V Asheville Daily Citizen VOLUME VIII. NO. 264. ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 8, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS. HIGH GRADE Seed G-reuss Onion Oats, Seed, BARGAINS AT THRASH'S To Open Our Series uf Itargains for March We Oiler for This Week : THE WHITTEMORE CASE IT lis BEING HEARD 11V J IT CARTER. triple dinner knives, cents tcr dozen. Butter! We have made ar rangements for the product of the Crow Nest Farm. Persons who appreciate well made Butter should give this a trial. Cattle all Guern seys, several of them registered. KROGER - REAL ESTATE. W. B. GWYN. W. W. WEST. Gwyn & West, (Successors to Walter B. Gwyn.) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Cstate. Loam Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary I'ubNc, Commissioner of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. SOUTHEAST COURT SQUARE. 3 Potatoes, G-ard-en Nortb Court Square, Cor. Main Street, A. D. COOPER. R sterling $ 1 per set. Thin tumblers, GO worth $1 ncr dozen. Thin China teas, 75e.. regular price, $1.25. Thin China breakfast plates. 7oc. set, regular price, $125; 112 piece fine Doul ton dinner sets lor $12, regular price, $1S. Decorated China fruit saucers, shell shape, 88c. per dozen, worth $1.00 per dozen. Extension lamps, with dome shadep, good burners, $2 25. Can you beat this ? This is only a partial list of the bar gains we are offering for March. We mean to clear out our big stock of nne go-jds. After this week we will have the bargains arranged on tables from 10c. to $1, so you can see them. Those vis iting our store this month will be well repaid. -Now is the chance- lor- you "to replenish your houses for the spring. SPECIAL MENTION 1 French Engraved Tumblers, 90 cents per dozen; Nickel and Brass Eliilng Room Lamps, new; see them; Price Low ! All Mar- gains Casta. Nothing Charge d. Crystal Palace, THAD. W. THRASH I CO. HUNATi: CHAIRSIGNBHIPil. Tucm BOJV MAItCIIM. Specialties in lilack Dress Goods, Whip Cords, Popolain's Diagonals, Broadcloth, Henriettas in Silk and Wool and All Wool, Serges also in Colors. White Goods, in better 3. GRUAT DRIVKH 25 Dozjn Ladies' Black Hose at 25 cents. worth -tO cents. 50 Dozen Men's Black Half-Hose at 1 cents, worth 25 cents. 50 Dozen Mens' Colored Half-Hose at 25 cents, worth 50 cents, SEE NEW GOODS ! BON MAllCIIJJ. 37 Soutli Main St. ASK FOR tf.OOO POUNDS OF JEL.L.Y. This is our third shipment of three S3 thousand pounds each received this We are still selling at the remarkable low price that lias attracted so many buyers The proceedisKR on Writ of Ha beas Corpus Testlinonir of wit nesses for State and Defence. The hearing in the habeas corpus case of "Bud" Whitternore was to begin at 4:30 yesterday afternoon. At that hour, however, Deputy Sheriff Morgan had not returned with two important wit nesses, and the State, represented by Messrs. T. R. Ransom and Jocke Craig, objected to proceeding. Attorney Ran som called Judge Carter's attention to the fact that the day was nearly gone; "and," said he, "the most of us cat about 6 or 7 o'clock." "Yes, we cat too much, too," was the response of Jas. H. Merriroon, counsel fortc defence, and J udgi.- Carter then adjourned the hearing until 10 o'clock tbis morning. When the hearing was begun this morning J. M. Whitternore, a cousin of the defendant, was sworn, anil testified that he saw Doc Roberts and Ilensley walking very fast (Roberts with his right hand in coat pocket) toward Wbittemorc's store; stumbled against J. L. Ray into store and in two or three minutes shooting began. C. R. Whitternore, a cousin and partner of defendant Defendant was behiud counter near scales. Roberts walked to Bud and said "What's that talk ?" Before Bud could reply Doc's pistol was partly out and Bud pulled his pistol and told Doc "If you raise your hand I'll shoot you." Witness left immediately, and was outside when shots began. Bud and Doc came out and scuttled and L5ud took Doc's pistol away from him. Heard "Big Jim" say, "Boy's don'tdo that, "and in a few minutes Jim started out exclaiming, "I'm killed." Heard talk that Roberts was a dangerous man. D. A. McMahan After the words passed, Roberts