THE ASHEVILLE DAILY C1TIZSJST Tuesdav Uvening, May 16, 1893. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN Tna Dailt Cnrmii, Democratic, Is published cm7 afternoon (except Hundaj) at e fol lowing rate strict It emmh: Oms Ysas Bra Months. Tit mk HoutiiI Ohm Month OitWin ..90.00 .. 3.00 ,. l.BO BO IS WESTERN IVOR Til CAROLINA. TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1893. "On motion of Adrisor Gwyn it was ordered that banks be sloped and tbe fences reset on Grove street on the prop erty of those citizens who asked it," says The Citizen's report of the Board meeting last Friday. The residents of Grove stieet can do a far better thing for themselves and the city generally by discarding fences altogether, except the side fences between the residences and using those only for a short distance from the back as a dividing line between the different properties. The park-like eSect secured in this way adds more to the looks and therefore the value of fine residence property than would be be lieved except on a trial; and fences, once discarded, will never again be set up. IT WORKS WELL Those who think President Cleveland's letter declining to see the office seeker has been unanimously resented by the politicians should read this paragraph from an interview with Congressman Tim Campbell: "Is there no complaint from Tammany that Mr. Cleveland has had bis bead en larged by hit re-election ?" "If there is it comes from men who don't know what they are talking about. When I have called on him 1 found him just as natural, simple and friendly as ever he was. and I ve known him ever since the time when he bad no more ex pectation of beinc President than I have. On my way west I heard some little growling about that last order of his telling the office seeker to no home. The only wonder is that he didn't issue it long ago. How he has stood the strain is beyond my comprehension. The last time I went to tbe White House was when he sent for me. I had to sit in an ante-room for half an hour or so. 'Well, I said to him when I got in, 'I don't envy you your lob or vour Sou.uuu a year. 'You've no reason to, Campbell,' he said, and laughed. "He's the most patient man alive or he would not have put up with the nuisance for a week, let alone two months. There was no sense in the business, and be did the right thing when he stopped it." President Cleveland might have word ed his order in phrase better calculated to soothe tbe parting guest, but tbe re sult has justified tbe means. Senators and representatives alike now commend tbe move as calculated to give the Presi dent and themselves time to consider the applications already in perhaps 10 for every vacancy made or to be made and decide on the conflicting claims for office. Nominations are in fact now made of tcner than if the White House was still besieged by the belated office seeker. AT THE O RAND. THE NEW ADJIINI8TRATION. Accepting the suggestion of The Citi zen or following out the dictates of his own judgment Mayor Patton delivered an inaugural yesterday that, indicates in some measure the kind of administra tion of the City government we are to have for the next year. It is plain from the inaugural that it is to be a business administration if it is led by the May or. He had evidently put himself within one week in possession of a wider grasp of the financial situation of the City than any member of the retiring admin istration had acquired in two years. Some member of the old board may have had aJ the figures at his command that Mayor Patton now ha, but the true significance of them was not brought out before by anyone. As pre sented by the Mayor they were eloquent of past mismanagement, gross careless ness, and almost fatal extravagance. It is of course easy to criticise; but The Citizen feels confident that the man who could prepare such a revelation of the financial status of this City can, with the help of tbe two Boards, also build up from what is left something we shall be able to call munic ipal prosperity a year from now. Tbe people of this town willjnot demand too much. They simply want the dollars they earn to stay in their pockets if pos Bible, but if it is necessary to take from those dollars to contribute to the gen eral good they want to know where they so and that every dollar earns a dollar's worth of something valuable. They do not want money thrown away in