...... : .... V f-- A Astieville Daily Citizen ASHEVILLB, N. C MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 27, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. OliUME TIEL-NO. ""250. LEGGETT'S TABLE MACKEREL JUST WHAT YOU NEED ! TO MAKB YOU FEBL JOLLY CUP OP OUR MOCHA ANO JAVA COl- FBB SOMETHING PARTICULARLY NICB, OUft 6RAMAM WAFERS, RECEPTION FLKE5 AND CRACKERS. SOMETHING RIGHT IN PRICK. OUR FLORIDA ORANGES AND MESSERIA LEMONS. POSTPONED !L LAST DAYS OF CONGRESS AUUI'tl 'TRIP. ND REPRESKNT4TIVK KII. GORK OBJECTS A ISIIAL. Our Clearing Sale Will Not Ct cur Until Alarch. L.'xk Oft 'or I'urfjuins Then ! Something New' Again It is an Illuminated C'ocfc, for Wnny Purnoaem: Specially for the Sick A'oom You Will Wstnt It When You See It. HAVE JVe Have in YOU Fat, WHITE And Juicy These are the finat flavored mackerel in the world and weiffh from 1 to 2 pounds each. KROGER. - H PIN ? IF SO, FASTKN THIS IN YOUR" HAT A. D. COOPER, NO. COURT REAL ESTATE. XV. B. GWYN. W. W. WEST, Gwyn 8c West, (SucteHon ta Walter B. Gwyn ) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deed. FIRE INSURANCE. SOUTHBA8T COURT SQUARB. BON MARCHE! New and Pretty Ging hams, in all prrades, just received. New Spring Dross Goods New Stock Kid Gloves. New Goods arriving Daily. Ladies request ed to inspect. BON .MARCHE. 37 8otlm Main 8t. Konstcrs and Bakcra, 75 centa to $1.25. Falls, Heaters, Oil and Gas Stoves and House Furnishings of Every Deacriition at L.omat Prices. THAD. W. THRASH X GO.. Crj tl Palace. CALIFOENIA ETVA PORATED FRUITS. PITTED CHERRIES. PEELED PEACHES, SLICED APPLES. PEAKS, PRUNES, APRICOTS. Powell & Snider. Friend! of trie Anti-Option Bill Determined to pmi It if I'osclbte Indian Apntoprlailoii Washington, Feb. 27. la the House today a demand for the "regular order" made by Simpson, blasted the hopes of a number of gentlemen congregated in front of the Speaker's desk, each waiving a. bill which he dcsircl passed during the closing hours of Congress. Peel moved to suspend the rules and pass the Indian appropriation bill. Although more than two thirds of the bill has already been considered and agreed to the committee IStOCK I that the reading of that portion be dis pensed with, Kilgore, as usual, objected and the clerk proceeded to read the bill in extenso. The House committee on commerce this mornine considered a course to be taken with reference to the anti-option bill. The majority are determined to persist to the last in their fight for the bill. If Hatch is unable to get the House into committee of the whole on the bill he will, as a last resort, try to pass it under suspension of the rules. The Sundry civil appropriation bill will be sent to conference under suspension of the rules as soon as opportunity to make the necessary motion can. be obtained The understanding reached is that all amendments shall be formally non-concurred in and that unless the Senate recedes on the Sherman bond amend ment the House conferees shall insist on their disagreement and report the amend ment to the House for its approval or disapproval. It is understood by mem bers of the House that the bond amend ment is not so strong in the senate as it was when originally tacked on the sundry civil bill, and some of them believe the Senate will recede and will not insist on this amendment, provided it is seen the House is inclined to stand firm acrninst it. Later. The House has passed the Indian appropriation bill under suspen sion of the rules. The House has agreed to non-occur in the Senate amendments to the Sudry civil appropriation bill and it has been sent to conference. Holman, Sayors and Coizswell was appointed conferee. Wise moved to suspend the rales and concur in the senate amendment to me car coupler bill. The opponents of the measure showing a disposition to filibus ter. Illluoln Ueniocram Planning; ta Make It a Trlumpbal Excurmod, BLOOMiNGTox,Feb,2G. Arrangements were completed Saturdav for Vice-President-elect Stevenson's trip to the inau guration. He is to be the guest of the Illinois Democratic club of this city, which has chartered