with a quick motion brought his pistol to a level with his waist and fired at Bud, who then fired at Roberts. Big Jim Whitternore was considered a dangerous man. When Roberts was excited be was considered a dangerous man. Robt. Whitternore was in store. After words passed Roberts pushed Bud's pis tol aside and fired at him. After fight went to mountains with Itud. Bud was behind the counter when Doc. came in, with his hands down. J. M. Whitternore Saw Roberts come in store and heard conversation between him and Bud, saw pistols pulled and then stepped up stairs. For the State John G. Anders was the first witness. Anders saw Roberts and Heusley go in Whittemore's store, fol lowed by Big Jim, who caught Hensley and pulled him back. Heard words be tween the men, then shots and directlv Big Jim came out with blood on his face, saying 1 m killed. A. Dllllcult Tank to Allot AmouK the Senators. Washington, March 8. The Demo cratic caucus committee on committees met promptly at half past ten o'clock this morning in Senator Ransom's com mittee room. There were present, Gor man. Blackburn, Ransom, Cockertll, Harris and Brice and White of Louisi ana. They entered at once upon the im mediate work in hand, which is the as signment of the majority places upon the Senate committees. In view of the magnitude of the task and the many del icate points to be settled in connection with the conflicting claims of veteran Democratic Senators to desirable chair manships, it would not be surprising if sevei al days were consumed in this work. It is expected a number of presidential nominations will be transmitted to the Senate when it reassembles tomorrow. These nominations will be referred to various committees for examination and report and the Democrats feel that it is essential that they shall be passed upon by friendlv committees, instead of being treated by committees at a present con stituted with Republican majorities. For this reason, if for no other, the caucus committee feels boucd to hasten the progress of its work, for even when a list of the majority membership of the committee is completed it must be sub mitted to a Republican caucus committee in order that the remaining places may be filled. (;kovkuh hap v i--,. i i i.y. BACK FROM THE CAPITAL BTATE HlvNATU X CAMPBELL, AT MOI IC. cabl First Meellue or the New net. Washington, March 8. The first meeting of Mr. Clcveland'scabinent was held yesterday afternoon at the usual hour of three o'clock, and it lasted some thing: more than two hours. All the members were present. Tbere was no tormaluy or ceremony observed in the opening meeting. jMr. Cleveland sitting at the head of the ta ble, started the business in a simple and direct manner. The session was devoted to a discus sion of matters of curret-t public im portance, including the Hawaiian an nexation and the financial situation. which were touched upon. Tbe greater part of the time was taken up. however, with the consideration of the question of appointments, particularly thoe of assistants to the variouseabinet officers The necessity of filling those positions without delay was taken as a self evi dent fact, but Mr. Cleveland impressed upon his official family the necessity of Lfointr slowly in making the selections Secretary Carlisle, who was tbe first to arrive, was the first to leave. Lii mont. Bissell and Smith remained lor some time alter the others bad gone discussing matters of a confidential character. Hl'I.I.V FOR IIOK.15. An Outline of the Work Done hi tlie Legislature for I lie W-Ht A Do if I.i-w Willi a Striate to It. State Senator John M. Campbell re turned last evening from Raleigh, where he had been during the session of the Legislature. Senater Campbell today gave Tiik CinziiN an outline of the work of the Legislature affecting Western North Carolina and Buncombe county. A resolution was passed requesting the State's representatives in Congress to endeavor to secure a national park for the western part of the State. The resolution originally named Grandfather mountain as the location, but this por tion was stricken out. An appropriation of $110,000 was se- ured lor the State hospital at