U'JtlE ASHBVXX,LE3 DAILY CITIZEN. Knilov Rvnninn AT,. OC -1 Olll Wow H&tt u More perm Look. water supply was runuirK ibis morning and contincd so until .oout noon, This is the first time iu many duvs thnt thirst; Ashcville Las had so prolonged an opportunity of wet ting its whistle. Mayor Patton iu a talk with Tut: Cit izen this morning was hopeful of a very decided improvement in water matters within the next two or three days. The new water pump is at work and doing very good service, although it tauuot Le run at its guaranteed speed because of its being connected with the IU inch main. The pump's regular speed when connected with the new 10-inch main will be 1HJ revolutions a minute as against 1 1 at present, and, when runuiug up to its capacity, is guaranteed to force into the city 750.01)0 gallons of water every 2 t hours. The new 16-inch main is now being connected, by consent ol Contractor Kelly, with the old lo-imti main near Kcaumont gap. This work will perhaps be completed by niton tomorrow, when the new pump will be connected with the larger main, and c.-in then be run up to its guaranteed speed. Alter the con nection is made it will require several hours for the pump to fill the pipe, and ttiTi several hours must be allowed fur the pumping of a "head" into the reservoir. In Mayor 1'atton's opinion the situation will be greatly improved bv Sutulav morning. It must not be tlioiicht. how ever, that there will surely be an abun dant quantity of water bv Sunday, al- inuuu n is expected mar. oy tlic projer care against any unnecessary waste the city will have a reasonably lwuid m.iK- The new steam pump will be ready lor worK early next week and Mavor I 'at ion nas ordered a car load of coal with winch to run this pump. It has a pump ing capacity of l.UoO.OOO gallons every - nours, ami, it no accident happens ;sneville will soon have a sufficiency ol water. t .1 .. . u iiieniciiuutnc. However, sec that von allow no waste. Washington, Afav -.'(. I 'or ecus t till S . m. Sntiitdfiy: Fair; south wimlc. l-'OK Till; THIttTICTH. T lie . linn A. . ExIcndM TUmikM (.'or ContrlbutlouH. I'OK Im-J ClTl:IiN: Marion Kobe-i ts Post O. A.K. tenders their sincere thanks to the following gentlemen for their con tributions tor Decoration day, which is all we have received for 1 hat day : O. YV rack, $10; Mr. Sampson, !?5; Mr Iloughteling. .$."1; Col. C. W. Woolsev $2.50; Mr. Shook, $1; Mi. McCall, $1 We will have to call upon the ladies ot Asheville to furnish all the flowers they can, tree, and those who cannot do this we will pay. We ill have four laborers at Newton academy cemetery Monday nioi mug to roouiiii up tne lour l uion soldiers graves there, ami the 37 Con- It-derate graves also, and if the Confedcr ates desire to assist in dressing them ui we will be very glad otherwise we will have to put more- laborers on. We would be glad it all the school children and Indies would turn out and spread the flowers. The Moth is national holiday and we think all the Iiiisiness houses should close from 10 a. m. to 4- p. m. There is no reason why all the Sunday schools should not be with us. We will lurnih Hags for every child that goes. We will also have some-good addresses. What does I in; Citizk.n think about it ? H . Dearer. Post Commander I? THK REAI.TV WOK I.I. lied i oil Wliut Im -I'raiiMfilrluu Iu The Wnv of Dl'l TruiiHaclloiiH. The following deeds have been I Kegister Mackev'a otVice: J. M. Campbell and wile to Britt S: Orr, lot on Silver street, l-."x 7o feet $ Geo. W. X'hcK and Frances Pack to l-'rie Kindergarten associa