TUB ASIiBVIILB DAILY CITIKJS' Tuesday Evening, April 25, JLS93. CRIMINAL COV1 Wm. Cowan Tried for amaa AMaall on J. M. Edwards. The time of the Criminal court yes terday afternoon was taken tip by the trial of Wm. Cowan, charged with as sault on J. M. Edwards. The jury rendered a verdict of not guilty ot assault with intent to kill, but guilty of assault with deadly weapon. This morning in the case of State vs. C. S. Ross, for assault with deadly wea pon, the defendant was lound guilty and fined $15. State vs. Joseph Frazier, carrying con cealed weapon; defendaut submitted and paid costs. $13. Under the old law, when magistrates had jurisdiction over such cases, the fine could not have been less than $30. In the case of State vs. John Noel, mur der, a special venire of 50 men was or dered for tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. State vs. T. T. kogers, assault; defend ant submitted and judgment suspended on payment of costs. Ras. Bamett, colored, was convicted of an assault on 11. C. Dillingham, on Ivy. The case was so aggravated that Judge Carter discarded precedent and sentenced Barnett to three years in the county chain gang. State vs. Noah Melton, larceny of property growing on land. The property was ginseng or "sang" as it is commonl y called. Judge Cnrter assigned Mnj. Ma lone to defend Melton, but it developed that Melton owned 200 acres of land. It was decided then that Melton could em ploy his own attorney. Members o the bar had fun out of the case, some of them suggesting that the Major might take his lee in -'sang." The jur returned a verdict of not guilty. E. L. Henry has been chosen officer of the grand Jury. aid the; firemen ; Picnic at the Hulpli u r Hprlnxs Tbumduv of Trm.t 'V The picnic of Asheville Xlose company No. 1 will take place at Sulphur Springs on Thursday, May -t. The picnic is given for the purpose of raising funds to aid the company in going to Wilmington in July to attend the annual convention of the State Firemen's association. To interest those who attend the pic nic there will Vie a fox race, steeple chase, and probablv a game of baseball. Kefresomeuts of various kinds will be on sale. Arrangements have been made with the West Asheville and Sulphur Springs Railwav company, whose cars leave the postoffice every 15 minutes, whereby the firemen will receive one-half of the receipts from pussensjer fares. Persons who will donate ice cream, cake or other refreshments for the picnic are asked to send their name to Capt. Frank O'Donnell and the articles will be called for. The picnic will be held in a lovely spot near the springs, and a very pleasant day will be spent by all who go. There should be a large crowd out. A. I.. I. PAIR. ConmlUeeN of LadleH Preparluic for tne 17111 of iv. A number of ladies interested in the fair to be given bv the Asheville Light Infantry 111 the Jrarmer s warehouse on the 17th of May held a meeting yester day afternoon in the Y. l. C. A. rooms Mrs. Piatt and Mrs. Hull were chosen to have general direction of the prepara tions, while the following ladies were appointed on committees to solicit con tributions: Mrs. L. P. McLoud, Mrs. H. C. Hunt, Mrs VV. E. Collins, Mrs. E. B. Eagan, Misses Eva Branch, Minnie Bearden, Sadie Rumbough, Annie Rumbough, Fannie May Gudger. Mari- elln Davidson, Miss Nelson, Miss Lusk Mesdames McLoud, Hull and Eagan were appointed a special committee to secure subscriptions or donations from merchants. The various committees will report to a meeting to be held in the Y M. C. A. rooms Wednesday afternoon of next week. The fair, it goes without saying, in the hands of such a ti efficient committte, will eclipse anything of the kind Asheville has seen for a long time. The proceeds will be applied to the uniforming of the Light Infantry. CHl'RCH STRKKT ne City's Force csettlnic to Do Home PavlnK. Church street has been rolled between Trinity Episcopal and Central Metho dist churches, and a force of hands under Street Superintendent