THE a. SsTT "P! V f T iTiTB OAILY CITIZEN. Friday BveninK,;May 2G. 1893 r A RARE PHOTOGTRAPJI CURES RI5SNG THE REPRODUCTION OF THE OLD DE WITT CLINTON DUE, TO IT. BREAST Remember one thing about excellence in pneumatic ; ires. There must he an inner tube removable through the rim Victors are built that way and they lead the world. The most elegant bicycle catalog ever seen is yours if you say so. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. BOSTON, WASHINGTON, DENVER, SAN FRANCISCO. IX. 1. COSBY, Agent, Aslieville, IV. C ASHEVILLE WOODWORKING CO. MjISTUFACTURE Doors, Sash, Blinds, Stair Work, Mouldings, MANTLES, BANK AND BAR FIXTURES. Hard Wood Lumber Work a Specialty ! KHTIHATES PROMPTI.V GIVKK. The 1'lant is Extensive and Kvery Class of FACTORY OPPOSITE R. & D. PASSENGER DEPOT Has Kvery Work ! Facility for J. H. LEE, Business Manager. K. 8. CLAYTON, UIliieiPiTKKSIrT. SEE U& ABOUT OUR $100.00 CLUB OF NO. x AND NO. 2. EAMBLER BICYCLES ! SPRING .FIlA.ltI.BS ! 1 ,SO No. 1. Kamblrr Pneumatic Tires 1 c U pved to 1'0. Si AO No. 2. Ramble Incuma.tic Tire rc duved to $14-5 LadU's Rambler Pneumatic Tires rc duccd to SlliO Any of he above Cushion Tires. $10U. Rigid Frames Fast nnd StrottK- No. aDta. Pneumatic KAinblcr, wrifiht all on 37'j pounds, $150. No. 4 Lit. rncumatic Kamblcr, wc.iilit M3 pound. Si 50, Stripped weight 33 and 3H pounds res peeti velT. Wheels sold on easy terms. LUXURIOUS RIDING ! Remember all Ramblers arc fitted with the ureat Gnrmully-JelVtrv. l'neunintic Tires which can h repaird in case of puncture. Does not have to be scut a way for repairs. For those who -wish a chcaprr machine we offer Fcathcrstone Oulce. Pneumatic Tirea. Si OO. Pcathcrstone Duchess, Pneumatic Tires. $.o. Dest value in the world for the money, and fully guaranteed. Hoys' nnd (lirls1 Wheels, Cushion and Pneumatic Tires. $25 to $90. If you think of buying a. 'cycle, call on us and examine our line. PENN1MAN BROS., Ajonts for (lOimully & Jeffery Manufacturing Co., ASHGVILLG, NORTH CAKOII NA. SEE US ABOUT OUR $100.00 NO. 1 AND NO. 2. CLUB ON CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO. 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 71-2 C0LLE6E STS. The I -. Ate and Kctp In .lock "&1oint Vernon." "Canadian Club." and Old llakn Kyc Whiskies. Winn. Brandies. Beer. Ale and Stoat for family use. All Roods delivered free Porter on draught. Bntcrancc No. 19 North Main and 7V4 College streets. Telcplietnt No. 1S3. P. S.: On and nftrr May Olh I will send ttatcmcnt of accounts by mall to parties in debted to me If not settle bx that time. Respectfully. PROPRIETOR CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW. anf I Unlike Unsolublc Cocoas, which arc Indigestible, Cocoas adulterated with Starch, 6Wft 3(oiit&rt &DCOCX BEST & GOES FARTHEST) leaves no Sediment on the bottom of the cup. WEEKLY CITIZEN IS ONLY Sl.00 PER YEAR. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE ! A Unique Kit or History Which Reals AVI tb the Old Antl-Maaonrj Feeling In Maw York State Over Sixty Years Ago. A. Clever Artist 'With Scissors. "The New York Central Railroad com pany's reproduction of the first railroad train and locomotive ever run in New York state, a most interesting and valu able exhibit at the Chicago fair," said an old resident of Albany, "causes mo to wonder how many of the officers of that company know that if the disappearance of Morgan from Batavia 65 years ago bad not been attributed to murderous machinations of the Masonio fraternity, which resulted in the groat anti-Masonic excitement that spread throughout tlio country and became a sensational polit ical factor, they would not have been able to make the reproduction, and the appearance of that curious railroad train and engine would never have been known in accurate and pictorial representation. "It was years before the discovery and practical introduction of that crude pred ecessor of photography, the daguerreo typt when the pioneer railroad train in this state was run, and as the future im portance to history of the appearance of that train never occurred to those inter ested in bringing it into existence tho skill of no artist with his pencil was brought into rise to perpetuate it on paper. It happened tsat a young man named Brown William IL Brown of Philadelphia was in Albany on the day the train was run, Aug. 0, 1881, and had been in the place several days. "He had a marvelous talent for cutting with a pair of scissors out of black paper lifelike profile portraits and accurate representations of buildings, machinery irid even landscapes. "The remarkable part of this talent of his was his power to make a perfectly exact portrait of persons days and even weeks after having seen them but once, and that only casually on the street. "He had for some time made a good liv ing by the exercise of his peculiar art. Thaddeus Stevens was at that time just beginning to make a reputation" in poli tics and had seized upon the anti-Masonic Idea for use in Pennsylvania, as it had been so successfully worked by Thurlow Weed and his lieutenants in New York state. The feeling was growing in Penn sylvania, and young Brown thought it would be a good stroke of business for him to go to Albany, have a look at Thurlow Weed and others, snip their likeness out in silhouette, and besides getting a fee from them for the work duplicate the pictures for sale among the anti-Masonio enthusiasts in Pennsyl vania and elsewhere. "He went to Albany early in August, 1831. and did a great deal more than get the nortraits of Thurlow Weed. His wonderful work took the town by storm and he was kept busy from morning un til night cutting the silhouette likenesses of people of all kinds, sexes and ages that flocked to his rooms. "His greatest artistic feat was the cut ting in one large picture of the famous Burgess corps entire, with stall and band in full parade, each member's portrait being of surprising accuracy. This pic ture is among the most precious relics in the state library. "And so it happened that this unique young artist was in Albany on the day the quaint locomotive Do Witt Clinton, with Its equally quaint coaches, was to be run on its first trip over the Mohawk and Hudson railroad. "He was one of the passengers on the train, and when it returned to Albany he out with his scissors an exact picture of the locomotive and two of the coaches, making the portrait of David Matthew, the engineer, and John T. Clark, the con ductor, on his seat on the outside of the front coach. "In that picture appear the likenesses of Thurlow Weed, ex-Governor Yates and other distinguished Albanians of that day, but neither Mr. Weed nor the