THE ASHJBVILLlB JDAILY CITIZEN. Tuesday Evening, March 14, 1893. WATSON ANTI-TRUST BILL PEECH OP BESATOH C-AMf- BELI. FOR ITS I IKSAOK Young Wives Who are for the first time to undergo woman's severest trial we offer ' "Mothers Friend" A remedy which, If used as directed a fen weeks before confinement, robs it of its PAIN, HORROR AND RISK TO LIFE of both mother and child, as thousands who Qf this bill will not prevail. have used it testify. I rued two bottles of Mothers Fribnh with ,,lon results, and wish tvery woman OinrrtMl nff r-111 Id-wnn le. knowlftheywill use Mother Fhienu for a few weeks it will robconnnement of f at and '"frrtng. ana mjwi re ajJ ivim i' r"' . . . . Mrs. Sam Hamilton, Montgomery,nio. Bant fey expre Charm rre-aid, on lycelpt cf r.ric. 1. per liottte Sold by all druggists, boo.. To Mothers mailed free. Bkadfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Co. IV a MARK. TRADE SHY! IF YOU SUFFER WITH Delivered la (lie Heuale of Norib Carolina on Harcb 4tl. 189a a strousr Antnment Axainal tlie American Tobacco Trust. Mr. President anil Gentlemen of the Senate : I hope the motion to delay the passage Let us have a free nod open discussion. I know that I speak under disadvantages, not being accustomed to talking and not having heard the oppouents of the bill in the House. I know that the time is now t o short and that the bill will not pass. I hear it whispered in the lobbies now that I am a cigarette manufacturer, and am therefore advocating its passage from a selfish motive. I plead guilty to the atrocious crime of being a cigarette manufacturer who does not belong to the trust on cigarettes and smoking to baccos, and I am not here to paliatc or deny the charge. I want to further state DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, that I have a telegram in my pocket from CONSTIPATION, OR ANY DERANGEMENT i"F THE STOMACH, LIVER OR BOWELS, TRY CRAB ORCHARD WATER. 7 HAS CURED THOUSANDS. IT WILL BENEFIT YOd IT IS WORTH A TRIAL. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. i'ce that the label has the " Crab Apple " on it. CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO., I'.imphlet free by mail, Louisville, K' frbtldeod Im TEAS! TEAS ! FROM 30C. T0$l PER LB. Standard Granulated Sugar, 18 POUNDS FOR $1 OO T. J REV : LX, Tclciiliiiiic N 11; mibl lil.lm pixie:. IIAVB YOC OIVKN OIK CIGAR A TRI VI- ? PIXIB FOR A F1VB CBNT C I O A K TAKB8 TIM'. I.HAI. I r the Tobacco Association ot my city pro testing against the passage of this bill. 1 want to be fair and just: there are gen tlemen here from my city who are work inc to defeat it because they really be lieve that it will be to the detriment ol the tobacco interests in that section They believe they are tight. I btlieve they are wrong and are only scared. therefore take this step not only front a selfish point of view, but also because believe in doing so I am promoting the best interest of my people in fighting a combination of capital which has ti e iron hand of upon their throats I am sorrv that I have not time. Sen: - tars, to give you all my reasons tor ad vocating this bill. I cannot, in the linv ited hour before me, give you even a syn opsis ot the dangers and evils resulting to this State from the cxistancc in our midst ot that combine known as the American Tobacco Company and at which this bill is directly aimed, if not why do we find these lobbies lull ot men who claim to be directly benefitted by it touching the elbows and whispering into the ears ot almost every acnator upon this floor? Why do paid attorneys tell us that every Senator who votes for this bill will be defeated two years from now? When one tcld me that this morning answered, yes, by the American Tobacco Cnmnnnv: but he renlied. no. br the 30 NORTH MAIN HREETi I American farmers. senators, trjis is toe lasL time ever c-xne. t to raise my voice on tbis floor, because I have passed a c'og law for Buncombe and am fighting the American Tobacco Company, bence you can read ily see that I would not return it 1 could and I could not if I would. Yet I do propose to do what I believe to be right and for the best interests ol my state and if that is treason, put me down as a traitor. I repeat then, that I am not only in favor of this bill from selfish pur poses, because I believe that self preser vation is the first law of nature, but also because I believe its passage would be in favni n 1 1, infant inHnntripa of wnv If NOf Why Not ? adopted State, and in the interest of the I e . 1 c a, 1 . 1 larmers mc gruwers ui 1.11c ica 1 l uc laborers, and the consumers of my sec tion, as well as the entire State. Should I look at it in an entirely selfish view, then I might well say, let the trust exist; I now have but one competitor and have the sympathies of the people on my side, and can sell all the cigarettes I desire, or can make, and if you stop it you create competition and hence my profits would be less. I say if this were all, I might say, let them alone. That tbey will finally buy our concern oat and as a business matter I do not hesitate to say that 1 would sell them my stock or even our plant, ii they would give its value to our company but as a matter of right and justice to the people of my section, and to the people of the State, I advo cate the passage of the bill. Let ns ere what was the first thing tbis trust did after it was formed under laws of the land. They bought up all the ma chines and patents in tbis country, took them out of all the small factories in the country which refused to enter it, thus virtually closing the small industries, be cause no factory making citrarettrs bv hnnd can compete with machines. The most any expert hand can make in ten