Henderson began spreading sand this morning, prepara tory to paving the street with brick At present the idea is to pave northward only to the Methodist church, as the matter of widening on the west side be tween the church and Patton avenue has not been settled. The street between these points is 24 feet wide, with no side walk, and the city wants six feet on that side for a walk. A jury will probably go on the street soon. If no satisfactory arrangement can be made the entire street will be paved 2 feet wide, leaving no walk on the west side down to the Methodist church. There is a sidewalk on that side the remainder of the dis tance. In paving, the Buncombe Brick and Tile company's brick will be used, and the work done by the city's force, in the style of the Merrimon avenue paving. V. M. C A. Matters. The Rev. W.J. Erdman will conduct "question and answer" meeting for men on Sunday afternoon next at the regular hour in the Y. M. C. A. hall. Questions will he asked by persons in the audience and Mr. Erdman will answer tbem. The questions will be of a religious character, The regular quarterly meeting of the association will be held in the rooms on Monday evening of next week. Reports of all committees will be read, n illustra ted lecture, it is expected, will be given, and refreshments will be served by the ladies' committee. t tmte Cycle clnb. At the meeting of the Asheville Bicycle club last evening the name of the organi zation was changed to " Asbeville's Cy cle club." John S. Pleasants was elected captain; Clarence Sawyer add J. S, Moody were elected first and second lieutenants respectively. A constitution was adopted and a committee appointed 00 a dab uniform. Attention. I. o. O. sr. fi.annanns T-rvHirr Nr. PM T O n P meets in its ball this, Tuesday, evening, 25th instant, at 8:15 p. m. to celebrate the 74th anniversary ot the order. A full attendance is desired. All visiting brothers cordially invited. Mitchell, the Men's Farms ber, has un doubtedly tbe largest and most caretully selected stock of Men's Furnishings in the city. Ue makes a specialty of Mon arch and Manhattan irts. E. & W. collars. Star shirt n-ateta. Melville Hats aad Hathaway Soule and Harrington's ApOUND TOWN. Washington. April 25. Forecast till S p. at. Wednesday: Cloudy, threatening weather, with occasional showerr; east to south winds. The revival at the North Asheville Methodist churcb closed last evening. Internal revenue collections for the Fifth North Carolina district yesterday amounted to $8,171.12. VV. A. Latimer, the grocer, will on next Monday move from 22 Hatton avenue to No. 16 North Court Place. Swannauoa lodge. I. O. O. I'., will this evening celebrate the 74-th anniver sary of the founding of the order. The crowd in attendance upon this term of Criminal court is one of the larg est ever known on a similar occasion. A force of hands under VV. S. liradlev is clearing out the trench in the culvert on North Main street, near Starncs avenue. Superintendent Waddell yesterday af ternoon repaired the tire alarm boxes that were burnt out last week, and they are now in working order. Patrolman E. R. Olenn has been sus pended from the -tv.ce force pending his trial bv the police committee for con duct unbecoming an officer. 'Where is Asheville at?" Go to the Lyceum meeting in the Y. M. C. A. hall this evening and bear the answ to the question. That is the subject of the dis cussion to be held. Buttrick & Kevnolds are now building at Luther, this connty. a large mill for the manufacture of brick and terra cotta pipe. The mill will be completed about the 15th of May. The old Grand Central hotel property on Patton avenue was sold todav by Auctioneer J. M. Blair, for A. L,. Wilev, trustee. The property was bought by N. P. Chedester, the price paid heiuii $30,500. Paving on North Main street is being delayed by a lack of pitch. It will be re sumed as soon as the pitch can come here from Richmond. The crushed stone is down on the east S'de bet ween Starncs and Merrimon avenues. 