ally Citizen e ASHEVIIiI,E, N. C FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 24, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. VOLUME VHI.-NO. 254. LEGGETT'S TABLE MACKEREL JUST WHAT YOU NEED! TO MAKB YOU FEE1-JOLLY- CUP OF OUR MUCI1A AND JAVA COFFBB 80MBTU1NG PARTICULARLY NICB, OUR 611AHAM WAFERS, RECEPTION FLAKES AND CRACKERS. SOMETHING RIGHT IN miCF. OUR FLORIDA OIANGES AND MESSERIA LERONS. Fat, WHITE And Juicy These are the finest llavored mackerel in " the world and wetorh from to 2 pounds oacb. - r KROGER. - POSTPONED! THE MAYOR TAKES A TRIP Our Clearing Sale Will Not car Vntit March. L'ok Oi l Karguina Then I LEFT FOR RALEIGH YESTER DAY AFTERNON. Oc- Something New Again It is an Illuminated Clock, for Many Purposes: Specially for the Sick Room. You Will Want It When You See It. it l BsMeved Tbal He for the pnrpM or DcfeaUax tne Bill Sir. Harphv Talks. Ralbigh, Feb. 24. Special. Mayor Blanton ia here. His business is in re gard to tbe bill proposing amendments to the Asheville charter. Mr. Starnes has introduced this bill. Blanton is op posed to some of its features. MO HID fAKE HERR. WHAT CONGRESS IS DOING The' Mayor Blanton left Asheville on 2:45 train yesterday afternoon. j. t i. ...v HAVE We Save in YOU Roasters and Bakers, 73 centm to S1J13. Fall; Heaters, Oil and Gas Stoves and House Furnishings of Every Description at X.o wes t Prices. PIN? IPSO. FASTBN THIS IN YOUR HAT! A. D. COOPER, NO. COURT SQUA.RH. THAD. W. THRASH X CO.. Crystal Palace. i ) RBALESTATB. w. b. ovrro. i , w, w.wbst. Gwyn & r Successors to Walter B. Gwjra ) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. Loan Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. SOUTH BAST COURT 8QUABB. BON MARCHEl New and Pretty Ging hams, in all grades, just received. New Spring Dross Goods. New Stock Kid Gloves. New Goods arriving Daily. Ladies request ed to inspect. BONtMARCHE 37 Souili Main St. CALIFORNIA EVAPORATED FRUITS. the His departure was known onl to a few, and as to his destination those who knew . i r . . i ii 1 Jt I -y. -m I suia utile, it wus icurucu, BUWCVCr, fotOCtCj I that he went to Raleigh, and it is be lieved to be bis intention to defeat, if pos sible, the passage of the bill introduced in the House on Tuesday, amending the charter of the citr of Asheville, which bill was prepared by J. D. Murphy and E. D. Carter, members of the committee appointed by the mass meeting of citizens. Mayor Blanton is known to have ser ious objections to the bill, although he has never, in any way, pointed out the objectionable clause. The Muyor's action has caused consid erable unfavorable comment from prom inent citizens here. Messrs. J. D. Murphy, E. D. Carter and J. P. Kerr left this afternoon for aaicign to worn jor me passage 01 uk bill. Citizen" Ila. tne noeumen- tarjr Proof This Time. Following upon the publication of the roll of honor ot the city schools every month The Citizen frequently hears complaints from pupils whose monthly reports assured them that they would be on the roll of honor, yet when the report was published their names were omitted. One case was brought to The Citizen's attention yesterday. One little Miss of 12 years in the fifth grade at Orange street school had received "excellent" on every thing in her report and was naturally expecting to be on the honor roll. When it was published in Thi Otizbn. how ever, her name did not appear. The little girl laid the matter before the teacher yesterday morning, and was told that there must nave been a mistake in tne printing. More than this, two or three of those whose names were printed, in formed the teacher that their names should not have been on the roll, accord ing to their reports. Thb Citizen knows that the mistake was not made in this office. The origi nal copy, made out by the teacher, is in the office now, and the names as printed in Thb Citizen correspond exactly with those on the teacher's report. CONGRATULATIONS FOR THE K13W PtA VV SECRETARY. II AD A BTRIMG TO IT. MR. MURPHY'S TALK. PITTED CHEUUIES, PEELED PEACHES, SLICED APPLES. PEARS, PRUNES, APRICOTS. Iovrell & Snider. CORTLAND BROS., Real Katate Brokers