junketing trips, in unnecessary legal expenses, in large commissions to men already on a City salary, or in any other way that is unnecessary or extra-v agant. We believe that the new administra tion will not be guilty of any such mi takes. It is capable, it is intelligent, it is honest, it is in earnest; and we hope it will prove to be harmonious. And just one word on that point. There are some men of positive opinions on tbe new Boards. It is even believed that tbe Mayor himself sometimes has an opinion or two that he thinks a good deal of. But let them all proceed on the good old rule of give and take, remembering that a great deal can be accomplished by pulling together, and very little by pulling apart. We mention this because the harshest pi edict ion m hare heard of the new administration is that it would fall of its own weight; that is, so many capable men of minds oi their own could not work together for aay great length of time. We hope to see this prediction proved groundless. Another suggestion: The Citizen hopes that every member of the oe Boards has made at his mind that noth ing bat death or tbe approach of tbe tax collector will keep him away front Board xetiags. Tbe tine of all, or nearly all. of tbe sew snembcrs is valuable to them, but they have taken Bp tbe bar den, have pat their hands to tbe plow and avast fol low tbe furrow to the end regardless of personal sacrifices. The sew administration starts oat with the good wishes of all, and the sap. ; port of ths majority of the citizens. . From th Moores-villc, N. C, Reg-inter. An oration delivered by W. M . Voila. Darktroii College on Maxwell Chamber bay. April 1st, 1H93 J Ladies and gentlemen, wrapped, as you are, in the crackling flames of con tending oratorical powers, I dare not attempt to imitate in your hearing the silver-tongued orator of the Clrceks. I must not assume lor an instant, tuc grace, power and eloquence of Demos thenes. And what proht is it to sway the minds of a Roman audience with the linguistic artillery of a thundering Cicero? I would not if I could. The keen vision of George Vandcrbilt has telescoped tbe rays of the rising sun. He calculated its orbit and distance, and deduced the length of the glorious day that is slowlv but surely stealing up the eastern sky. What if this glorious day never comes! Then be has leveled down a mountain whereon to build a mere air castle in the upper regions of the atmos phere. Bet your sweet lite, tweorge Vandcrbilt don t see that way. I Ap plause. Far from it. a glorious future is just before us and lie has seen it. Hear the thunder roar of our numerous water falls. Were they simply made to admire? Had tbe Great God of nature no practical cm in view when he made them ? Shall they not yield their strength ? The 3.330,000 horse power of our rivers which is lost daily, year in and year out, snail ere long put its potent shoulder to the wheel and turn our machinery. It will tnrn all the spindles that can be packed into a build ing one ball mile wide, extending from Davidson to Charlotte. Such a building must cover 6.4-00 acres of land. Shall it not furnish employment for busy mil lions ? Some one might ask, if this im mense power can be utilized ? It can. We can harness it and transform it into electric currents, which we can convey a hundred miles if necessary, to our facto ries. What means this excessive heavy travel, during tbe summer months, from all points of the compass ? Docs every body go up there to get drunk on the pure distillations of heaven? Is it to drink to the health of the mountains the eternal 'moonshine' that trickles from the seams in tbe cliffs? (Applause.) . . . What seek so many visitors? Is it to purchase sheep farms at one dollar per acre that will rival Vermont? Is it to buy waterfalls, to build flutter mills and rip saw logs? .... Again, I say. what means this heavy travel? ... In spite of the fact that the birds bave enchanted the woods with their magical singing and in spite of tbe fact that Dame Na ture has taken one of the grandest webs that ever came from the loom of Old Mother Ivnrth, to make a coat of many colors for the little Joseph of Western North Carolina, we answer emphnti- cally. No. L Applause. J They arc not all seeking pleasure. Down trodden science, armed with the truth, though crushed to the earth, thou hast risen again; and now may we reap and enjoy the full harvest