THE ASHEVILLE JDAlLiY U1T1Z1CJ. SI . 1 893. i .A. MV.t - - , , .. Hi mimmm . 1 f 5 ? f-1 S... .-vG 1 1 ' it ) 1 J ULCERS, CANCERS, SCROFULA, SALT RHEUM, RHEUMATISM, BLOOD POISON. theao and every kindred disease arising from Impure blood successfully treated by 'that never-faUlng and best of all tonics and - medicines. EASILY MADE HAPPY. flow a HooliS cn Hlood Iioircs free. 1 routed testimonials application. Address to Swift Specific ATLANTA id aud Bkiii V minis sent on """sjw lress icific Co., W" I. OA. & DANVILLE R. R. CO. f. UiihKKorrR nml Kkvhkn Pobtbr, VC5TirN 'in TH CAROLINA DIVISION. C n-Vnu-d fbtn'r In iff ct Nov. 20, 1892. t A.-? T BOUND. It K riM vi'ic ' ! i.iT"! U 12 I 'lHU Kim k . T?.-t 'rTinp . I-T. A.m vllV... . K"sin1 rin " MorgaLtuu .. ' Hicknrv Newton ' StAtrsvillc Ar. Salisbury Girf n-boro ... " Oa.nTi.le At. Richmond NO. 7 1 5am 9 a.lom 1 'J iSpm t 2 SOpm 2 4.5 pm OHpm topm ft 33pm 0 3pm a SApm 7 47pm 8 37 pm 11 SOpm 1 lSem 7 Lt. Greensboro.. Ar. Darham " Raleigh ' Ooldsboro Lt. Danville Ar. Lynchburg,.. .til 35pm 3 80am 6 OOun . 12 OBpm 1 SOam 4, OSam IO 40am Baltimore 13 03pm Philadelphia 2 20pm new vora ovpm "WEiSTBOuNP " " NO.ll Lv. New York SOpm Philadelphia 65pm " Baltimore ,.. aopm Washington.. " Lynchburg.... Ar. Dan-rill 11 OOpm 6 OOam 7 2Sam Lv. Richmond Danville Ar. Greensboro ... Lt. G.ldloro Lt Raleigh " Darham Ar. Greensboro... 12 SOam 7 5 am 9 20ara t7 4.5pm 8 15am 7 15am 9 1 5am ly. German counte- gentleman, who ,is about sixty years of . f, Qmef,a flour at $5.50 per barrel, the - . -. i, I nrro ima ilpvoifil (i. oTf;it nor Hon of ma 111 r " ueon aoureaseu oy n ... 'I. 1 I. ""1 1" . ..,.1 . . . fnu ,r lat niu iu uiu rcBcuo ui iiuui o mm . , r nn trill Will nrilVfi llllM A. uv vci.y u-ou up a hungry, half clad, friendless hut j ar(j at 3 cents per pOUIltl Ulljlllt C All LIU felUt tMH i-.iiuTt-Lt to one of the homes or wlnen ne naq oversight Tho child was willing and i , -11 .t.n4 "1 .1 1., . l.a- She developed in the course of years 1 7 XOTlTTT MAIN STUKHJ'r. AMlfjV ILiUL'.., i. into nn Hide nnd llltelllirent VOunK W0D1- iarliH Telephone rso. loo. Lt Greensboro 9 30am Salisbury ltlOam " Statesville 1 2 63pm ' Newton 12 t"pm ' Hickory 1 OOpm Morganto 1 52pm Marion - 36pm Round Knub 3 14,pm Ar. Abbeville r..- 4 21pm ' HotSprinjts o 67pm " Paint Rock SlOpm " Morrlatown " Knoxville lP5 Arfit S.RjMtRpAD NO f4 Lt. Asheville 7 ooam Hender.onvUle 02am Rlat Rock . 8 12am Saluda 8 37am " Trvon 9 06am Ar. Spartanburg 1Q 16am . NOTI3 Lv Spartan burn. Try on " 8a(uda Plat Rotk " Henders'nv'le.. Ar. Asheville MDRPHypRANCH 6 SOpm 7 5 Spin 8 27pm 8 54pm 9 OSpm IP lQpm NO IT Lt. Asheville t 8 SOam Ar. -Waynes-vine IO 09am BrysonCity 12 SOpm Andrews OOpm Tomotla 30pm " Murphy 09pm 18 Lt. Murnhy NO- 1 6 OOam Ar. Tomotla 20am Andrews 6 60am Ar. Bryson City IO loam " WayneaviUe 12 52pm Asheville 2 35pm ". STnlNGOA,R SERVICE. . Nos. 11 and 13 Pullman Sleepers between Hot Spring and New York, via Asheville, Salisbury and Washington: nlso between Asheville and Cincinnati via Knoxville and Harriman. Trains Nos. 13 and 14. Pullman Sleeper be tween Asheville and Charleston, via Spar tanburg and Columbia via S C. R'y. connect ing at Columbia tor Savannah via S. B r R. with Parlor cars. W. A. TURK. S. H. HAKDWICK. Oen. Pass. Airt. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt, Washington, T C. Atlanta. Oa. W.ft. ORBBK, Oen. Manager. Washington V B. McBBB. Gen'l Supt , Columbia, S. C HOL, HAAS. Traffic Manager. Wartlogton CHICAGO AND ALTON RAILROAH GOING West aud Northncil. Smlgrants going to anr of the We-tcrn &tatea or Territories villi save time and money goinc via Chlcge. and Alton route, lt la the quickest route to Kansas City. Den ver Pueblo, ai.