Asheville Daily Citizen. ASHEVILLE, N. O.. MONDAY EVENING, MARCH G, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. VOLUME VIII. NO. 262. HIGH GRADE Butter! v'e nave made ar rangements for the product of the Crow Nest Farm. Persons who appreciate well- made Butter should give this a trial. Cattle all Guern scvs, several of them mr registered. - KROGER - W. B. REAL ESTATE. GWYN. W. W. WEST Gwyn 6c 'West, i Saccciton t Walter B. Gwyn ) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. Loans at 8 Seed. Grass OeitsJ BARGAINS AT THRASH'S To Open Our Scries of Iiargains for March H'c Oiler for This Week : A PRESIDENT IN EARNEST I CI.KVEI.AND MEANS A I.I. HK aAYa. Seed., diuncr knives, dozen. per Onion Seed Potatoes, Garden Seed. I'lated sterling tripnle $1 per set. Thin tumblers, bO cents worth $1 per dozen. Thin China teas, 75c.. regular price, $1.25. Thia China butter plates, 75c., regular price, $125; 112 piece fine Doul ton dinner Beta lor $12, regular price, Clfi llffrin H f liivift fruit- fillipftf 3"tS, sbc1' llPe. 88c. per dozen, worth $1.50 I ner dn7jn. ('.Ttpnsinti Inmns. with dome shades, Rood burners, $2 25. Can you beat this ? Tbia is only a partial list of the bar gains we are ottering tor warcu. we mean to clear out our big stock ot tine gO'jda. Alter this week we will have the Bargains arranged on tables from 10c. to $1, so you can see them. 1 hose vis iting our store this month will be well repaid. Now is the chance , for you to replenish your houses for the spring. North Court Square, Cor. Main Street, A. D. COOPER. SPECIAL MENTION 1 French Engraved Tumblers, 90 cents per duzen; Nickel and Bras Tilling Room Lamp, new; sec them; Price Low ! Crystal Palace. THAD. W. THRUSH I GO. BON 3IARCHE. Specialties in Black Dress Goods, Whip Cords, Popolain'a Diagonals, Broadcloth, Henriettas in Silk and Wool and All Wool, Serges also in Colors. White Goods, in better Line than Ever. Ladies' Waists ! 3 GREAT DH1VES 23 Doz.n Ladies' Black Hose at 25 cents, worth 40 cents. 50 Dozen Men's Black Half-Hose at 15 cents, worth 25 cents. 50 Dozen Mens' Colored Half-Hose at 25 cents, worth 50 cents, SEE NEW GOODS ! BON M Alt CHE. 31 South Main St. Remainder "f Ibe iuauicnral, Ibe First Half or W til en Was Given In Saturday Cltlxen" Wife Words From at Plalu Stan. The following is the remainder of Pres ident Cteveland'a inaugural not received in time for Saturday's Citizen: "The lessona of paternalism e-ught to be unlearned and a better lesson taught, that while the people should patrioti cally support their government, its func tions do not include the support of the people. The acceptance ol this principle leads to the refusal of bounties and sub sidies, which burden the labor and thrift of a portion of citizens to aid ill advised or languishing enterprises in which they have no concern. It leads also to a chal lenge of the wild and reckless pension expenditure, which overleaps the bounds of the grateful recognition of patriotic service and prostitutes to vicious uses the people s prompt and generous im pulses to aid those disabled in their country's defense. Every thoughtful American must tealize the importance oi checking at its beginning any tendency, in public or private station, to regard frugality and economy as virtues which we may safely outgrow. The toleration of this idea results in a waste of the peo ple's money by their chosen servants, and encourages prodigality and extrav agance in the home life of our countrymen. "Under our scheme of government the waste of public money is a crime against we invite bpeciai Attention strength and sturdiness of our national character. "It is the plain dictate of honesty and good government that public expendit ures should be limited by public neces sity, and that this should be measured by rules of strict economy; and it is equally clear that frugality among peo- .. I pie is tne Dear, guaranty oi continued ana strong support ot tree institutions, une mode of misappropriation of public funds is avoided when appointments to office, instead of being rewards of parti san activity, are awarded to those whose efficiency promises a fair return of work for compensation paid to them. To secure