THE AS HUE VIULE DAILY CITIZEN. Tuesday Evening, May 9, 1893. WHO CAN ANSWER THIS? INFORMATION ILUNOIW aaea UHrl t la Mid miIt YBaa-ta "" Taatrcl wire of Jan ftefiera to a Kllllns o Haw Occnmd T-w ago. The Citizen has received a letter, dated Disco, Hancock countv. 111., Mar 6, and signed Mrs. B. Litterl. in which the writer asks lor information that some reader of The Citizen may be able to give her. The letter is am follows : "Is Hattie A. Nash-Litterl living in the United States ? If she is let her speak Her first husband, James Litterl, lives at Disco, 111., where he was married to his third wife. He says he was married in 1861 or '62 to Hattie A. Nash in Bun combe county or thereabouts. He also says he killed a man in bis house through jealousy and then entered the Rebel arrxiv and remained till the close of the war. He then went to Ohio, where he married without having secured a divorce. Ac cording to this I am his third wife or ought to be. "Now, if any of the N.ish family arc living, will they let me know where ibey are, and if Hattie A. Nash or Litterl is living. I have forgotten the name of th man whom James Litterl killed. He says he killed him on the Nash farm." If any of The Citizen's readers know of the case and will communicate with this paper or Mrs. Litterl the third they will no doubt confer a favor on the writer of the letter. THE PAHSIMO CROWD. Peraonal Notes off People comliiic and goIdx. F. T. Smith of New York is in the city. R. G. Hunt returned from Indiana to day. I- W. Stollenwerck of St. Louis is here on business. Alderman D. C. Waddell left today on a business trip to Greensboro. Jesse P. Lowry, the "Plow boy States man ot Sandy Mush, is in the city. Among the late arrivals at the Batters Park is H. H. Blades of Detroit, Mich. M. D. Long left today for a two months' business trip through the South Col. A. T. Davidson was born May O, l Xiy, and is therefore 74- years old to day. A. M. Stoner came over from Frank lin yesterday and is autographed at the owannanoa. Mrs. C. B. Leonard, wile of Alderman Leonard, has been very ill, but is im proving now. Kev. J. L. White, pastor of the First Baptist church, will go to Hcnierson- ville tomorrow, where he will deliver the annual address before the literary societies of J udson college. Mr. White expects to leave here Thursday or Friday for Nashville, to attend the Baptist convention, which begins its work Thursday. in theIrealtTwokld. Wbat Is Tranapirlnir In Tbc wav of Dl't TranMacllouH. The following deeds have been filed i-i Register Mackev's office: S. H. Reed and wife to Jonathan Mooney, lot in Biltmore 300 1. R. Rich anil wife to I. B. Bos- tic, property in Kamoth 2,000 l. K. Morgan and wife to War ren and Trull, 28 acres on Hominy creek J. B. Hyder and wife to D. L. Roberts, l?i acres on Big; Iw... R. M. Johnson to Fannie and An nie Johnson, 2 lots in Prospect Park Daniel M. Davis and wife to T. J. Candler, Vi acre on Hominy creek $ OO TO THE PICNIC. i5o soo ioo AROUND TOWN. Washington. May 9. Fotecast till 8 p. m. Wednrsdav : -fir; preceded by showers today and tonight: winds east ward, becoming variable; sligntly warmer Wednesday morning. A genuine wild bear hunt will be one of the attractions at the firemen's picnic tomorrow. The order for n drill by the Asheville Light Infantry tomorrow morning at 9:30 baa been revoked. Internal revenue collections for the Fifth North Carolina district yesterday amounted to $7,105.25. The foremen and their friends will picnic at the Sulphur Springs tomorrow. Go out and spend the day with them. The K ights and Ladies of Honor will meet in Ma onic hall at 8 o'clock this evening tor the election of officers and reception of members. This glorious government has had a stroke of generosity the result of which ts that the whiskers or the lawn in tne triangle around the government building have been amputated. The Citizen has received the an nouncement of the North Carolina State Dental society calling the 19th annual meeting of the society for May 23-26 inclusive, to be held in Raleigh. After remaining dark for some time the opera house will be open tomorrow