THE ASHEVILiLE DAILY OITIZEJS. Wednesday Bvening, January 18, 1893. A FEW ARCHAIC LAWS AROUND TOWN. DR. D. IIILLIIOUSE BUEL onu 8VGQE8TIVK IDEAS ON THE SUBJECT. Ttie Writer Bees m cbance For a Rrroriu That Could be Under taken tv the LeiclBlatnre The Laws' Delays and How Then MiRtit be Prevented. Editor The Citizbn: Ros. Time travrlsin divers pncea with divert persons: I'll tell you who time ainli'ra withal, who time trots witiiai, who who time gallops withal, and who he stands still withal. Oh l. Who stava it still withal ? Ros. With lawyers in the vacation; for tliey sleep between term and term, and then thev perceive not how time moves As You I. ike ll The character of a State is well por trayed by its laws. If remedies, lor wrongs committed, are easily and speedily obtained, if property rights are well guarded and all possible safeguards against personal injuries ore provided, the State is undoubtedly progressive in character. On the contrary, the com munity in which antiquated, ill-working laws and customs prevail, where justice is found to move with leaden heels, where property rights are net well guarded, or criminals swiftly punished, is in an uiipro gressive state and in need of stimu lating influences. A review of the condition of the laws of the State of North Carolina is some thing the writer of this article has no intention of giving. Some suggestive ideas concerning laws that appear to him archaic, clumsy, or ill-working, mav not, however, be amiss at this time, as the General Assembly of the ite is now in session, and reform, if it u, renrs gen erally desirable, may be spci I ! ' ob tained. A few points only will Lo ad verted to, and those but briefly. The curse of litigation is that it fre quently unnecessarily lasts tor years, witnesses die or remove from tl.e State before a trial is reached, the patience ot the wronged party is exhausted before redress is obtained. The result is that not infrequently great wrongs are sub mited to by those who dread to invoke the slow working arm of the law. The great disinclination of many to go to law is presumed upon and wrong doing is encouraged. Any change in the law which will facilitate the acqirsttion of Be lief, through the courts, even though it do so but to a small degree, will, there fore, b desirable. An examination of the Code of Civil procedura reveals the fact that the dis pensing ol justice iu the State is practi cally limited to the few and far between davs which the Superior court is in ses sion. The quotation at the head of this article is intended, without reflecting on members of the bar, to state the unfortu nate result of the practical operation ol the laws of the State. All civil suits must be commenced by summons issued bv the i.lcrk of the court "returnable to the term of the SuDerior court of the county." It must be executed at least ten davs before the be- einnintr of the ttrm. ( Sec. -00. C.C. I.) If issued within ten lavs of the begin ning of a term "it shall be made return able to the second term of said Court next after its tssuin.iz." ( Sec. 'Ml. I The oractical working of this is that as four terms of the Superior Court are yearly held in Buncombe County, noth ing can be done atter the adjournment ot one term until three months have elapsed and another term of the Court shall be in session. The issuance and service of a summons mav be bad at any time, it is true, but uraeticallv nothing else can be done but to wait for time to elapse This seems the more extraordinary when it is considered that it frequently happens that the cause ot action is so iust that the defendant has no desire to defend, but is willing that the plaintiff should recover without delay. Hut the Dlaintiff. even in such a case, must wait lor the assembling of a Court intended to trv cases, even though there is ab solutely nothing to try and nothing to do but to enter judgment, which might iust a9 well have been done months be fore when the Court was not in session. I'nder the law in this State, if the de fendant is not found in the Countv to which the summons is issued, the County seat must be again visited and nnottier summons obtained under the seal of the Court. Why should not one form of summons do for every case and for every County and under all circumstances, and all this running to the County seat be avoided ? Why would it not be