a train, composed of four Pullman sleeping cars, a baggage car, a dining car, and Vice-Presidentelect Stevenson's private car, and left here this morning. The Vice-Presidential part v was cora-i posed of Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson and children, Louis G. and Misses Julia, Mary and Letitia. The former two young ladies join the party at Chicago, where they are attending college, i he lion, and Mrs. James S. Jiwing, Mrs. Matthew T. Scott and daughters. Misses Letitia and Julia, Mr. and Mrs. John Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Dunn, Miss Hlanche Burnett of St. Louis, and Mr. Robert li. Williams, Mr. Stevenson's old law part ner. MAYOR B!.NT0N DOWNED ciiiRTKR 4jii:nuiii;nt UII.L. A. LAWi ARRF.BTKD THE OPERATOR, He Whm Also Switchman, and Meglecled His Dulv. Washington, Feb. 27. At 1 o'clock this morning the Northbound passenger train on the Pennsylvania railroad col tided with a side-tracked freight on the causeway of the long bridge crossing the Potomac river. The engines of both trains were completely wrecked. Fire man Simpson of the freight was killed and Engineer Mullowney and Fireman Kormik of the passenger train were badly injured. The telegraph operator at the bridge was arrested, charged with having caused Simpson s death by failure to close the switch. There is a stretch of a single track at that point and the freight was on a side-track waiting for the passenger train to pass. KNOCKED SENSELESS It Passed Bolb Houses ol I tie ah semblv Saturdav BHgut Mayor Blanlon Gone to Ded to Nurse His Defeat and an Ankle. Kalkhui, Feb. 27. Special. The ABheville City charter amendment bill passed both houses of the Legislature Saturday night and is now a law. Mayor Blanton sprained his ankle and went to bed. ' l.l'.K. WILL EXAMINE 'EM. lu If Von Would Be a Carrier Put Your Application, Samuel Waldrop, secretary of the board of examiners, advertises that an examination of applicants for the posi tions of clerk, carriers and messengers in the classified postal service will occur in the postoffice here the 7th of March, at 9 a. m. Applications must be hied at least four days before the day of exami nation. The examining hoard is composed of R. G. Hunt, Samuel Waldrop, Mrs. Laura Tompkins, J. W. Case and Niel Lee, em' ployes of the Asheville postoffice. PLAY AT LYNCHING BITTER SVPFERINO. CORTLAND BROS., Meal Estate Brokers 4nd Investment Agents NOTARY PUBLIC, Uum aeenrely placed at 8 per cent. Oflleea at as Patton Avenoe). Second 'floor. lebOdlv JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. Furnished and Unfurniabed Hnunrn. OFFICE ROOMS. Loans securely placed at Bight per cent. IITHUIJ. WILLS. WILLS ALBERT B. WILLS. BROS., ARCHITECTS MO. 3 PATTON AVE. BREWTQN & M'CONNELl, Furniture Dealers& Undertakers EMBALMING SPECIALTY. All calls In this line attended to clay or night Also all kinds ol job work done to order. Upholstering, carpet laving, pack-1 ing, retting op furnitu-c, rcfinishinfr. e?c. 33 NORTH MAIN STREET, Telephone 14. 2 FITZPATRICK BROS., Contractors and Dealers in Mixed Paints and Painters' Supplies, WALL PAPER. 33 "North Main Stiibt, Abbstillb. N. C. TBLBPROKB NO. 143. PC o K o fl a. OS o a ss Ol ( ta o ta 03 PL, w o 5 Tbe Like ofWhleb Han Mot Been Neen aince TT lie War. London, Feb. 27. Great suffering ex ists in Oldham, owing to the prolonged i struggle between the 'master cotton spin- ners and the operatives. The number 1 out of employment in Oldham alone is 34.O0O. Thousands of those are desti tute of food and luel, only those who oe lone to the operatives' union receiving union aid. The prolonged cold weather has caused bitter hardships to multi tudea of those out of work on account of the strike. The local authorities are overpowered with demands upon them and nrivate charitv has been exhausted by the continual and increasing drain since last November. Oldham has not seen such misery since the time of the American war, when the scarcity of cot ton caused thousands of Lancashire op eratives to be thrown out of employ ment. A wllinluelou Bnlcher Hollaed of HIM Account Book. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 27. About 12:30 yesterday morning C. Wilson, a butcher, while on his way home from the Front street market was knocked sense less by some blunt instrument in the hands of a highway robber. He remained on the sidewalk uncon scious neatly an hour when he was dis covered and taken borne. An examina tion showed he had received two serious wounds on the head. The robber took Mr. Wilson's ac count book, nut did not hnd any money on his person, as it had been care fully hidden. The robber is supposed to ha ve follow ed Wilson from the market, which closes at midnight Saturdays, for the purpose of securinghis day's receipts. Result or Tbe Attempted Ilauk Robberv and Murder. Fittsih'rg, Feb. 24. There has been so much talk of lynching at Leechburg within the past two dajs tbat to day crowds o children under the age of twelve yeurs played on the streets with ropes in their bands and throwing the noose about each other's necks. One lad was pulled up by the neck by his companions and bis wind shut off for a few minutes. Kit had not been for tbe intervention of older people the youngster might have strangled to death. N. Y. World. We Didn't Mas Wbat we? Year, Did A tll'IKT TRIP. CI,BVBtANO'(l POLICY. New in 5 w - o 2 B y 2 -! s. m i ( . s J. U. LATW, NO. 3'T" ill I I I T PATTON A.VH3 . Tbe following special prices will prcvaill till tbe end of the month, a few. All are Bargains indeed. We name HEINITSH & REAGAN, Globe Heater at..... Oil Stoves, worth $12. ...US. 90 8 and 10 Piece Decorated Toilet Sets, worth $3.50 to $4.50, at 9S Tbe Newest and Best Nickel Lamp. 4M75 Hanging Lamps, with and Decorated Shade, Patent Spring worth $4.75 Triple Fluted Knives, Rogers or Meri den, at $1.65 FcrSct. DRUGGITSS, Churcli St. and Pcttton Ave, We Receive dstfly a fresh supply of We are running an entire new Glassware and are closing oat old patterns at about half price. are also many big bargains in Crockery. I AT There Het of UemocralH Office. W asiiinoton, teb. 2o. There is con sternation among certain candidates for places under the new administration. Mr. Cleveland has given out his policy. He has determined that new men shall lie selected almost without exception From time to time it has been rumored that Mr. Cleveland held views which would stand in the way of his former office holders who are seeking re-appoint ment, but this is the first authoritive announcement. Mr. Cleveland takes the position that his former appointees should have gone to work after losing their offices tour vears ago. The fact that they are turning up now for re appointment is evidence to him that they nave been waiting tour years to get back and he does not believe in encouraging tbat sort of thing. Cincinnati Tribune BlBbop Brooks' Haceegsor. Boston. Feb. 24-. Dr. Huntington has refused to allow his name to be used as a candidate for the Massachusetts Bishop ric, to succeed Phillips Brooks. It is un i derstood that the supporters of Dr. Huntington will divide between Dr. Greer and Dr. Gailor, with the probabil I itv that the latter will receive a large number of votes of tbe adherents of Dr. Huntington. Tbe MOBey tp. Boston, Feb. 27. Charley Mitchell, tbe 6ghter. and his backer, Abingdon Baird. arrived in the city, yesterday. At 2 p. m. they met David II. Blanchard at his home on Columbus ayenue. and private consultation was held, at the close of which Baird said the money was all up for the Mitctiell-Corbett ngbt. Bswsllan Treaty Defeated Washington, Feb. 27. Paul Newman, the envoy of Queen Liliuokalani to Washington, expresses bis confident con viction tbat tbe treaty of annexation made with the commissioners of the provisional government of Hawaii was practically neteatea. Tbat Which Mr. Cleveland will Take to WaHlilnKIoil. Lakewood, N. J., Feb. 27. Mr. Cleve land passed a quiet Sunday with Mr. Carlisle as his only guest. In the after noon Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland and Mr. Carlisle took a long drive through the Lakewood pines. Mr. Carlisle left tor Washington this