THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITlZJiis Wednesday Evening, March 1, 1893. -BUD WHITTEMORE IN JAIL brought hkkk uvomcfcKS I.A8T MUHT. Tbe Evldcncr Before Ibe Coroner Showed TTll ttae First Hliot Flreel Br "Bad" AccldeuUIlT (truck Hli Faiber. Coroner L. B McBrayer, Sheriff Brook shire and Deputy Slier iff Morgan re turned last night from liarnardsville, bringing with them "Bud" Whittemore, who took part in the killing at liarnards ville Saturday. Whittemore was lodged in jail. Coroner McBrayer had the body of "Bijj Jim" Whittemore exhumed and made a post mortem examination, and held an inquest. The verdict of the jury was that J. H. Roberts had come to bis death from a pistol shot wound at the hands of "Bud" Whittemore and that "Big Jim" had come to his death by an accidental shot at the hands of "Bud'' Whittemore, and a shot at the hands of J. H. Roberts, and that the shot firtd by Roberts was justifiable. The officers report that there is still considerable excitement over the affair in liarnardsville anion? friends of both of the dead men. "Bud" Whittemore, the prisoner, is not quite 2 veats old. Coroner McBrayer tills Tue Citizen the evidence at the inquest showed that when "Bud" Whittemore stepped behind the counter of his store and drew his pis tol, Roberts caught it in his left hand and shoved it aside so that the muzzle pointed directlv to the ir-nt door, through which "Big Jim" ci.tvred. and "Bud's" first shot struck hit t 'ther. '"Big Jim" came up, holding a gu in his hand, and grapphd with Roberts. In thij scuflie, it is supposed, Roberts fired one or two shots into ''Big Jim." It af terwards turned out that the gun which "Big Jim" carried was not loaded. After "Big Jim" had been shot the last time he left the store. Roberts tuid "Bud" exchanged shots, and then Rob erts walked through the doorway. Alter he reached the street he fired back into the store, which shot was returned by "Bud." The remainder of the story has already been told in Tub Citizen. "Bud" Whittemore has retained as counsel Hon. J. H. Merrimon, who today sent a messenger to Mars Mill. Madison county, where Judge H. B. Carter, of the Criminal Court, now is, with a petition iorHtavrit of habeas corpus, and an en deavor Tull be made to proenre Whitte raorc'a release on bail. The date of the hearing will depend upon the con dition of'Judge Carter's mother, whose illness called Hli away from Asheville. MR. WATSON'H BILL. Mr. Krpler l'rite Our Repreatn lalives to Vote For l. Editok The Citizkn: 1 notice by the State Chronicle of yesterday that there is a powerful lobby in Raleigh to defeat Mr. Watson's bill for prohibition of cigarette and tobacco trusts in North Carolina. 1 n view of the fact that there may be necessity lor action by the people of this section to strenghten and hold no the hands of our representatives, looking to the passage of this bill, please insert in this evening's issuethe enclosed telegram sent Hon. John W.Starnes this morning. Naturally the people of this section who were robbed of a quarter of a million dollars last year are interested in the passage of Mr. Watson's bill. . A. Kepler. llon.Jno. W, Slarnes, Raleigh, X. C: May I appeal to you not to be bam boozled, bullyriRged or persuaded against Mr. Watson's bill ? The money paid lobby represents monopoly and plutocracy, the few, the tvrants and hyenas as against the many, the people and the oppressed, whof e only defense is the honor, honesty and courage of their icpresentatives. If there is any chance of the bill's defeat, assist Mr. Watson in