And Investment Agrenta NOTARY PUBLIC Utu severely placed at 8 per cent. Oflises at SS Pattern Atcsh. Second IBoot. febMlv JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. Furnished and Unfurnished House. OFFICII BOOMS. Uui securely placed at Bight per cent. ABTHUBJ. WILLS. WILLS Albbkt a. WILLS. rmos.. ARCHITECTS NO. 3 PATTON ATE. BREWTCN & M'CONNELl, Furniture Dealers & Undertakers All calls in this line attended to day or nlKht Also all kinds ot job work doce to j order. Upholstering-, carpet laving, pack ing, setting- op fornitu-c, r finishing, ec. 33 NORTH MAIN STREET, Telephone 143 FITZPATRICK BROS., Contractors and Dealers In Mixed Paints and Painters' Supplies, WALL PAPER. 83'Nobtb Mais Btslsst, Asmbvillb. N. C. TBLBPHOHB NO. 13. 1 so ' V 58 3 QC jS s S 5 O v gSg .C3 g8gf M 5 o B a oo cc . U & OuSg 2 i v. x w ' 5 i He Has Home Worelat consjssrsaltsK he Maior'a interview. J. D. Murphy, esq , in being asked this morning if he had anything to say in re gard to the statements of Mayor Blan ton published in yesterday's Citizen said : I do not desire to notice tbe puerile effusion of Mr. Blanton. I emphatically asseverate the truth of the statements made by me in Wednesday's Citizen. As to my acts in preparing and forward in e tbe bill amending tbe charter of the city of Asheville I am answerable to the people ot tins city and not to .Mayor Blanton, and to them l stand ready to answer at any and all times. Mayor Blanton has not as yet shown, or at tempted to show, that the bill did not embrace the recommendations ot the two mass meetings. That he had deter mined to adopt every means to defeat the will of the people, either by obstruc tive methods or by adopting the Fabian policy ol delay is now apparent to every one. Has be snown that be made any effort, as a member of the committee, to prepare a bill according to tbe demands of the. citixeus?.. Mayor Blanton is evi dently angry because be realizes that he no longer carries Asneville in bis pocket. "As to tbe allusion of Mayor Blanton to the appointment of justices of tbe peace, I have feelings of pity mingled witli contempt tor a man who can com mit so great a breach ot propriety as to go into a man's private office, and then come out and give to the press, with out permission, any conversation or tran saction there in progress that in no way concerns him. The tacts were these : I had received from prominent citizens all over the county a number of names to be submitted to tbe members ot tbe Oen- eral Assembly for appointment as jus tices ot tbe peace. Messrs. lxiugbran and Featherston came to my office and I read these names over to them as 1 would have done for any other two Dem ocrats in this county. That these two gentlemen and myself were revising and making up a list of magistrates is wholly untrue. No change was made at their sugges' ion. To these gentlemen, as Dem ocrats, I accorded the right to see the list of magistrates, and I could and would have done no less tor any Demo crat in the county. "The list of justices as appointed by the General Assembly will show that good and true men were appointed; that they were not selected by any particular cabal, by any particular man or set of men. For my acta in this behalf I Bold myself in readiness to answ ir to tbe Democratic party of Buncouibe county and not to His Majesty the Mayor. THE BKNRVIT. A Klrni offers) Work Free But Watnts) Si so for It. Some time ago Sallic McDowell, the 12-vear old daughter of Chief of Police McDowell, saw an adver tisement inserted in some paper by tbe Brooklyn Art Union, which stated that the firm would, free of charge, enlarge pictures sent them by readers of the advertisement. The little girl sent a photograph of ber grand father, Maj. W. W. McDowell, in a short while she received from the firm a lone typewritten letter, in which it set forth that it was a "reliable society of artists," ' nd, unlike other firms in the same business, would not charge her a fancy price for a frame for ber picture. "Tbe only expense you are called upon to pay," tbe letter continues, "in for the necessary expense ot advertising, pack ing and delivery