hours is 2,500, while a machine can make 2,500 in ten minutes. Hence the closing of the small concerns and crushing out ot the inlant industries ot that class. Pelhnm's Pliarm t cy . Thev Pext 1?a"iere1d uudcr theirf urwtect- I ing wing all the larger manufacturers. and thus resting behind tbc strong arm of the law which gave them this right to combine, they say to the growers of the lent and the consumers of the manufac tured products, we will pay you what we please, and you shall give us what we ask robbing and plundering the peo ple under the very sanction of the la'v they themselves bad created, thus be ing enabled to drive out competition by retusiug to buy from any person except their own agent at each market. It is further stated by tbc opponents of tbis bill that it will ruin the real estate of the towns in this State, that it will render it worthless, and tnat ic will de preciate fifty percent ; that where you now see thriving towns and cities in tbis State you will then see them in Virginia, and that our houses will be deserted, our mat kels lileles, our warehousemen impoverished for the benefit of our sister State. Well, I too, am a real estate man and this is another reason why I favor this bill, because I am opposed to any combination of capital that can make or break a city or town at its will. If this is treason te the real estate men of the State, make the most of it. Another reason why I am opposed to this trust is that it is the legitimate child of the McKinley bill, which we denounced in every part of this broad land as a party; and I say this legitimate child ot this bill the American Tobacco Com pany is robbing the farmers, as well as the consumers, rieht in my own section. as well as in the whole State, of hundreds and thousands of dollars each month and year, and will continue to do so until we dissolve it and drive it out of existence as a trust in this State. We have today unseated the champion of the McK.inley bill from tue 'residential chair, driven the party Irom power tbat created the trust. Now. let us as PARI nniiniuti I Democratic Senators be true to our 1 1 II r- I.IImFANT Dlcdirea to the neoole and drive out the U W I" ha I creature, too. Let us take the advice of that great and glorious stateman, whose inaugural address lies on our desks, and assist toe people to destroy these mon opolistic tyrants. These lobbyists tell us that if we pass mis diii iney will leave tms State, tnat we are right in fighting the trust, but don t do it here; go to the congress ol the United States and make the tight, Don't you know that when they have a compnny of lobbyists here backed only, perhaps, with a few dollars as attorney lees, that tbey would bave regiments in the lobbies of the United States congress with their their thousands, ye, millions of money, it necessary, to defeat it. pointing too to our actions as Demo cratic members of a Democratic and to bacco Statcwbo had refused to pass it, thus giving them a powerful weapon with which to defeat national legislation LONG HAVANA FILLER NEW STAID Heaton's a6 8. M. Hcstou's. iiI!NISIO!M!N!IIA,l No longer your dread upon retiring. Sleep will come pleasantly without using opiates. SIMPLY TA K B One feaspoonfiil BRADYCROTINE The Southern Woman's Headache Remedy, No unpleasant results io the morning;. Should your tooth trouble yon One teaspoonful BRADYCROTINE COSTING FIVE CENTS, WILC STOP IT. FOR 8ALB AT Weekly - Dispatch, The DiapaUh Co , Publisher. THE GREAT SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER, (SUV $1 PBK YEAR. Brst condensed. News, Beat Storie. !tett Miscrllan Beat Aniwrra to I orrcsponJ elite l)partmtnt, Best Editorial HAS THE It Gives Away Many V Premiums. I liable Shuiu'c euph-s ol the Weekly Oispateh il lie sent fr c to any address. Write to THE DISPATCH CO., reih13dltw3t KICHMONIi. V) TAKE Your broken wnttons and vehicles of all kinds to B. Burnet ft's shop on College street, where they will be repaired promptly and in first-class style. Hay ing secured a first-class liorse-sboer 1 make all kinds of fine shoeing a specialty. B. BTJRNETTE. Jan20dlv UPFiCB 39 PATTON AVBNUB, - - - - AT WEAVER at MYBR8' STORE CAROLINA DEAi.ERS.lN COAL COKE JEUICO, iUMP AND ANTHRACITE. yuwmcp CQATi CLEAN, -VOOU WHIUUTi DAT ISO TBLBPUONI -NIOHT 1. upoi this iuestion? Strike the viper whenever and wherever you find him. and not wait for a fu'ure dny and place. If thev wish, let them go but they will not go. Virginia too, true to her patriotism and lore of country, will also pass a similar bill, and drive them on to some othtr Stale. They cannot leave. Their interests are here, their property is here, tb.Hr tobacco grows here, their markets are here, their warehouses and warenouscmen are here. Pass tbis bill and they will simplv dis solve and go ba-k into an honorable and legitimate busi ess, continuing to buy North Carolina tobacco on North Caro- ina markets as they did before. Com petition would be restored, bn vers would come inte the markets tcr the different bouses and the markets would get lively. the warehousemen would pay more for tobacco because of comiiei ition, the farmers would get more for leaf, towns would build up, real estate would in crease in value and the old days of good prices and fair dealing would be restored that we once bad, and our larm;rs would not always be waiting for better times and starving to death while waiting. It might u iscttle business for a short time, but as soon as these fellows should get over the scare, and the trust found out that the people interlocal to run this Stale, I really believe we wou'd soon have an era of prosierity greater than we bad ever dream cl of before. They would all remain, and come back