-l all points tn Idaho, Wash haartoa, Oregor.. Utah and California. Finest mnd best Bquippeii Road in the - West. " Ctsly line running Solid Vestibulrd trains between St. Loois and Kansas City. ' Reclining Chair cars and Tourist Sleepers free of extra charge. ,'"J Will meet parties at any rn lrcad station with through tickets anil baggage checks. ' For fall information, maps and descriptive pamphlets of the West- write to or call on B. A. NEW LAND, Traveling Passenger Agent, S3 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. J. CHARLTON. General Paaaenger Agent. Chicago. Dissolution. Asheville, N. C, January 1, 1 SU3. The firm of Mastin & Robertson is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Ktusiin, Pakes & Co., who succeed them, assume all liabilities and will collect all accounts due the firm. BL1 Ml'STlN. J. D. KOBKRTSON. Cop rtnt rstaip. The undersigned have tMs day formed a copartnership under the firm name of Mus tin. Pakes & Co. Having purchased the ac counts of Mustin Sc Robertson all debts due them are payable to us. We will continue the business heretofore conducted by Mustin Jk Robertson. Office, No. 8 South Water street. ELI MUSTIN. B. R. PAKES, W.J. 8LAYDBN. Jsnl7dtl TENNEV'S CELEBRATED GANDIES, A PULL LINB OP "rank Teller's ClKr ! RAY' CAR STAND AND TICKET OFFICE, 28 South Main St. Always Open. OFFICE 39 PATTON AVRNUB. - - -- . AT WBAVBR c MYERS' STORB CAROLINA CQAL COMPANY Rlolt Han Leaned Some f'V.lloso- phy on a Rainy Iny. A rich gentleman of my acquaintance got caught in the rain the other day while out for a walk on upper Broad way. He is not only rich, but eccentric, in that he rarely ridea and that he walka a great deal. The rain that for a long time fell gently increased in quantity and was caught up by the rising wind and shot into faces and doorways, where people hopefully huddled for the time, and beat upon the awnings and signs as if in mad desire to email them and get at the hearts of those who had sought temporary shelter there. The gentleman, although protected by a stout umbrella, was finally driven to one of these awnings, whence he peered up and down for any stray cab that might come that way. By this process he saw a man coming down the street, dodging from awning to awning and doorway to doorway. There were hundreds of people going and coming, pushing or pulling umbrel las, or who, enveloped from head to heels in waterproofs, went edging along with one ear turned down to windward, as if to split the storm. But this particular man commanded bis attention becauso he had no umbrella and no waterproof and although the day was cold not even an overcoat. He ran awhile, then paused in some friendly shelter to repeat the run to the next, finally bringing up under the same awning with my friend. Like most rich men of the world my friend is suspicious of his kind unless they come properly introduc -id. But he looked at this specimen of humanity and saw at a glance that it was a very wet specimen, plainly and lightly clad, but with a frank, man nance. Not having he felt still more interested. "Bad day for you," he said pleasantly. "Yes, for anybody," replied the man, folding his arms across his water soaked bosom. "Got far to go?" "Right good bit," said tho specimen. "You'd better take a street car. Hero comes one going right