tion, building and lot on ICast street Kosanna I". Chapman to W. H. Treworgy, "Kerslirook proper ty" on Keeins creek Asheville Loan, C. & I. Co. to li. Haird, Montford avenuccar line and ear house and lot on Cum berland avenue 1 I.. P. McLoud, trustee, to West ern Carolina bank, tt on Hill street K. V. Pickens and wife to W. M. I.yilu, 4 acres near Weavcrvillc Nelson bailey and wife to A. G. Kesler, lot on Mountain street, 11'xllG feet 1 .OHO : V.tiilO fr.o 1 on :i: ART 1- XIII HI T. Work ol (lie I'emale crolleitc Hiu cleuit Judueil Todaj-. The annual exhibit of art in oil and crayon work by pupils of the Asheville I'emale college was judged by the art committee at the college today. The display contains fourteen groups with eightv-eight subjects. The judges were P. A. Hull, J. P. Sawyer and V. F. Ran dolph, and their award will be made public at the graduating ' exercises on next Tuesday. The entertainment by the elocution and music classes of the college will take place this evening in the college chapel A select program has been chosen and the public is invited to beprtstnt with out charge. AnoltaerSlore Hullcliuie Capt. M. J. Fagg is to build a brick store house on his property at the intersection of North Main street and Merrimon avenue. The building will be 27x60 feet, with two stories and base ment. The basement walls will be ol stone and the remainder of brick. Work on the foundation has already liegun and the store will soon be built. Capt J. A. Wagner will superintend the con struction ol the building. There is nothing quite so sure of re sults as a W'antlet placed in Tiik CiTl ZliN. One disorderly maele tip Kccorelcr Mil ler s docket this morning and the fine was $3. ti. W. Ptiglcr is the latest candidate for the position ef sanitary inspector ol Asheville. Internal revenue collections for the Filth North Carolina district yesterday amounted to $5,54-7.1)3. Bingham school lias c!oscd for t lie term, and the greater portion ol" the students lelt for their homes today. The members of the Asheville Baseball club are requested to meet this evening at N o'clock at 43 West College street. Bill Nye and A. 1 Burbank during last season had 1 50 engagements aud tilled every one without missing a night. A game of ball for team practice will be held tomorrow afternoon between Asheville and Hominy ut Carrier's track. Senator '.. U. Vance, who is at Gom broon for the summer, is in good health a ml enjoying his vacation away from the national capital. IC. P. Gilkey, who has held a position in Woodcock's West Ktid drug store, lias accepted a position with llciiiitsb v: Kea gan, the Patton avenue druggists. Those Ashcvillians who attended the churches on Church street Stuielav will walk over a paved street, if the weather eloes not intcrtferc with the paving work. President W. B. Gwyii of the Sunset Mountain Land company, told Tin-: Cit izen today that the tlumriiv line would start its sur-mer schedule in about two weeks. A piopei t v owner asked Tin; CirubN tod ay why it was that be was lorbidden to sprinkle his lawn while a merchant is permitted to sprinkle the sidewalk in front of his store. Two wagon loads ol Spitsbergen ap ples were brought iu from Yancey county yesterday. The apples sold lor Spii.oO a bushel, a pi ice very encouraging to apple growers. Mrs Holland and Mrs. Couiicry were thrown from a buggy on College" street today aud Mrs. Holland was severe! v injured. Both ladies are stopping at I lay wood street. Or. T. C. Smith of this citv while iu Charlotte a tew flays agt told the News mat t-liarlotteis the best place I know oi. suck to it. IMd not the- Doctor lorget to make an exception ? 