-v. vt ,'Tr?,7?"" IT THE .VSHEVII-XiE JDAILY CITIZEN. : T OQ 1RQ j. ucaunjr Kwuii-fci . . i r l w-ww- i an ti 2 i hi I w i- t-t:-, w i i nuu i r rii i . s-ssi (fcI:-TTSSCLT&T : Frunu lliou thy v.'iirilx; tliu tliim;;lits control That, o'er thoo swell nti'l timing. They will rondno within lliy ul And change to purposo stnm. Cut lie who lets Ills fenlinifs run In soft luxurious flow Shrink when hard service must bo iliino And faints at every wiiu. Faith's nirauest ikcil more favor bears Where hearts und wills nro welulieil Than brightest transport's choicest prayers Which bloom t heir hour mm fude. John Henry Newman. MEHSTRUATBON v"h a woman of vigorous health passes c!f in due time without rairl or '''-.-i-omfort; but vhcii she approaches (!" r;i ,is MONTHLY with a Irail constiti:- 4 ti.ti nn J fccMe health she ciHl.tui;crs S l oin ncr pnyMLai i-nu u;uiul v.- Remember one thing about excellence in pneumatic ttreS There must be an inner tube removable through the rim. Victors are built that way and they lead the world. The most elegant bicycle catalog ever seen is yours if you say so. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. ROITON. WASHINGTON, DEHVR, yt fnenv a irent. jVslteville, IV. M mm wrmm a j - S T J SAN FRANCISCO. ASHEY1LLE WOODWORKING CO. MANUFACTURE Doors, Sash, Blinds, Stair Work, Mouldings, MANTLES, BANK AND BAR FIXTURES. Hard Wood Lumber Work a Specialty ! KSTIMATK8 paOIHPTLV CIYEW. A Ulscnaslun Over White Cuts. Yos," Haiti tbo man by tho window who overheard our conversation, "it s truo every time, gentlemen, that white cats aro tloaf." "Prove it," eaiil ouo of tho party who had been disputing tho theory. 'I can prove t as easy aa rolling off u loir. Mv oUl aunt down in tho statu of Maine raised a wbito cat, and she's nhvi and kicking; yet, fur's I know the cut. not my atint and she told me my mint, not tho cat tliat tho animal was so dcuf sho could not hear tho clock strike fact." 'That's nothing," said a man on tho other side of the car who had been listen ing intently. "It don't provo that the hull race of wiiitu cats is licet, w ny, wo had a white cat in our family raised it mvself and it heard so well we had to ttton tbo clock." There wus a lontr silence; then some one pi lied feebly: "Why?" "Because sho thought every tick was u mouse in tbo wall, and sho toro all the wall paper off trying to get at it." No ono said a word for about nn hour. then the man who knew white cats were deaf spoke out: "Bnvs." ho said solemnly, "give mm the belt." Detroit Free Press. s BRADRELD' -3 FEMALE REGULATOR if taken a few Kxiic.'.'-, r-.-'is , before the iv. it lily i:i :;;ul icntiiiiied tint'll function'., has r.' for Painful, Tro- lUpl'tcsscil iin l lrre;.rti:: r J r.atur; performs her I c.iual rs a Sl'l-CHric: i o ......... C.,,,..r,-. M K M.ST AT E Book to "WOMAN " mailed free. ERAD5IEI.D r.tGUJ-ATOR CO.. Ml.ia,.Ca Fnftl Try oil J-'ntrfji.tln. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Tuesday and Wednesday, MAY 23 AND 24. Important Iiiiagciuetil ol' the Inimitable VounK Comedian. Wilfrefl ClarKB, SUl'PORTED BY A STRONG COMl'ANV. WANT COLUMN. "wanted ItJSlTION WANTUU A larly clesircB a. Iiosition aa rttnographrr nnd tvpe- writcr. Hist ol rcfm'niin Rivtn. Auartss, AlISSS w., I" -v jttUi mav2''dnt Thomasvillc, N. C. TT"AN'r 151) A worthy jounj? tn&n to net V nH Innitor at tne iiuhiiichs v.ciie will kvc him ! is tuition. 