sheville Oaily Oitize n HEWS NEWS ' Todfety. 4- O IL VOLUME IX. NO 16. ASHEVIXiIjE, N. C, TUESDAY EVJElSTINGr, MAY 23, 1803. PKIC1S 5 CENTS. I I I I I 1 1 I LEGGETT'S TABLE MACKEREL, FAT. AND JUICY These are the finest Mackerel packed. I I i i i i i I I MAYOR PATTON, la His Inaugural Address, says 'TUB CITY WILL. NOT 1'AY OUT TWENTY-TWO TJIOl'SANLt DOL LARS IN SALAMliS UVR1NO TllH NEXT YEAR. ONLY ABOUT 100 OOZ. OF THIN TUMBLERS WANTS THEM TO RESIGN Frugality and economy arc virtues which nc mav all safely cultivate and we submit that our prices'are conducive to frugality and economy, and if you wish to cultivate these virtues yoa can beat do so by patroav ; izinc us when in need of staple and fancy groceries, grain, feed, etc. jK . T. Cooper, Rorth Court Scmare. Cor. Main Street. LEFT 60 CENTS THE PRICE. Do You Know ? There is a place in Asbevillc that you can al ways find every kind of article used in the bouse ? This store Is THRASH'S - CRYSTAL - PALACE. We have the largest stock In the State. Fine china, glassware, lamps and bouse fur nishings, etc. In order to reduce stock, yoa can get Big Bargains all through the bouse. Wc call special attention to our fine filters and water coolers at reduced prices. When wanting to buy good and fine goods cheap call on us. ALUKKHAN JONICS A.MU CITY POLICEMF.N. THIS REAI ESTATE. XV. B. OWVN. W. W. WEST. Gwyn Sc West, f Successors ts W -alter B. Gwyn.) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. Loans Securely Placed at S Per Cent Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. SOUTHEAST COURT 8QUARB. UNDERWEAR ! UNDERWEAR ! Ladies' Vests, lOc, lOc. and 2Gc. Ladies' Silk Vests, Dc, 6Wc. aad sc Best Value liver Seen. Children's Gauze Vests, Pantalettes, and Drawers. A Large Stock. We Have purchased direct from manufacturers our line of underwear for Ladies, Children and Men. Mens' Undershirts, 19c, S5c and 35c, ard a regular 7Gcents and $1 quality for GO cents Striven Patent Irawers, Plaid Moin sook Shirts and Drawers. Boys' Un derwear. Underwear for Babies. BOP MARCHE 37 South Main Street. At No. 26 South Main Street THREE BRANDS OF 5 CENT CIQARS Tlirasli'a Crystal Palace. China, Olass, Lamps, etc.. White Mountain Cream freezers. Dish Covers, Ply Traps. e-r H"H"H-rH"r Blavor rattou Discovers cm I.c-uln- latlve ISnactment That Practi cally Pats) tile Police Under tlie Civil Hcrvlcc, and Borne luler estlnic Talk PoIIowh, The individual wbo asserts that the new administration is not buckling down to work and preparing to precipi tate several surprises in di fie rent quar ters simply through his tile. A very strong intimation of the Hoard's attitude toward the members of the present police force was given yesterday, too. and the end is not yet. The Aldermen met a little after 4- , o'clock. Mayor Pat ton. Aldermen Jones, II. L. GudRcr, Cosby and Wcsta.ll being present. The missing members, Messrs. Starncs and J. M. Gudgcr were not in the city. Mayor Patton laid It fore the mcctinj copies of several acts passed by the last Legislature and relating to thecity char ter of Ashcville, which he had received from the Secretary of State. One of these, he said, was very surprising, inas- rcprcsentativcs (Don't Forget It. CORTLAND BROS., teal Estate Brokers And Investment Arcnta Bf 0T jSJK.'V PUBLIC. Loans securely placed at 8 per cent. Oflloea A 39 Psttoa Avenue. Second Ilvor, fcbMlv JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER. furnished and Unfurnished Bosses. OPFICB KOOlfS. Loans securely placed at Ktght per cent. As Good as an; Person Wants to Smoke PIXISI. HUMBOLDT, SPANOILiAS- -5-5- S J JUST TRY THEM. J. 91. BEATON, - " E Z a n o o Q O O Q W FITZPATRICR BROS., Contractors and Dealer Id Mixed Paints and Painters' Supplies, WAUL PAPER. 