1 he second game between the Ashe ville aud Weaverville baseball teams will be plaved at the latter town Mem- day. A number of Asheville's baseball enthusiasts will attend the game. It is well worth the while of nn yo tie to hear the singing of the "Battery Park Trio" on the phonograph. The announcements are made by 11. A. Lind-se-y and are accurately reproduced. A few days ago a Mr. Singleton, cm ployed at the Asheville cotton mills, bael one of his lingers so badly mangled bv some of the mill machinery that ampu tation was necessary. The operation was performed by Or.'ii. C. Starnes. The Shelby Aurora, siie.-ikinir of the death Mrs. Smith of Mt. Ilollv. mother ot lr. T. C. Smith of Ashcviile, says: "There never lived in Burke or Gaston counties a brighter and nobler Christian. 1- if teen years ago we heard Kev. Or. II. T. Hudson extol her virtues; her devout piety made then a deep impression upon him and he lamented that there were not more like her." The Brevard Hustler says: "Mr. Geo. W. Tilson of Asheville is still a promi nent candidate for chief clerk in the Collector's office for this district, and it strong endorsements have much to do with it, his appointniciit is a foreirone conclusion. Gt-orire has L'reat business talent and there is not a more deserving man in the district than he. In our honest opinion no better or a more sat isfactory selection could be made." PiatSONAl. lll'OGIiT. V. SI. C A. Motes. The juniors of the Y. M.C. A. will hold their regular meeting this evening at the rooms of the association. The bathers at the Y. M. C. A. have heed very much interfered with bv sear- city of water recently but water is prom ised lor tomorrow, wnen it no peel that men may wash and be clean. An Opportunity Wbllc Xt abstain. After Jnlyl, 1893, the original 10 cent iare between the depot and Sulphur Spring will be resumed. Until that date the round trip from postoffice 25 cents. Open car until 6:30 p. m See schedule. J. L). Carrier, May 26,1893, Secretary. To AdTeniacra. T Insure change of advertisements running on regular contract, copy most be handed in br 10 o'clock u m. Cream and alpaca coats and -Tests cost, at J. D. Brevard's. - at NottN Alioul Ieople H Tlicv Trmel Around. John J. Porscv is here from Kiebmoiiel. Ya. V. T. Shaw ot Wehlon is iu Asncville today. V. L. Karnsc v. of "Antrusta. G.i. is in the city. K L. Rush aud wile of C ine inn.i l i a re .-it the Swannanoa. W. II. Heaver returned bom Soul I. Carolina last night. T I- .11' . - r.. . i.. eiuuiciicranu wneoi ijiecnsl oi o are at the Grand Central. Ux-Alderman Waddell returned bom Greensboro yesterday afternoon. 1 raveling Passenger Agent 1 1 oi i ue k. tv is at the Battery Park. Col. A. T. Dr.vidson has returned from a two or three davs' stav at L'nmicr's. Nat. S. Rogers returned toduy from a ousincss trip through Bnneotnlc and Yancey counties. Roanoke Va.. Times : Prof. I. Ik K.- gleston of Ashcville is visiting J. P. IIol- nuay ui this city. Mrs. I. L. Hardee and M IKS 1 1 :i f-do- rf Savannah. Ga., are at the Battery Park on a pleasure trip. C. A. Milliken of Grccncville. Term.. i visiting his sister. Mrs. Hr. R.