Ty'--V -; n-v-aT4T r vt-.ys THE ASHJBVIIxLE CITIZEN Wednesday Evening, March 1, 1893. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN Thi Daily Cixizbn. Iiemorratlc, is published eny afternoon (except Sunday) at the fol lowing rtci atrictly tasVl; o ybh $e.oo Bix MoMTm 9.UU TllIII MOMTBt X.tiO OlB MONTB..; SO OmWtit is , WEDNESDAY, MARCHlTis93. The Washington News says that "one of Judge Gresbam'sgreatcst charms is the fact that be is not a favorite sou." The Judge is, in fact, a sort of rejected step son, liotb Indiana and Illinois refusing to claim him. So Ions as the dear girls can point to the fact that corsets have been found upon the waists of Egyptian m-.m-nics. it is of little use to tnlk to them auout the evils of tight lacing. Atlanta Jour- nnl. Nothing, could plainer show the evils referred to. Those mommies have been dead for centuries killed by tight lacing. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. There is this to be said of President (almost) Cleveland's cabinet that could aUaall Public Schools be closed? Editor Tub Citizen: Many person will regret the announcement that the citv schools will be closed, wnatever may have been our opinion in regard to graded schools in the past, we are bound as wise and patriotic citizens to look the situation fairly in the face, and to ac knowledge the following facts: The city schools have been exception ally well managed and have produced great good. The committee have secured the scr- .... i . rtp t vices ot a superintendent ami stun 01 teachers who have given unqualified satisfaction to all who have made their actuaintance, or taken time to examine into the manner in which thier responsi ble duties are performed. The money wnicn naB nitnereo ueen expended will fail to product its lull measure of good results should the schools be prematurely closed. Then what shall be done aoouc 11: Without intendine in any decree to crit icise the committee, I cannot approve ol Mr. West's suggestion, to use next year s income to pay this year s expense? be- not be truthfully said of Mr. (soon to be) cause it seems to repeat the mistake ul Harrison's; and that is. that the former's does not reprcsent.a trade" as the lat ter' did. In the nomination of Waoa makcr Preside tit Harrison paid a per sonal political debt with the money ol the people. Mr. Cleveland starts with clean bands and with at least a set of honest men about him. Section 1.218 of the United S ;Ues Statutes provides that : "No person who has served in any capacity in the military, naval, or civil service of the so-called Conlederate Mates, or ot either of the states in insur rection durintr the late rebellion, shall be appointed to unv position in the army of the United States." With an ex-Confederate in the cabinet and the Chicago Inter-Ocean and Judge Tourgee not fighting much, it would appear to be a tit day and generation to repeal that Statute. A. REPUBLICAN LKIiACV It is safe to say that oi:e man will leave President Harrison's cabinet with out regret, and that lie will sleep the following night as he li.-is not slept for weeks. We refer to Secretary of the Treasury Foster who now confesses, as he has hitherto refused to, that a big deficit is staring the treasury in the face. It will be remembered that it was a big surplus that was dointr the staring when president Cleveland left the office four years ago, and that the Republican party has been in power ever since. But we fear the country in general will for;et the difficulties that confront the new administration ami expect more, because it will be u Democratic adminis tration, than it will be possible to per form. We may as well add frankly that if there is a failure we do not expect it to come from a lack of either ability or courage on the part of the President or his cabinet, but from a lack of the latter on the part of Congress. The present House has accomplished so little and has been so dilatory in accomplishing that much, that it has failed rearlv made, to wit: Allowing the cur rent "expenditure to exceed the current receipt. This plan is sure to nu in trouble. Well, then, shall we have anmerease