of thy sowing. Ignorance, superstition and unbelief in scientific principles, flee from before thy face. They are rushing pell mell through fiery chaos to the great sea oblivion to be swallowed and consumed in tbe last great and overwhelming triumph of science. Applause.! Our rivers shall not roll, tumble, surge and lash themselves into foam against the rocks till tbe eternal hills arc leveled down. Far from it. We shall harness that power and by that means, we shall usher in this glorious day. Then dawn, hapnv morntne. dawn ! Stand, gnat country, atand ! Live, mighty people, live ! Prolongctl ap plaused. Live in peace and for the glory of God. That M.ttIIe Romance In Ciicrofce Editor The Citizen: In his report of bis visit to Yellow Hill and the Eastern Cherokee School your correspondent Kowiana nowara gives a wrong im pression as to the cause of the "gentle excitement" or tbe blaze of "romance with which be thought the atmosphere agiow wuen ne arrived in our little town on May the Sth. Your correspondent manes tnis statement, mat tne young iaay teacner in the Government school had been removed on account of a dis patch from her friends up north to the superintendent to send her home upon the superintendent's informing tbem of her going to be married to an ex-chief's son. The Hon. Jas. A. Cooper, Special U. S. maias agent, was instructed by tbe In terior department to come' here to inves tigate the causes for the removal of the lady teacher by Andrew Spencer. The result of the investigation was to find that the young lady teacher bad in every way lived up to tbe Government's rules and regulations, was esteemed bv patrons and pupils, that there was abso lutely no charge against her. that said Spencer accused this innocent vonna larlv before the department of Indian affairs at Washington in order to make an open ing for a relative to do his own office work; that in order to accomplish he magnified great charges from her "an fortunate attachment to an Indian;" one mat tne untortunateness or the at tachment consists in it not beinor fortu nate for Andrew Spencer's official career in the Bastern Cherokee school. Tbe Indian has become civilized enough to resent an attempted injury to a lady in his own country, and tbe great sunny South is broad enough and grand enough to afford some one to superintend tbe Hastera Cherokee school in place of this icicle from the north. Respectful! ' Ka stern Cherokee, May 14-, 1893. Intensive FarmlDsr. B. W. Hawkins, in Sotthcrn Cultivator. To tbe small and large farmer, why not take ten acres to tbe plow and bring it np; work it like a garden spot and make from ten to twenty bales of cotton oa it, rather than fifty acres to tbe plow ana me seven Dales of cotton. Prof. Donald Downie, who was to give an illustrated lecture at the Grand opera house last evening, did not arrive in the city in time to fill theengagement. How ever, the famous lecturer is here now and w.ill give bis lecture this evening and all who attend arc sure to have n treat unexcelled in itn kind. The following comments will ahnw Hie manner in which the lectures have been received elsewhere: Los Angeles. Cal., Ht rald : A story eloquently told and elaborately illua tratctl. A, lecture which any one who missed may regret. Prescott, Ariz., Courier: Thoroughly familiar with his subjects. Tbe stercop t'con views startlinjtlv true to life. Denver Republican : The lecture was really excellent, and was timed to n suc cession of rare and splendid illustrations. making tbe whole verv artistic and im pressive. Indeed, the interest never abated but increased to the close. Prices for the lecture, SO, 35. 25 and 15 cents. II. B. Randolph. Brunswick. Oa., writes: I was under tbe care of nine different doctors, but not one did me the good that Botanic Blood Balm has done me." Graad IVosMaqns Coajeert for the ben efit of the AshrriUe Light - Infantry at ths Parsacf wareaoaas Wednesday osa Thmrsday evesuurs, May 17 and 18. TTtKYRK ffOT ALL A.LJKK -own mnieum. inarai only c thai Is so far-nacoing and so nnfiiny in v g. '' . i. wm w pwimKea co oa a that's piwiiil 1 for K. Thas ia Dr. Ffares Golden ModicaJ Dsgofsry. If tlant donan bsneOS or core, yon hav vour roozMrv bade It's not liks the au-anparillaa or orrtinary nuiUMV imrtiehva. Tbsy churn to V nod in 1 Afru, wwi Mar. aim i nm aat in all cans, ho " Dhcom y blood as nntiri aur alas eaa. Evan and dUanrdar. l!ama. T- Hrywpalaa, fioila, Cartaractas, SEalarged Oauda, Imam aad.BwUInn na moat stubborn Skin and Scalp T limn. auad the woras xarma at rv ToCula- or eosnplaaeiy ua HainmtlT 'm atl h It. Bay; of rsliabia deafen. WIta asy? others, pc-oJaIy b mrvrxl as " Ut aa Brood. oat ir caaaa; Dai It cant oa, (or parificash. blood-tain 11 Freona, a- u pand paina In sjtoaaajea. s. Baking Jfhsouty Pure A cream of tartar baking powder. Hlg-h est. of all In leavening- trtngtli. Latest United States Government Food Report. ROYAL BAKING TOWDBR CO.. 106 Wall St.. New York. FA. 