X. Saturday Evening, February 4, 1893. the asheyiixb: daily citizi. PURELY a vegetable compound, made entirely of roots and herbs gathered from the forests of Georgia, and has been used by millions of people with the best results. It Ail m annor of Blood diseas ;s, from the jestiferous little boil on your nose to t'se worst cases of inherited blood taint, such as Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh a:id Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed Iron, swirr Specific Co., Atlanta, tta. Going to Buy A Dictionary? GST THB BEST. .. ... Fully Abreast of the Timet, A Choice Gift. A Grand Family Educator. The Standard Authority. Successor of tha authentle "tTna- bridged." Tan yaan spent In reviling, i 100 editor! employed, over $300,000 j Aaxpandtd. . BOLD BT A Mi BOOKSELLEBg. i TV .At'lw. wtnrintH of ntwnl.ta Mitionfl.i X tinnA for free pamphlet containing speclmea 4 pages aaa ul,l, rAHiiuui.atus . X O. ft 0. MERRIAM CO., PubUibari, v BDnncneia, mass., u. o. a. (1R POSITIVELY CUBES V HEADACHE OF EVERY KIND! It Is perfectly harmless and contains no poisonous drufi. Recommended for one object only the CUKE of HEADAUiE. A trial will convince you. Any reliable drupglst who may not have it on hand will procure 11 promptly for any one who wiHhes to try it. Do not acuopt any BUbstt tute. oOceauandll.OO. BRADYCROTINE MFG. CO., MACON, GA, for;salb atr Plhai,si Pharmncy. RICHMOND & DANVILLE l 8. CO. P. W. Buikkopbb and Khuukn 1'OiTEa. Receivers. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule in effect Nov. 20. 1802. EASTBOUR0 " NOTTS Lt Knoxville. . 7 Hani " Morriatowa 9 85am Paint Bock 13 26pm " Hot eprlnn... 13 apm Lt. Ashevllle 3 45pm " Ronnd Knob 4 08pm " Marlon 4 49pm " Morgan ton 5 83pm " Hickory 0 35pm " Newton 6 66pm Stateavlllc 7 47pm A r. Salisbury 8 37 pm " Greensboro 11 20pm Danville . .1 loam Ar. Richmond .t 7 OOam Lv. Oreeneboro .-. til 36pm Ar. Durham 8 SSam " Raleigh 8 OOam Goldaboro 13 QSpm Lv. Danville 1 30am Ar. Lynchburg 4 0.1am " Washington IP 40am " Baltimore 13 03pm " Philadelphia 3 20pm ' New York 4 60pm "WeSTBOUNP N'ffTll l.T. New York 4 SOpm ' Philadelphia 0 66pm Baltimore 0 20pm " Washington 11 OOpm " Lynchburg 8 OOam Ar. DaaviUe 7 33am Lt. Richmond.-. 13 SOara " Danville 7 45am Ar. Oreeneboro ' 20am Lt. G.ldsboro 17 4 pm l.v RaWgh... 8 1 Sam " Durham '7 15am Ar. Greensboro B '5am Distributing' Tints Tables. It is a fact not generally known that the furnishing ot railroad time t;U'.. s to the hotels of the city is perf vmid by a regularly incorporated company, who make that work their solo occupation. , Something had to be done to correct the evil of having old time tables in the coatroom and porters' closets of the hotels which gave nothing but misin formation to the traveler, if indeed he conld And any time table at all, and so the general passenger agent of one of the trunk line roitds hit upon the scheme of forming a time table supply company. This was dona about a year ago and has now nssumod large proportions. The profits in the business are consid erable and come from the railroad com panies. Some seventy or eighty of the promiuent roada of the country are sub scribers. They supply their folders and time slips to tho company and subscribe liberally for tho work of having them distributed among the large hotels and other resorts of Now York and Brooklyn. The company furnishes each hotel with a neat rak. turner stationary or revolv ing, and supports a delivery wagon and an agent, wuoho duty it is to make the rounds weekly, putting new time tables in place and replenishing the depleted supply. As a consequence it is a far easier nnd more certain matter to obtain accurate information in Now York regarding the movements of western