Fri.laj Evening, June 9, 1893. THE AlSHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. DO YOU EXPECT TO BECOME A MOTHER? " Mothers Friend" wakes child birth easy. Assists K.tturt. Lrijcns llantfur. ftntl Shortens Llu. ' My wlfo cairnred moro in ten minutes a-ith her other children, thaxx Bho did all toROthor with her last, alter havisK used Tour bottles of MOTHER'S FBISHD," .370 a customer. UtNDHnsoN Dale, Druggist, C;inni, III. .Sent hy cxnrcs-i on rocoipt of rrlro, $'.JO per bot tie. liuok " l'o Mothers " liiail.u free BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., OR 6ALE BY ALL DnuOGISTe. JkTLANTA. OA WANT COLUMN. WANTED. lirANTHP A few select bo.rdcrn wanted TV at the Villn. half block from pestoflice. corner ii.ivwooti nml college streets. jun3llw UrANTBD- TV bunlnfM in every city -K Hvc tfi nn to reprfsmt our ind town in this State. A Kood opcnlDH for the right irtv Aridrc'S Plymouth Roek l'antn cornimn; 8.14. Boat Main street, Richmond Va. junCdSt ri WANT AT O'iCG RKUAI11.H MKN rvcr?whrrc (local or traveling) to nn vcrtise und Ktilvl' our SHOW CARDS tacked up in towns, on trees and fences along public roads. Steady work in your own count v. S7IIA MUNTH K A I . A K V am S3 A DAY EXPBNSKS. DHPOSITBD IN YOI1R HANK. W II N STAHTKD. FRANCO GltKMAN liLRCTKUCU , Box HOI. Cincin nntl, O. jonKcodllt TOR RltNT OR SALli A nine-room house Ij unfurnished; modern improvements. 104. U.iilcv street. Inotiire liy letter MISS S. M. BOSSBI.L, moyOdtf I. O. Box OS rnoRKIiNT The Kurotic n hotel. 2S X! South Main street. Ashcville. N. C. Pirst clnas stand for rrstauran t. Terms reasona ble. Apply to T. I. Johnston or F. W Thomas, Johnston buildioif. jun3dtf TJIOR RltNT The brick building on the A' corner of Church street and I'attou nvenne. Oood Rardcn; cood house for hoarding; house, xnply to T. I. Johnston or I, v. t nomas, jonnston outiatiig. Asnevii'c M. mnviitl SOMETHING OF INTEREST. RICHMOND & DANYILLE R. R. CO. I P. W. Huidbkoper and Rbcbem Fobteh, Receivers WE3TERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule in effect June , 1803 EASTBOUNP" NO. 12 Lv Knoxville 7 16am MorriHtown BRIGHT AND INSTRUCTIVE MISCELLANY FOR ALL CLASSES OF READERS. ANTICIPATION. One) time wo stood upon tlio water's cdm That flowed fur out into its piircnt sea. And thoro while bummer blushed on field and hcilKO Wo vowed to love throughout eternity. And thou, fond heart, hast kept that vow full well Throucli every chu.ii go that protean fortune brounht, lint 1 am sunken In tlio waves swell O'er Scylla'a hidden rocka and am forgot. What stern miacliniico hath snapped the Koldcii tliroivl That bound thy heart-In unison with mine? Unless lior soul bo i iobo'ti iiiutcmil. Whose tears may flow us feelinuly as thine? From whom may pardon como If not from thee? And yet I dare not ask so crcat a boon. Whoso life is wrecked liko thine? And who is Bho Until warranty to sins so Bad a, tunc? Vet cease those mournful sighs, as deep por- clwinco As ever Dido for .Uncas heaved; The futuro lies beyond; tlio recoinpenso Of timo is most tor her who most hath grloveil. Ono hope I have that absence cannot take. One lotiKiiiS Unit the world ran never steal; When lifo is done, in other spheres to wake. And at thy feet a worshiper to kneel. St. Georco JJcst in Uood Housukccpius. My, Sweet May In tho necntod soft May bivejius Forests dim their kirtles Kri-enj All Iftini'ltinit, nothinu freezes, flushes with auroral shceu; V"kiiiir, llrwukiiiir. Hearts l.mclv out, with love aglow, Mny, sweet May, will have it so. Wintry Iiohoiiih, ne'er f o tlrenry ItuVtlio suiishiiio thrills them through; Heavy ppirits, neor t-tj weary But are twinkling in their duw; Lnutrliintr, QuafllnSj Lifo In measure full, I trow. May, sweet May. will have it so. No innro wax and wane and dinnying Ix-t thrro Iks in love that's true; eVasonless nnd never ranginrt, fetich, dear love, my lovo for you, Yenrnlntf, Iturtilnfr, Or, as brook in even flow. May, sweet May, will havo It so. Ulrlch V. I.icUtenbteln. THE FIRST BUTTERFLY. "I7TOR HUNT-' JD Haywood TTOR RENT Three houses. 