold li or R. It. Johnston, lock tox i iunVdtt' et South Johnston city. Claims the largest stock of first class goods of any house in the State. Makes a specialty of Cooking Brandies and Jelly Wines., Sole agents for the Acme Old Corn. "BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUOR CO,, Nos. 4X and 45 S. Main St., Asheville. WHOLBSALn DEPARTMRNT, GENTS' A 1 CIGARS. TOBACCO AND BOTTLE GOODS, SAM PLE, BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM. BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING : DEPARTMENT Wc respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. NO. 48. IN : BASEMENT. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Main Entrance, No. 43. Xelepiione can, wo. 7 MVENSCROFT ASH SCHOOOL, VILLE.N. O. Term Commences Wednesday Jan. 11. Recitations Commence Thursday, Jan. 12. -w . . IJ t) 1J ' li and carneted rooms, for light hotise- .; Ar.r.lvti I. B. tlllNSUN, janlttdlw it Blair Jk McUowell's. j 1. Climate, delightful. Ad r 1-t.nt at dress jnl lid -Furnished cottage f M WiS MASSON. Tryon. N. C Waleb for Commander I.esry. Governor Brown sent a request to Commander Leary to bo in Annapolis, Jan. 9, and receive from the gov ernor the -watch that was voted to Com mander Leary by the Maryland legisla ture for his conduct at Samoa. The watch ia a handsome gold chronometer. "With the chain attached it cost $600. Commander Leary ia now stationed at Portsmouth, Va. Baltimore Sim. front on more or land conveyed to said J.M. Nealby lvlmona tj.Norve.,, w"" tre, on-l being the same conveyed to said Ullage Sf B. ta the office off Register of Peed, for 'Buncombe county Said o sattsty snm ficj "SC, iI-Vhip ." sntinrv 11. 1H93. J. A. BROOK&HIRI.. By . M. MOROAN. " ""' J J ' . uwir iunlla3Ua CAROLINA CQflL coiANY DEALERSIIN- Protests Against the Autloption Bill. There is a marked change between this session and the last so far as the antiop- tion bill is concerned. Last session peti tions poured in by bushels asking; for the pasf-age of the measure, while now pro tests aro coming in against the senate acting favorably thereon. Washington Cor. New Orleans Tunes-Democrat. COAL-'COKE JELLIC0, IUMP N0 ANTHRACITE. GOOD WEIGHT.! MISCELLANEOUS. A. farmer at Millersbnrg, Intl., exiMri enceil Neal Dow's peculiarly contrary luclc last week. lie was boring for wa ter and struck ji 4-foot vein of good coal at a depth of only seventy-five feet. aKBNUP Came Into enclosure on Krl- m X d.v. the ISth inst.. n pale red cow with eriimnlnl hnraa. The Owner same asking tne proper step.. . found at Idlewlld Or-en house. No. Charlotte Street. Ashevillc. . dec21dtf NOAH WORTMAN th, i te 32 TVS M W. ALSTON has move I J ia Young Mn'i Institute building;. red Office Res idence. Catholic Hill, ia building nearest the brick church. jan liaiw I TJiouNn-vol. JD 1883 I jMlOdtf. , Code of North Carolina, CITIZEN OPfJCB. It is hojieil that the UlassachiiFi'tls pi Deriment at lir tolling bifi'phiilons trout. will protluce n. lish that will lie just twice as apt to bite as tho ordinary trout. KANSAS CITY MEAT MARKET. STALLS S ANP HANDLES Nl ITH INC. BIT WUSTERN KRHSSBM MKATS. POULTRY AND OA M K. cphonc X.I. POUTELL CO. FOR SALE. F YOU AKE limLDlNO don't fail to put - n Watson's Fire $S&Km RKPAKATORY Board and Tuition, Tuition - - - - FOR BOYS. $300 Per Annum. 