THE AjSilSVXILE DAILY GITIvjfcN. Saturday Evening, April 29, 1893. CRIMINAL. COt'RT. AROUND TOWN. SOME ELECTION DOXT'S. Several Fellows leal to the Lock step BrlKade. The Buncombe Criminal court has probably never done a harder week's work than it has in the week closing today. The court has worked longer hours, and, apparently, with more than the usual dispatch. The ttrm continues through next week. In yesterday's afternoon session, in the four cases ol State vs. Reagan Hunter, for retailing without license, the defendant was found guilty and prayer for judgment con tinued. State vs. W. S. Bradley, killing fish with dvnamite; defendant bubraitteii and judgment suspended on payment ot costs. Creed Black, convicted of larceny a lew days ago, was sentenced to two years in the chain Katig. State vs. Colly Mills, larceny ol valua bles from a store near Cripple Creek, guilty; two years in the chain k"K- Henry Goodrum alias Price, larcenv, fjuilty; two ears in the chain ganif. Sttite vs. Thos. Moore, larceny, jjuiltv; two years in the chain gang. State vs. Thus. Shipman, affray, guilty; rined $15 and all costs. This morning Ed. Kobinsou was con victed of an assault and sentenced to three months in the chaingaiiK. Seate vs. Will Brittain. atfrav; defend ant submitted and judgment suspended on payment of costs. State vs. 1. W. Bradshaw, larceny and receivinL': not kuiltv. The grand jury has returned true bills in two cases against C. L. Jenkins, tor talte uretence. The Whittemore murder trial is set lor Tuesday morning. the: a. t. i. kaik Washington, April 29. Futecast till 8 p. in. Sunday Increasing cloudin'ss, showers tonight or HundHv; southerly winds; cooler by aumav night. -rix. I Mli-it' committee Make a Kcquest of the Merchants. That the people ol Asheville feel uride in their "soicr bovs," the Asheville Light lulantry, is a fact that will not be denied The company has taken on a new lease of life, as it were, the members are takinu renewed interest, and they will do all they can to make the com' pany a credit to the city. The members are desirous ot com pletely reunit'ormin themselves and to this end have arranged a lair to be l.eld in thr Fumirrs- warehouse on the 17th of Mav. The details of arraiiKemant for the fair are in the hands of a number ot' patriotic ladies who feel an interest in the success ot the company, ami the entertainment will certainly be a success The work ot canvassing anions the merchants for contributions of articles in he soli) at the fair, however, is a task that is a rather heavy one for the ladies omvnssinu committee. T he ladies, there- fore. trukLniL' to the Generosity ot the merchants, reuuest that all those win will contribute communicate with Kay snr .t Smilh. the 1'atton avenue druu cists, stating what they will give to help on the cause, liv responding promptly to this anneal, the ladies will be relieved of the necessity of calling on probable contributors nersonallv. A list ot the donations w ill be published in The Cm ret the mi nest of the ladies and call no R;ivsor & Smith and tell them wha y ou will give. BAIK t-'KOM HCOXl.NI). at the Andrew Murdoch Comes Buck lo AHllevll'e lo Live. Andrew Murdoch, brother ol Street Inspector John A. Murdoch of Asheville, arrived in Asheville yesterday afternoon after a year or more spent in Scotland, and will make this city his home. The Cumnock. Scotland, News of April 1 says: "Todav Mr. Andrew Murdoch, and Mr. Robert Muir sail lor New York from lilasgow, on board the State ot California". Mr. Murdoch's destination is Asheville, wh're there is aheady a Cumnock colony, and Mr. Mnir goes to Charleston. S C. Tbev carry with them the good wishes ot the wholeconiniunity as their walk and conversation has ever liecn such as gains and retains