THE ASJ3JSVIULE DAILY OITIZJiJJN. Tuesday Evening, May 23, 1893. MINISTERS' CONFERENCE Tuic ulkiii:hh op vi'.hii:k D1V8 BE88ION. A Kcttolutlon on Suuflay CIobIiib aftbe 'World's Fair Report ou Hie Lluclley Traluinic Hcbuol Aitalust Hnuday Hlrcct Swerp Idk. The meeting; jf the Asheville .Vlinislcrs' conference yesterday ul'U'inoon was the most important session lu-UI since the organization of t lie couleiciicc. The following memorial on Suuiluy closing of the World's I'air was adopted and ordered sent to the World's Fair commission : "The Ministers' vuiilercncc of Asheville, N. C, consisting of the ministers of this city and its immediate vicinity, believing that the opening of the gates ol the Columbian exposition on Sunday would tend to convert the day of rest into a day of labor for many, and of frivolity for many more, and that such oeninj would be an object lesson whose influence would contribute largely to public demoralization, does hereby cuter its hearty protest aaainst the opening of the exposition on that day." There were two dissenting votes on the adoption of this protest those ol Revs. Sanders and Harrows. Mr. San ders was opposed to all restrictions, while Mr. Harrows took the ground that as the exposition is held in Jackson I'nrU the park grounds should not be closed. He would like to have admis sion fees to the park abolished on Sun day. The conference committee on laws re lating to theatrical lithographs reported that there was no city ordinance relating to lewd pictures, and that, therefore, the offence would be covered only by the common law on nuisances. 'file I.lticMev Mcliool. The special committee appointed to look into the proposed working of the Lindley Training school in West Ashe ville, reported that its purposes were two-fold : First, the protection ot young girls in dancer of being led astray; sec ond, the reclamation ol those who have fallen. The plaa was heartily com mended, but the committee thought the provisions inadequate, as there will be room for only 13 inmates, seven or eight of whom will be iiom Asheville. The committee was continued, to confer with the managers ol the school on the mat ter of enlargement of the institution, and with the citv authorities to learn if city funds could be appropriated to the aid ol the school. A resolution was adopted requesting the citv authorities to discontinue the sweeping of the streets on Sunday. The authorities were also asked to have en forced the ordinances relating to Sunday traffic in tobacco, soda water, etc. There was considerable discussion with regard to the saloons, and a motion was passed requesting theauthorities to pass an ordinance requiring saloons to close at ID o'clock p. m.; also, it possible, to prohibit minors from entering saloons, under the penalty ol the law; also to enforce the law as regards the removal of screens from saloons. AROUND TOWN. Washington, May 23,Fotecust till S p.m. H ednesday. Showers tbis ahcr noon, followed by lair; southwest rhnJs, becoming northwest; cooler. i;Vi:ilYIIUUY 1IA1I PtliNTV. Iiitr:Mliiiic Facts Concerning At lanla'H Water HuppI v. As illustrating the good lesultscominjj from the adoption of the metre system the folio wing extract from the lK'JL re port of the citv of Atlanta, (ia., will be of especial interest to Asheville. Th citv had a number of metres sent here last year for trial, but never used then; The report referred to says: "The metre svstcm has proved more of a success. When the metres were put in in 1SS.1 there were less than 1,500 taps in the mains that is, less than 1,500 consumers of water. The city contracted for what was estimated as a year supplv of coal in March, lKS'i. We were then pumping nearly C, 000,( o gallon of water per day and nobodygot enough water. The pressure in ttie mams wa not sufficient to throw water above tin second storv of an ordinary house. In this state of things the Kimball house burned down, and $500,000 worth projerty was destroyed. In the same neriod what is known as the block tire occurred, and over $100,00 worth of property was destroyed Other similar conflagrations occurred and the fire department was ill able to cope Wltll I. Ills QCiruL'UVC ciemim. in. j'n on the metres atid the consumption water at once fell to about 1,500,000 tr.