6 and S rooms Xj near freight denot: beautiful srrove and plenty water. Two houses on Davidson street, one 1 2 rooms, one H. nnd 4 rooms in another house. Apply to lr. I. Lovt. US Davidson street, or postofbec box 3tR. Astac ville. N. J. junldlm f TheJ. L. Smothers place on laywood street; nousc contains xu rooms, with good barns; has nM modern im provements; one of the best sites in town for a boardiaK house; fine views and ou car line. Apply to nplldtr NATT ATKINSON & SONS. FOR RUNT That larse and conveniently arranged house. No l2 Mcrrimun ave nue Hot and cold water with baths on two floors All modern improvements Location central, with larec well shaded grounds Splendid residence for large family or board ing house Apply to II C or M J PAGO. aprlSdtf BOARDING. "VTO. HO Flint street Choice rooms with -131 good board 'and home comforts. Con venient to postothce aud street car. Mrs. J. A. Lee. mayZOtf. BOARDING At No. 8 Staines avenue. Tabic frnihcd with best the market affords; hot and cold water; furniture new; line location; on car line; single and douMc rooms. apr2tidtf BOARDING House pleasantly situated in best location in citvc near street cars: large s'ngle and double rooms; table the very finest. Reference can he given. MRS M. SCH IRRMBlSTliR, McCanc House. 2 l Orovc Street. aprlPdtf mHB CHATEAU Private boardinghouse 1 No. 211 Haywood street. Fine city and mountain views; perfect sanitation; hot and cold water; comfortable, airy rooms; well orovlded table: attentive service: rea sonable rates. Two bundled yards from Montford car line. MR3.M. IS. DETW1LHR, oct7dtf Proprietress UTA LD MKR B A W to larding house. No. handsomely furnished 21 1 patton ave nae. with home comforts. A charming rcst- rlrnce in hot weather, being surround" d by :i pine trees, besiacs a numocr ot old onss hraatifut la wn ovc r two ticres of gronnd rxerllcnt table fnd service. Street ears pass the door. C . l'actler, l cl itiorc mu. tnncAdl m FOR SALE. "ClOR SALE Oai stove with complete ' kitcnen outfit, must lie soiu today Wanted to buy three railroad tickets to Chicago. 63 COLLEGI! STREBT JuOd3t ITli R SAI.H That valuable eight room 1 ' house, with mncniaccnt lawn in front comer of Chestnut and Liberty streets High situation, fronting south, fine shade trees. All modern improvements. Cnll on JULIUS C. MARTIN UHtucs&satt or OW YN 8c. WKST. London's Tlieatcr Curtains. Ono of tho fineat curtains in this coun try is at the Lyceum theater. On it all that art can do has been luvish&l. Muxlo Of a rich, beautiful plusli of dragon's blood hue, it hangs from the proscenium arch in artistic folds. Tho curtain was presented to Mr. Irving by tho Baroness Burdett Coutts, its cost beiiif? 1,000 guineas. Ono thousand yards of plush wcro used in its manufacture, and it achieved the fame of once being parodied in a CJaiety burlesque. Mr. rndhaiu'a curtain at tho Crite rion is a creation or JVlaple tss tjo. ana cost about 120. At tho Oaiety the pres ent act drop is tho work of Mr. George Banks. The artist s conception takes tho form of a great wliito satin cloth, with a solitary figure opening two cur tains. The Savoy curtain is noted both for its beauty and tho artistio manner in which it rises and reveals the stage. The act drop at the Adelphi, tho homo of creepy" melodrama, is curtain which has marked the resting places of count less pieces of tho transpontine type. Xt represents a scene in Sherwood forest in the days of Robin Hood and his mer ry, merry men. London Million. Literary Men'. Papers. He is a wise man who leaves behind him no letters or personal papers of any sort that mean much in' tho private his tory of his lifo, particularly if he is a literary man, for, more than all other hearts, the daws like to peck at those of men who aro favored of fame. Tho most elusive flavor of the most retiring souls is irresistibly tempting- to their taste when the famous man Is dead and gone where he can no longer say that this let ter or that, this poem or the other, meant only a mood, not an abiding part of his lifo. Boston Trangitapt. In a Hospital. Doctor (to patient) i aung man, you do not seem to pick up as fast as I ex- pscted you would. Patient That's so, doctor. 