evening, the attraction being Duncan Clark's female minstrels. The company will arrive in their special hotel car tomorrow afternoon. At the regular meeting: of the Lyceum sotiety in the Y. M. C. A. hall this even ing the discussion will be upon the topic "Temperance." A large attend ance is expected and several talks will be given. Rev. Frederic W. Sanders will be the principal speaker. It being impossible for the Knights Templar to attend the Ascension ser vice at Trinity church on Thursday evening, that service will be given up. but there will le full morning service with sermon and holy communion at 11 a. m. All Sir Knights, and the public generally, are invited to attend. All seats are free. The paving of Church street has leen stopped in front of Central Methodist church, and will not be resumed until the jury reports, which is to go on the street in a co utile of weeks, to assess benefits and award damages incurred by the widening of the street in orHer to give a six-foot sidewalk on the west side between the church and Patton avenue. Mayor Blantou, who is a close reader of The Citizen, calls the paper's atten tion to an omission from the oath as administered by him to the new Advis ors on Friday last. The ath should have said "faithfully and impartially perform the duties," "etc. When orinted the "faithfully and impartially were left out unintentionally. The Mayor says he laid special stress upon the "im partially." AT THE GRAND. Ttae firemen att tlaae Hnlphnr HprlnKi Tomorrowi The picnic of the Asheville firemen and their friends will occur tomorrow at the Sulphur Springs. There are to be sports of various kinds and refreshments that will delight the appetite of the picknicers. The members ol Hose Company No. 1 want to raise money with which to pay the expenses of their trip to Wil mington and have adopted this plan of raising the funds. 1 be picnic will afford all an opportunity of spending a pleas ant day in the country and at the same time of contributing a mite to the tire men's fund. Cars for the picnic grounds will leave the postotfice every 15 minutes. BAKALLT WORK. Jk. Miscreant at Worse on time ttlemn Rawl Roller. Some person with malice afore thought and without fear of the law in his heart has been making trouble with the steam road roller, which has tor some time been at work on North Main street. The miscreant, with a sharp knite, made a cut at the governor belt, completely severing it, and in such a manner as will make a new belt nec essary. Not satisfied with this, the mischief-maker cut a slit a foot long in tne hose which is used in drawing water from the hydrant into the tank of the machine. Inspector Murray isnaturally hot over the rascal's work. IT. . C. Jk. Illaatramseeaa Lecture At i be members' meeting; of the Y. M. C. A. last evening Prof. t. P. Clazton gave a very pleasing lecture on the "Le gends of the Rhine." With the aid of a stereopticon. loaned bv Prof. Hd. S. Stephens, tr any illustrations were sho wn. among others, tne ruined palace in Heidelberg, cathedral at Mayence, Mon Tower, Bingen.tbe ruined castle ot Fnrst- enburg, St. boar, tne town ot Bop- iard. the strongly tortttiecl unren trat stein. Coblence. Cologne and man v other castles associated with the legends of this most beautiful river of Germany After the lecture the ladies furnished cake and lemonade. Tbe ospsrfttv or as Ulett It is s well kaowa principle anions; tbe medical fraternity that old feather beds are unhealthy and patients) are not al lowed to remain upon I hem unless thor oughly renovated. They mast be cleaned by steam and steam only. Tbe citizens of Asheville have now an opportunity to have their teat hers cleaned and vated that tney may newer nave again. Pillows, bolsters and bedttcks made to Tally ol Uo., fatton avenue. w. E. H sly barton is csuavasstns; the ertv ia the interests of John L. Stodard "Glimpses of tne World and Portfolio of Photographs," a strikingly hand some and valuable addition to art literature of 538 pages with 28 rail page -plates from photographs of tne most noted i all around the world). Parties) ti teres ted may obtain