THE ASHJEVTTjTjE DAILY CITIZEN Wednesday Evening, March 8, 1893. HE IS NOT A CANDIDATE AROUND TOWN. JVDGB CARTER DOES MOT WANT A SECOND TERM. Washington, March S.Foiecast till S p. m. Thursday Local rams, loiiowea or clearing weatner; southerly wina-. warmer 1 bursuar murtuog. J. S. NcElroy and TboH. A. Jotic-H Aspirants Cor ttie Oflice-Wbo the Candidates For the Other offices Are. It was three months from Monday, as months run, until the time for the elec tion of officers of the Criminal court of Buncombe county. It may be a little early for candidates, but tbey are in the field, nevertheless, and the race is to be to the strongest (in the estimation of the magistrates of the county.) One thinx may be set down as be:nj; settled, however, and that is that Judge II. B. Carter, who will have held the office two years in June, will not be a candidate for re-election. This may be relied upon, because The Citizen had it from the lips of Judge Carter himself yesterday afternoon. The Judge was very emphatic in sa inK that he would not be a candidate. "When I say 1 will not be a candidate for the judgeship," he said, "1 mean for the declaration to be taken in its fullest sense. 1 will nut run again, nor woulJ I accept the honor if it were given me." This retiracy on the part of the Jiultie leaves the field between Col. J. S. McBl roy and Tbos. A. lones, esu : that is, these gentlemen are the only candidates known up to date. Col. McKlrov is well known iii Buncombe and Asheville legal circles. Mr. Jones is a prominent young member of the Asheville bar, and has lor several years been the Asheville Street Kailway company's attorney. For the Solicitorship there are so far three candidates Hug. I). Carter, Henry B. Stevens and J. H. Tucker. Mr, Carter is the present incumbent has and held the office for four years, or since the establish ment of the court. Mr. Stevens is one of Asheville's youngest lawyers, but is moving toward the front ranks in the profession. Mr. Tucker is a member of the law firm of Tucker ct Murphv, and removed from the eastern part of the State a couple of years ago. He already prominent in his profession here. So far as is now known, J. K. Patter son is the only candidate for the clerk ship. Mr. Patterson has held the position since the court was established, and has discharged the duties faithfully and efficiently. SWAMXANOA HI NT, AT TUB GRAND. The Inaugural Meet Yesterday Afternoon. About filty carriages, drags, and buck boards assembled yesterday afternoon on a knoll back of Tahkecostee farm, to witness the start in the inaugural run of the Swannanoa !hunt. Scattered here and there in the field were some seventy five horsemen and borsewomeu waiting for the hounds to be thrown off. At about 3:30 the hounds were given the scent and quickly went away at a pace which made following them something like a steeplechase. But across the fields to a wood they went, through this to a ravine and across, going in the direction of Sulphur Springs. The field swept on in pursuit, and there were one or two falls, but no one was but t. In the fields overlooking the race-track a check oc curred.but the scent wa soon picked up Presently they turned towards the starting point, and after a spirited run of some thirtv minutes, caught in full view of the spectators in carriages. There was some rather reckless, not to say careless, riding, and one hound vras overridden and seriously hurt. But in time it is hoped that the zealous sports men will have a care about this, lor no hounds can run if in constant dread of being overridden. If the weather permits, another meet will occur this week, and at least twice a week during the remainder of the season XNSPKCTOR BREVARD. He Asks That liotta Sides be Look ed At. Sanitary Inspector Brevard, speaking of the discussion caused by his monthly bill presented to the Board of Aldermen Friday, told The Citizen today that in justice to himself both sides of the question should have been considered. lie says the receipts for the department for last month were about $120, a great deal more than was ever collected in the same length if time before he went into the office. Regarding the hiring of his own teams, Mr. Brevard says they are paid for at the same