THE ASHEVIX.LE DAILY CITIZEN. LIKE ONE FROM THE GRAVE AMOS AUSTIN RETVRMtt HIS HOME, -mo Wasbing-toa, Jan. 31. Forecast till 8 , m. Wednesday: Fair; warmer H'rrf- ncsday morning and evening; southerly winds. An Euucb Ardcu Cane WUh Vart atlous, In Which AhevlIIe Peo ple Pla-y The Principal parts. That truth is stranger than fiction is demonstrated conclusively by mi Enoch Arden case with variations that has de veloped in Asheville, with the scenes laid in Yancey and Buncombe counties. The story with which this article hits to do begins about four vears aso. in Yancey county, where lived Amos M. M. Austin, his wife, Annie Austin, and their six chilJren. One day, the ilay on which this story begins, Austin iind neighbor. Ilenrv Ledford. became in volved in a row, and Austin killed lr'm The man with the mark olCain upon his brow was arrested, and shortly thereaf ter was broucht to AsheviUo am con fined in jail for sale keeping. lie re mained here for nearly a year, awaiting the ofttimes slow processes ot the courts The wife, in order to be near her hus band, came to Asheville with the chil dren, and have since made their home here, several ot the littleotu-s having been given homes with families in the city. Austin was tried, convicte.l ol man slaughter and sentenced to a term in the penitentiary at Kaleiuh. After he had served a part of his term his letters to Mrs. Austin suddenlv ceased, and after trmnv weeks of waitinc the wife heard that her husband had been 1. '--l by "Den." cuard iu attempting to v -..--me. Time nassed. and Mrs. Austin, .,-liev iiiR her husband dead, accepted the hand of E. V. Morcran. of this couutr, and thev were married on the 14-th of Octo ber, 1891, bv Justice A. T. Sunamey. Th courjle lived happily together until sev eral months ago, when Mrs. Jdorgan was thrown inot a state bordering; on frenzy by the receipt of a letter from husband No. 1, whom she had believed dead for so many months. The matter was laid before the latter-dav husband and to him Mrs. Morgan, (or Austin imncrted the iuiormation that she could no longer live with him. That day she left him. Now, Austin, husband No. l , has re- aooeared on the scene, arriving here irom Kaleigh a few days ago. It seems tha he had been shot, twice in the head anil once in the back, while attempting to escaoe from the pcuitcntiarv, but, al though broupht near death's door, he re covered. He was an invalid, however from the wounds, and one bullet is sai to be iu his head yet, causing periodic:! fainting fits. His case was brought t the attention of the Governor nnd Aus tin received a pardon and came to Ash ville. Since his arrival he has been stop ping with relatives in North Asheville. " Austin's return, it is s;:u. has caused mild sort of consternation in several fam iliea. Several of the children, as has readv been stated, have found homes with families who have become attache to them, and who now lear Austin wi trv to take the children away from them Morgan, or No. 'J. is snid to be afral Austin, feelinsr offended because of th second marriage, may undertake make matters warm for him. Austi has not vet seen Mrs. Austin, nor has he expressed a desire to do so. B. 11. Edwards of Grand Central. THAT STAMP JOKK. AROUND TOWN. FIFTY MEN- Marshall is at the Albert O. Glover left on this afternoon's rain for Hoston. lustice A. T. Summcy left this after noon lor New York. Hcth Cntificlil of St. Augustine, Fin., is at the Swanuanoa. M. V. ligorton of Hendersouville is in Asheville today on business. A. M. Sinclair and J. I. llunton, of Hul- timorc, are at the Swaunanoa. P. A. Mclilrov. esti.. of Marshall, is in the city on professional business. J. A. Porter, who is ill at Biltmore, is reported as no better this afternoon. The street paving force is pushing the work on l'atton avenue near French Broad. Internal revenue collections for the Filth North Carolina district yesterday amounted to $8.48 t. 32. The citizens mass meeting, called for tomorrow evening, has been postponed