THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. Wtdneslfty Evening, April 26, 1893. WANT COIIUMH. WANTED. A CONDUCTOR'S STORY TTTANTBD Stenographer and type writer, TT Address tlox Ti iij. oeno of work and state salary expected. sample S8tt "ITTaNTED A collie pup. male W Asneviiie Tooacco eate coinpaay. Apply at Works and Clgar- aprSSdet" fTIBMALB HELP WANTED Ladies cam X7 make 20 weekly, writing for tts at home. Reply with stamped envelope. Crys tal Cream 1 oilet company. South Bend, ind. npr3d.3t POff RENT MONEY COULDN'T STOP THE TRAIN. BUT IT WA3 STOPPED. SHE TURNED THE TABLES. T7OK RBNT No. Jtj 8. R. apraodl w 22 Patton avenue store. CHBDBSTKR fit SON. -s-TnR BRNT Furnished M " Bnnnv. for housekceDin UI oiwkc ano rooms, large and many, for housekeeping; new nou No S corner i Pine mch22dtf first floor street "TJIOR RUNT PARTLY PUKNISHBD Two B nice In rge rov suitable for lifrhthooae kfninc Npar street car line AddIt at 52 Hillside street. aprl 2dtf 'lior rent 1 0 room honseaear out Hcuqoare. All modern conveniences, including hot amH witter- Terms r . low. A nprodtf C M ., care Citizen WR RBNT Ftrrnisbed or unfurnished H room Apply at -- Mi f! College street. 18 room house. modern improvements. uronn avenue No all 6 French aprldtf r a V LBT Lare sunny s light aauKKctpnig avenue car line apr21dtw room, suitahle for Opposite Montford 17 HAYWOOD ST. TvQR RBNT DwelliuK house (S rooms) on a corner or orange areaac. Apply to street and M err I in on apr3dtf IIFNRY B. 8TKVKNS, No. X Johnston Building. (OH RBNT The J. I. Smathert place on Haywood street; house contains rooms, with good barns; nai an moaern tm proTementi; one of the best sites in town for a boarding house; fine view and on car line. Apply to aplldtf NATT ATKINSON e SONS. FOR RBT That large nnd c-n veniently arranged house. No 62 Merrlmon ave nue Hot and cold water with baths on two floors All rau 'ern improvements Location central, with larcc well shaded grounds fpl ndid residence for large family or board ing houne Apply to II C or XI J KAGG. apr!6dtf BOARDING. TJLBASANT board at JL 87 BAILBV STREET, aprtdlm riOARDING At No s Starnes avenue: hot JL and cold water; furniture new; fine loca tion; on car line. mctaSdtf HOARDING Two front rooms, connect ing, with rood board, also one single room. MRS street. AL1CB REYNOLDS, 4.H Spruce mcnyau 15 OAR DING House pleasantly situated in best location in city, near street large s nglc and double rooms: table very finest. Reference can be given MRS M. SCHIRRMKISTBR, McCape House, 31 Orove Street. uprlOdtf rs the rDHB CHATEAU Private boarding house 1 No. 211 Havwood street. Pine city and mountain views: perfect sanitation; hot and cold water) comfortable, airy rooms well provided table; attentive service; ren- sonable rates. Two hundred yards from Montford car line MK9.M. K. DBTWILBK. oct7dtf Proprietress FOR SALE. FOR SAl.B A right piano. apr21dtf first class Betr Bros. Up. Apply to S. C. CORTLAND, Patton Avenue. IJlOR SAI.K A Caligraph Tvpe-writing Xj machine for S60. cost SH5; as good as new. Apply to O L,. M'l OSALD atir21dlw" IB South Main Street. XTtoR SALTS OR RENT House of. M 1 and bath; lurnace and rooms open fire placet: gas fixtures, etc ; complete modern house, new; location the best. Enquire on the premises. No. 1 Orove street or at office of Asheville Ice and Coal company. 34. Patton avenue. apr24dtf 1()R SALE OR RENT On reasonable terms, tbe large house corner North Main and Cherry streets: lately put in per fect order. New furna e, drains etc. Suita ble for physician or lady's outfitter. Apply W. H. WEIR. Cumberland Avenue. apr20dlw MISCELLANEOUS. r a lO LOAN On improved real estate. Two JL thousand dollars. JOHN CHILD, apr2Sdtf No 1 I-eRal Block. BARBERS' NOTICE W J. Hughes and Charles South, first class barbers. If you want a good shave and hair cut go and see them- Under Redwood's store, Hstton avenue. apr2Idlw TO XTOT1CB JJH Office, Asheville. N Senled CONTRACTORS Mayor's O . April 17. 193. proposals will be received at this office until 3 p. m. Prida, April 28. 1893, for putting down about 9(10 yards of vitri fied square-edged brick sidewalk tin the east side of Orove street Samples of brick to be uaed must be submitted with each bid. Spe cifications can be had at the office of the City Engineer. C. D. BL ANTON, apri7dl d Mayor, a TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue .f the pow . er vested by a deed of trust executed bv Aaron Washington and wife, Lula Washing ton, to the undersigned. trutee, bearing date the 20th day of April. 