well to adopt the simpler laws, such as exist m many other States. For instance, in New York which is cited because the writer is more familiar with its laws than those of anv other State a simple form ot summons, cood tor every county in the State, mav be issued at any moment, by any lawver, over his own signature alone, without going to the county seat possibly many miles away to get the clerk's signature and seal ot the court This summons mav be served at any time. The complaint may be served with the summons or twenty clays tnereaiter nnrl after receiving the complaint the defendant has twenty days to answer. It will be seen that if the summons and complaint are served together the ac tion may be at issue in twenty davs, it there is any defense to be made. If none is made, and the action is to recover money only, at the expiration of the :!0 davs." judgment is promptly filtered by the clerk of the court, without the inter vention of anv iudee or jury. I! relict other than the recovery of money only ired. anolication to the court must li- had. but it mav be had in any court in the district, on notice, and thus with but little delay. A pain, as the laws ol State now stand the pleadings cannot be served or filled until ine court is in actual session The comnlaint being nled an answer must be immediately prepared and filed the term, though it is the most inconvenient time to do this, as the law yers are then in court engaged in trying cases and have little or no leisure to pre- nn.- nleadines. Tbe constant appuca tion to tbe court to extend time to plead in all cases," as was done at the last term of the court in this county v.- rranlt. The antwer being filed. three months more mnst elapse before a tri.1 r-on he had. Surely this system is dilatory. iTnri.r the New York code, except in ac- OTlntincr to real estate, which will k. MnniriVred later, tbe court or clerk of i -.,rr has nothing whatever to do ;h rase, and not infrequently does not know of its pendency, until is at is wti he ia notified that a cause is tissue, he pntson the calendar for trial, trivine it its proper piacc b"i"k Sate of issue, and there it remains - Until tbe entry of judgment the plain tiff has the original wmmoni anu cum nnlraa he cares to file tbetn. or hn are used on some motion and .. MuurilTv become part of the record. Tbe defendant also has his copy of tbem. Two copies, at least, of every paper in tbe case are thus necessarily in existence and a loss of one does not, as I understand is not infrequently tbe case here, create an absolute loss of so much of tbe record. ...... j A copy of tbe complaint being serred the defendant has an opportunity to pe rns it without traveling to the county eat. A copy of tbe answer being likewise served tbe plaintiff need not travel miles to find out what tbe defense is. iMdsM tomorrow.) Washington, fan. IS. I'orecust till S p. m. lhursdav: Warmer I oursaay morning; shfhtly colder m ttie evuutiij; easterly winds. Capt. V. A. Holland is in town. Frank O'Dounell returned to Aslieville this afternoon. John S. Fisher and C. S. Cox of Tryon are m Ashcville. hi: iii-:i I'OOU IN UAI.T1 MOKE KKCKNTLV. C. A. Withers of the Swannanoa. Augusta, (.-a., is at from Richmond T. L. Goff returned yesterday afternoon. Norman C. McLoud left this morning on a business trip South. Local revenue collections yesterday amounted to $303.30. V. A. Hood of Henderson villc came over to Ashcville yesterday. The Standard Oil company has scut a contribution of oil to the Flo wer Mission. There are about sixty cases on the docket of the Criminal court which opens here next Monday. Ten dollars has been left at The Citi zen lor the 1-lower Mission, ry a tricna ot the organization, to be used in aiding the poor. 1). D. Spaulding. a revenue examining ffiecr of the 1'. S. treasury department. who has been here for several days on his regular round, left yesterday tor points further South. Capt. T. V. Patton, V. F. Randolph. Chas. McNamee, W. I'. Cbeesborougli and B. M. Lee left this afternoon tor Raleigh to represent Buncombe county at the Road Coi gress tomorrow. The next rehearsal of Trinity church choir will be held at the rectory Thurs day evening, lanuary 19, at S:15 sharp. As Lenten music is to be re hearsed, a full attendance is requested. Council No. 0, Junior Order 1'iiited American Mechanics, will enjoy