Asheville Daily Citizen ASI1EVIJLX.E, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, FE33RUARY 14, 1893. PKICE 5 CENTS- VOLUME VIII. NO. a 4 5. It Pleases the Epi cure and Economist Alike. Our Broken Java A SEASONABLE THOUGHT j "Did It Ever Occur to You" ur liit Hltorc MAt KUKlif- rt 1 irnti ( tic 1 Ite i !i- ji i 1 i.ilci'! t ii Uv irarkt t lor; I 1 icais. quoli'y c iim1tc1. j Our N- 1 rl-moutb Kok n 1 T ccnt ennnot be cqunUil. 1 t.nt ur t WE CFFEB FCR V V.I I V 1 piece thambcr vis, sli. Iitl kiih! tcheri, $t.T5. Thiii China i'up and f nun r tvn. -Imp?, sr -c&ts ;kt set. Tliin China It plates, TT, c ns i r t t Thin I'Hru !Ou;i plntcs. 7." cent per eel Thin China fruit or ice crca.m rimers 7" cuts iht h II. If you want Koliu-thiiiK cheap and K'Joil iiujr our MulW ts at ."" cent. wclxliini; nearly . t-n I" a pottti'l At the liiKh prices of Bacon. Hauls, Jtt., Mncktrel oml Mull Is should en lurKcty into u sc . A. E. COOPER, NO. CJOTJIT SQUARE. pno s them with very Ctlli little '1 I doutt. Flense von pare above nary Rood - and you tiud hiehcr, We will. dutii'K this month. Inrra general I.RAKINO OUT SA1.I1. Look for an nouncement and bnrc;ains that wiil 'c of fered. thad. w. thrash & go., CrNtal Palucc Per pound - - KROGER. ' - REAL ESTATE. W. B. GWYN. W. V. WEST. Gwyn Sc West, (Successors to Walter U. Gwyn ) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. Loam Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. SOUTHEAST COURT SQUAB B. BON MARCHE New mill Pretty (JinjA liiiiiijs, in nil tcrmlcK, just. r coived. New Spring- Dh'ks (Joods New Stoek Kid (J loves. New (louils arriving Iail'. Ladies it qut'Ht ! to inspect. BON tJVI ARCHE. 37 Mo 11 111 Alain Jit. CORTLAND BROS., i Real Estate Erokeri And InTcstmenl Agents NOTARY PVBL1C. Loans securely placed at 8 per cent. Offices A 30 Pattern Avenue. Second ;floor. cb9dlT JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. Furnished and I'nfurnishcd Houses. OFFICE ROOMS. Loans securely placed at Eight jr cent. AI.IIKKT B. WILLS. (tRTIICK 1. WILLS. WII.I.S BROS., ARCHITECTS NO. 3 PATTON AVE. BREWTCN & M CONNELL, Furniture Dealers & Undertakers EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. or v. ii lin It rs. KtuncdyV, jL.irr1ec and 2S, Y. Biscuit to.'s Just Received. Powell &. is i icier. All calls in th:s line attended to day niirht. A1o all kinds ol job work done to order. Uuliol tiering, cartut lavinu, pack irtz, scttit-K tip Airntture, refiniahicji etc. 33 NORTH MAIN fcTREET, Telephone 1 4-2 FITZPATRICK BROS., Contractors and Dealer In Mixed Paints and Painters' Supplies, WALL PAPER. 33 NllHTU Miih Strbbt, Asubvillh. N. C. TELEPHONE NO. 13. T. Tr3I- 35 and 37 Patton Avenue, STERLING SILVER AND PLATED WARE. CHINA AND GLASS, CUTLERY AND LAMPS. Would call uHpetial attention to the Lately arrived stock of Limoges China Dinner Sets, New Styles, Blown, Cut and Engraved (j lass wure. Ivory and Pearl Handle Cutlery. New and imported Lumps, at all prices. The Latest in Stationery, the Prettiest" Pictures. The Line o Sterling Silver, in Novelties and Staple Goods, cannot be -excelled. A Choice Line of Solid Gold Hair Pins, Hat JPins and Necklaces. o o Q O O 5 U3 ca Pi Q W os o U3 O n 04 w ca a I o t- s. o 3 U3 o -J a o : w O w o w c3 OS 04 O Cm 04 o o 04 H 04 O Uh o H W Ui CO U3 G 04 04 U O o, o H ti 04 i i Cl, w CO Ul Qu u Q Z c a) H X CO Ul o X CO f- OS CL. w Q O O r5 co o cc a (5 z X H O -1 o )IU YOU GET A VALENTINE? VOl' 1I1 T, YOII'KK 1ST i i -rn: FAHHION. Kl'XUUIIKR's COURT. I I I I nn I i i it J hhA HAN. DRUG-GISTS, Clitirclt St. and Patton Ave. Vc Kiccivc daily a freh supply of HUVLEB'S DELICIOUS BON B0NS, CHOCOLATE CARAMELS, CHOCOLATE PASTRIES, CREAM PEPPERMINTS. CRYSTALIZED FRUIT, ETC, CT'Thesc ntc the l-iacrt Candies Munufac tured. Sold in sealed packages only. rnl-r rT-r- Muni' of Aslievlllr'H Well Known People Received Ibe Mtfutlves That Cheer nut Oou't Inebriate gome of the InHcrlpilons. St. Valentine's clay "lovers' day" has come again. This information can scarcely be called news. I-or who is here, interested in the coming of this' festival every year, that has nt