THE AiSilJEVlLLE DAILY CITIZEN Thursday Evening, May 11. 1803. JVIMKMI COLLEGE. Coauavaasnceuassnt. Bsercliu at This Well Known Institution. The commencement exercises of Judson college, Henderaon-rille, which began Sunday, closed yesterday, baring had a larger attendance than was ever known on a similar occasion. The annual ser mon by Rev. J. Q. Adams, and the liter ary address by Rev. I. L. White are spoken of by those who attended as excellent. At the conclusion of the address of Mr. White yesterday, the awards of medals were made as follows : Mathematical L.. B. Ownbv of Ashe ville; delivered bv Rev. J. L. White. Essayist's Miss Etta Sales of Fletch ers; delivered by Rev. Dr. J. A. Speight. Oratorical Millard A. Jenkins of Asheville; delivered by Dr J. J. Reagan. Scholarship -Geo. Valentine of Hen dersonville; delivered by Mayor Eeer ton. Declaimer's L.. E. Ownby of Ashe ville. The Snnagonian society medal for im provement was awarded to Rufas Rav ot Brevard; debater's medal, J. C. Owen of Henderson county. The Ciceronian society medal lor im provement was awarded to J. E. Hamp ton of Asheville; debater's medal, W. T. Morgan of Rutherford ton. The latter was delivered by Hon. ohn W. Starnes of Asheville. The dtgy oLC -Li., W Conferral .pun Rev. Thos. T. Speight, of Lewis ton, N. C, and Rev. Geo. W. Gardner ot Oxford, Miss. Other degrees were as follows -. Robert ,C. Wells of Asheville, Bachelor of Science: McD. Rav of Tran sylvania and W. R. Penley of Bland county, Va., Bachelor of Arts and Sciences. . President lesse R. Starnes of Tudson tells Thb Citizen that the past year has been a nourishing one with the college, the best in fact since its foundation in 1861. The next term will begin Octo ber 4, 1893. AT THE IIATTEHV PARK. rn Cotillion In Monor of HIM iDitenioll Last Evenings The cotillion given at the Battery Park last evening bv Miss Cartmell in honor of Miss Ingersoll of Cleveland, O., was the most enjoyable social event which Ashevillians have had the pleasure of at tending for some time. There was a large crowd of dancers present and the evening will lone be remembered by those who were there. The dancing hall was tastefully decorated with evergreens and the incandescent lights, with their pink shades, made a beautiful effect. About 12 o'clock refreshments were served, after which the dancing contin ued until a late hour. The cotillion was led by (. E. Kumbough in his splendid style. Those present were: Miss Inger soll, Mrs. Willis Collins, Mrs. Cartmell, Mrs. L. P. McLotid, Mrs. J. W. Sluder. Mrs. Fred. A. Hull, Mrs. Chas. M. Piatt, Miss Collins. Misses Douglas. Misses Wallace, Miss Butler. Miss son, Miss Kumbough, Miss den. Miss Branch, Miss Miss Achison. Miss Fulliam, Waddell. Miss Cartmell, Miss Robin-Bear-Hunt, Misses Janie Cartmell, Mies Nannie Cartmell, . E Kumbough, H. Rumbough, Jack Kum bough, L. P. McLoud, Sluder, W. E Collins, (. R. Collins, Bingham, Branch, Beardeu, B. M. Jones, Porter, Bonn II, Waite, Dennison, W. G. Smith. A. Ran kin, Short, Alex. Webb, Walker, Hilliard. Darby, Clayton, Myers, Murphy, Low. Miss Cartmell is entertaining Miss In gersoll at 22 Orange street. POSTMASTERS- Appolntmenia tor Ibe Kintn Con KresHlonal District. The following are fourth-class post masters appointed in the Ninth Congres sional district : Burnsville, J. P. Horton; Swannanoa, W. H. Wilson; Little Pine Creek, Jack son Roberts; Higgins, L. C. H. Brown; Sioux, W. H. Atkins; Culberson, J. L. Owenby; Puella, Miss Emma Deaver; Otto, .Miss Lillie Berry; Fairview, J. Will Jones; Bryson City. J. S. Elmore; Montford, J. R.Harris; Candler, J. M. Gtillowav; Murphv, M. L. Moody; Dunsmore, T. H. Howell; Jupiter. C. E. Roberts; Robbinsville. J. W. Robinson; Whittier, S. W. Cooper; Havesville. G. H. Haider: Paint Rock. M. L. Ha worth: Democrat, G. II. McKinaey: Brevard, M. A. Coooer: Hendersonville. W. P Warlick; Trvon, C. M. Mills; Calhoun, C. E. Wilson; Morgan Hill, F liams. M. Wil- OET VOV READY. Lota ot EdJOTment Promised Maw 17-18 -v Ibe A. L. . for The Asheville Lmht Infantry has completed arrangements for two promt nade concerts at the Farmers' warehouse on the evenings of May 17 and 18. The Charlotte Italian band, one of the best organizations of its kind in the South, has been engaged for both evenings and the committee in charge guarantee that the music rendered will be of the very best. Part of the Boor will be prepared and reserved especially for dancing, and refreshments will be on sale during the entire evening. A prize drill will be par ticipated in by memoers of tne company, the prize being a gold medal. There will also be voting contests for articles Do nated by merchants of the city. An admission of twenty five cents will be charged. THK PICNIC. Hood Crowd, Baa Mot There t la ! Mav Tbe attendance npoo the firemen's picnic at Sulphur Springs yesterday af ternoon was very fair, and tbe day was very pleasantly spent. There was danc ing in tbe pavilion until 11:30 last night, and everybody came away satisfied with the pltasnres of tbe occasion. Tbe order preserved during the entire picnic was the very best. Capt. Prank O'Donnell carrying oat bis promise to tbe public in thi regard. Under bis direc tion the details of the picnic were syste matized and everything progressed with out a bitch. Mayor-elect T. W. Patton was an interested spectator and partici pant daring tbe afternoon and evening. About $125 was realized, which will go towards defraying the hose company's expenses on tbe Wilmington trip. Mscceaslal Csaseratloaa. Mrs. J. B. Edwards, who lives six miles north of Asheville, was here today to consult Ira- McGil-vra & Straw. Mrs. Edwards lost her eyesight many years ago on avecunat of cataracts on the eyes. An operation wsts performed bat with poor results. Recently she pat her case in the bands of Dr. McGUrra, who oper ated os her eyes with socb success that she was discharged today with ber eyesight restore. Mrs. Edwards, in the presence ot Thi Citokw. was able to read with case tbe words oa at card, priated ill cosnoa newspaper tvpe. aad is happy over the restore, taow ot her sight. Hot weather clotbiaa; sad bats, for nea sad boya, at the WbiUock Clothm Xiose,V Somth Maia street. AROUND TOWN. Washington, .XI my XO. Forecast till 8 p. m. Friday: fair; -rarimhlc winds; sligbthr -warmer Friday morning. A. C. Gunter'a latest novel, "Barou Montez." is on the ncwktandi. Tennessee ttruwberriea are now selling on the Asheville market, for 12V4 cents a quart. The mornings tor the past week have been cool. This rnornin the mervnry stood at 50. One pistol case in Recorder Miller's court was sent up to tbe Criminal court this morning. Tbe Swannanoa bounds will meet at the Merriwether place tomorrow after noon at 4-:30 o'clock. Internal revenue collections for the Fifth North Carolina, district yesterday amounted to $2,203.75. Wi'on Bros, have moved their stock of general merchandise from Biltmore to Asheville and have opened at 59 South Main street. Members of Hose company No. 1 are requested to attend an important meet ing of tbe company this evening at 8 o'clock in firemen's headquarters. On account of the temporary failure of the city water supply the Batterv Park has nor I en able to keep its electric lights burning for two or three nights past. The Central church Epworth League wilt bold its monthly business meeting this evening at 8 o'clock. All members are req nested to attend. Strangers wel come. The regular meetingof