THE ASH E VIIjIjE DAILY C1TIZEJN Tuesdav Evening, March 14. 1893. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN TBI Daii-t Citizbm, Democratic, la published every tftrmoti (except Sundai) at the fol lowing rates mtrictLr emmh; oki yui $a.oo Bi Months r X Thiii Months Om Month SO Ouwiu is THE CLEVELAND OF TODAY. Flvs RBASONS Why You Should Takb Tut ClTIZUN 1. It Prints the News. 2. It Writes Its Own Kdi toriiils. 3. It is the Best Loral Paper Ever Printed in W. N. C . It Prints the Latest TclfRraphic News From All the World. S. It Believes in Asheville Always. To sun op IT IS A NEWSPAPEK. HAVI VOU THOVOIIT l!K IT ? Six Hollars Will Get It For a Year, and If You Live In Asbeville It W ill Be Oelivereti at Your Door livery KvcninK. TUESDAY. MARCH 14. 1893. "Recommendations by primary elec tions will not prevail," Bays the admin istration of President Cleveland. In other words, the power that is responsi ble for the appointee will make the appointment. Bi ncomhk Coi'NTV now baa a uos; law if the farmers the ones who are chiefly to be benefitted will only take the mat ter in hand and circulate petitionsalling lor an election to determine the question The Citizen expects to see the County Alliance take up the muter and carry it to a successful conclusion. It will be to its everlasting credit if, after the passage of the law, five sheep grow where only one dog grew before. The speech of Senator John M. Camp bell, of Buncombe, favoring the passage of the Watson anti-trust bill, delivered before the State Senate on March 41 h will be found on the third page of The Citizen today. Senator Campbell makes some strong points in his argument, and although the measure failed to be acted upon by the legislature, it is claimed bv its iriends that it will be brought to the front in the next General Assembly. It would be as sensible to say that no lawyer should enter the office-holdinj kingdom as to say no newspaper man should. The President says he has no idea of barring out the members of the third estate. It is unl:.kely, however, that be will as conspicously deprive the metropolitan Democratic newspapers of their heads as did President Harrison of the Republican organs by sending abroad nearly all the editors of his faith who had the ability to criticise the administration. Washington, March 12. Clcvcvel.uul h.-ib had his measure taken, physically, mentally and psychologically, and the decision is that he has greatly improved since l;e was last at the head of the na tion. He dots not appear and as heavv Hubby as he used to be. While he has aged a little a;ul has lost considerable of his hair, he seems more active and closer knit and capable of endurance. His phy sical condition is shown to be strong by his recklessness to fatigue and expos ure and freedom from any evil results from it. Mentally he is keener, more acute, tiuickcr of urccept:on and broader ot vis ion; and underneath all t bis he is more in touch with niaukind, more genial, less apt to he fretful and more apt to g.'t in sympathy with and understand all man ner and conditions of men. He is more a man of the world. Having more eon ridence in himself he lias more in other people, and where l.e has a lack of confi dence it is nunc- clearly marked as to the individual, instead of lieiiiil general. The general comment is that he is a pleasanter man to meet and more dilli culi to influence. He has a wider ac quaintance with men, a broader range of vision and more clearly defined purposes. He is not inclined to devote us many hours to work as he used to, but he can dispose of more in time. He may notalway appear in the most amiable mood, but it lie shows anger it is for the hent tit of the other fellow, and he does not agitate himself. He will lauh it off with some one else immed iately. In everything he says, iaallhis actions and in every attitude, he shows himself to he in a perfectly independent frame