getting a recorded vote of members for future political history. Democracy may now show its faith by its works. S. K. Kepler. March 1 . PROF. ALUERJIAM. Leclnre on Colonial Carnltoa Fr. dav 1C vf tB ill . The history of North Carolina of the old colonial period is fascinating and will be especially so as told by Prof. Alder man in the Y. M. C. A. course Friday evening. His subject will be: "Life in Colonial Carolina; or. Men and Manners -a Hundred Years Ago." Single admis sion, 25 cents. Course tickets for the remainder of the courses, including the above, J. V. Lee, on "Henry Grady;" J. F. Crowell, op "Social Ouestions;" E. Alexander, on "Mythology and Folk Lore;" Henrv L. Smith, on "Building of the Blue Ridge," and Chas. Dabncv, on the "Intellectual Life ot the Old South," can be procured at the rooms of the asso ciation. DIRECTORS ELECTED. The: C Hedife and Wire I-'ence Companv. The annual election ol the b.mi of directors of the North Carolina ;icdge and Wire Fence company, whose piinci- pal office is in this city, was held at the othce ol tne company, room iso. u, Sondley building, today at noon, result ing in theelectionof Messrs. M. S. Stokes, Hon. J. M. Gazzam, George Burnham. jr.. La Forrest 1'erry. D. S. Cowan, Henry A. Ingram and V. Stikeleather. Under the management of J. S. Freder ick, who has recently been elected gen eral manager, this companv is making considerable progress and bids fair to do better the ensuing year than ever before. Hotel Arrivals. Glen Rock : L.J. A. Peire, Knoxville; D. S. Russell, Andrews, N. C; Miss Bes sie Lee, Miss Nell Lee, A. J. Gardnrr, Cattanooga; A C. Lnslc and wife, St. Louis, Mo.; G. W. North and wife, Ind.; A. R. Wells and wife, Bloomfield, Conn.; W.J. Townsend, F. L. Haggins, Marion; Robert Stewart, Philadelphia; C. N. Simpson, Tenn.; D. W. Bealy, Richmond; Spencer James, ivy. He'a aas M. I. Nat. Green of this city now writes "M D." after his name. He was graduated at the medical college of Vanderbilt university. Nashville Tenn.. yesterday with honorable mention. Dr. Green will return to Asheville Saturday. He is a ton of Advisor Green of Ashcvdle. Entertainment. The entertainment by the second grade of the city schools, which was postponed hwanie of the bad weather, will be given tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock sharp in the Y. M. C. A. naJL X he program will be tbe same as that published in Tbb ClTIXBW. Attention Kkdleat When in tbe market boose shopping, don't fail to call at NoUnd'i Bonanza Stand 'and get bis ceieorateo steam Baked Bread. First stall after entering, on left hand. AROUND TOWN. Washing-ten, March 1. Fotecast till S p. m. Thursday Fair; stationary, fol lowed by rising temperature; northttlv winds, becoming variable. D. G. Dent of Knoxville is in the city. Paul Garrett of Weldon is here today. N. J. Lance of Hot Springs is in the city. F. A. Sumner left for Washington City today. Harold Doubleday of Tryon, N. C, is in the city. Adolph Whit lock left for the northern markets todajr Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Bouis left today for Washington. Dr. E. A. Reiley ol Atlantic City. N. J., is at the Swannauoa. Miss Maymeliunt left for Washington today, to visit friends. W. A. Blackburn came over from Bryson City yesterday. There are now 15 prisoners in Jailer Jamison's hotel on Eagle street. J. M. Brookshire of Judson college, Hendersonville, was here yesterday. Greenville, S. C, News: D. T. Ilacot got home yesterday from a visit to Ashe ville. . W. L. Shope left this pfternoon "or Washington, to see Cleveland inaugu