into the markets as individual buyer?. in tail competition, even the heads of this giant itself, unless they have made money enough upon which to retire; it they have then others would take their places. Senators, 1 reticat, that this trust, with headquarters at New York today has almost ruined the tobacco interests of this country, by putting down the prices of the leaf ot the larmrr and puttmg up the price of the manufactured goods which he chews and smokes. Don't take my word for it, but ro into these balls and ask these warehousemen upon the honor of men, to tell vou whether or not their books do not show that the prices paid for tobacco since this trust was formed are not bundreds of thou sands of dollars less in each market in this State. Go to the homes of the poor man who sleeps in his tobacco barn from Monday morning until 112 o'clock on Saturday night, eating bis corn bread and molasses and frying his bacon on the tires of bis tobacco Hues, while his chit dren are cutting the uncut cd leaves on the trcs'ed hills by the aid of God's moonlight, and tell mc if be will not say his earnings have not been mti.h less in dollars and cents, and tnat the prices received have been almost below the cost ot product ion, and in many cases less, A large buver in my town told me last fall that the money received for tobacco on that market was at least $200,000 less for the same time since the formation of this trust, whil the quantity and quality of the tobacco were much greater. Democratic Senators, a-e these cold facts not sufficient toenableyou to strike this monster the deserved stab? As it bas been in my town so it has been all over North Carolina. You may ask me bow that can be. I will tell you. Before this trust was filmed we found buyers tor cigarette and smoking tobaccos on our markets from every part of the country, representing different houses and different countries, and different States. But no sooner was this trust formed on the tobaccos of tbis State than tbey bought up, as I have said, all the cigarette machines then in existence, took the buyers of our stock into the trust ; took off all the buyers of these large houses, except one of their own at each market, and then dictated and low ered the prices to suit themselves. There is today, under the direction of this trust, but one buyer for the ninety per cent, of all the tobacco growa in this State manufactured by this trust, on each market, not only in tbis State but Virginia also. Tbat buyer on that mar ket is the King and the Czar. Others may buy, but unless they can get it at a lower price, in his absence, than he de sires to pay, they will keep it until it rots or sell it at a loss, because there is prac tically no buyer or consumer for them. The rest are simply "pin hookers" for the trust's agents. This trust, then, is not only, by tbis combination of circum stances and capital, enable to put down the price of the farmers' leaf, but also to put up the price of the laborer's and mechanic's chew and smoke. Not only this, but even the government of the Untied States has strengthened its iron hand of power by reducing, at its dic tation, the price of stamps tor manufac cured goods from 8 to G cents per pound. thus giving them out of the treasury it self 01 tne united states two cents clean, clear cur. prone per pound, making a bonus in one year of hundreds and bun dreds of dollars to tbis one company. No grower of leaf, no farmer, no mechanic, no laborer, or even merchant, gets any part of the two cents bonus. And again not satisfied witn this irovernrnental ta vor you find the lobbyist of tbis giant in the very halls of the United States Con gress, in tbe very committee rooms of kc publican caucus, dictating prices and rul, and raising tbe tariff on cigarettes frt in $2.25 per thousand to $S.OO per thot s- and, thus making it impossible to have foreign competition, as tbey sell the r cigarettes for $3.65, and tbe cost is only about $1.50 per thousand. Thev drive from tbis country fortitin buveis of our leaf, shut out foreign sellers, an 1 take absolute control of the tobacco markets of tbis nation. It may be said that I also take advan tages 01 tbis same law. I grant it. But you must remember that that docs not make it justifiable for the State to sanc tion it by laws. 1 am tbe only manufac turer South tbat I know of. who bas a cigarette machine outside of tbis trust. that is not tied up with litigation so as to be able to use it. and thev are trvine to crush us with suits at this very moment, altnougn tbey nave been beaten in tbe bnglian courts on this same issue. Thev have no hope of success except to break us with lawsuits and intimidation. They tried to get this patent from tbc inven tor and have him take away tbis machine from us. bat tailed. When unsuccessful at tbis, what did they do ? brought suit against us, not in the courts of onr State where we could try it before the farmers ot tne country, but took us into the Fed eral courts where it would be more ex pec sive to us and favorable to them. Not satisfied with this hounding and persecu tion. What else? No sooner had our sales men been put on the road until they fol lowed us with cheap goods, selling at $2 when never before bad tbey sold any lor less than $ Also, with tne impu dence ot a brass monkey, tbey write to merchants and threaten and intimidate them into handling their goods to tbe exclusion ot all others. We have such letters of intimidations in our hands Wbat next.' Not satisfied yet, they go into tbe markets aud bny up as they supposed all tbe paper in the hands of importers, forcing us as much as poasib'c to buy or import paper in blocks of $15,000 too large amount for any small