ol the school tax ? No, no, no. Many per sons are now oppressed and scarce able to meet the tax collectors 'lemanos. Shall the deficit be made up by issue ol city bonds. No, no; a thousand times no. Ourcitv debt is now about one million of dollars, in my opinion far more thanjthe assessed value of property, if made todav, would justify. The in terest will absorb five-sevenths of the citv s income. So we are face to lace with serious difficulties; but the schools should not be closed. I would rather duplicate the amount of my school tax, than to have this occur. Some of us are able to do this, while to many others anv increase of the tax would be nositive cruelty, l et us not then oppress the poorer part 01 the community, but let those ot us, wno are able, put our bands down deep in our pockets, and produce the means to avoid that which many will agree with me to be a real calamity such as: 1st. The suspension of the schools involving the interruption of studies and discipline, scattering of scholars and teachers, and in part, loss of money hitherto expended. 'nd. The increase ot taxation wnicn is already excessive and burdensome upon the poorer classes ot our people. 3rd. The increase ol Honucd Debt, woich can mean nothing but temporary relief at the expense of increased embar rassment in the near future. All of these things I desire to avoid, and to do so will contribute Ireelv ac cording to my means. 1 believe others will agree with me. Then I would suggest that the com mittee give usspeedily a full statement of school affairs, the number of children now in school, and the number ol those for whom they have not been able to pro vide ; the amount ot money needed to en able them to complete the present ses sion, and then call a meeting of thus who really desire the good ol Asbeville and let us see if the means cannot be vol untarily contributed. Verv respectfully, T.' IV. 1'atton. A Dude and His Overcoat- A story is out on a certain young man whose purse is not the most plethoric, and yet he aims to dress as well as the richer young men with wliorn he associ ates. Early in tho winter, -when it ap peared that there would not be any cold weather, and ho found himself in some what straightened circumstances, he pawned his overcoat. At the expiration of the pledge, tho weather still being mild, he neglected to renew it. The coat not being called for, the pawnbroker sold it to a colored man. Two or three days after, the dude wanted the coat. He was very much discomfited on learn ing that it had been sold. He ascer tained the address of the colored man to whom it had been sold. He found the fellow, paid him tho amount that he had paid the pawnbroker and took his coat. Tho fun of it is that the colored man is a retainer in a suburban family with whom tho young man associates. The young man doesn't kaow anything about this, but tho family through the col ored man, who gave the thing away know all about the overcoat. Cincin nati Enquirer. lli-uke Into Ills Former Prison. The case of persons trying to escape from a prison is of rather common occur rence, but the fact of a man trying to force an entrance into one may be nniqne. This, however, is what hap pened last week at the Plotzensee prison, near Berlin, where nt niirht an individ ual scaled the prison wall and safely landed in the yard. On leing arrested he was found to be a former inmate, come, as ho said, to call upon a friend he had made during his involuntary so journ. American Register. ATTRACTIVE Sterling silver and solid gold goods, useful and serviceable for adornment and table use. The finest of leather card cases and pocket books. DO NOT MISS THE Opportunity of buying some of the Rogers, genuine firstquality table spoons at over one-half less than the regular price. NATIVE GEMS. Complicated wntchwork. Jew elry made to order. Souvenirs. ARTHUR M. FIELD, Lead iiis: Jeweler. - Absolutely Pure Bafcincf A cream of tartar baking powder. High est, of all in leavening; strength. Latest I'nited States Government Food Report. ROYAL BAKING POWDEK CO., 106 Wall St., New York. PROFESSIONAL. CARDS. DMLCTHBR. W. P BROWN LUTHER & BROWN, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, OFFICB 12 LBGAL BLOCK. Practice in the State anil Federal Coutts. Collection of claim a specialty. II. B. REEVES, . . 