of mind, and to a degree defiant. There are certain things he is very earn est about, and when he speaks of these, as he docs whenever there is promise ot anything being accomplished lv it. he shows considerable to -ling. Hue thing that everv one is satisfied about is that lie is not going to allow anvthing to run mi biii; that annosor disturbs mm in anv wav if he can help it. WHIKLIXi: WHEELS. Strata In a Pullman Car.' ' "Oiio of the prettiest and heart moving incidents occurred," said Alvan Hard ing, "as I cam through from Denver to 1 St. Louis. I was compelled to ride : through tho Christmas eve and the best ' part of Christina: day, along with a crowd of other ill fated citizens, much j ! to my disgust and regret. In the through Pullman were a number of ladies and ! 1 gentlemen; but, best of an, a widow and j u pretty little daughter. 1 halt wondered what the pretty little girl was to have j for Christmas, seeing that no chimney ( led down from the roof, but my specula- i tions were rather vague, kml I forgot tho little girl to think of my own dear j relatives. Christinas eve, when the berths ' were let down and tho passengers leg in to retire, I came in to look after my own. "As I strolled down the aisle I saw a i tiny little stocking hanging outside the berth where tho little girl lay with her ; mother. Old Santa Clans must have j lieon en route to St. Louis that night, i for tho way he stuffed and jammed that , btoekmg lull e.t fruit, vainly, money, trinkets and the like, mid then filled handkerchiefs until they were great ! round balls and tied them on, was sim- ! ply wonderful. It did seem as though , Saiitiv Clans had no one else m the world to tako care of. Next morning I on- ! joyed watching tho widow and tho little ; one. They were the especial pets of tho occasion, and everybody came round ml said something kind to the child." 1 St. Louis Cilobe-l'emocrat. ATTRACTIVE . Sterling silver and solid gold goods, useful and serviceable for adornment ond table use. The finest of leather card cases and pocket books. DO NOT MISS -TUB THE SCHOOL. Times are said to be "hard" in Ashe ville. A good way to make the-n harder to'give the City a set-back from which it may not recover for years is to close the public schools. Two residents of our own City and one a former resident of Pittsburg. have started the movement to make up by popular subscription the amount needed to keep the schools open till the usual ending of the regular school term It cannot bedoubted that there are forty seven other citizens of Asbeville who feel just as deeply the need of having the schools continue as do the three who have pledged $100 each, and who are equally well able to express that feeling in contributions of the same size. Will they come forward at once for the time is short and show the same spirit that was thonn last winter when Asheville subscribed to liberally for the needy of the Citv ? There was starvation of the body threatening then: it is starvation of the mind that is threatened now. Moriranton Herald: The prcl'iuinary work of building a G.OOO spindle cotton mill began Wednesday. It will be lo cated on Hunting creek, near town. The extensive fibre-works at Kiverdalc on .seuse riv r, a tew miles oelow .New hern, are again to be put in operation with much new machinery. The plans tor a large cotton null at Mooresville. Iredell count v. ate com pleted. The building will be IGOxNi) l'i-ci and two stories high. The $100 000 capital for the mill at Statesvillc has been subset ibeu. Shelby 'Review : The cotton mills of Messrs. Morgan & Gaffnev arc .low run ning with 2,100 spindles. The mills are located ,'it Double ononis, a magnificent water power on the First Broad river, S miles north of Shclbv. In addition to this plant, Messrs. Morgan iV Gaftney are running a corn and flour mill and cotton gin and doing a general merchan disc busmt ss. ISO lllii 11.1" MS. Oreer Johnson. A. I. Cl'VlIHT, K. II. XolamI Son, Win. Kroffrr, A . 