further information by r'w-g st tbe stagie notd am fat too - . . . one. ne worm aa bom oy aaiaajt ip i only. The people ol Asheville are promised a rare treat for next Monday and Tues day evenings. May 15 and 16, in the illustrated lectures to be given at the Grand opera house bv Prof Donald Downie, B. C. L. The first lecture will He "Napoleon." ind the second "Ireland." Prof. Downie has given these lectures in almost every part of the world, and wherever given they have delighted the large audiences that have attended. The lectures bad a run of several months at the Union Square theater. New York. and throughout the East and West his tours have been unqualifiedly successful On this occasion Manager Sawyer will fix the prices in the reach of everybody. u. J5, and 15 cents. SCBEDOLE. Weil Jtatacwtlle Hprtnaa l'vb depot for sul- PWTTR SPRINGS. 8am 9am tlO a m 11 a m 12 m lpm 2pm 3pm 4- p m 5pm 6pm Note this schedule is from depot; take car at postorhce 15 minutes earlier. tBxcept Sundays when car will lea Sulphur Springs at 10 a m resuming the regular schedule again by leaving depot at li a. ui. Cars between postoffice and dcoot every 15 minutes. and Balpbnr allwav. LEAVE 8ULPHUR SPRINGS. 8.3U a m 9.30 a m 10.30 a m 11.30 a m 1Z.3U p m 1.30 p 2.30 p m 3.30 p m 4-.30 p m 5.30 p m oaaekeepera. We have the onlv steam process to renovate and steam hair, wool and moss mattresses. We get them in the morn ing and return them the same day. well dressed and ready for use. So give us a call as we will remain but a short time. Tully & Co., Patton avenue. To AdverlMers. State naemmt ot time: Condition THE WESTERN CAROLINA BANK OP ASHBVILLB. OraTanlsed Mtj, 1888. At the cloae of bnaineM, May 4-tn. 1893. (CondenKd.) RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $319,776 72 4-.U65 HO 3.062 70 4.500 OO 6,062 OO 16,1 4G OO 4,331 1 2 28.249 OH 24.080 15 Overdrafts Real estate Furniture and fixtures Merchandise ... Town and county bonds...... expenses Due from banks Cash in vault Total -4-12,073 57 LIABILITIES. Capital 50.000 OO Surplus 40.000 OO Undivided profits 8,549 97 Debenture bonds 52.000 OO Bills payable 27,000 OO Due to banks 6.884 09 Deposits 227.639 51 Whitney $ Carriages Total $412,073 57 I. L. P. McLood, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that tne above statement is true to tne best of ray knowledge and belief. L. P. McLoid, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of Mav. 1893. L. B. Alexander, Notary public. Correct Attest : Lewis Maddux, M. I. Faco. jDirectors. S. 11. Reed. iDii A BARGAIN Wanted to - m. a high grade 1 Vi 11 or exchange inch cushion tire bicy cle. R. S. GIBKS, Cure Jarvia, Richards 4r Lee. GS South Main C-W LOST Strayed Warehouse Thurtdsv reri cow 4 or S -years old. combe warehouse. ma i 8d2t" from H men niKbt, one deep Return to Itun J. O. e A r TS. T"TICB Mayor'! office. A-hevili . Mav .131 f. 193. Propoaali will tj- reeciv i at thi- office until 3 p. m Friday. May 1 for raising to tbe grade of the strret o-'ov' house on Park avenue. The right to rcect any and all bids is reserved maj-8d3t U . E. BLAN TON, Mavor. XTOTIC K LeKal J May to. bcinK a lru-al holiday. TOTICR...Bt virtue of the AI in uic by a deed of trust Holiday Wednesday. the banks of this citv will be closed L. F. M'LOtJD. Caahicr. I- Pl'LLlAM.Canhier. J. B RANKIN. Caxhier It W. H.PBNLAND.CasWcr. power vested executed bv Rehet'ca Hawkins. Sa" Hawkins and Al ec Hawkins to the undersigned trustee, bearinn date ot the 16th day of Novrmbar 18!ll and registered on page 266 of book 27 in the records of mortgages and tired m of trust in the o-tice f the register of deeds for the county of Buncombe and State of North Car olina, to which reference is hereby made for further description, to secure the viavmot of thr note therein described anil default having been made in the payment of s-uil note, and and having Heen rc-Quested to execute said trust. I will sell at the court hous- door in the city of Asheville at public auction at 12 o'clock m., on Saturday, I uric I O. 1893. the following described tract of land lyini; in said county of Buncombe, sdjoining the