to I-riday evening, l-ebiuary J. Since the good weather set in large numbers of tobacco wagons have come to market, and there have been several irge breaks. I. D. Brevard left the citv todav for Thomasville to attend n meeting of the board of trustees of the Raptist Orphan age at that place. J. M.Alexander has rented the building rmeily occupied by C. I). lUanton & Co., ou court place, and will tomorrow begin the removal of his harness stock Irom No. 12 Patton venue to his new stand. W. F. Snider returned yesterday from Charlotte, where he went, accompanied by Mrs. Sui jer and Mrs. H. M., to attend the funeral of Mrs. J. VV. White. Mrs. Snider and Mrs. Graham stopped over in Salisbury on their re turn, where they will visit relatives. Freight traffic over the Richmond and Danville railroad to Asheville is very heavy now. Eight freight trains daily are now necessary to meet the demands. This is double the number in use two weeks ago, and the indications point to a demand for additional trains in the near future. The next lecture in the Southern Husi ness college course will occur next Tues day evening, February 7. in the college lecture hall. Dr. James Hedley, of Ohio, will be the lecturer, and his subject will be "Sunnv Side of Life." Dr. Hedley is called by the Buffalo, N. Y., Courier "The greatest platform orator of the West." Bolt and Ran Patlon Aveuae Next Tlmlnir, Cars. A half hundred men, employed by the Asheville Street Railway company, arose early this morning, and with the necessary tools went to work tearing up the paving on Patton avenue and relat ing the track, which has been off the avenue since last summer, when the city authorities did their locally famous night work. Between the Eiuare and llavwnod stiect the work was easy, as nothinR but the rails were removed by the city, leav ing the ties and chairs intact, and only a portion of the paving and some of the ties were removed. After the workmen passed Haywood street, however, the work was more tedious, as the pavement bad to be torn up to a width consider ably more than that required by the track, in order to give room for the placing of the ties. The work progressed rapidly. There was no cessation of the traffic, and vagons, loaded heavily, drove across the openings in the pave ment at will, grinding off the exposed ends of the bricks. It seemed nobodv's business to close the avenue to these wagons. Oae thing was very apparent iu the paving west of Haywood street, and that was that very little tar bad been used on the bricks when the pavement w.-is lnid. the workmen beine able, in manv instances, to l it the single bricks with their hands. Receiver Maddux told Tiik Citizen this morning that the work would pro gress with all possible dispatch, and that cars would would be running as soon as the track could be uut in condition. He also said he had received many expres sions of iov from residents of the West End over the nrospect of cars on that division. If You Want to FIT UP YOUR OFFICE HANDSOMELY Crawford AtcainHt It. 1'rom the Winston Sentinel. Washington, Jan. 26. A special to the Post quoti s Representative Crawford, ol North Carolina as saying: "I shall vote against the proposed repeal of the Sher man act." With a Little Money Sec W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO, HEADQUARTERS FOR AIL Kl DS FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC. 16 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. $4.50 Jellico Lump For Grates. SINGLE TON ORDERS $4.00 Jellico Nut For StOYes. TELEPHONES 36 Sc 40. ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL CO., 30 PATTON AVENUE $8.50 Hard Coal All Sizes. TRY TH: HEW COAL, Gayton Red Ash Semi-Antliracite. $7.00 "Gayton FOR FURNACUS. Grates, Ranges. CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO. 