-illons ucr day, and everybody hao nlentv of water. The remaining f.000, OOO gallons that bad been daily wasted was now saved. The pressure in the mains at once increased to such an ex tent that wc could throw six or cigh streams of water from the hydrants m the streets over the top of the tallest buildings, and from that day to this laree fires have been almost un known. And such was the saving from not having to pump the water into the city that merely ran away to useless waste, as that the coal purchased in March, 1H85. lasted ut the pumps throughout the balance of that year and all throutrh the year IKHti, and unti July. 18S7. And all the time, let it be remembered, every consumer had plenty of water." O VIS CHAU1TA1II.1.! Recorder Miller this iiioiiiiug lined oik disorderly $1. Wilfred Clarke at the Cm am! this even ing in "My Awful Dad." Reuieniber the Svvauiiaiioa Hunt club's races at Carrier's grounds Friday. Residents uud visitors alike have dis carded overcoats, perhaps for the seasot Drivers complain that the white signs on the front oi the street ears frighten horses. The grading of 1'ark aud I'reticli Hroad avenues was completed yesterday by Contractor li. II. Unit. W.0. 1'crry will soon open u bakery and candv manufactory in llcston's old stand on South Main street, S. C. Cortland and family now occupy the Trcudwav house on Grove street ncimtly vacated by IS. H. F.ngnn. The jubilee concert, postponed from last evening, will be given in the assem bly hall of the Young Men's institute tomorrow evening. There was a good audience at the Col lege street chanel hist evening, and the meeting promises to be a success. Scr vice this i veiling at S:15. All arc invited The curbing on the west side of Church street between l'atton avenue and Ccn tral church is being set aud paving will probably be resumed tomorrow. The casthound train was an hour and twenty minutes late this afternoon. The train from the east was an hour lute, owing to a freight wreck near Salisbury. 0. W. Vuughan, the l'atton avenue candy manufacturer, today sent Tin; Citizkn some ice cream that was as hue as anv that has ever found its wav into the editorial rooms. Souvenirs will be given to each lucly attending the matinee by the Wilfred Clarke company tomorrow afternoon. "Sweethearts" aud "Paul Fry" will be the plays presented. A couple of colored men went from Asheville to West shcvillc Sunday and had a horse race in the latter town. They were hauled up yesterday and lined $13 each, which may warn others oil'. Fcople who traverse College street complain continually of the trash that is allowed to remain in the street where it was thrown by the sidewalk paving lorce. That portion of the street between Spruce and Oak is the special cause of complaint. Rev. A. C. i'ixon of Hnnklvii, N. V., will lecture in the First Haptist church of tins city on the evening ol lune SS. Mr. Dixon was here last June, and those who heard him then will be glad to welcome him again. He will lecture on "liurope Through Green SMCtacles." W AM11I TO. Ill T COIL !? . Give of Your more for tills In for Innate. JioiToit The Citi2En: A few days ago The Citizen called attention to ery pitiful object of charity a woman at the point of death in an old shed near the freight depot. Yesterday her child,. 3 rl-iva old. was buried by some kind- hearted railroad men. This child would orobablv have lived had it and the mother been cared for. Now the mother a not exoected to live, aud were it not for the railroad people she would have died before this for want Ol loou anu care. The case has been reported to various hen da of charitable institutions and nothing has been done by them. Those who have assisted ber thus far have de cided to continue their services ns long as needed, and not call again for the assistance of any society. If there are individuals who wish to do a really charitable deed, let tbetn enquire near the freight depot and tbey will be sure to 6nd the treasurer of this little fund. The woman has been provided with a bed and nurse and is visited twice a day by two ladies near by. I . Thrnm-h the solicitation of Rev.'T. C, Troy tbe Garrett woman, who hat been in an old shed near the depot for a rnnnlc of weeks, was today given aecom modation at the Mission hospital, where she will be cared for until sue recovers Irom her illness. What next will Mimnaagh do for tbe ladies for their convenience He hat opened in connection -with bis millinery, dress making, and dry Roods, a tonso riat parlor for ladies, lie ba secured the amices of an eiperiencd hair arias. iiwiu w i,i h" already ia that department. 