down Broadway.'' "No; I'm going over on the other side and then down the Bowery." "Well, that ia a 'good bit,' but you can get a car over there," remarked my friend. The specimen laughed. "A street car is too rich for my blood today," said ho. "Oh, I've got the money," ho added, see ing the cynical look that came into the gentleman's face, "but I want that for something else. That's the reason I'm footing it. Til get wet, but when I get down to the place I can get dried out for a glass of beer." The perfect confidence of the specimen in his programme elicited the echo: "For a glass of beer?" "Oh, yes! You see, I don't Btop at ar expensive hotel. It's the Palmer House, down in Chatham square, and " "Chatham square? Why, that s niilca from here!" "I know that well enough, but I'll get there in an hour or two," was the cheer ful reply. "When I do I'll buy a glass of beer, and they will let mo dry out boforo the big stove. I can't get mucli wetter. If I took a street car, you soo, I'd have no beer and no place to dry." Ho laughed again. "You don't socm to mind it much." "Mind it! What's tho use? I'll be fixed all right in a day or two. And as for a little water faugh!" The specimen shook himself like a young spaniel. "Well, 1 must be running or I'll get cold," said he, and he started off without more pre liminary. "Hold on there I" shouted the aston ished gentleman. 'Come back here a mo ment." The specimen came slowly back, but be shivered in spite of hia air of in difference. "How much money have you got?" 'Fifteen cents if I walk ten cents if I ride," the specimen replied rather shame facedly. "Well, here; you ride." He put a half dollar into the specimen's hand. The specimen looked at it a moment like a flash, and catching the giver's hand before it could be withdrawn mute ly pressed it to his 1. There had been nothing cringing it sycophantio or whin ing. There was dothing of the sort now. It was a gratefUl, impulsive exhibition of genuine gratitude for just one in stant; then .vith frank and glistening eyes ho bsh "Kide?4jkd I'll eat too and sleep in a bed! I'ui,e i Happiest man in New Yor k !" And 19 si ecimer. danh-ea ilown the street tnruugii the pelting rain, cut into Thirty-fifth street and disappeared to ward the east side. And the rich gentle man looked up at the cloud riven sky, shook the folds out of his silk umbrella and started buoyantly down Broadway, savinir. softly, "The happiest man in New York!" New York Herald. CURES RISING Ornament, for Dudes. Bracelets and dudes are the latest com bination. Tho bigger the bracelet the bigger the dude that is, the larger the circlet the dude can keep upon his wrist without assuming the attitudo of a man undergoing highway robbery tho greater his chum to distinction in dudedoin. Twisted bands of silver wire, a half dozen, more or loss, on each wrist, is tho proper thing, though bands of gold, studded with brilliants, are occasionally worn. It ia exceedingly "vulgah" to ex pose theso ornaments l public gnzo on the streets. They aro only visiblo ia tho seclusion of tho drawinjf room or tho dude's own apartments. On going out the braeelets by a slight twist of the wrists aro tucked up under the cuffs, which must bo extra large. To executo this movement graco f ully is a test which seems to distinguish the real from tho spumous swell, "Oh, yes," said a State street jeweler in answer to a question, "bracelets for men is a fad that is spreading rapidly, It struck Chicago a month ago, but tho swells have got it bad. Wo