a supper next Monday evening, in the hall over No. North Maiu street. Councils Nos. S and 10 will also participate in the supper. Jack Mackav, advance agent of the Deshou opera company, which opens here next Monday evening for a week at the Grand opera house, is in the city. looking atter the putting up ot ins com pany's paper. tin the night of the 24-th of lanuarv there will be held at Bethel M. K. church. South, an anniversary service of the or ganization of that church. Dr. J. II. Weaver will deliver the address. All arc cordially invited. A.M. Lockett, representing theWorth- mgton I'uinp company. New ork, is in the city for the purpose of examining the new pump house and ascertaining if the foundations are properly put in. Mr. Lockett says some portions of the pump have already been shipped. William Henry Wills, representing the Manufacturers' Record, of Baltimore, is in Aslieville, stopping at ttie natterv I'ark. Mr. Wills is here in the interest of the special monthly magazine issue of the Record, the March miniDer ot which will be devoted to North Carolina. l.eadluic Feuinrea of Ilia Lire ud Works Me Did Ureal Good lu WeHlern North Ciirolluu and Will Louie ne Ktnienibered, Rev. Dr. D. llillliousc Buel died last Friday night at the Church Home, Bal timore, Maryland, and his remains were taken to Troy, New York, tor burial. Dr. Buel was born in Troy, N. Y., seventy-live years ago. He wasoruaiued minister in the I'rotestaut F-piscopal church bv Bishop Whittingliam, in Balti more, and lor many years was rector of parishes at Burlington, Vt., Coopers town, N. Y., Cumberland, Mil., ami other places. For the past twenty years lie was principal ot the iMoetsau ideo logical school at Aslieville, and in conjunc tion with his work at the school he or ganized more than a doz.'n missions in Western North Carolina. One of Dr. Bud's brothers, Rev. Samuel Buel, died in New York, about two weeks ago. Another brother. Rev. Clarence Buel, is rector of Kinanuel I'rotestaut Episcopal church, Cumberland, Md. The three brothers held at different times the rec torship of the sa me parish at Cumber land. During his twentv years' residence in Ashevillc, Dr. Buel established such u reputation as a practical Christian worker and unseltiuh philanthropist as lias been accorded to hut tew men iu tins section. A cornfoi table fortune was really given away by this excellent man, and he died possessed of no means. A large number of fiieuds throughout Western North Carolina will hear of his death with roloiinJ regret. If You Want to FIT UP YOUR OFFICE HANDSOMELY TELEPHONES 36 6c 40. With a Little Money See W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL Kl PS FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC. 16 Patton Avenue. Slock. 1'iiUltit In Over. Lots of nice goods, remnants are being closed out at a sacrifice till February 1st. Importations for the spring are arriving and are very attractive. See large ad. J. II. Law 3.V37 I'atto'i avenue. index to ISt-w Advertlseutenls. I." ST This Otliec. TO BACCU- H est on. K KKI' ARM Crvstiil lM'aoe. Ol'liKA Hiil'Si; Ko-linn Opera Co. GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE WEEK, COMMEKCiNG Monday, January 23, M ATINKKS WKPNBS'I.W AND SATl RDAY. DESHON OPERA GO. ART1STS- 30. Criminal Court Clerk I'atterson has been able to do verv little work in his office today. A poorly constructed flue caused more smoke to conic down the stovepipe than went up. Mr. I'atterson is not 11 smoker, nor does he believe in smoking stovepipes, so lie left his otliec to itsclt. Mrs. L. D. Frost., wife of H. M. Frost. died at o'clock this morning at 211 Mavwood street, of consumption. Age, 32 years. The remains were taken this afternoon to Burkeville, Va., Mrs. Frost's old home, for interment. Dan ville and Richmond, Va., papers are re quested to copy this notice. A gentleman just returned from Ten nessee savs that in Chattanooga, where the streets arc very slick. Horses are en abled to stand steadily atld do good work bv drawing the last uail on either side ot each shoe and putting in their stead new nails with very long heads. These give the horses' feet good hold, and the cost is merely nominal. "THK PASSION Pl.AV," Preuv GirN. CliurminL; llanccrs, Ilriliir.nt Kcpertoirc. Magnificent costumes. POPULAR PRICES! 5 25, ,J5, 50 Cents. SBAS- I.N TIC KliTS-liilit A'lmU.siom, eluding rcer-fecl scan. $3. Monday, ERMINIE. 