of your portrait, which will be $1.50. for you certainlv could not expect us to go to that expense when we give you so much. The $ 1 .50 was not sent. FINK TRKES. ttlxes of Some From TVblcli Pho toitraplie Are to toe Made. T. II. Lindsey, the photographer, who has just returned from an extended trip through Eastern North Carolina, his husiness being the photographing of big trees for the World's Fair, has given Tub Citizen the sizes of some of the most notable trees of which negatives were obtained: Juniper, 15V4 fect in circumference; sweet gum, 13 teet; cypress, 25 feet; short leaf nine. 12V4 feet; rosemary pine, 16 feet, and 75 feet to lowest limb; syca more. 12Va feet: swamp black gum, 14 feet; long leaf pine, 12Vi feet; water oak, 14 feet; red cedar. 12 feet; magnolia, 9 feet: palmetto. 15 inches, and 40 feet hieh: lin oak. 12 feet. The palmetto was found on Smith's Island, the magnolia at Southport, the rosemary pine in Northampton county. and the cypress, oaks, cedar, jumper etc., in Bladen county. Nearly 100 negatives were obtained in the eastern section of the State. He Makes) s Speech In Renlv Ttae senate Passes one Dill In Qnlck Time Ttte House Rejects Consideration of the Anll-Op-llon Bill. Washington, Feb. 24. The sundry civil appropriation bill with the senate amend ments was laid before tbe House and re ferred to the committee on appropria tions. Mr. Bland gave tbe significant suggestion that the committee on appro priations should report it back at as early a day as possible, as he intended to have the Senate amendments fully and fairly discussed in the committee of tbe whole. Outhwaite called up the confer ence report on the army appropriation bill. While explaining the measure Hil ary A. Herbert, Cleveland's new Secre tary of the Navy, entered the hall and modestly leaned over the screen in the rear of the chamber. But be could not escape the eyes that were in search of him. and tbe bouse spontaneously broke into applause and cheers which lasted several moments and wbirb evidently came trom the heart. Outhwaite, smil ing, bowed to Herbert and yielded him five minutes ot bis time. And so Herbert was compelled to come forth from bis retirement. He was deep ly moved by tbe cordial reception given htm and his voice quivered as be said "This reception from men with whom I have associated and whom I have known so long, touches my heart in a manner that 1 have no words to express I can only say that I thankyou from tbe bottom ot my beart. Ibis short speecn was greeted with long and loud applause, and then Her bert held a levee in tbe rear of the hali The Conference report was agreed to. Mr. Pell moved that tbe house go into committee of tbe whole for considera tion ot the General Appropriation bills. Ibis motion was antagonized by Hatch, who wished consideration of the anti- option bill. Peel's motion prevailed, yeas 152, nays 75, and consideration of tbe Indian appropriation bill was re sumed. The Hawaiian resolution introduced in tbe House recently by springer calling for the statement of liabilit ies to be as sumed, was considered today by the House wavs and means committee and referred to sub-committee. Tbe senate proceeded to consideration of tne diplomatic and consular appropria tion bill. There was no item in the bill that gave rise to any contest or discus sion. As quickly as tbe clerk could read the bill it was read and passed, and the military academy appropriation bill was then taken up and passed, lue legisla tive. executive and judiciary appropria tion bill was tben taken up. Senator Dixon, from the committee on postoffice and post roads, today reported favorably to the Senate his amendment to the postoffice appropriation bill which proposes to pay to letter carriers in cit ies wnere irec aenyery is cstaousnea iuc first year $600 per annum, second year $800, third year $1000. fourth year and thereafter $L,20U. RANT'S PHARMACY. WHEREAS 'tis knownbijcnd a. question that headache, bile and indigestion nave formed a pact of treason to li stunt the say and. festive board throughout this gladsome season; now, therefore, be it understood that alt such direfull