-a-.;- .-7 ' Abbeville Daily Citizen, ASHEVELUE, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 4, 1893. VOLUME VIII. NO. 237. Good Coffee At a. Low Price Broken Java 25c. Per Pound Everybody Pleased Avith it. JUST RECEIVED! FtCEPTlOH FlAKfcS, GRAHAM WAFERS LADY FINGERS, WAFERETTES, And a Full Lint; cfScdo. None btttcrami None C'hc ct, Quality Connidf ml. - WE.S TILL HAVE FIN FLORIDA - ORANGES FOR SO CENTS PER DOZEN I A. D. COOPER Nortb Court Square. "Did It Ever Occur to You" That jou ran cur .tore ? always find Bargains at THE CITIZENS' MEETING GOOD ATTENDANCE OF REP RESENTATIVE NEK WE OFFER FOR THIS WEEK 10 piece chamber sets, slightly mismatched, $1.75. Thin China carts and rauctrs, two shapes, 83 rents per set. Thin China B plates, T5 cents per set. Thin China soup plates, 76 cents per set. Thin China fruit or-ice cream ranccrs 75 cents per dosen. Thir. Chifn f liu'ters. 60 cents per dozen. T'Icasc com pare above prices with ordi nary goods and you rind hifther. We will, during this month, have a general CI. BARING OUT SALE. Look for an nonnnmcnt and bargains that will tc offend. The HectlnK Decides Upon Four Wards sud Six Aldermen The Mayor's Salanrlo be tjoo a Vear and That of the Recorder 6oo. Tbe mass meeting iu the court bouse last night to consider the report of a committee appointed at a previous meet ing, to sup-gest such legislation as they deemed necessary for the city of Ashe ville, was a thoroughly representative gathering. Tbe court bouse was full, and the personnel of the body indicated that the whole Deoole were interested in the matters to be discussed. And the meeting knew what it wanted, and showed a discriminating intelligence them very little I j tjje pas 8age of every recommendation. The meeting was called to order by Mavor Blanton. I. D. Murphy was elected chairman and J. P. Kerr and F. P. Bacon were made secretaries. T. W. Patton presented the majority report of tbe committee and Mayor Blanton offered his minority report THin w thrash jl nn ioritv renort and when the reading o Hints. II. Miuiun vv.i m,j,,H lh,fiH,t section of the minority report was ot- Crystal Palace ST - - KROGER. - BON MARCHE New and Pretty Ging hams, in all grade?!, just received. Newg Spring Dress (ioods New Stock Kid (1 loves. New Goods arriving Daily. Lndies request ed to inspect. BON JVIARCHE. 37 South Main St. REAL ESTATE. W. B. OWYN. W. V. WBST. Gwyn & West, (Successors to Waiter B. Gwyn ) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASWEVILLE. Real Estate. K oam Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. SOUTHEAST COURT SQUARE. . DELICIOUS FLAVORING m EXTRACTS OF PERFECT PURITY I Flavor as Delicately aad Deliciously as the Frrfh Fruit. Powell &Sn icier. I'. B. BItEWTON, Furniture anJ Undertaking, 33 NORTH MAIN STRECT. Pcralturc fcbldif Repairing Clalty. a ypc- CORTLAND BROS., Real Instate broker A aid Investmeni Agenls NOTARY PCIlIIC. l.A.n ws.arelv iiliu-nt nt H per cent DWitl J 2 lattn Amac. Hrconfl ;Hoor, iv-r.mil JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. Furnished and Unfurnished House. OFF1CB ROOMS. Loans securely placed at Bight per cent. Albbbt a. WILLS. ABTHUBJ. WILLS. WILLS .BROS., ARCH ITECTS MO. 3 PATTON AVE. TENNEV'8 CELEBRATED GAND1E3, RAY' A FULL LINU OF "-anu Teller's CIk"" ! RAR STAND AND TICKET OFFICE, i!8 South Main St Always Open. FITZPATRICK BROS.,! Cnntrai-tnri n1 Dealers Id Mixed Paints and Painters' Suppp". WALL PAPER. SO NutTH Maim Stbbbt, asbbvillb. N. C TBLBFHONB NO. 142. J. H. LAW, Patton Avenue, SPECIAL - SALE - OF - PICTURES ! TO CLOSE OUT PRESENT LINE. PRICES x-a TO 2- REGULAR PRICE ! . x Several Fine Artotypes, Framed, at f 1 Each. I landsomely Framed French Pictures, S208 EACH- Worth nonble. Fino Artist Proof Etchings Framed, For $3-65 AND 'Worth. Doubic. -Sale Closes February 8th. We are offering Bargains in every line on old stock. The New Goods arriving fast and are worthy of attention See our large line of French and English punier Sets. g - b 9 s o. 2 5 J; Xk - O S R 8 O Q g g o a H & H P3 " i- f- W w 04 Q - o w X O O to 04 O O I V ' 04 ert v ' it Q w s Qo E S 1 1 1 x s a g s 1 a g 2 5 H H H Z s s a I S a S i s o s H J c H O O HBinitsH&RBaDan DRUGGISTS. SPECIAJ ATTENTION PAID TO THE FILLING OF PRESCRIPTIONS. We arc.Solc Ai;etita.in Ashcviltc for CANDY. Cor. Cbnixa Street ind Patton Aienne. fercd aa n substitute and the substitute was adooted. It reads: "First: I recommend the division of the citv into four wards bounded as fol lows : - "Ward No. 1. That part of the city between South Main street and College street, to the city limits : "Ward No. 2. North Main