ex-governor was on the train. Without a thought of the future of that picture as a valuable contribution to history, the artist cut those portraits merely as an exercise of his skill in depicting a sub ject from memory. He told me so him self 40 years afterward. "While Artist Brown was in Albany he concluded to go to Boston and Hart ford to make some portraits and other cuttings with his marvelous sciasora. While in Hartford he showed the picture he had made of the railroad train and locomotive to a member of the Connecti cut Historical society, who at once saw what a treasure it must necessarily be come, and the artist presented it to the society, where it is today a relio beyond Vrtee. "some ou years axier cuiiing iuai, pic ture Brown became interested in tho railroad business himself, having long ceased to exercise his artistic skill pro fessionally, and one day, having almost forgotten the Albany picture, he read in a newspaper an account of a litho graph that had just been published from a photograpn or trie siinouette pic ture he had presented to the Connecticut Historical society. He sent to the publisher or in uino- graph and procured a copy of it and was rejoiced to see an exact reproduction of bis scissors cutting of more than 80 years before. But the joy he felt over a sight of the picture was scarcely as great as the inscription beneath it gave him. "The date of the running or tne train given as some time, in 1883, the name of the locomotive being the John Bull instead of the De Witt Clinton and the name of the engineer John Hampson Instead of David Matthew. Brown at once set about the task of correcting the lithograph publishers' his tory, a task at which he worked ror more than 80 years, ror tne ntnograpn copy of his picture, with its incorrect inscription, had been widely circulated." N ew Yorkbnn. A woman's mind is like the wind on a winter's night," repeats an old French saying, and a Basque adage runs. "South wind, woman a tuouKlits." "MOTHER'S FRIEND' W h IVe irrrntest oHViimI liilfi-lM-ariiiLr woman. I' Ih-i-ii n mil- if i 1'i.r many years, ai:l In a h -imi whom "Mother's Friend" liml Ihiii nsiil il.'uis nrt-imli.s!t4'l w.lrs nml relievi-il uiiu'li Kiilliiinir- 1 1 Is 1 h ri-inpily fur riiiiir of Hie brenst Lumvii, mnl worth n i i l' r that ulollu. 3KH. Al. M. I'.lll SI I.I!. iMi'll;',ni'i y, Ala. Trail tc.l nil expectant, limtlicrt If tl-ry wit! nso a low lMrtliMof Mother's I'ricnil t ry v. ill j; I liroiiih the ordeal wit limit, mi;, .,ii ami sulTeriiur. SliM. ?IAV I! jmiam, Aldus'. il!r, -'.i. tsi-I Mnlhcr'5 Pricnl li-fore Mrlli l riy eighth cnilil. Will no t r i n j -ruin-. Alns. J. I". Moulin. mIms:!, 'al. Rent ly c?;ir'.-s, diaries nrti r.i'l, -t i r -; i j-t of price, ier ItoUIe. BRADFIKLD REGULATOR CO., Sold ly all lrnjrpists. Ayi.asta, c,k JUDGMENTS. tie The Retail Grocers AiMoclation offer following judfinicnW for le; MRS. K. O. WAI.KB . R. HIM W. M. C.RIMIiS Al-K. LKIHlBTTliK CASE WEST J. R. TAYLOR SAM BATON I. K. RBYNOI.DS B. B. WBLl.S I. M. BROVI.BS Mll-'S C. HI1KKB. 7t)V, S. Main St VIRGINIA ROB1B, Charlotte St 26 04 A. II. WAR B a lifi W. S. JITSTICIi 8 77 MKI.VIN NICHOLS 6 60 1 BKKIN WILLIS 14 00 BRANK A. BANNING 21 23 O. L. McDonald, .1. S. Fullutn. ..130 07 .. 1.1 14 .. 14 95 .. 12 B5 .. 8 OO .. 4 52 .. 3 2i ... 6 30 ...18B 0O ,.. 1G 7! 