ills can be defied and cured for good by using- Buncombe Fills 40 pills for IS cents. Grant's. AYc do not hesitate to say that our Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry is the beat cough syrup ever sold in Asheville. We have sold over one thousand bottles of it and the de mand for it has constantly Increased ever since we placed it on the market. As it is p!eisant to take, children do Inot object to it and It always gives relief. Try It; 25 cciits per bottle at Grant's Pharmacy. Campho Glycerine Lotion is) a soothing and fragrant application for chapped hands, face, lips, etc. Not greasy or diaagrrecable in any way. For sale-only at Grant's Pharmacy. A NEW GOVERNOR. It cleanses the teeth, strengthens tle guma anil imparts fragrance to the breath. Va Va Tooth Wash at Grant's. We can re'er you to many reliable people in our own city who believe Buncombe Sarsaparilla is the best blood purifier they ever used. Why use other and more expen sive preparations -when a home product is better and cheaper ? Grant's. Do you shave yourself or does a barber do it for you ? In either esse, if you use our Imported bay rum your face will always re main smooth and free from any irritation or redness. SOc bottles at Grant's. Absolutely Pure Witch Hazle, in i Pint bottles, 25 cents. Grant's. ittractive Dolnot suffer with headache when you know that Antimirane will relieve you en tirety. It isa harmless but sure remedy. For sale at Grant's. Buncombe Plasters a higher grade poroua plaster than the public his hitherto known. Try one. 15 cents at Grant's. St. Elizabeth's Salve cures all skin diseases. It is superior to all known remedies lor the cure of pimples cr any skin eruption. Posi tively guar anted to cure or money refunded. For sale at Grant's Pharmacy. 24. South Main street. Apply the salve ts the parts affected by rubbing in thoroughl y with the finger every other night before retiring ynd you will get rid of those disagreeable pimples or any skin eruption that may be troubling you. St Elizabct's salve Is for sale only at Grant's IINISIOIMINIIIA to WE HAVE THIS bENATE. one Another Democrat In. This From Wyomlnir. Washington, Feb, 24. Recent events in tbe West indicate that tbe Democrats will have enough members in the Senate to re-organize that body without outside aid. Still, it that aid should become nec essary it is pretty well settled that the Pooulist Senators will vote with the Democrats. Mr. Peffcr gave an utter anceto such a statement today. Denver. Col.. Feb. 24. A special trom Cheyenne says : A. C. Beckwith, Dem ocrat, a citizen of Evanston. and the wealthiest man in Wyoming will be United States Senator for the next two years. His selection for that othce was announced by Governor Osbore last evening. THE ATLANTA STEAL He Goes to Nerw aontb Wales Hncceed tlie Karl of Jersey. London, Feb. 24. Robert William Duff, liberal Ail. P., for Bauffshire. Scot land, has been appointed governor of New South Wales as successor to the Earl of Jersey, resigned. Duff was com mander in tbe navy from which he re tired on succeeding to his uncle's estate and to tbe family seat in parliament in 1861, when he also exchanged his own name of Abrercombe for that of Duff. He is 57 years of age, was junior lord of the treasury in 1882-85 and civil lord of the admiralty in Gladstone administra tion of 1885-6. Tbe (. V. and r. E.Rallwav. New York, Feb. 24. At a special meeting of the New York and New Eng. land Railroad directors yesterday morn ing President Parsons resigned, and tbe resignation was accepted, to take ettect March 14. Charles Pars n, jr., b. Day, Wm. Lummis and A. R. Flower handed in resignations as directors to take effect March 14. 1 II No longer your are art upon retiring. Sleep will come p'ea'Br-tly without using oiates. MPI.V TAKB One BRADYCROTINE The Southern Woman's Headache Remedy. No unpleasant results in the morning. Should your tooth trouble you One teaapoonful BRADYCROTINE COSTING FIVE CrNTS, WILL STOP " IT. FOR SALB AT PslliJirn's Pharmacy J.H.LA.W, NO. 3V PATTON AVE, Tbe following special prices will prevaill till the end of the month. We name few. All are Bargains indeed. Globe Heater Oil Stoves, worth $12, ...