respect." AX THI-: URAN1I, Hometltlnx of a Mluta Clans Prom ised for Friday I'.xenliitf Lovers of opera in Asheville arc prom ised an evening ot great enjoyment at the Grand opera house next Friday even ins. May 5. Selections from "Fau9t," "Don Pas(uale," '-Trovatore." and "La Traviata" will le given, by Mrs. S. T. Carries, prima donna; MissJulynneSneed. solo pianist; Signor de Pasqualis, lyric tenor from the Metropolitan opera house, and Signor E. Campobello, bari tone, of Her Majesty's theatre, London. Seats for this performance will go on sale Thursday, at 3 Patton avenue. Alliance Meeting's. 1). A. Black well, president, and X. l'lamondon. secretary, of the Buncombe Farmers' alliance, give notice that alli ance met tings will be held at the follow ing places on the dates named, at which refreshments will be provided: Mt. Car mel, Mav 13; Morgan Hill, May 2i; Candler's, Mav, 27: Hig Sandy Mush brick church, June 3; Tweed, June 10; Pinpv lirnve. lune 17. Prominent sneakers will make ad dresses on matters of the greatest imrtnncr to the farmeis. The Will vou remember tne electiou Mon day ? The Reformers will hold their mas meeting ill the court house this evening. Internal revenue collections lor the Fifth Xoith Carolina distrut vesteidav amounted to $2,12-1.45. Next Monday is the day for the regu lar in nthly meeting ot the Board ot County Commissioners. The sale of the stock of books and stationery belonging to Chas. U. Myers attracted a large crowd todav. The fifth and sixth grades ol the citv schools went on a picnic to the pumping station on the Swannanoa today. Rehearsal for "Pinafore" bv the Four 's are progressing gratifvingly and the association hopes to anuouuee the date ot the production soon. Rey. E. L. Stanley will preach at Col lege street chapel tomorrow eveninij 8 o'clock, and every evening during week. All are cordially invited. The ladies of the Flower Mission will meet Monday afternoon at 4 o clock at the residence of Ir. I. A. Burroughs, corner Woodfin and North Main streets. Rev. J. O. Adams, pastor of the French Hroad Baptist church, will preach a uosuel temperance sermon in the court house Sunday atteruoonat ,-i:.ji o ciocn. , cordial invitation to all is extended. Deou' v Sheriff I. M. Morgan went down toAlexader this afternoon, having under his care a number ot prisoners sentenced at tins term oi tne criminal court, who will be put to work in the chain gang. Rev. . L. White, pastor ol the First Baptist church, will preach tomorrow morning on the theme, "The Lord Bar tered Awav." At 8:15. "Two Gates and Two Destinies." Visitors in the city and the publicare cordially invited. Miss Ellen Reid, sister of Mrs. Key. W. S. P. Bryan, died a few day ago at the residence of Rev. Mr. Bryan in Cincin nati, of consumption. MissReid was 35 years old. The interment took place yesterday afternoon at Nortork, Va. "Faith through trials, as illustrated in the life of Job," will be Pastor Chreitz berg's subject tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock at Central M . K. church. South. "Man's part in his own salvation." at 8:30 p. m. A cordial welcome to all Prof. . A. Rogers, ot the Southern Business college, will leave tomorrow tor his home in Ohio and will probably not return to Asheville 'or some time. Prof. Rogers' many friends here regret that he is lo leave, but hope to see him return soon. Last evening Miss Irene McLoud gave a party at her home on North -Main street to the members of her class in the North Asheville Sunday school. A num ber of youne people were present and greatly enjoyed the games and retre.