manufacturer to carry. Wbat next ? With tbe unbridled audacity of Satan himself, thev write us through their at torncv, who is here upon tbis floor and whose letter I hold in my hand, knowing that we had just bought $6,000 worth of boxes, that wc must change tbe lettering and colors ot tbe same. Saying in these words: l ne arrangement ot tbe words, tbe coloring and shading of tbe letters tne very ornamentation and lines are close copies of tbe inscription on tl e packages containing 'Duke's' manu factured by the American Tobacco com- Eany." My God! Democratic Senators, as it come to this in North Carolina, tbat one company has a monopoly on the very colors of the rainbow, the shap ing and arranging of tbe letters of our alphabet, aud the color of our ink. I have seen it stated that five ol this coin- nauv cot iu dividends last year $175 OOO each, besides one gets a salary of $50,000 per year, the same pay as tbe man who controls tne destinies 01 U3 uuu.uuu pe iple. Can it be possible that such fortunes can be made out of the farmers of North Carolina in a legitimate and fair wav when these farmers can t get cost of raising their leaf and are starving 111 rags and covered with mortgages.' 1 say, can it be possible that we will vote to sustain a combine that makes more money out of the tobacco of this State in one year, while the growers are starv ing, than any Senator ur- I a n his Senatorial district? Democratic Sena tors, are you willing to kill this bill thut will give the desired relief, as we believe. and continue to vote to keep alive this tyrant tbat is robbing and bleeding your constituents at every pore' Are vou willing to foster the tyrant that is crushing the infant industries ot th's country? This tyrant is only an infant tyrant now ot two or three years old; it he is so powcrtul now what will he do when he becomes a full sxrown man, an old gi ml ? Senators, let us stop by our vot s tbis class 1 gisiat ion that enables one man, or set of men, to make out of the farroe'S, laborers, mechanics, pro ducers and consumers $10 per minute. $600 per hour and $5, OOO per day. It is dangerous to the liberties of the peo ple. It will soon make us a nation of monied tyrants and kings. Let us d s- solve this trust. W'e have the power; this bi'l does it. Iet us not shirk our duty to ourselves, our country and our od. Let us break all such unfair con.- bines and let the people sell where they can get the mnst and buy where they can buy the cheapest. Such combines tbat are able to lower or put up prices at will affect not only one business but all our liberties. 1 wish we could inc'uele Armour & Co. and the Staudard Oil Co. in this same bill. But it is b.-st to strike one snake at a time and be sure to mash his head before we tackle the rest. Armour & Co. also have the incut mar ket of tbis country in their bands. Thev could, if they so desired, create a meat famine in every home of every mech.-inic and laboring man in this country in our day'f time. Tr.esc trusts reach out into every home and hill, valley and cove of this broad land. They lock up the treas ures of the earth, circumvent Providence itself and pile money on top of money, making tbe rich richer and the pot poorer. Tbey defy courts and seem to threaten Legislatures and tbe very liber ties of the people themselves. They build golden ronds to fortune, but no poor man and mechanic travel- it. Upon each mile stone is written in golden let ters, monied aristocracv, reduced wages of the laborer, reduced prices of tbe farm er's products, infant industries destroyed, competition annihilated, and damned be those who are not willing to take what 1 give and give what I am willing to take. Senators, I appeal to y u as Dem ocrats, I appeal to you as patriots, I op peal to ynu in the name of the State 1 love, in the name of tin oppressed and down-trodden people, in the name of the commercial and business life of this State, in the name of the humble homes of the poor of the land, not to kill tbis bill, hut pass it. But if you will not pass it, then go home and join a company to tear down your tobacco warehouses, burn do jvn your barns, shoot your hous and cattle, and that will rob vou should you ever attempt to return to tbis capital. 1 am tbrougn, having made my last appeal in tbe name ol my country against the monied power and combined trusts ot tbe country, who have one band pon the throat of tbe government and the other in the pockets of the people. READING THE FINGER NAILS. Character nn It Is Expressed In the Tips of m Womnu's Fingers. Examine her finger nails. If these wear the hue of bereavement but why suggest anything so odions and impossi ble? If they are tinned with ink, beware of the learned lady, or perhaps she is a successful novelist, with a fortune at her finger ends. Y-t she limy le a Sappho, a poet, and we have a distinct impression that u must; may be a jierilous person to marry, s in l .ioi-ase of Miss Blanche Ainory. And poetry is not a paying pro fession, and Mrs. Ilt uians was "too poet ical" for Sir Walter Scott. However, these are merely mortal inferences. It needs no '-palmist" to tell the young man all this?, nor does "the palmist" dally over such inferences. If her (Inner nulU are wider than lli- are long, beware! She liath her nails not long, but hnrnd. H-.