rate as other teams, and in using his own teams he is always sure of being able to send them out whenever necessary. It frequently oc curs that teams cannot be procured at times when he needs them most, and in cases of this kind his teams can be put into service on short notice. II. B. Carlisle of Boston is at the Swannanoa. Br. Jos. J. lvddy at the Grand opera house this evening. S. II. Keed returned last evening from a trip to Washington. Chas. A. Moore, esq., went down to Marion this afternoon. Chatficld Valentine of Heudcrsonvil'.e is at the Grand Central. V. IV. tones, esu., returned this afternoon from Marshall. Col. I. D. Cameron was able to come down town yesterday afternoon. 'V. S. Kay of Asheville is in the city," says the Greenville, S. C, News. Mrs. J. J. Tredway is seriouslv ill at her home 22 Cumberland avenue. Geo. W. Vauderbilt is expected to arrive at Iiiltniore tomorrow or Friday. The Hatterv Park hotel is ncarlv filled with visitors now. and every room is en gaged. Three cases in Recorder Miller's court this morning brought in fines amounting to $.to. Solicitor Kug. I). Carter, of the Crimi nal court, is in Marion this week, attend ing court. Mayor Blanton is in Washington City. He is there seeking a position m the Land office. The Asheville Gtuitte this morning printed between thirteen and fourteen lines ot local matter. Walter E. Moore, representative Ironi Tackson county in the Legislature, came up from Raleigh last evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. Iv. Tucker of Canton, Mass., and Dr. I-. K. Metzgar ot Pitts burg, Pa., are at the Bon Air. Buncombe's representatives in the Leg islature, John W. Starnes and Kobt. B. Vance, have returned trom Kaieign. Key. T. ll.Lamberth of Roxboro.N. C, is in the city and will preach at the Hirst Baptist church this evening at i:M o'clock. State Senator Ben 1'osev, accompanied by Mrs. Posey, returned from Raleigh vestcrdav and have gone to tluir home at Murphy. Among the visitors to t he city today are R. T. Priddv and I L. Allen ot Richmond, Va. They are staving at the Swannanoa. The latest news received by Capt. M. 12. Carter concerning the condition oi his mother is that she is not so well as she was a few days ago. Herbert l. Child, whose leg was broken in a coasting accident on Flint street some time ago, is now able to sit up, and is getting along very well. The historic Egyptian marble staircase mentioned some time ago inTneCrnzKN has been received at Biltmon? and has been stored away until needed in Mr. Vanderbilt's palace. Manager Clarence Sawyer, of the Grand opera house, now has an office at 4-7 South Main street. The box sheet of the Grand will remain at 34. Patton ave nue, in charge of II. A. Lindsey. It would seem, judging trom the huge piles of brick being heaped along North Main street, that once the pavers get a start on the street there will lie no dan ger of their having to stop on account of a lack ol brick. Members of the Sunday school of Bethel M. E. rhurch, South, enjoyed an entertainment in thechurch last evening. The program consisted of songs, recita tions, etc., the whole concluding with refreshments. There was a large attendance. John Duncan of Knoxvillc is iu the city for a few days visiting friends. Mr. Duncan lias not been in Asheville dining the past 23 years and is scarcely able to recocuizc any of the buildings he was familiar with or friends he knew a quar ter of a century ago. The uttractioa at the Grand ou Friday evening will be AO0, the wagice (Jucen, a revival of the immensely popu lar spectacular play. The Buffalo Cour ier thus criticises the production : "'Zozo,' the Magic (Juecn.drewa large audience last evening. The play is a sailor's 'yarn,' with the usual humorous improbabilities and exaggeration, and is presented in three acts. The scenery is the best ever seen in Buffalo, and, by the aid ol strong calcium lights, is made to present a gorgeous spectacle. The loved and loving sovereign of the fairy realm, 'Zozo,' whose enchanted wand rules the flowery land and its pretty occupants, and her favorite and bearer of the talis man, are two charming ideal characters. The demon captain of the ()ueen's Guards looks as though he might really be a demon, and acts his