-h-mcnts provided. The Raleigh correspondent ot the Washington News, writing about the North Carolina tuineralogical exhibit at the World's Fair, says: A. M. Field, ot Asheville, loans his magnificent collec tion of North Carolina rubies, emeralds,' sapphiresjaml aqua-marines. Rev. F. W. Sanders will lecture tomor row evening in t he hall ot the Ililliard building I Nos. 33 and 37 South Main strertloii "The Religious Thought and the Date and Authorship of the Book F.cclesiastcs" one of the latest ot the Jewish writings. This is the last lecture of the course. The first stone in the inundation walls of the New Graham cotton factory near the passenger depot was laid yesterday morning at 8 3(1 by Zehulon Vance Britt, youngest son of Contractor K. H. Britt. Mr. Britt hopes to have a portion ot the walls ready tor the brick work within It) ays. F R. Mclntirc is the contractor u the bpek work. Don't promise anybody any office. Don't get into any heated arguments. Don't take anything stronger than soda water. Don't forget that the election will oc cur next Monday. Don't, when talking; to a voter, 'cuss out" the other candidate. Don't bet 10 to 1 that any certain man is going to be elected. Don't show your money someone will think you are trying to buy votes. Don't use the argument that the coun try will go the dogs if So-aud So is elected you might have to take it back sonic day. THE MARKETS. Cblcaico Market. C"meoo, April 29 Pork opened " V? tower at 177. September now 17 lf. I-ices - Low. Whitney Carriages ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST. DURABLE, STYLISH, PRETTY. Ior Sale - Only - Iy ABSOLUTELY :-: PURE 9iew Vork Market. Nkw York. April 29 Cotton lutuiea, Mav, 7 37: June, 7 4,0; July. 7.S; August, 7.6.; September, 7 t5. mock Uuotatlons. Nkw Vokk. April 1:9 Krie 20B; Lkc Shore HIV?; Cbtcajro u.nd Nort h western l-'7.; Norfolk and Western. 31s; Kichmond and West I'oint Terminal r-: Wmterp ' nion yov3. Baltimore Market Haltimokb, April l?t Flour, dull; wheat, dull; spot and April, 74-Ia. May 74-; mi:linu wheat bv sample. 73(rfi7t; cra. firmer; spot pril !S4.. May 4-i; white corn by Harople. yellow. Index to TH--v Advertlsemen i si. Wanted "Keliable" Notice J A Brookshire Millinery F 1 ininauih Oixra House- Granit Opera Private Board Flint street Furnished Rooms 2 Moutford uremic W. B. WILLIAMSON V CO., FURNITURE. CARPETS, ETC., ETC. 16 Patton Avenue, Tl t'KNISHHP or unfurnined roo to fo r Xj rent, witft or without board. elegant cation on street car line. Apply 24- Mont t'ord avenue prw,t 1 PKlVTli no A K II Two nii.1" front rooms with flmt clasi hoard. Location central . Klint Htrect, -d door from Mav- wood on the right. apr'Uiat img man of experience references, a in "iti.ti clerk in hot 1. Address "HRLIA IMJ Care Lmly Citizen Asheville. "lr.NTKli-Hy a ? V and nood N' irl nr lire The New Vork Dramatic Mirror Siivs: till Nve iiini A. i'. Iturljonk dost- ;it Miniuapolis on April U'.t without hisuit; a night sn cc lanuary 1, and will resume together next season, making a tour ot the Southwest. Mr. N've's receipts this season, lm-ludint; revenue from weekly letters and royalties, are said to aggre gate $50,0011. Hut tins mav lie news paper humor. About 8:30 last ereninj; J. S. Moodv, Eujjme Sawyer and J. L. kidi were "biking" it on I'atton avenue, arm-inarm style. When near ltlomljery's cigar store someone made a break and the three riders went to grass in a confused heap. When thev picked themselves part thev tound no bones broken nut sundry bruises. Mr. Sawyer's bicycle was broken in the scrimmage. The V. M. C. A. arranged with J. V. Lee, I). I)., ot Atlanta, to deliver a lecture on Henry . lj.n:!v earlv in tne season, but because of illness the en gagement could not be filled. It is hoped now that Mr. Lee will deliver tins lecture next Kridav evening. May 5. It comes in the regular Y. M. C A. course. The hnal lecture will be given bv Ir. Charles Dabney, jr., at a later date. FOINTH