known ol the approach of the day; aye, that has not counted the hours, almost, until the arrival of the titue when they might send to some loved one a dainty white missive, conveying the compliments of he day, or the message, veiled though t might be, telling of an affection that was more than mere friendship ? The postmen, in many cases, were the most anxiously awaited fellows in town today. Many a fairy form waited by the window and watcnea tor tne carrier, and, Bcciiifi' him, ran lightly to the door and received the expected valentine or valentines, for, you know, there is no aw which says a girl may not receive valentines from more than one fellow. Although the fair sex received the bulk of the valentines today (which, ol course, The Citizen could not print in a month) they did not receive all, bv any means. And it is some of those that the jtirls did not receive that this paper has got hold ol and proposes to print From Hnpel Chill, not a thousand miles from Asheville. came a valentine to Chas. A. Webb, from which this rhyme is taken : There's a name that's never spoken Unless "we" boys are jokin' Then it's spoken in a whisper And with pity, that is all; We have got her on the list now And, though wesang unto her just now, We can never, hardly ever. Say "Asheville." W. B. Gwyn, who cast some rellections on the importance ot At kin street re ceived this: Hey diddlc-de-diddle. The cat and the fiddle; They're notgoingto paveGrovc street The Advisory Hoard laughed And said "Why, he's daft Our city, when paved can't be beat." The initials II. C. II. apiiearcd on the pajier, and Mr. Gwyn has his suspicions. Ot course someoodv was sure to re- member Mayor Hlanton, and that digui tary received a valentine thsit was pink tinted, hand painted, and bore this burst of heart-throb: Cbas. Blanton, on a winter's day Devised a plan to make some hay. He ran a paper (in his mind). Hut ne'er a copy can you find. Ta-ra-i a, etc. The "swilt-paver," John S. Key luughcd till he showed his solid g1d tooth when he opened his mail and ran across this : There was a lightning paver And his name was ohn o. Key And he had a golden tooth. And he was a hustling youth Some days he'd pave a mile perhaps And perhaps it might he less; He'd hang up when it rained a piut And let the workmen rest; But now he's got a gait on him And things are sure to hum If good weather'll only come. It is believed that Inspector Murray indited the classic lines to Mr. Key Janitor Erwin, of the city hall, sent these words to a frcoucnt visitor on Fridays : You may move, you may scatter The Board, if you will; But you, the one constant. Will hang 'round it still. One of "Tom" Jones' many admirers sent him tins: When an illustrating preacher a-preaching. Is a-preacliiug. And the lawyer occupieth not his tun'', Not his time; Then the preacher uses names that arc familiar, Are familiar. And the lawyer uses language that won't rhyme. A prominent member of the Advisory Board received this mark ot esteem, in chirogrnphy very much like that of Col. Martin: There was a little man and he had a lit tie curl. And he wore a stylish little hat, hat, hat; He took the Board to court and got a cood report. And now the Board don't know where it is at, at, at. With the postmark "Kamoth" on its face came a valentine to J. Iv. Kumbough, mayor of Montlord, running thus On Montford's bound'ry line we stand, And cast a longing glance; We would annex that goodly land But we have lost our chance. The proudest man in town, though, is Mai. Blair, who received these lines from his young friend. Baby Ruth: Here's a hammer for Major, Good and hard and round; When he goes to sell things Oh, how he can pound! The Major says the pome reads a little ragged, but, as he says, "you can t ex A. cne of obstructing tin' Mde wHlkn of Ilie City. In Reco.