--V. eville Oaily Citizen NEWS ASHEVILXiE, N. CL. WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL. 26, 1893. PRICE 5 CENTS VOLUME VIII. NO. 306. Ash I NEWS YOU SMOKE Try Oxir New Cigar S E N A T I O N Fine -cracker! Graham, Ginger, Lemon Vanilla and Orange RBCBPTION FLAKES,) s CRBAM FLAKES, ) CREAM BISCUIT, LUNCH BISCUIT. ' I1CB CRBAM CAKBS, (FRUIT CRACKBR8. (MOLASSES COOKIES, (APRICOT TART. C. ALL FRESH & BEST GRADE. A.. 1. Cooper, Horth Court Square, Cor. Main Street. TMH TUMBLERS 60 CENTS A DOZEN. ONE HUNDRED iWMte : mountain ARCTIC ICE CREAM FREEZERS RECEIVED TODAY. By purchasing them in thia quantity means a lower price to you. We hare oil I and gasoline stores, refrigerators, water coolers and altera, fly traps and Cans, flower pots and Jars, dish corcrs and all summer goods In onr line. Prices way down. Cosne ind see the "New Process" gasoline stove in operation, tnen you will want it. THRASH'S - CRYSTAL - PALACE. 41 PATTON AVKNUK. MAKE IT UNANIMOUS ! T. C. STARNES WITHDRAWS FROM THE RACE. NO OPPOSITION TO CAPX. PATTON IN SIGHT. DKMIICRAT8 CAN MOW UNITE ON OMB TICKET. requires that the Alderman Tor that ward shall reside in the First ward. Haying some doubts) on the subject, I asked a prominent member of the bar to look into the question for me. He has done so and reports that in bis opinion, the law renuirea the Alderman to reside in the ward during his term, and that to move out would necessarily work a ; forfeiture. A personal investigation of the subject convinces me of the correct- ) ness of this view. I "Under these circumstances you can ' readily see that I could not ronsmt to allow" try name u cd for a place to which if elected I could not serve. "Please assure your committee of my ! cordial support of the Democratic ticket in this city. Yours, 11. A. ufiger. A STATELY PROCESSION GRANT'S PHARMACY ! THK PLEETB MOVE ON ME:W YORK Ma.KC.BOBa. TO The biggest political sensatiou Asbe ville has ever known was precipitated this afternoon, at a meeting of the Dem ocratic executive committee. The sensation was nothiug less than the withdrawal from the race of Alder man T. C. Starnes, who was on Satur day last nominated for the office of mayor of the city of Ashevillc in th Democratic primary. BF.FORK THECOLLtPHE. Ttass Political HosBtp an It Went Around, The fight up to noon today was waged at its very hottest. The Democrats were at work with coats off to carry the choice of the prl mary through. While this side was ex erting every faculty, however, it was idle to contend that the Reformers were not busy. For them it must be said I that within a week they perfected a. HaKuiacenl Mile tit Beau llftal Dav To 8ce at In Tnss Pres ident Leaves waahlnicton To See The rctIow Tomorrow. New York.. April 26. Shortly after 8 o'clock this morning Admiral Gbcrardi gave the preliminary signal ior the American and foreign fleets to break anchor and fall nto line. The start was so prompt, at 9:45. that the thousands of spectators who had gathered to wit ness the sight from Navesink Highlands and the heights of Foi t Wadsworth and other noints of vantaee on Statcn Island, had hardly taken up their post tion before the guns ot Forts Hamilton and Wadsworth boomed their welcome to advance the fleets. Stenminp- neck and neck, the two ad mirals (Gherardi and Hopkin I on their flncrahina led the wav at the rate of be tween eicrht and nine knots. A brisk breeze curved the water into white WHBRBAS 'tis known beyond a question that headache, bile and indigestion have formed a pact of treason to haunt the gay and festive board throughout this gladsome aeason; now, therefore, be it understood that all such dire full ills can he defied and cured for good by using Buncombe Pills O pills for IS cents. Orant'a. We do not hesitate to aay that our Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry ia the best cough syrup ever sold in A.sheville. We have sold over one thousand bottles of it and the de mand for it aaa conatantly increased ever since we placed it on the market. As it is pleasant to take, children do not object to it and It always gives relief. Try it; 35 cents per bottle at Grant's Pharmacy. BON MARCHE Jnst Received, a Large Sample Line of Ladies' SPRING CAPES FROM A LARGE MANVPACTVK KR ALL. NEWEST COI.ORH AND THE LATEST MTVE.KM AT EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES. IT WOULD BE WELL TO CALL. EARLY AND MAKE SELECTION BEFORE THE STOCK IS PICKED OVER WB STILL CALL YOVR ATTENTION TO OVR FINE LINE OF DRESS GOODS, TR1MM1NIXS. GINGHAMS, PERCBLBS. ETC. NEW ART EMBROIDERY MATERIAL. TUBE ROSK REAL ESTATE. w. B. OWYN. W. W. WEST, BULBS We Have a Large Lot of TUBE ROSE BULBS Which we Offer Very Cheap THE WARSHIPS ENTERING NORTH RIVER, NKW YORK, Campbo Glycerine Lotion