80 Per Annum. WOllli FOR SAUB-Osk firewood cut any length, at 2 OO per double load. UtIIVCIC I- . , , . IlklQlfV f'll octlTdtf Te ephone 31. Deputy Sheriff NOTICE Bv virtue or tne l" vv "-. deceased Wat'ed T,V day off April. J Ml. a.d regls'ered on pages 34U et. neq. oi of" he7ecord 'of mortgage, jand deed, in trust in ." ---- j . t. Ilitneombe county in im -- oMa.WaulthnB , w M.r..i. under the nrovisions In curro. J-"-., f .h- of lanuary. lhU3, expose iui "' H" ,, ' house door in Ashevillc. outcry. v .. ---. -K1M . -h. the : nnri-e OI I Mil" . wikciiii, .' .i.nntr mn Turner street "aid City of Ashevillc, and fully described in the died in trust .foresaid. Tni. aeth day of Keetmber. isa. 3tld U hwmi., j It rt off the citv: in Asacviiic, mni.iu"s ' ' OR SA1.K The Heme nou.t, one oi nut.! rooms, 34 acres iu lot. fine oak grove ana oeaninui '"" ,nd shrubbery: masnificent view that can not be obstructed. For rther information address , , . Vj "',, i. Kxeeutor, - - -j v july27dtf 13 drciiOdlm BOARDING. and agreeable; nmnim'. Homelike convenient lojea-a -L A BA R BB lo Lnettnni oireo. Private home .nnlleatiotl to o!5tf The Melke House for invalids. Terms on MISS DUNNE, Ashevillc, M. c ii a no Comfortable rooms with good . board in good lVcB RBVNOLDS. OALB OF PROPERTY State of North Carolina. Conntv off Hnncomlie. n ,,r an r.eention in TT1 V hssdl tor r,, , .fcJ Wrnwht Iron ?:"'"".:v amst tie We.t A.heville ""1? r . . nr,t of the su lor -ale to the highe.t bidder " the. . i ion March lO. lBSlipro- novHtf 8 Spruce street. -m- JJ beds, novl-tf comfortable Convenient to Postoftice. MRS. J. A URB, No. 26 Flint street . : , n t nr uritiiu- reted line Ol tne io"i " . LT, iolninsr p'er.'a-'d' pdl.'there'of. .nd the noon which the same is erected, to .atisfy amid ludgaoent January 4. 1S93 By V. M.Jones, i-.... eoeta. l di J. A. Broookshire. sheriff. D. 8. i id4twcdneday -w- OAR I UNO Lady f some house, living i na-nin. larire hand .lone, wouiu Doara four. House heated bv furnance, n'so log fini... Beautiful ground., stable na .ll modern improvements. Address, AshevlUe poaorlice box No, dec2Slm , 48. xj iTRin Private boarding bouse I Nn. 211 Havwood street. Fine city and mountain views: perfect sanitation; hot i ,.l ..Mn eomfortanie. airy room., well provided table: attentive service; .oo.hte rates. Two hnndied yards Montfford car RS M- B. DKTWILBR. oet7dtf Proprietress. rea- from FACULTY Headmaster-R. MacDonald, B. A., Oxford. Assistant Blaslers-H. H. Waitc, B. A.," Amherst; and C. Bonnell, B. A., Rutgers. Seashore, Forest, Mountain THE publisher of this paper has made special, and for this locality exclusive, arrangements by which we arc able to offer to our readers, WITHOUT EXPENSE, the full service of the Recreation Department of The Christian Union his department was organized to assist persons in their travels, furnishing them with time-tables of any Railroad or Steam iip line, the circular or card of any Hotel or Boarding-house, hether in cities or at Summer, Winter, Sea-coast, or Mountain t 's-irts, Sanitariums, or Springs. Information of this character, UVEK1NG ANY LOCALITY IN THE WORLD, 13 lurched rompt'.y and fully. If you will write, telling where you wish , t-0 tkher in this country or Europe the most helpful cir jlar3 c-'l time-tables will be sent you, together with descrjp ve p:! 1 matter issued by the railway or steamship lines by i.ic.-i o .; -ish to travel. Letters and inquiries may be ad-, rcsse I cil.v.r to this office or to the RECREATION DEPART 1ENT oi i HE CHRISTIAN UNION, 13 Astor Place, New York, 4 DAY LBPltONI -NIOUT 14- dcc2l o

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