TTLEr ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN Thursday H veiling, May 11, 1893. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN Thb Paii-t Citisbm, Democratic, is published evtfrV afternoon (except 8ondr) at the fol lowing rates mtrictlr cA; On Ybak .. Jtfl.OO M MONTR 3. CO THIII MOITFHII T l.SO On Mouth. no OkbWksk 15 THURSDAY. MAY 11. 1893. Hebe in Ashevtlle we celebrated the memory of "oar honored dead" onlv by closing the banks ! Well, men's memo ries are short. Thb people of Asheville are without water another 24. hours because of the old story "somebody blundered." There has been time ennngh in all conscience to guard against every oversight, but such carefulness takes more than time. GROWTH MOB RVLE. It. is not very long since The Citizhn pointed out that lynching were to be denounced, not only because -f the tact that they were the work of mobs and too frequently were nothing more or less than murders, but because of the f.arful demoralization they worked in a com munity or state that indulged i'J them. The recent hanging1 of :i negro at Den mark, S. C, is commented ,rt-. ti. Charleston kniTCoilrier in a wav WlHWi rl .1... 1 " 4 . . 'I' . . . . . position : "A few years ago the mob was wont to assemble secretly, under the cover of darkness, and, ha ving captured the man who was known to be guilty of a crime or taken him from the bands of the officers of the law. anticipated 'the slow course of justice and inflicted thcnenaltv of deserved death on him, and then as secretly dispersed to their homes, to avoid punishment for their own iii' tion of law. Now. as illustrated bv the conduct ot the mob t Denmark, the 'leading men' of ji county assemble to gether in broad divliuht. hold theii un- lawlul court in session tordavs together. correspond with the Governor ot the state through their li aders with refer ence to the capture of suspected erimi nals, refuse to give anv pledges or orom ises with regard to the safe keeping of such criminals, send out scouting parties to hunt up suspects, try those- who are suspected and arrcsttd to the number ot a score or more; and finally beinu weary of repealed failures to detect and convict the probably guilty man hang and shoot 'somebody' rather than diss band tbeir lawless court without hav ing gratified their desire for ven i-aiic. . "But the downward course did not stop here. It was not enough that the mob had openly set all law at d .-fiance. It took the next and extreme step ot" de nouncing one wno had had the temerity to advocate regard for law. and even ol holding up such an advocate as a crimi nal who was himself deserving of punish ment bv the moo he had denounced more worthy than the man whom thev had killed." One tearless and outspoken editor who denounced the Denmark lynchers has already been hanged in effigy in South Carolina. It is not a very long step to such.rule by the mob that all men who differ with it will have to suffer for their courage if they can lie reached. It is probable even now that i lie life of an editor of a paper in Denmark, if one were published there, would not be worth a copper if he should denounce the lynching of the negro hanged there without proof of guilt. BAD TIM TO I.A.I.T4SH. Remark on t CnllmellueHH ot a 'h Mirlh. From the Minneapolis Tribune. As a matter of fact a boy never should laugh at his father until he (the boy) is 18 years of age at least. Harlier than that it is not safe. A boy over near the university has for several evenings stood up to eat his meals, and all because he neglected the above rule of conduct. His father takes great pride in a H amble to riin n colt he is raising. The other morning the pater was fussing around in an old silk hat and equally venerable greatcoat, pitch fork in hand, and while he was working about the colt's heels