PKRHONAI im- count meeting will lie held Thursday, July 13 in Asheville. Question" M e 1 1 n . All young men are especially invited to the meeting for men in the V. M. C. A. tnmnrrn afternoon at 4:30. Rev. W. I. Erdmao, one ot the ablest Sible schol ars in this country, will answer all Questions that may be asked. Already a larcre number of auetions bearing on themes that are at present stirring the re- liizious world have been asked ana tnere i no one more capable of responding to them scripturally and satisfactorily than Mr. Erdtnan. Attempted Bnlclde. I'ink Fatton. white, attempted to commit suicile yesterday afternoon shortly after 6 o'clock by throwing bim .If from the window of bis room in the second story of the O'Donnell saloon hnilftinir on North Mam street. He was caught in the act of making the leap bv Constable K. T. Poor, and was con6ned in thr Inrkno. where be still is. No tea' mn ia assigned for the attempt, but tbe officers think Patton was onder the flue nee of liquor ClaalnK EsercMei. Thr closing exercises of tbe Catholic Hill colored school were held last even ins n the assembly hall sf tbe Christian institute, under the direction ol Principal Ed. S. Stephens and tbe teachers. The hall was crowded, and although there was very little preparation made, tbe MMimmnt was a very creditable one Mitral. The nroirram was made np of singing, recitations, dialogues, etc M rnnntrr. 'Tis of Tbee, by United States Marine band, on phonograph, at Grant's. Til I H-K-Sll KK1HK-S S M.U Hy I' tin exci tition in my hfln's for c t ion . issucil In- J 1-. Ciithev. el-rlt ol tn - cu pirinr i-otirl tl ituncotri !e county, in fflvo ol llnlsti Minnie eooipnnv and various others. iK"int M Koerts. I will olfer fi-r snlr at Ihf nmrt hfiusc ilnor in the citv (t A f-hi-v ille. N C., on the IM Monilflv, the 1 th duv r Aucut. 1 sil.1, to the hiehmt bililer tr tinh t he I'ollovw inK tieficrilec1 real rs.Hte. to-wit . Hein; ami lyinji in the county oi Iluncombe umt State f North L arolinn. on South l!:it rrek arnl Imundrd na lollows: HejciumTin at a iot oak. A. K l-llrr's southwest corner, runieati fl ile with l-.Hrr'-. lint- to a rhi-stnut sorrmt on the west ma'j,;in of the South Flnt Creek road. ihrnif with the sa'.lroail north I 1 t2 roles liUu-k oak. on the west citKe of said road. t heru-t' n -rlh 1 r ' cast 1 '.l pole to a pine on rnt side ot ai-l roafl. thence north fK5' e.-t 3s poles to a .-taltc in the road t the tout ol the hrunch. thence north t.olt-s. to a stake on lit-.- t-'.st liftnk ot the said road, theiK-e north east t 4. poles to n rock on tbr hank ol" South l-lat Creik; thence up and with the meander of said crtek snuth r.H1 tut 'J poles to a stake; thence with said creek north el'J-? east M poles to a stake; thence south S2J east 13 poles to a stake; thence south L'H east p:-les to a stake; thence south fio east 1 5 poles to a stake; thence south 1' 4-' east 7 p.'les to a take at foril of said creek Harvev Kolterts corner; thence up sa d creek south 2 1 poles to ile on south hank of said creek, thence south same course 11H poles to a stake; thence west 11 poles to R. P. Ilrittain's northeast coruer; thence same course with Brittain line 32 poles to a chestnut near a spT-ins;; thence south i;70 west V.7Va poles to Hnt- tain's old northeast corner: thence with Hrit- taul'9 line w-rst 4.0 poes to a stake; thence north 12 poles to a stake, thence west SO IK.les to a post oak; thence north H7 poles to the tK-cianins. containing 126 acres Said sale is made to satisfy suid execution and cost of advertising This, April L'8, 1H-J3. I A BROOKSHIKK. Sheriff. aprS!dltw3t Ier J M Morgan. L. S. GRAND OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY, MAY 5TH. One Grand Gala Performance of GRAND OPERA, MRS. S. T. CARNES, PRIMA I'ONNA MISS JULYNNE SNEED, St)l.