33 North Main Stmit, AsuaviLi-a. N. C. TBLBPHONB MO. 13. u V. '12 H K O a m d 3 H O J u ID a o o o en a u O o o o bo a 2 o B ja -t; o .a o a act was a very important one. lie had found, he said, that the first payment on improved streets is due six months after the assessment is made, and not from the time the street was completed, as some thought. Mr. Jones apologized for hav ing to be out of the city, whereat Mr. Gwyn expressed his surprise and gratifi cation upon hearing a member of the Hoard express an apology for absence. Mr. Jones thought it exceedingly impor tant that the assessments should be made on the completed streets as soon as possible, for he felt sure that a. mort gage placed on any property on a paved street before the assessment is made would have priority over the city's lien. even though the mortgage should have been put on alter the paying was done. He moved that the city engineer calcu late these assessments as soon as possi ble and report to the Board. Carried. Advisor Sawyer was placed on Mr. Owyn's committee. The body then went into commit tee of the whole and went to 1'atton avenue. vii a 'l" poi.ici; m i.-... A SEVENTY MILLION DEBT PH. THE PRICE OF OBELISK : FLOUR HAS IlliBN RliUUCliP, AND ALSO MANY UTIlliR AR TICLES IN OUK L1NU. POWELL &SNIDER - ! 35-37 PATTON AVENUE. Cliina, Glass, Cutlery Lamps. Wc constantly carry a complete and elegant variety of five o'clock tea and toddy kettles from $2.85 upwards. Water Coolers and Filters. The Lowest Prices in Town. HEINITSH & REAGAN, DRUGGISTS, Ctiiircli St. and Pat ton Ave. PROMPT ATTENTION. ACCURATE DISPENSING. MANUFACTURERS OFKOUMYS Soda Pountaln Open all Vcar much as the Kuncombe at Raleigh had said t.iat they would tavor no legislation that did not come from a mass meeting of the citizens of Asheville. The material portion of the bill is as follows: That section liO. chanter 111 private laws of 1 883, be amended by inserting alter the word olhccr in line 5 of said section the words 'except said marshal or marshals,' and by inserting after the word "Aldermen' in line 7 of said section the words 'the said marshal or marshals holding their offices during their good behavior, all of which othcers shall be. so that the amended portion of said section Irom the beginning ol saitl sec tion down to the word duties in line 8 of said section shall read as follows: That the Aldermen at the first meetinc after their election shall appoint a clerk and treasurer who may be one of their own number; also a collector of tuxes who may be one of the marshals pro vided lor; and sliall appoint one or more marshals, all of which officers ex cept said marshal or marshals, shall respectively hold their offices (luring the official term of the Aldermen, the said marshal or marshals lioldititr their offices during their pood behavior, all of which othcers shall be subject, however. to De removed at any time, lor mislc liavior or neglect ol duties, or tor any other good causes such as inability to perform the duties of said position. Mr. Jones' Views. Alderman Jones read this bill for the benefit of his brethren and then pro ceeded to talk out in meeting. lie said tnc man who drew tiiat mil was expecting a change in the situation here, and had taken this step while having it in his mind to "fix" the old ;idininistra tion's policemen upon the town. "Men of sell respect and character." said Mr Jones, would not want to continue in otlice alter what has taken place here. If 1 was on the force 1 should resitrti The Board docs not like to single out the men and prefer charges against the mem bers of the force, because that might be a hindrance to them in securing other work. We would much rather each man would come up and tender tlicir resigna tions. 1 his bill s oassairc was n verv extraordinary proceeding, in the light of tnc promises made by our members ol the Legislature, and the man who drafted it, as I have said, had it in his mind to engraft upon the city perma nently so muctiol the old administration as has been in force for two years Air. ones talk throughout was verv plain, and gave an intimation t hat the beadsman would be unrclcntine when it came decapitation day. lie also said charges would surely be preferred against somebody. On motion of Mr. Jones the consideration ot this new bill was re ferred to the police committc to report t-ridav. Alwaia Soiuettaliisr New. The Hoard requested Clerk Young to bring in the official bonds and when done t was found that City Tax Collector Reynolds bad not made a bond for the taxes of 181)2. The bond for 1891 was there all right, but