1'orter. t;. 1- Bell. S. K. Kcp'cr Kay c HHircl. OLD TIJIK SOCIETY IN ASHI-: VIL1.K. A Dr. Hamilton, writing in the 1'orum for March is unfortunate enough to speak of Asheville as having been "twenty years ago a squalid railroad village." The Chattanooga Times re marks concerning the Asheville of about that time: "In May. 1865, the writer saw, in Asheville, the summer residences of a halt hundred of the rich planters of South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia and several owned bv very rich people in New York. The town was then one of the best built in the South; contained not less than 2,500 permanent popula tion: was the chief town of the State west of Raleigh; and carried on consid erable trade in general merchaedise, to bacco, peltries, etc. The streets were ex- ceptionally good; there were long and well kept drives; there were one large and two small hotels, thrown idle by the exigencies ot war. l he population was the most cultured, elegant, and wealthv to be found in a town f such size, for many years before the war." This and more is true. Whatever Asbeville of those days lacked in the way of the conveniences that follow rail roads it did not lack for society of the kind the Times describes. The city was then smaller than now. but everybody knew pretty nearly everybody else, and all were more social than at present. TAR HEEL. TRACKS. Nome coifulHlil. Srci t liiry Mill lis, liihpectorslilps, KIC Washington, March 11!. It is noi ex pected that North Carolina will secure manv 1 rge plums; but the distribution of the smaller ones will probably be on a more liberal scale than eight years ago. The best judgment seems to be that the State will have o be content with one or two large consulships under $JO,00O value, perhaps a secretary of legation of the second or th rd class, one or two small consulates, cue or two deputy eommissionerships or t he like, and two or three chietships ot division, besides two or three positions such as Indian agent, inspector ot revenue or receiver of public moneys. I'ossiU v oesures these there will be apportioned some tumor places with good pay attached. ( ne two things are known to nave been promised as yet both to editors a foreign appointment to Mr. Hale antl an Interior Department division to Mr. Daniels. Charlotte ibscrvcr. Il-r MKlit III a. Vault With the Head. Mrs. Maw Slach of Cleveland at tended a neighbor's funeral Tuesday, and dur ing the final ceremony, which to ik place in a vault in Woodland cemetery. idu dropped asleep. She was sitting on a campchiiir in an obscure corner of tho vault, and when at o clock the mourners departed she did not awake. The door clanged, and the lock slipped into place, hut still she slept. At 3 o'clock the next morning she awoke, shivering. Her cries aroused the guard, who instead of opening the vault door at once telephoned to Raus , M.'c Nolan! Hros., undertakers, begging them to come quick because their last "subject" had come to life and wanted to get out of her coffin. Two coffins had leen de tiositod in the vault the day before, so tho guard telex ilioned another tinder taker. Two policemen were also sum moned in hot haste. During all this delay Mrs. Slach had been rending tho air with her cries for assistance, but the guard waited for the undertakers. Finally undertakers, p liceinen and guard cautiously unlocked the door, and the woman tumbled out, nearly exhausted from flight and exer tion. The woman was sent home in an undertaker's wagon and is now quite ill. Cor. Pittsburg Dispatch. j :: :r i When tho war closed there wero about 000 negroes owned by the Creek Indians. When they were free tho Indians at te inxited to drive them out of the terri tory. The government wouldn't permit it, but made? them citizens of the Creek nation and clothed them with all the rights and privileges of