morning. Mr. Cleveland said last even ing that he was cot ready to announce on wbat day be will go to Washington or who will accompany him. The trip will be made quietly and with as little ostentation as possible. Tbe Mexican "ona Libre." Piedkas Negras, Mex., Feb. 27. The Mexican government has definitely de cided to abolish the free zone. This action will give general satisfaction along the Rio Grande border, as it is ex pected that it will result in the establish ment of extensive manufacturing con cerns and other industries on this side of the river. Mo Receiver Needed, Washington, Feb. 27. Comptroller Hepburn said this morning that as far as he was advised there would le no need of the appointment of a receiver for the Gate Citv National bank, of Atlanta, Ga. Bank Liaininer Stone has gone to Atlanta to assist Examiner CampbHl in straightening the affairs on the Gate City I bank. From the Asheille Democrat. Last vear when Ihe Democrat was complaining of the shortage of water, The Citizen assured us that there would be plenty by tbe first of January. We now call on our esteemed contemporary to know why they haven't fulfilled their promise. It is two months past the time and water is scarcer than ever. It' we could not make any better predictions, neighbor, than you have on the water question, we would cease to predict. The Bermon Crazed Hen Fort Dodge, Iowa, Feb. 27. Mrs, W. A. Wilburn, of Ko wan, has been ad judged insane and sent to the asylum The immediate cause of her losing her mind was a graphic pen picture of hell drawn in the pulpit by her pastor. The preacher's description of the torments of the damned made such an impression upon Mrs. Wilburn s mind that her rea son was overthrown and it is feared she is hopelessly insane. Leprosy Spreading lu Canada, Ottawa, Ont., Feb. 27. Dr. A. Smith, the inspecting physician at the Leprosy hospital at Tracade, reports the same number of inmates as in 1K01, fourteen males and eight females. Dur ing 1892 three new cases were admitted. While on a tour of inspection last year Dr. Smith found leprosy cropping out in unexpected places. Ntiot Dead For Calling; Names. Savannah, Feb. 27. At Offcrman last night E. W. Stewart went to the house of Abe Thomas, colored, and shot him dead. 1 nomas had, a few hours pre vious, cursed Stewart and called him opprobrious names. TAR HEEL TRACKS. GRANT'S PHARMACY. WHEREAS 'tis knownbycnd a question that headjehe, bile and indigestion nave formed a pact of treason to haunt tbe gay and festive board throughout this gladsome season: now, therefore, be it understood that all such dircfull ills can be defied and cured 'or good by using Buncombe Pills 40 pills for IS cents. Grant's. We do not hesitate to say that our Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry is the best cough syrup ever sold in Asheville. We have sold over one thousand bottles of it and the de mand for it has constantly increared ever aince we placed it on the market. As it is p'eusant to take, children do not object to it and it always gives relief. Try It; 25 cents per bottle at Grant's Pharmacy. Campho Glycerine Lotion, is a soothing and fragrant application for chapped hands. face, lips, etc. Not greasy or disagreeable n any way. For sale'only at Grant's Phar macy. It cleanBes the teeth, strengthens the gum a and imparts fragrance to the breath. Va Va Tooth Wash at Grant's. We ean re'er you to many reliable people i our own city who believe Buncombe Sarsaparilla is the beat blood purifier they ever used. Why ubc other and more expen sive preparations when a home product is better and cheaper ? Grant's. Do you shave yourself or does a barber do it for you ? In either case, if you use our imported bay rum your face will always re main smooth and free from any irritation or redness. 