the boy gave the animal its feed. The colt does not allow any familiarities while feeding, and when the old man, in a stooping position, backed up against him the colt lashed out with both feet. The man stood so near that the kick broke no bones, but he was shot as from a catapult right through the clapboards on one side ol the barn. His head was driven through his tile, and when he extricated himself from the splinters the rim of his head gear hung around his neck lik- a ruff. He regarded the whole business as rough, and delivered an oration through his hat which the hov rcgJirded .-is amus ing. The youngster laughed. First t stood and laughed; and then he laid down and laughed and rolh d over and over and hugged himself and still laughed. But when that devoted father got clear from the wreckage iie seized the nearest strap, and the hoy has not smiled once since. The boy knows now that he is not big enough to laugh at his father. THIS GLORIOUS CLIAfA TB Says the Salisbury Herald: "A sub scriber of the Herald gave us something that beats the two mule colts that were foaled at Concord last week. About three years ago a mare belonging to a Mr. Witong ot Midway township gave birth to two colts. one being a. horse and the other a mule. Mr. W. J. Gake- of Davidson county is the autbjr of this statement. Alleghany Star: Alexander Mastin of this county has a sorrel mare which has twin colts; one solid black, the .other a bay. The colts are doing well. Kutherfordton cor. Charlotte Observ er: There is no chance to get shaved in Kutherfordton today, and may not be for some time. Wirz. the popular bar ber, has been presented by bis wife with a pair ot Switzer German bovi, which tip the bef.m at 9Va and 9 pounds respec tively, and be is engaged in the duties ot the nursery. Wirz prompt v cbris-encd bis new arrivals CU-ve and Steve. AT THE GRAND. DlK-asc asm nosissHlltjr. Parties who have been using feather beds for years should go at once and make an inspection ot the process of renovating used by Messrs. Tullyk& Co.. Patton Ave. By this process, feathers are restored to their first stage of parity and softness, and renders" disease an impossi bility. - Wo. Price, Luttsville, Mo., writes: "I was afflicted with sciatica, and bad lost the nse of one arm and one leg for nine years. I went to Hot Springs and also tried different doctors, - but found no core no til 1 tried Botanic Blood Bahn. It made me sound and well. I am well known in this TKansty.' promptly at 8 retnale min house." The Yesterday afternoon handbills were scattered over the streets bearing this legend: "For men only;' the disli for baldheads will be served o'clock: Duncan Clark's strcls at the Grand opera handbills spoke the truth with the excep tion of the hour. The dish for rld heads was not served till after 9. But the baldheads were there and several who were not baldheaded were out. The first four or five rows in the pit and the first dress circle rows were filled, the bal cony had a considerable crowd, -while the gallery held a few col red people. All told there were perhaps 30O people in the hou-e. In this number were promi nent Democrats, Reformers, Republicans ind men of every political ailment that human Hesh is heir to. But men only on th- first floor. When the musical director appeared and began torturing the piano the audience set up a shout, and a moment later the curtain rolled up revealing the rompany engaged in the production of what the pioijiani called a musical satire, A Night in Paradise." Before it ad con cluded tfie liettcr clement of the audience hud probably made un its ir ind that ii a night in Paradise would be pr'dtc;t.VSt ' ' ; UCCV.vct Vttl&VdU-r to vPhai: it had seen in l he "satire" it would not care to go there, four end men, an interlocutor and lolovtly maidens (as the program