1 H It 1 . and regis, istered in Book 25 at page 8 in the Records of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust in the office of the Register of Deeds for the county of Buncombe and State of North Carolina, to which reference Is hereby made for further description, to secure the payment of the notes therein described, and default having been made in the payment of said notes, and having been requested by the cestui que trust to sell said land to satisfy sairl notes, I will sell at the court house door in trie city of Asheville. at public auction, at 12 o'clock m. on Wednesday, the 3rd dav of Mav. 1 N93. the following described tract of land and alt the appurtenances: Beginning at a stake in the western margin of Ctemmons street and runs with Clemmons street south 24 12' west 19 MO tret to a stake in the margin of said street; thence with said street south 1 1 ' weat-40.3 feet to a stake in the mar gin of said street, a corner of Pearson n ad dition; thence with the boundary Hue of said addition north 04 57' west 34.4 feet t a stake in the margin erf Velvet street, another corner of said addition; thence with said street north 47 I 8' east 68.S feet to the be ginning Terms cash. J. G. NI BRRIMON, Trustee. aprSdSOd rkara'a a O rare Roawshera at tits Poos of ths Long It anga of Capped Monn ' tains Oyer Wtiieh the Trains of the flreut Northern drawl. 1 never read or bear of the mtrantaina that I do not recall a story told by a con doctor of a train on the Great Northern road. We were going to Butte. The train had just crossed the river at Great Falls. From that point the road begins its eastern ascent of the range whose tops are whitened with the snow all the vear round. A wide plain spreads out between the line of the road and the range. As the train was getting "a. fresh hold on the rails." as one of the party expressed it. the conductor stood on the rear platform of the coach ami looked steadfastly at one spot until it was lost "Got a claim anywhere around there?" asked a traveler who had noticed the conductor's longing look. A ki'.ider of a claim," he replied, "but not the kind you're thin kin of." How he came to tell no makes no dif ference now. Here is what he told: i 'Bout a year ago. I think it was, a young man was put on my tra,"n by the conductor who had brought him to where 1 take it. Be had been east. His folks lived down there. I believe. He had been west a good many years, was a cowboy, then a deputy marshal, then a boss of a ranch and then he got to spec- u latin in Anaconda. He had lived the sort of life out here that a man was ex pected to live in them days. He was a hard citizen and then a good one. Blest if I know just where he quit off, but he did. He finallv Rot to lovin a girl, and just when lie was havin it the wust way she ups and marries a good for nothin dude that came out here and got to clerkin in a raghouse. Then the young man that I am talkin about he goes east to wear out his feelin's, I reckon. And be was gone all summer. They said be was at the seaside. I thought when 1 beard that as how be would not last long. When a man quit this climate to go to tbe seaside, there must be something misrhtv bad about bis case. If a man can't get cured here, he needn't go any where else. "Well, when be was put in my care there was four or five of the boys with him. They had heerd he was comin back, and they met him away down this side of St. Paul. -And they nursed him all the way and fed him jest as if he had been a sick girl. He was lookin out of tbe winder of the car all the time, day and night, but wasnt ' sayin nothin. When v e got to Great Falls, he looked out of the car 'winder and smiled. It was tbe first time that the boys had see him do that since they met him, and they thought he was gettin well. He asked em to set hrra up in his berth so he could see. "And be looked at the mountain tops out there covered with the whiteness of God, and the foot of the mountains that is washed by the purest water this side of the divide. The train was just get ting a good bolt on the rails when the Door fellow sank back, and the next thing 1 see the boys was takin the piller out from under his head. Then I knowed it was all over. Then one of the boys come to me and asked me if 1 would take 1 ,000 to