ia a soothing and fragrant application for chapped hands. face, lips, etc. Not greasy or disagreeable in any way. Por aale only at Grant's Phar macy. It cleanses the teeth, strengthens the gums and imparts fragrance to the breath. Va Va Tooth Wash at Grant's. BON MARCHE pOWELL &SNIDKR 37 South Main Street. Gwyn & West, iSncccMon to Walter B. Gwyn ) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. kUamnu Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds. FIRE. INSURANCE. aODTBBABT COORT SQUABS. HUYLER'S BON BONS AND CHOCOLATES MINTS CREAMS, &C. RECEIVED BY EXPRESS. Heston - Heston CORTLAND BROS., steaml Btvtate Brokers And inveMtment Agents NOTARY PUBLIC Loasi aecnrely placed at par Jfe 3 Patton .BcbMlT Bscoad lioor, JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AMD LOAN BROKER. Paraiahed and Unfurnished Bouses. 0PPICB ROOMS. Mfrit olaced at Bight per cent. AOBNT AOrHlNTl 1st Door Beloi Grant's Drug Store. FITZPATRICK BROS., I Contractors and Dealers In Mixed Paints and Painters' Supplies, WALL PAPER. 33 North Maim btbbst, Auhtu.le. N. C. I TBLBPHONB NO. 12. w o o I I Oh W o 8 - . 'J 5 S 3 4J -fc J5 8 - a 1 S 5 V S 1 B a n ! 5 " o Mat-1 n . . X ja a t o . w M -3 2 s-" a n a -o o o Q O O W rr. o o V. . ct s x 5 o 1 u a o o o s as Q BUY THE BEST ALWAYS! AT CLOSEST POSSIBLE PRICES OF COURSE.! HEIN1TSH & REAGAN, D RUG-GUSTS, Mr. Starnes sent his withdrawal to the committee, which met at 12 o'clock. The letter of withdrawal was not Riven to the press for publication. There was a long discussion of the withdrawal of Mr. Starnes, alter which Acting Chairman Jones issued the follow ing card : ' To the Democratic Voters of the Ctity of Ashevillc : "Mr. T. C. Starnes, Democratic candi- date for Mavor ot the Citv l Ashevillc, has today withdrawn from the race and has so notified this committee it rriting. "Mr. H. A. Gudger, the Democratic candidate for Alderman from the First ward, on yesterday notified this com mittee in writing of his withdrawal from the race. "The Democratic executive committee will not make nominations or recom mendations of names to fill these vacan cies bnt await instructions tiomthe Dem ocratic voters of the city. "Respectfully, "Thos. A.Jones, " Acting chairman of the Democratic executive committee of the city of Ashevillc. "April 26th. 1893." Bar. (Mantes' Views. Mr. Starnes today cave TmeCituen the following interview : "I am a Democrat and believe in keep ing up the Democratic organization. My intention, from the time of my nomina tion last Saturday up to last night, was to make the fight and make it as hot as possible with a full determination to win. I have had all the time the highest regard for the gentlemen who differed The Gate City Filter is the best made. A natural stone filter is the only safe one. It is safe to have one now. A Russel Carver or Cook Knife will make life more happy. They are always sharp. My line of Table Cutlery and Solid Silver tand Plated Spoons and Forks is better than ever before, and there are some special - patterns I am closing out at a sacrifice. In Crockery and Glassware, new patterns. New cash prices all the way through. , .T. H. LW, - - a. ' 4i nnrl t7Patton Avenue. Asheville. N. C.I Churcb St. and Patton Jkvjre. PROMPT ATTENTION. ACCURATE DISPENSING. MANUFACTURERS 0FK0UUYS Seda fountain Open sail Year SOLE AGENTS FOR ASHEVILLE. RECEIVE DIRECT FROM FACTORY. EACH PACKAGE IS STAMPED. HE1N1TSH & REAGAN. from me as to the propriety of running a straight ticket, but have been and still am fully satisfied that they are committing an error of which they- will, later on, be sorry. "My withdrawal from the race for the mayoralty was prompted by what took place last night. The brave Democrats who stood next to me intimated last night, bv their actions, that a compro mise should be brought about for tbe sake of the harmony which might (ol io w. "Since I was tbe regular nominee of the Democratic party, they could, cer tainly, make no compromise without sonic action on my part. "I withdraw from the race, and now if Cant. Patton wants to see and nioy an era of good feeling, let him come right sou a re off the ticket, that the factions may come together aud be one people. If be refuses to do so, the burden shall be on him. not on me. About 150 men. so 1 a ti told, voted to nominate Mr. Pat ton. J art 4 IB voted for me. I shall be glad to learn that Mr. Patton has Joined tve in this withdrawing business, nod let tbe people come together. Respectfully, T. C. Starnes." H. jt. GndserHi Wllhdrawal. H. A. Gudger, tbe Democratic candi date from the First ward, has sent the following letter to the executive c mittee: "Thorn. A. J one a, esq. Meting- chairman Democratic executive committee, Asbe- rille, AT. C. Mr dbas sis : I