fitness and competency oi appointees to office, and to remove from political action demoralizing madness for spoils, civil service reform has found a place in our public policy and laws. The bent fits already gained through this instrumentality and the further use fulness it promises, entitle it to the heartv support and encouragement of FINEST I all who desire to see our rjublic service well performed or who hope for the ele vation of political sentiment and the purification of political methods. "The existence of immense aggregations ot kindred enterprises and combinations rf business interests, former! lor the rinr- POW "RT .T . SNTDF.R loose of limiting the productions and fix- the United States not only impressively defines the great responsibility I assume, but suggests obedience to constitutional command as the rule by which my offi cial conduct must be guided. 1 shall, to the best of m v ability and within my sphere of duty preserve the constitution by loyally protecting every graut of fed eral power it contains, by defending all its restraints when attacked by impa tience and restlessness, aud by enforcing its limitations and reservations in favor of States and people. Fully impressed with the gravity of the duties that con front me and mindful of my weakness, I should be appalled if it were my lot to bear unaided the responsibilities which await me. I am, however, saved from discouragement when I remember that I shall have the support and counsel and co-operation of wise and patriotic men who will stand by my side in cabinet places or will represent the people in their legislative halls. I find also com fort in remembering that my country men are just and generous and in the assurance that they will not condemn those who, by sincere devotion to their service, deserve their forbearance and approval. Above all. 1 know there is a Supreme Being who rules the affairs of men and whose goodness and mcrcv have always followed the American peo ple; and I know He will not turn from us now, if we humbly and reverently seek His powerful aid." THE CABINET CONFIRMED AGAINST THE IIOOPSKIRT JOHN W. 8TARNES' LAST l.t'.ti- ISLATIVli ACT. He Introduces a WelKhlr aud Doubtless Sincere Resolution Axalustllie Wire Abomluallon That Nw Threatens lisi Raleigh, N. C, March 6. Special. Mr. John W. Starnes, of Buncombe, created a little ripple in the House this morning. He arose and called out : "Mr. Speaker: As my last paper for MO OPPOSITION DEVELOPED IM THE HEN 4TE. TO OtK TEA DEPARTMENT! I Wit AIM TO GIVE TflE BEST POSSIBLE? VAl-t'E 1-OR THE MONEY. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, COMPRISING - SOM15 OK THE GRADES GROWN. Securely Placed Per Cent. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. 8OUTHBA8T COURT SQUARE. CORTLAND BROS., Real Estate Brokers And Investment Agents NOTARY PUBLIC. Loams acenrcly placed at 8 per cent. Office. SMJ Pat ton Avenue. Second Ifloor. febedlT illlNISIOIMINHIA, No longer your dread upon retiring. Sleep will come pleasantly without using opiates. SIMPLY TAKE One tesspoonful BRADYCROTINE The Southern Woman's Headache Remedy. No unpleasant results In the morning. Should your tooth trouble you One teaapoonful BRADYCROTINE JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. Purnished and Unfurnished Houses. OFFICE ROOMS. Loans securely placed at Bight per cent. WILLS. tITBVl J. WILLS Albert b. wills. BROS., ARCHITECTS MO. 3 PATTON AVE. COSTING FIVE CENTS, WILL STOP IT. FOR 8ALB AT Pelliam's Pharmacy. T. W. BOOKHART, DENTIST, 37 ration Arnuc, up dihub, m3dtr ASHEVILLE, N. C. FITZPATRICK BROS., Contractors and Dealer! In Mixed Paints and Painters' Supplies, WALL PAPER. 33?North Maim Stibbt, Asbktillb. N. C. TELEPHONE NO. 142. ! t us Cf : W O 55 y g ' O tn HO Q 5 I js O K CO sf o il x 2 g c PC 3 u o. a P-i y t S : u. w ZL, 06 ) w 5 w r J.QH. LAW, NO. 37 FATTOM AVS. The followine special prices will urevaill till the cud of the month. We naniel sl few. All are Bargain indeed. DRUGGIIS Globe Heater at . Oil StOTea, worth $12, .o 8 and lO Piece Decorated Toilet SeU, worth $3.50 to $4.50, at;. 99S The Newest and Best Nickel Lamp. .... .7S H nosing Lamps, with and Decorated Shade, nt.. .......................... ........ Tatent Spring worth $4.75 f30 Cbtarcli St. and Pattou Ave. Triblc riated Knives, Rogers or Mcri-1 den, at f 1.65 Per Set. We are runnine an entire new line oil Glassware and are closing out ull the old patterns at about balf price. There are also many big bargains in Crockery. Don t lorget,tbe new and pretty com plete Dinner sets at $11.75 We Receive daily a fresh supply of Owr Stock of Choice China, Sterling SUrer and .Plated Ware and Cut Glass is One of the Bet tat Soarh, DELICIOUS BONBONS, CHOCOLATE CARAMELS, CHOCOLATE PARI INS, CREAM PEPPERMINTS, CRYSTALIZED FRUIT, ETC. JBl These arc the Finest Candies Manufac tured. Sold in sealed packages only. is inconsistent with the fair field which ought to be open to every in dependent activity. Legitimate strife in business should not be superceded by en forced concession to the demands of com binations that have the power to des troy, aor should the people to be served lose the benefit of cheapness, which usu ally results from wholesome competi tion. These aggregations and combina tions frequently constitute conspiracies against the interests of the people and in all their phases are unnc tural and opposed to our American sense of fair ness. To the extent that they can be reached and restrained by federal power, the general government should relieve our citizens from their interference and exactions. "Loyalty to the principles upon which our government rests, positively demand that equality before the law, "which it guarantees to every citizen, should be justly and iu good faith conceded in all parts of the land. Theenjoyment of this right follows the badge of citizenship wherever found, and, unimpaired bv race or color, it appeals for recognition to American manliness and fairness. "The people of the United States have decreed that on this day the control of their government in its legislative and executive branches shall be given to the political party pledged in the most posi tive terms to the accomplishment of tariff reform. They have thus deter mined in favor of a more just and equitable system of federal taxation. The agents they have chosen to carry out their purposes are bound by their promises, not less than by the command of their masters to devote themselves unremittingly to this service. While there should be no surrender of principle, our task must be undertaken wisely and without vindictiveness. Our mission is not punishment, but ratification of wrongs. II in lifting burdens from the daily life of our people we reduce inordi nate and unequal advantages too long enjoyed, this is but a necessary incident of our return to right and justice. If we exact from unwilling minds acquiescence in the theory of honest distribution of the fund of government beneficiency treasured up for all, we but insist upon the principle which underlies our free institutions. When we tear aside delu sions and misconceptions which have blinded our countrymen to their condition under the vicious tariff laws, we but show them how far they have been led away from the paths of contentment and prosper ity. When we proclaim that the neces sity for a revenue to support the gov ernment furnishes the only justification lor taxing the people, we announce a truth so plain that its denial would seem to indicate the extent to which the judg ment may be influenced by familiarity witn tne provisions ot tne taxing power, and when we seek to reinstate the self confidence and business enterprise of our : 1 : w -i : 1:.: t ' . . tiuus vy uiaircuuiug auject uepcua ence upon governmental favor, we-strive to stimulate those elements ol American character which support the hope of American achievement. "Anxiety for the redemption of the pledges which my party has made, and solicitude for the complete justification of the trust the people have reposed in in us, constrain me to remind those with whom I am to co-operate tbat we can succeed in doing the work which has been specially set before us only by the most sincere, harmoniousand disinter ested effort. Even if insuperable ob stacles and opposition prevent the con summation of our task, we shall hardly be excused, and if failure can be traced to our