the Joint Board and Board of Aldermen will be held to morrow afternoon. This will be the last meeting of tbe outsroing Board of Aldermen. Col. J. D. Cameron announces in the Democrat this week that the next issue of his Dancr will anrtear enlarged to an 8-cnlnmn tolio and with name changed to The Commonwealth. The Hendersonville Times says that Mrs Lizzie Shaft of Asheville was bound over to court bv Justice Jordan last week for an assault with a dirk upon Rozzie Hoots of Hendersonville. lanitor Henslev today gave the corri dors of the government building a good scrubbing, cleaning np after the gentle men who took possession ot things while the United States court was in session. The county Board of Education, of which A. T.'Summev. esq., is chairman will meet on the first Monday in June for the purpose of appointing the school committees ot tne various districts ui Buncombe. There will tie a dress drill and parade on tbe Uingnam school drill grouno tomorrow afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The new drill in extended order will be given. The public is cordially invilen to attend it. A social will be iriven by the Society of Christian bndcavor this evening in in basement of the First Presbyterian church at 8:30. All the young pe pie ot the church and friends ot the soci ety are invited to attend. A meeting for men, to which all young men arc invited, will he held this evening in the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. at 8 o'clock. Walter Erdman will lead th meetintr. and the subject will he. "Work for Every Man" Mark 13: 34-37. Tbe revival at Riverside M. E. church South, continues with interest. Scr vices are held every evening. Rev. Dr. I H. Weaver will ureach this evening. A street car will be at the terminus of the Patt m avenue line at the close of the service to accommodate those who at tend from uptown. A telegram received here yesterday from Savannah, Georgia, announced tha death of Miss Mary O'Connor which occurred in that citv yesterday morning For the past tour years Miss O'Connor bad spent tbe summer- in Asheville at Dr. H. B. Weaver's. 169 Chestnut street, and had a number of friends here. The Montgomery. Ala.. Advertiser ot Tuesday says tbe crowd which attended the revival services conducted in that city by Rev. R. G. Pearson of Asheville on Sunday night, was tbe largest since the meetings began, and that there were 50 conversions. Mr. Pearson will re main in Montgomery this .veck. Alderman T. C. Starnes, of the jewelry firm of P. L. Cowan & Co., has shown The Citizen a number ot medals awarded at Jndson college to tbe suc cessful students in the contests at com mencement. Tbe medals are of gold beautiful in design and handsomely en graved. In addition to the Jurlsoi medals, this firm will furnish the medals for Weaverville college. Charlotte s grade rt school has appa rently gotten into i condition similar to that of the Asheville schools a short time ago. The Observer says : "The graded school matter is still the subject of dis cussion and general concern. The issue resolves itselt into these questions: Is the school to be mti on lull time with cheap teachers, or with the nresent corps of efficient teachers with lull pay as long as the money will last i" THE PAHHINU CRO WU Pen anal Mmea afT peopl Cuming L. Mendelsaolin of New York is ;il the Battery Park. J. Wiley Shook came U from Marshal this afternoon. D. J. Powers and wile of Atlanta .ire at tbe BatterT Park. T. C Cain, proin m t or of the Cnia house. Morriitown, Tenn., ra at the Swannanoa. G. W. Wirth and wife and Miss M. Billin of Brooklyn. N. Y., are aiming the gnestn of the Swannanoa. J . W. Walker of Durham, a brother of K. P. Walker of at tbe Grand Central for a few days. H. Silverman, of tbe Baltimore Cloth ing and Dry Goods company, left today for tbe Northern markets to buy his summer stock. Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Straw have returned to tbe city and will remain a lew days, after which they will go to Virginia on a pleasure trip. Rey. J. I. White returned last nijfht from Henderson ille. and left this after noon for Nasb-rille. Tenn., to attend tbe Southern Baptist convention. Mrs. T. C. Stamen and sister. Mivs Eula Campbell, have none to Tusculum, Tenn.. to attend tbe oaatencement ex eiciaes of Tuacnlnm college and spend a few weeks with relatiyea. Congressman W. T. Crawford came in ff om Wayaesville yeaterday afternoon, remaining until thia afternoon, when be left for Washington. Tins norning be went go Biltmore to look It to tbe Bilt more poatoffice matter and it is expected tbe appointment will be made soon. Mrs. Jrawfiord remains in Waynes ville. Several litAOSlS thia week of stylish at tne Wbitlock Ctothinjr Hob by oa phonograph at TUB MARKETS. - New Tork HarkPt. Nbw Yon. Mav 11 Cotton May, T.4S; Jane. 7 SS; .Inly, 7.8S; futm en, Aoitust, 7.7 7; September. 7 Hi. stock usotauous. Maw Von. Mot 11 Br) t; Lake Shore 10SV6: ChicuKu and Northwestern 123i; Nortolk and Western. 20Vfe: Richmond and West Point -r-mnai ny Jr rn H3. Western IMHImorr MHrket n . ti r-D v Miivll yiotir. atrekusr: wheat. doll: spot My 774; June 70V. July SOU,; mililDK wneai oy sample, t . r . - --. firmer; Moot May 49Vi, July .'04; white corn oy "ampV, 55; jellnir. 54, Anliwlle Markets Corrected dally bv POWELL e SNIDER, wholesale and retail arocera. Tlieae prices arx- beini; paid by the merchants cu-dar. Butul 2SIApples 7618 Breii 1 1 HIAPP'es. ''He 3g) Chickens 1 2V430 Pumpkins. cch.S2 Xurkeys TOfejlOO'Sorsruin 30 Dacka 31 2S Beeswax, per to IS Potatoes, iw't lOUiHonej - 1 Potatoes. lrih.60a-5 Wheat So Tnmipii 30a0Corn OS Onions 12ft I Meal o Cabbage, per Tt 3 Oats a Rye 70 Hay, ton 2000 Celerr. dot -JSfta0 wan, pr Dn.ivui su Pesa es.75 Chratnnta 2SO Tlae OpportnnllT of a E.llareiiaae. It is a well known principle among the medical fraternity that old feather beds e tinh' Uhv .-.n' patterns are not al lowed to i i. main upon them unless thor oughly renovated. They must be cleaned tv steam and steam only. The citizr of Asheville have now an opportunity to have their feathers cleaned and reno vated that they mar never have again. Pillows, bolsters and bedticks muds to order Tully & Co., Patton avenue. Irdem to Mew Advertlaemen t. Wanted Merchant T--..r Rent 17 Haywood St filters Thraah'a Crystal Pat.tee Specialties Brown. Northnp Xe Co Statement National Bank of Ashe v itlv R KENT Large sonny rooms u Ui a or floor complete: all imiro vc ents Also large nicely furnished sunn v r Montford avenue car pe i!oor xnaylldlw 174- HAY WOO' T. UTILCH COWS FOR SM.H Two high jrrade Terseys, lull milk; aplen dirt butter makers. Will be sold cheap to reduce stock. Address JOHN tv HOY I , rn nvfl'llw Luther, Buncombe Co., N. C. 1 T ANTKO An honeat man. with or with Vv out capit&l. to take an interest in ar established business, or to clerk, if he pre rem. Address, in own handwntinf. giving; references, UKKV.n.ini. tnaylldJt Statement Condition THE NATIONAL BANK OF ASHEVILLE At Asheville, in the State of North t the clone of business Mav 4, Oarnllm 1M93. SRfinL'KCIW. LoaDN and I i-countt Overdrafti, -ccured and unsecured U. S. Bonds to secure circulation IT. S. Bonds to secure deposits Stocks, securities. etc. Due from approved reserve agents Te from other Na tional Banks re from StateBanki Arid bankcru Banking hoit sc. fur- niture and fixtures Other real estate and raortftaKcs owned Current exjienses and taxes paid Premiums on