1 utile AttcmptM To Iviilcr Til: Ciicarelle l-'aclorv lv Itrllierv. Several days ago a man approached Patrolman Triplctt, as well as other members of the police force, with an oiler of $10 if he or they would arrange with the night watchman of the Ashe ville To ha co Works and Cigarette com pany for his entrance to the factory, given as his reason for getting in the fact that there was a machine in tbe factory that he wished to inspect. The offer was reluscd. It is thought the man was an agent ol the cigarette trust, who wished to dis cover just what machinery was in use in the factory. The Asheville company is not in the trust and the cigarette ma chinery is, of course, out of the trust. What steps would have been taken if the man had suceeded in his efforts to enter the factory is not known. He was so an? ions to get in, however, that he begged ot sonic ot the tactorv men that he be taken through the factory bliudloldc and be allowed onlv to feel of the ni chinery. This offer was refused. livery piceaution is taken to guar this machinery and it is extremely dim cult lor an outsider to go through the cigarette department at all, so great is the distrust of the trust. rilli PEOPLE WILL TALK; AM) TUEV DO SAY ia the boss That li. DcWilt Ilrowu woodchoppcr of the age. That Capt. F'agg has tbe uiily paved lartn in the Stale. That Max Marcus is of the opinion that li. II. l-'ulen wilier is one cl the hardest woikeis he ver went linhing with. That it the steam n.iki should be run over the Nort h Main paving a few more times the bricks would piobably take on a corn-row appearance. That Tentville is beginning to spread again. That, judging fioni ances, there is to be an exodus from the city hall early in June. Mow, Mr. tinn Iiiit i'oR Thk Citizhn : I read Mayor Patton's letter in last night's Ci i uhn in regard to the waste of water. I have noticed for two mornings, in passing Advisor Gwyn's house, the example the Advisor uives us in wasting water. For three-fourths of an hour today his ser vaul was using the hose to water the ground in front of the Advisor's house At the same time persons in the street were suturing lor want of water. And a:tc. It is common chat ity to suppose that Advisor liwyn did not know of tbis waste of water and that he will now forbid it until the new stamlpipe is com Dieted and the new pump running at its best. lin. Tin; Citizkn. Summer Goods. REFRIGERATORS -AND Southern HuhIiii-nh Collecc ulnrnuil Special Coiiwh. 1 bis school will have no vacation. Itesules the regular scholarship course worth $jO, there is a special summer course in book-keeping and shorthand for teachers, students and others. Ten weeks for $:). M. M., I 'res. Ite sure to see Dr. Rollings' Kentucky saddle and harness horses coming Friday or Saturday. They will be lound at the Kay stables. T Insure change of advei tiscineuts on regular contract, copy must be handed In bv 10 o'clock a. m. THU MARKETS. Kcw Vork Market. Nltw York . May g.'l Cotton t'utnic-s, opened ensv. Mv, ; ue, 7--.; Julv, 7.:0; August, 7.4a; September, 7. IS; Octo ber, no. Nloch Quotation. NKW Vokk, Mhv g3. I5ric IS'i; Lake Shore ll)M:: Chu-Mtto niifi Northwestern lgg-'1,: Norlolk anil Western. g.s"-: Kiehmon'l and Wct Point Tcrnunnl t" Western Union W;4. Baltimore Markt l. Pai.timokk, May g.'t -Flour, dull; wheat, f lull and cav; snot Mnv 7 ttiillini: wheat lv sample, 7.SM17t'; corn, dull; spot Mn- '.; w lute corn ly Maniple, f.v; yellow, O-. AHlievllle Marhcls. Ciineeted dailv hv POWi:l.I. Sc SNII)l:n wholesale ami relnil Kroccrw. These prices are ticiu paid hy the merchants to-day. Butter golAnptra 7."('iil 1T Eci;a 1 1 1 A pnlt-s. d ricd .ifr "i Chickens 1 Jt-yliii.'lo Pumpkins, each. fci.i;5 Turkeys 70i;100:SorKum ;lO Ducks Zl(tfgfillcc3wax, cr In IS PotatocH. Bw't 1 ooi Honey 1 M Potatoes, Irish. r,Of(i,7r,.' Wheat xr Turnips 30(a40iCom nr Onions lgrMeal rr Catibage. per 1T aji ata -1.5 lien lis, pr bu.lOOOll !iO K ve 70 Peas ti5(i7.r Hay. ton SUOOO Chestnuts i:rjulCelerv. doz gr(u,4( InUex to New Aavcrllsemenls, Notice Asheville l.onn. Construction Co Lost 77 Charlotte street OST-Monilav on Cnlp;cir (ik street? 