8., DENTAL OPFICS Connally Bunding,' over Kad wood's Sr Patten Ara. Residence. 39 Spruce street. D. G. ZEIGLER, 38 Broad St., Charleston, 8. C. Plans and specifications furnished for all classes of buildings. Correspondence cheerfully replied to. KemodolHng of exist ing structures a specialty. nov29d3ro confidence it might. It has not been industrious and it has grappled with none of the great problems as though it had any real intentions in the case. But the considerable new blood in the next Congress will perhaps make a wel come difference. It is imperative now that the finances ot the nation receive instant attention, and the thorough re vision ot the tariff must also be made at the earliest possible moment. That the Democratic party can do what should be done to bring the administration of this government back to the economical basis which it ought never to have de parted from, is very doubtful, for the Re publican party has left behind it as a legacy and an encumbrance a rate of ex penditure which four years of the most careful pruning will hardly be able to correct. Nevertheless, if a notable de parture is not made in this direction the Democratic party will suffer. VEMTV1IED AMD LOST. A National Park. Editor The Citizen: A few days since I saw Maj. Stringfield's comments to inspire the I on the proposition to lay off a national New 1.1 it tit on The McKliilt-j l ull are. From the Cincinnati Post. In regard to the story about Governor IcKinley's loss many notes have been found which bear the name of Governor McKinley as principal and Walker as an indorscr. The idea of going to the Governor's rescne financially by theraitir.g of a fund among all classes ol the public v tiling to contribute, will now no doubt be ab.in doned. It may stated, too, that llic be lief has been expressed that there is 110 intention to use the seperate estate ot the Governor i estate wife, of which Myron Merrick, the Clevelander, has been made trustee. The story goes that Governor McKin lev's liabilities, instead of being $118, OOO, are nearer $200,000, and the Oov ernor is not merely tho indorser of the notes involved in tne transaction, as hrst reported, but the maker of these notes, which are circulating about the country in amounts ranging from $1, OOO to $l,G0O. The notes in question have been rjn nine, it is said, for four or five years, and tbe wonder has been among thoseaware of the situation that the crisis was not reached lone before it came. Viewed in such a light as that thrown around it by the story told now, the whole affair pats tbe Governor in the position of a man who ventured and lost, not that of a man who was over taken by misfortune through the fault of others. park in Western North Cnrolina. I re gret that the interest of the people of our section has so late been directed to the subject; for the session of the Legis lature is drawing to a close, and little change can be affected or opinion can now be made, even if anything can be done. The sucineness of our people per mitted the interests of other mountain sections to gain precedence, especially those of the Grandfather section, which is not wanting in the elements of grand eur, sublimity and natural wnuness, But that section is open to nil the ob jections I sought to avoid in advocating the Nantahala and the bmoky moun tians or Whittier areas, for it is niostlv under private ownership, and largely held for speculating purposes; conse quently the cost of the land would rela' tivelv be very ninn. It is also in tne vicinity of mineral formations, and ha- ble to the obtrusion of miners and minine ouerations. In accessability, it is not at much of a disadvantage with the other places. I concur with Mai. Mnnchciu in what he says regarding the eligibility of the Catalooche wilds. I have never vis ited that part of the mountains; but from the fact that it is at a point where the Balsam mountains hinge on to the Smoky range, torming a true mountain knot, every condition must he presented to till the ideas of grandeur, sublimity and wildness, as well as majesty of lor est growth as too meet .ill the require- ments ol a true national park. Thanking Major Mrincheldtorhis flat tering estimate uf mv taste and ludg mcnt. I think he has done me injustice in ascribing to me a limitation of choice to the .Nantahala. 