TT. S. Bonds Checks and other cavh items Rills of other Banks .'' Fractional pape r lo,sa 14 ST.500 OO i50,00 ,ooo 23,720 OO 7 J A3 o 20 1 1 15,139 :t 7,676 o 14..000 OO 1 .r.c7 64 currency, n i c k e is an t cents specie Leral tender notes... Redemption fund with 11 S Treasurer, pr cent-of circu lation 99 1 T 1H.OS7 87 J.OIO OO 22,4.1 7 04- Total i.ia Rii.iTiaa Capitalmock paid in 1 so.ooooo 12.SOO OO 4..H97 s S3.7SO OO nrpiti9 nina Undivided profits National bank no tea outBtandioe Individual drposlti aunject to check 1TO,4.a St Demand certificatea of depoait 31.203 70 fTertifled check S.18S OO C ashler's cbecu a out standing 3.1M3 A3 United Statea depoa- ita 10.78S 9 Deposits of IT. 8. dia- baraing ofBcers 33 H9 41 353,818 3(1 Due to other Nation al Banks 1H.34 OO Due to State Banks and bankers 3,536 96 Notes and bills re discounted..... XS.OOO OO Total 94,SB3 64. Statb e No a T Ff CiaoLnu,! County of Rucombf. I as : T, Lawrence Pulliam, Caahier of the above named bank, do aolemnly swear that tbe above itatement ia true to the best of tny knowledge and belief LAWRBNCB PtTLLlAM. Cashier. aubacriberl and a worn to before me this 11th day of May. 1)193. D. C. Wdbill, jr.. Notary Public. Correct Attest : A. J. Ltmii. W. W. Biihiid, y LHrectora. W. B. WlLLIlMinN . I Seasonable Specialties. Lawn Mowers, Rubber Hose, Screen Doors and Windows And Poultry Nnlting Alt at Bottom Prices at Broujn, fioPthup St Co., No. 33 Patton Aventae. ml Id 1 w SocltAVre5L"bex SODA WATER Havina; set-nred tne services of Mr. Neil Laurence of Ansuata, Ga., an eapert soda water dispenser of national reputation, we feel doubly assured that our aoda. always tbe best, will be better this year than ever. Mr. Laurence has a Dumber of new and arrateful drinks which will be pat on from time to time. Among: those just pnt oa will be oar delicious ICE C8EAH SOOA, E6Q PHOSPHATE, PINE APPLE SNOW, CLARET LEMONADE. STRAWBERRY MASH, 10 CTS.; SILLABUB, 8 CTS-, CHEJIRT, ORANGE AND RASP. BERRY PHOSPHATES. To all oar oad itoaaers we eat ad a cor cliaU wetcosae. new ones will be even Open eveaaatss till is o'clock. RAYS OR & SMITH reO. 31 PATTON AVENUE. Prices - Low For W. B. WILLIAMSON A- CO., FURNITURE. CARPEXS, ETC., ETC.. t6 Patton Avenue, WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. CORKRORE, No. 46 South IVIain Street. We are satisfied with our stock as it standH. Everything is an exclusive style. ReatJy made clothing And hats for Easter. Neat, nobby light colored suits, single breast, double breast, cutawuy, square fronts, Price Alberts, and full dress suits, new styles, perfect fitting, first-class materials. You cannot fail to be pleased. In children's and boys' clothing we have school suits and Sunday suits; all proper colors, best shapes; knee pants and long pants, best styles, and most desirable because priced low Ran ter hats. Everybody should see our hat soft, stiff, strjrw. the best in the land, suitable shapes for all. !ress sliirts, nt-gliget- nliiri-, working shirts. Our stock is immense. Eanter neckwear, selected with care, and superior to any stock in the State. See them and be con vinced. Waiter and bell boys' suits. We invite you to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Telephone No. 108. THE WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE FURNITURE ! : FURNITURE ! blair &. Mcdowell, No. 4-5 Patton Avenue. CALL - AND - EXAMINE - OUR - STOCK. Bed Room Suites, Parlor Suites, Dining: Room Sets. Mattrenses, Chairs, Window Shades, &c. WE CAN SAVE COAL AND WOOD YARD, No. 20 North. Court Square, ( FORMERLY CARRINGTON'8 ) COAL, COKE, FIREWOOD, KINO LINGS, CHARCOAL, LIME, CEMENT. TELEPHONE NO. 121. DEPOT FINE BIHD IS THE GREATEST LUXURY OF L'FE. TO MAKE 1T-YOP MUST