Thurs'lfty Eyeninj?, May 11, 1893. THE A8HBVILLEJ DAILY OITIZFN. FRIEND' To Young : Mothers Eiies Child Birth Easy. :': Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Endorsed by the Leading Physicians. JlasJ, to "Mother' matlort VHETJ. BRADFIEI.D RIOULATOR CO .:V ATLANTA, OA. ' IOLD BY ALU DRUGGISTS. V70NT COLUMN. FTtft RBNT. R RUNT On Stnrnr ft venue house of eight room with back kitchen and bath . Mly- No.-ao - nmSdlw TTWttJtBNT PARTLY PORM18HBD Two J3 . mc kvgt room suitable: tor HRht houac keeVttna Ketr Street ear lin . vApplr a WMatddstreet. - Jtrl 2dtf "T7VR RUN T Furnished or anfnrnithcd, No X? Sft Collejre street, 1R loom house. tail modern improvement. Apply at 64, Preach Broad arcane aprldtf PI, ASANT rooms to rent oa either first or H' cond floor in beautiful residence on car line, fire minutes walk from square. Also stable to rent on prcmiaea Apply list Haf wood At majSdlw TjV)R FBNTOR SAI B A nine-room house. MJ unfurnished; modern improvements, 104 Bailer street. Inquire by letter MIS8 8. M. WOSSBUL. morfidtf P. O. Box 65. IiHl R RRMT The J. I, Smathtra place a Havwootl iitreet; t-ouse contains 11 roc mw. with good barns; has all modern im prove mt n t; one of the best sites in town for a boarding; houac; fine views and on car line. A oply to apt ldtf NATT ATKINSON & SONS. TjlOR RBNT House of 9 rooms and J2 .bath; furnace and open fire places gas nxssinn. te complete modern h use, newf IOCS Si oa the best Rnqaire on the premise. No. 1 Grove street, or at office of Asheville Ice and Coal company, 34- Pattoa avenue. apr24-dtf T3VR RBNT That large and conveniently JL7 arranged house, No 62 Merrimon ave nue Hot and cold water with baths on two floors AIL at.4crn hnpraretnrnrs- Location central, with larjte well shaded grounds Splendid residence for large family or boarding- bohw - Apply to ' HO or M J PAGG. aprisdtf i-U ..' .1 -'. r f : Xf 'AKritNO JL catrd at may lOdlw pOAKPtNQ, -A few choice rooms just v MRS. LBB'S, 26 PHnt street. B OARHINO t No SStarpM nveane; hot anil cold' water; furniture new; tine loca- mchOdtf tion; on car line. ROARDING At No. 8 Stamen avenue Table fnrni'hcd with best the market affurdt; hot and cold water; furniture new; fine location; on car line; single and double rooms. apr26dtf r-Wa.Uf BI.V :BX.PSiyxN -Parties desir in If to secure board for the World's Pair, can do so by writing at once to Mrs Carrie Carr Mltche'l. IB Ogden avenue. Chicago, III. Mm. HBTTIB COOPBR, mavlOdtfw 41 Spruce street. OARDING House pleasantly situated in 1 best location in cltv. near street cars: large single and double rooms: tabic the very finest. Reference can be given .HRi.8CUIRRMEl!TBR, ' McCape House, 24 Grove Street, aprigdtf TIHB CHATEAU Private boarding house 'lt Haywood street. Pine city and mountain views: perfect sanitation; hot anit eolff water; comfortable, airy rooms; well provided table; attentive service; rea sonable rates. Two huadied yards from Montford car line. MR3.M. B.BBTWILER, ; Proorietresn. octTritf WALDMItNU A faandsomelr furnished boarding house. No. 211Patton ave nue, with home comforts. A charming resi dence in hot. weather.. bcina surrounded by eighty-three pine trees, besides a number of old oakd basatiful laws onr two acres cat gzrouoSj excel lest table Vundi serried Street cats pass the door. " O; FACKtRK. msvyadlmo Telephone 199 ;s FOtt SALE. fJIOI SAL.H OR RXCHANGB A young Xj and large work' buggy horse for sale, or would exchange for lumber. Apply to J S P1TLLA M. tnaylOiltf No. 1 1 Pine street.. ABA BOA IN Wanted to veil or exchange a high grade 1 V, inch cushion tire bicy cle. R S. OIBBiS. Car Jsrvis, Richards A Lee. RS South Main st'eet maj9dlw TJR AI,BTht valuatIe eight room X? hoasc, with magnificent lawn in front, corner of Chestnut and Liberty streets. If gn situation, fronting south, fine shade trees All modern improvements Call on IDLIU8C. MARTIN, 28tuessatt orGWYNftWBST. XHSCEL.L.AXBOUS. r a 1Q LOAN On improved real estate. Two A- thousand dollars. JOHN CHILD, apraSrltf No 1 Legal Block "TWY 1 TICK Major's office. A "he vil I-, May 8. 11193 Proposals will be received at this office until 3 p. m Priday. May 12, for raising to the grade of the street McCoy's bouse on Park avenue. The . right to reject, any ssad AO bids is reserved maySdSt C. I. BLANTON, Mayor. "OTOTICK Having; received letter testa X-l metitnr ' as executrix of the estate of Oanicl P, Adams, lot f Asteeille. in the county of Buncombe, deceased. 