-warel as the swett singer of America might have nail. "A hot temper and obstinate disposition are indicated." This kitten, as in Mr. James Boswell's poem, will grow a cat and croBB like other wives. If the nails are square tipped, round ed next the hand, yon may "expect a quick and peppery temper," but not sulks, which is the worst of tempers in matrimony. Remember that when a lady gives you her hand she gives you all that the hand implies very probably she gives you pepper. It would be very in teresting to know what kind of nails Mrs. Carlyle had, and what sort adorned the fingorn of Mary Stuart, who notori ously "blew up" her 1 usband, though indeed he richly deserved it. Jhluckily port raits are of little service, aSlhe hands too often are fanciful and conventional, especially after Vandyke. "Almond shaped nails, especially if not too pink, indicate a cheerful, sweet teni ler" and are also of high aesthetic value. "If tho nails are bitten." but we refuse to believe that the nails of the fair are ever bitten. Everybody would shun a maiden who bit her thumb at him. "If you want a careful, economical wife, look at her thumb." But who wants an economical wife, one that will imitate Mary Stuart when she buys an Elzevir or an engraving? The collector, at least, and the convivial soul of open hnnd will avoid a lady who lives by rule of thumb. An extravagant thumb bends back very far when the hand is opened, as all hands should le. "Do not choose a girl who has a soft, fat hand," with fingers held close together. These things indicate selfishness but it may le sel fishness a deux and convenient. Lon don News, Mountainous waves. The daily papers all recorded the fact that the steamship Majestic, on her east ward trip, caught a sea that demolished her crow's nest lookout, and that the Teutonic, which caught the same gale coming west, had one eea which combed over the crow's nest and carried away her forward port lifeboat as it went over the rail. But none' of the daily papers took tbe trouble to mention just how the crow's nest is situated on these ships, and consequently how high that sea was. Inquiry by a Marine Journal repre sentative discov. 11 -1 t'.iut, while in men-of-war and many other ships the cus tom is to have the crow's uest in the foretop or a trifle above, the White Star ships bave it at an altitude of 25 feet above the main deck on the foremast, reached by a little iron ladder from the forward hurricane deck. In such a sliip as the Majestic or Teutonic the height of the main deck at the forerigging is about 40 feet above the level of the sea, which would make the height of the wave that carried away the crow's nest in this instance about 70 feet. This is a pretty big roller for the north Atlantic, but in other parts of the ocean such waves are often encountered in a storm. Supposing the ship to have been in a trough of the sea at the time this wave swept her, the mean height of the wave might be calculated as not greater than 40 feet, but it was certainly a body of water nearly 70 feet high from where the ship floated. Mamie Journal. New Use For m Linen Cufl'. "Look here," said a well known man the other day, "this is a letter from a friend who is now in Pittsburg." The speaker produced a soiled cuff on which a message had been written. The cuff bore the stampof the Pittsburg postofflce, as well as a canceled postage stamp. The message read: "I haven't any paper at hand, but Uncle Sam will transmit this cuff, for which I have no further use. Linen is of no use to a man who is dead flat busted. Send me $100." Philadelphia Record. WANT COLUMN. T IRUSTEB'S SALE OR RENT Three nice front rooms; un- feUISdtf T7T g furnished. Apply at 4 WALNUT ST. FOR RUNT Small store room, 66 South M n-n St. Apply to Harold B.Johnston. or R B Johnston, lock box 177, city. jan7dtf FOR RENT No. 13 Starnes avenue. IO rooms, well plumbed, steam heated. Ap- Wailing fur the Minister. A good story is told of Mr. Labou Chere during his career in the diplomatic service and while lie was an attache at Washington. An "aggressively irato' visitor called at the legation and de manded to see the British minister. Mr. Labouchere informed him that he could not, because "his excellency was not in." "Well," said ths visitor, evidently sus pecting subterfuge,' I must see him, and will wait till he comes." "Very good." said Mr. Labouchere. "Pray take a chair," and he resumed his writing. At the end of an hour the visitor, "still fret ting and fuming, asked when the min ister would be back. "I really cannot say exactly," the attache answered. "But you expect him back?" the visitor insist ed. "Oh, certainly , said Mr. Labou chere and went on writing. At the end of another hour the irate visitor, bouncing; up. insisted on know ing what were the habits of the minister at that period of tbe day. Was he likely to be in in another honr? "I think not." said Mr. Labouchere, with increased blaudness; "the fact is he sailed for Eu rope on Wednesday and can hardly yet have reached Queenstown. But, yon know, you said you would wait till he came in, so I offered you a chair." "Di ary of the Salisbury Parliament." An Intelligent Cow. Colonel I. D. McDonald of Columbia City, Jnd., tells a good story of ani mal intelligence. He had bought a lot of stock, including a cow and her calf, which he was driving home. The cow's affection for its offspring had attracted attention more than once. At length a river was reached, which, being unbridged, the cattle had to ford. The water was deep, and as the cattle plunged in they were swept off their feet, the mother cow among the rest. The calf meantime was taken by the current several rods down stream, and when the poor cow regained her footing and discerned this her distress was ap parent. Instead of making for the oppo site shore, as the other animals had done, she swam down the stream below her calf. The current drove the young creature against the protecting bulk of the mother. The cow, satisfied at this state of af fairs, started for the shore, the calf swim ming alongside of her. About midway of the river the swift current, striking tho calf in tho fore quarter, swept it be hind the cow. and ag;iin it floundered down stream. Once more the mother went to the rescue. She had to swim around to the other side of the calf. and. this done, she had to steady herself in the stream until the calf was against her side. Her ef forts were this time successful, and cow and calf swam safely to shore. Indian apolis News. ply to mm T. C STARNES. 