-der Miller's court this morn ing Chas. Arnold, colored, wns up for cutting Maria Williams, also colored, on the arm with a knife. The affair occurred on Poplar street. Arnold was sent up In default of a $100 bond. Ken Haney, Ur. S. V. llattle's hostler, was arraigned for obstructing the side walk. Haney was in a crowd at the in tersection of Ivaglc anil South Main streets yesterday, and when Patrolman Glenn ordered tbe crowd to disjierse, as it was blocking the walk, llancy refused and became very impudent. I lie Re corder reserved his decision until he could bear a statement from Dr. liattlc, at the latter's request. A pistol carrier was iinca.ii, a amine $5 and a violation of section 802 $2. Kclerrincr to the Haney case Mr. Miller said he thought it was about time a stop was put to me oosirucuon oi siuc- walks, especially about the square, uy loafers. The Citizen hears of a case that happened yesterday, while two or three patrolmen were near the square. Three ladies wished to go down boutli Main from north court place, but on ac count of the crowd on the sidewalk in front ol the court house, were forced to take to the muddy street. Mr. Glenn s endeavors to abate this nuisance arc worthy of emulation by every member of the force. UHKAT III:MONSTRAI10N UI.AIIsTON K!4 C:S01l, DIME:. DELCSHEPS SPEAKS "Xlie Euornilty of the Sentence" Commented ou. Paris, Feb. 14. The Figaro publishes an interview with Mme. Ferdinand tic Lcsscps obtained since the conviction and sentence of her husband. She said that her husband was very weak. A week ago he was seized with a delerium that lasted for a day. Then he had a relapse and bad since remained in a stale ol coma. Mme. dc Lessens said: '1 prefer this result. It is a fitting climax that both father and son should be condemned. The very enormity of the sentences the better protects our honor than less thorough-going miustice would have done. I do not need consolation, for I have reached the end of my Calvary. Never theless there is one thing above all 1 cannot forcive, and that is before strik ing at such a man they waited until physical infirmity had rendered it impos sible for him to defend himself. It is bet ter perhaps that Ferdinand de Lcsscps should be unable to know the Iriglittul character of the blow. Till) UOl.U RF.HEKVE. Bliermnii'H ttllver law MuHt be Repealed. Washington, Feb. It. l'hc Senate finance committee has decided to report favorably Sherman's proposition pro viding for the issue of live tear, three ler cent, bonds to maintain gold re serve. Secretary CharUs Foster returned from New York this morning. He said, in answer to a question, that there was not at this time any probability ot his issuing bonds to build up a gold reserve. He felt that he could continue to secure all the gold necessary to meet foreign shipments lor some time yet to come. He said the financial world in New ork was a unit for the repeal of the Sherman silver law which they said would imme diately put a stop to the export ol gold Secretary roster held tins conversa tion while walking from the treasury to the White House to lav bclore a Cabinet meeting the result of his conferences with New York bankers. AS CLEVELAMD'H CABINET. Mubiect to It tttaudH Now Cliauice, Niivv Yokic, Feb. It Mr. Cleveland is said to be very much surprised at the show of hostility to Judge Gresham's appointment on the part of some of the Democratic members of Congress. He is said to feel that in the selection ol his Cabinet ministers, hisown wishes should govern him entirely. In the matter of the other appointments in his gilt he is said to h-el dillercntlv As it stands now ludge Gresham will be becrctary ol State; John It. Carlisle Secretary of the Treasury; Daniel S. La- mont. Secretary ot War; m. L,. Wilson Attorney General; W. S. Hissed, Tost master General; Hillary Herbert, sccre tary of the Navy; Hoke Smith, Secretary of the Interior, and Secretary ol Agricul ture j et to be chosen. NOT TUK AI.BKHJIA.N IOMIi Rn.E BATTLE ON House of ComiuoiiH jleiiiiitrs MuhIi To Their Seals I.Ike Cutllv Into n I rish Hlsrlnie Iaturc An Old Man Trampled On. London, Feb. 13. Timothy Harring ton has sent circulars to members of the National League requesting them to send delegates to a convention of Par nellitcs to be held in Dublin just before the second reading of the home rule bill. The object of the convention will be to lccide upon the acceptance