2l:it LiiMMONI), I'resideat. FOR RENT. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. P. W. HDiuEKorBt and Rkobbi Fombii, Receivers WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule In effect Nov. 2O.180a. NO. 12 7 15am ll so lUi Tuesday KlKht MY AWFUL DAI).' Typewriter W'ediiCRtiM.y Ifitiuce, 2::iO SWliliTllBAKTS AND I'AL'L 1'KY.' Wednesday Night "MY W1FI Don't Forget S 1IL'SIIN1." The Souvenir Matinee Wolcesilay nt -'30 p. -IS- T71 P unfurnished: modern improvements Ituilcv street. Inquire ly utter moydtf P. O. hoi CQ. TIOR RBNT TheJ.IL. Smathers place on Jt? Haywood street; house contains ll rooms, witn poou naros; nuti an iou.iv-.,, im provement; one f the hest sites in town for a hoarding house; fine views and on ear line. Aoply to aplldtl IMA 1 I ATK1NWJM V1K RBNT That lurnc and conveniently armntrrtx liotise. No it'Z Mcri'imuii ave nue Hot and com walcr vuoiiauu on vwo i All mnilirn inifirovcmf-nts Location central, with lare well shaded grounds Splendid residence lor larjjc iamny r oomu iog house Apply to 11 C or 11 J l-'AOti. eiirioiiu BOARDING. EASTBOUNDI Lt Knoxvillc " Morriaiowu Lt. l'aint Koek... " Hot Springs I.v. Asbeville Hound Knob " Marion " Morgantuil 14 Hickory " Newton " Stntesville Ar. Salisbury ' Grctnsboro Uanville O 35am " 1 It liSpni 39pm 12 4-opm 4 OHpm 0 a3im ti 3Gpm G 66pm T 47 pm H 37pm 1 1 aopm 1 15nm Ar. Kichmoud 7 OOam lv. Greensboro Ar. hurham Raleigh Ooldsboro Kv. Uanvillc Ar. lyncbburR w aaiungton Httlttmorc Philadelphia New York "WESTBOUND L,v. New York Philadelphia Baltimore , Washington.., Lvnchburtr.... Ar. Danville -rkro. a Flint street Choice rooms cood board and home comforts. Tlae Staff of Life B' Absolutely Unrivalled For Excellence of Design and Construction, Simplicity, Easy Operation, Durability and Speed. Tho Plant is Extensive and Every Class of FACTORY OPPOSITE R. & D. Has Every Facility Work ! PASSENGER DEPOT for J. H. LEE, Business Manager. E. B. CLAYTON, SPPER1WTENDKNT. SWANNANOA HUNT CLUB RACES, ADOPTED AS THE OFFICIAL. WRITING MACHINE OF THE World's Columbian Exposition. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, 37 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. FRIDAY AFTE&NOON, At 3 O'clock. Sharp. MAY a6, CIfI.LIESL,3 Bicycle Race, x-2 Mile, j First Prixc, Gold Medal. Second I'rize, Sweater, MONUMENTS - A IT 13- Olfts For tho Sick. "It is tlifllctilt to tell from outwurd conditions," says a constant visitor of : tho sick nnd Buffering, "inst -what will ' brins most uloaauro to an invalid. 1 took jolly, fruit -and wino to a desti tute consumptive whose appetite needed encouraartnir. without provoking a grate ful BUiilo. But when I followed a chunco confession that she was fond of flowers with a bunch of white hyacinths hei face irlowed with happiness. I tried the flowers on a cultured well to do blinO. woman of my acquaintance. She scarce ly noticed them, but tho dainties that the ignorant girl had refused tho lady fell upon wiih the voracity of a wolf. Large Stock and New Designs. liliXortanii iacior in mo rtuivi ui ouuw ing what part decay has preyed upon. In tho caso of tho consumxtive, disease had consumed tho vitul nature past de sire to the greater quickening