fWflft?.: O T nf"rrtt jvT"sr jrpu-r Ti. s (pw; THE ASHBVIIjLE DAILY OATIZEJN Satin dav Evening, February 4, 1893. - v. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN Tub Daily Citiibn, Democratic, is published every afternoon (except Sundu) at the fol lowing: rate strictly cash. On Yhak $6.oo Six Months 3.O0 Thkbb Months. l.oo Oitit Month SO Omwiin 16 SATTRDAY, FEBRUARY 4. 1893 It looks as thoufjh the county jail or the keeper thereof should be improved. To the Joint Board : No more street paving should be done except by the lowest responsible bidder with specifica tions well understood by property own ers as well as contractors. Those Democrats who have been say ing that the President should have left the appointment of a justice of the Su preme Court to Mr. Cleveland forget ting that the presidential term docs not end with the November election must now sing very small over the nomina tion of Judge Jackson. It is doubtful if President Cleveland could have made a better nomination. It is true that if President IlnrrUon nomiuates a Republican to fill the place that Judge Jackson's nomination to the Supreme bench leaves vacant, he will probably have done more for his party, from a partisan point of view, than if he had named a Republican for the Supreme Court vacancy. But The Citizen pre fers to believe and it sees u; reason why it should not so believe th-f. the appointment of Judge Jackson v. as made because President Harrison was unable to find for the place a Republican judge of equal fitness. JI DGK JACKSON AND STATf.'S RIGHTS. Some comment of Republican congress men on the nomination of Judge Jackson betrays an unnecessary ignorance of the history of the decisions of the United States Supreme court during the period since the war. "The two Republican members of the Tennessee dcligation," says a Washington telegram, "feel sore over the appointment of a State's rights judge;" and Representative Houk said: "I think President Unrrioon has fol lowed his inclination and has betrayed the Republican party and committed a crime against the constitution by ap pointing a man who bv birth and school ing is a State's rights Democrat, believ ing in a strict construction of the consti tution and the supremacy of the State over the nation." Now i1: is a curious fact that the so called State's rights decisions of the Su preme court, since the reconstruction period at least, have been voted for, and mainly delivered by the Republican judges, while, in some notable instances, the Democratic judges have opposed such decisions. It is to be supposed, of course, that both were actuated by like motives, but the fact remains as we have stated it, and Congressman Houk will have to change the basis of his criti cism of the latest appointment. GENERAL ASSEMBLY. In the Senate Thursday, a resolution was unanimously adopted instructing North Carolina's Senators and Repre sentatives in Congress to use all their influence to secure the passage ot the Nicaragua canal bill. The principal bills introduced in the House Thursday were as follows: To protect consumers of illuminating oils by having inspectors and permitting no oils to be sold under 120 degrees fire-test; to protect baggage of travellers bv com mon conveyance; to provide that all schools partially supported by the public school t-iud shall be under the super vis ion of the State Board of education. Kills now laws: lreating a commis sion of three members to be appointed by the Governor to codify the legislative acts for ten years past; to make three years' absence from the State, after par tial divorce has been granted, ground for absolute divorce; and to increase the Guillord battle-ground appropriation. There was a loner discussion on a bill introduced by Mr. Vance, of Buncombe requiring dogs to be listed as other property and pay $1 annual tax. Vance supported this earnestly and showed that there are in North Carolina 30.000 more dogs than sheep. The bill was fav orably reported by the committee on agriculture.