50c bottles at Grant's. Absolutely Pure Witch Hazle, In attractive Pint bottles, 25 cents. Grant's. Donot suffer with headache when you know that Antimlgranc will relieve you en tirely. It lata harmless but sure remedy. For sale at Grant's. Buncombe Plasters a higher grade porous plaster than the public his hitherto known. Try one. 15 cents at Grant's. St. Elizabeth's Salve ceres all skin diseases. It is superior to all known remedies for the cure of pimples or any skin eruption. Posi tively guaranted to cure or money refunded. -For sale at Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South Main street. Apply the salve ta the parts affected by rubbing in thoroughly with the finger every other night before retiring ynd you will get rid of those disagreeable pimples or any skin eruption that may be troubling you. St Elizabct'8 salve is for Kale only at Grant's INSOMNIA No longer j-our dread upon retiring. Sleep will come p'rnsartly without using opiates. SIM'1-Y TAKlt One teaspoon 1'ui BRADYCROTINE The Southern Woman's Headache Remedy. No unpleasant results in the morning. Should your tooth trouble you One teaspoonful BRADYCROTINE COSTING F1VB CENTS, WILL STOIlf. FOR SALE AT Pt lham's Pharmacy. Tbe Cutter Cut. New York, Feb. 27. Shortly alter 8 o'clock this morning the revenue cutter Washington, while entering her slip at the barge office, was run into by a steamer of the Pennsylvania railroad. The boat struck tbe cutter amiushipi and par tially sunk her. Nobody injured. Don't forget, tbe new and plctc Dinner sets at pretty . com- -4MB-.7S Oar Stock of Choice China, 8terling Silver and Plated Ware and Cut Olaaa in -. ' ....... . Oae of tbe Beat in tbe South. DELICIOUS BONBONS, CHOCOLATE CARAMELS, CHOCOLATE PARLINS, CREAM PEPPERMINTS, CRYSTALIZE0 FRUIT, ETC r-Thes arc ttc Finest Candies Manufac tured. Sold in scaled packages only. COXDEXSED TELEGRAMS. ASSEMBLY. Saturday afternoon in Attanfa. Miss Tulia Force, thirty-eight years oi acre. shot and killed her two sisters Florence, 30 year old, and Minnie. 20 years old. She gave herself up. saying she had com mitted t he crime and desired protection. She is of unsound mind. President Harrison has issued a proc lamation convening tbe Senate in extra session at noon March 4. The procla mation is the usual one issued at the end of tbe Presidential term. A magnificent private car, built at a cost of $50,000. for President A. A. Mc- Leod, of tbe Reading railroad, awaits ear Cbi- Ncarly the entire session of tbe House was occupied in the discussion in com mittee of the whole of the revenue bill. The latter provided that county commis sioners should have no discretion in granting liquor licenses. An amendment was adopted, giving them discretion in granting such licenses, although the chairman of the finance committee stated tbat this would cause a large loss of revenue, as tbe commissioners would now refuse in a great many counties to grant any licenses whatever. The House revenue bill was reported by tbe committee of the whole on its third reading. Tbe amendment to make tbe school tax 16 cents was adopted. An amendment imposing: a graduated tax on incomes, one-6fth of one per cent, be tween $1,000 and $2,000, thence raising gradually on each additional thousands, was adopted. The bill thus amended passed its final reading. The Senate passed the bill providing for the Supreme court reporter, whose salary is to be paid by taxing cases ad versely decided; providing for a clerk to the attorney general and relieving the Supreme court justices from writing out opinions in full where several cases are of the same tenor, unless they desire to do so. The bill making tbe appropriation of $10,000 for the State Confederate mon ument passed the benateby a unanimous vote 41 to O. One Senator offered an amendment making the appropriation $5,000 and he was bissd. The total appropriations by the As sembly for the current vear for all pur poses are $875,000. Tbe receipts will be about $890,000. The House passed a bill establishing a normal school at Cullowhee, Jackson county. The saw and planing mills of W. H. Walling at Washington, were burned Fridav night. The fire originated from the furnace, and the entire property, in cluding several thousand feet of lumber, was consumed. Tbe loss is estimated at $R,OQ0, partially eovered by insurance. Raleigh Chronicle: Let it be known to the credit of