() PIAMT SIGNOR DE PASQUALIS, 1.VK1C TKNOR. From the - Metropolitan - tlperu - House. and SIGNOR E. CAMPOBELLO, HARITllS K. Of Her Majestv's Theatre, London, ring MR. JOSEPH DREYFUS. MI SICAI. DIRECTOR. I'roffram includes ACT I PAI'Sr ACT II. HON I'ASUI ALB ILTKOVATORB. I. a traviata. Miserere Scene. Grand Seen a. Prices. $, 75. 50 and 33 cents. Seat on sale Thursday morning at 24 Patton v e . WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. No. 46 Sovith IVIain Street. We are satiHfied with our Htoek as it standi. Everything is an exclusive style. Ready made clothing and hats for Easter. Neat, nobby light colored suits, single breast, double breast, cutaway, square fronts, Price Alberts, and full dress suits, new styles, perfect fitting, firstclass materials. You cannot fail to be pleased. In i-hiltlren's and boys' clothing we have school emits and Sunday suits; all proper colors, best shapes; knee pants and long pants, best styles, and most desirable because priced low Kiih tcr hats. Everybody should see our hats, soft, stiff, straw, the best in the laud, suitable shapes for all. Dress shirts, negligee shirtw, working shirts. Our stock is immense. Easter ncckwpar. selected with care, and superior to any stock in the State. See them and be con vinced. Waiter and bell boys' suits. We invite you to inspect our stock before purchasing else where. Telephone No. lOH. THE WIIITJLOCK CLOTIlICi HOUSE i j MANUFACTURED FROM DISTILLED WATER Wholesale and Retail COAL. THE ASHEVILLE ICE AND GOAL GO. 34? Patton Avenue. Telephone 36 and 40. CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO, 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 71-2 COLLEGE MS. The ! Ale and Telephsne Keep In stock "Mount Vernon," "Cassdlan Clob," and old Baker Rye Whiskies Wines. Brandies, Beer. Ale ud Stoat for family asc. All goads delivered fro Porter on draught. Bnterance No. 10 North Mstln and 7Vi College streets. No. 1S3. P. S.: On and trr May 9th I will aend statement of accounts by mall to parties In dented to me If not settle 1 by that time. Respectfully, LOPRIBTOR CAROLINA 8ALOON. WE LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW, THE- blair & Mcdowell, furniture dealers and undertakers. la A A Ja IS ALMIGHTY DOLLAR m&fi- The many have too few, the few too many. Your oppor tunity has arrived if you will only take advantage of it. It will pay you to examine my poods and pet my priees. Toadies are eHpeemlly invited to the Leading: Shonnin&r Headquarters. 1 will make my store a pleasant and prof itable place-for all who desire to deposit dimes and dollars where most returns are jriven in exchange New fresh poods arriving every week. Stock Inraely increased. Many new departments. TP HE UIG RACKET STORE, 15 r. UHiiti "t. J. JU. Uwcinn.. Call ann Examine Oar Ntock of Parlor I Goods and Rabjr Carrlaxea ! DAY CALL. NO. 75- TELEPHONE- NIGHT CALL NO. 66 Mo. 4.5 Patton Avenue. New About the rroplf ah Come and Uo. J. II. Caswell of Cleveland, o. the city. M. . Hornik ot Charleston i.s Grand Central. Thos. Bracken, a ur irnineat New Vork lawyer, is at the Battery Park. T. L. Annus. B. M. Gwaltney and T. L. Goff are at the Swannanoa from Richmond. A. D. Beam left todav fur where be has accepted a pobition wuh the electric company of that town. Dr. Sage and wife. Miss E. M. Sage. Albany. N. Y.; Mn. T. H. White ami Mrs. VV. P. Rogers. Milwankec, are among the Battery Park's quests. Rer. C. O. Jones, formerly pastor ot the First M. E. church of this city, hut now an evangelist, i in the citv on a visit. Mr. Jones will preach at th.a church, corner Haywood and Bultrk-k streets, tomorrow at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. License to Wes. Register Mackev has issued