42 7 WANT COLUMN. FOR RENT. I will rent mv home nlace'-vcrv cheap. ardens mnl everything rcaily tr uc. ohn Ad rllo well. muy2'ltl:it ti. A. Greer, H. C. JonaBon, A. I). Cooper, R, B. Noland & Sun, Win. Kroger, I. A. Porter, G. U. Bell, S. R. Kepler. Kay & Bulrd, M. C. Nolaod, T. I. Kcvell, N. L. Tcnland, W. C. Stradlcv i Mro J. M. w J. B. Seiglcr, Glenn Broa., W. M. Hill & Co. W. A. Latimer, I). H. Webb. Owenby & Son. W. I'ostcll, Trull it Son, Arthur & Henry. I ' unfurnisthec); modern improvcnienU, 114I ailcv street. Inciinre liy h'llcr MISSS M, "IISSKI.I,, moytultf I. I). Hox Oti. blJK rv l; i i in i i, .iihilhi-i . t .... Haywood ftn,'i; t'ousc coatainH 1 'J rooms, with kooci narrs; lias a'l mooerii im- orovements; one of the lic nites in town for a boarding house; fine views and on car line. Apply to aplldtf NATTATKINSUNSNINS. BREAD -IS "Almost as Palatable as Milk" The Staff of Life This is a fact with regard to Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. The difference between the oil, in its plain state, is. very apparent. .In Scott's Emulsion If there i one article of food desired nbovc all others to he pure and of high quality It should be Bread. This enn only be secured by usinj; a liih Krndc of flour with Rood baking powder and pure leaf lard. Vnc the SOUTHERN CROSS FLOUK. ROY AL OK CLEVULANIt BAKING POWHIiKS, WITH FUR B LEAF LARD, and you will never be disap pointed in your light bread, rolls or biscuits. Southern Cross has fvcn entire satisfaction to all. T. J. REVELL, jo NORTH MAIN 8TRKBT you detect no fish-oil taste. As it is a help to diges tion there is no after effect except good effect. Keep in i-nlnrl tlinf SrnH'c. F.mnlsion is the best promoter of flesh GftESAR'S HEAD HOTEL anu ssirenLn kuowh iu science. Preiuired by Scott Ttnwnn. N. Y. All rtrnmti. Head 4 000 Whether ciuafled (Sm from a vessel of tin, Rlass or p;o1d ; There's notliinj-f.o good, ior the yomifj or the old as s -a Hires Root Beer Located on the Minimit of Cicsar's mountain, in upper South Carolina, feet above the sea; average temperature, from 50" to 70, with an atmosphere dry, soft, balmy, exhiluratiiiKi a vcrita'ilc "elix of life." Will be opened for the season of 1803 on May -'5. The comfort of guests will at all times and in all things be most carefutly consulted. Distance from Ashevillc, 45 miles: from Hcndcrsonvillc, 20 miles; over good roads through a charmingly delightful country P. A. MILE9, M. D., ill? A delicious, heallh giving, thirst-satis-f-ins beverage;. A teinperanee drink fur temperance people. A r-n. p.-.::ll:;c ri'.' i r. yi'V.jns. Sold arA E::?oyc Everywhere. Save t Paying 'Doctors'! Bills BOTANIC BLOOD BALM THE GREAT REMEDY - FOR ALL BL00O AND SKIN DISEASES - . iiai neon moronjf my uwwn ny m-iiu-nt phyKii-iAiiR and the p-npla for 40 yeam, and novor tails to cure quXckly and permanently crnnrni a. ULCERS. ECZEMA. RHEUMATISM, PIMPLES, ERUPTIONS, M.nn Atr v a Tln RTPK ADTNi sml i.itvviimii uiujl'u lnVxplahl fiirm thn mont loathsoino blood dlfwanes if (ftrwtloim aro tyU I lowed. I'ric- 91 per boiUe, buttles for fo, Jfor ale iy nruKKisx. SENT FREE wom.ffi Fcre BLOU3 HALM GV,, anania, ua. mavSOdtf PROPRIUTOR DANVILLE R. R. CO. P. W. HmvRKOpm and Rbobbm FotTis, Kccclvers WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVI8I0N. Condensed chedule In effect Not. 20, 180a. NO. 12 7 lRam 9 35am l2 26pm 12 39pm 2 45pm 4. OHpm 4, 49pm 6 33pm tj 35pm i 66pm 7 47 pm 8 37pm 11 20pm ' 1 15am EASTBOUND l.v Knoxville " Morrtstown. ... OR RENT That lari-c anil con veniently arranged house. No 02 Mtrrimiin nvc- uc Hot and cni'i water witbiiatris on two nnn All mi.dcrn imiirovements Location ivntrnl. with lartc well Bhadcil uroumls Splendid residence for Iiiikc family or hoard- ; . 