- It was finally recommitted to that committee. The Senate has passed a bill appro priating $4,000 for furnishing the Execu tive Mansion. JudK-e Jackion. From the Knoxville Journal (Rep.) Judge Jackson is a Democrat, but he is the one Democrat in Tennessee who possesses the respect, tbe'admiration, yes the love of Republicans from the Virginia line to the Father of Waters. In the great struggle of the 'TO's for the pre- servation of the credit of the Statu he fought shoulder to shoulder with the Republicans to crush repudiation, and though beaten they have looked upon him ever since as a man worthy of any man s admiration. His conduct upon the bench since he was placed there has universally been upon the plane of probity, ability and conservatism. not her quality that has endeared him to Tennessee Republicans has been his absolute non-partisansbip. The Shelby Llqaar Qarxilon R. B. Miller in the Aurora. Now, why abolish a law that has been of great benefit to this town and county, because the illicit sale is not entirely suppressed, especially the past few months? Our Legislature will have a bill amending the present law so that the penalties will be sufficient to deter the "blind tigers" and open, defiant sale of whisky. Instead of $100 fine have $500; instead of thirty day have ninety days imprisonment. , TlMs Place to Bay Hones. Nearly six handred head will be thrown on the market and sold at a action for just what they will bring. la the lot re over two hundred standard bred trotters, including stallions, brood mares, horses with record and young animals fit to race and win; and four hundred splendid roadsters, saddlers, matched teams and general purpose horses Con- sikhcu dj an luc piuuiiicai orecaen ana owners fa Tennessee. Every animal will be sold without aar reserve, at the Ten nessee breeders splendid new Sale Mart at Nashville, Tenn., on March 13th to 18th inclusive. For descriptive . eatalosfoe address) Walter f, Parmer, Secretary-. anf-Mas)-ager, Baxter Court. Nashville, Tenn. Avoid eonfusiotf ndh -delay by reading carefully the schedule of West Asherille Sc Sulphur Springs line in this issue of Tns CrriXEx. JUST IN NORTH CAROLINA. Statesville Landmark : Several months ago Mr. H. A. Collins of Penn sylvania, came to Statesville, leased laud from Mr. R. B. Jovner near town and began mining for corundum. His efforts met with such success that last Friday theAcme Corundum and Minintr company of Statesville, with $20,000 capital stock, was organized. The parties interested ore Mr. Collins, J. W. Janney and B. Howland of Pennsylvania. North Carolina Teacher: One of the biggest things to occur in North Carolina this year will be the departure of $500 teachers and their friends, on August 14, for a twenty day visit to the World's Fair at Chicago. While other people will pay from fifty to seventy-five dollars, they will expend only thirty-five dollars. Jubilee correspondence Davidson Dis patch: Mr. Jeff. Lewis, while sawing hickory timber into spokes last week at Mr. Conrad's mill, got one of his fingers split with the saw. He then laid his finger on a block and laid an nxc on it and got one of the men to strike it with a mallet and square it oil". There were 1,850,000 guesses in the New York Herald's presidential trip to Europe contest and the editor of the Morgatiton HcrnM came in as number ten on a guess of 3611,467. B. K. Kon ztlmaii of Brooklyn, guessed 360,50 aud won first prize. Webster Herald: A six years eld daughter of Mr. Frank Conner, named Bessie, at the Forks of the river, was drowned Sunday, while attempting to cross it with her uncle, Mr. Cope. She became dizzy, and icll from the log on which she was walking. Charlotte Observer; John Suggs, a small boy of Berrvhill township, was bitten by a dog supposed to be mad, I Monday, and was brought here for the application of the mad stone. The dog afterward showed symptoms of madness and was killed. The Burlington Herald's apology for copying a Citizen editorial without a credit: To The Asueville Citizen: We own up: but we "didn't go for to do it." We must lay the fault at the door of a brand new devil. Charlotte Observer. A horrible ac cident occurred at the Mountain Island cotton mills. One of the operatives. Anna Primal, had her right arm caught iu the machinery and torn trom the socket. Mail service changes : Henderson- ville to Brevard. From January 26, 1893, change service so as supply Yale, betwt.cn Hendersonville and Horse-Shoe, increasing distance 23 miles. Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas, of Char lotte, died Thursday at the home of her son. Mr. James Thomas, near that city in her 93rd year. The Statesville cotton mills invite bids for 500,000 brick, delivery to commence April 1 and be completed by June 1. Bills Paid Vesterdav. The following bills were ordered paid by the Joint Board yesterday afternoon: A. M. Smith, $1,219.20; E. A. Poe, $542.50; Kelly & Strachan, $30.11; W. II . Westall, $58.10; F. E. Rice, $127; Webb & Oates, $30.11; street payroll, $188; M. H. Kellev, $504.33; Webb, Oates, Eskridg & Co,, $2,663.74; H. M. Smith, $373.58; Woody & Kimberly, $32.18; Asheville Plumbing and Heating house, $20.14, J. A. Murdoch, $75; A. V. Jones & Co., $1.35; Boyce & Burton, $13; Democrat, 75 cts.; Jarvis & Rich ards, $2; J. R. Ballew's payroll, $116.01; F. Stikeleather. $31. LEMON KUXIH, ' A Pleasant Lemon Tonic. For biliousness, constipation, malaria, colds and the grip. For indigestion, sick and nervoushead oches. For sleeplessness, nervousness aod .heart diseases take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir is prepared from the fresh juice of lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics and cathartics. 50c. and $1 bottles at drug gists. Prepared only bv Dr. H. Mozley, At lanta, Ga. A Prominent Minister Writes: After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostra tion, biliousness, disordered kidneys ana constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir and am now a well man. Rev. C. C. Davis. Kid. M. E. church. South, No. 28 Tatnall street, Atlanta Gratitude. Dr. H. Mozley, Dear fair Since using your Lemon Elixir I have never had an other attack of those tearful sick head aches, and thank God that I have at last iound a medicine that will cure those awful spells. M us. Etta.W. Jones, Parkersburg, West Va West AanevlUe and Sulphur (tnrlajrs Rallwav. LEAVE POST OFFICB FOR DEPOT. 6 40 a. m., 7.15, 7.45, 8 OO, 8.15, 8 30, 8.45, 00, 9.15, 9.30. ,9.45, 10.00, 10.15. 10.30.M0.45, ll.OO, 11.15 11.30, 11.45. 12.00, 12.15 p. m., 12.30, 12.45, l.OO, 1.15, 1.30. 1.4S, 2.00. 2.15, 2.30, "2.45, 3.00,3.15, 3.30, 3.45. 4.00, 4.15, 4 30, 4.45, 5.00, 5.15. LEAVE DEPOT FOR POST OFFICE. 6.25 a. m., 7.00, 7.30, 7.45. 8.00, 8.15, 8.30, 8.45. 9.00, 9.15, 9.30, 9.45, 10.00, 10.15. 10.30, 10.45, ll.OO. 11.15, 11.30, 11.45. 12.00, 12.15 p. m.. 12.30. 12.45, 1.00,1.15,1.30,1.45, 2.00, 2.15, 2.30, 2.45, 3.00, 3.15, 3.30, 3.45, 4.00, 4.15, 4.30, 4.45, 5.00. 'Connects at depot for Snlpher Springs. Cars meet all trains. Pf atlve needs Grown from the sunny hills of Nature's own Sanitarium. Buncombe Co., N. C. and better adapted to Southern soil tban any seeds on earth (need no Litho gra phing to make them grow.) Sen t post paid, at reasonable prices. Catalogue sent (free) on application to J. W. Van diver, Weaverville, N. C. A Sensational Starr ihas attracted attention lately, bat as a matter of fact the public has also de voted time to things substantial, judg ing by the unprecedented sales of the Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk. Unequalled as a food for infants. Sold by grocers and druggists. A grand view of the Great Black kange aod Craggy mountains, six miles ride along the French Broad river. Straw berry Hill, the Bungalow, Hominy Creek, Sulphur Springs, and return, all in an hour and a half, for twenty-five cents, by taking the Sulphur Springs car at postomce, Seesrsedaie. G. M. Carter, Chester, S. C. writes: "A negro boy hers had a bad case of scrofula. The doctor said it