lands of William Griggs and others and de-cribed as follows viz : Southern portion of Asheville township south of the Swannanoa river, beginning at a stake in Will-am Crigg's line and runs thence north 12 poles and 17 links to a take near where Charley Johnston lives; thence east 12 oolea and 17 links to a stake; thence south 12 poles and 17 liaks to a stake; thence west 12 poles and 17 links to the be ginning. Terms cash. C. KALK, naiStiidaya4t Trustee. TO VISITORS! IF YOU WISH TO CARRY A WA Y A LASTING AND CHARMING SOUVENIR OF ASHBVILLB. DBFOSIT SO CUNTS WITH "THIS ICIT Zft'.V", HA VT RETURNED FULL. VALIUM IN A. FINE ENGRAVED VIEW OF ASH EVI LLE Prices - ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST. DURABLE, STYLISH, PRETTY. For - Sle - Only - By W. B. WILLIAMSON CO., FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC.. ETC., vS Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. CORMRJTORE, No. 40 Soxitla IVIain Street. We are satinfied with our stock as it stands. Everything1 is an exclusive style. Ready made clothing and hats for Easter. Neat, nobby liffht colored suits, single breast, double breast, cutuway, square fronts, Price Alberts, and full dross suits, new styles, perfect fitting, firstclass materials. You cannot fail to be pleased. In children's and boys' clothing we have school suits and Sunday suits; all proper colors, beet shapt-s; knee pants and long pants, best styles, and most desirable because priced low Ea ter hats. Everybod v should see our hatu s)ft, stiff, str.-nv, the best in the land, suitable shap-s for all. I ress shirts, m-gliee Hhirts, working shirts. Our stock is immense. Eawter iH'ckwear, selected with care, and superior to any stock in the State. See them and be con vinced. Waiter and bell boys' suits. We invite you to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Telephone No. 108. THE WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE ABSOLUTELY :: PURE MANUFACTURED FROM DISTILLED WATER Wholesale and Retail COAL. THE ASHEVILLE ICE AND GOAL CO. 84 Patton Avenue. Telephone 36 and 40. CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO, 19 KORTH MAIK AKD 7 AKD 71-2 COLLEGE STS. -O . Keep In atoc "Monnt Vernon." "Cauaadiaui dab." and Old Baker Rye WhlaMea Tbe Ih Wlnea. Braadlc, Beer, Ale and Stoat for family uae. All gooda delivered tree. Ale and Porter oa draught, Baterance Mo. 18 Nortb Main and 7V4 College atreeta. Telephone Mo. 103. P. 8.: On and after May Btk I will aead Untenant of accennta by mail to part tea in debted to me If aot nettle ' by that time. Keapeetrnlly, PBOPRIBTOB CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW. HEADQUARTERS : FOR : FEED ! &7 ISTortix Main. St. TELEPHONE NO. 67. Select T insure change ol adverticmi-ii(n rnniiinjr on regular contract . copy mnt br honeled In bV lO n'rlock . Clarionet nolo Coming Through the Rye at Ravaor & Smith's on the phono graph. TBE MARKETS. Mew Tark Market. Nnw Yon a:. M aT S Cotton futmn, tAm-r, t 1; Jane, T 1 ; Jnly. T.T1; Angan. 7.79; September, 7.8- . . BCaaa-laef Cricioo. ACay 9 July wheat opened nt big-ber at 7814; Jnly advanced to 79 Vi. now 784- Pork opmcd 8:Vs "in her at 20.eS; September advanced to 21. aO. QaaaMan. Nnw Vonm. May 9. Brie 19; Lake Shore 108H; Ctakaeo anat North wcatrrti 1 35; Norfolk and Weatera, SO; Kirhmoad and Went Point Xerrninal 844: Weateri nton 8BV. aSarttlnaore Baata-xB. BiLTiaoia, May 9. Floor, artrady; wheat, dnll: apot May 78; Jane 794. July 80V4; millina; wheat by aanpk, 7SSO: n-n, firmer; apot May 494. Jnly SIVa; white corn by aample. tVVa; yellow. 83. anl.anallia Marfcef. Corrected daOr br POWELL r 8NIDKK, awe beinjt paid by tbe mrrckaata trMlaT GRAND OPERA HOUSE MONDAY, MAY IS. PROF. DONALD DOWNIE, B. C. L. 1 1ST KIS Grand Illustrated Lecture WITH HIS MAGNIFICENT STBREOPTI- CON VIBW8. The Red-Letter Brent in Hiarh Claa. Unter- tainmenta. SUBJECT : "JAPAN." A hundred aplendid Colored Plctnrea. 30 feet aquare. will carry the audience with Mr. Downic'a eloquent lecture thronRb the Flow ery Kingdom. Subject for Tueaday evening;. "IRELAND." Seata on aale Priday at a Patton arenne Pricea. SO. 35. 