of tho spiritual. On tho other hand, tho blind woman's appetite was stimulated to ab normal activity by tho infirmity that shut her off from tho sights which pro mote tho soul's growth. New York Times. If tlicrc Is one article of food desired aborc all others to lie pure and of hijsh Quality it should be Dread. This can only be secured by using a hih grade of flour with good baking powder and pure leaf lard. lTse the SOUTHERN CKOSS FLOUK. ROY AI. OR CLBVULANU D.VKIXO POWDliRS, WITH l'UKIi LBAF LARH, and you will never he disap pointed in your lisht bread, rolls or uiscuits. Southern Cross has Riven entire satisfaction to all. T. J. KEVJELiIj, JUDGMENTS. with Con venient to postoflicc and street car. Mrs. J i, iiwM.i a. Nn. H starncs avenue. Table furnished with best tne marci iinnla- tw.t uml rnld witlir: furniture new: line location: on car line; single ana oomut rooms. aprJbdU "IOLIIMDIA 15X POSITION Iarties aesir- . J inir to .rn.rrl.oard for the World's 1-air, can do so bv writioe at once to Mrs. Carrie 111. Mrs. BETTIB mavlOdSw 41 Spruce street. Lv. Richmond Danville Ar. Greensboro L,v. Gldsboro Lv KaleiKh Durham Ar. Oreensboro I. v Oreensboro Salisbury Statcsville Newton Hickory Morganto M arion Kound Knob Ar. AshcviUe Hot Springs Iaint Rook .fll 35pm 3 35am 6 OOam . la ogpm 1 SOani 4 05 am . lo4dam . 1 ii 13ini U aopm 4- AOpu NO. IV 4 30ni 65tr 9 2UI.K .. lTTopni G OOam 7 25am i200ani 7 45am 20am .. i7 45pm .. B6 1 5am 7 15am .. O 15am 7. t 30am .. 11 lOam .. lUMpm .. 1'Jt 4Kpm 1 (I'Jpni 1 52pm 22 34pnl 3 14pm ... 4 25pm t 67pm lOpm TOMBSTONES LOW PRICES Thc Retail Grocers Association offer t ie following judnicnU far sale: KIRS. K.G. WALKI! 130 97 J. R. H1L1 13 14. W. M. ('.DIMES 14 95 ALP. LHIIBETTEK 1 a OS GASB WRST H OO I. R- TAYLOR 4 52 SAM BATON VO I. K.- R BYNOLDS O 30 B. B. WULLS 13BOO I. M. BROYI-ES 1G75 MISS C. BURKB. 70V4 S. Main St 42 76 VIRGINIA ROBIB, Charlotte St 25 04 A. 11- V AK11 i:r W. S.JUST1CK 3 77 MBLV1N NICHOLS.... 66O IKRK1N WILLIS 1 4 OO 1--KA.NK. A FANNING 21 23 DOAKIHNG House pleasantly situated in lorirr n'mrle and double rooms; table tne very linest. Kelerence can oe sivcu. ...... - . immiiiii.1i . ? t t'. r Il lr. ivi - limn.. . - n - McCape House, 2 Grove Street, apripdtf mHR CHATEAU Private board in chouse JL No. 211 Haywood street. Fine eity and mountain views: penect sanitation, no. and cold water: comiortamc, airy rooms. well provided table; attentive service; rea sonable rates. Two hundred yards from Montford car line. MRS.M. B. UI5TW11.BK. oct7dtf rroprietress. handsomely furnished No. 211 Pat ton ave nue, witn Home comions. a enarmi.iK " dence in hot weather, beinu surrounded by eiirhtv-three nine trees, besides a. number ol . 1 1 1 1 ,n u m 1 i.'f. 1. 1 1 r 11 ) .awn over two ..lio crnund. excellent table and service. Street cars pass the door. C. FArKLBR, may.ldlmo 1 t n 1 Mormtowu KLnoxville A- fic S.fl MLROAp Lv. Asheville , Ilendersonville , " Klat Kock " Saluda " Trvon Ar. Spartan btirg 8 1 Opm NO 14 7 OOam H (j-am H 12am H 37am 9 OOam IO 1 Bam lirAI.DMBRB A VV boarding house. Lv. Spartanburg 'l ryon " Saluda Klat Kock " Henders'nv'le Ar. AsheviPe MURPHY BRANCH Lv. Asheville Ar. Waynesville Brysoo uity Andrews 1 Tomotla ' Murphy -:-W. O. WOLFE'S-:- Southeast Court Place and Market St.. at main entrance to Market. Lntcstdc sigrns furnished on application. ap271m ClA'D HCKDLE Open to members only, one mile, prize valued at I-'ifUca Dollars. Mile Dash Running. First Prize, $15.0(1, HURPI.E RACE Gentlemen Riders. One Mile, Second rrixe, $10. Second Prize, $10.00. 