1 hereby no tify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to me on or before the 7th day of April. A. O. 18M. or this no'ice will be p'eacl'd in bar of their recovery. All pci anvsnecWwd n said estate are hereby required to make immediate payment to ine This 7ts day of April. A. D. i 3 : MIILIA W. ADAMS, Pxecutrix. aprTdet tours "IkTT"" T1CB By virtu- of the power vested in me by a deed of trust executed by J. .. omathrrs and. wife, C. L- ftmatbera to the ondcraiitiH A trustee hearina; date the 22nd, rlay of Ji.r, 1 ag'i. and r-z'a'ere-t in liook 2 at pact SttS in the Keonrds of M rtgages and seds of Trust in the office of the Regis ter of Heeds for the county of Buncombe and State of North Carolina to which reference is hereby made for further description, to se cure the pnvsnent of the note therein de scribed, and default having been made Hi the payment of said note, and having been re quested by the cestui que trust to sell said laud it premises to satisfy satd note. I will sell at public auction, at the court house door ia the city of sheville. at 12. o'clock ra. oa Tuesday, asrd day of May, 193. the following described tract of I andT and all the apourtfuancsa thereunto belonging .- , Ad join fag the lauds of J. L. Carroll. T. II. Wood cock and Henry Brwing, situated on south sde,ofH jsaod street, in the-erey of - Aatae vilar. more particularly described as follows : Bearinatng on the south aide of Haywood street 1 Vi fret below the Intersection of Patton avenae and Haywood street; then sonth sn esst 17 poles to a stake; then south 67 waat S-tt-t 4 soles to a stake; tbes north SHS west 13 poles to a stake on south side of Haywood street; then nortlt SSVktaast.lOH pons to the beginning, con taining one acre more sr less, including the dwelling; souse now occuustn oy mm Roiata SOMETHING OF INTEREST. BRIGHT AND INSTBUCTIVE MISCELLANY FOR, ALL CLASSES OF READERS. A FAMOUS QUAKER MAIDEN. Dolly Madison's Youth and How 8lie Met Her Distinguished Husband. Dolly was this second of ttau six chil dren mid, was uaiueil after lior mother's uQiit, Mrs. Patrick Ilonry. She was a briRlit, pretti' child, whose interesting chatter anl winning ways won hosts of IT'r parents, who were members of the Booiety of Friends, in accordance with their reliidon, denied their children ell ornaments and m;complishinents suve those of "a meek and Ken tie spirit." Until she was 13 years old Dolly lived quietly in the country nnl attended the illage school where most of tier eilvca tion was received. Every raorninjf he fore starting out . her snnbonnct was sewo-.l securely under her chin by her careful in cither and with the addition of a white linen mask to still further pro tect her complexion and lonft gloves she trudged along the . country roads to the choolhouse, a jTrotesque little figure. Very' fond of pretty things, her grand mother, with whom she was a great pet, often made her presents of old fashioned jewelry, which, not being allowed to visibly wear, she sewed into a little bag and wore around her neck under her gown. Her father was one of the first of his sect in Virginia to become doubtful of slavery, and his scruples finally led him to liberntc his slaves, sell his plantation and remove to Philadelphia. Hero be engaged in business, but .us his. t . Torts proved unsuccessful after several v::rs the family became very much reduced in circumstances. In the meantime Dolly had been grow ing daily in grace and beauty. At 19 she was tall and slender, with a "deli cately oval' face, well formed features, a "dazzlingly fair" complexion and blue eyes of "much sweetness under her de mure Quaker cap." John . Todd,, a wealthy, good looking young lawyer of the same religion, soon fell a victim to her charms and malo her an ofEer of murriage which she de clined, Baying she never intended to mar ry. Hearing of her refusal her father, who ; was . ill at the .time, immediately summoned, her to hia side s- and tdd ,her it .was his 'greatest wish toseuher well provided for before he died, that it would make him very unhappy if she persisted in her, refusal vso like a dutiful daughter khe reversed her decision and became the wife of John Todd. Her marriage proved to .be a very hap py one. but after the brief epaco of-three years her husband diod. and she was left a widow at 22. Rich