none for '1)2. The laxity of the old administration was here brought up again, and the finance .om nnttee was instructed to investigate and report at once, also as to whether the collector has complied with the law in making weekly and monthly reports Irom bis department. This committee was also requested t6 look into Sanitary inspector orcvaru a bond, which is merely a personal bond. I'ostmaster Kerr asked for the water rate that the government would have to pay for its big building next year, and his request was referred to the water committee, which will also consider the advisability of a thorough revisiou of water rents. These bills were ordered miid : Water department, $28; sanitary department. .bu. 1 bis latter bill is the cost ot Sun day s street cleaning. Bonds Asked a-"or. The finance committee was at work till noon today, and among other things considered the matter of the official bondsof Tax Collector Reynoldsand San itary Inspector Brevard. These gentle men were instructed to have their bonds prepared properly by next Irridav to be submitted to the Board. It Wa Introduced lu The Bouse lv Hou. Jo bra ygv. Blarnea. The bill alluded to in the Aldcrmanic report was introduced in the lower house of the North Carolina legislature bv Hon. John W. Starncs, onccf Buncombe's representatives. The petition asking for the passage of the bill was signed by nearly 500 citizens of Ashcville, among them nearly all of the business men. I he present members of the force have made up their minds to resign, and will hand in their resignations in a bunch, to take effect the first of June, one day before the day of election of their suc cessors. A good iokc is told rn Patrolman Gudgcr. "They say" that Mayor Patton came down town early Sunday morning and going to police headquarters found several of the force sitting around the room, one of them being Patrolman Gudger. Commenting, later on. on the entrance of the Mavo", Gudgcr is said to have remarked that he had just come in off his beat after having walked about 50 miles, and had intended to take a few minutes' rest, when in stepped the Mayor lust at a time when be could torm Ins conclusion without knowing anything about the long walk. Ilrcxel, BIorKan Sic Co. Auuouuce Tlicir I'roKrainuie A. General HorliroKC lloud-There "Will e Verv I.Itlle HcallnK Prepared to Furnish (13,000,000. Nkw York., May 23. The Richmond Terminal reorganization plan as given out today shows that that corporation will cease to exist as u security com pany. All tlie roads are to be merged into one railroad company. The float- ng debt of the Richmond Terminal and the Richmond and Danville amounts in round numbers to if 70,000,000, and al though the banks and capitalists holding the same have agreed to extend it at six per cent, for two years. Drexcl, Morgan & Co.'s plan pro vides for the raising of money to pay it off by assessment on junior securities. There will be a general mortgage bond, secured by a blanket mortgage on all properties included in the new system. The receivers of the Bast Tennessee have have acquiesced in the plan. All high grade bonds ot Kichmond ler- minal, Kichmond Ianville and the Virginia Midland will be well protected and the only scaling will be the under lying securities of each property. There will be two classes of stock, preferred and common. A syndicate is prepared to underwrite the plan and furnish $25, OOO.OOO if necessary. HEAVY STORMS AT WORK MUI" KII.I.UII ANI1 BITIi.DINUH UI.OWN DOWN. Ueueral Prostration or wires WeHl of Cleveland and Iittrturis c: o 11 m icier utile lleslrucilou at Cleveland IIonseN Unroofed. Washington, May 23. Wind storms ire prevailing throughout the west this morning and, m some localities, they nave developed into a destructive cy clone. The telegraph companies report general prostration of wires west of Cleveland and Pittsburg and in the vicinity of I-ouisville, Ky, Louisville. Kv Mav 23. A hcavv wind and rain storm struck this place about 4 o'clock this morning blowing down and unroofing 20 houses iu the eastern portion of the city. No loss of hie is reported. CLKViii.ANK, Ohio, May 2-t. A cyclone with hcavv rain struck Cleveland at y:.u iius morning. 