4 photos from l.iiidsi-y ,v Hrvn. Iinl-r will tit- rewarded bv tcavmii at ' or 3 Spruce. C hat Utt ll t THIv PAMSINU CROWD. I erttoiiHl Nntcnof People Coining and Uolnic. S. J. Flaiun, a I'-alliniorc commercial tourist, is in the city. F. A. Frercks of Salisbury is at the Grand Central today. Hon. Jesse F. I.owry came iu from Sandy Mush yesterday. John J. White and Geo. Schmidt Fittsburu, Fa., arc at the Swatinanoa Alderman W . W. Jones will leave to morrow morning for Cherokee court. Mrs. II. Iv. Fost left today for Wilkes- barre. Fa., to visit relatives lor a few months. L. L. Schartle, now an operator on the Norfolk and VVcslrrn road, is visiting his relatives Here. Manned Miller, ol the Asheville To bacco Works and Cigarette company is on a business trip to the eastern part oi tne Mate. Col. J. B. Steele, who has had charge oi J inc forest inn, Summcrville, S. C lor the past reason, has returned to Asheville. The hotel has closed, after vcrv successful season. favors I he Railroad IinrroK The Citizen: The wijest sug gestion that I bnve heard made in the in tcrcst of Asheville is the one which has appeared in Tub Citizkn and Ga.ette relative to the city and county uniting in making tuch appropriation as may be necessary to secure tbe completion of the railroad between this and Bristol. The whole truth of the matter is, we must nave this roaa, let it cost what it mav. With this line completed there ia no tell ing what degree of prosperity things would reach in Asheville. Keal estate would soon exceed anything ever dreamed of in the way of values and t he place double in population ni less than bve year, lac tones of many kind would soon be established, and there is no telling tbe limit of our success in every possible and desirable way. ima is Atneviiiea opportunity, as upon ber depends the success of the movement. Yes. let oaj-etire tbe unsold city bonds and vote with tbe county such sum as may be necessary to make the thing go. Taxpayer. Dlseass Germs la ice. (from Pabtlc Opinion.) The tenacity of tbe life of tbe microbe it shown bv tbe fact that many forms may De imbedded in ice without losine their vitality. Dr. Ikirnhill, ol Fans, has found that ice is often a medium of transmitting; typhoid fever, and says that ice front nvers and ponds is as dangerous as tbe water itself, and that the only ice sale for sse for any purpose is that manufactured from distilled water. SPI.KNPII) JilL. stock of Kroeeries, business oner A unod fixtures and t:ool will tor shic. Kent elirap unil the Flore in the best resident putt of the city. Posses sion Kiven at omc. 0- Charlotte street. muyUOdSt NOTICl! Th stoekholde he pnniial mtctiriK of the ers of the Ai-hevtlle l.o.-in. onsiriteti j.i ami improvement Co., will be held in tlte otliee ot Cobb Merritiion, Mon day, May li'.ub, 4 o'clock p. m. lor the tlec i ion of officers find other business, mnyjadlw OKI I. S. PoWliLI,. President, M.J. IllSAKPliN, Secretary. A New Vork custom-tailoring bouse. doin an agency business exclusively, and ollerinu the best pavitiK line in the mar ket, desirrs to si cure an avent, who can fur nish a bond, to handle their line in the citv of Asheville. To rroper party will consign sufficient pants patterns to make a koo1 showing as merchant tailor. l-',r further particulars addrccs, s. J. It.. 3.'t Hroadvt ay. New Vork City. may aosat .t t ties SISCOND GRANUCONCQRT In VounK Men's Institute, WEDNESDAY EVFNING, MAY 4, 1893, At H O'clock, Consisting nf lubil. r Sontcs and Favorite Melodies, ttndcr the direction of ICd. S Stevens and Hdmonia I?. Hedges. Admission 25c. Reserved scats 33 anil 5)c ma.'.'2il3t ICE : CHESTS ! WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS. Lawn and Piazza Goods. MATTINGS, HAMMOCKS, &C. W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC., .5 Patlon Avcuuc, ETC., WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. CORNER STORE, No. 46 South IVIain Street. Wc aro rn Us fled with our stock jih it ni ands. l'vei'ythin? in an exclusive sl.yle. IJendy made cIothinjA- aiuI hats for Kaster. Neat, nobby lift-lit eolored suits, single breast , double breast, cutaway, square fronts, Price Alberts, and full dress suits, new Htyles, perfect fitting, firstelass materials. You cannot fail to bo pleased. In children's and boys' clothing we have school suits and Sunday suits; all proper colors, best sh apes; knoe pants and long pant.s,best styles, and most desirable because priced low. Eas ter hats. Everybody should see our hats, soft, stiff, straw, the best in the land, suitable shapes for all. Dress shirts, negligee shirts, working shirts. Our stock is immense. Easter neckwear, selected with care, and superior to any stock in the State. See them and be con vinced. Waiter and bell boys' suits. We invite you to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Telephone No. 108. THE WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE FURNITURE ! : FURNITURE ! blair & Mcdowell, ISrtJ 45 l'atton Avenue. GALL - AND - OUR - STOCK. THE MAITLAND SGHOOL. NO. 40 FRENCH BROAD AVENUE. I5NGI-ISH AND FRENCH HOME AND DAY tH-MUUL rUK OIK US. Af KS. BURGWYN MAITLAND, Principal. AnnHtcd by Mis Wallace of Vauar College, and Mile. Bothe of Paris. Special advant&Kas for the studv of vocal and instrumental music. Afternoon French nana lor laaiea. Soda Water ! Soda 'Water ! Raysor & Smith Raysor 6c Smith He low is a list of a few of .OUR LEADERS ! ICR CKUAM SOKA. lOc. PINUAPTLH SNOW, I IK;. ICB3 AND mm HONS. Cc. EG1 PHOSPHATE, Oc. STRAWBERRY MASH. lUc. Every thing Nice, New and Clean 1 Fountain Service Unexcelled ! OPEN EVENINGS TILL, 11 O'CLOCK. RAYSOR & SMITH, SI PATTON AVENUE. 