stop the train. I told 'cm 1 couldn't do anything of thet sort. They said money was no object. Then I asked em what was up, and one of 'era told me that he. meanin the dead man, had made a last request that be be taken from the train and buried in sight of the mountain that had tbe snow on it, the one that caught his eyes first after we bad come over the river. They said they had promised him they would. I asked em w ii ere they, would get a dox, ana they said a man as good as be was didn't need no box; that the angels would take care of him as soon as he was laid away. "1 asked 'em what they would do if tbe train wasn't stopped. They held a short parley and said in a most respect ful way. which 1 understood, that they bad to carry out tbe wishes of the de ceased at all hazards; that they could top the train if I didn't. I understood em. i pulled tbe cord and went for'ard, and while the engineer was mendin the locomotive, which got out of sorts jest then, the funeral procession moved out, and the dead was burled out there in full fright. J " so happened that we got tbe locomotive fixed just as tbe funeral was over, and we took the pallbearers Into Butte that night. "And 1 never pass that spot that I don't look out there where they laid him. I ain't never seen any of the pallbearers Binoe. and 1 don't know the name of the young man tnat tney Dunea. do you know, gents, that his grave is green all tbe year round? I once thought of put tin np a gravestone at the head. but. thinks 1, it's none of my business, and, besides, the boys said the angels was goin to to take care of bis body, so I thought 1 wouldn't be in trad in on sa- angel's business. It was the only time, though. that my locomotive ever got anything tbe matter with it." Chicago Tribune. w s Little Hsmely Knewlsdas Savetal m Young La-ily. Maeh Dlaeomfort, A young lady through her knowledge of housewifery rather turned the tables upon a would be jester one day and let that individual, who was of the male. persuasion, into a little secret of con siderable importance to those who have occasion to work in tbe kitchen as ama teurs. The two were members of a party vis iting an Adirondack camp in the Sara nac lake region. Every one was well acquainted, and the days passed merrily away until a heavy rainstorm drove the ladies and the less enthusiastic fish ermen indoors and compelled them to seek other forms of amusement. The rain continued to fall almost without intermission for several days, and as means to reliever the monotony theven- tleman already referred to proposed that the various members of the party try their hand at cooking the next meal. Permission was obtained from the host, I the members of the party laughingly agreed to the proposition, and the guide, whose duty it was to act as cook, was for the time sent about other business. The gentleman acted as chef, and with a lcnowledge obtained from serving on the house committee of a prominent New York club proceeded to assign various work to his aids and appointed the young lady first vegetable cook for the express purpose of making her peel omons. the odor of which she loathed. When the party adjourned to the kitch en to begin preparations, a large supply of strong odored red onions was brought to the lady, and she was requested to remove the outer cuticle. The acting chef and the otbeito who had been let into the secret made merry over the supposed discomfi- tnrarif the first vesretabls cook, tmtthn lat ter smiled Bweetly and uttered no protest. "Bring me a deep pan," she said to her helper, and when this was produced she filled it to the brim with water. Then she tucked up her sleeves to the elbow. rshowing just the prettiest pair of ao in the world, and removing her rings set to work peeling tbe omons under water with a deftness that showed how famil iar she was with the work and depriv ing it of all its off ensiveness. It was a revelation to the man, who had looked either for a vigorous protest. or had expected to see the eyes of the vegetable cook water from the effects of the onion juice. The amateur dinner was in every way a success, but none of the cooks achieved a greater triumph than the one whose practical experience showed to the others the common sense method of peeling onions. New York Herald. General Grant's Qidck Perception. One afternoon during the siege of VickB burg General Grant came sauntering on foot - toward the