and very attract ive, she had many adu;-ifx. ! James Madison, af that time consid ered an unreclaimable bachelor, chanced to see her one day while she was out walking with a friend and was mi much impressed with "tier beauty and gr ce of bearing that he did not rest until he had obtained the promise of an introduction. A few days later she met him, at her own house, and in the first interview cap tured his heart. Sho wore on this occa sion a gown of mulberry satin, v. i h a silk tulle kerchief over her neck and on her bead a dainty cap. from which the curls would escape." An engagement soon followed, and in September, 1794. Mrs.. Todd, accompa nied by the enamored Madixon and sev eral friends, left Philadelphia for Hare wood her sister's estate in Virginia where the marriage ceremony was to take place. . The journey ,occui;iod a week, but. the weatlierjwas, delightful, and , it was acconiplishfhl without inci dent. . Friends and relatives from far and near were assembled to greet the bridal party, and many of thein remained for clays after the wedding to keep up the festivities. For monientos of the oc casion the, girls cut tiio in v:'ilin lace from Mr. Madison's shirt rui'iles, and amid showers of rice the kaughing bride and groom drove oil to spend their honeymoon at Montpelier. The close of the year found them back in Virginia, where, at litr lius'oand's re quest, Mrs. Madison laid aie her Quak er dress and for the first time in her life began to enjoy SfK-iety. New York Times. A Hoathlnc l&eply to m itinltop. At a clerical n-rcthii; the rubject of the separata mode of imministcving tliecom nmnioit came up. (hie of those present said that whn there were a large num ber present at the celebration he often preferred to give the exhortation to sev eral persons togelher, as it made the feast more of a communion than when each was i d from bis fellow wor shipers by tho f ;:irate mode of adminis tration. Birhop Villerforce. with sar castic mien and lone, replied. "I under stand you, Mr. Kurd ley, to prefer admin istration by wholesale?" Mr. Eardley rejouied. "My lord bish op, when the divine founder of the feast, addressing I he 12 apostles, said, 'Drink ye all of the cup,' I do not think that even Judas Iscariot would have dared to Sneer at him as a 'wholesale administra tor. Tho bishop's usual readiness de serted him, aud ho had nothing to say. Ban Francisco Argonaut. apraidaod tow occupied, by said o , . This April 21, IMS. B.A.BBUFORO, Trust TO LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN EVERY FORI 15 A Olrl's Tasto For XEaerciaa. Miss Lena Tuttle of Connecticut is arousing herself by clearing a farm and cutting down cedar trees, for which task she is receiving the plaudits of admiring editors. It seems to be a matter of taste. Different people have different minds. A great many women make themselves useful in a great many ways. Miss Tut tle likes to chop wood a very invigor ating and lalth producing exercise. It amuses her and doesn't hurt the neigh bors. Miss Tuttle, if she marries at all, will perhaps espouse a man who will be able to wash the dishes and attend to the knitting, and thus harmony and domes ticity will be established. New York World. Gladstone's Way off Rsyisg "No." i. ' The verbosity of Mr. Oladstone is pro verbial, but it has never been more mark edly put in evidence than when, want ing to answer a querist with a negative, he used these words, "I must reply with that brief and simple monosyllable A Tsrriblo llabaf. r' "Were you ever troubled with the thought while you walked along some street," said Charles Klcrt, "that some how you on ,Vt not to st. p on the cracks that sepnruto the flagstones of the pave ment or the boards of the walk? You have been th well, then you know. That is the Meanest habit to form. Cigarette smoking is bail, and cigars are expensive and- " 1io. Tobacco chewing is afocuuu...., v. -titr is killing, but the crack dodging habit ia the worst of all. If I could exchange this miserable feeling that posseaes aae when I walk along the streets" for any one of those habits providing I didn't possess all of them already I would do it instantly. "I will start out of a morning for a pleasant stroll, just to see the beauty of nature, and unconsciously I will begin to step over all cracks. Then I will ac cidentally step on one, and all my pros pective pleasure is gone eiinply