said) made up the company. The end men jawed the interlocutor, made slightly suggestive remarks when the maidens danced or got up to attempt to sing, and now and then got off a joke that ought to have been detained in uuarantiiie. The crowd howled and the performers knew more was wanted. The olio closed with a representation of the Hags of the nations, which was pretty. Of the hill that followed Anzo, the con tortionist, did some clever work, while Harry Harper did some expert banjo picking and Bob Fajran executed a wooden shoe dance well. Several acts that were broad rather than long were given to the crowd for what they were worth but it remained for "Ravabnc, the one emotional dancer," to cap the climax Back and forth over the staye she twisted and squirmed, till ready for the finale, which finale was of sucli a character as would have justi fied Chief of Police McDowell, who was present, only as a stern representative of morality, in rebukitjt: her in tlie name ot the law. It mattered not that "slie" was a niau the exhibition was repul sive. The show concluded with the "March of the Red Hussars," in wliicb t he participants drilled in true military style. To sum up: The performance was vieous in its suggestiveness, degrad ing and disgvsting, and one the effect t which will he felt for a long time by Asheville's only amusement house the handsomest in the State, and one that should not be prostituted to shows of a low order. The company has gone. May we never look upon its like again. The illustrated lectures to be given bv Prot. Donald Downie at the Grand opera house next Monday and Tuesday even ings. May 15 and 16, will give the Ashe ville public an opportunity of seeing something that will be at once entertain ing and instructive, ami that will be re membered a lifetime. The Augusta, Ga., Chronicle savs ot the lecture: "The steropticon views are of highest order. Picture after picture was flashed upon the canvass, illuminating the lec ture throughout. He commenced at Castle Garden, New York, sailed across the Atlant ic, and soon the audience was in the city of Dublin, viewing the noted builtliriL's and monuments. Prom there he took them across the country, then to the west, and so on, until the Emer ald Isle had been touched at almost every principal place. Professor Downie's lec ture is one ot the most pleasing that has been heard in the city." The prices will be 50, 35, 25 and 15 cents. (ttranice. Krom the New York Herald. Dr. C. M. Daniels, of Buffalo, was pres ent during the autopsy of Caryle Harris, electrocuted lot the murder of Helen Potts. Knowing Harris to have been an excessive cigarette smoker he made a special investigation of the lungs, expect ing to find them sadly demoralized. On the contrary, however, they were found to lie in excellent condition. Ttie Hiate Motto. I'rot. Alexander in Willmtu jrton Mesiietiitcr, You like to go to the bottom ot things. So I e dl your attention to the fact that Cicero's " Esse qunm videri" is itself a quotation from Pluto, who (in the Gorgias, 527) says: "Above all, a man must take care not to serin to be gooil but to le good, as we'd in public as in private lite. A- VEST- POCJCXT remedy Dr. Piercs's Pleasant Pellets. Putt up in little glass vials, handy and convenient. Seeded, too, so that yon know they're always fresh sod reliable, unlike tho ordi nary pills in wooden or pastohoard boxes. There's nothing in th way of pills as small or as easy- to cake aa th n little Pellets. There's noUiuig so i ism y and natural in avo ticm nothing that ecus do a much lastinsr good. Thev absolutely and prrnuzneiitlif cure Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion, Kirk or Bilious Headaches, Jaun dice, Sour Stomach, and Dizziness. A 11 de rangements of liver, stomach, and bowels prevented, relieved, and ouredL They're rui rantexil to give I your money is returned. ittafaction, or A rase of Catarrh that cant be o timed by Dr. Sa"-'s ( 'nf-nrrb Remedy is so rare tbat tho mrt i of the medicine are willing to risk thi : otv.