naval battery on Lo gan's front. The place was known as the "shell basket," from the number of 10-inch mor tar shells dropped into the earth, which exploded and raised clouds of dnst that obscured everything in the vicinity for some moments. In this instance a few of as had watch ed the flight of a shell, but the general aw the bomb only the moment before it truck, and its windage tlnrew him to the ground. He was unhurt, and con scious that time was precious before the explosion he had rolled himself suffi ciently away to escape the shock, but not the earthy shower fijpn the dust of which he presently emerged, intently considering an unlit cigar. "Logan;" he said cheerily to that gen eral, who in the full bloom of a clean white shirt hastened to liuii, "how can you keep so clean in such a dusty place?'' This escape was iolloweu by another a few afternoons later, when a sholl landed by the front polo of the awning before Logan's tent, and eight generals, Ltrant among them, rouea nastily out or tne shelter to meet uninjured when the duBt cleared away from the recent place of conference. T. R. Davis in Cosmopoli tan. CHILD BIRTH MADE EASY! " Mothers' Friend " is a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and in constant use by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown MOTHERS' FRIEND" WILL DO all that is claimed for it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Book to " Mothers " mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. ntl)veiesson receipt of price tt.fiO psrbottls BRAOFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Ga. BOLD BV ALL UKCOOI8T8 A Pronounced Case, The reporter who may some day be come a great American humorist was sick, and a friend was waiting on him. A bottle and a pill box were on the table. "Where's tlio quinine?" inquired the young man, nosing uround. "In that bottle, designating the one on the table. "What's in the box?" asked the friend picking up both nnd reading the labels. "Keeneen," was the reply. "What's tho difference?" was the some what astonished query. The sick man laughed. "Well, that in the bottle I got at wholesale and paid 85 cents for 200 grains, and that in the box 1 bought at retail and paid 25 cents for 25 grains Do you catch on?" The friend jjave a little whistle. "I presume," he said, "eyether will do, and pave the patient one of each, Detroit Free Press. A Pure Norwegian oil is the kind used in the production of Scott's Emul sion Hypophos phitesof Lime and Soda are added for their vital ef fect upon nerve and brain. No mystery surrounds this formula the only mystery is how quickly it builds up flesh and brings back strength to the weak ot all ages. Scott's Emulsion will check Consumption and is indispensable in all wasting dis eases. Prppirfd by Rcott. A Mown. N. Y. All riniffKiata. West for tlie Summer. Mahy of our readera'will go to tho World's Fair this Summer. While in the West, why not visit some of its lea ding resorts see the Yellowstone.'the Yosemite, the Grand Canon of the Colorado, Hot Springs, S. D., Helena, Mont., or take a trip to Alaska., the Great Salt Lake, or go to Banff, visit the resorts of Lake Minnetonka, Minn., Excelsior Springs, Mo., Colorado Springs, Pike's Peak and Manitou, the California mountain summer resorts, picturesque Mackinacand the various Michigan resorts, or the Lake resorts of Wisconsin ? We will gladly send you full printed in formation in regard to these resorts or any . others, with the wavs of reaching them via any point, and help you to lay out any tour or route you may think or taking. Write, asking for what you want. By special arrangement with the ilecreatiori Department of The Christian Union, New York, Address THE DAILY CITIZEN, Asheville, N. C. illlNISIOIMINIIlA! No longer your dread upon retiring. Sleep sill come pleasantly without using opiates SIMPLY TAKE One teaapoonful 'M'OTICB By vtrvw of tbe power A in mc DT A wca Of ALlte Worst. Mr. Sutherland got bold of a prodig ious Clarendon and Burnet and made it the richest and most extensive pictorial history in existence or ever likely to be in existence. He found nearly 19,000 prints and drawings tor it and no less than 7S1 portraits of Charles I, 518 of Charles IT, 852 of Cromwell, 273 of James II and 420 of William III. If, remarks Mr. Percy Fitzgerald, we only think how few are the portaits of Charles I, and these mostly copies after Vandyke, we shall have