dis pelled and driven away by that -one mis erable thought of utter uselessness that I have stepped on a critck. I bavo start ed for home of a nighttime fairly tired and conscious of duties well done, pur posing to enjoy a long, sound sleep. Again I fall into the desire to avoid step ping on those miserable partition lines. "If I succeed in avoiding all of them, I rest beautifully, but if not than I go home and have a restless, nervous sleep in which there is no satisfaction what ever. Of all the diabolical mental in ventions . that go to break up a man's happiness and peace of mind this one mental status of avoiding cracks is the most consummate that any evil genius could afflict a man with." St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Sandwich Islanders and Their Ills. When a Kanaka feels a bit out of sorts he imagines that he has not been diligent enough in his devotions to some particu lar god. He immediately procures a bunch of awa or something in the nature of a comforting drink, and after s short prayer to his mountain or river deity he murmurs apologetically, "Here's your food" or "Here's your drink," as the case may be. Then he devours the sol ids or liquids himself. If the Kanaka's health improves, the god is appeased. If siokness still creeps over him, he turns to the Kahuna. One of the guild is im mediately bunted up and approached with a bunch of awa or a pig. Then the Kanaka dilates upon his inflxroities, and the Kahuna begins preparing to drive out the sickness or the evil spirit The patient is stripped and laid flat, and with a bunch of ti leaves the Ka huna rubs him all over, murmuring meaningless words the whilst If the Kanaka gets well, the Kahuna's influ ence is increased. If the Kanaka dies, he was a doomed man anyhow, and the Ka huna did his best. . Such of the Kanakas as patronize a. Kahuna nowadays do it covertly, and the Kahnnei keep under cover. Honolulu Cor. Chicago Tribune. An English Duke Receives a Tip. The English journals mention an amusing epilogue of , a pilgrimage to Rome. ., Just after the last train which brought the pilgrims back to London had entered the Victoria station an old lady burdened with packages was with difliculty tr ing to find a carriage when a middle aged man, simply dressed, ap proached ana offered his services. Thinking she had to do with one of the employes, the good woman gave him her bundles, which the obliging man carried to the end of the station and then, hailing a cab, placed the old lady and her impedimenta within, and giving the driver the address she had indicated, called to him to drive on. As the car riage was about to roll off the woman placed a fee of twopence in the hand of the man who had rendered her the serv ice. He was simply the Duke of Norfolk. The duke pocketed the twopenos, think ing the adventure very original. More over, it was the first time in his life that he had .ever earned any money by his own labor. Laodel City to Be Boils. A "City of the Future," such as Bel lamy dreamed of, will be shown at the World a fair of 1 aris, whion is planned for the year 1900. The Inventions Nonvelles proposes a departure from the usual toy arrange. ment of miniature models, fcafrel towers, etc., and advocates the erection of a city on a site sufficiently large to illustrate practically all the most prominent new inventions, as well as the fruits of mod ern electro technique. The cost of erect ing this future model city is to be cov ered by renting out the houses, hotels, etc., as well as all the stores to the ex hibitors. At the close of the exposition the entire site, with buildings, etc., will be utilized as the nucleus for a new quarter of the city of Paris. Philadel phia Kecord. Now Mutely Disagreeing. Beside the highway that leads from Bridgton to Norway are two burial plots upon opposite sides of the road. Here sra interred the Woodsum brothers, and of course every one who passes that way is anxious to know why there is this divi sion. The stage driver can tell you. The Woodsum brothers A could never agree. They disagreed in religion, politics and every conceivable point that could be brought up between them. Oh, their disagreements in story form, as told by the neighbors, would make a tale of prickly interest. Of course they couldn t agrse to repose their bones upon the same side of the road, and hence these two graveyards, the