a full blood. The Indians wero compelled to accept this stato of affairs. For awhile they badly treated their black skinned broth ers, heaping all sorts of indignities upon them, which wero borne with patient fortitude. When tho lands wero divided the government gave them a pro rata share. They havo increased in popula tion, now numbering about 2,000, raised respectable families and are doing well. New York Advertiser. Opportunity of buying some rf the Rogers, genuine firstqunlily table spoons at over one half less thnn the regular price. NATIVE GE3IS. Complicated watch work. Jew elry made to order. Souvenirs. ARTHUR M. FIELD, Lvadlnir Jeweler. JUDGMENTS. The Ret nil Grocers Association offer the following judgments for sale: J K. RRYNOLDP O 3l ti. 11. WKI.l.S 136.00 I K.4 RKOVI.KSS 16 75 MISS O. HUN KB. 70V4 S. Main St 4- 76 VIKIUNIA KOBIB. Charlotte St 25. O A. B. WAKB 2 2 w S iitsTICK 3.77 MRI.VIN XICMOLS 6.0 IHKKIN WILLIS 100 Tho nbovc ladirtuents can be lawfully ter- clrreci in navment of all debts to the persons SKa-nst whom they are lssu d Persons wiahinK to purchase may call on any of the mt-mtKrj : P. L. COWAN 5c BRO. MAK U A SPEC I 1.TY OF FINE WATCH REPAIRING. Nn'' c 8to- c Mountirg Made trt Or fit r. ALU WORK GUARANTEED I No. 9 West Court Place, ASHBVILLR. N C. Sill A Nice Quiet Game is never Complete without a liberal supply of Biackweirs Bull Durham Smoking: Tobacco, composed only of "pure leaf," grown in the famous Golden Belt, its uniform quality, and rich fragrant aroma recommend it to all who desire a really good smoke. No other smoking tobacco has ever been made which has secured and held the popular favor as has Blackwell's Bull Durham. It is now, as it has been at all times dur- ' inT the last 25 years, the best in the world. Made only by BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM. N. C. LEWIS MADDUX, rres II. T. COLLINS. Vice-Pres L. K. M'LOUD, Cashier. Surplus, $40,000. , T. I. Nevell. ' O. L. Mcl'onald, P.M. Foster, 1. S. FuUuin. W. C. Stradley t Bro 1 J. M. c J. u. sciRier, 1 Olenn Bros.. : W. M. Hill Co. ! V. A. Lattlmore. SC. PROFESSIONAL, CARDS. H. EEVES, D. D. 8., orricK Connally Bntiaing, over Kadwood"s Store, Pattoti A -venue. Residence. 35 Spruce street. E. II. BRITT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE. Grading of ail kinds done. All sizes of j crashed stone furnished. Send all orders to postoffice Box 18, Asbeville, N. C. ansrlSdtf 34-Year' Expcricncc-34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Office and shop, Wolfe Building. JORNER COURT PLACB AND MARKET STREET. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, Ireueral i Insurance Acrent. Rear No. SO South Main street. Tlio Origin of an Expression. Mr. McKlroy tells this: A few years aso some 0110 cletineil a Muirwump to be "a pci-soii who is educated beyond his intellect." The remark was credited to several leiuliiiy New Yorkers. But one day, in reading Matthew Arnold's essay (in Translatinsj Homer" I camo across this sentence: "Tho lato Duko of Well ington said of a certain peer that 'it was a crreat ritv his education had been so far too much for his abilities.' " New York World. Established 186R. anS (1H Asbeville. N. C. IT'S a st:ci:ET that many women owe their !fautv to Dr. l'ierce"s Fa vorite Prescription. Tho reason beau ty of form anil face, as well as pracw, radiate from the common center health. The best bodily condition re sults trim Rood food, fresh air, and exercise, coupled with the judicious use of the " Prescription." In maid enhood, womanhood, and motherhood, it's a supporting tonic that's peculiarly adapted to her needs, n-LCulatinK, strencthenitik;. and curinir. the dcrniiirenients of the sex. If there lie headache, pain in the back, lienrinir-down sensations, or treneral debility. or if there lo nervous disturbances, nervous tirostration. ami sleenlcssness. the ' rrescrm- tion" reaches the origin of