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 7 1-2 COLLEGE STS. License to Weta. Kegistei Mackcy has issued license to wed as follows: Geo. Hamilton and Laura Hristow. ol Buncombe; colored. G. M. Carter, Chester, S7C writes: "A negro hoy here had a bad case of scrofula. The doctor said it would kill him. I got him to use Botanic Blood Balm, lie took a. dozen bottles and is now well. He has not used any ot it for four mouths and continues well.' IndeztoNew Advertisements. TO I'LBASE Lou Brown. INSt'RANCH-T. W. Postell. WANTED EllwungerS Barry. FOR RENT 43 Patton avenue. FOK RENT No. 5 College street. WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. CORNER STORE, EAi.LK BLOCK- To reduce winter stock, we offer special inducements to cash buyers, all broken lols go for half value, full lots at greatly reduced prices. Our business suits, our Dress suUs. our underwear cannot be beat for wearing qualities and fit. Extra pants to fit any size, sucli as you cannot find elsewhere, we will sell way down price, call and price our goods. We are prepared to moke clothing to order for cash onl.v . Now is the best time to buy overcoats, ul sters and cape coats, the prices ore reduced. We will sell and not pack away a single heavy garment that price can . M.liE'S I.IXTIRI-: TilOR RENT For fcontckecpin, three far- Xj nisbed roams, in new house, first floor, to I'lenlv of Wuluimaker'H Cbromo siampH at Cundler. A correspondent of Tm: Ci tizi.n writ ing from Candler, Buncombe county, says : "In your issue of yesterday, I noticed a joke on one of Buncombe's postmas ters, entitled 'One of Wanny's 1'. M.'s.' The postmaster at Candler wishes to let the readers of The Citizl.n and the Charlotte Observer know he did not rea uire the p.-iv men t of postage, as stated in that article, nor tiid he sav anything whatever to any correspondent about the Columbian stamps. lie has on hand a large supply of the Columbian stamps and cancels a large number ol them every day. "The facts are as follows: Air. Hen ry's correspondent wished to joke him and pretended to be ignorant ot what the Columbian stamps were. lie wrote a letter to Mr. Henry and made the statements in. it that said article revealed. He intended to put a Columbian stamp on the letter to Mr. Henry, that be might catch on to the joke, but failed to do so because he had some of the old issue on hand. So Mr. Henry thought that the statements in the letter were true, when thev were only a joke. Mr. Henry's correspondent attends to the ! O. himself, but Mr. Henry does not know it." BP, THEN OW?. "Meiirsr W. Gradjr, Kdllor, Ora tor, unci Man," Frldav aK-veiiti.ifc-- Dr. J. H. Lee of Atlanta will lecture at the Y. M. C. A. on Fridav evening, his subject being "Henry V. Grady, editor, orator and man." Commenting upon Dr. Lee's book, "The Making of Man," the New York Tribune says of him : "This book at once gives its author a place, and no mean place, in the world ot contemporary thought. It is one of the truest, keenest and most brilliant studies of man in relation to the universe that have appeared in this cunntrv for years. In its insight and wealth ol thought, it is not unworthy to be ranked with the best work of Huxley or Spencer, and in the beauty of its literary form and breadth of treatment it need not fear comparison with Umerson at his best. There is n freshness, a virility, and a joy ous note of faith running through every one of the seven chapters of the book that of themselves would arrest attention." light and sunny. Comer College and Pine, 37 Patton avenue over Law's m Januarv 30 to lane U; for both hoys and fgi rls H L. KING. I'nn. jan.'Od7t UCHOOL- TTlnR RENT Two verv desirable rooms in I ' nsw house, modern improvement s, for light housekeeping ton avenue. Enquire at N. -4-3 Pat- ian31d3t' IfANTEP Atresits: nalarTorcommniion; s w c-iod cbani-e tor advancement. vrite, with reference. lope Nurseries, ianSld 1 m Hllwanccr & Barry, Rochester, N. Y. "mm T'ANTKO A. tti .-in who can irtve bond or Yy first class reference to act as oseot for the "Sdunioo Typewriter" in Asheville An exnert tvotwntt-r preferred Address J K H"ains. state AKent, t-niinoiu-, ian30dtf rjO:T WANT UUNCOMnE. Notice to Contractors. Mnvor's Office. Asheville. N C.Jan 30. '93 S-aled propoa!R will be received at this office until 3 p ni Hridsy. February 3. 