an idea of the labor and exploration necessary to gather up tbe 731. Think also of the pains and cost in cleaning, "laying down." "insetting," and "inlaying" these portraits, the bind ing, arranging, etc., and we shall not be surprised to learn that this folly occu pied the fanatical Sutherland such a lengthy portion of his life. When finished, it filled 67 huge vol umes and had cost 12,000! . We may conceive all the visitinga of print shops, tbe turning over boxes of prints, the groveling among winds and lanes, the correspondence and the endless paying of money 1 To give a finish to his labors a catalogue was prepared of all the en gravings. This filled -two great quartoa At Sutherland's death the work was car ried on by his widow, who is reported to have given as much as 80 for a single plate! Temple I3ar. Peculiarities About Tram pa. 'A fact a Imut your professional vagrant or tramp in that they never want to go back to the place from where they were sent," says a penitentiary superintendent. 'For instance, if one id sent in from along the Snwun'lianna road, on his discharge he usually requests to be sent north, east or south, or any direction that will take him away from that in which he was apprehended. "Only the other day a tramp sent from Otsego begged to be sent to Hudson. He begged so hard t li:it I gave him a ticket to Hudson. The next day he was back again They pulled me us soon as I stepped from the train,' Ue naid. County officers, you see, are always on the lookout for tramps because of the mileage received for bring ing them here. Work? No, they wonldn t show any inclination or desire for work if they had to lay in the penitentiary for months. lint we compel them to earn their keep, very much to their disgust. Usually I set them to work cane seating chairs." Albany Journal. Tiger Skins Mot Popular In One family. Mrs. Richard Croker of New York city tells some fanny stories of her ex periences with people who have heard ot Tammany tigers. One day a country man came to the Crokera' Richfield Springs home to do some odd jobs. Mrs. Croker noticed him peering around the floors, and about the time she began to grow suspicious of the man he asked: "Where are the tigers?" - "Tigers! What tigers?' "Why, the folks around here say you kept tigers all on the floor." Mrs. Croker had to smile, but earnestly told him the tigers were out at pasture. The man looked relieved. The fact of it is tiger skin rugs are not popular in the Croker mansions. Washington Post. BRADYCROTINE The Sootherm Woman's Headache Remedy, No unpleasant results in the morning. Should your taoth trouble you One teaapoonful BRADYCROTINE COSTING FIVE CBNTS. WILL STOP IT FOR SLB AT Pelham's Pharmacy BSREAD The Staff of Life If there is one article of food denired above all others to lie pure and of high quality it should be Bread. Thin can only be secured by utting a high grade of flour '"1th good on king powder and nvre leaf lard. Use the SOUTHERN C MJS5 FLOUR. ROY AL OR CLEVELAND BAKING POWDERS, WITH PURR LEAK LARD, and you will never be disap pointed in your Hfeht bread, rolls or biscuits. Southern Cross has given entire satisfaction to all. IT. J. REVELL, 30 north main;htrhet, RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. F. W, Huidskopek svnd Ridbii FoaTEK. Receivers WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule in effect Not. 20. 1802. EASTBOUND Lv Knox villc Morrlitova Lv. Paint Rock.... " Hot Sprinm..., Lt. Asheville " Round K.nob... " Marion Morganton Hickory Newton " Statesville Ar. Salisbury " Greensboro ' Danville NQ.'fg T 1 Cam 0 3Sam 12 26 pm 12 30pm 2 46pm 4 OH pro 4 19pm 5 33pm 6 35pni 6 ft 6pm 7 47pm & 37 pm 11 20pm 1 15am Ar. Richmond 7 OOam Lv. Greensboro til 35pm Ar. Durham 3 Sftmm " Raleigh 6 OOam " Goldsboro .... 12 OBpm Lt. Danville Ar. Lynchburg Washington 1 SOam 4 OSam lO 40am vested trust executed bv 1 L. Smathrn and mi re. C L. Smathers t the undersigned trustee bearing; date the 22nd day of M t, v. 189n,and res; stered in book 2U at page 283 in he Kyrdi of M - rtgagei and eds of Trust in the ofhee of the Kesris- ter . iiccat fur tne county or Buncombe and State of North Carolina to which reference I is hereby made for further description, to se cure the parment of the note therein de scribed, and default bavins; been made in tbe payment of said note, and bavins; been re quested by the cestui que trust to sell said land and premises to satisfy said note. I will sell at public auction, at tbe court house door in the i-ity or sheville. at 12 o'clock m on I uesday. 