35 YEARS THESTANDARD. GOLDEN SCEPTRE Rev. I . . Barrett's Lecture I-'ri- dav F.venlnx Rev. R. S. Barrett who lectures Friday evening, the 20th, at the . ai. v.. A., is a confirmed tourist. He rarely misses spending several months abroad every year. Long experience has taught him how to use his eves. He sees everything worth seeing. He is a graphic descrip- tionist, and he can tell what be has seen. With a few bold strokes he passes a picture before vou that is distinct in the mind's eve. Ilis subject is the "Passion I'lav of Oberammcrgau," which he saw in i.s'.;). 1 he admission will be .a cents. PIPE TOBACCO. Ail wc risk is a trial to convince is really j erfection. yon i IIESTON, fl ianlSdtf. SOUTH MAIS ST TOST A bunch of kevs on chnin ring J ward if left at Citizen Oltui- Re Asheville, N. C, WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. CORNER STORE, EAi . X. E BLOCK- To reduce winter stock, we offer special inducements to i-ash buyers, all broken lots ro for half value, full lots at greatly reduced prices. Our business suits, our Dress su?ts, our underwear cannot tie beat for wearing qualities and lit. Extra pants to fit any size, stien as you cannot iiml elsewhere, we will sell way down price, call ana price n r goods. We are prepared to make clothing to order or cash only. Now is the best time to buy overcoats, ul sters and enpt' coats, the prices are reduced. We will sol and not pack away a single heavy garment that price can move. 1 hanking the public for liberal patronage in the past years, we will try to deserve a rontinuance of the same. $4.50 Jellico Lump For Grates. SINGLE TON ORDERS $4.00 Jellico Nut For Stoves. ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL CO., 30 PATTON AVENUE $8.50 Hard Goal All Sizes. TRY THE HEW COAL, Gayton Red Ash Semi-Antliracite. $7.00 "Gayton FOR FURNACES, Grates, Ranges. CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO. 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 7 1-2 COLLEGE STS. I o I- Ket)i ia Ituck "Mount Vernon,' "Canadian Club," and Uld Baker Rye Whiskiea The li.-i Viucs, Braodies, Bnr, Ale and Stout for family use. All good delivered free. Ale ni Porter on draught, Enterence No. 19 North Main and 7V4 College atrert. Telephone No. 163. On avnd after May 9th I will send statrment of account by mail to parties in- P. S.: debted to me if not settled by that time. Respectfully. PROPRIETOR CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW, French Broad Lumber Co. of PARLOR J, SUITES, -APil- LATE DESIGNS IN CHAIRS AT blair & McDowells, UNDERTAKERS AND FURNITURE DEALERS. No. 45 Patton Avenue, OPPOSITE CHURCH STREET, ASHEV1LLB, N. C. F (' RENT On Starnfs nvepuc live room house with stables and lot. Apply at janioiw" .J. au. DAY CALL NO. 75- ll.OTIIIKG 1'OK CHILDREN. An Appeal bv trie Flower NUhIoii 1'liat Should be Heeded. The central office of the Flower Mis sion, during ttie bad weatber, is kept oijcn each day from 11 a. m. to 5 p. m., and all persons who desire to contribute articles for the poor can leave them ut the othce between these hours. 1 he Allu sion appeals especially lor children s clothing. There is an lament need of clothing of this character, and charita bly disposed persons are earnestly re quested to send contributions to the Mission as soon as possible. License to 'Wed. Kegistct Mackev has issued license to wed as follows: Thos. Rogers and Dora Lee Ftriiuson, of Buncombe; white. THE MARKETS. New York Market. Nbw York, Jan. 18 Cotton fa turn, Jaa uarT, 9.27; February. 9.33; March. 4.; April, 9.52; May, 9.62; June, 9.70. to until Stock Quotations. Nbw Vobk. Jan. IS Erie 25; Lake Shore 131; Chicago and North western 11; Norfolk and Western, 37h: Richmond and West Point Terminal UV-i; Western Union AFTER CHRISTMAS AX RAYSOR & SMITH'S- As we did not srll all of our Holiday (loodn. we will from now till Jnnuarv ljjt. sell at irom cost to 11) per cent, below cotSoifytru have received and JiYSHSi given, remember we still have many presents suitable far all ages, at prices way below their real value. Call and pn(anythinjr you like, ajid se what we offer. Open evenings till 11 o'clock. Biltivoid, Jan. 18 Floor, firm; wheat, qniet; spot, 77784; Jan.. MOti; Feb. SOVa May, OVv Milling wheat by sample. 7m 82; corn, firm; .pot, January B3V; February. 