stones glaring across at ach other through rain, snow and sun ahine. Lewis ton Journal. A Phllesophle Toaagswr, . youthful correspondent writes as follows: "The reason why elephants is so smart is because they is like women Elephants is afraid of mieea, and so is women. Women is smarter than men. and as elephants is like women, some elephants must be smarter than some sueti." Such logic cannot be overcome. No doubt there are a good many elephants smarter than some men. New York Tribune. A MOTHER'S DEFENSE. Dead! my wayward boy my own - Not. tUo law 'atl Imt uilno -the good God's froo gift to auu tiUuie. bulletined by niotberttoud. "Bail." you say; well, who is not "Brufai:" "with a lii.-u.rt of stone" And Vod handed." A U. the hot Blood upon yourr own! 1 oomo not witli downward eyes To plead for UJm eliuincrtly; God ilidmot apologize When he gave t lie boy to ma. Simply, I make ready now Fotr-his serdlot. You prepare You have, killed uaUotU and how Will you face ua there? James Wliitcomb Riley. Collecting Cilnosa 1'olnn. "The earliest Chinose t oina that 1 have heard of," sail CouhuI lii-lhx r, 'lito from the dynaity wliioli diihi fn .v 2.Vj to 307 B. C. "Front that time until today these vm'- f ul little coins have been, used by every monarch, no matter whether he was an emperor of the entire fouatry or king of one of the petty principalities into which from time to time the Chinese empire was broken. ' There have been over 1,200 oc cupants of the various thrones, royal aud imperial. In addition to these regular is sues, if such they may be-, called, there have been special issues from tune to time and also sxecia.l local issues. A wealthy mandarin in Canton is said to have the finest collection - extant, con taining 25,000 specimens of different kinds." The cost increases as you go backward in time. The cash of this century can be secured at their nominal face value. Those of the eighteenth and seventeenth centuries bring from 1 cent to 10 cents each. Those of the Han dynasties bring $100 each when in fine state of preserva tion. Philadelphia Bulletin. Artificial Maple Sugar. - Decoctions or extracts of the wood or bark of trees are frequently used for flavoring sirups or sugars. Different extracts differ in taste. The hickory tree, it is said, yields an extract that will Impart the flavor of the maple, and Daily's method of producing artificial maple sirns of sugar is as follows: Make an extract of hickory bark or wood by allowing water to percolate through the same. The bark or wood may be ground, or sawdust therefrom used. Hot water may be used, or the matesial boiled in water. The strength of the extract may be increased by in crease of the quantity of the wood or bark. To one gallon of hot or boiling sugar sirup add, say, three tablespoon- fuls of tho hickory extract. It la said the effect of the extract is to produce a flavor that renders the sirup indistin guishable from genuine maple sugar. If the sirup is boiled down, a sugar re sembling -maple sugar in taste is pro duced. London Public Opinion. . Poverty and Clothes. One marked difference between the very poor in the English cities and tho corresiHinding class in American towns is that the latter buy their clothing of .tailors and manufacturers, and therefore get it new, while the English poor, and particularly the English women of low estate, prefer the castoff finery of "the qaality" that is sold at the secondhand shops. The result is that the American laborer and his wife mako a better ap pearance m their cheap but simple and suitable garments than the London nav vy or hawker, with a shiny, ill fitting broadcloth, and his wife in a garish hat with broken feathers and unfashionable, not to say bedraggled, skirts. New York Sun. Thackeray In Conversation. Mr. Sala says that when Thackeray was not in "a tetchy temper caused by extreme physical anguish" he was one of the most delightful : talkers it is possi ble to imagine. "There were very few subjects indeed on which he could not talk and talk admirably. He was as proKaient in the French and in the Ger man as in . the Hngliah language. He was never tired of discoursing about books and bookmen, about pictures and paiaters, about etchers and engravers and lithographers, and, moreover, he was a worn wit and a polished epigramroat ist." New York Tribune. An Aneodote off Hen TVade. "In the early winter of 1861" bluff