1 don't feel as if I would be aide to leavo the hospital for some tinio yet. I bolievo that tho nurso is to blauio for it "Why, how is that if" "Well, sho is only IS years old and very good looking." "1 think I'll havo to prescribe another nurso." Texas Siftmgs. TV1RSIL1! Small cottage in mountains j of Western North Corolioa, furnished if desired, two miles from town of Murphy nnd rallwav, wltn zaacrcioriana. licaimy, bracing air, commanding magnificent seen cry and overlooking rivir. Fall particulars ef Olio. W. OR.VI!S, niX 11, junv6'Jtsw2 weeks Murphy, N. C MISCELLANEOUS. INSTRUCTION in drawing and painting, including China painting. Miss I.. Ilnu naun, drove street. jun-'dlw XTOTICH- JLX Modiste. -Mrs. CM. Tate. Fnstiionnb'c , has returned to AsheviMc and run lie found at her residence. No fin '.'cntral avenue. JunKdlw T OST Between th- Vil'a and A. T. Sum JJ mcy'n. oa Haywood street, a small black purse containing a SIX bit. Return to A. D. Cooper's .tore and receive reward. Jun7d3t NOTX'K A special meeting of the Caro lina club is called for Monday. June 12. 1893, at 8:30 p. m. Everj member is urged to lie present as business of importance is to be transacted. 0. M.. Jones, secretary and treasury. Jundt aARRBT 8c SONS run a line of hacks be tween Dillaboro and Franklin, connect ing with trains both ways on the Ducktown railroad. Accommodation good and terms reasonable. Address Garrett Sons, Dills boro, N. C. may30tuest A handsome -fV. for furnished house of 1 1 rooms - for rent or sale, with or without furni ture. The house is beautifully located; sta ble and large lot well tilled with fruit trees, shrubherv and flowers. Fresh cow and large pasture for the same If rented the family would be glad to remain as boarders. Also y-rooni nouie. Appiy ro NIKS. If. C. HUNT, may 12d 1 m On Hunt Hill. piano Tuning C. E. H'OEE, FROM BOSTON All Work Guaranteed by Him and NO. 35 NORTH MAIN STREET. ASHEVILLE. CAKKOT CAIDS STKierVKB. - rmrfcrtt rAUXLEiis To est MraiHnil us'V. j wm k W INJECTION.. PWK .la WILD BY ALA, UHUOOISTS.' XHT IS rLAlM.SKAI.RD rACBLASR UPOtl OBCEir . or rxica. - - Asbcvine Agents. Wmywor St Smith, pref script ioa druggists. I rattosaitJM - srblOdly , - . , j . Superstition Tliut Is Ancient. In many parts of Ureat Britain tho superstition still survives that it is folly or madness to save a drowning man, as ho will sooner or later do an injury to tho rescuer. The superstition comes down from our ancestors, yet traces of it exist among tho Sioux and other In dians, who seem to have inherited it from aboriginal sources. Tho belief is most prevalent in Cornwall and various parts of Scotland. Chicago Herald, Tlio Faeg of a Silver Dollar. Soma numismatist, who delights in studj-ing the face of the American dollar. announces that it "presents upon tho ob verse side rot only a very good likeness of Ueorgo II, but also a clearlj' delineated representation of tho head of the British lion." It is said that theso unpatriotic emblems were surreptitiously introduced by a perfidious Englishman who was em ployed in tho Philadelphia mint. Ex change. Explaining; a IlablU An observant statistician makes the amazing assertion that girls with re trousse noses marry sooner and aro more fortunate in catching good husbands than young ladies whoso features are of the Greek or Roman type. Then there may bo method in the habit of some young ladies of turning up their noses at every man that approaches them. Bos ton Transcript. A Scene In tlio Attorney General's OfHco. Representative Wilson of West Vir ginia, whoso distinguished position in tho honso entitles him to tho ro- npect nnd consideration at tho hand.4 of any Democratic official, entered tlio oilii.-o of tho attorney general. ' Tho room was crowded with applicants for ofices, nnrt Mr. Olney was very much harrassed. Mr. Wilson stepped forward to the at torney general's desk. Mr. Olney turnwl savagely upon lmu. "Sir, he paid, "you havo come up out of your tnrii. You aro doing nn injus tice to those who havo lceu waiting here, and you will havo to go back to tho foot of tho lino aud await your turn. Mr. Wilson, who is an exceedingly mild mannered gentleman, looked at tlio attorney general in. amazement. Ho did not show his temper, however, but with chiding iHlitoner..4 iucpaired: "Did I hear yon aright? Did you say I must go back and await my turn.