street to Colletre street, thence to the city limits "Ward No. 3, Patton avenue. Spring street and Haywood street to the bridge thence with the city limits to North Main street. "Ward No. 4. All that part ol the cit not included in Wards Nos. 1, 2 nnd 3.' The second section as finally adopted is a modification of both reportsand is n follows "We recommend one alderman from each ward to be nominated by the quali Bed voters of each ward Also tw aldermen from the city at large to lie nominated and elected hv the city as wbole: ik'ctious to be held annually an the term of office of the aldermen be two years." A Mayor Ever V r nl soo The third recommend ;i ; i of the majority report was h-1mj I'tl.fs follows: "We rccommendthat.it s-imc lime and place a mayor be elcctrd fr the term of one year, or until liis successor i quali fier! by the general vote of the city." The fourth section tl tne majority report was amended to read: "We rec ommend that tbe salary of the mayor be fixed at $500 per aunom r-nd the salary of each alderman at $200 per annum," and it was adopted. The majority report fixing the salary of the recorder at $600 per annum was concurred in. The minority made no recommendation on this question. The recommendation of the majority abolishing the Advisory Hoard was withdrawn. Section 7 of the majority report, "We recommend that Section 6 of the charter amendment of the session of 1891 be so amended as to allow to property owners the same number of years lor payment of assessments as the citv bonds have for their maturity," was rejected. aitttxlnK Fnnd Sect Ion Tabled. Section 8 of the majority report said "Whereas, section 11 of said act of 1891 has not been complied with owing to the fact that the banks mentioned in said section declined to accept position therein tendered them: "We. therefore, recommend that said act be amended so as to require all moneys paid to or collected by the city by reason of any lien created by said act, to be placed in the hands of the city treasurer, who shall file with the Board of Aldermen a special bond tor proper administration of this trust, and requir ing said treasurer to make such invest ment of the moneys so received by him as may be directed by an auditing com mittee, hereinafter provided for, and to aoolv the proceeds of such investments to establish a sinking fund for paving off said city bonds, and to no other pur- oofe. The committee offered an amendment suggesting that the sinking fund be de posited in the four banks ot tbe city. Other amendments were offered, when a motion to table the section and tbe amendments was made and carried. 'Will Mot Divert 30,000. Sections 0 and IO providing for the application of $50,000 ot the street im provement bonds for extension of water system and for the appointment of an auditing committee, were tabled. Tbe; Health Board. When section 11 was read Captain Patton, for the majority committee, stated that the physicians bad not been consulted in its preparation and that his committee understood that the minority report met the views of the Health Board, and the majority would accept that report as an amendment. The report was further amended and adopted. The recommendation now stands: "We recommend a Board of Health as heretofore created, consisting of fonr regular physicians of the city of Asbe- ville, together witu tne mayor, city engi neer and chairman of the finance com mittee of tbe Board of Aldermen. The physicians on this Board shall be elected annually for the term of two years or in such manner as will insure two holdover physicians on the Board at all times. and in no case shall their term of office be less than two years. That all em ployes and officers connected with the sanitary department of the city shall be elected by said Board of Health and that tbe number of employes, their salary, and all matters pertaining to the depart ment and necessary for the success of the boaid, shall be governed by the board. And that the board shall have power to declare and abate nuisances of what soever kin. I or character wh;ch they deem in their judgment to be best. We recommend farther that the said Board prepare a system of connections. both of water and sewer, and submit tbe same to tbe Board of Aldermen and upon the adoption by said Board of Aldermen and Sanitary Board, tbe two Joint Boards voting together, each mem ber having one vote, there shall be ap pointed by tbe Joint Board an expert who snail examine all plnrnbingand con sections, and require that the law shall be complied witb, and. said inspector shall receive his compensation ac cording to u