fault or neglect we may be 'Sure the people will hold us to swift and ex acting accountability. "The oath I now take to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of That alodjr lis Harmony Willi President Cleveland In at Least One important Blatter To LeuKthen Cleveland's Term. Washington, March 6. At ten min utes to 12 today Major Pruden, Presi dent Cleveland s executive clerk, ap peared upon the floor of the Senate, bearing the nominations of the officers of President Cleveland's cabinet as fol lows : Walter J. Gresham of Illinois, to be Sccretarv of State; John G. Carlise of Kentucky, to be Secretary of the Treas ury; Daniel S. Lamont of New York, to be Secretary ot War; Richard Olnev of Massachusetts, to be Attorney-General; Wilson Bissell of New York, to be Postmaster-General; Hillary A. Herbert of Alabam 1, to be Secretary of the Navy; Hoke Smith of Georgia, to be Secretary of the Interior; Julius Sterling Morton of Nebraska, to be Secretary of Agri culture. After tVie journal of Saturday's session had been read Mr. Pruden presented his message, and on motion of Senator Harris, the Senate went into executive session where it confirmed all of the cabinet nominations. The Senate then adjourned until Thurs day noon. Before the adjournment of the Senate Mr. Sherman introduced a joint resolu tion to extend the terms of the president and vice-president until noon ol the doth of April, 1897. and substituting the 30th April lor the th ol March as the com mencement and termination of thi official terms of president and vice-presi dent, senators and representatives. At the suggestion of Mr. Harris the bill was laid on the table. .1. w STARNES. this session, I desire to send forward this resolution and ask its immediate consid eratiou. 'Resolved, That our Representatives in Congress are requested to use their in fluenoe to prevent the introduction of hoopskirts in the United States.' " X ins passed uanimously and it was sent to the Senate without engrossment The Legislature adjourned at noon. Senator Horcan Seasick. London, March 6. Senator Morgan, one of the representatives for the United States in the Behring Sea court of arbr tration arrived on the New York Satur day. He was taken sick on the voyage and since his arrival he has become worse. His illness is due to the strain to which he was subjected bv a severe attack of seasickness. The New York met with a hurricane on the voyage, and the pitching ot the vessel made Senator Morgan extremely ill. 'Will Place Tennessee Bonds Nashville Tenn., March G. Treas urer Craig and Comptroller Harris re turned Saturday night from New York where thev have been for a week in con nection with the placing of 81,000,000 worth of State of Tennessee refunding bonds. 1 hev State that no trouble need be experienced in the placing of the bonds. THEV GIVE HIM MO REsT President Cleveland Goes Right To Handshaking;. Washington, March u. tor the sec ond time in his career, Grovcr Cleveland began to realize this morning the trial and tribulations which beset a new President during the first days of hid term. Very fortunately for bis physical well being, however, the rest of the inter vening Sunday and the exodus that day of thousands of those who would un doubtedly have thronged to the White House had they remained in town, re lieved him, to a great extent, of the fatigue of excessive handshaking which lell to his part eight vears ago. But even as it was, he bad not an easy day. In accordance with his habit. President Cleveland arose early, and after breaklasting went directlv to the President s room where he attempted to dispatch some business, but the crowds of distinguished visitors soon began to storm the doors and the Pres ident was obliged to forego his work and listen to the honeyed words of con gratulation from governors of states senators, representatives and a host ot others. Governors Pattison of Pennsylvania, aad Northen of Georgia, each with his staff, were the first callers wlio saw Cleveland. They were received infor mally in the President's room. Then came Governor Peck, the humerous statesman from Wisconsin, and with him the brass buttoned members of his staff. Gov. Morris of Connecticut