-' "I did, Bir," replied the attorney gen eral. Very well, eir," s.-iid tho West Vir- r.nian haughtily, "I shall go back, hut shall not return. When you desiro to seo mo, you can Bend for me. It was not until Mr. Wilson had de parted that Attorney Oeneral Olney learned who it was that ho had nitron ted. Washington Cor. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Tlio Correct l.ontonnlere. The question of "buttonholes" is prob ably one which does not vitally affect the condition of the community. At tho same time it is satisfactory to learn on excellent authority that coats of fashion will not this season bo adorned with multicolored and built up arrangements of flowers. Simplicity is to bo tho order of the dav. A la France rose, a garde nia or a Malmaison carnation, reposing in its own foliaero and with a stalk ns long ns possible, is to bo carelessly thrust through tho aperture which no tailor ever meant to be confronted with a button. In short, tho innocence of tho directoiro dajs is presumably to bo re established. In nnv case tho movement should bo supported if only for tho rea son of suppressing tho unnatural nose gays which havo for so long waxed fierc er in wealth of wire. London Tele graph. How Confiding nnd Unsuspicious. Evidently tho jailors of R. Irving Lati mer, the .Michigan murderer, regarded him as a "perfect gentleman." They knew that ho had murdered his mother, but they did not believe ho would poison his kind keepers. Therefore they ac cepted little culinary attentions on his part, discussed real estato operations, etc.. with him and were vastly surprised to find that tho gentle hearted murderer had broken jail. What confiding, un suspicious persons aro connected with tho prisons of Michigan nnu Xsew loi'K, to bo sure! W. S. Oilbert would lie re nuired to do justice to them. Buffalo Express. The Alaplo Sugar Crop. "Tho maplo sugar crop of Vermont, savs Colonel B. B. Smalley of that state "is coiner to bo very short this season. 1 know that this is a Bad fact to communi cate to an expectant public, but it is nev ertheless unfortunately truo. They need cold, frostv niirhts and warm days to make tho sap flow, but tmliappily all conditions havo been against a good crop I am also informed that the jn-ar crop of Georgia will lo short, while if tho peach cron of Delaware also lietcrs out tlio country at largo will indeed Ihj in a tie- plorablo condition." New i. or k I libuno Bright flultercr, with (roljurt tinmo, Freckled from gentle dun to flame. How liiL-t tlioti dured to venture out Ero tlio buds begin to sprout -When nnilerncHtli tlio sheltering bower Arbutus hntli not shown her lluwor. Creeping from tlio modest mows With her brilliant leaves of gloss; When ns yet within tho brook, leaves liu pressed as In n book, Held within tho Ire King's nrius Clasped ubout tholr frozen ehuruia; Why wert thou not wlso to wult Till Klnir Frost should abdicate? Till tho bluebirds pliw In tune, Till tho May looks on toward Juno, Till tho dandelion's yellow Lends tho lnwn a radianco mellow? Theso few hours of sunshlnu warm May prelude a fatal Bringing frost or bringing snowi Where, then, frail ono, wilt thou go? ltobin's forty times as strong, Vot we do not hear his gong. Edward S. Creamer In New York Sun. Nut Troud of Ills Election. In this country when it corned to the ousting of hallots tlio person elected to tho position awurdeu hy the suffrage of tho peoplo is always extremely proud of tho result, oven thoueh ho mny not be especially desirous of holding office. In other cotintrios, too, tho recipient of the greatest number of ballots at the polls is apt to swoll with undo over the out come of tho voting, but there is a case on record in Japan where the winner at the polls was not only sorry for his suc cess, but cauio