shall move from the First to tbe Second ward by June 1st next. "The amended act to the city charter an organization that nobody except men who have been in tbe Democratic ranks could have done. There have been several wagers made on tbe contest so far. The amounts bet raneed from $200 down to $5. and neither side would give odds, except nere and there an enthusiastic voter would make a small bet with odds. An offer of $500 even on Starnes was heard of yes terday as having no takers. Of course, now that Mr. Starne? has withdrawn, these bets are off. There has never in a municipal election been such activity on the streets. Every man who has influence, or supposes he has, is buttonholing a friend who hap pens to be on the other side of the fence. J. M. Leach, of Wavnesville, said in his speech in the court house Monday even ing that "this kneebreeclies crowd don't eat breakfast until 10 o'clock, by which time we can have voted lOO negroes. At 7.15 this morning Thkt Citizen saw several of the Reloriaers' executive com mittee down town at work. Whether they had eaten breakfast deponent saith not. "Mai." lohn Erwin. the citv hall iani tor. cave awav a eood ioke on himself vesterdav. He was arzuine with a Re former that the Democratic ticket would be elected. The Reformer said he didn t bolieve the "Major" thought as he talked. "Yes, I do," replied the janitor, with a couch, "if I thoucrht the other side was the strongest I would co for it." It va8 said vesterdav that Mayor Blanton would return this afternoon. Whethei he will take part in the cam paign is not known. u ttass -WvHt Knd. A meeting of Democrats was to be held in Pearson's hall. West End, last evening and the speakers were to be I . M Luther and H. A. Gudger. These gen tlenien had. however, been appointed compromise committee to confer with the executive committee ot tne Ketorm movement with a view to harmonizing the two elements in the party, an I Mr. Luther did not get to the place of speak ing until about 9 o'clock. There was a good crowd there even then, Mr. Luther says, but as two-thtrds ot tnose who bad come out had gone borne witn tne understanding that there would be no speaking, it was decided to postpone tne meeting. Mr. Luther says tbe Kelormers snowea no signs whatever ol a desire to com promise. capped breakers, but the magnificent shins elided alone so smoothly their mo tion seemed scarcely oerceptible. The time occuoied in oassinc the forts was exactly half an hour. After passing the Narrows, the vessels entered the upper bav and the fleet of excursion steamers vnchts fell in and became a volunteer escorts. The absence of cannonading left the air clear and every outline of the magni ficent ships stood out in a luminous sil houette aeainst the cloudless sky. 1 tie flaers of different nationalities and even the names of the ships were clearly dis cernable from either shove. The various exercises attending the ar rival of the American and foreign naval officers in port began today with the un veiling in Batterv Park ot the statue to John Eric son. The ceremonies began with tbe parade ot Swruisn societies, followed bv exercisest at the Park, which consisted of choruses by 300 Sweedish singers, prayer, unveiling of tbe statue, a salute ol 21 guns by the monster Miantonomoh and an oration by Col. William C. Church. President Cleveland will arrive in the city tonight We can refer you to many reliable people in our own city wbo believe Buncombe Sarsaparilla is tbe beat blood purifier they ever used. Why use other and more expen sive preparations when a home product is better and cheaper ? Grant'!. Do you shave yourself or does a barber do it for you ? In either case, if yon use our imported bay mm your face will always re main smooth and free from any Irritation or rednetts. SOc bottles at Grant's. Absolutely Pure "Witch Hazle in attractive Pint bottles, 23 cento. Grant's. Do not suffer with headache when yoa I know that. Antlmiranc will relieve you en tirely. It is a harmless bnt sure remedy. Por sale at Grant's. Buncombe Plasters a higher grade porous plaster than the public his hitherto known. Try one. IS cents at Grant's. St. Elizabeth's Salve cures all skin diseases. It is superior to all known remedies for the cure of pimples or any akin eruption. Posi tively guarantee! to cure or monev refunded. Por sale at Grant'. Pharmacy, 24. South Main street. Apply the aalve t the parts affected by rubbing in thoroughly with the finger every other night before retiring and you will get rid of those disagreeable pimples or any skin eruption that may be troubling you. St. Blixabetb's salve is for sale only at Grant'a. YOU KNOW Art ft THE NATIONAL. HABHKRV. Hot IT'S ALL OVER. Came Megros at James) city Terras) 'Wttn