and southern trains than it over was before, and every one who has waited for an hour or more at a lonesome railway station or has lost half day through misinformation will bless tho genius who invented a railway time table supply company. New York Herald. Old and Young-. We are clear that it is by no means the special defect of our time that the old do not enter heartily into the life of the young. Comparing the preseut genera tion with generations past, wo should SHy that one of the most distinctive notes of the presont day is the sympathy of the old for the young a sympathy which the young generally and rather heartily ap preciate, hut winch they no not very often reciprocate. Instead of conversin:; so as to tarn "the back of the conversa tion" toward the old. they usually expect and confidently expect that a good deal of its life and interest will bo contributed by the old and are rather scandalized if tho expectation be disappointed. In fact they lutbitnally expect the old to be juvenile in their interests, and they are very much seldomer disappointed tlian the young people of forty or fifty years ago, if they had formed the same expectations (which they certainly did not often do),"wonld have been. Just as the rich are now habitually expected (and very often justify the expectation) to find their deepest interest in alleviating the condition of the poor, so the old are now habitually expected to find their deepest interest in . rendering the pursuits and pleasures of the young still more attract ive; nor do they very often disappoint ex pectation. London Spectator. Blddan Treasure of llrltlsh Royalty. Bang John was both a seeker for and hider of treasure. We find him digging for treasure in Northumberland about the site of the stations on the Roman wall, and he was reputed to have stores of treasure in his favorite strongholds. Somewhere buried in the sandy estuaries of Lincolnshire are the golden crown and jewelsof King John, with the chests of treasure that were carried in his train. But we speculate, too, about other hoards, chiefly buried beneath the foundations of his castle walls, the secret of which was lost in the sudden death of the greedy king. Again there is a royal treasure perhaps at this moment lying hid in some rocky chasms or the mountains of Wales nothing less than the treasure of King Edward II, which he carried with him in his flight from his triumphant queen and her paramour, and which they vain ly, it would seem, after his capture en deavored to recover. All the Year Round. Lv Greensooro . 9 30r.ro Salisbury ... 1 1 tom " Statcavllle 13 03pm Newton 13 4"pm " Hickory... . .. 1 09pm " Moraaato . 1 2nm " -MarUm.... . 3 8fiim " Hotjad Kaub 3 14pm Ar. Ashevitle ....... 4 3.1pm " Hot erorinaa.. r 67 pm " Paint Rock .... 8 lOpm " MorrMnown J! Knoaville 8 10pm AgB7?T.TraOAt)" NOT4 Lv. aaherUIe 7 OOam Henderson vllle H 03am " Flat Rock 8 13um " Saluda H 37am Trvon '9 06am Ar. Spartanburg lo 15am NO. 13 Lv Spartanburg O 60pm ' Tryon 7 6pm " Saluda 8 27pm Plat Rock... 8 64pm " Hendern'nv'le 9 OSpm Ar. Ashevllle., 10 10pm M 0Rr5H TB R A NCH NQI7 Lv.AsheviDe fSSOam Ar. Wayneavllle.- 1 0 09am " Bryson City 13 39pm " Andrews 4 OQpm " Tomotla... ... 4 89pm " Murphy 6 09 pm Nona Lv. Usrabf Ar. Tomotla Andrews Ar. Brysoa City.. " Wayneavllle... " Aaheville. ....... 6 ooam 8 20am 6 BOam lO 10am 13 83pm 3 85pm TLTirTrreArT SERVICE? No. 11 and 13 Pullman Sleepers between Hot Spring- and New York, -via Aaherillr, Salisbury and Washington: also between Ashevilla and Cincinnati via KaoaviUa nnd liarrtmani Trains Nos. 18 and 14 Pullman eieever be tween AsheTille and Charleston, via 8par- . taabanr and Columbia via 8 C. R'y. connect ia ai woiuasma with Parlor cars. abia tor Savannah via 8. B it R W. A. TURK. 8. H. HARDWICK. Gen. Pass. Art Asst. Oen. Pass. Art.. Washington, D C, Atlanta. Oa. n.n. uKoon, urn. aaaaaaer, waaninatosi V. B. McBBB. Gent 8upt . Columbia. 