23rd day of May, 1 Horv the folio wins: described tract of londT and all the apourteaances thereunto belonsrion; . Ad join: ik the lands of J. L Carroll. J. M. Wood cock and Henry Brwlaa, situated on south side of H -y wod street in tbe city of Ashe ville, more particularly described an lo'lovi : Beginning; on tbe south side of Haywood street 1 Mr feet below ths intersection of Patton avenue and Havwood street; then south 25 esst 17 pot ato a stake; then south A7 west S 3-1 1 poles to a stake; then north 39Va west 1 3 poles to a stake on south aide of Haywood street; then north 33V east lOVa poles to the bearinrlns;. con tararaa one acre more or less, raclvdlng the dwellins; house now occupied by said r-msth era. Terms cash This April 21. 1 303 O. A. 8DUFORD. Trustee. apr31d3Qd TO LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN FOR Si Gritkuna or "CyanboUma." At one of the performances of "Cyxn- beline" by Modjesk&'s er upany one of tbe audience heard a man behind him lay to another. "What is this piece and where did she net it? "Oh, answered his companion. something she picked an, 1 suppose. All this seems less rep rehensible when Dr. Johnson's criticism of "Cym beline" is recalled. To him it sounded like tbe creation of a lunatic without a single lncid interval. Chicago Herald. - tssrw a Fsahlos Was Started. Onrinsr the reism of Gteorire IT1 the Duke of York bad a dnel with Colonel Lennox, with the result that the colonel nooeeded in shooting; away one of the duke's curls. Hence it became the cor rect thing to wear a curl on one side of the temple only. We do not know whether this was tbe origin of tbe oele brated curl of a decnrxl - prune minis. "T iondonTKiIlilw EVERY s BTABI.TTrFD last. PHOENIX CO. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE HARTFORD. CONN. Old. reliable, larre dividends. Accident In. nrance. Annual policies and day tickets A. RANKIN, Agent, South Mate Street. S doors below city ticket office, city. aprilldSm Precarioua Indaau. Tourist (at Niagara) A coroner must have a pretty good thing of it around here. Coroner Well, it's rather precarious; You know our income depends upon the floating population. New York Evening Sun. One of the hottest regions of the earth's surface is in the immediate vicinity of the Dead sea. Experts in the science of hydrography declare that the sea loses not less than s million tons of water a day through evaporation. The muscles of the forehead and sculp should be regularly exercised several times a day. It is said that the individ ual hairs of the scalp can be stimulated by rubbing the nape of the neck with a coarsely woven glove. Even if we have only a dinner of herbs to offer to our guest, if it be served in the spirit of true hospitality it will be better than a stalled ox where pride and envy are, and with them tbe spirit of contention. It is stated that the daily supply of milk for the New York market amounts to about 19.000 cans of milk, over 170 cans of condensed milk and upward of 400 cans of cream. MAGNETIC NERVINE. Is sold with wrltUn g uarftntea to cure Fits, Dixxl nt, Headache and Nouralffia audWake--rulunH,caured by ex cenniveuseof Opium. todbcco ana aioo hoi; Mental Depres sion. SoftAnlna: nf I, uk. !sa Aana'ri0 an lsakBw m skfk sal -w and DB h 1 Bftrrenees'lmpotency, Lost Power in either m. Prematura Old Ago, Involuntary Lorhoh, caused jt over-ltnlulireDce. over-exertion or tne Brain ana Errors of Youth. It sive to Weak Organs their (uurni vigor ana aouuieu uio jjj" wm, uuicv Lucorrhata and Female Weakness, a. month's treat ment, fn nlnin nacka-re. bv mail, to any addreMS, SI per box, 8 boxen fi. with every 6 order we (rive a Written Guarantee to cure or Tef uud the money, circulars free. Guarantee iaeued only by our ex- cluaive agent. RAYSOR & SMITH. after BEFORE - P. L. Baltimore Philadelphia New Vork.... ....... WESTBOUND l.v. New York ' Philadelphia.... ' Baltimore 12 03pm 2 30pm 4. QOpm 4, 30pm t 65pm 9 'JOpm Washington.. ' Lynchburg..., Ar. Danville BEDDING AND DECORATIVE PLANTS Having; on hand a very large and well grown atock of these plants, I am prepared to furnish yon with the leading varieties at tbe loweat prices. Flower beds prepared aad plants set out in first class style when deaired. Upwards of lOO new and choice