1'irst Prize, $15, Trotting Race, Entrance fee, 10 per cent, of parse. K. B. Cochran, at Battery Tark Hotel, 8. VfESTRAY BATTLE, Mile Heats, Best Two in Thri-c, First I'rize, $ail. Second Prize. $10. Entries open till Thurdar, at 6 p. m., with Mr. Tickets on sale at the hotels and'druc stores. President. I. A.. WILLUnS, Secretary. -r j TOBACCO jl L M ..1V SI Both Sides of the" Question should be looked into. And when this is done the intelligent smoker uses BLACKWE1.L S BULL DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. BLAC KWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., Durham, N. C. I'rotoctinrf Turpentine Forests. Turpentine farmers in South Carolina ami Georgia protect their property against loss by tiro iu summer by burn ing tho grass and underbrush in mid winter. Tho turpentine land is thus protected by the destruction in advance of such light material as feeds a forest fire, and tho woodlands aro made up of tall pino trees standinir in tracts free from email timber and undergrowth. When pririnrr owns tho fresh young grass puts forth from tho ashes of the winter fires, and the ground is soon covered with a carpet of rich green. New York bun. A 31 un Who Love Flowers. For several years past a well Known irentleman has been in tho habit every morning of standing iu front of a Fourth stroet tloi-iHt's place for at least 15 mm utes. lie is a crank on flowers, and after gazing into the window he enters tho store and purchases a 10-cent flower. He tolls tho proprietor that ho loves to chew the flower, and nine mornings out of ten ho gets a rose. Tho gentleman in quest ion is a Tonnosseean and is tho pos sessor of 0110 of the finest hothouses in the city. Cincinnati Enquirer. CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, KO, 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 7 1-2 COLLEGE STS. piano Tuning O. A. Greer. H. O . Johnson. A. I. Cooper, R. II . Moland & Son, Wrn. Kroger, I. A. I'orter, O. IT. Bell. S. R. Kcp'er. Kay Kt Ilnirtl. M. O. Nolaod. T. I- Revcll. 0. L. McDonald, V. M. Foster, 1. S. Fullum. W. C. Stradley Pro J. M. tic J. B. SciKler, Glenn Pros., W. M Hill & Co. W. A. Latimer, I. H. Webb. Owenby & Son. BY C. E. M'GEE, FROM BOSTON All Work Guaranteed by Him and NO. 35 NORTH MAIN STREET, ASHtVlLLE. JOHNSON'S MAGNET1Q OS&.I Instant Killer nt Pain. Internal and External. Cures KHKPM.Vl'lSM, NK1IKAL OlA, I.IUUO Hnck, Sprnius, Itrulsen, Hwelliniis, Stifl .l.iintH, col.K! anil '(JKASII'H inslfinlly. t'hilT.- Mor- il.uw. Croup. Iiiptherm, t.oro Inxoat, HKADAOilK, n it by tuaipc. THE HORSE BRAND, thomot. Poworful antl Ppnetrnln.Rl.ininiimvior ivi nu or laat in exietonce. lurge II nizo 75c, 5oc size uc JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. HTraHntvl uml ToUet. ThoQrest Skin Curs nnd Face Boautitler. Ladies will mid It tho miwt Hai.tM nnil hicrhlv Daifumtd Toilet Koap on th nuirlret. It in absolutely pure. MnkaH the skin oof t and velvety nnd restore., tho loit com plexion: Ik n luxury fur the Bath for Infanta. It nlnvs itclilnR. cleanses tho si nli nnd proiuoMS tho growth of hair. lTlco25o. Tor salo by RAYSOR & SMITH. 