part well. The military parade of the Queen's Guards was one of the most pleasing features of the play. The tableaux presented elicited the admiration of all, and the musical part of the performance was above the average." Tickets go on sale tomorrow at 34 Pattou avenue. THE MARKETS. REPAIRING AND MAKING FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING , MATTRESS MAKING, Hair, Cotton, Husk or Moss, Laying Carpets, Packing and Unpacking Furniture, Hanging Shades, Etc. We Can Do Any Kind of Work in Our Line and in a Satisfac tory Maimer, dive us a call ! W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC. Ntw York Market. New Yokk. 'March, s Cotton t'ututcs, Miinh, soo ; April, u.iu.; May, '.i 14; June, 9 U3; July, 9.31; .August, 9 3- Mtock unotaliodg, Nhw York, March S Krie 21"; Lake Shore lT'; Chicago uad Northwestern lllr,s: Norluik and Western, 3-1 ; Richmond and West foint Terminal Uv. Western Union !"''. WANTIil) A con laly teacher luUez to Me-w Advertisements, mpctent anil experience! lesircs a position in a school or lamil y Music ttiuuht in addition to other branches Testimonials nWen Ad dress, Box 3 t, Warrenton, msdiitwit N C ELBERMAR. 1S1 crmar is situated near Victoria, on onklartl avenue, ion yaras iront nth Mam street. Caa nceoinniodule wt-utv cuests comfortably, ror ratts ol boiiril call upon or write to mSdlw' GKKliNWOOD K. OLIVER. or VAl.UAULli PROI'HKTY ON SOUTH MAIN, V1.L1!V, SYCVMOKH Bv virtue of a deed of trust executed to me liv I O. Martin and wife, dated the It Hi day ol" November. lbOl, I shall offer lor sale st public auction at the court house door in he of Asheville. Kuncombe county, in on Wednesday the 5th day of April, 181)3. 11 o ciocic a in tnc louowine aescrioeo lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and beini: in the said cit v of Asneville, to wn, the lots numoercu. respectively, .i. 8.9.12. 13. 14-. 16, 17, 18, 21,21', 23, 2, 25, 2ti. 27. 2H. 1!'J. 3D. 31, 32, 33, 3. 35, 3. 17 and 3M on a survey or map made Dy v. UinK. and registered in the ottice or Kecis- ter of Deeds in Buncombe county, in book '.i of deeds. pai?cs GOO and 5ol; being the name lots conveyed to J O Martin Dy lal- bot Penniman anil others by deed dated C' tober 15, llt and registered in snid ottice il deed book 7f. pajiesoOS et 8eq. The prop rt y will be sold in lots. Terms One-third cash and the balance in wo equal instalments payable, respective! v. six and twelve months afier the day of sale with interest trom that day at the rate of h percent per annum; the deterred installments to be secured by deed of trust on the prop- rtv to be xxiuile ana registered at cost ol purchaser; ox the purchaser may, if he de sire, pay tnc -wnoie purchase money in casuA W U MA K 1 I .N. lllN-lS-Bl'-SO-tils Ttustee SPIRITS ON THE STAGE. A. FIRK. The Oil Stove Once More ;et In Its 'Work. The Mission board of the First linptist church wished to hold a meeting in the pastor's study last evening aud ahout G o'clock the janitor fired up an oil stove to beat the room. In a few minutes the janitor heard an explosion and rushing to the study saw bits of the stove flying through the air, while the carpet was on fire. He carried water with which to fight the fire while someone who was near ran to box 462. in front of Powell & Snider's. and turned in an alarm. The department turned out, but did nothing. as tnc nre naa oeen cxtinguisneu in n short time. A few yards ot carpet were ruined and the stove was wrecked. Harris Lltliia Water. The attention of the public is called to the testimonials of Dr. A. N. Tally of Columbia, S. C. and Judge J. B. Ker shaw and Tudee I- S. Cothram as to the virtues of the Harris Lithia Water. Dr, A. N. Tallv is one of the most noted physicians of South Carolina, and the testimonial of such a famous physician speaks lolumcs for this noted water. The analvsis made bv Prof. R. Oeden Doremus, M. D. LL. 1). of the College of the City of New ork shows this water to be nnoeriorto any other water known Noted physicians from all parts of the country are testifying to the superiority of the Harris Lithia water to any other water. This water is largely handled by the Velham Pharmacy ot Asheville. Xr. Kellljr Trills ETCnlog. Dr. Jos. J. Eddy, the "peer of spirit