8 North Court Square. TOK RENT Furnished. NO. I1 street. IS room house, all provemcnts. enuc. G5 College modern im- Apply at ay French Broad av- mcnidaiw TJOR RENT Houses on Depot and Char- lotto streets. A luraianed Douse on Montford avenue, near street car line. Ap ply to J. A. Tinncnt or H. F. Grant, mchmdlw T7S.OR RENT- U Park Splendid 9 room house, on avenue Large lot, stables and our houses. Hot and cold water. Apply to (Jro. A Mrbane. Graham Manufacturing L.O., or Adeitte House. tcDiatt Tl710R RENT Large, p'eaaant rooms neatly 1J furnished for liicht house keeping On street c-r line. Board furnished il desired Terms reasonable. MRS. S. TERRY, nil til mo 88 Charlotte street. FOR RENT Elegant cottage, partly fui niMhe,!. Ten-room frame houses, partly fui nisheil Ten-room lirick, unfurnished. OWYN & WEST. mchlOil 1 w Of the entire plant, fixtures, apparatus, fran chise and other property of the people's Light. Heat and Power Company, of Ashe ville, North Carolina By virtue of the powers vested in the nn derstgncd, J I Rankin, as trustee, by the power (if pale and other provisions of the rircil in trust executed by the People's I.lpht, Hcnt nnd Power Company of Ashevillle. Nnr'h I'nrolina. to mc as trustee, -which is riiitt-ri I-'cbiuury 15. lftlll, and which is reg istered in the office of the Register of Deeds of I'nni onibe county. North Carolina, in book 4- of mortgages, at which reference is hereby made for full particulars thereof, tltc purpose of which said deed in trust wits to sn'urr the payment of the 3 bonds of $.5' O rnch and the interest and coupon nttj,chi l wlncn are inerein deseno etl: ni d wliiih pnwer of sale above rcferrcil to (mi im -s a-il airccts tne unaersignru truH-T. tt il f,ult shall be made in the pay ment of an of said bonds or coupons of in ter, st . ns they respectively become due, at 11ir'iii ptntt'l. and such defuult shall con tinue lor six )G months, upon the written re quest, signed by a majority of the holders of id tjoml Hlin coupons, to oeciare eacn ano all ofsnid :4t bonds, together with all inter est then accrsiing and all ooupona represent in such intorest to ne aue aim payauie ana to execute sV id power of sale; And such llefault hnvine been made and having continued for six months and more firior to this date, and such wrrttcn request having been made. 1 now declare all said 34 bonds and couwms now outstanding to be due and payable, nnd. by virtue of the power of sale aforesaid, I have taken posses sion of the property mentioned in said deed in trust and will sell the same at public auc tion nt I he court house door in the city of Asheville, in said county or Buncombe, on tbe aoth day of March, A. D., 1883, at 12 o'clock noon. The said property is situated in the city of sheville aforesaid, brine the entire steam and electric plant, real estate, buildings anil nnncnisc ano comntaa iur cny iikhihik , tli? said People's Light, Heat and Power Company and further particularly described ns follows : First All the rights, powers and privi leges which the saiil The People's Light. Meat and Power Company hns by virtue of or under the contract made by the City of Asheville with L. N. Cox in reference to lighting said city, which said contract bears 'te the first day of May. 1 8!to, -which is filed among tbe records of the cleric of said eity and to which reference is hereb v made for further and fuller particulars thereof Second The following described real es tate, situated and being in the State of Nort It Carolina, in the county of Buncombe and in the said city of Asheville, being a part of the Lyman land, and more particularly bounder! and described as follows : Beginning- at a stake on the northeastern margin of. Riverside street, the norihwest ern corner of the lot belonging to the Haiti more United Oil company, and runs thence with said margin of said street N. 34. 02' W. 06 2-3 feet to a stake; thence N. C US' 15. about 1(18 feet to the line or the right of wny of the W. N. C. K. R Coithence with the line ol saia rignc oi way ,o irrt o the northern line of the lot of said Balti more United Oil Company; tnence wltn tne ne of the said lot soutn o:- i- . unuui 108 feet to the beginning, being a part of the land allotted to A, B. Lyman in the parti- ron of the Lyman lanu. . Third All the buihlines situated on said land and all boilers and engines thereon and all connections with said boilers and engines, and all appurtenances thereunto belonging; or in anywise appertaining; and further, one National alternating uynamo oi onn niuu- sand light capacity, two Western electric arc dynamos of fifty light capacity each, to gether with all station apparatus, wires and otner aiipurtcnaan, luninmu ....... .. - - - In the electric light station sold to the said The People's Light, Heat and Power com pany by the rxationai uiecinc xvmnuinLLui ing company, and also all poles, lines, cir cuits, transformers, lamps, sockets and all other wiring or devices connected with or pertaining to xne saua eiecxnc pm,it bhuul,.. within said city of Asheville; Together with all rights, privileges, nan- ehises, actions, and causes of action, - mands, claims, -works ana properly ui ny and every kind, nature and description which follow and are conveyed or transferred or assigned by sales under deeds of trust. ry virtue oi tne ataiuics oi int .