Morgan- ton, and one of $1,500 for the normal trailing school in Jackson conntv. A dog law lor Buncombe county (the first dog law ever enacted in the State) was passed. This was in accordance with the bill as drawn up by the Bun combe county Farmers' alliance, with an amendment inserted by Senator Campbell. The amendment provides that before the provisions snail take ef fect a petition from a township desiring the law shall be presented to the county commissioners at their June meeting. This petition must be signed by two- thirds of the qualified votersof the town ship, and the commissioners must then call an election in tbe petitioning town ship. At the election if a majority of votes cast be "Against Dog tbe law will liccome operative in that township, A charter lor the town ol Biltmorc was procured. 1 he Watson bill, relating to tobacco warehouses, and aimed at the American Tobacco company and all trusts, died for lack ol a quorum, on Monday, tbe dav of adjournment. Senator Camp bell was a strong advocate of tbe. bill and made a speech ot an hour and a hall in favor of it on Saturday night. He says there were several hundred lodbv- ists In Raleigh working against the bill. but feels sure it would have passed, if it id come to a final vote. The bill providing for the issuing of 250,000 of bonds by the county of Buncombe lor the purpose of building macadamized roads throughout the county, was made a law. The bill pro vides that the countv commissioners shall call an election upon the petition ot one fourth of the voters ot the county and a majority of the qualified voters of the countv must vote for th issuing ot the bonds before it is done. The bill also provides for the construction of five ines ol macadam roads, beginning at the corporate limits ot Asheville. 1 lie bonds will be issued in $50,000 lots, and no additional bonds can be issued so long as $10,000 remains unexpended. CORTLAND BROS., Real ECstate Brokers And Investment A Brents NOTARY PUBLIC. Loans securely placed at 8 per cent. Offices) flfc 30 Patton A venae. Second !oor. febSdlv JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. Furnished and Unfurnished Houses. OFFICE ROOMS. Loan! securely placed at Bight per cent. Aliiuht b. wills. HTHI'IJ. WILLS. WILLS BROS., ARCH ITECTS MO. 3 PATTON AVE. (S Newtork FINE CANDIES. IN SEALED PwA.CKA.GES Clinir Henslev Was with Roberts part I J VV 1j L L X. O IN 1 U fj JX. I . . T ' . . J "r; I Hie Uets Down to tyv a nit n Mtm rn ni-.n.nr 1 1 , , r 1 tiin i . i r . Jim's daughter; met Bud there, but all the parties appeared friendly. Came back and went to Doc's house when a message came from Bud, and Doc went to his own store and Doc's wife asked witness to go down and stop any fuss that might come up. Doc asked him to ro to mill, but kept right on into Whit ternore s store and the right began by Doc shoving Bud's pistol aside; as he did so the pistol was fired and hit Big Jim. Called for help. Doc went out and Bud shot at him. After the shooting Doc went home. Luther Maney Was in store and after the men began talking I got outside. Saw Bud twist his hand around door facing and shoot twice at Roberts. Matt Burleson Bud said he had sent word to Roberts, and that it was well that no trouble bad occurred up the creek, as he was prepared for him; that trie way Koberts had done him was meaner than a . 28 South M ain St mch7 AT C I'. RAY'S - - - Asheville FITZPATRIGK BROS., Contractors and Dealers in Mixed Paints and Painters' Supplies, WALL PAPER. 33;Nuith Main Stubet, Ashsvillb, N. O. TELEPHONB NO. 12. M- ; j O- Q U oi O m H H I g S es o fa. s & g y e CC 5 w a- 6 h a r- S i O " I M ij -r c w w O Z ok o ? g 88 i - s s a r is At this point the hearing was adjourn ed to 2:30 this afternoon. IK THIS PORTER CAHU. .T-9II. LAW, NO. 13 V PATTON AVE. The following special prices will urevaill till the end of the month. We name a tew. All are Bargains indeed. Globe Heater Oil Stoves, worth $12, 8 and 10 Piece Decorated Toilet Sets, worth $3.50 to $4.50, at 4M9S The Newest and Best Nickel Lamp, .73 Hanging Lamps, with and Decorated Shade, at Patent Spring worth $4.75 $3.IO Triple 1'lalcd Knives, Rogers or Meri den, at $1.63 Pern Set. DRUGGISTS, Church St. and Patton Ave. We Receive daily a fresh supply uf We are running an entire new line of 1 Glassware and are closing out ull tbe I old patterns at about half price. There arc also many big bargains in Crockery. Htrouif Words from the tite Hu ureme Court. The opinion of the State Supreme court in the case of State vs. I. A. I'orter, who was charged with violating tbe law tor tnc prevention ot cruelty to ani mals, in shooting live pigeons from traps, has been received bv Criminal Court Clerk . R. Patterson. The opinion is given by Justice Burwell, and alter quot ing from tlie statute says: "By the special verdict it is found that the suffering and death for the permis sion or infliction of which the defendant is indicted, were so inflicted tor 'amusement and sport.' Man's desire for amusement and sport is no just ification for the infliction of suffer ing or death upon any of the creatures protected by the statue now under con sideration. It was enacted to protect the public morals, which the commission of cruel and barbarous acts tends to cor rupt. Since its enactment it has been unlawful in this State for man to gratify his angry passions or his love for amuse ment and sport at the cost of wounds and death to any useful creature over which he has control. Knowing that men of intelligence and refinement often differ as to what constitutes cruelty in one's treatment of dumb creatures, the Legislature has seen tit to define that word, and also the words, torture and torment, and has thus made its intent very plain." The decision affirms the judgment of the lower court. The fine was $5 and costs. The higher court's costs are $20.20. Worse Hrltftit and ICarl v. Washington, March S. When the clerks employed iu the Interior Depart ment reached their offices at 9 o'clock tbis morning they learned, to their aa tonishment. that their etiet, the new Secretary, had been hard at work nearly three tiuartcrs of an hour. The Sccie tary's office was crowded all the morn ing by Senators and Representatives who called to pay their respects to bee retarv Smith or to present for his con sideration the name of some candidate for official position. It is stated by those in position to know that the secretary has not definitely decided upon the ap pointment of any one lur tbe assistant secretaryships or other vacant places in his department. He fullv realizes that much of the success of his udministra tion will depend upon his official advis ors and therefore it is his purpose not to make appointments hurriedly or unail visedly. Secretary Herbert made 110 effort to transact business during tbe forenoon but devoted his time to the reception visitors. HOl'TIILKN GOVKKNOaS. HUNT'S PHARMACY. Willi RE AS 'tis known?btyond a question Hat head ache, tile fand indigestion have formed u pact'of treason to baunt the say and festive board throughout this gladsome season; now,",''tfcereforc, Ibe it understood hat all such dire lull ills can be defied and cured 'or good by using Buncombe Pills 40 pills for IS cents. Grant's. We do not hesitate to say that our Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry is the best cough yrup ever sold iu Asheville. We bare sold over one thousand bottles of it and the de mand for it has constantly increased ever ince we placed it oil the market. As it is pleasant to take, children do 'not object to t and it always Klvea relief. Try It; 25 cents per bottle at Grant's Pharmacy. Campho Glycerine Lotion is a soothing and fragront application for chapped hands, face, lips, etc. Not creasy or disagreeable in any way. I7 or su.lcon1y at Grant's Phar macy. 7i TO WASHINQTON, It cleanses the teeth, strengthens tlie gums and Imparts fragrance to the breath. Va Va Tooth Wash at Grant's. We can re'er you to many reliable people in our own city vno believe Buncombe Sarsaparilla is the best blood purifier they ever used. Why use other and more cxpen- ive preparations when a home product is better and cheaper ? Grant's. Aliilcaiil8 Answers to Ques tious Sent OfT Todav. The applicants for positions in the post otticc at Asheville under the civil service rules answered their