came too with his staff, and alter them a host of Democrat well wishers. Glad to Set Him Back Whole Indianapolis, March G. Ex-Prebident Harrison's welcome home was as warm as ins liod speed to Washington was enthusiastic four years ago. Prominent catnollc Dead. St. Locis, March 6. Rev. H. G. Brady, vicar-general of the diocese of St. Louis, did at o clock this morning. WANT'S PHARMACY. WJ1ERBAS 'tis known'beyend a question that hcadache.bile and indigestion nave formed a pact of treason to haunt the ay and festive board throughout thia gladsome season; no w," therefore, be it understood that all such direfull ills can be defied and cured for good by using Buncombe Pills 40 pills for IS cents. Grant's. We do not hesitate to say that our Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry is the best cough syrup ever sold in Asheville. We have sold over one thousand bottles of it and the de mand for it has constantly increased ever since we placed it on the market. As it is pleasant to take, children do not object to it and it always gives relief. Try it; 25 cents per bottle at Grant's Pharmacy. Campho Glycerine Lotion is a soothing and fragrant application for chapped hands. face, lips, etc. Not greasy or disagreeable In any way. Por saleonly at Grant's Pharmacy. It cleanses the teeth, strengthens tue gums anu imparts fragrance to the breath. Va Va Tooth Wash at Grant's. We can re'er you to many reliable people 1 our own city who believe Buncombe Sarsaparilla is the best blood purifier they ever used. Why use other and more expen sive preparations when a home product is better and cheaper ? Grant's. Do you shave yourself or does a barber do it for you ? In either case, if you use our imported bay rum your face will always re main smooth and free from any irritation or redness. SOc bottles at Grant's. Absolutely Pure Witch Hazle, in attractive Pint bottles, 23 cents. Grant's. Dotnot suffer with headache when you know that Antimlgrane will relieve you en tirely. It is'a harmless but sure remedy. For sale at Grant's. Buncombe Plasters a higher grade porous plaster than the public his hitherto known. Try one. 15 cents at Grant's. St. Elizabeth's Salve cures all skin diseases. It is superior to all known remedies for the cure of pimples or any skin eruption. Posi tively guuranted to cure or money refunded. Por sale at Grant's Pharmacy, 114, South Main street. Apply the salve ts the parts affected by rubbing in thoroughly with the finger everv other night before retiring ynd you will get rid of those disagreeable pimples or any skin eruption that may be troubling you. St Blizabet's salve is for sale only at Grant's o tr Willi Tne Old. Washington, Mcb. 6. Judge Gresham has filed his resignation as Judge of the Seventh Circuit and it ban been accepted. XOKTH CAROLINA ASSEMBLY. PUSHING THINGS! A II WICI.I ! IT'S ALL RIGHT Z What Did Ibe Cieneral Sav to I tie President 7 The Charlotte Observer's Washing ton correspondent telegraphed the Sun day Observer as follows concerning Asbe ville's distinguished citizen. Gen. Thos. Lanier Clingman ; "As the ceremony in the hennte con cluded and as Mr. Cleveland was rising to go out to the platform, ex-Senator Clingman came up, grasped bis band and said something to make the new President smile. Clingman had, before his arrival, appropriated to himself the seat provided for President Harrison, uone having been set apart for him. An attendant, however, got him one." Bach as W e l ore to Read or. Washington, March G. On Saturday when President Cleveland had bowed to the party of officials and personal friends gathered about him and was about to pass through the doorway, Mrs. Cleve land called him back, and, with disregard for the assembled company, threw ber arms about ber husband and kissed him several - times, bidding bim "God speed" on bis way to take the oath of office. CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. A terrible cyclone swept over parts of Mississippi and Georgia Saturday doing great damage. Governor Richards of Montana has appointed Lee Mantle, of Butte, United States Senator. Mr. Mantle was the last Republican caucus nominee. The Legislature has elected the follow ing trustees