1.. ... II .... At T II A I 1, i upriouu l.v. Faint Kock ' Hot Sprinf0... l.v. AKheville , Kcuiid Knob , " Marion ' Murgantun Hickory ' Newton . Stotcsvillc..... Ar. Salisbury 4 Orcenslioro " Danville Ar. kichmond 7 OOam L.v. Greensboro.. Ar. Durham RalciKb. ' Ooldsboro L.V. llanville. Ar. LynchhuriE Waahinytoq.. .fll 36pm 3 86am fi OOam . 12Q5pm . 1 SOara A OSam . lO Mam BOARDING. TWO younjj men can obtain board with room at very reasonable rates by awply- nS to 237 Haywood street. niByawiw XTll. 20 Flint street Choice rooms with Kood board and home comforts. Con venient to postomce aua sircet car. ivirs. j. A. Lee, niay20tf. T?OARl)INO- At No. M9 T Starncs avenue. Table furnished with best the market h fiords; hot and cold water; furniture new; fine location; on car line; single and double rooms. aprouvi louse pleasantly situated in the noARIUNG 1 best location in city, near street cars; nrKc s-nKlc anfi aouiue rooms; tame very finest. Reference can be Riven. 11 KS. M. Bl.niKKi ivia i i -. McCape House, 21 Grove Street. nprlDdtf rTIHB CHATHAU-Private boardinar house I No. 211 Haywood street. Fine city and mountain views; perfect sanitation; not and cold water: comfortable, airy rooms; well nrovided table: attentive service; rea sonable rates. Two hundied yards from Montford car line. MKS.M. IS. UETW1LBK, oct7dtf Proprietress. "llrALUMHRU A handsomely furnished TV boardiiiK house, No. 211Patton ave nue, with home comforts. A chitrmlDR resi dence in hot weather, being surrounded by ciKhty-thrce pine trees, besides a numher ol ola oaks, neautliui lawn over two utrc, o, ground, excellent table and service. Street cars pass the door. C. FACKI.ER, mayaaimo incpnunc " Baltimore 12 03pm Philadelphia. 2 Opm New York 4 60pm " WESTBOUND NO. IV L.v. New Yorlt 4 30pm 1'hrlaflelphia. 6 66pnr J Baltimore . ft aopnt " Washington 11 OOpm " Lynchburg; 6 OOam Ar. Danville 7 26am Lv. Richmond 12 60am Danville 7 4-5 am Ar. Greensboro 9 20am Lv. Gsldsboro t7 45pm Lv KaleiRli 6 15am Durham 7 16am Ar. Greensboro 9 16am Greensooro... Salisburv 9 30am Salisbury 1 I loam Statcsville 12 3pm Newton 12 48pm Hickory 1 OOpm Morpanto 1 52pm " Marion 2 86pm " Round Knob 3 14pm Ar. Ashevillc 4 25pm Hot Sprinrs, ti 57pm " Paint Rock lQpm Mornstowu. Knox ville... ........ , A. & S.'R MLROAD FOR SALE. A SPLENDID XV st business offer A pood stock of irroceries, fixtures anil nood will for sale. Kent cheap and the store in the best resident part of the city. Posses sion given at once. 62 Charlotte street. may20ootw 8 lOpm ' NO. 14 Lv. Ashevillc 7 OOam ' Hcndersonville H 02am " Flat Rock 12ani " Saluda 8 37am " Tryon 9 OOam Ar. Spartan burn IP 15am ' NO. 13 Lv. Spartanburg 6 60pm " Tryon 7 68pm " Saluda 8 27pm " Flat Rock 8 64pm " Hendera'nvMe 9 05pm Ar. Ashevillc.. lO lOpm MURPViy BRANCH Lv. Ashevillc Ar. Waynes ville.. " Bryaon City . " Andrews " Tomotla " Murphy XjIOR SALI! That valuable eisht X! house, with magnitieeiit