Gov Newbern, N. C, April 26. Special. Last night a committee from James Citv called on Gov. Carr and agreed to come to terms. This will settle this matter. The militia will leave here tomorrow. Herritage. Uold ComlDS Mm. Washington, April 27. The financial condition today shows improvement Gold in small ciuantities was offered this morning from several points and ac cented. The President and Secrctarv Carlisle snow, Dy tneir action in leaving tbe capital at this time, plainer than words can tell it. tbeir entire continence in the situation. Gold is to be paid out as demanded for treasury notes without inquiring whether the gold reserve is thereby mvaoea or kept intact. le of line office Hsnlers Under ttie collar. Charlotte, N. C, April 26. Spec ial. The Observer's Washington svccial says: The batch of appointments today stim ulates the boys mightily. It is thought that North Carolina will figure in the appointments to be made early after the President's return, if not tomorrow, the eve of his departure. Some of the office seekers now here will go home during the interregnum. Senator Vance is expected and may oe in the city tonight. representative Alexander is expected Thursday. Some of the ofhee-seekers are hot under the collar because thev find their mem bers absent when they come to Washing ton. They say, "We pay these men large salaries to attend to such matters and thev stav at home on private busness. He'd Belter Resign London, April 26. A private dispatch from Belgrade states that dissention prevails in the new cabinet of King Alexander, formed under his direction af ter the coup d etat two weeks ago, The King, it is stated, has declined to accept the resignation of M. Pranasso- vies as Minister of War, and M . l. urecs, ex-minister of war. ha gone to Rou- mania on a confidential mission to tueen Natalie. Prices Will Mot Be ML a laved Atlantic City. N. J.. April 2g. H. W Higgingbotham of Chicago, and wife, are here. He states that tbe current rumors about the proposed raise in Chicago charsres d urine the fair is an utter fallacy The people there fully appreciate tnat to take such a step would be injurious to their business interests. The Protest and Hit Down. London. April 26. Marquis of Lon donderry presided today at a conference of Irish unionists assembled in London to orotest azainst the home rule bill. All tbe prominent leaders connected witn the Irish opposition were present. to the home rule Don, Dlcksos oets an Office. Washington, April 26 Tbe President today announced tbe following ap pointments: Government directors of tbe Union Pacific railway company: Henry Dumock, New York; Don M. Dick inson. Michigan; J. W. Doane. Illinois; Fitzhugh Lee. Virginia; Joseph W. Pad dock. Nebraska. Otto Dolderlin, Illinois, consul at Leipsic. Floor sills Bnr CoNNERsriLLE, Ind., April 26. Light- nine set fire to the Monarch roller mills vesterdsy and the whole plant was d troyed. Loss, $2o.OUO, without a nee. insur- Descendanl ot Col sans taa. Washington, April 26. Tbe Duke and Duchess of Veragua and party left here at 9:50 this morning for New York. There are exceptions, though. For in stance, we are selling Pine Apples, Pcara, Okras, Lobsters, Corn. Beantt and Toma toes, California fruits, at such figures as to place them within the reach of the lightest purse. The figures will tell the story. Try our Omega brand of Flour, the best on the market. Fresh Butter anil Bggs a specialty. 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, J. A. WHITE. MINERAL WATER ! Why suffer with Imdiobstion and all kinds f LlTKK, KlDMKT AMD BLOOD TlOCBLSI when nature has provided at Yotra boon a 8okb KlHBDT Hasulbu, Wholbsomb sad Inkxpbnsivb. The MINERAL. WATBR, fraah from Mr. D. D. Battle's Rsmiusu Spkino, now being daily delivered at any residence in Aaheville, ia working wonderful a, as can be testified by inquiries of Judge J. B. Reed. Judge J. H. Merrimon, Rev. J. White. J. R. Patterson, Doctors G. W. Pure- fay. Nelson. D. T. Millard. Mr. Barnes of Ohio, now on Spring street, Ashevillc, and hundreds ot others. Price, only lo cents a gallon, delivered daily anywhere in the city. Orders through mail, or left at Blanton. Wright St Co.'m shoe store, 89 Pattoa ave- , will leceil re prompt attention. Analy sis given on application. D. D. SUTTiLE, 95 College Street. lebSldtf KEEP COOL. THE NATURAL 1GE GO. Will do thia for you. having now re aay two minion ana nve nunarea isoasana poudi of clear aolial naturally froseu ice frosa H to xi inches truck, at lowest prices, call on or wnxe ro w . n. wesraii, manager, ro. IS Spruce street, Aaheville, N. C aarxdSaa THY THE MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY CMUKCH STKECT, ' WOI

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