62; May S2Vfc; white corn by sample, S4W 66; yellow corn 84V4aV4- RAYSOR & SMITH. Aslieville Markes. Corrected daily by rexau POWELL At SNIDER, ui-i.. mr.A retail aToccra. Tnesc prices arc being paid by tbe merchant to-day- Batter. 183lpple" "ri 6 r( 20 1 Apples, dried 3a; Chickena........l2tt30 Pumpkins, ec.6$2S t,-w. 70tiOO'8orna SO Docks'. 312o!Beeswax, per lt JO Potatoes, sw't.. 60 1 Honey 1 i,-,. Irish... OO Wheat Tnraipa SO0Crn.. Omitns ner in ba.lOOlSOI -TELEPHONE- -NIGHT CALL. NO. 65. M Moody YOU WITH ALL KINDS CUT AND 8PLIT ANY SIZB READY l'OR IUSK AND 1IKL1 VBKKD. jFIREWOOB Kindlings and Clitxrcoal. g"1g 77" T,l I FOR RANGES, FURNACES AND GRATES. MAKES NO SMOKB f jt I i rlj ICUBAPBR THAN HARD COAL. Lime, I'ortland and Louisville Cement and Plaster, Ar tificial Stone Tile and Concrete Works. Fancy Drick and Mortar Color. Agent for King's Windsor Asbestos Cement, Dry Mor tar and Knox villa Sewer Pipe Ivories HA Y-AND- FEED e, I Yard and Warehouse near Depot Xelepnone o. i eiepnone in Office No. SO Patton Arenac, 1 In vine accumulated a large stofk Framing, Sheeting, &c, will sell FRASIINti AT $7.50 PER 1,000 FKHT. SHEETING $5.50 14 " Will also take orders for OAK. FIREWOOD At $2.00 pir load delivered anywhere iu'eity. octlTdtf lKEM-KOM" Is a chemical cumuutiiid. harmless in every remiect. and iierfectlv simple iu its an- plication, it is a powder which is dissolved in water, and this solution sprinkled over the coal. This material is for use on cillicr hard or soft coal, in the boiler furnace, stove and range. baves . per cent, of the coal; also labor time and dirt: destroys tbe dead It coal gas which often permeates the home, producing diphtheria and all kinds of nasal and membranous diseases, thus insuring health and pure air in tbe homes, school- nouses, ana an places wnerecoal is used. Coal treated with Kem-Kom ignites quickly, lasts longer, and Rives out intense heat. Starts a vigorous tire in one fourth of the time it takes without Kern Kom. Largely lessens tbe ashes, prevents clinkers and cinders, bums the soot and a arge portion of the smoke, thus keeping the flues free from dirt. With Kem-Kom an inferior coal, such as .screenings, can be mixed with tbe ordi nary coal, and a still greater economy effected. FOR SALE BY H. R. KEPLER, AGENT FOR KEM KOM. WE DO NOT RETAIL, We will Pell to parties buyincr in 1000 pound lots FEED AT BOTTOM FIGURES. We keep Bran, Middlings, Com Feed, Corn Chop, Cracked Corn and Oats, Hay, Meal, Rye, IVTn Wbito el rwl ty-ii va1 flnfu ofp f 2 or nnr Tvr-icn nnH Kiltr direct. Get our prices and buy THE ASHEVILLE MILLING COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS CELEBRATED ROLLER KING AND ELECTRIC LIGHT FLOUR, Telepione 36. Office 36, Patton Avcn uc MARBLE HALL CLOTHING HOUSE, 32 South Main Street. Han just cjot through taking inventory of the largest stock of Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods kept in Western North Carolina. 1 find out I have too many goods. I will for the next thirty days reduce prices on Every thing. Suits, Former V rice, Csbbsic per 1t.. Beams, p I SS Meal SO Os.ts Rye......... -10 Hit. tan 18O0 YOU WILI, Need something in tbe stationery, or book; line daring tbe year. When yon do, call on or send yonr orders to CHAS. D. MYERS, Bookseller And Station NO. 0. W. COUB f sgrtKB. Orders for rnbber stamps, engraved cards. IS THli BEVERAGE OP BEV ERAGES FOR EVERYONE WHO WISHES TO KEEP THE BRAIN FRESH AND VIGOROUS I'nrc Chocolavte smites in a perfect form all the qualities for a healthy and strengthening liquid food, aadtcoatrary to the popular supposition (foanded on tbe are of impure mat ter sold aa cnocoiate) it ia the REMEDY PAR-EXCELLENCE FOR DYSPEPSIA! A cap of thw CUOCOUTB MBMIBI, immediately after eating, will prvdacc digestion in three hoars. It is recommended to every brain worker In pines- ef tag that maic-a waly stiaalatcs without str-en gt nesting. -FOB SALE BY- $22.50, 20 00, .18.00, 10,00, 15.00, 13.50, 12.50, 10.00, Now flG.00 14.00 12.50 11.50 10.00 8.50 8.00 7.00 OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! Overcoat?, Former Price, $15 00, 12.50, 10.00, 8.00, 0.00, 5.00, Now flO.OO 9.00 7.50 5.50 4.00 3.00 The above Prices 1 mean, tise facte. Call and see me. When I Advertise, 1 adver Yours Respectfully, GREER & JOHNSON, G. WHITLOCK-! PKOPMETOK. Celcrr. do MUW etc., solicited.