1 think that he must have overlooked that one of my series of articles which treated more fully than any one ot them of the eligibility of the loca tion along the south face el the Smokies. onrs truly, J. D. Cameron, JUDGMENTS. The Ketnil Ororers Association offer the following judgments for sale: K. REYNOLDS 0 30 H. BI.I.S laH.IHl 1 M. BKOYLES 16.75 MISS C. BUKKE. S. Main St 4-2 76 IKGINIA ROBIB, Charlotte St 25. O . B. WAKE 2.25 W. S. JUSTICE 3.77 MEI.VIN NICHOLS 6.6O EKKIN WILLIS 14.00 The shove jurlurments can be lawfully ten dered in pnvmcnt of all debts to the persons against iinom tney are issuea. iersons ghinK to purchase may call ou any of the members: T. I. Ttevrll. Ci. I.. McDonald, K. M. Foster, T . S. Fullum. V. C. Stradlev t Tiro J. M. c J. B. SeiKler, 51enn Pros . V. M. Hill & Co. V. A. Baltimore. Greer & Iohn9on, A. L. Cooper, u. Nolana at son. Wm. Kroger, A. Porter. O. U. Bell. S. R. Kepler. Khv at Hairil. M. C. Nolard, Time to Deail' Himself. Editor The Citizen: Asheville with her splendid climate, endless variety of magnificent views, her fine hotels and other advantages, including total im munity from all devastating storms hurricanes, tornadoes and cyclones, is right hard place to kill. She is not dead, but only in a state of congestion or tor nor. From this it is to be hoped she will arouse herself before the next municipal election: if not, she may reach a condi tion in which a coroner s jury will nave to be called to sit upon the corpse, and their verdict can be nothing but "felo dc se." aencv. Oeu. Deanreiiaril and the Creole From tne New York Eon An Englishman, visiting New Orleans toward tbe close of tbe rebellion, said to at French Creole : "Voo are a fortunate people to bare such an able leader in the war." Oh. yes." said tbe creole, "Gen. Bean- reear' ia one devil of A fightair and ze nerfiect eent'etnan." "I refer to Gen. Lee," said the English man. "Lee? General" Lee? tbe Creole inqaUed. "Why. Robert E. Lee, I mm." aaid the Englishman. "No." aaid the French-American, "I know noosing of sat man Lee. I nevaire s-emembaire to baf bear General Beaure- trmr1 sseatioa bees name." X He SCOI7 CUgUltUSUK BHUOLIUU, iu ill probability. w in New Or- Creoles bad for their hero. Who is rat?' mean, ot Widow of a Man Who Ml u tit Have "Fit." From tbe Charleston News and Courier. "One of the provisions of the treaty annexing Hawaii submitted to the Sen ate by President Harrison," says the Courier Journal, "is that Queen Liliuo kalani shall receive an annual pension ot $20,000." Well, what of that It .ltoeether possible that the caught bad cold at some time during tbe war Be reasonable, contemporary. A Democratic Era. From the Springfield Kenabllcaa. We bave clearly entered a new political era. It is to be one in wnicn questions touching tbe classes and tbe masses will be more particularly to tbe front tban ever before. They promise a reaiignmen of party forces to wnicn the present ncars little resemhiance. E. H. BRITT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE. Oradlns of all kinds door. All sires of crushed stone furnished. Send all orders to pestoffice Box 148, Ashcville, N. C. auT9dtf 34-Vears' Experleuce-34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Office and shop, Wolfe Building. CORNER COURT PLACB AND MARKET STSBBT. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General i Insurance i Agent Rear No. 20 Sonth Main street. WANT COLUMN. WANTED. 'ANTED A stenographer V writer. Apply to B. I. McKissick, t nnd type- the Battery Park hotel. JFORJRIBNT OR RBNT Three nice front rooms; un furnished. AudIv at WALNUT ST. feblSdtf F FOR RENT 3 unfurntahed ruomt on ond floor, at 63 Spruce strert. 0! 