Ben Wade, the Ohio senator, is credited with saying, "When Chief Justice Taney was ill, I used to pray daily and earnest ly that his life might be preserved until the inauguration of President Lincoln, who would upioint a Republican chief justice, but when I saw how complete his recovery was and how his rife was prolwaged I began to fear that I had overdone the business!" Chittenden's "Personal Reminiscences. De0nlng a Klcptom snlsc . Teacher What is a kleptomaniac? Pupil One who steals things for which he has no use. Teacher Very good. Can you give me an illustration? Pupil Charley Jones says my sister has stolen his heart, and Lai says she baa no use for it. Boston Transcript. ' The habitual care f the -haix siaould include a thorough brushing as well as combing. Much soap and water are not needed. Combs which have teeth with sharp or split edges should be avoided. The temple of Diana at Ephesua was 429 feet long, 225 broad and with statues and columns innumerable. Of this mag nificent structure not a trace remains, even of the foundations. Man is marvelously made. Who is eager to investigate the eu Hons and is on derful works of omnipotent wisdom, let him not wander the wide world around to aeek them, but examine h Ian self. The motion of the earth around the on is 68,30.1 miles an hour, over l.OOO miles a minute, or 19 miles a aeoond. . Slave ants and working ante have lest their wings through being kept entirely to a life on the ground. ?" jwsm . sunt v o cinsriR With the only complete bicycle plant in tines world, where every part of the machine is made from A. to Z, is it any wonder that Victor Bicycles are acknowledged leaders? There's no bicycle like a Victor, and no plant so grandly complete as the one devoted exclusively to the manufacture of this king of wheels. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. toroM. WASHINGTON, DKNVKN, AN PflAMOItvO. .. CJOssirV, VCail, Abbeville, r, RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. . '.V. Huubkopbi and Rmau Posts, Receiver WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule in effect Nov. 20. 1HS2. EASTBOUND Lv lCnoxviile " Morrintown Lv. Faint Koclc.... " Hot Springs.... Lv. Aaheville.... .... " Round Knob..., " M arioti " Morgaaton ' Hickory , ' S'cwton ' StBti".ville Ar. Su!:bury " Orecnsboro ' Danville LNQs.1.2 7 10am 8 SSant 12 2ft pm 1 2 30pm 3 4fpm 4. OKpm 4, 49pm 6 33pm 8 SBtml 6 oftpm 7 4,7pm K 37pm 11 20pm 1 loam Ar. Richmond 7 OOam Lv. Greensboro.. Ar. Durham " Kaleigh " Goldsboro ..fll 35pm 3 SSam 6 OOam .. laOBpm Lv. Danville Ar. lynchbtirg " Washington.... 1 SOam 4 Often) lO Oam Baltimore rhild Iphia..., New York WESTBOUND" Lv. New York ' Philadelphia " Baltimore 13 OSpm 2 Wpm 4 bupm NOT Yf 4- SOpm e ftftprr 9 HOpra w f t A si Do you want to keep your hiishrnrl home nt nip;ht, -- w" -nd" keep him agreeable and pleasant ? He must smoke, ;ni i y.t, you don't like the smell of histob;ic:o. You can drive him .'.vuy to his club- out of just surh tilings come misery, unhappires? and divorce. The trout-Is is that lie uses poor tobacco. Con h'r.l to get BLACKWELL'S BULL DURHAM SMOKING Tobacco; its delicate aroma will not bj offensive to you, and it wl'l not i'Ht all the curtains, hangins and clofhing with that stnle disagreerli'e odor that now troubles you. Keep your ru-sbaud !vmv :uid avoid all risks by having him smoke Bull, Durham Tobacco. Sold everywhere. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., Durham. N. C. GRAND OPERA HOUSE MONDAY, MAY IS. PROF. DONALD DOWNIE, B. C. L. Grand Illustrated Lecture WITH 1I1S MAGNIFICENT STUKEOPTI- LON views. The Rcd-Lcttcr Kvent in High Class Hntur tttinincnts. SUBJECT : "JAPAN." A hundred splendid Colored Pictures. lUi feet square, will carry the audience with Mr. Downfe's eloquent lecture through the Flow ery Kingdom. Subject for Tuesday evening, "IRELAND." Seats on sale Kriday at 34 Putton avenue. Iricc. 50. 35. 