rated. Mrs. E. E. Eagan left today for Pitts burg, Pa., to visit her father. H. T. Collins. Dr. 1. M. Broyles was among the num ber who left on the pilgrimage to Wash ington today. Zeb. V. Walser of Lexington, X. C, connected with tbe revenue service, is in Asheville today. At the last meeting of Hose company No. 1, Dr. E. C.Starnes was elected phy sician to the company. Internal revenue collections for the Fifth North Carolina district yesterday amounted to $2,111.88. J. L. Owens left today for New York and Baltimore, to purchase a spring stock for the "Big Racket." Miss Lettie Morris leit today for a trip of several months' duration to Washington and Baltimore. Miss Nellie LaBarbe left today for Bal timore and Washington, where she will buy her spring stock of millinery. The "dramatic recital" given by Miss Helen Morris Lewis will occur at the Battery Park hotel this evening. Miss Katie Cruise, chief milliner at Mimnaugh's, has returned from a month's stay in Charleston, S. C. There are a number of murder cases for trial at the current term of Madison court, which opened at Marshall Mon day. J. M. Ileston, the confectioner, is today removing his stock to his new stand, next door to Grant's pharmacy. South Main street. Capt. M. E. Carter and Judye II. B. Carter have gone to Mars Hill, Madison county, to the bedside of their mother, who is not expected to live. J. A. Anderson and Misses Hannah C. and Maiy L. Anderson of Lamberteritte, N. J., are at the Swannauoa and will spend several months here. Contractor A. R. Eskridge mourns the loss of a little redbird which he caught while out hunting in December, and which died a day or two ago. The south side of Patton avenue be tween the government building and Bailey street was cleard off yesterday for the first time in three of four months. T. C. Beozlev, of the shoe firm of Rob erts & Beazley, has sold his interest in the business to W. O. Roberts, and left today for Washington and Baltimore. Dr. J. Eddy will give an illustrated lecture on Spiritualism at the Grand opera house on the evening of March 8. "Zozo, the Magic Queen," on the lOth. The first car between the depot and Battery Park hotel that has run over the line for several months, went up on the W. A. St S. S. road yesterday after noon. The grocery firm of Greer &c Johnson, North Main street, has been dissolved. Mr. Greer will continue business at the old stand, while Mr. Johnson will open a store at 28 North Main. Col. Jas. G. Martin, president and general manager of the Asheville Btreet railway until it was placed in the hands of a receiver, is expected to return to Asheville in a tew days. R. B. Laudemann ol Lexington, K v., is in the city on business in connection with tbe brick paving now under con tract, and may remain here some time. He is stopping at the Swannanoa. An order has been put iu effect on the Asheville street railway by which tbe niotorrnen and conductors arc mjde to change positions and run on either end ot the car, thus doing awav with the old system. The change is not meeting with general tavor among the men. Robert K. Stephenson, who has for a longtime held a position as conductor on the Asheville street railway, has resigned. He will probablv go to Rocky Mount, j. t., and go into business. A. D. Cooper and two of his bovs left yesterday for Washington, where they will remain until after the inauguration. Mr. Cooper wasat the convention which nominated Mr. Cleveland, and he pro poses to see tne i resident sate in othce. G. H. Gallaher. who for several mouths was in Asheville representing