31 Patton Avenue, Asheville, ;IX(TVTIC?irITvinVTlTI A I! JLIJJN IOIVytVIXI IJU-TL . No longer your ;drcad upon rctirinst. Sleep will come pleasantly without usinK opiates. SIMPLY TAKE One ten-spoonful FOR SALE. TTV1K SAI.B Pivc beautiful pups, one half! li Iinlish, and one half Gordon setter, one month old. at reasonable terms. Apply to Philip Cocke, ir7 French llroail avenue. maylSdtf Lv. Murphy Ar. Tomotla Andrews , Ar. Uryson City..., waynesville ' Asheville H.NQj!3 O fiOpm 7 S8pm H a7pm h r4-jni 11 OSpra IO lOpm " NO- IT H 3flam IO OOam 1 a 3pm 4. Oil pin 4, 3pm 6 O'Jpm N"01i8 t O OOam G 20ara O SOani IU lOam 12 52pm a 35 pm SLPING CAR SERVICE.. TTIOR SALIC OR BXCHANGE A you OK 1 1 nnil lame work builEvlhorse for sale, or would exchange for lumber. Apply to I. S PULUM, maylOdtf No. 1 I Pine street.. SALIi That valuable elcht TTIOR house, with magnilicent lawn room front. corner of Chestnut ana lincriy sirccis. HiKh situation, fronting wratn, nne snaoc trees. All modern improvements. Call on JULIUS O. MARTIN, 28tucs&satt orGWVNfcWEST. BRADYCROTINE The Southern Woman's Headache Remedy. Mo unpleasant results in the morning. Should your tooth trouble you One teaspoon ful BRADYCROTINE COSTING FIVE CENTS, WILL STOP IT FOR SALE AT Pftlhaui's IliMriiicry. A handsome furnished house or l rooms for rent or sale, with or without furni ture. The house is beautifully located; sta ble and large lot well filled with fruit trees, shrubhery and flowers. rrcsh cow and iari?e pasture lor tne same n iti.u. -- tamily would oe Kiaa to remain a uo..s,. Also o-room nou-c. vppiy n. MKS. II. C. HUNT, .maviadlm On Hunt Hill. Nos. 11 and la Pullman Sleepers between Hot Spring and New York, via Asheville. Salisbury and Washington: also between Asheville and Cincinnati via. ICnoxyille antl Harriman. Trains Nos. 13 and "14. Pullman Sleeiier be tween Asheville and Charleston, via Spar tanburg and Columbia via S. C K'y, connect inr at Columbia lor Savannah viaS. 11 K. K. with Parlor cars. W. A. TURK, S. H. HARDWICK, Gen. Pass. Art. Asst. Gen.. Pass. Agt, Washington, V). C. Atlanta, Ga. W.H. GRBEN, Gen. Manager, WashlnRtou V. ij. McRBB, Gen'l Supt., Columbia, S. C. SOL. 1IAAS, Traffic Manager. Vaahioton MISCELLANEO US. IO LOAN On improved real estate. Two thousand dollars. junn tnu.i', apraodtf ino. i. isai uioin. - non t loan on first- laps city or country real cs- A. -K: R. U. Garrett, Brokers and Investor's agents, No. 3 Patton ave nue. may-Od3t S 1,0()0 c.r tate. Apply to A. N. C. Oldest Tree In the World. Tho Rev. W. Tuckwell, in "Tonsjuca and Trees nnd Sermons In Stones," says: "Tho oldest living tree in tho world is said to bo the Weina cypress of Lomhardy. It wns a tree 40 years before the birth of Christ." But Alphonse Karr, in his "Voy age Atitout do Men Jardin," says, of the baobab) (Adansoiiia digituta), "It is as serted that some exist in Senegal that are 0,000 years old." Notes and (Queries. TU Ilutlcs of the Nurse. "Aren't you a big boy to have a nurse?" asked an elderly gentleman of a boy whom ho had met in tho park. "Oh, no." said the boy. "Sho doesn't look after mo anyhow. She's here to tako euro of tho boys I play with and see that I don't hurt 'em." Harper's Young People. Good Out of Evil, "This ought to bo a prosperous month. said tho club treasurer. "How soy" asked tho secretary. 