havo clone a rushing business in bracelets for tho last ten days. Most of tho 'fellahs' pretend they aro buying for their sisters, but the Rolictudo they display in getting nn ar ticle that will just fit inside their cuffs vivos them away. Dread of street ga mins. I snppo:-.f, prompts them to keep their ana om-iiuents concealed when out walking." Chicago News. BREAST "MOTHER'S FRIEND" 1. t" '-realeBt l.if - 1 : ever olloi-cil clnl'l-lH'arlnj; woiua-.i. 1 I Ikm'.ii a niM-wifr fur many yr-nrr. I i 1 i..'i rase wliiTO "Mother's r-ncnu " lu" m: i u It. 11.1s nn-oiiil'li"!"' I wonder "nil l licved much the hreaat tiiov-!!, nml vnrili (' )-rlce for that alono. :.ii:s. M. l.i-.i -ti:. iMolugonu-Ty, Ala. I ra:i tall nil expectant morlirr- if tV.ry v i'l UHun few I'utiliMiif Mother'. I 'ml 1! v. i'l (in l!)nii(,h no nrilval viilion: : "iy 1 'i Buifu.iiif;. M113. May l: a?;ma.-!. 1'wil Mother's 'rien-1 iefere birth el my eijjli'hoiiil l. Will cfii-w t, 1 raise. MUX. .1. I . .'linnil.) .mi...., . .... Sentliyexj.ress, diaries irc.i:il, on rcr.ciit of iriec, 1.50 per bottle. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Solil liy all (IniBjiots. Atlanta, a. EVRRV LADY HER OWN DRESSMAKER. The Enslisb Merchant Tailor Systi in of Urcss-cuttitiK i the Only Perfect system, it is so simple a child can learn It. Mothers and daughter, after learning it can do the dress-making for their own family, thereby saving many time, the price paid for this sv.tem. Tet lining cut free to those wish ing: to invrstiRate. Also suit., basques and skirts cut and basted and triramines de signed Ko , ''ondloy building. jan23dlm THE MA1TLAND SCHOOL. NO. 40 FRENCH BROAD AVENUE. ENGLISH AND FRENCH HOME AN1V1 SCHOOL. POR GIRLS. Afi?S. BVRGWYN MAITL.ASD, Principal. Assisted by Vi. Wallace of Vassnr College, and Mile. Dothe of Paris. ...! I flrivAntafrrN for the stlinv of vocal ml instrumental music. Afternoon French classes for ladies HIGH PRICES: French Broad Lumber Co. Hiivinir fu'ciinniljil" 1 ! Ijuuo stoi-k Framing, Shoeting, &., will sell hAMlNU ATT $ s 11 K 1,000 FEET SHEETING $3.50 " " " Will also take onlcrn Vor OAK FIREWOOD load delivered 01 At 2.00 in city. per anywhere ottlTdtf The cold snap has advanced the prices 1 all kinds of Country Produce, but J. Will Marry the Waif Ho Rescued. A doctor of divinity of high personal integrity and much respected in the do- nomination to which ho belongs is about to marry a yonng lady to whom he has become attached under somewhat ro mantic circumstances. The reverend on Groceries A. WHITE, TUT. MAIN STREET GTtOCElt, still sells at the same low -w s 1 V 1 C -Wwl iJ price' ovat received a iresn suppiy ui wiuncu Amono- the lot is some of the most delicious corn ever oerveri on a dinner table. Also some remarkably fine to- I rnatof s-each worth 12 cents per can. We are still sell- best on the LEWIS MADDUX, Prcs II. T. COLLINS, Vice-Pres. L. P. M'LOUK, Cashier. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $40,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County And City Depository. OrgaBlMd May, x88S OEPOSITEBOXES IN FIRE PROOF VAULTS RENTED AT REASONABLE RATES GENERAL, BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. ,T. A. WHITE, GROCER, Interest Paid on Deposits in BaTlnga DIRECTORS Department, an, ami m ner turn uecame an instruct ress in tho home to which she had been brought so many years before. She is still associated with the work, but she is engaged to marry the man who picked her. so to speak, from the gutter. Many of tho