of tbe State University : A. W. Graham. M. H. Holt, K. T. Gray, N. A. Sinclair, N.J. Rouse, J. L. Patterson, C. R. Thomas, P. D. Gold, C. B. Aycock, A. Leazar, S. C. Weill, W. R. Allen, A. B. Andrews. W. II. Dav, Julian S. Carr, T. A. McNeill. P. Z. Means, A. W. Hay wood. R. D. Gilmer, J. P. Caldwell, t. W. Mason, Lee S. Overman, Edmund Jones. Jacob Battle, S. M. Finger, T. II. Pritcbard, 1). G. Worth, and James Parker. The House passed the quarantine bill, establishing at Soutbport the quarantine station for the whole State. Vessels arriving Irom cholera ports, or which arc in any way suspected, at any of the ports in this State are to be sent to Southport. For the station the sum of $20,000 is appropriated, and Wilming ton makes a contribution ot $5,000 more, besides agreeing to maintain tbe station at all times. When House bill 745, to amend an act to regulate the sale of liquor in Bun combe county came up, Mr. Vance of Buncombe, explained the bill, which pro vides tor an election, but changing tbe requirements ot tne general law on tne subject, and made a lengthy speech in favor of prohibition in his county. The bill was tabled. The tobacco warehouse bill was taken up. senator campDeii addressed tne Senate in favor of the bill, the motion being to indefinitely postpone. It was finally agreed that the bill go over until Monday morning. This, it was under stood, would kill the bill for want of a quorum. In the matter of the tax upon pur chases by merchants, the Legislature has made a compromise of the matter by providing for a scaled tax, which appears to be satisfactory to the merchants, with whose State committee the com promise has been arranged. The House and Senate Saturday adopted by a rising vote and amid grat applause a resolution congratulat ing me country ana orovcr iievciana upon thelatter's inauguration, and both branches sent him their compliments by telegraph. Saturday a bill became a law making a contingent appropriation to the pen itentiarv ot $25,000 a year to be used only in case the Governor shall certify it to be absolutely necessary. The Legislature bas elected the follow ing members of the State Board of Agri culture: W. K. Capehart, I. H. Gilmer. I. R. McLelland, and Henry E. Fries, Governor Cair is requested by the Legislature to look into the matter of the disputed boundary line between Tennessee and this State. Tbe bill became a law to establish eight instead of six State Normal schools I for negroes. The Prices arc doing it the goods arc doing it and the way business is coming in is astonishing. Who ever heard of selling GROCERIES at the Price we do ? WE CAN HELP YOU ALONG ! The kind of help vou want CHEAP PRICES ! Omega 1-lour, the Best oh the 5-7S per; barrel. Call at J. A. WHITE'S, 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Market, And yon w ill find a complete aail fancy groceries. line of staple MINERAL WATER ! Why suffer with Indk-.estion and all kinds of Liver. Kidney and Blood Tsoublbi when nature has provided at Your Door a Sun Rimbdt Harmless, Wholksomb and Inexpensive. The MINERAL WATER. frtfh from Mr. D, D. Battle's Rail askable Sprino, now bcinK daily delivered at any residence In Asheville, is working wonderful cures, aa can be testified bvinaniriesof lad ire E. Reed. Jsdge J. H. Merrimon, Rev. J. L. White, J. R. Patterson, Doctors O. W. Fare fay. Nelson. D. T. Millard. Mr. Barnes of Ohio, now on Spring street, Asheville, and hundreds of others. Price, only lo cents a gallon, delivered daily anywhere in tbe city. Orders through mail, or left stt Blanton, Wright & Co.'s shoe store, 39 Psttos ave- e, will receive prompt attention. Analy sis given on application. D. D. SUTTLEj 93 College Strssct. fcbaldtf A SAFE CONCLUSION! That anything needed by a smoker ran be obtained at Ray's. He car ries an assortment of cixarv, tobaccos and pipes that would do credit to a large city. Drop in and look at bis atock; yoa will be pleased with it. If anything suits yon, so sncs the bet bstter. RAY'S CIGAR STORE AND TICKET OFFICE, 28 South Mais St. Always Opca. MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY CHUBCM STSXET, TXUnS8KX,T8.

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