8. C. SOL. HAAS. TrafBe atanaavr. WaahloaTton OPP.CB 80 PATTON AVBNCB. " . AT WEAVER Ot MYBRS' 8TORB CAROLINA CQ ft COM PAN DEALERS IN- COAL AND COKE ' JELUCO, LUMP AN ANTHRACITE. COaKEO COAX, rCLEAN. GOOD WEIGHT. DAY 180 TBLBFHOKI -NIGHT 144. CHURCH NOTICES. I Pastors will confer a favor bv bandinir in these notices not later than 10 a. m. on Sat urday. 1 CATHOLIC CHURCH. Catholic cburch. corner TlnTn-rmil and PUnt atreeta, las. B. White, rector Divine service itn a. m.; f-unuay sthool at 1U a. m.;servic daily at 7:SO a. m. BAPTIST CHVKCH. S irat Bantlat cbnrcb Corner Oollccc and Spruce atreeta. ev. J. L. White, pastor Service, at 1 1 a. m. and 7 30 p. ni. Sunday scnooi si y:ju a. m. Prencb Brand BAnti.t oburfi. Rev. L O Adania, pastor Services nt 1 1 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. fctunday school tit 0:r.ii a m. Ai-nrlcmr Hill Mission Siindnv school at 3:3Q n m 1'raver mrctinucuprv Thtiradaw nifini. Wrat Unci Baotlst Mis-dori Rrr. W. T Houitaerii. Pimdav school at 3:30 p. m. I'r-ycr meetinif cvtry Saturday niht. Kt-rti Hill Ranllwt church. Bllttnore Her M. A Jcnklrs. nnntnr Sabbath achool at 0:.O h n.: prcachink;. 11a. m.; prayer mect- irK 3 p.m. Ml. Zion DanUat church, eorocr Bairte and. Rp-uce atre ta. Rev R. . Dumlcy pastor- c-iTvices at ii a. m . ana t p. m. j cacn- fftr'a inirtlnB i very Tticaday night. Younip peop'c's n'et tinp; ccirreday niKbt. All cordially mvit-d. benta free. il. K. CIIURCTJ. SOUTH. Central Methodist K olscoDal Chorch South. F,-v. 11. K. Chrciizbcru pastor Livineaervic a- 1 1 a m.,and 7 30 p. m. Sunday school at U..1U a. m. Rlvtr-l.'e M. U. church. South Rev. T. t .Troy, pnstor. Livine service 11 a. m. and 8 p. m Sunday achool at 8 o. m. A welcome to all. ' North A she il! M V.. church. South Kn. R I. Shrrrill. jir,r,r. servicca at 11 a. . ana r m. 8nndav school at the Methodiwt Chanel on cunrKc Bceti, oepinu njr promptly at 4. p. W . K KandolPh. aupenntendent. Pethel church. South Ashrville. Kcv. B. L. Statner, pnator Preaching at 11 a. m. and at night. Sunday school at 3 o m.. W. L Walker anperintendcut. Kpworth Leaeue devotional mcetitigr every Friday niKht. L B. Alrxandcr president. Prayer meeting every veunesaay niKnt. a-ii coraiaiiy in- vi id. rhSSDTTKUIAK CHURCH. Firat church Rev. K P. Catuphell. pastor 1'iviiic woraoip tomorrow at 11 a. nnd K p. m. Young pcople'a meeting at 7:15. Sabbath School at 9:30. Kouihshle Presbyterian Churcb, Rev. L. H. noidwin,paalor IHvine worship at 1 1 a m nnd 7:45 p. m. Sabbath achool at 3:30 p. m Men's prnyer rnectinn- evry Sabbath morn ing at 10 o'clock. The Vounn People's So ciety oi c nnatiati endeavor every snbbatn cven:n.: at 7 o'clock. Wednesday evening at 7:-o. Bethany- cl.urob, Hendry block, (t1,ird floor). North Court square. Key . S. Mor row, pastor Divine worship nt 11 a.m. una H:oo p ni. Snbbnth school nt3 p. ni Prayer nicetuiir ncrineanay at a p m. Colvary Presbyterinn church, cot . C"tho- lie ill S-Hbb'!h school 1 t n. m.; i rcnchlr a p ni. and 7:30 i tn. Kcv. C. H. lu tu bury, pastor. BPISCOPAI. CHURCH. Trinity church, corner Ctaarch and Willow atrceia. Kev. McNccly DnHo, rc tor e; Uax aama -Lita-'v nnd Holy commun ion. I 1 a m.; Sunday acho 1, 3:30 p. m.; evi.nlnir prsjer, 3 Rev Geo. H. lill will s 'it ih; rector. teats aie fne All arc cordially invited St. Paul'a Chapel, Rev. T. H. Posted, minis rer in charge Scrvict a on I'd and 4th Sunday iiincn moninatii a.m. st Andrew's Ser vices on 1 at and 3d Sunday in each month at 4 30 p. m. Trnltv Chnoel Euiscoimt church. II. s. JviciJuny. Fecloi- Morning -cr.:cc. 11 n evening scrviic. 