the trouble and corrects it. It dispels aches and pains, cor rects displacements and cures catarrhal in flammation of the lining membranes. It's (lunrn)ttff(l to lienetit or euro, or the money IMUU lor it is retuudea. JJbsofutely Pure Powder A cream iff tartar itukini; powder. High est of all in leavening strength. Latest I'nitcd States Government I-'ood Report. ROYAL HAKING ruWUER CO., 10G Wall St., New York. J. B. BOSTIC, REAL ESTATE, No. ii Patton Avrnnc. Ru-vs. sells and exchanges rral estate on mm mlDRinn Alo buvs and sells notes shocks, bonds and negotiates loans on real estate. ov25d6m J. A. TENN IWr, ARCHITECT : AND : CONTRACTOR plans, specifications and estimates fn--niahed. All work in tnv line contracted for. and no charsres for drawing on contracts awarded me. References when desired. Office, Southeast Court Square. Asheville N. C. fcbiudly FRANK CARTER, FIRE INSURANCE, First National Bank Building. ASHIiVlLLB, N. C. NOTARY' PVBLir. janOdtf THE MAITLAND SGHOOL. NO. 40 FRENCH BROAD AVENUE. ENGLISH AND FRENCH HOME Ar DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. S1KS. BVRGWYti MA ITL.A .Vf, Principal. Assisted by Via. Wallace of Vassnr Colletre. and Mile. Bothe of Paris Special advantages for the sturly of vocal and instrumental ncusic. Afternoon French classes for ladies BREWTON & M'CONNELL. Furniture Dealers & Undertakers EMBALMING A SPECIALTY All calls in th s lute Attended to day or niffht Also all kinds oi job work done to order. Upholstering, carpet laving, pack ing, setting up furnttu'e. refiniabinf;. e'c. 33 NORTH MAIN STKBBT. Telephone 1-4-2 SPRINGFIELD : REPUBLICAN DAILY, $8; SUNDAY, $2; WEEKLY, $1. The " o ding: Newspaper oi New Eniglaucl. The Springfield Repulican was established in If 21- ly Sunucl Bow'cs. It baa con stantly and consistently served tbe people as an independent and progressive newspa per. It undertakes first of nil to publish tbe legitimate new-s in the broadest interpreta tion, with promptness, care, intelligent and convenient arrangement and Just propor tion. It seeks at the same time to promote good government, aocisl order and indus trial prosperity, while it also provides a vast amount of interesting, profitable and entertaining reading matter. The Weekly Republican gives tbe cream ot the seven daily Issues in its 1 broad pages. all the impoi ?ant news and tbe best of the editorial, ccr res pond en ce and Kcneral and I special features of tbe payer. It is edited and arranged witb great care, and ta pro nounced ly many good judjsres the best weekly ncwspaier and family journal in the country. FREE FOR ONB MONTH. Tbe netkly Republican, s lie-rage paper. will be sent free for one month to anx one who wihcs to try it. New subscribers to The Weekly for! rxceivc the paper free for tbe balance of this year. Address TUB REPfllLICAN, Sprinjefield. Mass. Capital, $50,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County- And City Depositor?. Orfganlxecl Maw, i88. DEPOSIT BOXES IN FIRE PROOF VAULTS RENTED AT REASONABLE RATES QENKHAL, HANK1MS HLTSINFHS TR A A TK1 Intcrcvl Paid 011 l:isiti -via arts Department. DIRKCTORM Lewis Maddux, H. T. Collins. M. J Fairir, J. E. Reed, Chas. McNnmee, J. K. Nankin, M. J. Iiearden, S. H. Iteed. BANK OPEN FROM 9 A. M. TILL 4 P. M. ON SATURDAY Til L S P. M. French Broad Lumber Go. Having accumulated a large stock Framing, Sheeting, &c, will sell of FRAOIING JLT 97.50 PUR x,ooo FEET. SHEETING 5SO " 44 44 Will also take orders for OAK FIREWOOD At $2.()0 per load delivered anywhere in city. octlTdtf THE -tr SUN. During iHy;i TUB STJN will be of Surpass ins 12xcct rnce and will print to ore nrwa and more pure literature than ever before in its is tor v. ACME WINE & LIQUOR HOUSE The Sunday Sun 1STHH OKEATEST SUNDAY NEWSPA PER IN TUB WORLD. "SXTliite Man's Bar P ice 5 cents a Copy. Hr mail 1 tally, by mall, - Dailv and Sunday, by mail. $G a year $8 a year Addrcs THE SUN, PX-w York. MONEY ON LIFE INSURANCE rTHE BEST KNOWN REMEDY. HCHEDIXF, 1 find Opium HatuU cur.l ul b'riiit' wku oui jaiu.lMKk of i"r ticularssi'iit t-'Ki.