25 and 15 cent. MAGNETIC NERVINE. Is sold with wrlHsn auaMntea to cure i ervouaProstra tlon. Fits. Dizxl- n... Headache and Neuralfda andWake- iuirM'wScauHea oy ex cetHi ve useof Opium. Tobacco and Alco hol; Mental Depres sion. Softttftnlnst of the Brain, causlhar Misery Insanity and Death, Barreness. Inipotency, Lost Power In either sex. premature Old A Re? Involuntary LfMwefi, caused Oy over-iidulfei.ce, over-exertion or the Brain and Errors of Youth. It (rive to Weak Orp-ans their Natural Viaor and the ioys of life: cures Lucorrhaea and Fmnhle Weoknosn. A month's treat ment. In plain pnckmrP. by mail, to any adai-ess 1 iter box. a boxes tii. With every Sft order we irive a Wrlttm. QuanntSA to cure or refund the money. circulars rree. guarantee issuea omy uy our ex clusive agent. RAYSOR & SMITH. THE MAITLAND SCHOOL. NO. 40 FRENCH BROAD AVENUE. ENGLISH AND FRRNCH HOMK MJDAY .SCHOOL FOK tilRLS. Assisted bv Miss Wallace of Vassar Collefre. and lWill. Bothe of Paris Siecial advantage for the study of vocal ana instrumental nansic. Afternoon French tlsPffrn for lad its HSOKIVUVITTY. PAID BY THE TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO., OF HARTFORD, CONN., TO P N. Carriitftton. finver maabed $130 00 R. H. Britt. broke collar bone OOOO Frank Sorrells. eve hurt OO OO J. H. Tucker, atty at law bruised leg 23 70 may Nil 1 w " Waahirijrtoo ' IynchrurjB: Ar. Lln yille i.T. Kl'-amoiic! lifmrtHr.... Ar. (ir-Hi.lh'ro T.v liawoor J.v I'ltth Ar. Greensboro 1 1 OOpm B OOam r 3.1am 1 ii COuri 7 46iun ' it 7 .r,prr I,'. an f J.C a 15am l.v Greensboro ' Salisbury " Statesvillc " New eon Hickory " Morganto ' Marion " Round Knob... Ar. Asherille , " Hot Springs,.. " Paint Rock 9 SOam 1 1 lOam 12 3pm 1 2 4,8pm 1 09sa 1 52pm 2 36pm 3 14-pm 2Bpm b 67pm C lOpro Mornscown . " Knoxrille , AT& sTgjCTCgOADr HenderaonriUe ..... Flat Rock " Saluda " Tryon Ar. Spartanburg 7 OOam 8 OZam 8 13am 8 87am 8 06am lO 16am NO-"13' Lt Spartanburg Tryon " Saluda " Flat Rock rlenders'nr'le Ar. Ashcvil'f ..... 'MPRPHV BRANCHT 6 SOpm 7 68pm 8 37pm 8 64pm 9 OSpm 1010pis NbTTT Lr. Asherille Ar. Waynearille.. " Bryson City . Andrews " Tomotla Murphy , 1 8 SOam lO 09am 13 39pm 4 OSpm 4 39pm B Qpm NO- 18 Lv. Murahy f 6 OOam Ar. Tomotla 6 SOam Andrews S SOam Ar. Bryson City lO lOan " Waynes villi 12 62pm " Aaheville . 3 36pm SLPING CAR SERVICE. -Pullman Sleepers between New York. -via. Aaheville, also between Knoxyille and Nos. 11 and 12- Hot Sprinar and Salisbury and Washington: Vahcvillc and Cincinnati via : Harninan. Trains Nos. 1 3 and 14 Pullman Sleeper be tween Asheville and Charleston, via Spar tanburg and Columbia via S. C R'y, connect ing at Columbia for Savannah viaS. B R. R. vith Parlor cars. V. A. TURK. S. H. HARDWTCK, Sen Pass. Atrt Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt-. Washington, 1 C, Atlanta. Ga. ,V n (1REHN, Gen. Manager, Washington V B. McBBB. Oeu'I Supt., Colombia, S. C. sol.. (I A AS. Traffic Manager. Washington j TAKE THE j CHICAGO AND ALTON RAILROAD j GOING West and Northwest. F. L. COWAN 6c CO., MAKBASPI!CIAI,TV1P FINE WATCH REPAIRING. Native Stones. Moms ting Made to Order. ALL WORK GUARANTEED 1 No. 8 North Cona-t Pltmce. ASHBVILLB. 1M . O. J. V. B-owra Son, FUNERAL. DIRECTORS, (SUCCESSORS TO BLAIK & M'U iWELI.) 4l Pat tori ATtnor. Telephone, Store 75, Residence 66. may 1 dim jSPORITIIO GOODS BASBBALL8 AND DATS. RAY'S CIGAR STORE AND TICKET OFFICE. 28 South Mala Street. GUITAR-NEW AND EASY METHOD I am teaching a new and easy method of guitar music. Proficiency guaranteed - and organ. For term and fall particular, call at Palk'a Music Store or No. 2S Bailey street. MRS. M- M. CHILD. aprHdlm Pine CloUalnc: c:tiep. . It win pay you to aee samples and prices of WANAM akuk s KLwr. on DIV-sTra styles. Sarias; of 30 to 40 per cent. C P. RAY, Sales Aent. 28 S. Mat St. TOTICE By -rirtue of trie? power of sale vested in me by a deed of trust exe catrd by B. H. Fulen wider to the under siRned. as trustee, on the 1 1 Ttl. day of April. 1892, convevln the land Rnd premise there in described for the porppse of securing a certain note described in said deed of trust, which deed of trust has been duly recorded in the o trice of the Register of Deedn of Bun combe county, in book 29 on pages OO et ser. of the records of mortaraKes and deeds of trust, and whereas default n.a been made in the payment of the sal note, I will at the request " f the Western Carolina bank, the owner and holder of said note, sell for cash, at public auction to the highrst bidder, at the court house door in Asheville, N. O-, on Saturday, the lOth day of June, 1893, at 12 o'clock noon, for the satisfaction of the above mentioned note and interest and all cost thereon, as secured t;y aaid deed of trust, the following d ester iberj property, sit uate lying and being in the city of Asheville, county of Buncombe and State