license to wed as follows: R. A. Black welder and Lydia Buckner, ot Buncombe; white. Wm. Price, Lattsville, Mo., writes: "I was afflicted with sciatica, and had lost tbe use of one arm and one leg for nine years. I went to Hot Springs and also tried differ-nt doctors, bat fonnd no care until 1 tried Botanic Blood Balm. It made me sound ami well. I ana well known in this vicinity." bkown-s :i hi:tkks. Alt deslers keop it. Si per lorrl-. (piminphnfi trade-mark ana crossed red lines ou r-iI i- HARRIS' L1TII1A WATER COAL AND WOOD YARD, No. 20 North Court Square, (FORMERLY CARRINCTON'S.) COAL, COKE, riREWOOI), KINDLINGS, CHARCOAL, LIME, CEMENT. PLASTKIt PARIS, LAND PLASTER, SEW E It PIPE, HAY AND FEED. We buve j amt recti ved direct from the Spring a fresh supply Harris' Wonderful Lithia Water Sold by the glsM, in casts, sod hulk mt lowest pric Call in sod ace analysis and other li term - tare of this orlebrmtd wmter. Mr. Jacob Thomas of Bristol. Tenn., has just arrived with a car load of firt class borses for sale cheap. They can be seen at Raj's stable, opposite Swanna noa hotel. Vocal quartette, Tbe Life Boat, on phonograph at Ravsorand Smith's). TELEPHONE NO. 121. DEPOT YARD ANB WAREHOUSE. TELEPHONE NO. 73. TO THE LOVERS OF GOOD PORE BREAD! i Celeliated FINEST : BREAD OBTAINABLE IADE BY A NEW PROCESS FROM THE BESriFLOUR. It is fax superior to aUI otaser tmmd. M maipsalmtcd by cmaMrsrlavea-y maA ateaai, maUng It i tat 6aet mad most lmsrimsia) tmartJmsr bresul ia tb world. RAYSOR 8c SMITH ma white ma mow, This bread caa only be 1 tbe door on eatertaar. I mt ow stadia tm tb Maurket lie tbe firat mtmlla os either side -tRUOOI8T8,- rtO. 31 PATTON AVENUE. Try oar Peed Meml. omly SS ' atoea, n North Mais atreet. ata per hash el. Cosstrj lmrd mad Ha a at IS ceata per pound, mad eTet-ytatiaur that la aaaally kept la a firat claaa arrocery store. Give us a trial aad be coarlaard. TKLSraOMB ISI. THE EMPORIUM Is crowded clay and night every department rushing, from West College street to I'atton avenue, from base ment to third floor; a perfect jam; business 50 per cent in advance of any season we ever had in Asheville. The pub lic has discovered the superlative quality of our goods, our improved methods of business, our every effort to please, our talented assistants, our immense stock and our low prices; they have discovered also that anything conies from Mimuaugh's hus the stamp of stylo about it. Off stales are as much avoided as bad debts in this estab lishment. Our Dressmaking Department is ulready a success. Worth, the renowned dressmaker of today, would be jealous were he tr see some of the lovely gowns turned out by our modiste, Miss Haupt. Our Millinery are styles exclusively our own. We have shapes and colorings, you cannot find anywhere bouth. No more complete department to be fouud anywhere. Miss Driver is not only a trimmer of talent but a designer. Nearly everybody preterslier bats to the French patterns. Our prices range for nice goods, from $5 to 40. Our Dry Goods and Notions are the largest and finest collection in North Carolina. No bombast; we can prove every word of it 'Tis known in business circles in New York we buy the finest goods South except Atlanta New Orleans More fine stuff here than this town show collectively. Our Kid Gloves, new Parasols and Sunshades, new Dress Goods and Trimmings, Silk and Laundered Shirt Waists and new Eaton Suits will fommand a great deal of attraction this week. Our Special Sale of Silks will surprise everybody Mon day; 33 inches wide, beautiful designs; our price will be 80 cents as long as tney last. Respectfully, F. P. EVUsVusMAUCH. Our tonsorial artist for ladies, Miss Smith, late of New York and Baltimore, will be here Monday. Northern rates only will be charged. and can