-K U M.ssssTimmisM.sstMMMit.t.tMaSBl II. M . VV ( N . -M J . If Atia.ut,t--OU.cel04JiVliiljUttUb. iuoiil 91! cod dttwly IMHISKEYi o H.O.C.' Cures Oonorhns and OlMtin ltoft Days, without Pain. Prevents Stricture. Contains no serid or poisonous substances, and is grnaranteed absolutely harmless, prescribed by physicians. West 8y rtniefn with each bottle. Price St Sold by drujtsrlRts Beware o( Snb. stltntes. Acme Chem.Co. Ltd.. N O.La Asbevil'e Aaents. Raysor He Smitb. pre; scription druggists. 31 Patton avenue. foblOdly Wtst Astievlll mid tiulphur 8(rlia:s Railway. Mrs. W. C. Whit6eld, matron of the Odd Fellows' Orphanage at Goldsboro, and wife of Dr. Whitfield, tbe superin tendent, died Saturday. Dr. Wesley W. Youop;. a well known and popular physician of Henderson, Nance county, died Saturday morning of rheumatism of tbe heart. Tbe tobacco manufacturers ol Winston-Salem have endorsed Col. Thos. H. Sutton for collector of tbe Fifth Nori h Carolina internal revenue district. Clinton Democrat : A gentleman in forms us that at Taylor's Bridge, in a neighborhood whose diameter will not exceed four miles, there are nine men living who are all over seventy years of From the Charlotte Observer. Tui AsHaviLLB Citizen calls on tbe Observer to explain where its Uncle Adlai was when Isaac Pusey Gray was named for minister to Mexico and Mai Kobbins wan fo-rjrot. We really do not know, bat be was perhaps in Washing ton attending; to business, which does net include tbe makine of appointments in the diplomatic or any other branch of cue pnoisE eiTsx oc iuuit m uk pity , God belp us ! Fresh Laadretb need at Pel ham's. L VE DErOT FOR S1L- PHCR SI'RINGS. 8am LEAVE SlLI'lUK SI'KINGS. 8.30 a m 9.30 n m 111. an a m 11 30 a m 12 3D p in 1.30 p m J 3D p m a an p m 30 p in 5 30 p m GRAIN - AND - FEED - STORE, No. 18 North. Court Square, We have recentiv fullv com iileted our fa cilities for hp mi I in k loans on Tontine and Endowment Insurance policies). We loan upon icfl-onableiermbouttfpfrcent off tnetor render value or policies iBiucd Dy tnc follow insr comiianies. vis.: Eaaitnhle. .-Km a. Mutual T tfe of New Y'rk. Connect tent Mutual of llarlfard. New York 1-ife. Northwestern Mutual. Penn Mnt- ual. rruvidrnk Li:e of Hartford Union Cen tral. Benefit of Newark. N 1 .Brook lyn I ite 1 nitctl Sl-ic Life. Washingrton Life f New York, and other Rood compa nH n. All lean made for a period or twelve month-, with privilege of renewal. No pol- v accept d that has leen ouUtandins teas thnn three years. If yon do not care to se cure a loan we will buy your policy- for cash. We also deal in investment securities, includ ing railroad stocks nnd bond. State, city. county and township bonds and warrants. Inter-State Trust and Brokerage Co., 20 Payctteville St. Cor. l'atk Ave., febliOdSm KALBIGH, N. C. 0am UO a m 11am 12 m 1 p m p m i p m p m 5pm 0pm 'Note this schei'ulc is from depot: take car at postoffice 15 minutes earlier. tkfpenr S.nnHrv wnn m r will lin Sulphur Springs at lO n m resumini; the I Oats, including a car of the best Seed Oats in town; also Grass Seed regular scbedole again by leaving depot Quality uuarantced. We sell at Wholesale and Ketail. TAKE THE CHICAGO AND ALTON RAILROAn OOIIIO West and Morttawcat. 'Claims the largest stock of first classs goods of any house in the State. Makes I a specialty of "Cooking Brandies aud Jelly Wines. -Sole agents for the Acme Old Com.s JAS. H. LOUGHRAN, Proprietor lVo. 5S South Main Street. TELEPHONE CALL TVO. 139, P. O. BOX fe88, ArSHliVILl.K. MY rOTTO 18 TO KEEP THE BEST AND CHARGE ACCORDINGLY. "BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUOR CO., Not), 4.JC and 43 S. Main .St., A.Mheville. HTBOLGSALItDKPARTMIMT, GKNTK' "VT ,1 1 PARLOR AND RBAOINO ROOM A. . CIGARS. TORACfll ANf BdTTl.B ? (. SAM- TI s A f PLB. BILl.I A kf AN1 POT I. hflOKI. Jl Vs T BEER : VAULTS : AND : B0TTUN6 : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEMENT We reapectfany soUdt a snare of roar natronsves. Ps A MA IlQXJilJClJLT. manager. Hat In Bntrr no e. Ifo 43. rel9Xlmonc Call, !. 