$8.90 8 and 10 Piece Decorated worth $3.00 to $4.50, at.:. Toilet Sets, .9S Tbe Newest and Best Nickel Lamp. .J.K.73 Hanging Lamps, - with sd Decorated Shade, ......... i. Patent Spring worth , $4.75 saus.XSat Trible Plated Knives. Rogers or Mcri- den, at 1.65 Per Set. HEIN1TSH & REAGAN, DRUGGITSS, Church St. and Pattton Aye. We Receive daily a fresh supply of We are running an entire new line of I Glassware and are closing oat all the old patterns at about half price. There are also many big bargains in Crockery. Don't forget, tbe new and pretty com plete Dinner seta at.........lii.75 Our Stock of Choice China, Sterling Silver and Plated Ware and Cnt Glass is DELICIOUS BONBONS, CHOCOLATE CARAMELS, CHOCOLATE PARLINS, CREAM PEPPERMINTS, CRTSTALIZED FRUIT, ETC. Bf-Thrs are the Finest Candies Maaufac- t sired. Bold ia scaled packages oaly. IS 01 a Verv Uss-sre Crown out kUaat Evenlag, The stereopticon exhibition and prize drill at the Grand opera house last even ing did not attract a very large crowd. Some of the pictures exhibited were fairly good, such as the pictures of Gen. lackson, Gen. Lee. Gen. Grant, Gen. Hancock, Gen. Johnson and others, but the battle scenes were too small to be try effective. , ;i. Tbe prize drill of theAbeville Light Infantry was good. The company was nnder command ol Lieutenant Lewis. Tbe boys all drilled well, bnt tbe con test finally settled down between R. S. Stewart and G. O. Roberts. Finally, after a bard fight, Stewart went down on order arms by numbers, and Roberts was declared the winner. Tbe nrize. a surer inkstand, was pre sented to tbe successful soldier by Cnas. A. Webb in a neat speacb. TIB CRUELTY TO AMlMAIA. IK- Tbe Usle Cltv's National's seuan (Ion. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 24. The disap pearance and defalcation ot Assistant Cashier Redwine, of the Gate City Na tional bank, of this city, is the biggest financial sensation Atlanta has known in years. The defalcation is about $65, 000. The greatest mystery about the affair is Red wine's disappearance. Up to this time absolutely no tra'e has been fonnd ot his whereabouts. It is liclieved that he has gone West. Redwine has evidently been living beyond his means tor years. Malignant Dlptberla. Pana, 111., Feb. 24. The public schools of Oconee have clostd; also revival ser vices at the M . H. church on account of tbe prevalence of a malignant type of diptheria. Six deaths have occurred within the last few dpys. Confesses He's a Ttatet. Wilmington, Del., Feb. 24. Peter T. E. Smith, paying teller of the First Na tional bank of this city, is a self-con fessed embezzler to tbe amount ot $55,- OOO, and he is now in charge of a United States marshal. EVKRV A.A.D'V HER OWN DRESSMAKER. The English Merchant Tailor System of Dress-cutting is the Only Perfect system, it is so simple a child can learn it. Mothers and daughters after learning; It can do the dress-making for their own family, thereby saving many times the price paid for this system. Test linings cut free to those wish ing to investigate. Also suits, basques and skirts cut and basted and trimmings de signed. Rooms, Sondley buildinK- jan23dlm Tne Supreme Coast on I.J eon Bsnootlasr. . The Supreme court has handed down an opinion amrming tne ludgment ot TO RVCCEED JACKSON. An Able Mlchlxan Lawier Noml- Washington, Feb. 24. The President has nominated Bento-t Hanchett, of Michigan, to be United States Circuit ludee for the Sixth Judicial circuit, to succeed tnrfee lackson. Mr. Hanchett lives in Saginaw, Mich., and has long been recognized as one of tbe leading at torneys of tbe State. Killed Himself. Atlanta, Feb. 24. Thomas Cobb tbe Criminal court of Buncombe county Jackson, a young lawyer and one of tbe in a case that is of considerable interest mMt prominent young men of the South, to members of gun clubs in this) State. It is tbe case of State vs. J. A. Porter, and went up on appeal of tbe defendant. Tbe offense charged was cruelty to animals, in shooting live pigeons from traps, and tbe case was prosecuted by the society lor tne 1 reveniiou 01 v-rueity to Animals. Judge Carter decided that tbe sbootiug of live pigeons was cruelty to animals and fined Mr. Porter S3 asd all costs. Wbf mm Xvert Aahs-rllle. Tbe New York Herald of Wednesday says tbe reason of Richard Crdlrer's hasty return waa given oat at tbe Tam many Hall executive committee meeting to be oa account of the death of Senator Haganu The Herald, however, says Mr. Croker was called back by political .