reverend gentleman's friends havo tried to persuade him against tho mar riago, but the doctor has the conrago of his convictions as well as affections, and will give bis hand, as ho has given his heart, to his old pupil. Sho is about thirty years of age. London Chronicle. I Iewis Maddux, H ! Chas. McNamee, J. . T. Collins, M. J. Fagg, J. E. Keed, E. Rankin, M. J. Bearden, S. H. Reed. BANK OPEN FROM 9 A. M. TILL 4 P. HI. ON SATURDAY Til L 6 P. M. DO -GrO TO YOU Reynolds, McAfee & Ledford. STALL 24. MARKET HOUSE- W. C. SPRINKLE. F. B. LAWSON. An Important Question. On the night of the big Twenty-third street fire Dr. Buddington, anxious to Eet homo and not knowing any reason why he should not do so, pushed his way throueh tho crowd. A policeman ordered him back, and on his failing at onco to obey knocked him down. Dr. Buddington, under tho influence) of the stinging blows, struck the policeman and was at once handcuffed and taken to tho station house. The question which suggests itself is, How long must an orderly and law abiding citizen stand being clubbed by a policeman hefore he has a riuht to defend himself? Now York Herald. WANT COLUMN. WANTED. lirANTFD To rt ntrmall house or flat of 1 THEY KEEP THE BEST! EAT EAGLE WAREHOUSE, For the Sale of Leaf Tobacco, MEAT ? janiiod lm I I mm Mr H amunW I tjr I V I DURHAM I j I i . W. K.. This office. jito27d3t "llfANTED First-class traveling salesman W nnd lornl scents in each section to iH.' line nn . otnmission . Columhia Oil nnd Grease Company, Cleveland, tJhio janZ3d2w FOR RENT. XTIOR RUNT The eiRht-roora cottage. No. I ' a Davidson street appiy decU3dtf 101 COLLKO'E STREET. FURNISI1B at rcasonsl wood St. find I JTIOR R 15 NT S J Main St. Al or R. B. Johnston jan7dtl' FOR RENT Th rent after Jnnu tion. see for sale at TU B ClTIZHN. nrirnte board ly 174, Hsy- janzdim room, 00 Sotitll t old E.Johnston. 77, city. 3) 9BACC0. PUREST. MOST RELIABLE. K old Kmn (ole tt?e merry old soul, Had lived inifas creaf age of oil rs. HeWould raVe called jor BULL DURHAM To srnpKe 17 915 pipe, And been rrierrier Under iti powers. Thousands of Smokers The Millionaire in his palace, The Laborer in his cottage, The Swell on the street, The Sailor on his ship, Comfort-lovers everywhere, Prefer Bull Durham. L.lack well's Durham Tobacco Co DURHAM, N. C. The Eagle Warehouse first began business last season, and although a new house and a new firm it easily took the lead in the tobacco trade of Asheville. With our past experience and increased facilities for handling t bacco we are better preparedHo serve our friends and customers than ever before The Eagle is one of the largest and best warehouses in the State, with a capacity of 50,000 pounds a day. Our motto: Polite and courteous treatment to all, highest mars et prices and prompt returns. Give us a trial. SPRINKLB & LAWSON, Proprietors. P. M. HUDCsINS, Bookkeeper. CAPT. J. M. SMITH, Floor Manager. ACME WINE & LIQUOR HOUSE ISriirte Man's JSaar DOOMS For wimf a ''fvuid LJewarc of Crude Cocoas, Sold as Soluble Claims the largest stock of first class goods of any house in the State. Makes a specialty of Cooking Brandies aud Jelly Wines. Sole agents for the Acme Old Corn.s J AS. H. LOUGHRAN, Proprietor No. 58 South Itlain Street. TELEPHONE CALL NO. 139, P. O. BOX 688, ASHEVILLE. MY MOTTO IS TO KEEP THE BEST AND CHARGE ACCORDINGLY. Apply to C S. fil'lr'nn. No. 07 North Main street. FOR RENT The Ir. Carroll rcsmence on Mcrrimon avenue, tarnished. Uw grounds. APfly to . P Kcvell, No. 2 Hen- pmniDinK ana