questions yesterday The examination was conducted satisfac torilv and fairly to the applicants and the most ions given were generally practical. The question sheets given each applicant, and which were filled out, were sent tbis afternoon to the department at Wash ington, where they will be graded ac cording; to their standing in the examin ation. Theu, when there is a vacancy in the office here, three names of those who passed will be sent by the commis sion, from which the postmaster can till the vacancy. The applicants for positions on the carrier force were examined in arithme tic, abbreviations and rending addresses. Thev were required to give the names of the streets nearest the hotels of the city, tbe express office, theatre and one restaurant. L)o you shave yourself or does a barber do it for you ? In either case, if you use our imported bay rum your face will always re main smooth and free from any irritation or redness. SOc bottles at Grant's. Absolutely Pure Witch Hazle, in attractive Pint bottles, 25 cents. Grant's. Do'sot suffer with headache when you know that Antimigraine will relieve you en tirely. It is a harmless but sure remedy. For sale at Grant's. Buncombe Plasters a higher grade porous plaster than the public his hitherto known. Try one. 15 cents at Grant's. St. Klizabcth's Salve cures all skin diseases. It is superior to all known remedies for the cure of pimples or any skin eruption. Posi tively guaranted to cure or money refunded. For sale at Grant's Pharmacy, 24 South Alain street. Apply the salve ts the parts affected by rubbing in thoroughly with the finger every other night before retiring ynd you will get rid or those disagreeable pimples or any skin eruption that may be troubling you. St Klizabet's salve is for sale onlv at Grant's THG EARTH TIPS UP. PUSHING THINGS! About Tlielr Proposed itfcetiisie Klcli 111 olid , April 1 Kiciimond, Va., Mar. fS. Gov. M Kinney has retcrreu all correspondent in reference to the meeting of the South ern governors here on the 112th of Apri. to Mayor Kllison, of tbe Chamber Commerce, ami tol. A. &. lsulorci. pres ident ot the Virginia World s 1 commission. These representatives the City's and State's interests will sec that visitors are properly cared for, ind that they will be given ample opportun ity to learn of its trade, and other pros pects. Mayor Kllison today addressed a letter to (lov. Fishback, of Arkansas, the leading spirit in the movement, assur ing him and his colleagues of their hearty welcome to this city, and tendering them such courtesv in a general and social way as their stay may permit of. HPLIT HIM IN TWO. HI (4 OWN OBITUARY. A Ilruukeii Man Palls a K mi ll ill IC Haw. Kiciimo.ni, Va., March 8. Robert Ter ry, while intoxicated, entered the Vir ginia and North Carolina wheel factory last evening, lie was warned by work men to keep away from tbe machinery. This he failed to do, for while the back of the sawyer was turned, Terry stum bled over the carriage, and the saw connected with it split his body in two, the head falling on one side, tbe legs on the other. Some Great Man Walking Carelesslx. LoNt; Island City, L. I., Mar. All Long Island seems to have felt what is now supposed to have been an earth quake at 12:30 o'clock this morning. At Iotig Island City the shock was especially severe, in many instances shaking pictures from the walls, and creating havoc among the chinawarc and bric-a-brac. At several points persons lied frisrhtcned from their houses to the street in their nightrobes, supposing the houses settling or falling. Most of these persons say a dull boom and strongly marked simultaneous trembling of the earth were perceptible. The seismic disturbances lasted several seconds, and then passed away in a southerly direction. THIS V. m. c A. The I 'rices are doing it the goods arc doing it aod tlie way business is coming in is astonishing. Who ever heard of selling GROCERIES at the Price we do ? WE CAN HELP YOU ALONG ! The kind ol" help vou want CHEAP PK1CBS ! OmcMu. Hour, the Ilcst on the Market, at 5-75 per barrel. Call at eT. V. WHITE'S, 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, And you will find a complete