4:00 p m.;Vidics uy i ighi ricc, o p. m. B-averdnm Chapel. Rev. V. F F ice. minis ter in cnarfti- 1'ivine aervicca tomorrow ai 1 ix m. M. B. C1IUBCH. 1 trst Methodist b.niacoonl church, corner if ay wood street and Patton avenue. Rev A. rl Oarablc, pastor. Sunday school 0:30 a. m. 1'rcacbing 11 a. m. iind 7:.iO p. m. College Street M. B. church Rev. M. M. Tones, pastor Preachlnat each Sabbath at 11 a. m and 7 p. m.; Sunday school at 3 u. All hic wiuiauy IU VILEU. UNITARIAN CHURCH. Ilillinrd build ng. Nos. 35 and 37 South Main street. Rev. Frederic W. Sanders, aaimsicr nunnay scnooi at iu a. m re li ar rervice at 11 a m : Bible c-ais at 1 2 m. Sermon on "The atonement" Seats tree. Sttrangera welcome. LUTHERAN ClIUBCtt. Sunday school on Similar afternoon at 3 o c oca in Lyceum nail, North Court place CONGREGATION BBT11H A-TEPILA II. Religious services every Friday evening at G o'clock and Saturday morning at lO ococi in Lyceum Hall. CURES RISING BREAST 'OTHER'S FRIEND" i:. 11 n '-:rratent ,1,1 : I t v m r oflcit ciiili-bearlii womar. 1 j 1 i.-1 c leoii a iiuu-niK, lur muiiy yeert1, v' f. i i:;im t-uso where "Muther'n frlcnu' ' l.u.! ui.tcil i'.haa accnniplieiiieil wonders and relieved much BiilTei'iiiir. Ir. i.4 the best rcmcdv or rislni; of the breast l:uov.';i, a!id wor'h tl e prlw for that alune. Mils. M. M. lini sTr.ii, Moalgoiuer; , Ala. I can tell nil eximctant mothers if tl:cv will Use a few bottles of Mother's Prlcnd 1 hi X v. ill en throinrh the ordeal without n:iv i-iti:i n:.il aullering. Muk. MavH akiiaji. Arjriisvinc, in. v. VWil Mother' Friend lHforc birth of mv ciglnll cnilil. Will never mnao Its pruiso. itius. o. I' . .iiooni., t oman, rai. Sent by cxiircss, charges preiiaiil, on receipt Of price, 81.50 j cr bottle. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., - Bold by all druggists. Atlanta, Ba, W. C. SPRINKLE. F. B. LAWSON. JUST RFRFIVFn ! Et.AUL.lt: WAREHOUSE. Eye Glasses and Spectacles, For tlle Sal of Leaf Tobacc0f WHICH WB ARB SFLLlNC AT PRICES THAT CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. IVortli Cnrolixia G ems MOUNTING MADE TO ORDER. All Worts. Guaranteed j P. L. COWAN & BRO. JEWELERS. " No. 9 West Court Placet A8HHVILLB, N. C. HIGH PRICES The cold snap has advanced the prices on (Jroceries and all kinds of Country Produce, but J. A. WHITE, THE MAIN STREET GROCER, still Bells at the same low price- Jvst received a fresh supply of canned goods. Amon' tne lot is some of tne most delicious corn ever served on a dinner table. Also some remarkably fine to matoes each worth 12 cents per can. We are still sell ing the Omega flour at S5.50 per barrell, the best on the market. One trial will prove this fact. The very best Lard at 13 cents per pound. .T. A. WHITJB, GROCER, 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILL.E, N. (3. ianl 8 Telephone No. 183. The liable Warehouse first lx-;aii business last season, and although a new house and a new fn-tn it easily took the lead in the tobacco trade of AsheTille. With our past exi.t-ricuce and incrc.-isctl facilities for handling t bacco we are better prepared.to serve our friends mid customers than ever before The Eagle is one of the largest and best warehouses in the State, with a capacity of 50,000 pounds a day. Our motto: Polite and courteous tre.-i tiiicnt to all, highest market prices and prompt returns. GWe us a trial. SPRINKLE & LAWSON, Proprietors. P. 91. Ktui(.lNS, Bookheencr. CAPT. j. si. SMITH, Floor Manager. LEWIS MADDUX, Prca II. T. COLLINS. Vlce-Prea. L. P. M'LOUD, Cashier. Capitcily $50,000. Surplus, $40,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State. County And City Depository. Oreanlsed May, x88S. GEPOSIKBOXES IN FIRE PROOF VAULTS RENTED AT REASONABLE RATES GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Interc-trt Paid on Deposit in Savlnsrs DinECTORS Department. Lewis Maddux, II. T. Collins. M. .1. Fatrtr. j. E. Reed. Chas. McNamee, J. E. Rankin. M. J. liearden. S. H. Reed. SANK OPEN FROM 9 A.'