schedule of fees to be established ny said joint Board, and to be collected from the wner. and no building shall be permitted to he occupied until said inspector's cer tificate shall have been obtained and bled with the Board." For a Future Meeting;. Amendments were offered to the final recommendation of the majority report when a motion prevailed to defer action on the pection for a time. The following recommendations were referred to the general committee for report at an adjourned citizens' meeting to be held on next f riday nignt: To issue $25,000 ot water bonds. To issue bonds for school purposes. To extend the time of issuance of street improvement bonds one year. That the office of superintendent ol Public Works be created, and that said superintendent be nominated and elected bv the oeoDle in tne same manner as tne mayor is elected; that the term of office Bball be for two years and his salary be bxed by the Board ol Aldermen. That the Board 01 Aldermen and Ad visory Boards shall advertise for bids in two daily papers, for not less than ten days, for all purchases of material and all work amounting to over $150. All work in excess of this amount shall be let to contract. Statement of schools. The following statement was pre sented by th school committc in sup port of a resolution for an issne of bonds: Bailey street lots $ 2,560.00 Building and furniture 8.317.64 Catholic Hill lots 850.00 Building and furniture 0,009.10 Velvet street lot 325.00 Orange street lot 1,500.00 Building and furniture ld.ouo.uu Montford avenue lot 6.368.00 Building and furniture 11,670.00 "Mountain street lot and building ... 2,000.00 HAWAIIAN COMMISSIONERS IM WA8BINUTON WITH TH OFFER. I It GRANT'S PHARMACY. Ther Have One Interview Willi Secretary Foster and Others Will Follow A. statement of Ibe C'hho to be Made. Washington, Feb. 4 The first inter view between Secretary Foster and the Hawaiiau annexation commissioners was held in the State Department this morning and lasted half an hour. There were present Secretary -Foster and So licitor Partridge, representing the United States; Messrs. Thurston, Wilder, Cas tle, Marsden and Carter, Hawaiian com missioners; Kinney of Salt Lake City, who is present with them as an unofficial adyisor, and Dr. Mott Smith, Hawaiian minister. Thurston presented these commission er's credentials from President Dale of the Provisional government, and sup plemented them with a brief statement of tbe events on the Island which were the cause of their visit. Secretary Foster responded in a few words of welcome, stating that the reason for their errand was well known to the neoole of the United States. Af ter the exchange of more social greetings the interview closed with an engagement to meet again this afternoon at Uo clock at the same nlace. The Hawaiian commissioners returned to their hotel where they discussed the question of making a statement to the neoole of the United States upon the subject of their mission to this country, BLOUNT'S RETIREHENT, W II 12 3 S AS 'tis known beyond s question that headache, bile and indigestion have formed a pact of treason to haunt the g-s 7 and festive board throughout this gladsome season; now, therefore, be it understood that all such direfull ills can be deBed and cured 'or good by using Buncombe Pills 40 pills for IS cents. Grant's. We do not hesitate to say that our Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry is the best cough syrup ever sold in Ashevillc. Wc hsve sold over one thousand bottles of it and the de mand for it has constantly incrcared ever nee wc placed it on the market. As it it pleasant to take, children do loot otiect to it and it always gives relief. Try It; 28 cmts per bottle at Grant's Pharmacy. Campho Glycerine Lotion is a soothing and fragront application for chapped hands, face, lips, etc. Not greasy or dissgreeable in any way. For saleonly at Grsnt's Pharmacy. It cleanses the teeth, strengthens tue gums anil imparts fragrance to the breath. Va Va Tooth Wash at Grant's. We can re'er you to many reliable people in our own city who believe Buncombe Sarsaparilla is tbe best blood purifier they ever used. Why use other and more expen sive preparations when a home product is better and cheaper ? Grant's. 56,099.74 EXPENDITURE OF BONDS : liuilev street and improve- ments 10,877.64 Catholic Hill and improve ment 9,859.10 Velvet street lot 325.00 Montford avenue and im provements 13,038.00 Orange street and improve ments 2,830.89 36,930.63 Kceeiwd fr-.iii bnd.