-r: Tf we cant cure your Catsurrh, pctt-t'ff-t 1 y ind permanently, no nisttisr wbat your case is, we'll pay you aSOQ. BEDVLR. THE CITIZEN'S EGG MUSEUM. Shelby Review: Bob Wells has an egg, laid by one of his father's hena, which he calls a "Columbus egg." It refuses to lie' in any position but upon the lit tie end. Lay it on its side, or on the-tug end. and it will instantly whirl over on the little end. Boiling Springs Reformer: Mr. W. E. Dycus, of Township No. 2, has a novelty in the fores of an egg or eggs. There are two of these perfectly farmed and joined together near the small end. Verily the day for miracles hasn 't past. Tliouictmt He Had Mia Pen- In a small village in Maine there lives an old soldier who has for many years received a pension from the government, which with his small earnings by oc casional jobs, makes him comfortable. One day. while'at work in the house of a neighbor, he slipped at the top of a flight of stairs and fell to the -bottom. The lady of the bouse heard the noise, and hurried to learn the cause, "Why, Ambrose." she said. is that vou? Did you fall down stairs?" """Yes marm. JJ did, answered the ola naTr-, and for a about a couple, of minutes I thought I'd lostm.v pension." J 1 m Weal Asheville- lVE DEPOT FOR SOT FHVR SPRINGS. 8am 9 tn n 12 1 a 3 5 6 a m a m a m TO p m p m P P P P m ni m m and 9iiiBBsar illwav. I.EAVK 9ltLPHV SPRINGS. 8.30 n m 9.30 10.30 1 1 .30 1 2.30 ft m 1 311 p m 2 30 p m 3 30 p m 4- 30 p rn 5.30 p m ; m rri a m Note this schedule is from depot; take car at postomce 15 minutes earlier. tBxcept Sundays when car will leave Sulphur Springs at 10 a m reatrmingj the regular schedule again by leaving de-pot at 1 1 a. ni. Cars between postomce and depot every 15 minute. We have the only steam renovate and steam hair, wool and mattresses. We get them tn the iag and re-tern them the same day. dressed and ready for use.' So give call as we will remain but a snort Tally at Cou, Patton Avenue to Tn well Hsout(y A cream of tartar baking powder. High est of all in leavening etreofrth.. Latest United States Oovernment Food Report. ROYAL BAKING POWDBR CO., 106 Wall St.. New York. SOUVENIRS Wedding Presents. MADE TO ORDER. A.3PriT22lJI FIELD, LEAO'NG JEVtELEH, 18 IT r H M4IN HTRKKT. The Houston Narcotic Cure Go. OP NOlTH CFlHOLxlN. A Corporation Chartered by the General Assembly of North Carolina, fOIt THR CURK OF Liquor, Opium, JMCorpliiiie and Tobacco Habits. This is not one of the soalled "Ootd Cares. but is a perfectlv harmless and asfe tnatmiit; Touilds up the patient from the brginnlng; does net injure the slsht or hearing-. Endorsed Tot leading physlciaua in the country. Cure gnaranU-cd or money re funded, for particulars, terras, etc.. ad dress. The Houston Narcotic Care Go. may3tf ASHBV1LLB, N. C. FAMILIES FITTED ; IN: FOOTWEAR -BY- BLANTON, WRIGHT & CO. - . -Mo."39 Patton Avenue. Patronize Home Industry THE BEST FLOUR IN THE MARKET IS ROLLER-KING Manufactured by the Asheville Milling Co.r and kept in stock by the following grrwers: A D. COOPER, O. A. GREER, R B NOLAND & SON, JENKINS BROS., GLENN BROS., STRADLEY BROS., BRITT & ORR. R. BERMAN, WM. KROGER, W A. LATIMER, J. M. & J. B SEIGLER, GAY GREEN, J. G. LANCE & CO., A. D. NEILSON, J. S FULLAM. TRl'LL&SON. BREAD The Staff of Life If there is one article of food desired above all others to be pare and of hifth quality it should be Bread. Thin can only be secured by tiding a high frrade of flour with good" baking powder and pare leaf lard. Use the SOUTHERN CROSS FLOUR. ROY AL OR C LBV BLAND BAKINO POWDERS, WITH . PURR LEAF LARP, and yoa will never