.M. TILL 4 P. M. ON SATURDAY Til L 6 P. M. Begin Right- I Plant WOOD'S Und EndRight. Onr seeds are inst -what southern plant ers need to meet the demands of the early markets. Our NEW SEED BOOK. for 1893, is the most complete guide ever issued for the farmer, Eardener, and trucker. It tells how to begin right 1 Wn nnA it- FT T. . T ill... 1.111. llUk. v . ' . . - m. . . . J . Write for it and current prices of any Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Grain, Seed Potatoes, t&c. you may require. fon1 your order direct If your merchant does not Dandle Wood's He con T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. TJ"H French Broad Lumber Co. Having accumulated a large stock Framing:, Sheeting, &c, will sell of DO -GO TO- YOU Reynolds, McAfee & Ledford. STALL 24. MARKET HOUSE- Msinv Persons are trotcn clown from overwork or household cures. Brown's I rou ISit ter.s Kl-i.u11.is the system, aids digestion, removes exccs&of bile, ana cures malaria, uet me genuine. THEY KEEP THE BEST! EAT MEAT ? janliudlm FRAMING AT $7-50 PER 1,000 FEET. SHEETING S5.50 " " Will also take orders for OAK FIREWOOD At $2.00 per load delivered anywhere in city. octl7dtf ACME WINE & LIQUOR HOUSE One Use of Mathematics. In an offhand sketch of Professor Chrystal, one of his old pupils tolls how this mathematician mado his science aid him in the management of his class. Tho daring spirits say those who were going into their father s office, and so did not look upon Chrystal as a door locked to their advancement sought to bring sun shine Into tho room. Chrystal soon had the blind down on that. To relieve the monotony, a student at the end of bonch ten dropped a marblo, which toppled slowly downward toward tho professor. At every step it took there was a smothered guffaw, but ChrVi tal, who wps working at the board, did not turn b s head. When the marble reached the floor he said, still with his back to the class: "WiU the student at the end of bench ten, who dropped that marble, stand up?' All eyes dilated. He had counted the falls of the marble from step to step. Chicago Post. He Knew Congressmen. One of the late Leopold Morse's hob bies was the rehabilitation of the Ameri can navy, and his plan of proceeding was thoroughly characteristic. He insisted on the government giving out all its shipbuilding lo contractors instead of at tempting to do any in its own yards. "Spread do vork ofer de whole coast, he would say in his Bavarian dialect, "and you vxu hal erery congressman from a seapoard district voting for your abbro briations pecause bart of 'em vill go to his own beople. In dat vay you git a f uUkrown nafy in spout t ree years. Kate field's Washington. An Eloquent Appeal. Under the arches of the Rue de Rivoli a blind man bears on bis breast a picture representing indistinctly an earthquake or an explosion of firedamp. A gentle man stopped and kindly questioned the poor beggar. "Tell me, my good man, in what coun try that catastrophe occurred of which you have been the victim. 