ni-anaK """' J"" Letter of a Suicide. An octoeenarian ceneral left a letter lately defending the propriety of his sui cide. Said he: "When an individual life lias run its r.vcla and become a waste of nature in tho body, overwhelming its mental and physical qualities with weakness and pain to an lntoieraDie degree, it. may with all Dronriety be removed. Such being the case with the life of the writer, his apology to the world is by these terms made through his most be loved and most intimate menus, who, no trusts, will appreciate the relief to him from ceaseless distress, which, in nis opin ion, ought to be brought by the phyiciaa who is summoned with his drugs, surely for that purpose, but not for cure. Boston Globe. A Snake In m Hag of Potatoes. A man purchased a bag of potatoes at the Cape Town market, and when the potatoes were turned out at his home he discovered that a puff adder was in cluded in the bargain. That viper must have been callous indeed to have ex pended no venom during its transit, and it is to be hoped that the potatoes were well examined after being in such com pany. The colonists are wonderfully expert in dealing with such quarry. i Cape Town Letter. BOARDING. BOARDING ComfortaDic rooms, wnn good board, can be had at 31 Haywood street, witnin a lew roo m jnnlOdlm Private home for invalids, lerm.on application to MI88DBNNB, T OAR DING Good fare and comfortable L beds. novl-tf l'nnvifliptlt tO POHtOfliCC. MRS j. A LRE, No. 20 Plint street. BOARDING Lady owning large hand some bouse, living alone, wou d board Kcntleman nnd wife or pa-ty of three or 7. ti t- .,1 i.v furnace, alto log wood fireplace. Beautiful grounds, table, all modern improvements. Address Asheville postofficc box No. 8. J28dlm mint CMATBtll Private boarding house 1 Ho. 211 Havwood street. Fiue city ,i mnnniAin virwi: nerfect sanitation; hot i . i.i ,-.,r; mmfortalile. cirr rooms; f v''crt tHhle: aticniive crvn-v. nonablc rates. Two nunoien yarus km Montford car line. ...,,.., MKS.Al. li. 1 " "-IV' oct7dtf IToprietresa dealers in KANSAS MEAT MARKET. COAL AND COKE JELL1CO, LUMP AND ANTHRACITE. FORKED COAL CLKANi GOOD) . WBIGHT. STALLS 5 A.KO S HANDLBS NOTHING BUT WBSIBBN PRESSED M EATS. rOl'LTKV AND OAMB. Telephone 131. POVTELL & CO. -MIGHT X4. 1 dcc291 o I is 3Qutbcoal "BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUOR CO,, Nos. 4.x and 43 S. H-laln St.. Asrieville. (BEST & GOES FAR TJhSJ J Manufactured on Scientific Principles. Highly Digestible and Nutritious, own all over the civilized Globe as the Peer of all Cocoas. WHOLBSALH DEPARTMENT, OBNT8' XT" A " PARLOR AND RBADINO ROOM. W. "XJLm CIGARS, TOBACCO AND BOTTLE GOODS, SAM. PLB, BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM. POSITIVELY CTTBES HEADACHE BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING : DEPARTMENT : We respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. P. A. MARQUARDT, Ma' NO. 43. IN : BASEMENT Slain Entrances No. 43. Teleph FOR SALE. IV YOU ARB BU1LIHHO aon l lan iu in Watson's Fir. Grate For sale by OOD FOR SALB I'll . j 1 h any Icnfiin, ax - i" i"' dcliverei 1--V;tv.-h nuoAIi LUMBHR CO . oct!7dtf ' Teephone31. TOR SALK The I" part ol the city: Mi-ike house, western one of finest res dences in Asnevillc. containing 1 rooms t """ 1.. , - .. l. . v.' nnrl liesutilul lawns iy. ik.l r.n. I I -r v r1 III'll Mill " " ' ' ' not be obstructe.l. For "';'r.!ni0M Idrrsa . . .mm. i " " 1 i Bin utor, 21 West llnywood St. )ulTa7dtf for Apply st 239 A N excellent family horse mi nncny XV sale at very low npurcs. lisy wood street. -w- nn.