'SUES FITTED :; IN; FOOTWEAR BLANTON, WRIGHT 6c CO. 39 Patton Avcone. Patronize Home Industry THE BEST FLOUll IN THE MARKET IS ROLLER - K ING Manufactured by the Asheville Milling Co., . J -A A . a a a a a uuu ivepi, in bdock Dy tneioiiowmg grocers: SOUVENIRS i- CrEMS lr Wedding Presents. JEWELRY MADE TO ORDER. ARTHUR AX. FIELD, LEADING JEYiELEfi IS SOUTH .MAIN T.KliT. A. D. COOPER, (1. A. GItEER, R. B. NOLAND & SON, JENKINS BROS., GLENN BROS., STBADLEY BROS., BRITT & ORR. R. BERMAN; WM. KROGER, W. A. LATIMER, J. M. & J. B. SEIGLEIl, GAY OREEN, J. G. LANCE & CO., A. D. NEILSON, J. S. FULLAM, TROLL & SON. Tbe Houston Narcotic Care Co. OF Morth CflROLiiflfl. A Corporation Chartered by the General Assembly of Horth Carolina, fok Tin-: ct-KK or Liquor, Opium, Morphine and Tobacco llfvoits. This Is not one of the ao-called "Gold Cares.' bat ia a perfect I t barailesa and safe treatment: builds ap the patient from the beginning; does n.t ianre the sight or hear ing. Endorsed by leading physicians in tbe country. Care gnwantced or money re funded. For particulars, terms, etc.. ad dress. The Houston Narcotic Cure Co. may3tf ASHBVILLB. M. C. BREAD The Staff of Life If there is one article of food desired a otc all others to be pare and of high quality it should be Bread. This can only be secured by using a high grade of flour with good baking powder and pare leaf lard. Use the SOUTHERN CROSS FLOUR. ROY AL OR CLBVBLAND BAKING rOWDBRS, "WITH PUBB LBAF L.ARH, and yon will nerer be disap pointed in your Hght bread, rolls or biscuits. Southern Cross has given entire satisfaction to all. T. J. REVEIili, 30 NORTH MAIN STREET, JUDGMENTS. The Retail Ornceni IwnHaHnn v following Judgments for sale: MRS. K . O. WALKS 13n OT J. R. H1I.L. t3 1 W . M. (3KIMKS 14 96 ALK. l.miHKTTKR 13 68 GAS B W B8T OO J. K. TAYLOR .; 4, 62 SAM BATON 50 J. K. RBYNOLDS 030 K. U. W HLLa 136 OO 1. M. BROYLBS 16 76 MISS C. BURKB, ?OV4 8. Main St 3 76 VIRGINIA ROBIB, Charlotte St 2S O A. B. WARE 3 25 W. S. JUSTICE 3 77 MELVIN NICHOLS n An JKRKIN WILLIS 100 i'kahiv a. VAnniNU 31 23 A. Greer, H. C. Johnson. A. I Cooper. R. B. Noland Sc Son. Wm. Kroger. I- A. Porter. O. U. Bell. S. B. Kepler. Ray & Baird. M. C. Noland. T. . Rerell. G. L. McDonald. F. M. Poster, T. S. Folium. W. C. Stradley fit Bro J. M. J. B. Selglcr, Glenn Bros.. W. M. Hill Ac Co. W. A. Latimer. D. H. Webb. Owcnby & Son. MONUMENTS --es.TTO- TOMBSTONES Large Stock and New Designs. LOW PRICES -A.!1- -:-W. O. WOLFE'S-:- Southeast Court Place and Market St., at mala entrance to Market. Latest de signs famished on application. ap371m SPOJTIISG GOODS BA8BBALL8 AMD BATS. RsaMar'f CihWsUi; talk la. id RATS CIGAR STORE AND TICKET OFFICE, as Mouth Main Street. ' BREWTON & M CONNELL, Furniture Dealers & Undertakers EMBALMING A JCULTV. All calls in this line attended to day or night. Also all hinds of job work done to order. Upholstering, carpet laving, pack ing, setting up furniture, rc6nifhlnR. etc. 33 NORTH MAIN STREET, Telephone 143 illNISIOIMINIHA: No longer your (dread npon retiring. Sleep will came pleasantly without using opiates. SIMPLY TAKE One teaspoon fnl KIR AO YCROTINE The Southern Woman's Headache Remedy No unpleasant results In the morning. Should your tsoth trouble you One teaspoonful BRADYCROTINE COSTING PI VII CUNTS, WILL STOP IT FOR 8ALB AT P1 li Ana's Pharmacy, piano Tuning -BY C. E. M'GEE, FROM BOSTON All Work Guaranteed by Him and NO. 35 NORTH MAIN STREET. ASHEVILLE, BIOYO LES For Ladies. Gentlemen, Girls anil Boys ALL, GRADES AND PRICES. Instruction lay Competent Instructors free to all Purchasers. BICYCLES FOR RENT. ASHEVILLEL'a''I'I AL111" HARRIS' LITHIA WATER- HARRIS' tITHIA SPRINGS, 8. C. Office of Dr. Tohu Hey Williams. Asheville. N. C. April 24., 1803. Aa extended clinical use of Harris' Llthla Water, prompts mc t the statement that