2. I. Carter & Co. are erecting a roller process flouring mill at Democrat. Buncombe countv, on the waters ot Big Ivv, 18 miles from Asheville. The mill will have a capacitv of 4-0 barrels a day. and will cost about $-ttOOO. At the West Asheville primary last week the following officers were chosen: Mayor, C II. Southwick; commission ers, h. Li. Larrier. lierkelcy Cain, fs. Plamondon, - Ir. Garrell and YV. K. Logan. The election will occur next Mondav. Yesterday Mat. Katikin, colored, got into a fight with four other women, and tor a while made things interesting for her opponents. Then when an officer arrested her she fought him. This morn- g the woman was interviewed bv Recorder Miller in his court and fined $2U. Oolph Clark, for cursing an officer was lined $o. and tnree drunks paid $o e ich. POINTS PF.RMOIXAI.. IHt-About ! People Come aurt cso. VV. S. Neil of Yorkville, S. C, is in the city. W alter Lardcn ot St. Louis is visiting .-slieville. Thus. H. Mason is here from Big Stone Itap, va., todav. W. P. Aduison of Greenville. S. C. at the Swannanoa. Barbour Lathrop of San Francisco is at the Batterv Park. R. H. Bennett nud J. L. C. Bird of Marion are in Asheville. D. D. Suttlc went to Shelbv this after noon on a short business trip. W. W. Barnard and I. K. Rankin re turned from Webster this afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. Ii. H. Adams and Miss E. L. Foster of Boston are at the Bat tery Park for the season. J. Wiley Shook came in from Clyde yesterday, slioru ot much of his mous tache. He was recognized, however. Ex-Alderman R. L. Fitzpatrick has rc moved his family to a residence near the Sulphur Springs, and will remain there during the summer. Mr. Fitzpatrick will, however, still attend to his busi ness in town. Wm. Strachan, of the plumbing firm of Kelly & Strachan. left this afternoon, accompanied by his family and Mr. McRae, for Glasgow. Scotland, where they will remain several months. A number of friends accompanied them to the depot and wished them a safe voy age and pleasant trip. Mr. waddell's Joke on Mr. Halrcl. Last Friday Alderman Waddell jok ingly told Alderman Baird, who had just withdrawn from the Democratic ticket, that he bad either been scared off or bought off. This morning he informed Mr. Baird that he would withdraw the charge; that he ( Mr. Baird ) was in th position of the Irishman who, in battle, showed the white feather. When twitted about it the Irishman replied: "I'aith, I ana ui a raytuer be a coward for a few minnits than to be a dead man for the rist of me days." Hello;! Hello t t Hello ! ! : New telephones added since publication of" subscribers' list. Cut out nd paste in book. No. 187. Asheville Tobacco Works. No. 1R8 Jobntun, li. C , Grocer. No. 52. F. StikeUuthei . C. W., ns No. 90, Arthur & iiensic. Green rotci -iea. No. 189, Pearson, A. Y., res. No. 151. Noland & Son . R. B , grocer. No. 16. Webb. D. H., grocer. No. 169, Blomberg, L,., Model Ciiar Store. C. W. Thornbvhgh, Manager. Wm. Price, Luttsville. Mo., writes: "I was afflicted with sciatica, and had lost tbe use of one arm and one leg for nine years. I went to Hot Springs and also tried different doctors, but found no cure until 1 tried Botanic Blood Balm. It made me sound and well. I am well known in this -VK-initV-" Mitchell has in stock the largest and most stylish stock of Straw Hats for men and boys in Asheville. all from tbe celebrated factory of Bingbam & Hop kins. Tc insure change of advertisements running on regolsr contract, copy mast ne nsmaea in rrr i o -ocir n. m la Men's and Bovs' Stylish Shoes Mitchell takes tbe lead. Hathaway, SKraie at Harrington tine sboes a spe cialty. Beauty Bright Cigarettes are the only straight cuts sold for 5 cents pr ' . Tbe celebrated "Star" shirtwaists for boys are to be foand only at Mitchell's, tbe Furnisher and Hatter, 28 Patton avenue. Try Beauty will like tbem. Bright Cigarettes. You TUH MARKETS Chlcaico Markt'i Chicago. April iiS Pork nvmid ftVS lower at 17.7Vi- Srpttmber now 1 7 OS. Nkw Vokk. Auril 35 Mnv. 7 46; June, 7 59; Jn.:v, 7. 