tne Sweetwater, lenn., flouring mills. has returned to Sweetwater, where he has an interest in tbe firm ot Hutcbeson & Co. Mr. Gallaher has many friends here, who regret to see him leave. Llcenae to Vea. Register Mackey has issued license to wed as follows: P. A. Nurimous and Mollic I'lemmons, oi Bunco tn oe ; wmte. Tbos. Wilson and Hannah Wilson, of Buncombe; colored. A Handminie tall. Tbe visitor who enters the main door of the market house is at once struck with tbe handsome arrangement of the new stall of R. B. Noland Sc Son. the first one on the left. Everything, almost, that a housewife wonld want is kept in stock, and the whole is so tastily ar ranged as to catch the eye of the buyer. When needing anything in their line, be sure yon call on R. B. Noland & Son, city market. For rates, tickets and sleeping car pace to tbe inauguration at Washing ton, D. C. March tb, call on or write, C. W. Murphy, C. T. A., 51 S. Main St., City. , Ercrybody going on tbe Sulphnr Springs line notice that car will lea re Sulphur Springs last trip at 5:30 p. m., instead of 4:30 as formerly. THE MARKETS. Mew York Market. Nbw Yosk, March 1 Cotton futmcs, Marcb, H ; April, M OT; Mav, U OS; June, 0.13; July, 0.18; jtuguat. 19- Stock Quotations. Ntw Yokk, March 1. Brie 22: Lake Shore 127; Chicago and Northwestern lli; Norfolk and Western, 34-3; Richmond and Went Point Terminal t. Western L'nion OO. Baltimore Market Rautimohb, MiiM'U 1 Klotir. Arm; wheat, qnit; snot encl February 7--H; March 7J; May, 77. Milling wheat tiy sample, 7-01 77; corn, dull: spot. February, 4-7; March 47; May 4-Mi.i; white corn by sample, 47: yellow corn4-s. Anlie ll? Market. Corrected daily by P( W KLL SNI D BR, wholesale and retail irrocera. These prices are being paid by the merchants to-dav. Butter Giim Chickens.. Turkeys.... lIOfiL'H Apples 751 2t 1 i al Apples, dried 3(H, ...I Jljfm'.t" Pumpkins, cach.5(i(,23 ....70(rttOO Sorjrum 30 Duvki Potatoes, Potatoes. Turnips... Onions CabbuRe, Hcans, pr 2l'.'.MHiwai, per id is wt . 75iHoai'V 1M lrib.OO(7o:Vhcnt SO ilO(j40Corti SB l&rMcul ... B5 per tti 3Oat 4-5 tiu.lOOftl'150Kye 70 Peas Cliestnuta lii(K7siHav, ton iiiuu 2SOI Celery, dos 2S634.0 West - AHhevllle and Nulphur Hprl itH Rallnav, LEA VIS POST OFFICE FOR DEPOT. G40 a. ni.. 7.15, 7.4o, 8.00, S.15, 8.30. "S.4-5, 1100. 9 15. 9.30. 9.4-5, 10.00. 1O.15.10.30 lC.5, 11.00,11.15, 11.30. 11.45, 12 OO, 12.15 p. m.. 12.30, 12.45, l.OO, 1 15, 1 30, "1.45, 2.00, 2.15, 2 30, 2.45. 3.00,3 15, 3.30, 3.45, 4.00, 4.15, 4 30, 4.45, 5.00, 5.15, 5.35, 5.45. LEAVE HEl'DT FOK POST OFFICE. 5.25 a. in , 7 00, 7 30. 7.45. 8. OO, S 15, 8 30, 8.45, 0.00, 9 15. 9.30. 9 45, 10.00, 10.15. 10.30, lO 45,, 11.30, 11.45, 12 OO, 12.15 p. ni.. 12. 30, 12.45, l.OO, 1.15, 1.30. 1.45. 2.00, 2.15, 2 .30, 2.45, 3. OO, 3.15, 3 .30. 3.45, 4.00, 4.15, 4.30,4.45,5 00,5.15. 'Connects at depot for Sulphur Spiings. Cars meet all trains. We're not in the cabinet and we're cut up about it But, say, Are you getting your money's worth in the meat and poultry you buy ? We have but the first grades in meat foeds and in quanitv to give vour choice. V. M. Hill & Co., City Market. A grand view of the Great Black kange and Craggv mountains, six miles ride along the French Broad river. Straw berry Hill, the Bungalow, Hominy Creek. Sulphur Springs, and return, all in an hour and a half, for twenty-five cents, by taking the Sulphur Springs car at posti'ffiee. See schedule. Por fine turnouts and first class sad dle horsts call on Chambers iS: Weaver, 15 and 17 Willow street. Index to New Advertlaemenm. Notice A 11 