- 22,500.00 14,430.63 13,000.00 1,430.63 lli 10 veil on abr.vc property lliitfuialtv partus Line in addition on Orange street 5.000.00 Number scholnrs, 1.575. Cost per pu pil per session, $9. SO. Muor Blanifin on tbe Result. The Citizen this morning asked Mayor Bluuton, who was one of the committee, for his opinion of the results of the meet ing. "We iot everything right," he said, "but the term fixed tor the mayor. No man who can till the office will go to the expense and trouble and submit to the annoyance every j-ear. '1 am satis fied.' " Geo. S. Powell, another member of the committee, said: "I think it was the best meeting we have ever beld in Ashe ville. I am pleased with the outcome. My hope in Asheville's future is strength ened by the knowledge that the repre sentative men of the city take hold of matters as they did last night." Regarding the action on the recorder s salary. Recorder Miller stated to The Citizen todav that instead of reducing the salary, the people would better abol ish the office, place the duties upon the mayor and pay bim a respectable salary. TO THIS JOINT BOARD. Handsome Tribute to His Atotlltv and Patriotism. Washington, Feb. 4. There was en acted in the House this afternoon a most unprecedented and touching scene. It was a tribute to Mr. Blount of Georgia who retires from Congress at this ses sion. When consideration of the diplo inatic bill had been completed, Mr. Hoi man. Democrat, expressed his sincere rccrets that the association of twenty vears was to be severed thus. O'Neill, of Pennsylvania. Republican, said he en dorscd every word of the high culogium which Ilolman bad uiterea; ana rm, Blaud, Springer and McCrary added their meed of Draise to the ability and oatriotism'of the retiring member. Blount was profoundly moved by the testimony ot esteem in which be was held by bis associates and said he would ever look back to this hour as the brighest of his life. CONTINUOUS BI.IZZARU8, A. Tale to Give Oneibe Shivers for a Month, Houghton, Mich., Feb. 4. Terrific blizzards have ruled for the past two days, with the mercury at from 30 to 40 below zero. The snow drifts are as high as the tops of passenger coaches. 1 he Mineral Ranee and the Hancock and Calumet passenger trains, consisting of only one coach and baggage car, I two or three oowerful engines to 1 them. The mines are shut down for the lack of fuel and the stamp mills for lack of rock. It is more than a quarter of a century since there were so many contin uous blizzards and such low temperature. Oshkosh, Wis., Feb. 4. A blizzard of Thursday was followed by intense cold. Travel and business are practically at a standstill. AUTOMATIC COVPLERH. Do you shave yourself or does a barber do it for you ? In either case, if you use our imported bay rum your face will always re main smooth and free from any irritation or redness. SOc bottles at Grant's. Absolutely Pure Witch Hazlc, Id attractive Pint bottles, 25 cents. Grant's. Do not suffer with headache when yoa know that Antimlrane will relieve you en. tirely. It is a harmless but sure remedy. For sale at Grant's. Buncombt Plasters a higher grade porous plaster thsn the public his hitherto known. Try one. 15 cents at Grant's. St. Elizabeth's Salve ceres all skin diseases. It is superior to all known remedies for the cure of pimples or any skin eruption. Posi tively guaranted to cure or money refunded. For sale at Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South Main street. Apply the salve ts the parts affected by rubbing in thoroughly with the finger every other night before retiring ynd you will get rid of those disagreeable pimples or any skin eruption that may be troubling you. St Blizabet's salve Is for eale only at Gsrant' Let tbe West Havwood Work 10 Competitive Bidding At tbe meeting of the Joint Board yes terday afternoon a petii ion asking that a rubble pavement similar to that put down on "uxton street be ' i: i on West Haywoon between Buxton street nnd Woodcock's drug store. Tl.e matter was referred to a committee. At last night's meeting of citizens a resolution was proposed, on winch action was de ferred, which provides that any work lor the citv, amounting to more tnan $150. shall be let to contract. The idea has gone abroad, in some quarters at least, that the Board will at its meeting Monday let the contract fur west May wood street to Mr. Smith, who has the contract for Buxton street. A number of citizens have called at The Citizen office today and requested that the Board be asked, in view of the fact that the resolution referred to is pending, to defer action on the paving question, or, if the work must be done, to let the work to competitive bidding, witb well defined specifications, so