would kill hi:. I got him to -nse Botanic Blood Balm. He took a do-sen bottles and is sow well. He has not osed any of it for four months aad continues well." THE OLD BACK STAIR. Of all tun sports of childhood I kmw of none so rare As sliding down the banisters Of the old back stair. I remember well the olrros And tbo fnn it nsotl to bring While watching fearless i Idors A-tlashiug round tUo ring. Bnt thin jolly old attraction Could ne'er, wi'cr compare Willi sliding down the bauisters Of the old back stair. I have grown into manhood now. And often wander houo; The old folks always welcome me They're glad to have roe come; But while they're not looking I'm tempted, I declare. To slido down the banisters Of the old back stair. -C. E. Edwards in Philadelphia Kecoid. Politeness and Rent. The reason why it is the custom for an inquiring person in a New York tene ment house to interrogate the residents of the top floor first is because he re ceives plenty of polite attention, whereas if one begins at the lower floor and pro ceeds upward, he will get short answers and little satisfaction.. The top floor ten ants pay the smallest rents. New York Sun. The search for the golden fleece had not for its sole object the conquest of a mine, or a precious fleece, or to rob the treasure so carefully heaped by the ava ricious Aetes. fhsofutey Pure A cream of tartar baking powder. High est of all in leavening; strength. Latest United States Government Food Report. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall St., New York. Coal AND Cord Wood Cheap AND HOT AT Carrington's Coal Yard Court Square, no. 20. JUDGMENTS. The Retail Grocers Association offer the fol'oving judgments for sale: J. K. REYNOLD? 6 30 B. B. VVBLLS 136. OO I M. B80VI.ES 16.7S MISS C. RUKKB, 70V4 S- Main St 42.76 VIRGINIA ROBIB, Charlotte St 25 04 A. B. WARE 2.25 V. S IUSTICB 3.77 MELVIN NICHOLS 6.60 1BRKIN WILLIS 100 The above judgments can be lawfully ten dered in pavment of all debts to the persons against -w hom they arc issued. Persons wishing to purchase may call on any of the members : Greer & Johnson, A. D. Cooixr, R. B. Noland &. Son, Win. Kroger, T. A. Porter, G. U. Bell. S. R. Kepler. Ray & Baird. M. C. Nolarc' T. I. Revell, G. L. McDonald, P. M. Foster, I. S. Fnllum. W. C. Stradley & Bro J.M. e J. B. Scigler, Glenn Bros., V. M. Hill Sc. Co. W. A. Lattimorc. Chevalier House, COLXJIVIBUS, POLK CO..N.C. Depot, Tryon, R. & D. R. R., 40 Miles Sooth of Asheville. On the southern slope of the Blue Kidgc. Accommodations good. Kept by Ohio people. Beautiful scenery and soft, sure mountain water. Address the proprietor and he will meet yon at the train. Winter accommodations good. Open fires. It will 'not coat yon much. Try it. Feel sure the climfite will please you. A good free school for your children, taoght by Ohio teacher. Address F. A. CHEVALIER, Columbia , IV C. jan30d3w LTOSIDE 'C v ! ) J Honest in an oat. Sensible Shape. Perfect Fits. Solid Comfort. Largest stock of "Narrow Widths in the country. All tb fancy colored ooze ad evening; dress Slipper. Ladies' Walking Boots in all popular shapes. French Calf aod Patent Leather Ox fords and Uppers, from tripple A, to E. BL ANTON, WRIGHT & CO. S9 Patton Avesxiae, ATTRACTIVE Sterling silver and solid gold goods, useful and serviceable for adornment and table use. The finest of leather card cases and pocket books. MISS DON'T THE Opportunity of buying some of the Rogers, genuine firstquality table spoons at over one-half less than the regular price. NATIVE GEMS. Complicated watchwork. Jew elry made to order. Souvenirs. ARTHUR HI. FIELD, Leadliiir Jeweler. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. D. M LUTHER. W.V BROWN. LUTHER & BROWN, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, OFFICE 12 LEGAL BLOCK. Practice in the State and Federal Courts. Collection of claims a special y. R. H. UEETES, . D. 8.. DENTAL OFFICE formally Ouftamg, over Badwood's Store, Patton Avenue. Residence, 36 Spruce street. D. G. ZEIGLER, 38 Broad Rt , Cterlto,8.C rlans and specifications furnished for all clastes of buildings. Correspondence cheerfully replied to. Remodalllrg of exist ing structures a specialty. nov2td3m K. H. BRITT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE. Grading; of all kinds done. All sises of crushed stone furnished. Send all orders to postomce Box 148, Asheville, N. C. augl9dtf 34-Years' Expcrience-34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BTJILDBR Office and shop, Wolfe Building. CORNER COURT PLACE AND MARKET 8TRKBT. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General t Insurance t Agent. Rear No. 20 South Main street. established 1866. Asheville. N. C. sua dlv J. B. BOSTIC, REAL ESTATE, No. xx Patton Avrnue. Buvs, sells and exchanges real estate on commission. Also buys and sells notes, stocks, bonds and negotiates loans on real estate. nov23d6m J. A. TKNNENT, ARCHITECT : AND : CONTRACTOR Plans, specifications and estimates fur nished. All work in my line contracted for. and no charges for drawing on contracts awarded me. References when desired. Office, Southeast Conrt Square. Asheville, N. C. febl9dly FRANK CARTER, FIRE INSURANCE, First National Bonk Building. ASHBV1LLB, N. C. NOTARY PUBLIC. janSdtf THE TRAVELERS' INSURANCE CO., OF HARTFORD, CONN.. Issue the best Insurance Ticket for visitors to the Inauguration and World's Fair. They cover not nnlv the accidents of travel, bnt also the many dangers on the streets and in the exhibition grounds. 1'on't be satisfied with a ticket limited to travel, but Insist on the full accident tlket. College St., One Door West of Krogcr's. Men's Boys' and Youths' footwear. in Bleachers, Bala, Congress in Patent Leather, Calfskin, Russia, Calf and Rassett, all width. Hunt hi j ".Boot. Overeaiters, Lex gins. Umbrella. Trnaks and - Vav- fisea. Hats at sacrifice We have o time to talks ' Come and sec ovr .stock. . . WANT COLUMN. wanted. "JlTANTBD First-class traveling salesman Ww and local aavnts in each section to handle our lubricating oils and grease as a aide line on commission. Columbia Oil and Grease Company, Cleveland, Ohio Ja38d3w irANTBD Agents; ralarjorcanmlwian; TV ft"od chance for advancement. Write, with references. Bllwanger & Barry. Ml. Hope Nurseries, Kochestcr, N. Y, jan81djm "Ti7"ANTED A man who can Rive bond or TT first .class reference to act as a Kent for the "Msneoa Typewriter" in Asheville An expert typewriter preferred Addre's I K Kdios State A Kent, Charlotte. N C. jaaSOdtf llTANTKn-A team of steers that will w plough double or sinale. irentlc and wen Droken, between tnrre or lour years old. to welsh about 600 or 700 pounds each. Apply to lames Wolfe, stall No. 8, M arkct house, Asheville. febSd 2t FOR RENT. R RENT Small store room. South Ma'n St. Amjlv to Harold K. lnhnaton. R. B Johnston, lock box 177, city. i7dtf TTIOR RENT The Melke houe, will be for Jtj rent after January tith.1883 Forrieserip tion. see for ale advertisement clrewhere in Thb Citizen. dec27tf IjtOB RENT A furnished house. No. 61 JE? Chsrlctte street. Possession irlven Hebroarj 8. Apt.lly to T W. PATTuN fcbldtf TJIOR RENT Splendid e room house, on JnJ Park avenue. Lnr lot, stables and ou- house. Hot and eold water. Apply to Geo. A Mrbane, Graham Manufacturing Co., or Mclke house, f.bldtf ITIOR RENT The Dr, Carroll residence on aV Mrrrimon avenue, furnished. Large (grounds. Aprly to O. D ftcvell. No. 2 Hen dry Block, or J. L. Wa-amer at the A shevlile Plumbing ancf Heating house. jan4dlm BOARDING. "tOARDIUG At 83 Bailey street. Terms A- reasonable. Three minutes walk from Votoffice. ftbldtf TOARDIKG Comfortable rooms. with A good board, can be had at ill Haywood streit. wtthiu a few rods of postofHce. janlOdlm J7 OARD1NG Good fare and comfortable JL" beds. C'-nvruient to Postomce. MRS J. A L"B, noTl tf No. 26 Flint street- IOARDING Lady owning large hand aO som boonr, living alone, won d board gentleman aud wife or paty of three or ttnr. HouMe heated by furnace, also log wood fireplace. Beautiful grounds, stable, ant all modern improvements Address Aataevi'le postoflice box No. 48. j28dlm THB CHATEAU Private boarding house No. 211 Haywood street. Fine citv and mountain views: perfect sanitation; hot asd cold water; comfortable, airy rooms; well provided table; attentive service; rea sonable rates. Two handled yards from Xlontford car line MRS.M. B. DBTWILBR. oct7dtf Proprietress. ORALE. 