-om-plications at Albany. a son of Capt. Henry Jackson, of this citv. and erandson of Gen. Henry P Jackson, ot Savannah, committed suicide last night, wo cause is assigned CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. TAR HEEL TRACKS. Beaspre. Keegh & Davis, of St. Paul, tbe oldest wholesale grocery bouse in tbe northwest, failed yesterday. Liabil ities, $400,000; assests but little over $200,000. Tbe funeral of General Beauregard yes terday at New Orleans waa one of tbe largest and most imposing ever wit nessed in that city. Another lot of forged paper, aggregat ing $200,000, on a national bank has been brought to light ia Lincoln. Neb. Rufus Hatch, the vetei an financier. died at bis borne ia New York yesterday. Shelby Aurora: They have at Hen rietta no graded school supported by taxation, but have something better for the cotton mill operatives, lor tbe free school runs ten months in the year, and i under tbe able supervision of Mr. B. 11. Bridges and daughter. The owners of tbe mill, aided by the school tax of $1 per pupil 'give free tuition to all the children this shows liberality and mag nanimous spirit in tbe management. A mill stone at Stewart & Morrison's mill. New Stirling, burst on Monday, while tbe mill was running at a high speed, and one of tbe pieces, weighing about 40 pounds, burled with terrific force, struck Mr. Elliott on the head fracturing his skull. He is not expected to live. The bad newa hai been received of the death of Rev. Dr. J. H. Cordon at Oxford. He died of lockjaw. He had been pastor for four years of Edenton Street Mark Methodist church. He was an Odd Fellow of bigh rank and also Knight of Pythias. A crate containing 100 partridges passed tnrougn rienoersoa recently. consigned to James B. Briar, Stovoll, Granville county. Tbe birds were shipp ed from New York to be turned loose in that section to raise from, and were healthy looking lot. Senator Vance says his Greene non- meat bill is where it can be reached an hour wben buls 00 toe calendar are next considered, trut he doubt if there will be an opportunity to pass it ia the House at tbss tune of the session. MINERAL WATER ! Why sutler with Isdiuestion and all kinds of L.ivbk. Kidney and Blood Tkovblii when nature ha provided at Your 1ook a Subb Rem hoy Habmlbks, Wholbmiii and nbxfbnsivb. The MINERAL WATBS, fresh from Mr. E. D. Buttle 'a Rshauubu Spkiku, now beinsr daily delivered at any residence in Asheville, ia worklag wonderful cures, as can be testified by inquiries of Judge B. Reed. Judge J. H. Merrimon, Rev. J. L. White. J. R. Patterson. Doctors O. W. Pare fey. Nelson. D T. Millard. Mr. Barnes of Ohio, now on Spring street, Asheville, and hundreds of others. Price, only IO cents a gallon, delivered daily anjvherc in the city. Orders through mall, or left at Blanton, Wright Sz Co.'s shoe store, SO Pattoa ave nue, will receive prompt attention. Analy sis given on application. D. D. SUTTLE, 95 Collesre Street. fcb21dtf FOR R.E1STT. The beautiful residence of leans? "D 211 Patton avenue, ia now for rent. The house contains 1 larcre sunny rooms, with hot and cold water and aUI modern improve- ... u , vu Bmmpr nosae; isrge and beautiful grounds. For further information pply lo JKB8K AC. BTARNBH. . '" North Mala street, or oa premises. A SAFE CONCLUSION ! That anything- needed by a smoker can be obtained at Kay'a. H car ries an assortment of esarars). tobaccos and pipes that would do credit to a a-ge city. Drop la and look at his stock; yon will be pleaard with It. If , anything suits you. so asck the bet better. RAY'S CISAR STORE AMD TICKET OFFICE, as South Main SC. Always Opes. MODEL STEAM LAUllDRY Cs&aSM ST EST, TCsXraSKSTB. ? .:a t ,-1

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