that every property owner may know exactly what kind ot paving be may expect ana wuai it costs. AS FAR. AS DEPOT KTRKKT. Southern Rallwajs Mot Able 10 pa? For Tbem. Washington, Feb. 4. The Senate to day proceeded to consideration of the House bills-on the calendar, taking up first the bill to Dromote the safety of employers and travelers upon railroads by compelling common carriers engaged in inter-State commerce to criwip their cars with automatic couplers and con tinuous brakes, and their locomotives with driving wheel brakes. At the sug gestion of Mr. Harris the bill was laid aside temporarily without action, Mr. Harris stating his belief that its passage would put into the hands of receivers the majority of the Southern railways. ,1' ANTI-OPTION. Tbe Avenue A Car noes Down tbe This MorulDg, The switch at tbe intersection of tbe lines of the Ashevillc Street railway and the West Ashevillc and Sulphur Springs railway, at Patton avenue and Bailey, was nut in Inst niebt. and at U:dU tnis mornine a car containing a number of railway men made a trip over the line as far as Depot street, which point is as far as the cars ran run until the line on West Haywood is repaired. When this car went oyer the line an enthusiastic West Bnder remarked to B. M. I ones that he was sorrv there were not a dozen bottles of champagne on hand to oe broken over the car. Cars will probably make regular trips over the avenue tomorrow. The Montford avenue cars began rcg ular trips to the square this morning A Thumping Good Load, New Orleans, Feb. 4 The New British steamship Samao, now on her first voy age, sailed for Liverpool today witb 7,829 bales cotton; 164,383 bushels 01 wneat; 10,594 sacks of oilcake; 8,926 sacks of cotton seed meal, and other cargo, tne whole being equivalent to 20,200 bales of cotton. It is the largest cargo ever carried from any United States port. WUI Arrest the Bank President. Washington, Feb. 4. Comptroller Heipburn today received a telegram from United States District Attorney Waters at Little Rock, Ark., stating that be would todav cause tbe arrest ot Pres ident Ellis of tbe First National bank of Little Rock, which failed a few days ago. Senate Bill In The House, W lib Other Dlls. Washington, Feb. 4. In the House this morning Mr. Hatch reported back the anti-option bill, with the Senate amendments, and it was referred to the Committee of the Whole. Tbe same ref erence was made ot tbe agricultural annronriation bill, which was also re ported by Mr. Hatch, tne ttonso tnen, in Committee of the Whole, proceeded to consideration of the diplomatic ana consular appropriation bill. STRAW HATS Arc not in it right now. but Mitchell's line of Underwear is at the top of the column just now. Everything in Winter Under wear, Mufflers, etc., at cost price at F. E. MITCHELL. THE MEN'S OUTFITTER, 8 PAXTON AVENUE. AT THE STORE OF KILLED IN MADISON COl'NTV, Hardv Merrill Shoots Mark Fllnn on Bull Creek. Marshall, Feb. 4. Special. Hardy Merrill shot and killed Mark Fhnn on Bull Creek, Madison county, yesterday. The difficulty grew out of a settlement, and it is claimed that the killing was I justifiable. No particulars are obtain able. Merrill isone 01 tue leaning uemo- crats of this county. Three Killed Outright. Syracuse, N. Y.f Feb. 4. About 7:40 o'clock this morning, near the State pump house, at Fort Emerson avenue, the Central Hudson passenger train, west bound, ran down six men. Three were killed outrieht. and of the other three one soon died, another is dying and the third is seriously hurt. Tbe men were section bands on the railroad. It Masr Be Allots. Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 4. The Populists caucused again last night. W. V. Allen ( a Populist). Judge of the Ninth Judicial district, was nominated for United States Senator. Great pressure is being brought to bear on the Democratic members to vote for Allen and the majority will do so. Mrs. Whitney III. New York, Feb. 4. Mrs W. C. Whit ney, wife of ex-Secretary of the Navy Whitney, is lying seriously ill of heart trouble at her home, in tins city. 27 PATTON AVENUE. New Goods are constantly arriving, thereby enables tbe proprietor to always show a Fresh Stock, at well as offer, a Grand Opening Sale for every day in the year, San day excepted. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF ! Meerschaum Pipes and Candles. Fine Fruits. CIGARETTES I G LATEST NBWSPAPHBS MAGAZINES, NOVELS, ALWAYS OPBN. RAT'S CIGAR STAND ANS TICKET OFFICE, Straass' Hotel. 28 South Mais street. Tity Tim Mnnci cTcmi i jmunDV TUB TKMT BEaTT WOkJE, , i CHUICfl STREET, . TTimSKI 79,