lawn INPJ7 t 30m lO OOam 12 39pm 4 OOpm 4 89pm 6 OOpm room front. ,nr,ipr rhi-.tnut ntlll LlDcrtV Streets. Ililth situation, fronting south, fine shade trees. All modern improvements. Call on JULIUS C. MARTIN, 28tucs&satt orGWVN&WEST. NO- 18 Lv. Muriihy Ar. Tomotla Andrews Ar. Bryaon City.. " Waynes ville.., " Ashevillc f 6 OOam 6 20am 6 60am lO loam 12 62pm 2 35-pm A handsomc furnished house of 11 rooms for rent or sale, with or without furni ture. The house is beautuully located; sta ble and larsc lot well tilled with fruit trees, shrubhery and flowers. Fresh cow nnd large pasture for the same If rented the family would be (flad to remain n boarders. Also 9-room hou c. Apply to M. S. II. C HUNT, may 1 IM lm tin Hunt Hill. M ISC ELLA MEW'S. ,OAN On improved real estate. Two ousand dollars. JOHN CHILD. aprliSdtf No 1 Legal Illock. TO Li thn BREWTON & M'CONNELL, Furniture Dealers & Undertakers EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. All culls in this line attended to day or night. Also all kinds ol job work done to order. Uphulsteriiis, carpet laying, pack- ins, scttinK up furniture, relinislmig, etc. 33 NORTH MAIN STREET, Telephone 142 Uimr Containing rubv. eincrplil and sail'. hire set in diamonds. l ive dollars reward for returning to may2Sdlw G .K. OLIVER. T IIST- I. J ! SUPING CAR SERVICE. Nos. 11 and 12 Pullman Sleepers between Hot Spring: and New York, via Ashevillc. Salisbury and Washington: also between Asheville and Cincinnati via Knoxyille and narnman. Trains Nos. 13 and 14 Pullman Sleeper be tween Asheville and Charleston, via Spar tanburg; and Columbia via S. C. R'y. connect- inR at LommDia tor savannah R. R. with Parlor cars. W.A.TURK. S. H. HARDWICK, Gen. Pass. Act. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., Washington, 11 C Atlacta. Oa. W.H. tJREEN, lien. Manager, Washington V. U. McHUB. Gen'l Supt., Columbia, S. C. SOL. HAAS. Traffic Manager. Washington VTOTICI! We plead guilty of having cut I ( prices and sell Omega Hour for f.20 tier barrel, cash, and everything in propor tion, o wnbcv A Sos, No. 7 Montford ave nue, telephone 5. mny25d2t XTOT1CK The annual meeting of the I Jl stockholders of the Asheville Loon, Construction and Improvement Co., will be I held in the office of Cobb c Mci rimon, Mon- I dav. May 2'.)tb, 4- o'clock p. in. for the clec-1 tion of olficcrg and other husiness. may23dlw Olio. S. POW I5LL. President, M. J. HBARDHN, Secretary, SHY! IF YOU SUFFER WITH DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, OR ANY DERANGEMENT OF THE STOMACH, LIVER OR BOWELS, TRY CRAB ORCHARD WATER. T HAS OUHEO THOOSAKIOS. rr WILL BENEFIT YOU IT IS WORTH A THIAU. 80LD BY ALL OaUOGIaTS. Sco that the label has tho " Crab Apple " on CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO., Pamphlet free toy mail. Louisville), K; feblldcod4m MAGNETIC NERVINE. Is told with written guarantee to cure Fits, OIKl- nese,Hcalnehe and Neuralgia sndWnke fulnnss.caused by ex r, rfHSiveuseoiwiiuiu. Tobacco and Aleo n K, ,1 - XI i.T.t.l riAnrns. rErV sion. SoftenlnRnf Advertising Spaces to Let ! The sjiais in tho earn will bo lot from J line 1, next. First come, first Korved! Apply at Car Shed. ASHEVILLE STREET RY. COMPANY. mayL'4dtjunl MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES' "X.TOTIC15 By virtue of the power vested in me bv