'Ilousccleaniiiir." was the answer, "and tho men'll all be here." Life. GAESflR'S HEAD HOTEL. jf Cjcs tr's Head T , ZEd 33 Your broken waijons and vehicles of all kinds to II. Burncttc's shop on College street, where they will be repaired promptly and in first-class style. Hay ing secured a first-class horsc-shocr I make all kinds of fine shoeing a specialty. 13. I3URJSTETT1. ian "2il.11 v -ST- rirtT Mr twi-M T 1,-iint street and post I oflice a locket with two photographs and initials B. W. C. on the back of same. The finder will please leave at postofliee and Lreccive a liberal reward. maylidst XTOTICB The annual meeting of the XN stockholders of The Oakland Hciuhts Sanatorium company will take place at The Oakland Hcigiits hotel on Wednesday, the seventh day of June, A. n. 1H113, at twelve o'clock m. HMILHi VAUGHN, may2ad3t Secretary and Ticasurcr. GOO Iiistance Henderson vlllc. The best Ate and Keep Is stock "Mount Vernon," "Canadian Club," and Old Baker Rye Whiskies. Wises. Drssdlcs. Beer. Ale anil Stout for family use. All goods delivered free. Porter on drsncht, Entersnce No. 10 North Main nnd 7V4 College streets. Telephone No. 1B3. P. a.: On nod ftrr May th I will send itatement of accounts by mall to parties In debted to toe If not settle 1 by that time. Respectfully, PROPRIETOR CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW. HSHEYILLE. BILTJLIORE EE VICINITY IN WATER AND OIL COLORS. SOUVENIR AND MENU CARDS A SPECIALTY. WORK ALSO DONE IN C RATON AND PASTEL. YOUR ORDERS SOLICITED. MRS. A. C CARRINGTON, Tint VILLA. Cor. Haywood and West CoIIcire Streets. The most costly pieco of railway lino in tho world is that between the Man sion House and Aldeate stations in Lon don, which required tho expenditure of close upon $10,000,000 a mile. Mr. Georire "W. Cable's hospitable in stincts are manifest in the name he has bestowed upon his new home at North ampton. Mass. He has christened it "Stayawhile." To escape from dangers which menace them starfishes commit suicide. This instinct of self destruction is found only in the highest and lowest scales of ani mal life. All tho actions and attitudes of chil dren are irraeeful because they are the offsnrinir of the moment, without affec tation and free from all pretense. Fu- Located on the Eummit mountain, iu upper South Carulina feet above the sea; aviragc temperature, from f0 to 70, with an atmosphere dry, soft, balmy, exhilarating; a veritable "elixir of life." Will be opened for the season of 181)3 on May 85. The comfort ol guests will at all times and In all thinss he most carefully consulted. from Asheville, 4 5 miles; from 211 miles; over good roads. through a charmingly delightful country. P. A. MILES, M. ., mayaodtf PROPKi iitok. THE ESMERALDA INN, HICKORY NUT CAP, IN THE CENTRE OF THE THERMAL BELT ! NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS! itiranimi, chlmnev Rock. Olfl Unldl Mountain, silver run, - ""JV . 1 Broad River. The Pools, Cathedral Cavern. Hickory Nut Falls. 