me diums." will eive bis illustrated lecture on Spiritualism in the Grand opera bouse this evening-, charging a small ad- mission lee. Dr. Kddv proposes to pro duce "new and stsrtlint? manifestation to convert the skeptical and strengthen the believer." An eremng of entertain ment, beginning at 8 o'clock, is prom ised. For fine turnouts and first class sad die horses call on Chambers St Weaver, 16 and 17 Willow street. Dr. Fddy tool ve Manifestations In Full tiasllictat Tsiilichl, March 8 Dr. J. HJdy, the famous medium, who lias been exciting a great deal ot com mcnt and drawing large audiences tbrouiru the South, will make bis ap pearance in the Orand opera house to night. Dr. lvddy proposes to demonstrate spirit power in lull gaslight, lie comes with endorsements trom many sources, and he promises an evening of delightful entertainment, lie proposes to tully de monstrate the methodsemployed by such spirit mediums as Maud Lord, Mrs. Hotlman, 1'rotessor laylor, L Mark's Cook, Richard Bishop, Dr. Arnold and others, in plain open light, and every possible means will be used to enlighten the audience, Dr. hddy is a mysterious being who has mystified the world by his superhuman power. He apparently denes all laws, natural and spiritual and produces such unbounded evidence as to convince either the believer or the unbeliever. The manifestations which take place in his presence, have been submitted to the cool, bright steel of sci cntilic minds, who experience nothing but lact. Not a member among them but who snys that in presence of Dr. Eddv there is a wonderful intelligence outside of the physical body w hich can annihilate space. But what that power is there is a diversity of opinion. Some scientific men have believed there was a grain of truth in the claims of spiritualism. It was believed more on account of the want of power to deny it than anything else. The idea that under some strained and undefined possibilities the spirit of mortal man may communicate with the spirit of the departed man is something that many are prone to believe.anything that is written or said on the subject is of interest to them. A small admission fee will be charged. Beat it if you can The fine flour without bran, It is in the lead and ahead This Spartanburg steam baked bread None yet found will take its stead And by it the people are fed. At my utall in market place Always kept nice in show case. Just within tbe dnor Bonanza stall, Come and see tbe prices tall. Noland's stand is always first. Try his goods, and never hunger thirst. HAVE VOV G1VBN Ot'R 1'IXItt CIGAR A TKl VI- ? If Not, Wliy Not? FIVE I' A UBS CENT C1GAK THE LEAD. I r LONG HAVANA FILLER NEW STAD- Hcstou's - j6 S. 91. Heston'H. GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT. FRIDAY, march 10 The Acme of Dramatic Splendor, THE NEW 16 Patton Avenue. Asheville, N. C. WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. 46 South IVLain Street. Dealers in Ready Made Clothing - - - - Hats and Gents' Furnishing Goods The Beat Stock in Western Carolina Clothing Made to Order. Spring samples ready for selection. Our arrangements are complete lor fitting the most particular dressers. Rcing practical cutlers and tailors with thirty years experience enables us to turmsb more satislactory clothing tuau any com petitor in the business. YVe take all risks and ask none to take goods that tlo not fit perfectly. Our justly fatuous dress suits aud latest style business suits for this season will s pass all previous stocks. Our stock of neckwear, underwear and hosiery will comprise the productions of the best makers in the country. Moderate prices will enable all comers to buy according to their needs. We invite our friends and the public generally to sec our stock, feeling confident of giving better values than elsewhere. 