10) G RCDUC aving Bought The fcb24dlw Fs lcb24.tom 1 R RBNT 44 Grove street, brick house. seven rooms and outhouses. Annlv to THOS, D. JOHNSTON. FOR RENT Small store room. 6B South Main St. Apply to Harold B. Johnston. OLOTHMG, GENTS' FURNISHING or R. B. lohnston jan7dtf lock box 177, city. FOR RBNT Splendid 9 room house, on Park avenue. I.nrsrc lot, stables and out houses. Hot and cold water. Apply to Geo. A Mrbane, Graham Manufacturing Co., or Melke house. fibldtf FOR RBNT 3 or O desirable roon-a, part ly furnished or unfurnished. Inquire at 3 Blake street, second door front Montford avenue car line. feb24d 1 w FOR roc RBNT My brick house of eleven ems. No. 60 Baifcv street, furmnhed. in whole or in sections. Also a threeroom cottage, furnished or unfurnished. febl7dlw G. 1. McUONALI) Tr, RENT No. 35 Wood fin dtrcet a ten room house with liath rooms and clos ets; also s- rvant house of two rooms in the yard. Apply to J. K. STAKNES. icDuti w.i North wain street. WANTED A competent and experienced lady teacher desires a position in a school or family. Music tnugbt in addition t other branches. TertimoaiA's giveu Ad dres. Box 34-, Warrratoo, febUHw4i N. O. HOARDING. TOARI)lNG-At No. ft Stnrncs J.- end cold water; tion; on car line venne;hot umiture new; fine loca-febTdlm TCARIiN't Oood fare and comfortable U b beds oovl-tf Convenient to Pont office. MRS J. A LPB, No. 2G Mint street. THE CH ATB A II Private board in K house No. ail Haywood rtrect. Fine city and mountain views; perfect sanitation; hot and cold water; comfortable, airy rooms; well provided tblc; attentive service; rea sonable rates. Two bundled yards from Montford car line MRS.M. Ti. DBTW1LBR, octTJtf Proprietress. PR1 V TK t stoves etc, df221 w. FOR SA LE. SAl.lv of household furniture ., 4- Grove street. TjIOR SALE CHEAP A two-horse wajron Xj almost us good an new shop. at B. Hu'nt-tte's leb'jod t w A N excellent family horse pnd i sale at very low figures Haywood street. bucKV for Apply ot U37 jan'JTdtf WOOD FOR SAI.K Oak firewood, cut T T nny icngtn, at oo per double load delivered. FRKNC H HROAO LV MBER CO , oct!7dtf Te ephone 31. OK SALE AM KEN T A handsome modern riant-room coitutre. with nil conveniences; w cll-finished cellar nnd laun dry; separate bouse f two rooms for ser vants; kooU stablf and carriage house; lot about one ami a half acres, we'l woodid; possession riven at once. For further par ticulars apply to Capt. O. YV. urd on the premises, corner Liberty and Hillside streets, Asheville. N C. febliftdtf established 1866. au5 dlv AshevUle, N. C. AND HOT AT Coal AND Cord Wood Cheap Carrington's Coal Yard Court Square. no. 20. J. B. BOSTIC, REAL ESTATE, Mo. xi ration Arrnue. Bnvs, sells and exchange real estate on commission. Also buys and sella notes stocks, bonds and negotiates loans on real estate. nov25d6m J. A. TKPP ISN'T, ARCHITECT : AND : CONTRACTOR Plana, specifications and estimates fur nished. Alt work in m v line contracted for, and no charges for drawing; on contracts awarded me. References when desired. Office. Southeast Court Square. AKbeville. N. C. feblBdly FRANK. CARTER, FIRE INSURANCE, First National Hank Building. ASHEVILLE, N. C. NOTARY Pl'BL jan9dtf MISCELLANEOUS. T flowers cut flowers Roses, enrna- ons. frcrsias. etc. If vou want the finest ot them call or send your orders to R O MILKORI). at Fernihurst Greenhouses or Box 513 jan24dlm CUT tic T (1ST On Wednesday morning n. roll of MJ bills. Kinder will rct-ive liberal reward by returning to clerk, office Batterv I'nrk hotel. fc'b22di!t "T" OST Tuesday morning between Park JLJ avenue snd Cntho'ic church, a pair ot prayer beads, in n blue leather cose. A suita ble reward will be given if returned to feb22tf CITIZliN OFFICH. "" OST On the iiiht of the I.onsfrllow JL-J entertainment at the Asheville Female college one extra lare tun silk inutller; suita ble reward if returned to Dr. McDravrr'a of fice Western hotel. fcb2Pdt BfU. IB), imiaiiton & (Co., necessitate! changes in my store in order to CONSOLIDATE m TWO STOCKS A nnoS mow tOtat the work men are out of the way anil goods placed in order. 