Bairil Seeds A P Cooper Notice MJ Hearden Hoard Mrs At Kay Notice Charles Wfbh Notice Orcer Johnson Hoard Mrs Sihirmeistcr Northern Apples Krccr 1'or Kent 13 Startles avenue For Kent Charlotte street Lost 117 French Broad avenue BOARLMNO Several delightful rooami with board. Address or call on tu.a I Kf U A v- toliltw Kamotb. N. C. OTICB Regular meeting Knight of fy'niai tonignt. w one in trtira ticjcrc. CHARLliS WEBB, C. C. "T OST A lock bracelet, between poatofficc it 4 and square. Reward if returned to MISS L L A TKM PL.K rON, nitdtf 117 French Broad arenuc. FOR KENT No. 13 Sturnes avenue. lO rooms, well ulumbd, steam d. Ap ply to T. J STARNKS, mitf ! Court Square. ""OTICIC There will be a regular meeting of Mt. llennon Lodk'C A- F. iS; A. M., tomorrow evening, March nt 7.30. A 11. 13 A I K I, mldirt W. M. FORK KXT LarKf, peasant room nently furnished for li nht house keeping On street cr line. Board furnished if desired. Terms reasonable. MRS. S. TERRY, nildlmo 8ts Charlotte street. ""OTICB There will be a meeting of the .131 stockholders of the Asheville Loan, Con struction and Improvement company, held nt the office of Cobb fc Merrimonon Wednes day, March loth, at 4. o'clock p. m . M. J. BEARPEN. saldlw Secretary. THIRST CLASS BOARD At the MtCape JL' Mouse, x orove street. Jiavmfff leased this nous- and completely furnished it with new furniture, I solicit patronage. The house is pleasantly situated with nae -views on all sides. House thorouK'hi v entiiateti and steam heated, open fireplaces in several rooms. Terms reasonable. MRS. SIHIRMEISTER. mldlmo MONEY ON LIFE INSURANCE We have recently fully completed our fa cilities for handling loans on Tontine and Endowment Insurance policies. We loan upon reasonable terms nbout 4 per cent of the sur render value of policies issued by the follow ing companies, viz.: Equitable, Ktna. Mutual Life of New York, Connecticut Mutual of liartfard. New York life. Northwestern Mutual. I'ena Mut ual, Provident Life of Hartford, l'nion Cen tral, Mutual Benefit of Newark, N J .Brook lyn Life. United States Life, Washington Life of New York, and other good compa nies. All loans made for a period or twelve months, with privilege of renewal. No pol icy accepted that has been outstanding less than three years. If you do not care to se cure a loan we will buy your policy for cash. We also deal in investment securities, includ ing railroad stocks and bonds. State, city, county and township bonds and varranta. Inter-State Trust and Brokerage Co., 240 Fajettevillc St. eur. Park Ave., fcb20d3m RALEIGH. N. C. THE BEST EVIDENCE OK A GOOD CIGAR, PRICE CONSIDERED, IS THE WAY IT TAKES WITH THE RETAIL TRADE. THE FIGARO Costa more money than Any five cent cigar we nave, and it would not: pay as to faaodle it but for the tact of our nnrivaJed satea on thia brand enable na to realise more profit than alt tbe other B cent cigars rombimfd WE HAVBSOLDSINCBTHEFIS8T OF AUGUST, 18S2. VERY NEARLY 50FiGAROS This-should tell the tale. Ordera from a dia tance by the box solicited and promptly filled. MnnfsrtsTCTs Agents RAYSOR & SMITH 31 Patton ATcnnc, REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERINt IX air, cotton, Huafe. or BIos, Laying Carpets, Packing and Unpacking Furniture, Hanging Shades, Etc. He Can jDo Any Kind of Work, in Our Line and in a Satisfac tory Manner. Give us a call ! W. B. WILLIAMSON &. CO., HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL 16 Patton Avenue, WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. 