75; Sewtemoer . 7 7t. r t n t'ututca, 7. US; August, Mtnelt QuoinH"tt Nkw S ok k . April 25 I. iiOys; Lake Shore 1X2; Otlicar mj: NintJiwcutrro 129V: Norfolk an'I Wcstei 'l, iV2: KichmiM.J and W'nH t'oirt Tcrnif'- -' tHs" '-Vrli vi -ion 9Hi Ualllmore :airl- 1ULTIMOKK. A oril 2f T-'lour. ifull; whnt. dull; spot an-l April. 74. May 7rs; millinic wheat t v ftainnk. 74ii)77: c-j-.i. firmer; pot xpril NIajr 4-f; white corn by iample. ox; yellow. . A.ab?-vlll?- Marfcels. Lorrectcd daily bv IDWULl. At cSNUU.N. wholesale and retail rocer. ThcNC prices are reint paid by the merchants to-Jav. Butter 2f ADDln 75(allS Brtra 1 1 Va Chickens 1 2U&c3i I Apples, dried 3I i-utnpKins, eHtn.ina.u 'Sorniani ilO I Heeswai, per Tt 15 I Honev 1 H Wheat H5 Turkey 7l(d!l OO Ducks 21(i2! Potatoes, xw't 100 Potatoes, Irish. GO&C 7 a Turnips 30(I0 ICorti f5 Onions.. X la I Meal fS lOata S Cabbage, per TT 3 Means, pr Du.iuuwi fo I Rye TO !Hay. ton 5UOOO ICelery. dm 2f(40 rcas eowevo Cbeatnata 250 There are 110 Cig;u.rettes made Beauty BHghts. like SCHKni'LE. Asheville and Hnlphur HprlaxH Hallway. L'VE DEPOT FOR SIT-- LEAVE SILPHI R PHl'R SPHINGS. SPRINGS. Sam 9am 8.30 a in .30 a in 10.30 a tn 1 1.30 a 111 12.30 p m 1.30 p in 2.30 p tn 3 30 p in .30 p m 5 3U p tn tlO a m 11am 12 m lpm 2pm p m p m p m p m "Note this schedule is from depot; take carat postoffice lo minutes earlier. tbxeept Sundays when car will leave Sulphur Sprinirs at IO a ni resuming the regular schedule ;trnin by leaving depot at 1 1 a. 111. Cars bet weeii postoffice anil denot every 15 minutes. Gold Watch Free with Heautv Uriirht Cigarettes. to Aclverttfentriiiit. Notice J 1. Cathcy To Loan John CTViild You Know J A White For Kent S K Chrdestcr Son Wanted Vsh'-villc Tobacco Works FOR RKNT r-o. 1? I'atton ovenm- store. S. K. CIIEDESTliK S: SON. aprrdl vv TO I-OAX On improved reaf estate. Two thousand dollars. JOHN" CHILI), aprSVUf No . LcksI lllock. W VNTEIi A collie pup, male. Apply at Asheville Tobacco Works ami I'icar-cuecort-.paat. wprfidtit VTOTICE State of North Carolina, Su Xl prrior court, countv of Buncombe J. L. Walker- vs. Mary Nl . Walker, service of summons nv publication. The defendant Mary Nl. Wlker. will take notice that at action exatitled as above has been com mrncrd in the Superior court of the countv of Buncombe. North Carolina, bv the plnintitr, J. I . . w alker, for the purpose of ob tainlntf a divorce from the bon1s of matri- m on v : and she will take notice that she is required to appear at the next term of the tsu- crior court for naid countv of Buncombe, to le held on the third Monday neiors the first ModiIrt in September, 1893, at the court bouse in Asheville in said county, ami answer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion duly tiled bv ai rl plaintiff: in default whereof the said plaintiff will take judgment against Her for the relief denanifid in his Bain complaint This, 25th day of April. A. r.. 1S93 , J. L. CAT1I BY. Clerk Superior court of Buncombe county, apryodettuesd ay- TO VISITORS! rof WIftll TO CARKY .4 ll'.l V A ..ISTf.Yii I VJl ". V.Vf.V? Nflf'lli.VIR OF .ASHE VlLIIi. Ulil'CtSlT St) CTE.VI'S WITH TUli U1TI ZE.W RT'tSI.K-ESS OFFICE .4.VP II. A -11 RETt7Rlil FUEL. VJKEfE I. A FIXE E.VGRJ VEI IEn OF ASH E VI LLE Weekly - Dispatch Tbe Ili.patch CTo.. Publisher. THE GREAT SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER, ONLY 1 PER YKAK. Rest oondenscd News. Storin. Ii-t Nliseellan. Hct Answers to (. orreipond HAS THE tntw ucpartmpnt, Best Kditorials. It Giv-ii Away Many Valuable Premiums. Sample copies ot the Weekly Itispatch will DC sent rree to any addrcas. wnteto THE DISPATCH CO., mch!3dltw3t RICHMOND. VA. SODA k MINERAL WATERS AT RAY SO R & SMITH'S. On and after today Sundays ex cepted we will commence scrTing oar Ideliciotts soda water. liver j thbig new and first class. Come aad Indge