-v. ..r k in nostofhee, even liingof Jsusry 24.. Under dl Pie"" re tore to this office and stenre res itrd. U6tf . . t- anwrrltoses. earns- t j tions. frcsins. etc. If yon wsntthc finest ot them call or send '""g'Lpr,,.,,, at Pernihurst Greenhonses or Box 613 ian24dlsn HOLDERS of Cosmopolitas Club bonds will please present same to the under siRned at once for the purpofe of enabling the tnutei to ascertain bow many of said bond. -ereEiuedRN AROLIN BANK, Ja2'M30d Trustee AUCTION HOUSE, A. A. Banks & Co NO 70 SOUTH MAIN STREET We hare secured that tine, large store room in the Reynolds building, immediately opposite the swannanoa not I. lor ne pur pose of conductirg a first-class Auction busi ness. We will sell at Public outcry anything consigned to us. Our room is one ol tne Isrgest In tne cut ana we can uwpnty i""' nrnnerty to advantage, set yon the highest prices and pay you promptly. Merchants having unsalable goods can realise by con- irninff to us and not keen dead capital on thtir shelves. We will attend sales in the country as well as the city. A share of pat ronsge is rcsprciiuny svhcii u. A. A. BANKS & CO., AUCTIONEERS. OF EVERT KIND! It Is porfoctlv harmless and contains no doImjiiuus orug. Recommondccl lor one opjee only-the CUKE of HEABACIU.. A iriai -i li" 1 1 V III V " " . . VA I . I Any relianie nrupgisi wno iuy no - band will procure it promptly for any one wno wishes to try it. uo noi sran ""J tute. 60 cents and tl.OO. BRADYCROTINE MFG. CO., MACON, NGA. FOR BALB AT Pelham's Pliaririacy. TAKE Your broken wntons and vehicles of all kinds to U. Uuriicttt's shop on College street, where thev will be repaired promptly aud in first class style. Hav- inir srriircd a nrst-ciasa uursc-suuci i make all kinds of fine sliocinv; a specialty. li. BURNETTE. jan20dly ,4sc-5:oiw:'' Is a chemical compound, harmless in every respect, and jierfccl plication, lt is a powder which is dissolved in water, and this over the coal. This material is for use on either hard or soft coal, in the boi and range. Saves 25 per cent, of the coal; also labor time and dirt; destro. gas which often permeates the home, producing diphtheria and i and membranous diseases, inus insuring neaitn ana pure air in r. houses, and all places where coal is used. Coal treated with Kem-Kom ignites quickly, lasts longer, ana give heat. Starts a vigorous tire in one fourth of the time it takes without Larcetv lessens the ashes, prevents clinkers and cinders, burns the sot large portion of the smoke, thus keeping the flues free from dirt. With Kcra-Kom an interior coal, sncb as:screemngs, can oe mixcu wun tne nary coal, and a still greater economy effected. FOR SALE BY 8. WL. KEPLER, AGENT FOR KEM KO WE DO NOT RET niMolntlou Notice. The partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Liodsy He Brown, photog raphers, is this day dissolved by mutual All accounts due will be collected by the old firm, and all debts owing will be nsid bv the old firm The business will be conducted in future by T. H. Lindsey. T. H. L1ND8BY, J4B BROWN. I desire to thank the public for the patron, age so generously given the above firm while 1 was a member of it. and hope that the 26dlw B. B. BROWN. I TtlCpiOOC 36, We will Bell to parties buying in 1000 pou AT BOTTOM FIGURES, We keep Bran, J Feed, Corn Chop, Cracked Corn and Oats, J Corn, White and mixed Oats, etc. Get on' direct. THE ASHEVILLE HUU,IIVG MANUFACTURERS CELEBRATED ROLLER WHO AMP OfflC6i r DAY -TBLBPBONI