be disap pointed in your light bread, rolls or biscuit. Southern Cross has given entire aatisfaetion to all. T. J. RBVJSLL, .to NORTH MAIN STREET, jurcMEisrrs. The Retail Orocera Association offer tlc folloiringjndgrmenta for sale: MRS. K. O. WALKB 130 97 L R. HILL 13 14 V. M. GRIMBS 198 ALP. LBOBBTTBK 12 68 OASB W EST 8 OO J R. TAYLOR 4 82 SAM BATON 3 20 J. K. REYNOLDS 6 30 B. B. WBLLS 136 OO I. M. BROYLBS 1 7 MISSC. BURKB, TOV4 S. Main St 43 76 VIRGINIA ROBIB, Charlotte St 35 04 A. B. WARE 2 2S W. 8. JUSTICE 3 77 MBLVIN NICHOLS 6 60 JBRKIN WILLIS 14 OO O. A. Greer, U. C. Johnson. A. D. Cooper, R. B. Noland St Son. Wm. Kroger, T. A. Porter. O. U Bell. S. R. Kepler. Ray Baird. M. C. Noland. T. I. Rsvell. O. L. McDonald, P. M. Poster. J. S. Pnllnm, W. c. Stradley (k Bro J. M. fir J. B. SelKler. Olenn Bros., W. M. Hill e Co. W. A. Latimer. D. II. Webb. Owenby St Son. MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES Large Stock and New Designs. LOW PRICES -A.T- -:-W. O. WOLFE'S-:- Southeast Court Place and Market St., at main entrance to Market. Latest de signs furnished on application. ap371m A. Rankin, A.jjt., SB Sontb- Mala eVtreet. 9 floors below ' city ticket office. SPECIAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE For World's Pair Trip. S3.000 for Sl.OO per week. BREWTON & M CONNEU, Furniture Dealers Undertakers EMBALMING SPECIALTY. All calls in thia line attended to day or night. Alao all kinds ot Job work done to order. Upholstering, carpet laving, pack ing, setting op furniture, "finishing, etc. S3 NORTH MAIN 8TRKKT. Telephone 142 illlNISIOiMINillA:;' No longer roar (dread upon retiring. Sleep will come pleasantly without using opiates. SIMPLY TAKB One tcaspoonfht BRADYCROTINE The Soptbara Woman's Headache Remedy. No anpleasant results in the morning. Should your tsotb trouble you One teaspoonful BRADYCROTINE COSTING FIVE CKNTS, WILL STOP IT FOK SALB AT Psyllium'; Pharmacy. piano Tuning BY- C. E. M'GEE, FROM BOSTON All Work Guaranteed by Him and NO. 35 NORTH MAIN STREET. ASHrVILLE. TAKE Your broken wagons and vehicles of all kinds to B. Burnettc's shop on College street, where thev will be repaired promptly and In fii-nt-claes style. Hay ing secured a first-class hurgc-sboer I make all kinds of fine shoeing a specialty'. li. BURNETTE. ianSodlr BALTIMORE CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS CO. .. . - - ! - IO-12 PATTOfJ AVENUE. One of the firm Having just returned from the Northern markets whe'-e he has been a, t tending some very la-re Hales, and ha necured with his ready caahthe tremendous stock of "the world renown GRAFT & CO.'S LINE OF FINE CLOTHING, We are now able to give the people of Ashey.ille.and vicinity the benefit of this wonder ful sacrifice. This is an occurrence of once -in a'life - time. Below you will find Home of our prices that are. death to our competitors,:' ' NOW LOOK HERE! Men's all wool suits, in all styles, goin at 3 98; youths' suits, dandies, $U.4rW; boys' knee milts, $1.18. . You laboring men, look here! working pants, 83 cents. My boys, this for you; " smile 1 n-e' pants, 24 cents. Tulk aboat shirts; we . have them, a honey, for 19 cents. SayJ ta'k ebout hate; we just got in one thousand, and. we must got rid of them. Prfce them. ; One word about Bhoes We are the world beaters in prices and styles. Here are some of our prices; compare with, other houses: A fine dongoja ladies' shoe, a beauty fn style and fitrfl.t8 for gents we have a beauty, nown as the Gto. F. Snow's shoes, for summer wearing. 