or repudia tion of the home rule bill by the I arncll- itc members of the House. London, Feb. I t. Prom early moili ng the scene in tbe palace yard, West minster, was one of tl.c most animated description. A crowd assembled to watch the arrival of members. II. J. Folloy, nationalist member for Cuvmora was first to arrive, closely followed by David Shcepy, secretary of the first National Federation. When noon arrived the nncr lobby was packed with members and the approaches were rowcled. When the doors were opened here was a disorderly rush for seats, the members shouting and struggling like mob excctirsionists on n holiday, several being thrown to the floor. Tbe veteran, Caleb Wright, HU years ol age, was knocked down and trampled on be fore being rescued by John Burns, the vigorous labor representative. Gladstone entered the House ot Com mons at half past three, livery liberal and Irish nationalist stood up and greeted him with prolonged cheers. W hen Gladstone rose to introduce bis home rule bill there was another demon stration so earnest, so enthusiastic and so irrepressible that it took several min utes bclore lie could lc heard. Gladstone's home rule offers to Ireland a Legislature, free to deal in all Irish iltairs, and an executive government responsible to that Legislature. In all the main principles, and in political machinery, it is provided much better than by the bill of 1SS(". The Irish parliamentary party at a meeting specially summoned alter tne de livery ol Gladstone s great speech cordially accepted tne new nome ruic constitution as a satisfactory scheme of Irish national self government, subject to endeavors ui the committee to im jirove the jroposc-il financial arrange ments and to have the time shortened wherein the land nuestioii is to be with held from the purview of the Irish nation- il legislature. The press associations arc authorized by the party to transmit Ill's resolution to the friends and supporters of Irish liberty in the United States and Canada. IIKATICN AGAIN, Republicans l-'oice the Demo crata to t-lve Time to Talk. Washington, Feb. 14-. In the House today, Muchler moved that they go into committee of the whole for consideration of the invalid pension appropriation bill. The Republicans began to filibuster over the limitation of the debate. Again tbe Democrats were obliged to yield to the Republican demand that six hours' de bate be acceeded to the minority, and it was agreed that general debate should close tomorrrow ut three o'clock. Mr. Hatch incidentally gave notice that, if the appropriation bill were not disposed of in a reasonable time, he would ask lor consideration of the anti-option bill. The House then resumed consideration of the jcnsion bill. I.. & ?t. Firemen May (strike. Tkrkf. HiTii, Ind., I-cb. 14. A tele gram was received at the headquarters of the Brotherhood Locomotive firemen yesterday from Chairman Perkins, ol tbe grievance committee of tbe firemen on the Louisville and Nashville system, ask ing Grand Master Sargent to come to Louisville at once. The telegram was forwarded to Sargent at La Grande, Oregon. The supposition at headquar ters is that two-thirds ot the Louisville and Nashville firemen have voted in favor of a strike. GRANT'S PHARMACY. V II I', k Ii A S 'tis fcno wn'.bf ycud a i iticstion t hut Ik uih't In-, I tile ant indigestion tiavc foTim-d a poet ol treason to haunt tbe guy und t' stive hoard throughout this gladsome season; now, tl ere lore, oe it understood i hut all such dirUull ills can te defied and eured 'or ood Ijy using Buncombe 1'illf- 4-0 piils for 15 cents. Grant's. We do not hesitate to say that our Syrup of Tur and Wild Cherry in the best cough syrup ever sold in Asheville. Wc bare sold over one thousand bottes of it nnd tne de mand for it has constantly increarccj ever since we placed it on the market. As it is pleasant to take, children do 'not object to it and it always ;ives relief. Try it; li5 i.ts per bottle at irants Pharmacy. Campho Glycerine Motion id a, roo thing and truKr;nt application for chapped hands. face. Hps, etc. Not creasy or disaereeablc m any way. 1-or sale. only at Grant's Pharmacy. it cleanses the teeth, strengthens tlie gums and imparts fragrance to the breath. Va Va Tooth Wash at Grant's. Wc etui re er yoti to many reliable people our own city who believe Uuncombe Sarsaparilla is the best blood purifier they ever used. Why use other and more expen sive preparations when a home product is better and cheaper? Grant's. Io you shave yourself or does a tiorberdo t for you ? In either ease, if you use our imported bay rum your face will always re ma:n smooth and free from anv irritation or redness. 