varieties of the beautiful (Queen of Autumn) Chrysanthemum. Ca'l or write for what you want and get prices before placing your orders else w here R.G. MILFORD, Fernihurst Greenhouse, Box SI 3, Asheville. aprld I m XTOTICB North Carolina. lv county, Superior court. Mrs. Mossansvaa w as P.trlned. In June. 1884, Airs. Abigail Sotossman was interrecl at tbe Hazel wood cemetery in Poweshiek county, la. Not long sines relatives determined to remove tbe re mains to apother cemetery. Tbe work men engaged to perform the job found the coffin rilled to overflowing with red colored minTal water. Thlsrwaa drained off, whereupon it was found that the oorpse, with the exception of tbe fingers and toes. v aa perfectly petrified. The hair was perfectly natural, as was also a bouquet of roses that lay on her breast. After a thorough examination by rela tives and friends the coffin was again closed and covered in. St. ILtorxis Republic. KEEP COOL usiU, onuide, and all the way through. iy urmttiiiK HIRES' Buncombe before the Clerk. A. B Hawkins, administrator of Hinjnmin Hawkina. deceased, and A. a Hawkins, vs. Marcaret Candler ami others N'ntip of anle of land. Bv virtue of an or der of the Superior court of tHe county of Buncombe granted on tne l tn aay m Apni, 1893. in the apecial proceeding. A. IV Haw kins, admr.. and . B. Hawkins vs Mar garet Candler and othera, 1 will sell on the premises all of the land belonjrinR to the late Benjamin Hawkins, one third of the pur chase money to be paid in caslt and the bal ance in two equal installments, 10 pr arvarcu Mr the note of the purchaser, with good ae- curitv, bearing interest from date. Said sale will he made at public auction at tne former residence of said Benjamin Hawkina, deceased, commencing at 12 o'clock m . on tbe 25th dav ot May, A. i. ie i nis day of April, A. L. 183. Admr of Benjamin Hawkina. dee'd. apr213uil la These tiny Capsules are superior to .Balsam of Jopaiba, f Cubcbs and Injections, f ffff They cure in 48 hours tho V same diseases 'without any incon venience. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS COWAN 6c CO. MAKE A SPECIALTY OK FINE WATCH REPAIRING. N a tivc Stooea. Monnting Made to Order. ALL WORK GUARANTEED I No. 8 Mortli Court Place, ASHBVIl.T.K. N. C. I-v. Richmond " Danville Ar. Greensboro l.v. Osldaboro l.v Raleigh " Durham Kr. Greensboro Iw GrcensDoro , Salisbury " Stateaviile New-ton Hickory Morganto Marion Bound Knob Ar. Asheville Hot Springs Paint Rock 11 OOpm S OOam 7 2Saun 12 50am 7 4avm 9 20am t7 4.6 pm e 16am 7 16am 9 loam 9 SOam 1 t lOam 1 2 OSpm 12 4-pm 1 OSpm 1 S2pm 2 S6pm 3 14pm 4. 26 pm ti 57pm e lOpm Mornaiown .. fCnoxville A. &. S. MLROAD Lv. Asheville " Henderaonville . " Flat Rock " Saluda " Trvon Ar. Spartanburg . . 8 JOpm NO 14 7 OOam H 02am H 12am H 37am 9 06aio lO 16am NOI3 Lv. Spartanburg... ' Tryon " Saluda Flat Rock Henders'nv'le. 6 oOpm 7 68pm 8 27pm 8 54pm 9 OSam Ar. Ashevil'e lO lOpm MURtHV BRANCH ' " NO- 17 Lv. Asneville Ar. Waynesville " Brysofl City . .... Andrews . Totnotla.. t8 Roam lO ()9am 12 39pm 4, osprn 39pm Murphy 6 09pm 18 NO- BRF.WT0N & M'CONNELL, Furniture Dealers & Undertakers EMBALMING A SPECIALTY .All calls in th's line attended to day or night. Also all kinds ot job work done to order. Upholstering, carpet laving, pack ing, setting up furniture, refinishing, etc. 33 NORTH MAIN STREET, Telephone 14.2 PROFBSSJONAL CARDS. T. W. BOOKHART, DENTIST, 37 Paitou A. vaiiuc, Up Mtairt ASHEVILLE. N. C. m3dtf Lv. Marsh; f 6 OOam Ar. l omotia 6 20am Andrews 6 SOam Ar. Hryaon City lO lOam Waynesville 12 62pm Asheville..... .... 2 36pm SLPING CAR SEftVICET Nos. 11 and 12 Pullman Sleepers between Hot Spring and New York, via Asheville, Salisbury and Washington: also between Asheville and Cincinnati via. Knoxville and Harriman. Trains Nos. 13 and 14 Pullman Sleeper be tween Asheville n nd Charleston, via Spar tanburg and C t mbiavia S. C. R'y, connect ing at Columbia for Savannah via S. B R. R. with Parlsr cars. W. A. TURK. S. H. HARDWICK, Gen Pass. Afrt Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., Vf aahington, I C. Atlanta.. Ga. W.H. GRBBN. Gen. Manager. Washington V. B. McBBB, llcn'l Snpt., Columbia, 8. C. SOL. HAAS. TrarBc Manager. Washington T : ru drink Root Beer Try lt A Kind M It was raining in torrents. ' 'Jnli r cuiid Diadnm to her maid, "be quick and rrtu across to tne milliners and tell her not to xortret my hat. "(Jan I take Azor out with Are you mad, Jtalie? Can't you Bee f r yum self thut the weather is not fit to trim a dot? nnt of doors''" Evenement ysw js s; vsv C?AVTi An v kind, any atyl , amy price; wholesale auad retail; SO dosen patcka telc brsted Bicycle Cards. RAY'S CIGAR STORE AMD TICKET OFFICE, 28 8oatla Mais street. JS.BsBa 'wwwVB CttWft f Paying Doctors' Bills BOTANIC BLOOD BALM THE GREAT REMEDY . FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASE! Has been thomnahrMM4 P7is lnsnt nhyicln and tba peopla for 40 jNn, and never ffclli to cure quickly and penaaaaatlr SCROFULA. ULCER, EMMA, RHEUMATISM, PIMPLES, sod all manner of ?Vn?'1 "TRKAD.'