1 rces ana wires were blown down in every district. big building in I tuan and Superior streets went to wreck and one man was badlv hurt. Part of the Cleveland rolling mill was blown down and one man was Killed and several badly injured. It is reported that the steel works in South Cleveland were blown down, killing two men and seriously injuring several. Til IC Jl'NIOR8. AS RICHNUNII i-i-.ii:! I- K KEUUUANITION. S4VH IT KM I'AI.SK. Mr. Biirlon or Vancex Bays Slier III 'Woodv UocNii'l Drill lc. C. W. Burton, of Yancey county, who sin the city today, tells 1 h is Citizen that the item concerning the killing of McAlister by Sheriff Woody of Yancey, which item was reprinted from the Ba- kcrsville News, is totally untrue. The News' story said that the shooting was done by Woodv while he was drunk and that it was unjustifiable. Mr. Burton says McAlister h:.d told the shcrill the day before the shooting that be would not be arrested, and 011 the day ol the shoot ing McAlister advanced on the sheriff" with knife drawn threatening to kill him. and it was then that Woody shot him Mr. Burton says further that A. C. Mc Alister, a brother of the man killed, says the killing was justihamc. Kegarding the story that Woody was drunk, Mr. liurton says the sheriff docs not drink. As soon as the killing oc curred he gave a $.',000 bond, his sure- tics being tl. D. Kay and Wesley Hig gins, two of Yanccv's best citizens, and is pressing for a trial at this week's term ot court. I46MII.KSIN 135 MINUTICS. THK ADVIHOHS, About A beautiful rtmcnt of hanging and stand lamps and the most impioyed student lamps. A SPECIAL OFFER Richly Decorated Toilet Sets THIS WEEK. f at $3.60 each, worth $4.00. NEW GOODS LOW PRICES SOLE AGENTS FOR ASHEVILLE. RECEIVED DIRECT FROM FACTORY. EACH PACKAGE IS STAMPED. HEINITSH & REAGAN. Souie IulcrcslluK Facts Assessments). At the Joint Board meeting Advisors Sawyer, Redwood and Gwyn were pres ent, in addition to the Mayor and Alder men named above. The special business of the meeting was to go over Patton avenue and decide on a final estimate for Webb, Uates, Lsknrlgc &Co. for paving Uelore going. Advisor O wvn read the contract between this firm and the citv and some of the specifications, d wellinc humorously upon "the modulus of rup- mre wnicnnc lounu 1 Herein . Alderman 1 j ones movea mat tnc city engineer mate a written report to the lioard on this avenue. Carried. AQTisor own. tor I lie committee on laws, of which he was a member, stated mat as Mr. Jones, his colleague on the committee, was going out of the city it wouia oe proper to Have a committee man to act in his place, as the Question ot assessments under the improvement Pleasant V IM.c A. lCnterlaliiiiieiil Last KvenlnK, A company that filled the Y. M. C. A hall last evening enjoyed an entertain mcnt given by the junior department of the Y. M. C. A. Fred Miller, the prcsi dent of the department, presided. The first number on the program was a solo by Miss Jenkins, followed by several recitations by Miss Douglass, of Mil waukee. The juniors then appeared in calisthcmc drill, which was in such good form as to be loudly applauded and they were compelled to repeat it. Miss Jen Kins again piaveu, juiss Douglass re cited a portion of Artemas Ward's Lon don lecture, two of the juniors performed some agile teats in tumbling, after whic lemonade and cake were distributed to the audience bv memlters of the ladies' com mittee and the junior reception commit tee. Mrs. E. li. lvagan rendered very effi cient assistance with the piano. The entertainment was thoroughly cnioved by the parents and friends of the boys, who were present in large numbers. I he bovs have been prcpannc for this event for several weeks and were all prepared last evening to do the honors successfully. The various com mittees were 011 dutv, distinguished by rosettes of various colors. Mr. Bar rows, the gymnasium instructor, re ceived considerable praise for the train ing given the boys in tnegymnasticclass. 