-v.. Carolina. The terms of said sale are as follows: Five thousand dollars ($S.OOO) cash, the balance of purchase money in Bqual Instai, tnents, maturing at thirty, sixty and ninety days from date of said sale, bearing interest from date of said sale at the rate of eight per centum per annum; deferred payments to be secured by deed in trust upon property sold, executed according to the laws of North Carolina and in the usual form for such in strumenta, containing the usual power of For further particulars apply to the under signed at the Batterv Park bank, in said city of Asheville, or to Messrs. Cobb c Merri tnon, attorneys. No. 7 and 9. Johnston build ing, in aaid city. Dated, February 8, 1893 J. B. RANlvINf, feblSdallv 30d Trustee:. BOARDING. TJOARDINO Two front rooms, connect- JL ing, with good board, also one single room. street. ALICB REYNOLDS, 4,8 Spruce meb7clti DOAKD1NG At No A 9 and cold water tton; on car line. 5 Starnes avenue: hot furniture new; nne loca- mchOdtl IOAKDING Good fare and comfortable beds. Convenient to Postoftice. MRS 1. A LhB. novl-tf No. 26 Flint street. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. F. V. Huidbkopbr and Reuben Poster, Receivers. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule in effect Nov. 20. 18a. "EASTBOUNP NO. 12 Lv Knoxville " Morristova, PRIVATE BOARD Good fare, comforta ble rooms, healthy locality, reasonable terms, two hundred yards from Montford car line. MKS. L. MUNDAY, No. 6 Blake street. mch7dlw Mr. Itoosevelt Tells a story or 1 wo. Mr. Theodore Roosevelt is a practical politician and has some gcod stories to tell of his experiences while in the legis lature. In his address before the Liberal club on Thursday evening be told some of them. One was of a legislator who used to ask him to support unconstitutional bills. But, my dear friend, Mr. Roosevelt would say, "it's unconstitutional." "1 never allow the constitution to come be tween friends," was the reply, and then becoming very indignant the man would add, "Mr. Roosevelt, the constitution doesn't treat little things like that." Another man objected to his quoting Latin. "What do you mean by quoting Latin on the floor of this house?" thun dered the objector, ' when you don't know the alpha or omega of the language?" Buffalo Express. Wolves In China. The plague of wolves in Shon-See, a mountainous province of north central China, is described as becoming move and more alarming. A correspondent in that part writes that in the village in which he is sojourning they had heard of 11 persons being carried off by these animals in seven days. Most of tho vic tims were children, the rest young per sons of 16, 10 and 20 yearsof age. "They come," says the writer, "to our village here every night just now. Men are be stirring themselves, going out in large numbers to hunt them, as yet, however, unsuccessfully. Tonight we have put poisoned mutton in two places not far off, hoping to find at least one dead wolf tomorrow. They roam in open daylight, boldly entering villages and carrying off helpless little ones. Three went in com pany a few days ago into a native vil lage. One of the number entered a hut and snatched a little child from his fa ther's arms. Pursuit in every case has been futile. It seems this is their breed ing time; hence their abnormal bold ness." London News. Til R CHATEAU Private boardlngnouse No. 211 Haywood street. Fine city and mountain views; perfect sanitation; hot and cold water; comfortable, airy rooms; well provided table; attentive service; rea sonable rates. Two bundled yards from M on t ford car line MRS.M. B. DBTWILER. oct7dtf Proprietress. FIRST CLASS BOARD At the McCape house, 24- Grove street. Having leased this hotiss and completely furnished it with new furniture, I solicit patronage. The house is pleasantly situated with fine views on all sides. House thoroughly ventilated and steam heated, open fireplaces in several rooms. Terms reasonable. MRS. S1HIKME1STER. m 1 dlmo Lv. Paint Rock " Hot Springs Ly. Asheville " Round Knob.... " Marion " Morganton " Hickory " Newton " Statesville Ar. Salisbury " Greensboro Danville . 7 15am 9 35am iaT2Spni 12 39pm 2 4-Apm 4- OSpm 4- 49pm 5 33pm G 35pm 6 56pm 7 4.7pm 8 37pin 11 20pm 1 15am Ar. Richmond 7 OOam Lv. Greensboro 11 35pm Ar. Durham 3 35am Raleigh 6 OOam " Goldsboro 1 2 OSpm Lv. Danville 1 30ara Ar. Lynchburg 4 05am " Washing-ton IO -4-Oam Baltimore 12 03pm ' Philadelphia 2 ilOpm New York... 4, 50pm WESTBOUND - N 07 u Lv. New York " Philadelphia... Baltimore 4- 3Upm 6 55pm 9 20om FOR SALE. A N excellent family horse and buggy for ATM. sale at very low figures Haywood street- Apply at 237 jan27dtf TCTOR SALB la horse-power portable en gine anil boiler. Apply to 1!7 Hatton avenue or address G. N. C . Mathis. Asheville, nit h9dlm" 'OOD FOR SALB Oak firewood, cut anv lensth. at $3 OO per double load. delivered. FRBNCH BROAD LUMBER CO , octl7dtf Teephone 31. "I7IOR SALIC That valuable eight -a: h Nature and lefornalty. Nature is very particular to conceal her deformities, aud all that is worthless or ungraceful generally drops off from a tree unless it be an injury to the trunk. From such effects the tree never recov ers. Go into the fotests and how often we see deformed trees, some bent nnd twisted, some parted till the original trunk becomes like two each crossing and recrossiiig the other. This was done by depression or injury to the tree in its young and teuder years. Nature has no power to right a broken law neither In the animal nor the vegetable organism Punishment follows, and deformity re sults. Boston Transcript. A Mas'a Nerves. Mrs. Biuks Ooot Doesn't it make yon