the General Assembly that by the settlement of the railroad controversy about $75,000 goes to the public credit, and a new source of reve nue is provided for all time. This is what democratic ascendency means. Alleghany Star: It is said that a certain young lady in this town sent a cartridge hull charged with electricity and filled with dvnamite, to another certain young lady, whom she was afraid was trifling with the affections of former lady s best young man." A gentleman coming to Henderson from Mecklenburg county Saturday broueht news ol the lynching near Towne's Mountain, in that county, of the notorious negro robber Edmund Turner, a few days ago. He had re cently robbed a houfe near Chase. The Moss mill property in Washing ton county is being made over into a factory for the manufacture of spokes, hubs, boxes, barrels, balusters and other articles to which hard wood is adopted. The enterprise is in charge of V . H. Tay. lor, of Philadelphia. In Lewis Forks township, Wilkes county, a mad dog bit both hands ol J B. Jenkins, and was killed by Jenkins father, B. W. Jenkins, while still attack ing the son. They have since been look ing for a mad stone. Lee Smith, conductor of an electric street car in Wilmington was shot Sat' urdav night by a negro and painfully and possibly dangerously wounded. The negro escaped. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Long Island cotton mills, held in Statesville. it was decided toincrease the stock, build a new brick mill and add 1,000 spindles. The Great Smoky Mineral and Min ing company, of Harriman, Tenn., owns mineral property in Macon and Swain counties which it intends developing. Clyde Register: Prof. H. W. Spray will probably occupy the position of mine host at the Waynesville White Sulphur the coming season. 1 he Howard Kelief engine company No. 1, of Wilmington, bas celebrated its thirty-seventh anniversary. Nancy Tippett died at the poor boose in Davidson county recently. She was 95 years old. KVICRV LADY HER OWN DRESSMAKER. The English Men hunt Tailor System of Dress-cutting in the Only Perfect system. It so simple a child can learn it. Mothers and daughters after learning it can do the dress-making for their own family, thereby saving many times the price paid for this srsteni. Test linings cut free to those wish- ng to investigate. Also suits, basques and skirts cut and basted and trimmings de signed. Rooms, Sondlcy building. jan23dlm MINERAL WATER ! Why suffer with Indigestion and all kinds of Liver, Kidnkv and Blood Tbocolss when nature ha provided at Your Door a Si re Remedy Harmless, Wholesome and nkxi'bnsive. The MINERAL. WATER, fresh from Mr. D. D. Suttle's Rbuarkadle SrRiNO, now being daily delivered at any residence in Asheville, is working wonderful cures, as can be testified by inquiries of Judge E. Reed, Jodge J. H. Merrimon, Rev. J. L. White, J. R. Patterson, Doctors G. W. Pure fey. Nelson, LV T. Millard, Mr. Barnes of Ohio, now on Spring street, Asheville, and hundreds of others. Price, only lo cents a gallon, delivered daily anywhere in the city. Orders through mail, or left at Blanton, Wright & Co.'s shoe store, 39 Fattoa ave nue, will receive prompt attention. Analy sis given on application. D. D. SUTTLE, 95 College Street. feb2ldtf FOR RENT. The beautiful residence of lease R. Rmm-m 211 Patton avenue, is now for rent. Th, house contains 14 lartre sunny rooms, with hot and cold water and all modern improve ments; stable and carriage house; large and beautiful grounds. For further information apply to JRSSB R. 8TARNBS. 27 North Main street, or on premises. fcbAdtf A SAFE CONCLUSION ! That anything needed by a smoker ean be obtained at Ray's. He car ries an assortment of cigars, tobacco and pipes tbat would do credit to a large city. Iroo in and look at his stock: yon will be pleased with It. If anything suits you, so snncta the bet-better. RAY'S CIGAR STORE AND 38 Ronth Main 8t. 4 TICKET OFFICE, lways Open. 'IiV TI1J MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY THK TKR1 CHURCH STREET,

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