18f.' lor lumishiriK nnd laving about &20 feet lO-int h. standard weiKlir. water pipe, one 10x10x10 tee. and two lO-inch trate valves riear the reset voir. Profiles nnd specifics tion can rjc seen at the ottice ot the city en H liter C U BUNION. Mayor it Al tuy ungmrcr .jan.iuun HadUon Coanltlles Will lltftit Annexation. J. M. Gudger, jr., who h.isju- t returned from a trip to Madison county, tells Thk Citizhn that there is :i great deal of opposition to the proposition to annex a portion of that county to Buncombe, as contemplated by a bill introduced in the House of Representatives at Raleigh. The reason this opposition has not been manifest ere this is. that the county has bad . no notice of the proposed change, and heard of it for the first time only a few days ago. Mr. Gudger says peti tions are btinjr circulated, and generally signed, against the annexation, and that the Madisonians declare their intention of herhting the proposition to the end, in the Legislature, and, if necessary, in the courts. WIISTEll HOMES OLD PORT, N. C. TO THOUSAND FEET ELEVATION Mountain weather walls to the north and west. A horse shoe of mountains around with open angles only to the South. Inv lids improving and domiciling for life at thi place from all the North and West. T'ue best house in the place is the BLOCKER HOUSB. Board. S20 per month; $5 per week. Write O. II. BLOCKER tlccSdcodm .0- Keep in jtock "Mount Vernon," "Canadian Club." and Old Baker Rye Whiskies. 1 he l.i - Wines, Brandies. Beer, Ale and Stout for family use. All nooda delivered free. Ale ami Porter on draught, Enteronce No. 19 North Main and 7Vi College streets. Tclcphom Nu. 1S2. P. S.r On and after May 9th I will send statement of accounts by mail to parties in debted to me if not settled by that time. Respectfully, move. Thanking the public for liberal patronegein the past 11 1 A J A 4 X -. Slf, til A years, we win Try 10 uetei w u rumiiiutiutu ui tut- cuner. If You Want Furniture nt Very Low Pricep, Now Is Your Tour Time to Buy ! Jh. Our Stockls Large And Well Assorted! Wo export to well our ebure nno! will nmko Prices Right ! iLAIR & jVLoJZxr FURNITURE DEALERS AND UNDERT' CRIMINAL tOl'KT. DIALOGUE ! As Baae bv Pattl Ko . tts Hoard of AlOermtn and Receiver 91. A certain city government their intellects I did rack. And from poor Patton avenue did move the old car track. Before the court their case thev told, the railroad did the same. The judge he said, "Vuu all : iicsscil wrong; I'll put it back uaixiu." Ob, when it came up, up, up. All were J?lad in the town. But now they all cuss somt one for the muss As they see it go down. down. do'.Y". A'at. S. Rogers. Irlnar In Ie Wy rransactioua. deeds bate been filed in f'm office: lulius A. Wray, airyiew township $5 000 nmissioncr, to t. -e and lot. on Pat- 79ixl40 feet 7 975 1 wife to Jas. K.. ereatin property venue, 274x14:0 2 658 IIuNltiess Practically Finished Tills Afternoon. I si the Ci imuial court yesterday after noon, in t He case ol state vs. .Minerva Tally, for retai'injliJuor v ithout license. deiemlant was billed and tailed to ap- near; iurli;ment nisi. Mate vs Carrie liiiley, embezzlement; 11 ct intlictment quashed, and defend ant held in ner own recognizance to ap pear at next term. State vs. Amos Keever, larceny; released on payment of costs by defendant. State vs. James and Charles Hart, larceny; Ruilty. iTievimsiness of the court will be prac tically concladcd this arternoon. Native Heeds Grown from the sunny hills of Nature's own Sanitarium, Buncombe Co., N. C. and better adapted to Southern soil than any seeds on earth (need no Litho gra phing to make them grow. ) Sent post paid, at reasonable prices. Catalogue sent (free) on application to J. W. Van dier, Weaverville, N. C. THE MARKETS. STRANGER AND CITY BARBER. SrHAM-RK "Can I get ix good shave here ?" City Uahuhk "Yes. Boss, come