46 South Dealers in Ready Made Clothing - - - - Hats and The Best Stock Clothing Spring samples ready for selection. the most particular dressers.- Being years' experience enables us to furnish petitor in the business. We take all risks and ask none to take goods that do not fit perfectly. Our justly famous di'ess suits and latest style business suits for this season will sur pass all previous stocks. Our stock of neckwear, underwear and hosiery will comprise the productions of the best makers in the country. Moderate prices will enable all comers to buy according to their needs. Wc invite our friends and the public generally to see our stock, feeling confident of giving better values than elsewhere. 4.6 Soutli OTain St. If You Want Furniture at Very Low Prices, Now Is Your Time to Buy I . Our Stock Is Large We expect to sell Prices Right ! BLA.IR. Sc - - fURMIl'RE DEALERS Ah D UNDERTAKES . - . DAYfiCALL NO. 76 TELEPHONE NIGHT CALL NO. P?o 45 Patton Avenue. J. OJATS" SUMLl' YOU WITH T7T n gT MT m aO Ti ALL JU' X -JL JL2J WW VlX AND KLindliiigB f1fk TZ sC POR RANGES. FURNACES AND GRATES. MAklBS NO 8UOKB; V a m n t uuijAr c i ham uaku uai. Ltime, 1'ortland and Louisville Cement and Plaster, tificial Stone Tile and Concrete Works. Fancy Brick and Hlortar Color. Agent for Kings Windsor tar and Knoxville Sewer Pipe Works. HA Y - AND - FEED Office No. SO Pattoa A venae. Telephone Dissolution IVotice The firm heretofore doing? baaineae nadcr the firm name and atyle of Oner St Johnson is thia it diiaolrcd by martstal consent. O. A. Greer will continue the onainesa at the old ataad, aad win pay all bills of the old firm. All acconnte dne the old firm are also payable to him. H. C. Johnson will open business csi hia own account at 2S north Main street. H.C.JOHNSON. O.A.GREER. March i, ia3. MAKING FURNITURE KINDS FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC. - Asheville, N. Main Street. Gents' Furnishing Goods in Western Carolina ! Made to Order. Our arrangements arc complete lor practicul cutters and tailors with more satisfactory clothing than any Telephone No, 108. And Well Assorted! our cbare and will make tMoDQWET J2uQLOOC3.3r KINDS CUT AND SPLIT ANY 8IZB READY DELIVERED. and Charcoal. Asbestos Cement, Dry Yard, aad Wafckoosc near 40. Telephoua 73c FOR ALL KINDS OF JELLICO AND In Car Lots and Less. THE ASHEVILLE C. TELEPHONES 36 & CAROLINA WINE NO. 19 NORTH MAIN AND Keep in stock "Mount Vernon," "Canadian Wioea. Broodies, rlrer. Air and Stout for Porter on draught. Enternnce No. 19 North No. 1S2. P. 8.: On and after May IHh I will send debted to me if not settled by ttant time. ranlc O'Donnell fitting PROPRIETOR CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW, thirty com GENTLEMEN ! FOU BALANCE OF WEEK- Your Choice of Formerly Sold 8, p.27, ,T ., 65. LOU BROWN, MILLIARD BLOCK, ASHEVILLE, N. C. FOR Ar W. A. BOYCE. BOYCE & BURTON, o WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN '-o House Furnishing Goods, Cooking Stoves and Fixtures. Heaters and Ranges, PLUMBERS' , GAS AND STEAM FITTERS' SUPPLIES TIN AKO SLATE R00FIX6, 6ALVAXIZED CORXICE, ETC. Office and Store. No. ia North Court Place. TELEPHONE NO. 150. -tm- BstisBatcs aa Plambiag aad Mma aad Gaa Pitting prompt! 7 aiTtn. oa applicaj Alor - Depot S - A.X - .IiS ANTHRACITE I0E AND COAL CO., 30 PATTON AVENUE 40. - - - AND LIQUOR STORES, 7 AND 71-2 COLLEGE STS. .10-1. Clnb." and Old Baker Rye Whiskies. The hct family ue. All rood, delivered free. Ale and Main and 7i College streets. Telephom statement of account by mail to parties In Respectfully. Any Fine Stiff Hat Stf.ftO, 4, .4.2,", 4.50, A. M. BURTON. $2 I,