a deed of trust executed by I L. Sniathcrs and wife, C. L. Smathcrs to the undersigned trustee bearing date the 22nd dav of Mav. lM90.and registered in book 2t at pace 2H3 in the Records of Mortgages nnd lueds of Trust in the office of the Regis ter of llccds for the county of Bunconilie nnd Suite of North Carolina, to which reference is hereby made for further description, to se cure the payment of the note therein de scribed, and default having been made in the payment of said note, and having been re quested by the cestui que trust to sell said land and premises to satisfy said note, I will sell at public auction, at the court house door in the citv of Asheville. at 12 o'clock in. on Tuesday, 23rd day of May, 193, the following described tract of land and all the n nimrt ennnces thereunto lielonuinu . Ad- ioininir the lands of J. L.Carroll, J. H. Wood cock and Henry UrwinK, .itnatcd on south side of Hiiywood street in the city of Ashe ville, more particularly described as follows: UcKinninc on the soutn siuc or riaywooa street 14-1,-i, feet below the intersection ol I'atton avenue and Haywood street; then south 2f" cast 17 poles to a stake; then south 57 west 5 3-11 poles to a stake; then north 39V2 west 13 poles to a stake on south side of Haywood street: then north cast lOVi poles to the bCKinnine. con taining one acre more or less, including the dwelling house now occupied by said frmiath crs. Terms cash. This April 21. 1393. O. A, SHUrOKo, t rustee. piano Tuning BY P. L. COWAN & CO., MAKU A SPECIALTY OP FINE WATCH REPAIRING. Native Stones. Mounting Made to Order. ALL. WORK GUARANTEED ! JSo. 8 Iortli Court Place, ASHEVILLE, N. C. PROFESSIONAL. CARDS. -- r in b wt 'ww m. W9 nr DENTIST, 37 Palton Avenue, Up Stairs, ASHEVILLE, N. C. m3dtf 1 1 .P.rir-nBr- the Brain, causing Misery, Insanity ; and 0ath, iinrrenw, Imiinlrary, Lost Power in either s. "yrSrS"i"riIlg"n?eVv''ri..rtion Ilmlnsnd errors ot Youth. It Rives to Weak Orma. their Natirnl Vigor and doubles th joys of life; eur Luoirrhov ami Fenialn Woskni'iw. A month s trest nient, in plain pnckairo. hy mail, to any sddrsiis, 1 V-r bJx, 6 boxeB s. With evry tft order we give s t.. . . . . n to riirn or refund the money. ""rulars f rwo. Uuaruutea issued only by our ex clusive HKimt. SMITH. Asheville, N. 31 RAYSOR Pattnn Avenue, & VICINITY "VIEWS flRHRVIIJjE. BILTJIIORB THkH AND OIXj COLORS. MALTY. NEVST GOOXJSME IN CRATON AN9 PASTEL . v TOUR ORDERS S0UCITED. RRINGTON, id West CoUcec Streets. K.tlOKi WH V Yoo Sboclo Till Tbi Crrtzsi. 1. It rrlnts the News. a. It Writes Its Own Kditorials. 3. It la the Best Loral Paper Brer I Tinted im W. N. C. 4. It Prists tne Latest Telefrraphic News From All the World. 5. It Believes la Asbcvills Always. To mom IT IS A HBW8PAPBR. Havs too thouoht or it ? Six Dollars Will bet It For a Year, and If Ton Live in Asheville It W III B. Uelivered at Your Dor Bvery Kvcaias. Large Stock and New Designs. LOW P RICKS at -:-W. 0. WOLFE'S-:- Southeast Court Place and Market St., at main entrance to Market. Latest ile sixns furnished on application. ap271m :lTiXTIO!lftTITVTlTI A 'J No longer your fdread upon retirins. (Sleep I will come plcaiantly without opiates SIMPLY TAKB One tcaspoonful "nilADYCROTINE The Southern Woman'. Headache Remedy. No unpleasant remit in the moraine. Should your tooth trouble you One teaspoonful BRADYCROTINE COSTING FIVB CBNTS, WILL STOP IT FOR SALE AT Pelham'8 Pharmacy. Your broken waiout and vcbiclcs of all kinds to B. Burnctte's shop on College street, where they vrill be repaired promptly and in 6rst-class style. Hay- THE MAITLAND SGHOOL, ins Kcured a fir,Wa8S honhoer 1 make all kinds of fine shoeing a specialty. 