'P YOU ARB BUILDING don't fall to put . in n atson'a r ire orate. Jr or aaie oy BALLARD & RICH A N excellent family horse end bnggy for ?3k, sale at very low figures. Apply at 239 Msjwooil street. jan27dtf OOD FOR SALB Oak firewood, cut any length, at S3 OO per double load. CUTCICU. FRENCH BROAD LUMBER CO , oct!7dtf . Te'ephone 31 JdlSCELLANEOVS. TVyfONBY TO LOAN Money to loan A.V-S. small amounts on real estate. Call at orncc ot Guigcr & Martin. feb3d3t W OST Bunch of keys, in postomce. even s A ing of Jauarv 24. Finder will olease ret.n to this office and secure reward. j2Stf W OST A large white and yellow cow M J with rope on neck, giving about 3 gat latoa of milk a day. Liberal reward if re turned -to 357 Haywood street. febldtf s CHOOL 37 Patton avenue over Law's from lanuarv 30 to Tnne 2: for both bo v. ma gins. 14 l. kino. rrin jan30d7t rflUT flowers cut flowers Rosea, carna tions, frersias. etc. If you want the finest of incm call or send your orders to R G MILFORP. at Fernihnrst Greenhouses or Box 613 jan24dlm HOLDliKS of Cosmopolitan Club bonds will please present same to the nnder aUened at once for the purpose of enabling t lie trustee to ascertain how many of said Donm were tsued WESTKRN CAROLINA BANK jan24d30d Trustee, npRUSTBB'S 8ALE By virtue of deed of iron executea to me nv w i Kevnoids atnd wife. M S Reynolds. 26th May. 18UO, to secure tne payment or certain notes men tioned therein; said trust deed being duty registered In book No SO. pase 371 of tnorl srage records of Buncombe county, default halving been made in payment of said note.. I -will sell for cash at the court house door in Asherille. N C on the 2th day of Febru- wlwy. i9a. to tne nignest Dtuaer, tne lot de scribed In said trust deed, being situate in sisun Buncombe county and on Gradv street. in the city of Asheville: said lot being 114-x lie, i nis is a Deautnui lot ana in a good neighborhood, and near th? street car line du desiraDie property . January 19, 1893 ; JBSSIi R STARNES. jaotfidiCd Trustee "T"OTICB By virtue of the power of aale UI vested in me as trustee contained in a deed in trust executed to me by G. S. Stan- am. anted December 13, lsou. and registered on pages Z97, etc., oi dook as, or tne rcc- orai ot mortgages aa deeds in trust in the office of register of deeds for Buncombe county, in the Mtate of North Carolina: de fault haviog been made in the payment of oot principal and Interest on the debt tbcrtb; secured, I ahall aell at 12 o'clock. noon, on Monday, Soth day of February. x 93. at nublic outcry, at the court bouse door in Asheville, N. C., to the highest bid der for cash, the piece or parcel of land, to- gctner wren irame nouae on same, situate on Bast street, in the citv nf Asheville. and Folly described in the deed h trust aforesaid This 20th day of January, 1693. ian20d30d Trustee. 1ST OTICB OP ALB By virtue of an execu tion in mv Hands for collection, inaued by J. I. Cat hey. Clerk of the Superior Court of Buncombe county, in favor of Danville Sawing Bank, Loan and Improvement com psny and agaiaat J M. Neal. for the sum of (oar hundred and seventy-nine dollars and sixteen cents, I will offer for sale at the court bona door in ths e'ty of Asheville. M. C. to the highest bidder for cash, : on Mon day, thstatbday of lNrbrnary, 183, . the following escribed real eatate, to-wit : One own lot in the city of Asheville, N. C. on Valley street, in said city, 40 feet front on otsid street, running back 13 rod. more or seas, being the same piece of land . conveyed to said J.M. Neal by Bdmond B.Norvell, trus tee, ana being the same conveyed to said Norvell by deed of krast, regtetered in book t. page 415. la the office of Register of Deeds for Buncombe county. Said sale, i made to satisfy said execution and cost. This Jaanarv 11, 1893. J. A. BROOKSHIBB. My J. M MORGAN. Sheriff. Deputy Sheriff. jaaltdSOd OTICB Os SHBUFS" SALB By - vii tue of a ven ex in sbv haada for eollee- tios, issuea by J. L. Cat hey. Clerk of the 8a frrior court of Buncombe county, N. C, I will offer for sals at the court bouse door in the city of Ashe-rMte, N C , aa Monday, the X ath day of March. 