HAVE GOOD FLOUR. "OIVIEGA" lo -tlio Firxorst: liVixiter Wheat JET LOU JEt- On the market. Ask your grocer for it. It is not cheap, but quality Justifies price. Wc Only to THerclmn t s. MUSTHf-FAKES &COIVLPAMY. Whitney '4 4 Carriages ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST. DURABLE, STYLISH, PRETTY. - Sale - Only - By AiheTllie, w. c YOU MONEY. I' LAST Kit PARIS, LAND PLASTER, SEWER PIPE, HAY AND FEEDJ YARD AND WAREHOUSE, TELEPHONE NO. TS PATENT DISEASE GERMS IN I0E. I from Public Opinion.) The tenacity of thr life !' the microbe is shown by the fact that man v forms may be imbedded In ice without loaina; their vitality. Ur. Dornhill. of rari. has found that ice ia otten n. medium of transmitting typhoid fever, and aays that Ice from rivers and tonds is aa dangerous as the water itself, ajid that the only ice safe foruaefor any pur pose im that manufactured from dis tilled water. CAROLINA WINE AND. LIQUOR STORES, NO. 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 7 1-2 COLLEGE STS. Keep In stock "Mount Vernon." "Cauaadtan Club." and Old Baker Rye WhtakclM. The .( Wines. Brandies. Beer. Ale and Stout for family use. All goods deHvered free. Ale and Porter on draught. Rnterance No. IB North Main and 74 College a tree-a. Telephone No. 182. P. 8.: Oa and after May Atn I will send itatement of accounts by mall to parties in debted to me If not settle 1 that time. Respectfully. PROPKIBTOB CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW, HEADQUARTERS : FOR : FEED ! TELEPHONE NO. OT. FEED OlST HAISTID AT PRICES THAT WILL SAVE YOU SOME MONEY. Csrn sacked and on tlie cub. White Uats, Mixed Oata, Fancy White Middling;.. Shorts. Braa Peed Meal, Corn tfhops, Cow Feed. Kcspectrally, C. S. COOPER. may Id 3m THE EMPORIUM Is crowded day aud night from West Colleire street to ment to third floor; a perfect advance of any season we ever had in Asheville. The pub lic has discovered the superlative quality of our goods, our improved methods of businenn. our every effort to please, our talented assistants, our immense stock and our low prices; they have discovered also that anything comes from Mimuaugh's has Off styles are as much avoided as bad debts in tliis estab lishment. Our Dressmaking Department is already . success. Worth, the renowned dressmaker of today, would be jealous were he t see some out by our modiste, Miss Haupt. Our Millinery are styles exclusively our own. We have shapes and colorings, you cannot find anywhere South. No more complete department to be fouud anywhere. Miss Driver is not only a trimmer, of talent but a. designer. Nearly everybody prefers her hats to the Frenchpatterns. Our prices range for nice goods from $5 to $40. Our Dry Ooods and Notions are the largest uiid finest collection in North Carolina. No bombast; we eau prove every word of it 'Tis known in ItUHinwH circles in New York we buy the finest, goods South except Atlanta and New Orleans More fine stuff here than this town can show collectively. Our.Kid Gloves, uew Parasols and Bunsbdes, new Dress Ooods and Trimmiugs, Hilk and Laundered Shirt Waists aud new Eaton Suits will i-uinmand a threat deal of attraction this week. Our Special Sale of Silks will surprise everybody Mon day; 33 inches wide, beautiful designs; our price will be 80 cents as long as tney last. Respectfully, F. P. rJaltvaNAUGH. , Our ton so rial artist for ladies, Miss Smith, late of New York and Baltimore, will be here Monday. .Northern rates only will be charged. OF- Cotton Seeds, several ajradca of ZXaiy, etc., etc. every department rushing, Patton avenue, from base jam; business 50 per cent in the stamp ot' style about it. of the lovely gowns turned

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