1-itcn lay lor, wbo is chairman ot the junior department committee, made a tew remarks in which he spoke of the work of the boys and called attention to the meeting held every Friday evening. to which all boys are invited. Talk Pacts. v rcjnjrt has been started by someone to the effect that all checks issued by the city arc signed by T. W. Patton as mayor. W. R. Young as clerk, and by W. Patton again as chairman of the nnancc committee. Alucn comment is made upon this supposed fact by persons who were not in sympathy with the re form movement. In the first place Alder man II. Lamar Gudgcr is chairman of the finance committee. Again, Mavor Pat ton is merely an ex-officio member of the committee. And again, no check can be issued without authority of the Board. Marrlajce Annlveisarv. There was a happy gathering yester day at the residence of James Buttrick, near Bingham Heights, the occasion being the 20th anniversary of the mar riage of Mr. and Mrs. Buttrick. Includ ing Mr. Buttrick's family there were 31 persons present, all of whom spent the day pleasantly. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Hacknev, Alderman B. H. Cosby and family, S. D. Hall and family. w. v. Low and family, Mrs. J. B. Seig lr. J. K. Cowan and family and Miss Ella Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Battrick received a number ol presents. The Empire state Express Breaks Tlie Record. llt i-i alo. May 20. The Empire State express broke the record for longdistance running yesterday. The feat was per formed with engine No. 903, which is mate to the Columbian engine No. 1)99 and like her in size and construction Charles Hogan was the engineer and Charles Francisco the conductor. While the siccd for individual miles did not quite reach that attained bv No 999, the long distance record is the best ever made in the United States. No. 999 made a mile in tbirtv-two seconds, or equivalent of 1 12' a miles an hour, and yesterday, between L,ooneyvillc and Grimesville No. 9113 made five miles in three minutes, lOO miles an hour. N. Y. Sun. "Tile v Had To Hustle. Kichmond, May 23. A fire of incen diary origin partially destroyed a three story brick building in Manchester, Va., this morning. One family ot nine escaied in their night clothes, losing all their possessions. Loss, $75,000; insured. Presidential 1-. n't. Washington, May 23. Presidential postmasters : Wallace A. Screws at Montgomery, Ala., vice C. W. Buckley, removed; Harrison Wicart at Jackson ville, Fla.. vice C. li. McMurran, re moved; Andrew J. Sturgis at Crysral Springs, Mississippi, reappointed. Bank Failure, Ei. m Ira, May 23. The Elmiia Na tional hank closed its doors this morn ing. Jackson Richardson, president of the bank, says the depositors will be paid in full. The deposits in the bank amount to about $200,000. Three Lives uone Out. Minneapolis, May 23. A bad collision s reported on the Northern Pacific near Little Frills. Minn. A postal clerk, an engineer and a brake man lost their lives. 'Will Hear Tlie BrlKirs ?ase. Washington, May 23. The judicial committee of the General Assembly has decided to recommend that the Assembly near tne uriggs case. NEWS IN OUR OWN STATE. GRANT'S PHARMACY! WHliKBAS 'tis known bcycnU a question that headache, bile and inliKcation have formed a pact of treason to hauut the Kay and fc-stivc board throughout this gladsome season; now, therefore, be it understood that all such direfull ills can be defied and cured for good by using liuucombc Pills to pills for 15 cents. Grant's. We do not hesitate to sny that our Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry is the best cough syrup ever sold iu Ashcville. We have sold over one thousand bottles of it and the de mand for It has constantly increased ever since we placed it on the market. As it is pleasant to take, children do not object to it and It always gives relief. Try It; 25 cents per bottle at Grant's Pharmacy. Campho Glycerine Lotion is a soothing and fragrant application for chapped hands, face, lips, etc. Not jrrcasy or d)nagreeablc In any -way. For sale only at Cranf Phar- raaey. It cleanses the teeth, strengthens tuc gums and imparts fragrance to the breath. Va Va Tooth Wash at Grant's. We canrefer, many reliable people In our own city who believe Buncombe Sarsaparilla Is the best blood purifier tbey ever used. Why use other and more expen sive preparations when a home product is better and cheaper ? Grant's. Do you shave yourself or does a barber do it for you ? In either case, if you use our Imported bay rum your face vtlll always re main smooth and free from any irritation or redness. 