15ed Itooiu Suites, Tai lor Suites, Dining Iloom Sets. MattreisHe.s, Chairs, Window Shades, &e. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. COAL AND WOOD YARD, No. 20 North Court Square, (FORMERLY CARH1 NGTON'S.) UUA Ij, COKE, PLASTER 1'AItIS, FIREWOOD, K1NDL1NUS, LAND PLASTER, C1IAIIC0AL, LIME, U i? A.T JH ,urks in oin fi thy poi ds, r reeling impure water doti not purify it. lo not be deceived Iy mis leading nilii lea. THERE IS No NATURAL. ICli OI-'FEKBD FOR SALBIN ASIIHVILI.Ii EXCUPTTHAT COT PROM A NEARLY STAGNANT PONn. fed by a small .(ream cunyins tbe filth from a large settlement. You would not drink the water. You tliuuld not use the ice. Distilled water ice is clear and tianspar-cnt. CEMENT. TELEPHONE NO. 121. SEWEU PIPE, HAY AND FEED. MOODY, DEPOT YARD AND WAREHOUSE, TELEPHONE NO. 73. ZEnJSTE: BREAD IS THE GREATEST LUXUUY OF LTFE. TO MAKE IT YOU MUST HAVE GOOD FLOUR. "OMEGA" PATENT 1st t:lie FinestWinterWlieat -FLOURE- On the market. Ask your grocer for it. It it not cheap, hut quality justifies price. We Sell Only to merchant. JVIUSTIN. FAKES & COMPANY. The citizens of Asheville drink the wiiter of the Swannanoa river. If that water is impure, it must be conceded that the ice taken from its surface is likewise impure. BUT if there is dan ger in the ice, it is a patent fact that there is awful dan ger m the limpid, sparkling water itself, aud the incoming tid ministration should hasten to provide a new untainted supply from an undeflled source. Meanwhile the anxious and perspiring citizens can ob tain pure, wholesome ice, BOTH NATURAL AND MANU KA CTl "BED, at reasonable and seasonable mtcs from only THE CAROLINA ICE AND COAL COMPANY, No. 39 Patton Avenue. Telephone, 130. HEADQUARTERS : FOR : FEED ! 67 3SToi7tix Main St. TELEPHONE NO. C7. Select OF- AT PRICES THAT WILL. SAVE YOU SOME MONEY. Corn Hui-krd and on the cob. White Oats, Mixed Oats. Fancy White Middlings. Shorts. Bian Feed Meal, Coin ehops, Cow Feed, Cotton Seeds, several grades of Hay, etc., etc. KcspcclfutlT, C. S. COOPER. ma-1 il3m THE EMPORIUM Is crowded day and night every department rushinp, from West College street to Patton avenue, from base ment to third floor; a perfect jam; business 50 per cent in advance of any season we ever had in Asheville. The pub lic has discovered the superlative quality of our goods, our improved methods of business, our every effort to please, our talented assistants, our immense stock and our low prices; they have discovered also that anything eomes from Miuinaugh's has the stamp of style about it. Off styles are as much avoided as bad debts in this estal- lishment. Our Dressmaking Department is already a. success. Worth, the renowned dressmaker of today, would be jealous were he to see some of the lovely gowns turned out by our modiste, Miss Haupt. Our Millinery are styles exclusively our own. Wo have shapes and colorings, you cannot find anywhere South. No more complete department to be found anywhere. Miss Driver is not only a trimmer of talent but a designer. Nearly everybody prefers her hats to the French patterns. Our prices range for nice goods from $5 to ?40. Our Dry Goods and Notions are the largest and finest collection in North Carolina. No bombast; we can prove every word of it. 'Tis known in business circles in New York wo buy the finest goods South except Atlanta and New Orleans. More fine stuff here than this town can sliow collectively. Our Kid Gloves, new Parasols and Sunshades, new Dress Goods and Trimmings, Silk and Laundered Shirt Waists and new Eaton Suits will command a great deal of attraction this week. Our Special Sale of Silks will surprise everybody Mon day; 33 inches wide, beautiful designs; our price will be 80 cents as long as they last. Respectfully, F. P. TyilEllNAUGH. Our Ladies Hair Dressing parlor is doing a flourishing business, Miss Smith is quite an artist in her line.

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