23 and IS crnta. FURNITURE ! : FURNITURE ! BLAIR Sc SVicDOWELL, . 4.5 Patton Avenue. CALL - AND - EXAMINE - OUR - STOCK. Bed Room Suites, Parlor Suites, Dining Room Sets. Mattresses, Cliairs, Window Shades, &c. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. 13 SODA WATER Having necured tne arrricra of Mr. Neil Laurence of AagaaU. Ga.,'an expert; eoda water dlapenaer of national reputation, we feel doubly aaannJ that oar aoda, alwaya the beat, will be better thin year than ever. Mr. Laurence ban a number of new and grateful drinka which will be pnt on from time to time. Among thoae juat put oa will be oar delicioua ICE CREAM SODA, EGG PHOSPHATE, PINE APPLE SNOW, CLARET LEMONADE. STRAWBERRY MASH, 10 CTS.; SILLABUB, S CTSV, CHERRY, ORANGE AND RASP BERRY PHOSPHATES. I Batter. 35IAopka...'. 7Sal 21 I Bam tlHIAppiea. dried S I Cbickena 13aO PaBpkaa.caclk6e2f I Tarkrja TOl(0orarni so I Dacka liaaslBeuwax. nee lb as I I Potatoes, aw't. 1 DOIHonc j 1 I Ptatoaa. Irlaa.607SlWaeat M To all owe old r-.tJL l. , Turmipe aottvavotOsra ..- , , BS I omr a cuatouaeia we extend Onioue lasijafeal M I aial 1 y. TV new - i v. Cabbaft, per lb ajOuta n I weaoonaa. Te aaw nnia win b I Caialaala. aaotcil.irj. don aaaaaO I o'clock. KSSoor I RAYS OR 6c I Notice Bank Caahieia I Ia Barraia S Oibba I StrawTi.nlaa llnlu.'a I DKUQOlTa, IPmpoaala C E Blaatoa I Victor Blejclaa B H Coaby 1 Opera Bouae ProaT flonalif Dowaal I rtQ 31 haaa tin 11 SMITH PATTON AVENUE. COAL AND WOOD YARD, No. 20 North Court Square, ( FORMERLY CARRINGTON'Si) COAL, COKE, PLASTER PARIS, FIREWOOD, KINDLINGS, LAND PLASTER, CHARCOAL, LIME, SEWER PIPE, CEMENT. HAY AND FEED.fc TELEPHONE NO. 121. DEPOT YARD AND WAREHOUSE, TELEPHONE NO. TS. IN IS THE GREATEST LUXURY OF L'FE. TO MAKE IT YOP MUST HAVE (loop FLOUR. "OMEGA" PATENT OURE On the market. Ask joar grocer for it. It is not cheap, bat quality justifies price. Only to Itlerclxan t m. MUSTIN: FAKES & COMPAHT. -OF- FEED OlST HAND AT PRICES THAT WILL SAVE YOU SOME MONEY. Cars aacked and on the cob, White Oata, Mixed Oata, Fnncy White Middlinga. Shorta. Braa Peed. Meal, Crn ehopa. Cow Peed, Cotton Seeda, aevcral ajradca of Hay, etc . etc. Rcapectfully, C. S. COOPER majld3m THE EMPORIUM Is crowded day and night every department rushing, from West Collesre street to Patton avenue, from base ment to third floor; a perfect jam; business 50 per cent in advance of any season we ever had in Asheville. The pub lic has discovered the superlative quality of our goods, our improved methods of business our every effort to please, our talented assistants, our immense stock and our low prices; they have discovered also that anything comes from Mimuaugh's has the stamp of style about it. Off styles are as much avoided as bad debts in this establishment. Our Dressmaking Department is already a success. Worth, the renowned dressmaker of today, would be jealous were he tr see some of the lovely gowns turned out by our modiste, Miss Haupt. Our Millinery are styles exclusively our own. We have shapes and colorings, you cannot find anywhere South. No more complete department found anywhere. Miss Driver is not only a trimmer of talent but a designer. Nftarly everybody preiers her hats to the French patterns. Our prices range for nice goods from f 5 to f 40. Our Dry Goods and Notions are the largest and finest collection in North Carolina. No bombast; we can prove every word of it 'Tis known in business circtas in New York we buy the finest goods South except Atlanta and New Orleans Afore fine stuff here than this town can show collectively. Our Kid Gloves, new Parasols and Sunshades, new Dress Goods and Trimmings, Silk and Laundered Shirt Waists and new Eaton Suits will command a great deal of attraction this week. - Our Special Sale of Silks will surpris - everybody Mon day; S3 inches wide, beautiful designs; our -price will be 80 cents as long as tney last. Respectfully, F-P. TJlirjlWAUGH. . Our tonsorial artist for ladies, Miss Smith, late of New York and Baltimore, will be here Monday. Northern rates only will be charged. . " . . ; - Tr

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