18S3, to the highest Did der for cash the following real estate, to-wit: Wh certain piece or parcel of land lying on the waters of Hominy creek, a part of the Rnssel Jones tract, adjoining lands of Mr. Mat tie Gaston, James Losgbrsa, T. P. Starnes amd others, betas; part tne lands owned by f boa. o. Brittaia and his wife 1 aura A. srlttaln, on ths south aide of Homiay c-eck, oss the Henderaoavilkt road, which w as levied ot by H. C. Jones, n. B-. on the 33d day of Oetober, 1801, by virtue of an execution at the instance of J. C. Curtis and P. M. Jones, MlaxrsistratoTS of Steohen Tones, deceased, so satisfy the nun of est handred and thir-y-nre aolla-s and SIS cents. sM sale is nsado to satisfy said res ea and coat, iateasst ansa a4vsrtMag. -This January la, 1 893. ' J ft Ttl-m iralllrtTi f hail IT By J. M. Msrgaa, Deputy Haailtf Jaaiadtds v- THE MAITLAND'SGHOOL. NO. 40 FRENCH. BR OAS AVENUE. BNOLI8H AND FIBItCH HOUB AN DAT SCHOOL FOR OlRXa. JUT A 9. BVtOWTM MAlTlJLMZrrtmclpL Aaaiaard by Xiao Wallace of Vaaaar CoOea. sxaKl Mile. Botaa af Parts. Bnekl s4T..t.ec for the sraay of vocal asi niatrsnientsJ scasie. Afteraoon Preach iifyersl THE BOTTOM KNOCKED OUT! Great Sale Now Going On ! Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes. GO TO THE RACKET AND GET THE NEWS! Great reduction in all kinds of Dress (jod8. New ar rival of window fhodep, all goiDg at 2f rents. Just receive I half en i-lotul of paper and envelopes. Good paper only 3 cents per quire; envelopes only three ceMs per package. BIO JOB I IV NEEDLES. We will sell you a package containing six papers for 4 cents; regular price, 25 cents. Tins, one cent per paper. Good Lead Pencils, with rubber tips, only 1 cent. Hair Pins, worth 10 cents per box, now going at 4 cents. Good shoe blacking, worth 5 cents per box, now 3 cents. Blacking brushes only 9 cents, worth double the price. ... . SPOOL, COTTON ONLY CENTS. Fine combs, big bargains, worth 5 cents, now only 2 cents. Dressing combs, worth 10 cents, reduced to 5 cents. Just received a big lino of Crash Toweling, worth 10 to 15 cents per yard, going at 5 to 9 cents. Men's Linen collars, worth 25 cents, reduced to 9 cents. Cuffs only 14 to 19 cents, worth 25 to 40. See our LARGE Oil, PAINTINGS, 24x36, worth $2.25, reduced to $1.20. Picture frames and plush goods of all kinds and prices. Special Bargains in Ribbons of the latest styles. La dies' fast black Hose, worth 15 cents, reduced to 10 cents finer grade, worth 25 cents, now goinf: at 15 cents. Dig job in ladies' muslin and wool underwear; all prices, nil styles. Ladies' white hem-stitched handkerchiefs only 5 cents. Big job in corsets, worth from 25 to 80 cents. Take a look at our 5, io AND x CENT COUNTERS of tin and glassware. Lace curtains still going at 50 cents per pair, worth 75 cents. Curtain Poles, worth 40 cents, reduced to 25 cents. ' 'J I RUGS AND MATS. Door mats, worth 75 cents, reduced to i 60 : cents. Hard ware, big bargains, all kinds. Files worth 15 cents we sell at 5 cents. Kim knob locks, worth 40 cents, reduced to 2() cents. Auger Bits only ;7 cents ber Quarter i Braces. worth 75 cents, reduced to 65 cents best quality. SHOES, SHOES, SHOES. Men's Sboes going at per pair. Ladies' Fine , Button Shoes only f 1 per pair. Children's shoes, worth 75centi, reduced to 45 cents. . - T BIG BARGAINS FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS to make room for our Spring and Summer Goods. Be member the place, r ' . 1 ! X5 Gottla jnnnms BJ anas Time For linen, worth 40 cents, now Ilaln Dtrcet.