nervous to have the wind blow so this time of night? Mr. Binks Why? "Just hear the windows! They rattle like everything:.'" "Urn, it would make me nervous to hear tbs windows rattle if the wind wasn't blowing." New York Weekly Why Mr. Uepew Hides Home. Until this winter Chauncey M. Depew bas made it a practice to walk home from the numerous dinners he is called on to attend. He always found it, he said, an aid to digestion and a famous inducer to sound sleep to walk home in the quiet night after a public ban quet and the attendant excitement. "But this winter," said he, "so many men began to step up to me in the street that I grew a little nervous. They all knew my name. Now, it is a bit star tling when a man is walking through a quiet street at dead of uight to have a man whom he has not noticed approach suddenly appear in front of hiva and wake him out of his reverie by a brisk 'good evening or a request for a night's lodging. I haven't had any one make a more serious demand than for a night's lodging, but I began to thinL that a more unpleasant demand might be made some time, and the result was that I abandoned my late walks, and now I always ride home. New York Times. A Costly Prayer Book. Queen Elizabeth nsed to carry about with her suspended by a chain of pure gold, a book called "The Golden Manual of Prayer," a dainty volume of 30O pages, bound in "hammered virgin gold." One side of this costly volume gave a representation or "llie judg ment of Solomon," the other the "Bra- ten Serpent on the Cross in the Desert. St. Louis Republic A few days ago at Quebec 13 brothers and five sisters had their pictures taken in a croup. They are the children of a couple, both living, named Colman, are all grown and have families. room hoase, with roagoificcnt awn in front. corner of Chestnut and Libcrtv streets. 11-gh situation, fronting south, fine shade trees. All modern improvement. Call on JULIUS C. MARTIN. 28tues&satt or GWYN & WEST. ' Washington 11 OOpm " Lynchburg 5 OOam Ar. Danville 7 25am 12 50am 7 4--am 9 90am Lv. Richmond.... " Danville Ar. Greensboro.. Lv. Galdsboro... Lv Raleigh Durham Ar. Greensboro.. Lv GreensDoro " Salisbury " Statesville Newton Hicltory M orpanto ' Marion ' Round Knob Ar. Asheville " Hot Springs " Paint Rock 7 4-5ntn lSam 7 15am 9 1 5am 930am 1 1 lOam 1 2 83pm 12 4-lpm 1 OOpm 1 52pm 2 36pm 3 14pm 4, U.lpm t 67pm 3 lOpm Morns town .. Knoxville . FOR SALB I have 150.000 feet of first class lumber, at my mill on Thos. I. Johnston's pre pertv, near cemetery, abont iv4 miles from Asheville court .house. Price t0 cents at mill, or SI delivered. Address B. H. BRITT, mchlOilliu . P. O. Box 18, City. Lv. Asheville. Henderson viue Flat Rock Saluda Trvon Ar. Spartanburg FOR SALB AMI RENT A handsome modern eight-room cottage, with all conveniences; well-finished cellar and laun dry; separate house of two rooms for ser vants; good stable and carriage house; lot abont one and a half acres, well wooded; possession given at once. For further par ticulars apply to Capt. O. W. Budd on the iiremises. corner Libcrtv and Hillside streets Asheville. N. C. feb25dtf MISCELLANEOUS BSTRAYBO Cow and calf from my house on n.-e street, Thursday night. Re ward if rt turned to me. V . SON. 16 Pa tton Avenue. B. WILLIAM- rachlldSt rrvj JUSTICES OF THB PEACE Fend $3 to Alfred Williams t Co . Raleigh. N.C for "Has ec's lustice and Form Book." Con tains the laws and forma that rverr magis trate wants. Third revised edition oouna in leather. mchl3d2t OST Tuesday morning B A avenue and Catho ic cnurch. between Park k pair of prayer beads, in a bine leather case. A suita ble reward will bc given if returned to fcb22tf CITIZEN OFFICE 1 SHALL onen a orivafe school in tbe 1 lev streit school building March 27, for which I shall be gl lion Keaiccitaiiy mcbftdtf Bsi foi d to receive applica- FANN1B FBATHERSTON. "VTOTICE To all -whom this may con- cern : This is to certify that we the under sis tied officers and trustees have, cording to the rraairementa of law, applied lor a cnarter oi incorporation nr Bcta-na-tchlan. A. WU1TLOCK, president M. 1. LONG. Vice-Pres. J. COHEN, Secretary. S. LIPINKKV. Treasurer. Trustees 8. Krrslowsky, M. Marks, 1st, Kchwartsbsarg. J.L. CATHBY, rcb7dttues Clerk Superior Coart. A. 8c S.R MLROAD" 8 lOpm UNO. 14 T OOam 8 02am 8 12am 8 37am 9 06am 1 0 15am MOTt3 Lv Spartanburg Try on Saluda Flat Rock Hcnders'nv'le Ar. A ahevllle ... 'MURPHY BRANCH 6 60pm 7 68pm 8 27pm 8 54pm 9 OSpm JL O lOpm NO 17 Lv. Asheville , Ar. Waynesville., uryson city . Andrews , Tomotla , Mnrphy , t 8 SOam IO OOam 12 39pm 4V 09pm 4V S9pm 5 OOpm NO- 18 Lv. Xlurshy Ar. Tomotla Andrews Ar. Bryson City " Waynesville.. i,iin Asheville.... SLPING"CAR SERVICET 6 OOam 0 20am SOam IO Idam 13 62pm 2 85pm Noa. 11 and 12 Pullman Sleenera between Hot Spring and New York, via Aaneville. Salisbury and Washington; also between Asheville and Cincinnati via Knoxville and Harriman. Trains Nos. 13 and 1 -4- Pullman Sleeper be tween Asheville and Charleston, vim Spar tanburg and Columbia via S C. R'y. connect ing at Columbia for Savannah via 8. B R. K. witb Parlor cars. W. A. TURK, 8. H. HABDWICK, Gem. Pass. A art. Asst. Gen. Pass. Ag-t., Washington, D C, Atlanta, Ga. W.H. GRBBN, Gen. Manager, Washington V. B). MeBHB, Gen 'I Snpt., Columbia, S. C. SOL. HAAS, Traffic Manager, Washington WORLD'S FAIR. If yon are going to the World's Fair, write the Dally Cltlsen. Asheville. M. C, for illustrated printed matter descritoJag tse Pair, and time-tables and nsmphlets issued by the steamer lines or railroads jros would at from yonr home to Chicago. No char are is scatde. This oner is anode special ar rssuresseat with the Recreation IVpartaist tocBhiiartlan Unloa. -