-htkm-t Cumberland ayenue. Alderman T. C. Starnes and fnmilc aud Miss Eula Campbell returned this afternoon from T-usculum, Tenn. Col. V. S. Lusk returned h!a 1 ft - "O"" from, where be took part in the sport of the Knoxville Gun Club. ,..Kcy-.Dr- J- A- Sieight U-lt today lor v lrginia Beach, where be will siiend a couple of weeks for the benefit of bis health. Miss Helen O. Trenholm. who has been visiting her relatives in Charleston. S. C, for the past two months, has returned to Asheville. Maj. S. B. Krwin has returned from Morganton, where he went to attend the funeral of his sister. Mrs. Jas. W. Wilson, who died Saturday uigbt. Says the Morganton Herald: Miss Maggie McDowell returned from Ashe ville a lew dnys ago. Miss C. M. Erwin returned from Asheville last week. Shelby Aurora: Mr. William Muller of Asheville is here this week. Mr. Alphonso Borders, after evern! months sojourn here with bis parents, bas re turned to Asheville. Miss Lizzie Bernard bas returned from Gieensboro, where be bas been attend ing the Normal and Industrial school. Miss Bernard was one of the marshals during the commencement exercises of this school. Tills KXo Weather. Pure air. health, wild itniwtvrrM I aad an open car on Sulphur Springs line. Cream snd striped flannel sntta at r- at J. D. Brevard's. 74c Summer Goods. I A Trw v ut -v . , m . I I " - mm mama mm nnwinu 1 OVYIH. AH Li MARKETS. w York Market. New Vokk, May Cotton fututes, opened steady. May. T.iT2: June. 7 :I3; Jul v. 7.33: AliKust. T.-; Stptfrnlitr. 7 1'J; Oeto tier, 7.0. t4tei UiiuiallaiiH. Nkw Vokk. M.-iy !.; liric 177": l.nke Shore 11Ki;;: e'hii-aKu ami N'orl n we-ntera l'JISKj; N'orlollt n.nd Wnilrrn, -',s: Kii-htuonil and Wfl I'omt Tcriniiial a; Wittcrn Union H5 i.M Kaltlmure Mutkvl IUi.ii.viiikk, May 'H I'lour. dull HHd ensx ; sjiut Nlfiv 7 1: bv Haniple-. 7;w;7n; eoii, c-aji '-'; white corn ty ts.-ert- 1-, diTI; whi-ltt, uiiilin w heat y: tiuit Mv ; vt-llow, "ii)'. AHUevllle NarkriH. Corrcited daily hv I'OU KI.L, Aic SNIDliK wholesale nnd retail Kronn. These prices are DCinx fvieiu ty the mere-hunts to-dav. liuttcr 20IAplc 75t(T.l iiS '-t" i i itppit-ii. nnt-d . torn e nie-Ke-na i i-i,:.wi;iil I'umpkins, eut-h.Ri. i nrKjs oft, l DO Sorpim 30 i'mckh .'lMi'5Hswai, pe-r Tt IS roxmofs, v-r. looiiioner PoUton, Irisb.;oru7ri : Wheat Turnii 3ilwiiiCcirn Onions 12." Meal Cabbngc, k.t ltt.. Htats HcienB, pr Iiu.10(i'I150!Kvc rtas tii(:7fi I lav. ton... Chestnut USOICelrrv, doi .1 r, -, .L'0()(l uru.4.o HCIIFlll'l.l;, ve!l AHlievllltr jiml Hiilr:i- NprluiCN Knllwav. 1.1-f li P. O. 1-HR Sfl.- I.HAVI-: Sill-Ill K- l-tll-K SPICINt.S. sriilNGS. 7.o a N.4-.-, a t 15 a It) lo .1 m 111 111 in 11. r, ia. -i-r. 1 . f5 a.5 :i.5 1-.45 5.45 r.-tr. a in p tn p in p in p 111 p m p ut P ui v. a in !..'H a m H ..'() a til 1 1 ..HI a in 1 '. p 111 I ;? o 111 a : p m p m i :i p in .".:) p m r. :;i p m I--xe-t-pt SiiikI;is ben ear will leave Sulphur Sprinus at liam resuming the regular se-herlulc again by leaving depot fit 11 a. in. Cars between pttofliee and depot every 15 minutes. !Niit li-nm liiiMiiieHH Colleue- Keu ular unci (ipt'clal Cnu'eN, I nis school will liave no vtiention. lesides the regular se-holarsliip course worth IfuO, there is a speeial suinmer course in l'eek-kfi-pnig and short hand lor teachers, studciils nnd others. Ten weeks lor .5i. M. l.KMMUMI, l'ics. lucle-x to New Advt-rl!Nenu-ilN. Found This tltliee'. liotiNton Narcotic Cure Hicye-lcs I'e-imiiu;iii .S: Co. maj2U 1 1 pair of opera glasses, at found WORLD'S FAIR. If you arc itoinn to the World- I'air write the linily Citizen. Ashcville. .V. C. ttr illustrated printed r.intter dcseribinK the Hnir. and time-talilrn nd pamphlets issued ly the steamer lines or railroads vow would use from your home to ChicnRo. "No charifc is tr.aile. This otter is male see-ial ar rancemcnt with the Kce-reation Iiepartraint the Christian L'nioa. ""tlTICIJ Nmth Carolina. Huue-oiuhc -A-l county. Superior court, lK-IV.re the Clerk. A. It. Ilawkma. administrator ol" ncninmin rlawkins. dt-e-enscd. and A. B. Hawkins, vs. Margaret Candler nnd others Xoticc of Hale of laiul . Itv virtueofnn or. "er ol the fcuperior court of the eountv of noncomue urantcil on tlie- 17th day i f April, 1M3, in the special prom-ilin;. A. H. Haw kins, Rdmr.. and A. It. Hawkins vs. Mar garet Cnndle-r and others. I will sell on the premises all of the Innd liclonirinj; to the late Heniainin Haw-kins, one third of the pur chase money to te paid in cash and the lal ancc in two eiUal installments, to be secured oy trie note of the pure-h ascr. with KOod se curity. Iicaiinc interest from date. Said sale will tie made at public auction at th lormcr residence if said llini.iinio Haw kins, deceased, commencing t 1 o clock m on the ;llst ilay f Mav. A I . 1S;H. This Until day of April, A. I. lVi'.:t. A. II. IIAWKIMS, Admr id Ilenj.-imin Hawkins, dcc'il. tprl'sd 1 1 w .'ft THE ESMERALDA INN. HICKORY NUT GAP, IN THE CENTRE OF THE NV i iPEX I-l K THERMAL i ; i 'si n tfss : BELT ! Attractions Chimncv R..ck. til 1 H.ild Mountain. Silver I'alls, Cascades of Proud Kiver. The T'iols, Cathedral Cavern. Hickory Nut falls. l.n.-,o ft. hijih, l-"ishi'nK and ItnthinK. Stae will lie sen I on rupjc-st anil enn ac comrnoilatc rive p-.-rsons. Adtlress MRS. IV. Mill (;i'80N, maj-L-l-dlf Hat Cave, N.C. TO VISITORS! II-' Voir WISH TO t'.U'A'l' 1 l V A. t.A&TlXt .SI C.1 K AA'r; SfJUWMl K a sh 1: -ii.i.i;. znr:i'nsi r SO t i.VTN WITH " TU IC t'H n n,l It A V'i RBTURXIilt flfl.1. VA L. 17 15 .V A I'tSli i-:swtR.wnD vn-:w of ASH EVI LLE REFRIGERATORS AN X3 ICE : CHESTS ! WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS. La.wn and Piazza Goods. MATTINGS, HAMMOCKS, &C. W. B. WILLIAMSON k CO., FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC., ETC., o ration Avenue, Ashcville, N. C, KEEP THE FLIES AWAY! BY USING Tangle Foot Sticky Fly Paper. One double sheet will catch a quart of flies. No dropping over -the bouse. HOUBLB SHEET, S CENTS, B FOR 3S CBKTS. The wholesale trade supplied bjr the b. Pure DalmatioB Insect Powder, in 3 ounce cans and bulk. Chloride Lime, Crude Car bolic Acid, Anti-Mot h Paper, Coal Ta 'Camphor and Moth Balta. RAYS OR 6c SMITH, 31 PATTON AVENUE. WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE Corner Store, Eagle Bl'k. ."MiiiniMT cIiMiiii- for niiinkiinl in stylish tut, sub sl.intial coloi s, ami v m nl in.i tiwuils. IWm k a nI fancy cheviot iind Kcrjjo suits for chiy wonr. Imported fast hliicU clay luiiijil tsuits For I'vciii- wear. Princo Al hort.s si lull irtss Hints For full ilrosn wear, in utikIch far alu'jul ofaiiy in this State. Full dress and npglio shirts. underwear, ncckvvoar, hosiery, gloves, extra vests, whitt r . .... - aim laiiiy, cxtni pants, all sizes, equal to best custom matte. Iral lo oto, serre and alpaca coats for hot weather, lints in style and quantity not eeon elsewhere Straw hats For nioii. boys aiHliliildren.soecialtlciiaitnicnt, 7 - 1 " " " WE IIVVfiTJE YOU TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK, FURNITURE ! : FURNITURE ! blair St Mcdowell, - 45 rattoxi Avciiuc. CALL - AND - EXAMINE - OUR - STOCK. lied Uooiii Suites, Tai lor Suites, Dining J!oom Sets. Alattrosst'S, Chairs, Window .Shades, &c. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. COAL AImD WOOD YARD, IMo. 20 North Court Square, ( FORMERLY CAKRINGTON'S.) tUL, UJlvIJ, I'LASTEH l'ARIS, FIKEWUOD, KINDLLNtiS, LAND PLASTEU, CI I A UCOAI, L1M 10, SEWEIl PIPE, UI5MKNT. HAY AND FEED. MOODY, DEPOT YARD AND WAREHOUSE, TELEPHONE NO. 73 TELEPHONE NO. 121. IS THK (HIEATEST T.UXUUY OF LIFE. TO MAKE IT YOU MUST HAVE GOOD FLOUR. "OIVIEGA" PATENT Ijs tlx FinestWinterWheat -JET LOU R On tho murkot. Ask your grocer for it. It is not cheap, but quality justifies price. We Sell Only to merchant . IVLUSTIN, FAKES 6c COMPANY. DEATH lurk 10 Uc 1,11 from ft thy ponds, TrcriinK impure water doc not purify it. Do not lie deceived by mis leading articles. TI1ERB IS NO NATURAL ICE OI'FBRBD FOR SALB IN ASH B VILI.B KXCEPT THAT CUT FROM A NRARLV STAGNANT POND, fed by a small stream carrying the filth from a large settlement. Vou would not driuk the water. You should nut use the ice. I'istillcU water ke is clear" and ti an. parent. The citizens of Asheville drink the water of the Swannanoa river. If that water is impure, it must be conceded that the ice taken from its surface is likewise impure. BUT if there is dan ger in tho ice, it is a patent fact that there is awful dan ger in the limpid, sparkling water itself, and tho incoming administration should hasten to provide a new untainted supply from an undefiled source. Meanwhile the anxious and perspiring citizoins can ob tain pure, wholesome ice, BOTH NATURAL AND MANU FACTURED, at reasonable and seasonable rates from only THE CAROLINA ICE AND COAL COMPANY, NO. 39 Pattoil AYeilUC. Trlenhn.., . , HEADQUARTERS : FOR : FEED ! 67 ISTortli Main St. TELEPHONE NO. 67. -A- Soloot cmca. Frosti Stools. OF" FEED OlM HAND AT PRICES THAT WILL SAVE YOU SOME MONEY. Corn sacked and on the cob. White flats, Mixed OatH. Fancy White Middlings. Khoits, Biau Feed Meal, Corn Chops, Cow I ced, Cotton Seeds, several grades of Uy. etc.. etc. Kespeelfully, C. . COOPER. in it y 1 l:t in THE EMPORIUM s crowded day and night-every department rushing, rom West College street to Patton avenue, from base ment to third floor; a perfect jam; business 50 per cent in advance of any season we ever had in Ashcville. The rmb- ic has discovered the superlative quality of our goods, our improved methods of business, our every effort to ilease, our talented assistants, our immense stock and our low prices; they have discovered also that anything comes from Mimnauglf s has the stamp of style about it. Off styles are as much avoided as bad debts in this estab- ishment. Our Dressmaking Department is already a success. Worth, the renowned dressmaker of today, would be jealous were ho to see some of the lovely gowns turned out by our modiste, Miss Uaupt. Our Millinery are styles exclusively our own. We have shapes and colorings, you cannot find anywhere South. No more complete department to be found anywhere. Miss Driver is not only a trimmer of talent but a designer. Nearly everybody prefers her hats to the French patterns. Our prices range for nice goods from f 5 to f 40. . Our Dry Goods and Notions are the largest and finest collection in North Carolina. No bombast; we can prove every word of it. 'Tis known in business circles in New York wo buy the finest goods South except Atlanta and New Orleans. More-fine stuff here than this town can show collectively. Our Kid Gloves, new Parasols and Sunshades, new Dress Goods and Trimmings, Silk and Laundered Shirt Waists and new Eaton Suits will command a great deal of attraction this week. Our Special Sale of Silks will surprise everybody Mon day; 33 inches wide, beautiful designs; our price will be 80 cents as long as they last. Respectfully, F. P. MIMNAUO Our Ladies' Hair Dressing parlor is business, Miss Smith is quite an art-

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