50c bottles at Grant's. Absolutely Pure Witch Hazlc In attractive Pint bottles, 25 cents. Grant's. Do not suffer -with headache when you know that Antimirane will relieve you en tirely. It is a harmless but sure remedy. For sale at Grant's. Buncombe Plasters a higher grude porous plaster than the public his hitherto known. Try one. 15 cents at Grant's. St. Blizabeth's Salve cures all skin diseases. It is superior to all known remedies for the cure of pimples or any skin eruption. Posl tively guaranted to cure or money refunded For sale at Grant's Pharmacy, S4 Soul Main street. t Apply the salve to the parts aflectcd by rubbing in thoroughly with the finger everv other night before retiring and you will get rid of those disagreeable pimples or any skin eruption that may be troubling you. St. Elizabeth's salve is for sale only at Grant's. .YOU KNOW fA fw The New York papers recently con tained extensive notices ot a North Car olina boy, William K. Bcggs, who had the leadership ot his class tor this year at Yale university, lie resides at lien dersonville. Only a lew weeks ago it was announced that Cadet Howell of Goldsboro had carried off the honors at the National academy at West Point. Winston Republican : As a tribute to bis beloved son, larvis, Mr. J. J. Buxton has recently placed in St. Paul's church. this city, a stained glass window, beau tiful in every particular, and typical of the bright young lite to whose memory it so appropriately bears tribute. Shelby Review: We believe that to Mr. A. R. Putman. of this township. belongs the distinction ot being the lar gest manufacturer of sorghum in Cleve land county. This year he proposes to manufacture the article on a larger scale than ever. Marion Record : Marion's bonded debt is 97.000 and not $10,000 as was erroneously stated last week. The proposition submitted and earned was to issue $10,000 in bonds for internal improvements, but only $7,000 have been issued. Statesville is increasing its water I supply by digging new cisterns and will probably bay a band engine to supple menc its steam nre engine. Kx-Governor aad Mrs. T. J. J arris have recently been the guests of Gover- , nor Carr, at the executive mansion. There arc exceptions, though. For in stance, wc arc selling Pine ApplcH, Pears, Okras, Lobsters, Corn, Beans and Toma toes, California fruits, at such figures as to place them within the reach of the li&litcbt parse. The figures will tell the story. Try our Omega brand of Flour, the best on the market. Fresh Butter and liggs a I specialty. 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, J. A. WHITE. MINERAL WATER ! Why suffer with Indigbstion and all kinds f LIVBB. KlDN BY AND BLOOD ThOUBI.RS when nature has provided at Your Dooa'a 8uu Rbkedi Hiuicbu, Wholisosi and IKBXPBNSIVB. The MINERAL WATER, fresh from Mr. D. V. Suttle's Rkukubu Spkino, now being daily delivered at any residence in Ashcville, is working wonderful cures, as can be testified by inquiries of Judge I- B. Reed. Judge J. II. Merrlmon, Rev. J. L. White. J. R. Patterson, Doctors G. W. Pure. fay. Nelson. D. T. Millard. Mr. Barnes of Ohio, now 011 Spring street, Asheville, and hundreds of o thers. Price, only IO cents a gallon, delivered daily anywhere in the city. Orders through mall, or left at Blanton, Wright & Co.'a shoe store, 89 Patton ave nue, will receive prompt attention. Analy sis given on application. D. D. SUTTLE, 95 College street. feb21dtf KEEP COOL. THE NATURAL ICE CO. Will do this for you, having now ready two million and five hundred thousand nousds of clear solid naturally frotsa 'ce from 8 to ia incnea vnica at lowest prices. Vail on or write to W. H. Westall, maaajrer. No. in Spruce street, AabevUle, N. C aprldSmB XllY THE MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY r BEIT WOl CHUBCM STREET, TIXI7K8SI IS.

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