line of staple ami fancy groceries. tout ls Don't forget, tbe new and plcte Dinner sets at . pretty com- Our Stock of Choice China, Sterling SilTer an j Plate J Ware and Cut Glass is One of tb Best in the South. DELICIOUS BONBONS, CHOCOLATE CARAMELS, CHOCOLATE PARLINS. I CREAM PEPPERMINTS, CRYSTALIZED FRUIT, ETC. These are the Finest Candies Manufac tured. Bold in sealed packages only. Capt. Clin: Read It Once. Alive and Well Vet. Capt. George Cline, a popular young conductor now running on the K., C. G. & L. road, but formerly in the employ of the Western N. C. road, came up from Knox ville yesterday to spend a day or two with friends. Captain Ciine is oue of the few men who have read their own obituaries. About a year ago there was a wreck on the Cumberland Gap road and news reached Asheville that Capt. Cline was one of tbe killed. Tub Citizen printed tbe news and an appreciativeobituary of tbe young conductor, but learned next day that Cline was not in tbe wreck. Capt. Cline was in to see The Citizen yesterday. There was nothing of tbe dead man about him. Me remarked that be would rather be able to read his obit uary than to be unable to do so. GOVERNOR TURNKEY. so to He Will Probably Never tnc Capital. Nashville, Tcnn., March 8. I'eter Turney, the bed-ridden governor of tbis State, is hardly expected to live more than two weeks longer. Governor Tur ney was inaugurated in a sick bed in January last, lie has had a severe re lapse and the general belief is that be will never come to tbe Capital. Gulltv aa Chanced. Philadelphia, March a. Ephraitn Young, director of the defunct Spring Garden National bank, was found guilty in tbe United States district court this morning of conspiracv with President K.ennedy and tbe cashier in embezzling funds of the corporation. Dellitlilful Kuterlalntiieut Held Last Kveulng, About n hundred members and friends of the Asheville Voung Men's Christian association enjoyed immensely the social arranged bv the ladies' committee, and given in the association rooms last evening. The time was spent playing games and in amusements of various kinds. "The Five Senses," unique and interesting, furnished probably more fun than anything else. A number of college songs were sung, and all present partook of co nee and crullers belore departing The entertainment was one of the pleasantcst ever held in the association rooms. Norfolk and Western. I'iiiladeli'iiia, Pa., March S. At a meeting here yesterday of tbe directors of the Norfolk and 'Western Railroad company, William C. Bullitt, assistant to the president, was unanimously elected vice-president in charge of traffic to succeed Charles G. b,ddy, resigned to become second vice president of tbe Reading. The Naronle Mot Heard From. New York, March 8. The Runic wbicb sailed from Liverpool February 24-, arrived today. She saw nothing of the Naronic. She had been directed to look out for tbe Naronic and hence took a more southerly course than usual. Gibbons tbe 0eiter Man. New Orleans, March 8. In the fight last night between Austin Gibbons of Pater son and Mike Daly of Bangor, .Maine, UiDPons won. MINERAL WATER ! Why suffer with Indigestion and all kinds Of LlVEK. KlDKBV AND BLOOD TROUBLES when nature ha provided at Yock Dook a Sues Remedy Harmless, Wholusoub and Inkxi-ensivk. The MINERAL WATER, fresh from Mr. D. 11. Suttle's Remarkable miNG, now beinK daily delivered at any residence in Asheville, is working wonderful cures, as con e testiBed bv inanities of ludee B. Reed, JadRe J. II. Merrimon, Rev. J. V. White, J. R. Patterson, Doctors G. W. Pare fy. Nelson. I T. Millard. Mr. Barnes of Ohio, now on Spring street, Asheville, and hundreds of others. Price, only 10 cents a fcallon, delivered daily any where in the city. Orders through mail, or left at Blsnton, WriKht & Oo.'s ahoe store, 39 I'attoa ave nue, will receive prompt attention. Analy sis given on application. D. D. SUTTLE, 95 College Street. febaidtf T. W. BOOKIIART. 9 DENTIST, 37 Patton Avenue, Up stairs, m3dtf ASHEVILLE. N. C. -XltY TII3 MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY CHUECH STREET. WOl TBunsrarn

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