5c bottles at Grant's. Absolutely Ture Witch llalc, in attractive Pint bottles, H5 cents. Grant's. lo not suffer wiih In ad a the when you know that Antim i;r:iue will relieve you en tirely. It is a harmless but sure remedy. For sale at Grant's. Bunconib- Plasters a higher grade porous plaster than the public his hitherto kuown. Try one. J." cents at Grant's. St. Klizaheth's Salve cures all skin diseases. It is superior to all known remedies for the cure of pimples cr any skin eruption. Posi tively guaranted to cure or money refunded. For sale at Grant's Pharmacy. 154- South Main street. Apply the sal ve to the parts ti fleeted by rubbing in thoroughly with the finger every other night bciorc retiring ynd you will get rid of those disagreeable pimples or any skin eruption that may be troubling; you. St Elizahct's salve is for ale onlv ut Grant's INSOMNIA No longer your dread tip n rcirinj. Sleep will come p'tasnntlv without usittg opiates. - - ! V 11. V 1'AK 'C )ne tcnspoimi .5 BRADYCROTINE The Southern Woman's Headache Remedy. Xo unplcusant results In the morning. Should your tooth trouble you One teaspiiunliil BRADYCROTINE COSTING FIVtS CENTS, WILL STOP'lf. FOR SALE AT Pfitlham's Pharmacy. Hat Ir. J. H. T. Ilalrcl Who Candidate lor I. M. Alderman Haird tellsTiiK Citizkn that the item printed yestcrdav in regard to his candidacy lor the postmastcrship was an erroneous statement. "Why," he says, 1 have had no petition out, and, more than that, 1 have not thought of such a thing." Mr. Baud is known hy everybody as "Doctor," and this fact caused the mis take. Tiik Citizen s mlorniant stated that he had Been Ir. Itaird's petition, ;ind it was supposed that the Alderman !: 87 105.SK7 CO ject such a little lady to compose ioetry wag rcfcrrC( to. It turns out, however jusiasii ui: wcicaKnnuiu uisiiuiau. that Dr. 1.5. T. Uaird, wlio lives on Alderman l-.Iisha uaird cot a lew briel lieavcrdani, was meant 1 i up. n lii r iTfft ti .-1 m 1 v t (i wit I - VIZ. OCC. . I Dr. Uaird he went a-fishint;. I The internal revenue collections lor For the I'. . and he did well. I the Fifth district of North Carolina for Hut will he Ret it ? O. I think not the mot,tn of January were $16 1-or he last supported Hid well. 14-2.87, derived from the following Ur. Haird says the only trouble about I sources tins poem is tnat mere is not a tvoru oi I i.i.i. $ 017 o truth in the rumor that he wanted the I Spirits iio.U7 ao oostofhee. JltV Clock K.CCPCT cosuv was IICKICU bv the receipt of this : Hickory, dickory, dock. Hen Cosby's keeping the clock; The clock runs down. And confuses the town. Hut that don't confuse Cosby. The poet was evidently in a hurry to catch the mail antl coulcln t proper clinuix in tbe last line. Many oilier well known people re ceived little reminders of the day, but space will not allow the reproduction ol all of them. Those given are printed for what they are worth. If they are worth nothing, don't take them. Cixnrs and CittarettM.. Tollfttfc-O Special taxes Total 7.14J Tbe Shadow of (Jliolcra. London, Feb. I t-. The weather is moderating all over the continent, and the warm sunshine is bringing back to life the cholera Kcrms. Next week prom ises to show a wider spread of the Kteat plague. Vicnnxi is sending invitations to all nations to an international health congress to formulate someplan of light ing the common toe, and in I. upland Southampton is bcnginp 1'arliainent to vote money to keep a riRiil (iiiarautir.e. Xbree Turbulent Republics. San Fuancisco, Feb. 14-. Daniel Sweeney, an