of North Carolina, on the south aide of Wood fin street, adjoining the lands :f Geo. If Starncs Atkins and others, and bosnded and more pnrttaularly described as follows: Begin ning at a stake in the sou t hi side of Wood fin street, George H. Stames' corner; and thence runs south lo east one hundred and sixty five (16A) feet In Atkins and Branner's line, the southeast corner of O. f-I. Starncs' lot; thence north 7M east, parallel with Wood fin street seventy-three (73 feet to a stake in the south line of John W. Starnes lot, which lies in the south cornar of Woodfin and Oak streets: thence north 15" west one hundred and sixty-five ( 1 65 feet to a stake in the south side of Wood fir. street; thence with the said Woodfin street seventy -three (73) feet to the beginning. reing the same land and premises conveyed r-r W. XI Blan ton and wife to K. H . Fulen wider by cced in fee simple on the 7th day of April, A. IJ 1 892. which deed is duly recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Buncombe ounty, North Carolina, in book 8 an pages 219 et. acq , to which referen-ee is hereby made as a part of the description hereof. P. M'1-.OUU. Trustee, may 11 18 25 juol 8 Immigrants going to any of the Western States or Territories will save time and money guing via Chicago and Alton route. It is the quickest route to Kansas City, Den ver PucMo, and all points in Idaho, Wash tngton, Oregon, Utah and California. Finest and Best Equipped Road in the West. Only line running Solid Vestibuled trains between St. Louis and Kansas City. Reclining Chair cars and Tourist Sleepers free of extra charge. I will meet parties at any railroad station with through tickets and baggage checks. 1-wr lull information, maps una descriptive pamphlets of the West, write to or call on. B. A. NBWLAND, Trn t iling Passenger A ent, 33 Patton Avenue, AahrvilU., N. C J. CHARLTON, neral Passenger Atent, ClliCM tfO,. MARK. SHY! IF YOU SUFFER WITH DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, OR ANY DERANGE STOMACH, LIVER 7tO ENT F THE OR BOWELS, TRY CRAB ORCHARD WATER. T HAS CURED THOUSANDS. "T WILL. BENEFIT VOU. IT IS WORTH A niA'. SOLD BV ALL. DHUQQISTS. Si e that the label has the " Crab Apple " on it. CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO., J-.imphlet frse by mail. Louisville, K , feblldeod-4m GH O THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY. .. Cure. Qosoraaa and, 01as In ltofl Daj a. without Pals. PraTenU Strictures. OosUra BO acrid or poisonous anbataaoea, and. Is frnaranteed absolutely harmless. prssoribd by pl ysrlo ra-n s. Isest 8t rinsj.fraowrtbeaxsb bottla. Jrlee 1 Bold by druKKlnta Irwara oC Snn- Asheril'e Agents, scriotioa drasjKists. feblOdlj Rayior A. Kniith. 31 Part oxt aveenuv. pre SPRINGFIELD : REPUBLICAN, DAILY,8; SUNDAY,.2; WEEKLY. 91. The aUasamcalns; Xe-nnrsiaafM- oi MCW EnKltassfl. rflfHlSKEY S3 m Atlaa, Oaloe la4 WUilaliaum anrl OplnD Bablt. cured .4 Iioiili: u i,u ott l.iaa.iloulc tti jnir tirulara sent FKKK B.M.WOOLLrf,M 1) WORLD'S BVII. If yon are froina; to tlae 'World's Pair, write the Oailr dnsn, Aatac-rille. M. C. for lllnatrated prtated natter dtsti Ibisy the Pair, and time, tables and ri i.i pfcarta isstaed by the atcsmcr lines or railrosMla yow would nse Irons yonr home to Chcxaro. No eharsre ts made. Thia oflier is nadc ansa lal ar- raageneat with the Rtc resvtaoaa Drpsi tiuent toe Lansuan usioa. PROFESSIONAL. CANUS. T. W. jEaOOKHART, OKNTI8T, 37 Patton Avenue, Up Htaira, ASHEVILLE. N. C. m3dtf E. (X. BRITT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE. Grading of all kinds done. All sixes of cruNhetl stone furnished. Send all orders to postofflce Box 148, Asherille, N. C. a.Kl Odtl 34-YcarH' Bxpcriencc-34 WIsUTOIS HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BUILDBK. t)ffice and shop, Wolfe Building. CORNER COURT PLACB AMU MARKET STREET. INSURE TOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, fi-cncTtkl t Inaurance t Ayr exit. Hear No. SO South Via in street. KstabUshed 1S6. Asherille. N. C. anS dlr J. A. TEBfNENT, ARCHITECT : AND : CONTRACTOR Plana, spcrlfleationa' and estimates far nisbed. All work in ray ltae contracted for, and no charire for drawing: on contracts awarded me. References when desired. Omoe, soatheaa Court square. Asherille, N. C. febl&dly "a ISONjp-ECD TO lfAy iJlORE,, s OXJK. NEW CIGAH. EQUAL TO ANY ioc CIGAR.1 KROGER. College St.