I regard it as one of the best, if not the rery best Lithia Waters known to the profession, ia the condition of "phosphatic urine," it action is marvelous. Its use in the rheumatic and gouty diathesis, affords sne more comfort than either the Doflalo or Londonderry waters. Very truly yours. IOI1N IIRV WILLIAMS. I hare used Harris' Lithia Water and when using same vraa both ptcaocd and benefited. In using it liberal quantities should be taken for my experience teaches roe that small amounts are dissappofnting. wherras a generous use is followed by mart gratifying results. R. r WALK KB Asheville, N. C, April 14, I 83. I am glad to be able to say a Word with regard to Harris' Lithia Water. I have used it with the greatest possible benefit In chronic rheumatism. As compared with the Buffalo Lithia I find it quicker and requires less quantty. It has my hearty endorse ment, ; MRS. T. W. BRANCH. Asheville, K. C, Aplil . 1893. FOR SALK RV Pelham's Pharmacy and Raysor & Smitli. LBWIS MADDUX, Prca H. T. COLLINS. Vlce-Prcs. L. P. M'LOUD, Cashle Capital, $50,000. Ssaaplus $40,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State. Connty And City Depository. OnfcnlJr.rl Bias jr. xSS. DEPOSIT BOXES IN FIRE PROOF VAULTS RENTED AT REASONABLE RATES QENKUAJ, IIANKINO BUHINEHH THANHACTEU. , s Interest Paid on Deposits In RbtIiicb Dcrpatrtuiciii- DIRECTORS' Lxiwis Maddux, II. T. Collins, M. J. Fork, J- E. Iteed. Cluis. McNainee, J. E. Itankin, M. J. Bearden, 8. H. lteedl BANK OPEN FROM 9 A. M. TILL 4 P. M. OI SATURDAY Til L 6 P. M. urn Your broken wau;on and Tchiclcs of all kinds to B. Durnctte's shop on College street, where tber will, be repaired promptly and in first-class style. Hay ing secured a first-class borse-shoer I make all kinds of fine shoeing a specialty. 13. BTJBNETTE. Jan20dl r BALTIMORE CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS CO. 10-12 PATTON AVENUEE, One of the firm having just returned from the Northern attending some very large sales, and has secured with his stock of the world renown markets, whee. he. lias been ready cash the tremendous GHAsrr & co.'s lime of fine clothing, We are now able to give the people off Asheville and vicinity the benefit of this wonder ful sacrifice. This is an occurrence of once in a life time. Below you will find some oi oar prices that are death to our competitors!: NOW LOOK HERE ! Men's all wool suits, in all styles, going Sit llWoyonths' suits, dandies, 92.-48; boys' knee suits, $1.18. You laboring men, look here! working pants, cents. My dojb, this for you; smile! knee pants, 24r cents. Talk about shirts; we have them, a honey, for 19 cents. Say, talk about hats; we just" got in" one thousand, and we must got rid of them. Price them. Qne word about shoes We are the world beaters in prices and styles. Mere are some of our prices; compare with other houses : A fine dongola ladies' shoe, a. beauty fn style and -fit, 5X3 SvEorirepwe have a beauty, Vnown as the Geo. F. Snow's shoes, for summer - wearing. They are beauties, for $1.98. Come on, you working man; a solid leather shoe for &3 cents. Will you go barefooted ? For the little folks we will say we can please them a ;nice dongola spring heel shoe for 65 cents. Mothers, biing your children ,-weJ will' fit theia. About our dry goods is too numerous to mention. But we will j say this ; r We, are, strictly in it. Each and every one receives a presents-one ,pf our grand souvenirs while this great sale is going on. - -' i - ; French Broad Lumber Go. Having accumulated n largo Kto-k of Framing, Sheathing, &c, will sell SfXtJBHPiG A.T t7.5o rUR 1,000 FBBT. 1SKmECamMG " 5.50 " - AIE WINE & LIQUOR HOUSE White iKZEsa.zx'ss Bar )Clalms tbe largest stocjc of first class? good's ot any. boose in the State. , IdakeaS i a specialtT of SCooking Brandies and Jelly Wines.) . H. LOIJGrHRATJ. Proprietor No. 58 Sontlm SXAixm Street. TELBraqHS CALL MO. 139. . O. BOX 58S, ASBBTILLB, MY MOTTO IS TO aXETTKE BEST AMD CUARCE ACCORDINGLY. "BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUOR CO., ' lVotf .fc and 43 S. TUn.ln St., Asheville. raRU aMo usa.DLtui (boa. JN KJ HzXm CIOA, TOBACCO AND BOTTLB OOODs, SAM- T1 . A pLa, BlLlJABP AMD POOL BOOM. Ji Kjm fcO. BEER : VAULTS : AID : CQTTUXS : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEUENT. - r r EXAXTQlJAXULVr, Xana.rcrw . CaUl, Mm, ya.

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