11 flinnd u have too many goods, so in order to re- fliice stock in time to buy tprifiag doods I will offer for TMiiririr AYS T" OST Between 9. aJ Bailey street school cloth liny wood street and ha nd'hflir. containing hunch ot keys nnd n purse, in which was a check made out to m v order, but not indorsed Will the tinder pfene re turn to MRS. FANNIB FKATHBRSTON, HO Haywood St. Asheville, N. C. feb2Sd3t XTTICH OF SHERIFF'S SAI.H- .A- tuc ol a Ten ex in my WORLD'S FAIR. If yon are Roitig to the World's Fair, write the Dally Citizen. AU.?ville. N. C. for iltaatrated printed matter describing the Fair, and tlmetablea and pamphlets .surd by the steamer lines or railroads you would ue from your home to Chicago. No charne Is nadc. Thin offer is made special ar rangement with the Recreation Department the Christian JJnion. J AMI VVVTX No. 18 North Court Square, To our customers and otters who buy feed we wish to say we are now located nt above ulacc with A. Large and Select Stock or Feed, houclit from first hands for cash. We carrv several different erades of Hay, also Oats, including a car of the best Seed Oats in town. Prices and quality guaranteed We sell at Wholesale and Retail. " Wb2 i C. S. OOODPIEIR,. By vil' hands for collec. tion. issued by J. U. Cathcy, Clerk of the Su perior court of Buncombe county, N. C, I will offer for sale at the court h.iuse door in the city of Asheville, N. O , on Monday, the latn day or March. 1893, to the highest bid der for cash the following real estate, to-wit A certain pirce or parcel of land ItIuit on the waters of Hominy creek, a part of the Russcl i'. juncs ireci, anjoimnK lands ol Mr. Mat tie aton, James Loniihtas, T. F. Stamen ond others, beina; prt tne lands owned by Thos. 1). Brittain and his wife 1 aura A. B it tain, on the south side of Hominy cerk, on the Henderson ville road, which is as levied on by H. C.Jones, ! S. on the 2 2d day of 'ctoDfr, mill, nr virtue of an execution at ne instance ol i t. C urtis snd F. M Jonep idministrators tf Steuhen lones. dereared. ii.iT idc sum oi one nnnarea anci tm tv-bvc dolla's and 23 cents S. id sale made to satisfy said ven ei and cost, interest anu aavcmsinar. m January 12, J Kit 3 J A. BROUK&H 1KB, Sheriff My J. M. Morgan, Deputy SbeiitT. janl2dtdi FREE OF CHARGE I Well, That is Just DO YOU LIKE A Aroid confusion and delay by reading -,f,,ll tlwarhMlnlenf West Asheville & all pronanuiiTi usi a wu i s n . . ; i lesuaa to illustrate the regard which tbe I Sulphur Springs hue in this lasne of The I rmlM haul for their hero. I CrriZBK. I What We Propose to Give You Every Time I FIT VOVB FOOT I FIT VOOR PVR8B ! FIT IPC BTTLB I the shoe: store, 39 PATTON AVE. PERFECT FIT? BL ANTON, WRIGHT & CO., ajf P VTOTICE By virtue f the oowei- vested in me by an instrument ol writing fit. uted by Mrs. K. O. Watke, dated the ath lV rf loll. 1891. and registered in thr m. nee ot HeiriHtrr t Deed! of Buncombe coun ty. in Book No. 78, pases 403 and 494., and default havma; been made in the payment of Dotn principal ana interest of the debt thereby secured, and it amiarlno- V, n , v. further postponement of this sle would not be to the advantnse of the aaid Mr. k- O. Walke. I will sell on Saturday, the 11th oat or March. 1RU3, at public auction for cash, at the court house door in Asheville, North Carolina, the piece or parcel of land situate on the south side of Montford ave nue, in the county of Buncombe, and fully described la the instrument of writinK above racmo w, i bis tne Ttn oivol Fcbruarv. 8-- LUCKBCKAIC. fcb7dtds in J Tlieee tlnv Cafjsrilea w liwinam at ox tjopaiba, uuoeua , and InjecUona. (JfJJW They care In stahonrathaV J same dlaeaaes without any lncon, Tenlenoa. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Worth of tlie bet assor teA stocks, of TBjry $wooils9 No tion., Biocs, MafN9 (Cloth- ever offered on this market at great redue tionns;eertaiEB lines of goods m at New York eost; some below cost, and some small marsin above P. L. COWAN & BRO. HAKE A SPECIALTY OP FINE WATCH REPAIRING. Kstlve Si tones. atovnsWfs; Made to Order. ALL WORK GUARANTEED! No, 9 West Cmu Flsicct ASBBTIU.B, M.JC. at vl eost. Call early and examine for yomrself. Respectfully 9 d. DrBrevard, 1H M. MATIN STTMIEIE'Tr.

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