7. Bmigrants srolns: to any of tbe Western States or Territories will save- tinse and money gotttw via. Cfaicseo sod Alton roatc. It is tbe qnickest route to Kssa City. Des Ter Pueblo, an-1 all points in Idaho, Wsah Inston. Oregoc, Utah and Oalif oraia. Fittest mad itest Equipped Road in the West at 11 a. iu. Cars between postoffice and every 15 mintites. depot Upon tbe closing of tbe public schools Miss Minnie Hal vburton will teach at I tbe Orange street school building begin ning March 27. Terms S2.2o per month. Pupils thoroughly prepared for next term's work. Believing no teacher an do full justice to pupils from more than three different grades, and intending to do thorough work. Miss Hal vburton will not take pnpils above the 5th grade or lower than tbe 3rd. To our customers and otl crs who buy feed we wish to say we are now located at above place with A. Large and Select Stock of Feed, CmW line rannina Solid Veatlbnled trains bought from first hands for cash. We carry several different grades of Hay, also I bewe.SLLtasusd Knaaa city. I free or extra cnarra. Prices and I I win meet parties at an j railroad station m thrnuirb eiek.ta and bsseass encrk. Por rail Information, mapa a ad otscniniTC pampblets of tbe West, write to or call oZ ts. a,, Traveling Passenger Ageat, 33 Patton Arenac, A,aKevilla. M. J. CHARLTON. General Paascaasr Atcat, Chlcaao, fb22 O. S. COOPER. G. M. Carter. Chester, S. C, writes: "A negro boy here had a bad case of I scrofula. The coctor said it would kill hiat. I got him to use Botanic Blood Balm. He took a dozen bottles and is oow well. He has not nsed any of it for four months and continues well." No Flaws, Cracks Hats or Clinkers. Why purchase a vastly inferior article when yon can get tbe best common and repressed brick made in the Sooth at - Reasonable Prices from the Blltmore Brick and Tile Works, . BILTMOTtE, NORTH CAROLINA ? eacn2d2w "Fire ! m Good 8cryantf But am BsBCl HBtr. Slow burning: construction la occupying tbe attention of autboritics on building- It baa been -well-established that Adamant la tbe brat fira-rcsisthtu; plaster known. In aaabrr of eases Adamant bas saved build ins. from destruction by sire. A hoos plas tered with Adamant is not subject to vexa tions and costly fallias; ot eeilinaa and break- ins of aidewalla. It costs but little m than common mortar, fat the first place, and us the Ions; run Is far cheaper. Highly Digestible and Nutritious BEST & GOES FARTHEST.) A. Trial will Show its Great Superiority in Strength, Flavor and Cheapness. 4 tt I n chemical compound, harmless in every respect, and perfectly simple in its ap plication. It is a powder which is dissolved in water, and this solution sprinkled over tbe coal. This material is for use on either bard or soft coal, na tbe boiler furnace, stove and range. Save 25 per cent, of tbe coal; also labor time nd dirt; destroys tbe deadly cost rat which often permeates the botne. producing diphtheria and all kinds of nasal and membranous diseases, thus insuring health and pure air in tbe homes, school bouse, and all place where coal is nsed. Coal treated with Kem-Kom ignites quickly, last longer, and gives out intense beat. Starts a vigorous firs in on fourth of tbe time it takes without Kra Kom. Largely lessen tbe aabes, prevent clinker and cinders, burns tbe soot and a large portion of tbe smoke, thus keeping tbe flues free from dirt. Witb Kem-Kom aa inferior coal, such a screenings, can be mixed with tbe ordi nary coal, and a still arrester economy effected. FOR SALE BY . 8. at. KBrLEK, ACEkT FOR KM MM.

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