46 South Main St. 1 ALL KINDS OF JELLICO AND ANTHRACITE In Car Lots and Less. THE ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL CO.. 9 - 30 PATTON AVENUE TELEPHONES 36 & 40. CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO, 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 7 1-2 COLLEGE STS. Keep in stock "Mount Vernon," "Canadian Club," and Old Baker Kye Whiskies. The Iwsi Wines, Brandies, Beer, Ale and Stout for family use. All Roods delivered free. Ale and Porter on draught. Bnterance No. 19 North Main and 7V4 College streets. Telephone No. 162. P. S.: On and after May th I will send statement of accounts by mail to parties in. debted to me u not settled by that time. Respectfully. PROPRIETOR CAROLINA. SALOON. WE LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW, Telephone No. 108. If You Want Furniture at Very Low Prices, Now Is Your Time to Buy I Our Stock Is Large And Well Assorted ! We expect to sell our phare aiid'will make Prices Right! B1L.-A.IR 2o MoDOWBLI ZOO THE PERFECTION CF DRAMATIC ART. The Most tiorircous and Elaborate Sprctacular Production of Modern Times ! PERFECT REVELATION OF DELIGHTS A Veritable Kaleidoscope vt Pans iniz Nuvelties, produced Origi nally at a cost of $30,0. Cofuludinj: with the Kreat transformation. a paradox of meehanieal wonders, consist ing 01 i)u pieces. imfoN8itiie to describe: ie wildcrine and unaccountable changes; a masterpiece olmudcra mechanism, 10:3o p 111. Carloads of Special Scenery ! An Army of Toadies and l.entlemen! 4 Twenty-Seven Shaking Characters ! Scats on sale Thursday morning at 34 I'aton avenue. Prices $1, 75, 25; boxes Siti and .'?4- 60. FURNITURE DEALERS AND INDERTAKf RS DAYEGALL NO. 75 TELEPHONE NIGHT CALL NO. 65. No. 45 Patton Avenue. and Upon tbe closing of tbe public schools Miss Minnie Halyburton will teacb at the Orange street school building begin ning Match 27. Terms $2.25 per month. Pupils thoroughly prepared for next term's work. Believing no teacher ran do full justice to pupils from more than three different grades, and intending to do thorough work. Miss Halyburton will not take pupils abore tbe 5cb grade or lower than tbe 3rd. E rery body going on tbe Sulphur Springs line notice that car will leave Sulphur Springs last trip at 5:30 p. m.. instead of 4:30 ti formerly. COLD DRY WINDS And the month of March are close companions. Tender hands and faces suffer more now than at any other time of the year. If YOUIt hands chap eas ily and YOUIl face roughens, remember ROYAL CAMPIIORLINE Used in time will cure where everything: else fails. Its tremendous local sale p peaks loudly of its merits Its soothing effects when ap plied after shaving, give it a new field of usefulness. It is silently winning its way to hundreds of homes. Name trade marked in Patent of fice; 25 cents per bottle. uuaranteed as recom mended or money refunded FOR SALE BY DRU6GI8TS. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY RAYSOR & SMITH, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS, SI Fsttoa ATcnne, - - . Askerillc, M. C. Moody ri j x X7TT7"sO sO Tk all kinds cut and split any sizb rbady for -av JL JL tJL2J WW AND GRATES. MAKES NO ISUOKB; OTV STJlPXJLTi' YOXJ WITH ALt, KINDS CUT AND ! OSB AND DELIVERED. Kindlings and Charcoal Vl Tr"EI FOR RAN6BS. FURMACBS AN f yf M t Mid CHBAPBK THAN BARD COAL. Lime, Portland and Louisville Cement and Plaster, Ar tificial Stone Hie and Concrete Works. Fancy Brick and Mortar Color. Agent for Kings Windsor Asbestos Cement, Pry Mor tar and Knoxville Sewer Pipe Works. HAY- AND - FEED t, I Yairsl and Warehouse near Depot Telephone 0. Telephone 73. Office No. SO Patton Aveaoe, Dissolution Notice The firm heretofore doing business) nJerthe firm same and style of Greer tic Johsaoa is this At; dissolved by ssataal cosiest Z. A Greer will continue the hasiaeaa at the stand, and will pay all bills of the old firm. All acvoants dsc the old firm arc sUo payable to him. H. C. Johnson will opera trasiness cn baa own account at 28 North Msia street. H. C. JOHNSON, li. A. GKBBK. March 1, 183. (LOU BROWN HAS A NICE LINE OF - - CLOTHING, HATS and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. CALL AROUND AND INSPECT HIS STOCK ! LOU BROWN, 35 South Main Street, Uilliard Block, ASHEVILLE, N. C. W. A. BOYCE. A. M. BURTON. BOYCE & BURTON, -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN -o House Furnishing Goods, Cooking Stoves and Fixtures, Heaters and Ranges, PLUMBERS' , GAS AND STEAM FITTERS' SUPPLIES TIN AND SLATE R00FIN6, GALVANIZED CORNICE, ETC. Office; and Store, 3Vo. Kortli Court Place. TELEPHONE NO, X50. -Batlsnntes on Plumbing and Steam and Gas Fitting promptly bItcsC on appUca tlon.