'They are beauties, for $1.1)8. Come on. you working man; a solid leather shoefdr 89 cents' Will you go barefooted ? For the little folks we wilTeay.we can please them; a nice dongola spring heel shoe for 65 cents, -Mothers, biing your children, we will fit them. About our dry goods is too numerous to mention. But we will say this: We are strictly in it. Each and every one receives a present one of our grand souvenirs while this great sale is going on. r - " West fpr the 'Summer. v Mny of. our readers will to the World's Fair this Summer. Whilo in tho West, why not.yi&it some of'its lending resorts nee the Yellowstone, the Yosemitp,the (Jrand Canon of the Colorado',-'.Hot "Springs; 8. D., Helena, Mont., or take atrip to Alaska, the (treat Salt l ake, or go to .Hanff, visit the resorts of-Lake Minnetonka, Minn., Kxcelsior Springs, Mo., Colorado SpringH, Pike's Peak and Manitou, tiie California mountain summer resorts, picturesque Mackinac and the various Michigan resorts, or; the Lake! reports of Wisconsin ? We will gladly send you full printed in foi niation in regard to these' resorts or any 'others, with the wavs of reaching them via any point, and help you to lay-out any tour or route . you may think or taking. Write, asking for what you want. By special arrangement with the lteereation Department, of The Christian Union, New York, Address THE DAILY CITIZEN, Asheville, N. C. HARRIS' LITHIA WATER. : - HARRIS' LITHIA SPRINGS 8. C?. Office of Dr. lobs Hey Williams, Asheville, N. C-. April 24, 1893. An extended clinical ase of Harris' Lltbia Water, prompts me to the statement that I regard It as one of the beat, if not the rery best Lithia Waters known to the profession. In the condition of "phosphatic urine," its action is marvelous. Its nse in the rheumatic and gonty diathesis, affords me more comfort than cither the Buffalo or Londonderry waters. Very truly yours, JOHN H BY WILLIAMS. I have used Harris Li thia Water and when using same was both plensed and benefited. In aslng it libera quantities should be taken for my experience teaches me that small amounts are dissappolntlng, -whereas a generous use is followed by most a-rattfytna: lt. R. P. WALKER.- Asheville, N. C, April 14, 1893. I am glad to be able to say a word with regard to Harris' Cithia Water. I have used it with the greatest possible benefit in chronic rheumatism.- Aa compared with the Buffalo Llthia I find it quicker and requires less quanlty. It has my hearty endorse ment, MRS. T. W. BRANCH. Asheville, N. C, Aplil 4, 1803. FOR SALB BV Pel ham 'h Pharmacy and Raysor & Smitlm. LISWIS MADDl'X, Prea H. T. COLLINS, Vice-Pres. L.. P. M'UIUD, Vsuihle- Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $40,000, WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County And City llepottitorv, Orantscl May . DEPOSIT BOXES IN FIRF PROOF VAULTS JNTEJ AlREASOWAj RES GKNKKAl. MANKIND BUHINKHH THA NHAO'l'KIl IntcrcM ' Paid on Deponttw In Savluarv Pcpartnicnt. MIUKCTItRS' LewiH Maddux, 11. T. Tollins, M. J. Faag, J. E. Keed. Chas. McNampe, J K. Kan kin, M J. Beonlon. S. 11. Reel. BANK OPEN FROM 9 A. M. TILL 4 P. M. ON SATURDAY Til L 5 P.M. Fwnch Broad Ld ber Co. Hiivin accumulntwi large ntok of Framing, Sht'athiiig. . w ill well FBA-IING AX H7.SO PER loo FKKT. ACME WINE & LIQUOR HOUSE )Cbttrns the Uirnrest tn.-k of first class? . -Ngooda oi any honae irj the Btate. . Makes) ; J - a sperfaHt of - ' ' -Couking ' Brandies and Jelly Wines. sSole uKents tor the Acme Old Coin.S J AS: H. LOIHRAW;Pro Io. 58 South Main Strc-el. TELKPHONB CALLKO.139, O. BOX 688. NHKTILLP Y l OTTO IS TO KEEP THE BEST AND CHARGE ACCO8lft3LY. ' "BONANZA" yiri,wftijjprs Nos. 4jK and 43 S. Main St., Atthcvllle. WBOLBOALK DRPARTMBftT, OBNTH' XT II PABLOR AND RBADINIS BOOM 111, tl, CIOAR8, TOBACCO AN!' BOTTLR OOOfH. MM- IV X A pLr. BILLIARD AT Pltril. R(MM. V Ktm 4rs BEER : vaults : AmO : BOTTUaS : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEUEVT rcvoectlWDy ttoHcIt m mhmn of yowr pi I own f Ps As IsXAJXQUAttJ&T, tlonar. Iain Batumaic,!. .3, Xalopnfer CiU, , :,'V"

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