1 "I can't telL I bought the painting at sua auction ale. juvon Rennblioain. A 6 harp Bargain. A valuable diamond, which Hul Car penter, of Columbia county. N. Y. wears in bis shirt bosom, was purchased by him years ago . in. the Orinoco river region in South America for two boot legs of plug tobacco, which the natives valued more highly than gems. Chicago Herald. - The Prickly Pear. The prickly pear of Africa is no tena cious of life that a leaf, or even a small portion of a leaf, if thrown on the ground, strikes out roots almost immedi ately and becomem the parent of a fast growing plant. Dissolution. Aaheville. N. C. Tantinrv 1. isoa. The firm of Mustin & Robertson la this day dissolved by mutual consent. Muslin, Fakes & Co.. who succeed them, assume all liabilities nnd will collect all accounts due I tne nrm. kli mustin. J. 1. KOBUKTSON Copartnership. The undcraisrned have this dav formed copartnership tinder the firm name of Mus tin. Pake. & Co. Havina- Durchaaed the ac counts of Mustin 8c Robertson all debts due them are payable to us. Wc will continue the business heretofore conducted by Mustin & Robertson. Office, No. 8 South Water atreet. ELI MUSTIN, H. R. PAK KS. W.J. SLAYDEN. fanlTuti EVKRV LADY HER OWN DRESSMAKER. The English Merchant Tailor System of Dress-cutting is the Only Perfect system. It i. so simple a child can learn it. Mothers and daughters after learning it can do the dress-making; for their own family, thereby saving many time, the price paid for thia I system. Teat linings cut free to those wish ing to invistljsate. Alao anlts, basques and skirts cut and basted and trimmings de signed. Room., Sondley bulldioa;. jan23dlm FOR RENT. For one or a term of years the Kitnlicrly farm, one und a half miles out cn the Beaverdrtra road, containing about 73 acre. in cultivation and 0 ;-tn in wood land; good house of eight rooms and all necessary outbuildings in good shape; orchard of 1,000 bearing tree. apple., pears, peaches, cher ries, grapes, etc. I will also sell all neces sary stock for cultivating said land, besides a well equipped dairy with a good custom of 30 gallons per d-;y. Good reasrn for renting. Apply to ' DAVID KIMBBRLY, Icbldlm Or Nat. Atkinson & Sons. Health and ire A Question A Great Record For You Good Advice Destroyed by the use of poor smoking tobacco. The one tobacco that lias lield its own through all thi. changes of time and against all competitors is BlackwelPs Bull Durham o'-ing-Tobacco. WHY ? FLcau.e it's always pure, always the s.uue, always the be;-t. Such a recor.1 tells dim than races of A Fact Against Timo Fears Nothing Unchanging Talk's Cheap Claims the largest stock of first class? goods of any house in the State. Makes) a specialty of ( 'Cooking Brandies and Jelly Wines.) Sole agents for the Acme Old Corn. J AS. H. LOUGHRAN, Proprietor ISo. 58 South Main Street. TELEPHONE CALL WO. 130, P. O. BOX 688. ASBEVILLE. MY MOTTO IS TO KEEP THE BEST AND CHARGE ACCORDINGLY. "ta!' "s eve it's just a good, to-day d it is ibi tobacco tor .you. ' -iff: f vou su-.".k. v u should smoke lit - . ' - :-' il Bull Durham! A trial is all we ask. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, N. C. Durham! ffl iisri n T2r w a ant it SPRINGFIELD : REPUBLICAN, DAILY, $8; SUNDAY, $2; WEEKLY, SI. The " m. -litisr- Ncwpp( r 01 New England. The Springfield Republican was established in 1824 by Samuel Bowles lt has con stantly and consistently served the people aa an independent and progressive newspa per. It undertake, first of all to publish the legitimate news' in the broadist interpreta tion, vith promptrcs, care, intelligent and convenient arrangement and just propor tion, lt sicks at the same time to promote good government, social order and indus trial prosperity, while it alao provides vast amount of iatcreating, profitable and entertaining reading matter. The Weekly Republican gives the cream of the seven dally issue, in it. 1 2 broad pages. all the important news and the best of the editorial, col reapondence and general and pedal feature, of the p.