in and take this scat l 1ITBII OF All HOIK LATER. Citv Babbkk "With or without, sir ';" DAY CALL NO. 75 TELEP No. 45 Pi ELL CALL NO. 65, MoocLy be eitisent' eBttmr will . Held Fridav evBninr. Bj request of member, of the various church coAnregations oi we l, tins errice on Wednesday ie citizens' committee has de- tnnne the mcetine advertised , cveninr mntil Friday rven- in mind, and be sore to rttass )T"s- Baipiiat. pastor. Jlives the fol- - the First. Baptist ly reqssesrted to bf totiiitbt at 7:30 Mr -mMm r who m iy , interest in his - nstntIt is -ire sspotker Mew York Market. N" r w York. Jan. 31. Cotton fatmea, Ja. narr, 9.15; reornary,; uarcn, van; April, w.4-7; niaj, .o; jnae, .o. Bloels Quotations. Niw Yossi, Jan. 31. Brie 2Sg; Lake 8horc 1 30; Chicaajo suad North western 114V; Norfolk and Western, 39; Hicanoad and West Point TerminaU lOVs: West era Union 7. STRANG!? St 'With or -without WHAT ?" Citv I'irbkk "CAMFHORL1NE, Sir; it's the hBCSt Ib'ne you ever saw ior an Kinua ui , uuu r- i ii . " cially on a tender face, after (hariiig close." The stranger took It WITH, nnd says he'll never talc it WITHOUT, mis lace was very tender. Canptaorlinc cored hint. For sale by DmKsista. 25 Cents Per Bottle. M an K fact a red only by RAYSOR & SMITH, Frcscrlption UruurK1"1-- CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH mTi ry Trrn r tt all kinds cut and spi-it h kcaux ru JPthi W (JUJJ U8BAND DBLIVBRBD. Kindlltis;8 and Charcoal. SSTr-r FOR FAN6B8, FUR MAC B8 AND ORATES. MAKES NO 8MOKB; ft K CUBAPBB THAN HARD COAL. Lime, Portland and Louisville Cement and Plaster, Ar tificial Stone Tile and Concrete Works. Fancy Brick and Mortar Color. Aerent for Kings Windsor Asbestos Cement, Dry Alor- . it . o r: n r J, Baltivoii, Jan. SI. Floor, firm ; wheat, i.nirt; soot. 77(378: Jan.. 77i: Feb. 77 MaT. 8UV.. lillisar wheat to lamvlt. TStt SO; corn, firmi spot, January 63; February. S3 May 62; white corn by sample, S3; yellow corn ozgD3- Anne-Tllle Markcs. 8NIDBR d retail srrocera. These nricca are betas paid by the merchants to-day. Corrected daily by POWELL etau Bntter. KaTHrs Chicfcran... 251301 Apple. 021 OO "1 21A030 Fnmuklns. ech.oi2S ..70100'8orsmn SO .. ..2l26Beeswaz, per rb... la nr't 7SIHoT ..I Irish ... 75 1 Wheat . K Potatn sa. Tainiaa . HflfflifrTsm , , OS Osioaa . , rn Meal - SO Csbbace, per W.......S Oats --Q ni.aa or 001 BOi Kye 78 ramm easrro mar. ios sisoo YOU WITiIa Need lomcthlnc in the stationery, or book line darins the year. When yon do, call oa or send joar orders to , CHsVS. D. nVEKSi tar and Knoxrille Sewer Pipe Works. -HA Y - AND - FEED Office No B0 Pattern Arcane, I Vara and Waresoni Telephone 40. I Telephone 78. near Depot, CALIFORNIA FRUITS! Extra Fancy Crown Brand Prunelles, Evaporated Prunes d'agrn, Quartered Pears, - Cherries, " Apricots, 44 Peaches nooavcl 1 r And ttmtloncr. MO. - W. COUatr 8QTJARB. for rsbber stamps, tsgiawf cards. Fresno County Layer Raisins. PROPRIETOR CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW, MILLIARD BLOCK, ASHEVILLE, N. C. CO w H 0 X H W CO a. o o h a H W s o CO CO C3 4r y S ts 04 3 c 53 K 3 S3 o o c a O S-i H 5 5 'P. - o s: X 1) U3 a u 3 0 S3 o o a NO. 35 SOUTH MAIN STREET. MARBLE HALL CLOTHING 32 South Main Street. HOUSE, Ilu 8 just got through taking inventory of the larges stock of Clothing and GeDts' Furnishing Goods kept in Webtern North Carolina. 1 find out I have too many goods. I will for the next thirty days reduce prices on Everything. GREER & JOHNSON, HOBTH MAIMTUBKT Suits, Former Price, $22.50, Now $16.00 20 OO, " 14.00 18.00, 12.50 1G,00, " 11.50 15.00, ' 10.00 13.GO, ' 8.50 12.50, " 8.00 " " 10.00, " 7.00 OVF.RCOAT8 ! OVERCOATS ! Overcoats, Former 'rice, P15.00, 12.50, 10.00, 8.00, G.00, 5.00, Now $10.00 9.00 7.50 5.50 4.00 3.00 The ahove Prices I mean, tise facts. Call and see me. When I Advertise, I adver Yours Respectfully, G. WHITIsOCK - - KOPRLETOR. 1 Chulssts..,.. rte tedt. SoOIVscrx. arw....,iinsjwi J Y

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