13. BURNETTE. C. E. M'GEE, FROM BOSTON All Work Guaranteed by Him and 3- NO. 35 NORTH MAIN STREET. ASHEVILLE. Scientifio American Ml) 3. VE TRADE MARKS, DMION PATENTS, COPVStlOHTS. etc THE- I WEEKLY CIXIZEN AND THE LOUISVILLE HOME AND FAhM, For Infotrnatlon mnd free Handrook write to MUNN A CO atil BltOAUWAT. NKW YOKfC. Oltlent bareiia for teeming patent in America. Kvery pavtont taken out by us Is brouirht before tbe public by notice given free of charge l'i the elrcnl.tlon of any KHnntine paper In ths BineuainiT inusirm&ea. 10 iniuiKu man should be without It. Weekly. S3.UI1 s F;ar: Hl.fiOnli montnu. Auaresa jujk.i a tAl UBU8UUU, 3fil Bnwdwaj. Mew York City. Addreia MtVlN COi I esUiUllsbed X865 VALENTINE & GARLAND, CIVII liNGlNEEKS ANU SURVBYOKS. No. 13 Hendry Block Koom No . P. O. Box 512, Ashevillc, N. C. mayl 7rllm K. B. BRITT, ' CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE. GradlQK of all kinds done. All sizes of crushed stone furnished. Send all orders to postofRce Box 148, Asheville, N. C. aotiedtl 34-"V;r8' Hxpcrictice-34 CONTRACTOR AND BCILPBR. Office and shop, Wolfe BnlldinR. CORNER COURT PLACB AND 11ABKBT 8TREBT. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General 1 Insurance 1 A.8Tcnt. Rear Mo. 30 Sontb Main .treet. Asheville. N. C. auS dlv CAKKOT CAfSB STKintmK. - - . PhllFKCTLT PAIM.KMS T lH "V. Brown & Son. mtEil Jteg7 P8R. VEAR - - NO. 40 FRENCH BROAD AVENUE. ENGLISH AND FRENCH HOME AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. MRS. BVKGWYN MAITLAND, Principal. Assisted bv Miss Wallace of Vassar College, and Mile. Bothe of Paris. Urvi.i ..iw.nt. tor tne sraav or voeai and inttramen tal snnsic AfUroooi French ilssm fos- Iswlles. Pine Clothing Cheap. It win oav von to see a m riles and price. Of WANAMAKBR k BKUWN. lnnZOillT styles). Bsvisf ot tUi hssdtcd SSto M per cent. SPORTING GOODS BASEBALLS AND BATS. Ipl'i UM; Mk Urn 14 RATS CIOAR STORE AND TICKET OFFICE 08 Soatli Mala street. INJECTION.1 TKICK LOI. SOLO B ALL UmiOOIKTH." EST IN PLAIN, BKALKII PACKAGE. UPON RECEIPT .or PK1CE, 11 Asheville Attests. Ravsor Ac Smith, pre seription druggists, 81 Pattonavcoiie. feblOdly' TO LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN FOR 151 5! I J V v M-mm. aja susv JUU. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. (SUCCESSORS TO BLAIR & M DOWULL) 4X Pattun Ayennc. Telephone, Store 76, Reaideac OS. I may Id Im J. JA. TENNENT, ARCHITECT : AND : CONTRACTOR Plsuas. soeelfleations and estimates fur- Inished. All work In my line con tr acted for. and no cha-rarea for drawing on contracts awarded me. References when desired. Office. Sontneast Conrx Sanare. Asheville. In. c. . MiMi, and Opium Habits cured at home with out pat n. Book of par tleulaniBcnt FRlEi 1RM WOllU.EV.M H. AUanta. Us. Offlos W WbitebaU b. lilfHSKEY 11 II JV. Rankin. Acts. SS Boats slain 'Street, a doors below city ticket office. SPECIAL ACCIDENT 1NSCRANCB For World's Vmlr Trip. 3,000 for Sl.OO per week. Agcat, U9 m. aaaia sc. At.