1.3SO ft. high. Fishing and Bathing;. K.cr will he sent on renncst and can ac commodate five persons. Address MRS. T. FEB GUSOW, may22dtf Bat Cave. N.C PROFESSIONAL. CARLK5. T. W. BOOKHART, DENTIST, 37 jitton Avenue, Up Stirs, ASHEVILLE, N. C. matri- she i of the n.aatr VALENTINE & GARLAND, CIVIL KNGINUERS AND SL'RVBVOKS, No. 12 Hendry Block Room No 4-. TVTOTICB State of North Carolina, Sii iierior court, countv of Buncombe J. 1-. Walker vs. Mary M. Walker, service ol summons bv publication. The defendant, Mary M. Walker, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior court of the county of Buncombe. North Carolina, by the plaintill, J. t. waiKer, ior iiu purpuw o. taming a divorce from the oonus 01 mony; and she will t.ike notice that -f,iiiir-.d to aonear at the next term Si., rrlur coart for said countv of Hiincnmlic, to be held on the third Monday bctore the first Mondav in September, lf3, at the court house in Asheville in said eounty. and answer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion dulv filed bv said plnintitl'; in default whereof the said plaintill" will take judjlmcnt against her for the relief clemandsd in his said complaint. This, 2rth day of April, A. !.. 1813 , ' J. t,. CATH 15 Y. Clerk Superior court cf Buncombe county. aprlfSdOttuesday P. L. COWAN Sc CO., MAKli A SPECIALTY OP FINE WATCH REPAIRING. Native Stones. MonntiliK Made to Order. ALL WORK GUARANTEED I No. 8 Tiortl Court Place, ASM HVILLK. N. C. '. o. Box 512, mayl 7d lm Asheville, N. C K. XI. BRITT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE. GradlnK of all kinds done. All sizes of crashed stone furnished. Send all orders to postoffice Box 19, Ashevills, N. C. anrlDdtl 34-Years' Hxpcricncc-34 is:xl'x"oiv harding CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER . Office and shop, Wolfe Building. CORNER COURT PLACE AND MARK11T 8TREBT. 5c ISO MEED TO PAY MORE. v.-' :i " ;'. OUR NEW CIGAR. SPORTING GOODS BASEBALLS AND BAT8. SpUhut',i CtMratN; VotUs Worn & M.T9 CIGAR STORE AND TICKET OFFICE, 28 South Main Street. TO LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN VERY FOR 151 Si As Rankin, Agt., 68 South Main Street. 2 doors ociow city ticket office. SPECIAL, ACCIDENT INSURANCE For World Vmlr Trip. 3,000 for $l.QO per week- Pine ClotlilnK Cttcctp. INSURE TOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General t Innuranee Agreiit. Rear No. 20 South Main street. AshevUle. N. C i TkTT"OTICE...By virtue of the iiower vested A( in me by a deed or trust executco ny KctwiYa HawklllH, Mtn na-WKins anu ahic Hawkins to the undersigned trustee, bearing date of the lGth day of Novcnibsr 1SU1 and registered on page 206 of book 27 in tlie records of mortgages anil deeds of trust in the O'Hee of the register of deeds tor the county of -Buncombe and State of North Car olina, to which reference Is hereby made for further description, to secure the payment of the note therein described anil default huving been made in the payment ol said note, ano and having been requested to execute sum -,- 1 will sell nt the court house door in the city of Asheville at public auction at 12 o'clock m., on saturuay, iune xo, following described tract of land lying in said county of Buncombe, ad joining the lands ol William t.nggs ana omcrs unu ucswiwu as follows viz : Southern portion of Asheville township south of the Swannanoa river, beginning at a stake in William tingg-s line anu runs thence north 12 poles ana 17 nnus to si stake near where