American merchant who returned yesterday from a three months trip through Central America, reports that Honduras, Nicaragua and Salvador are all under martial law, and that it is dangerous for a stranger to travel there even when provided with a pass issued uy iuc mniLury autnoriucs. ISO Pernvlau Ivxlilblt. Lima, Feb. 11. The Supreme court of Peru has decided that the appropriation providing for the expenses of an exhibit at Chicago was illegally made. This will make a I'cruyian exhibit at the World's Fair. ISVSiRY LADY HER OWN DRESSMAKER. The IinsCsh Mrrtliant Tailor System ol Prcss-euttintc is thr Only Perfect system, it so simple a child can learn it. Alothers and daughters alter leninins it can do the ress-makinj; tor their own family, thereby avint; many times the price paid for this vstrm. Test lininjjn cut free to those wish- K to inv sliKate. Also suits, basques and l;irts cut nnd hasted and trimminus de fined. Koonitf, Sondlcy buildine- Sauta Maria OtT for Mew York, Llsiio.N, Feb. 12. The caraval Santa Maria, in tow of the cruiser Isla dcCuba started tor New York today. She will sail alone from the Canaries. CO.WU.XSED TELEGRAMS. Kemembcr that cars leave Depot for Sulphur Springs every hour from H a. m. until 5 p. m.; returning leave Springs every hoar from S:30 a. m. until 4:39 p. m. Prof. Maine's Lecture. A splendid lecture may be expected in the Y. M. C. A. course next Friday even inc. l'rot. I nomas llume,ot the I'niver- " u I sity of North Carolina, will deliver a make tne j,,,,.,., "Shakespearian Sidc-Lights on hnglish Life. Mr. Hume has given tins lecture in numerous places, and has drawn forth most favorable comment. Tickets may lie purchased at the rooms at any time; 25 cents each. C. M. Carter. Chester, S. C, writes: " A negro loy here had a bad case of scrofula. The coctor said it would kill him. 1 got him to use botanic Blood New The Mardi Oras festivities in Orleans and Mobile have begun. The floods at Brisbane and other parts ol tjuccnsiand caused a loss ol Ifla.OOO,- mm. It is stated that Gen. Thos. T. Evkert will succeed Ir. Green as president of the Western union 1 cleg rap h company The Hawaii annexation commissioners were with Secretary Foster about filtccn minutes today, but nothing of impor tance was transacted. The only business transacted in the Senate executive session yesterday was tbe presentation of the nomination of Balm. He took a dozen bottles and is I Judge Jackson. Objection wai made, now well. He has not used any ot it for I and the nomination went oyer until four months and continues well. tbe next executive session. MINERAL WATER ! Why suiTer with iNmoBsTioK unci all kinds LlVliK, KlDNKY AMI Itl.oon TKOI'lll.KS when nature Iiu provided at Vnru Koiik a Si kh Ri:m kiiv Harmless, Wnoi. i:siimh and nkxpknsivk. The MINERAL WATIiK, fresh from Mr. D. D. Suttlc's Kism akkaiii.ii Si-kiS';, now tnin daily delivered at any residence In Asheville, is working wonderful ures, as enn he testified by inquiries of Judjfc K. Kced, Jude J. H. Merrimon, Rev. J. I.. White,.. R. Patterson, Doctors ti V. Pure. toy. Nelson, 1 T. Millard. Mr. Barnes of hio, now on Spring street, Asheville, and hundreds of others. Price, only 1 0 cents a Kallon, delivered dailv anywhere in the citv. Irders throiiKh mail, or left at Illanton, WriKht c Co. -s shoe store. 3U I 'at ton ave nue, will receive prompt attention. Analy sis Kivcn on application. D. D. SUTTLE, 95 College Street. febaidtr FOR RENT, The beautiful residence of lensr R. Knr,u L'lt Patton avenue, is now" for rent. The house contains 14 larec Himnv rnnm. win. hot and cold wuter and all modern improve ments: stamc and carriage liouse; large and beautiful K rounds. For further information apply to JBSSKR.8TARNES, zi iNortn Alain street, or on premises fcb4d tf PIPES! PIPES PIPE3: PIPES PIPEsi RAY'S CIGAR STORE AND TICKET OFFICE, an South Main St. Always Open. t'.enuine Mcrschamn Pipes, Genuine French Briar Pipes, All Sizes, Designs unci Prices, Popular Bull Dot; Shapes. -THY TUK- MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY THE TERV BEIT WOKK, CHURCH STREET, TELEPHONE 70.