Sfor yonraclf. (litcn feve"nK tfll 11 o'clock. RAYSOR & SMITH DRUGGISTS. rtO. 31 PATTON AVENUE. Prices - Low. JRm- W. B. WILLIAMSON Ar CO., FURNITURE, CARPETS. ETC.. ETC., t6 Patton Avenue, WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE CORNER STORE, No. 4?G Soxxth Main Street. We are satisfied with our stock as it; stands. Kverything is an exclusive style. Ready made clothing and hats for Easter. Neat, nobby light colored suits, single breast, double breast, cutaway, square fronts, Price Alberts, and full dress suits, new styles, perfect fitting, firstclass materials. You cannot fail to be pleased. In children's and boys' clothing we have school fsuits and Sunday suits; all proper colors, best shapes; knee pants find long pants, best styles, and most desirable because priced low Eas ter hats. Everybody should see our hats, soft, stiff, straw, the best in the land, suitable shapes for all. Iress shirts, negligee shirts, working shirts. Our stock is immense. Easter neckwear, selected with care, and superior to any stock in the State. See them and be con vinced. Waiter and bell boys' suits. We invite you to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Telephone No. 108. THE WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE BLAIR Sc McDOWELL, FURNITURE DEALERS AND UNDERTAKERS. Call anil i: xatnlne Our Stock, of Parlor -A ;Gaols and Baby CarrlaKeii ! DAY CALL NO. 75- -TELEPHONE- o. 4.5 Patton Avenue, COAL AND No. 20 North Court Square, (FORMERLY CARRINGTON'S.) COAL, COKE, FIREWOOD, KINDLINGS, CHARCOAL, LIME, CEMENT. TELEPHONE NO. 121. DEPOT TO THE LOVERS OF 3sT FINEST : BREAD : OBTAINABLE. MADE BY A NEW PROCESS It is far superior to all otber brvavd. Manipulated by asychiacry aad stcaam. staking it as waitc as now, sad prodaaes tbe Oacat This bread caa oaly be bad at oar stalls is tb tae door oa eatertaa-. aad at oar store, 31 Try oar Feed Meal, oaly 88 ccats per per pound, aad ereij thine that is waslly trial u4 be coarlaced. Whitney $ $ Carriages ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST. DURABLE, STYLISH, PRETTY. - Sale - Only - By Aslievilte, C NICHT CALL NO. 66 WOOD YARD, PLASTER PARIS, LAND PLASTER, SEWER PIPE, HAY AND FEED. YARD ANB WAREHOUSE. TELEPHONE NO. 73 GOOD PORE BREAD ! FROM THEEST FLOUR.? aod most lasdoaa taatiac brad ia th world Market Boat, tba first stalla oa either sid Nortb sCaia street. basacl. Coantry Lard aad Hams at IS ceata kept la a first class eraeerj ttore. Give as a TBLBPHONB ABSOLUTELY :-: PURE -f ICES MANUFACTURED FROM DISTILLED WATER Wholesale and Retail COAL. THE ASHEVILLE 34 Patton Avenue. CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO. 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 7 1-2 COLLEGE STS. Keep in atock -Mount Vernon." "Canadian Club." and Old Baker Rye Whiskies. Tbe lei Wlnea. Brandies. Beer. Ale aad Stout for family use. All good, delivered free. Ale ftnii Porter on drmnght, Bntersnce No. 19 North Main and 7Vi Colleec streets. Teleptinn. No. 183. P. S.r On aad after May eta I will send statement of account, toy tnavil to parties in debted to sne if not settle 1 by that time. Respectfully. PROPRIETOR CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW, ALMIGHTY DOLLAR -fcsgsi- The many hve too few, the few too iu.u.y. Your oppor tunity has arrived if you will only take advantage of it. It will pay you to examine Ladies are especially invited to the Leading Shopping Head Quarters. I will make itable place for all who desire to deposit dimes and dollars where most returns are goods arriving every week. Stock lnrttely increased. Many new departments. TP HE IIIO R4CKET STORK, 15 Main f-:t. THE EMPORIUM IS TOO BUSY THIS WEEK To Say Anything Atooutt Their STOCK AND PRICES EVERYBODY KNOWS The Magnitude of the SURPRISES IN STOKE ICE AND GOAL GO. Telephone 3G and 40. I O - THE- my goods and get my prices. my .store a pleasant and prof given in exchange New fresh J. Owens. Stock & Exclusive Styles Fine Shoes. Goods, fJIlRncry ana