-xrer. It is edited and arranged wHh great care, and i. pro nounced by many good Judge, the beat weekly newspaper and family journal in the country. FREE FOR ONR MONTH. - The Weekly Republican, a 12-page paper. will be Bent free for one month to any one who wishes to try It. New subscribers to The Weekly for 1803 will receive the paper free for the balancj of thi. year. Addrea. THB REPUBLICAN, a , , spring field, Maaa. AUCTION SALES! Our regular Sale day are on Monday, Thuraday and Saturday ef each week. SEND US Your property and get the highest prices and prompt payments. t Wc Mil anything from a farm to a paper of piaa. ' ' ' ' Sales cried in the city or in the ccuntry. A. A. BANKS& CO., AUCTIONEERS. NO 70 SOUTH MAIN STREET jan-'313m TAKE Your broken warrons anil vehicles of all kinds to B. Buruettt'a shop on College street, where thev will be repaired promptly and in first-class style. Hay ing secured a first-class borse-shoer 1 make all kinds of fine shoeing a specialty. B. BURNETTE. jan20dly NOTHING Has been ' introduced equal to Adamant as a wall plaster. It is the only plaster that enables contractors to complete work in winter without using fuel to drv the plaster. Adamant has been applied to 22 buildings in Asheville, one ot which was not shingled for 60 days after plastering was finished, and was frequently soaked with water, yet not a square foot of it came off. Manufactured by south Lastern I'laster Lo.,iavarriAh, (ia. L. Treadway. acrt., Aiheville, N. C BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUOR GO., TCos. 4X and 4.3 S. Main St., Aslieville. WHOLBSALU I1RPABTMBNT, OBNT8' VT At rAKLua AND RBADINO ROOaaT.. Xl fcJLa CIGARS, TOBACCO AND BOTTLB OOOD8, 8AM- XT JO PLB, BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM. Jl J, 4fcO. BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEMENT We rcsp, ctfully solicit a ahare of your patronage. P. A. MARQVARDT, Manager. Main Entrance, No. 43. Telephone Call. No. . Is a chemical compound, harmless in every respect, and perfectly simple in its ap plication. It is a powder which is dissolved in water, and this solution sprinkled over tne coal. This material is for use on either hard or soft coal, in the boiler furnace, stove and range. Saves 25 per cent, of the coal; also labor time and dirt; destroys the deadly coal gas which often permeates the home, producing diphtheria and all kinds of nasal and membranous diseases, thus insuring health and pure air in the homes, school- uuukb, auu an piwxs .acre iwii 11 qbci, . . Coal treated with Kem-Kotn ignites quickly, lasts longer, and Rives out intense heat. Starts a vigorous fire in one fourth of the time it takes without Kern Kotn. Lartrely lessens the ashes, ore vents clinkers and cinrlera. hnrna th ani ri a large portion of the smoke, thus keeping the flues free from dirt, it ' w;.h i-- r.-. :; 1 v. , , , ....u.-n.u iu uiiuiui twui, iucu rb scmninga, can oe mtxeu wita tne ordi nary coal, and a still greater economy effected. FOR SALE BY 8. R. KEPLER, AGENT FOR KEM-KOM. STOP WE DO NOT RETAIL, We will sell to parties buying in 1000 pound lota FEED AT BOTTOM FIGURES, We keep Bran, Middlings, Com At the City Cafe Ladle.' and Gentlemen's Dining Hall where oyster., fish, game, fin est Armour's .tea, and chop, with all the delicacies of the season , m ay be bad in the most pleasing style.. - J. W. WATSON, well known in the heat Botcia aaa restaurant, or Kicnmona, va., 1 ' " , " - I' tutuuuuajD, wau and thi. city, has control of the dining hall I C eed, IvOITl tQOD. Cracked COITl and Oats. HftV. MahII T1v. and ci.ine, .nd every order win h.Te hi. ijorn White and mixed Oats, etc. (Jet our prices and buy personal care and supervision. Satiafaction I L ' . s uau asuj guaraoteed. Call ud see us. Your. tolvCA'w TSrtt.ou.nnr ,o , w ut.Tcn- THE ASHEVILLE lSMNG COBIPAKV jaa2dim. Teicpione jo. Office 3, Pattoit iTcnne 9