?.0J1 lhaome blood dtar. If directions ara JoW sale by drUfCKtat- SENT FREE wirKKrrL cum-. BLUU0 palm vu. m THE MAITLAND SCHOOL. NO. 40 FRENCH BR0AD(A VENUE. BNGLI8H AND PRBMOH HOMB A N DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. MRS. BVKGWYS MAIT1.AND. Principal. Assisted by Misa Wallace of Vaaaar College, and Mile. Hothe of Pans Special advantaajea ror tne atnay or vocai and inatrnmental Kane elaaaea for ladies TK. H. BR1TT) CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE. UradiUK of all done. All sizes of cruabed atone lurnisbc-d. tenri all orders to postoffice Box 148, Asheville. N. C. .nclMf Afternoon French WORLD'S FAIR. If von are going to the World's Pair, write the Dally Citisen. Asheville. N. C, for illustrated printed matter deaenbins; the Pair, and time-tables and pamphlets issued by the steamer lines or railroads you would arc from your home to C bicafco. No charge u o.aiie This crffer is made special ar rangement with the Recreation Department tbe Christian Union. Fine Clothing: Cheap It will par yon to aee samples and prlcej of W AN A MA K BR BROWN. Bis borred styles. Savisg ot 28 to 40 per cent. C. F. RAY, Bales Agent, 38 B. Mai" vt. GUITAR NEW AND EASY METHOD I am teaching a ne r and easy method of guitar muaic. Proficiency guaranteed Piano and organ. For terms and full particulars. call at Falk'a Music Store or No. 29 Bailey street. MRS. M. M. CHILD. aprSdlm 34-V ears Eacpc-rience-aW FHIlVrOIS HARDING AND BUILDER CONTRACTOR Office and shop, Wolfe Uailding. CORNBR COURT PLACB AND MARKET STRBBT. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. AST ON, General Inauraticc i Aceat, kr.r "w. aosnnt!" Main street. TAKE THE CHICAGO AND ALTON RAILROAD GOING Wesi assacl Northwnit. Emigrants tniri tz to anv of the Western States or Territories will save time and money gnini? via Chicago and Alton route. It is the quickest route to Kan.a. City, Den ver Pueblo, an-1 all points in Idaho. Wash ington. OregOL . Utah and California. Finest Bind hest Equipped Road in tbe West. Only line running Solid Vestibuled trmnl lietween St. Loui. and Kansas City. Reclining Chaii cars and Tourist Sleepers free of extra charge. I will meet parties at any railroad station with through tickets and baniran checks. For full information, maps and descriptive pamphlets of the West, write to or call on; B. A. NBWLAND, Traveling Passenger Agent, 33 Patton Avenne. Asheville. N. C ?. CHARLTON, General Passenger A vent, Chicnuo . .lnbliah-t 1 KHA shrville. S. C. J. A.. TKNNKNT, ARCHITECT : AND : CONTRACTOR Plans, specifications and estimates far. nished. All work in my line contracted for. on con t racts and no charges for drawing awarded me. Refev-'-ni-es when desired. Office, Southeast Cnu-t Square Aslu ville. N. '. frlil 1X1 1 v NOTICE. Until further notice I will have no office hour in my city office. Patients desiring to consult me will please call at my residence, "The Winyah." from lO to 12 a m. (Prac tice limited to diseases of longs and throat.) DR. KAXL VON RUCK. Telrohone No. S. FRANK. FIR lNSrHANti:, First National Bank Building. A8HBVILLB, N. MOT. 11 If PUBLIC. JanOntf TAKE Your broken wacom and vehicles of all kinds to B. Burnette's shop on College street, where thev will be repairer promptly and in nrst-clara style. Hay ing secured a first-class borse-sboer I make all kinds of fine shoeing a specialty. 15. I3URJSTETTE. CANKUT CAI SE BtRKTUHt PKIirKCTl.T FAlRLBftS Til USR. ryl VfesSr yy t&7 -Xggt INJECTION. PRICK SI Oil. WILD BY ALO. II K LOOISTS. BUT IN PLAIN. SkALKIl PACKAOB UFOM KKCKIrT or pKica. Asheville Agents. Rayeor Be Smith. lotion drnggista. 81 Patton ave eblOdly pre! IT IS OUT A?wl WILL ITIOI. OUR NEW CIGAH. KROGER, 4X College Street

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