Charley Jonnston lives. thence east 12 poles ana 1 7 links to a staxe. thence south 12poles ana it links to a staxe, thence west 12 poles and 17 links to the be ginning Terms cash. C. I'A t.K, mayOtuesdays4t Trustee. Established 1886. a.u5 dly BREWTON & rvl'CONNELL, Furniture Dealers & Undertakers EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. Ail culls in this line attended to day or night. Also all kinds of job work done to order. Upholstering, carpet laving, pack ing, setting up furniture, rcfinishing, etc. 33 NORTH MAIN STREET. Telephone 142 VTOTICE By virtue of the power J. V. Brown & Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS, (SUCCESSORS TO BLAIR & M'DOWKLL) 45 Patton Avenue. Telephone. Store 75, Residenc 63. may Id 1 m of WANAMAKBR c BROWN, bixunaarca at vies. Saving ot 25 to 0 per erst. r . AA X , onrca oa""t Mala Wit J. A. TKNNKNT, ARCHITECT : AND : CONTRACTOR plan., soeelfieatlons and estimates fur- .-v..i ah .k in mv line contracted ror. and no. charges tor arawing om ji: .warded me. Office. Southesuit Court Square. Asheville. N. C. Icnmaij vested in me bv a deed of trust executed by J. L. Smathers and wife, C. L. Km at Hers to tne undersigned trustee bearing date the 22nd Hav of Mav. ISSO.and registered in book 20 at page 283 in the Records of Mortgages and I xeds of Trust in the oflice of the Rcgis- rr nf iweHti for the countv of Buncombe and State of North Carolina, to which reference is hereby made for further description, to sc m nnvment of the note therein de scribed, and default having been made in the payment of said note, and Having neen rc ,,i.Mini bv the cestui aue trust to sell said nnrl nnd (.remises to satisfy said note. 1 will sell at public anctioo. sl. uw . , ui 1 nuune door in the city of Asheville. at 12 o'clock m. on lucsoay, wu u.j m.j, ..-... . .1 following described tract of land and all the apourtenances mercunto oeionging . ao' oininir the lands of I. L.Carroll. J. H. Wood piwk and Ilenrv Kruinc. situated on south side of HiTweod street in the city of Ashe- 1 1 mo oatrtilenlarl v described as follows MrrinniniF on the soutm side of Haywood street 14.1A feet below the intersection of ttnn avenue and Haywood street; then mill 25 east 17 rxles to a stake: then south 67 west 6 3-1 1 poles to a stake; then Mnah west 13 nolcs to a stake on south side of Haywood; street; then north niu.o ,ti inu notes to the beginning, con. tabling one acre more or less, including the dwelling house now occupied by said Smatn era. Terms caan. Ton Apra ji, iraj. G. A. SBUFURD, Trustee. THE ROLLER TRAY TRUNK The Most convenient trunk EVER DEVISED. JIIE TRAY Is arrango.1 to roll hack, leav ing tho bottom of tlio Trunk easy of ac cess. Nothing to break or got ont of order. The Tray can be lifted out it desired, and to buy this style is a guarantee that you will Kct too strongest Trunk made, If your Dealer cannot furnish, yon. notify tho manufacturers. H.W. ROUNTREE , BRO.. Richmond. Vi. CANNOT CAUSE Bl HK Tl RK. I'KlirKTLT PA1SI.KMS Ti VHK, prick igu. sun Br all uih'obistb).--f BUT IN rM,KAU'.n PACK.AOK UPON EtCElll .OF PB1VK, - Asheville Agents. R ayaor Ac ehnlth, pre scription druggists, 31. PsttonsTcnuc. fcblOdly ATION. EQUAL TO ANY.IOC CIGAXt. KROGER, CoUege St. 5c

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