through that success sub- Boauently to wish ho had never been born. This was in the villnco of Awn and tho person honored, or dishonored, by the majority voto woa a Jap of tho nanio of Abi Tamhei. It seems that tho villago of Awa was harrassod by a midnight robber whom nobody could detect. Tho head of the hainlot summoned tho cntiro malo pop ulation under his chnrgo and directed every man to write tho name of tho per son whom ho suspected and to deposit tho paper in a box. Fifteen ballots bore tho namo of Abi Tanihei, tho rest being blanks. Tho man whom even-body dis trusted wus so much overcomo with as tonishment tliut he mado a full confes sion and went to prison. Ilarper's Young Peoplo. Ills Solemn Oath. A popular comedian tells a story of a waiter at a London restaurant who was sadly Kivon to drink. A party of young men determined to reform him, nnd ono day they rend to him an imaginary par agraph from a paper relating a terriblo accident in which an inebriate in blow ing out a ciuidlo was killed by tho flame igniting the alcoholic fumes of his breath. James pricked t i Ins cars at this and requested that 1 10 paragraph might be road to him again, which was done, to the evident horror ot tho poor man, who immediately went in search of a Bible. Returning with this, ho oxpressed a desire to take a solemn oath upon it, be moanod tho fact that he had been a sorry tippler nnd was bringing himself to ruin, and then swore thnt never again so long as he lived would ho attempt to blow out a candlo. Million. L.V. Faint Rock Hot Springs . Ashevillc Kound Knob Marion Mornranton " Hickory " Newton Statcavillc Ar. Salisbury LireensDoro " Panville 9 35am 12 25pm 12 39pm 2 40pm 4 OOpm 4 4-1 pm 6 1 O 07nm 6 2Kpm 7 lUpm H OOpm lO 40 pm 1 2 )7nm Ar. Richmond 7 OOam Lv. Greensboro Ar. Durham Raleigh , GoldHboro Lr. Danville Ar. Lynchburg Washington . fll 25pm I 3 1 Sam 6 OOam . 12 OBpm I . 1 2 14am 1 68aro 0 45am Haiti more IMiilucIclphia New York W ESTBOU N D H 05pru lO 30pm 12 A3ptn NO. H ! Lv. New York 4 341pm " I'nnmicipm oripor " Baltimore 9 20pr ' WanhinRton lO 43pm " Lynchburg 3 4)am Ar. Danville 5 :i()am Lv. Richmond 12 noom Panville f 35am 1 Ar, Greensboro M lfian Lv. GvlriHUoro t7 45pm Lv Raleigh 5 OOam iJurnam r r.;iam Ar. G recti si loro H 05nm Lv Greenooro 8 20m Salisbury 1U Ifiam Stutenvtilc 11 llnm Newton 11 50am Hickory 12 21 pm Morgan to 1 OBpm I Marion 1 Bpm Round Knob ' a Mim Ar. Ashcville 3 4fum Hot ispnnKs, f opm Faint Rock..... 5 5Ppm Remember one thing about excellence in pneumatic tires. There must be an inner tube removable through the iim. Victors arc built that way and they lead the world. The most elegant bicycle catalog ever seen is yours f you say so. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. BOSTON, WASHINGTON, DENVER, SAN FRANCISCO. Aslicville Bicycle Company) Agents ' Momstown Ivnoxville A. & S..R MLROAD .. Ashcville ' Hcndersonville .... " Flat Rock " Sivluda " Trvon Ar. Spartanburg HNO.J4 7 OOam 8 02am H 12am 8 37am 9 OGam 10 15am NO-13 Lv Spartanburg ' Try tin " Salmla " Flat P.ock Hendcrs'nv'ie , Ar. AsheviPc MURPHY BRANCH I.v. Ashcville Ar. Wnyncaville , " Kryson City , " Andrews , " Tomotla " Murphy it 55pm 8 Olpm 8 3(m O Olmn 1 1 pm lO 15pm N"OJl 1 8 3(mm 10 ODam 12 30pm 4 OOpm 4 3!pm 5 OOpm ASHEYILLE WOODWORKING CO Doors, Sash, Blinds, Stair Work, Mouldings, MANTLES, BANK AND BAR FIXTURES. Hard Wood Lumber Work a Specialty ! 1J8TIMATK8 PROMPTLY GIVEN. NO- 18 1 6 OOam ft SOam 6 fiOnm 10 10am 12 52pm 2 35pm I.v. Murptty Ar. Tomotla , Andrews Ar. Bryson City Wayncsvillc " Ashcville SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. Noa. 11 and 12 Pullman Sleepers between I Hot RprinRa and New York, via Aaheville, I Snlisnnrv and wanllinizton: also netween Ashevillc and Cincinnati via K noxvillc and I Harrlman ntxl Aahevillc and 1,0-uisvillc vial Knoxville anil ltarrmian. Trains Nos. 13 aud 14 Pullman Sleeper be tween Ashcville and Charleston, via Spar tanburg and Columbia via S. C. Ry. conncct- annnn vias. xt k. k. Tho Plant i Extensive and Has Every Facility for Every Class of Work ! FACTORY OPPOSITE R. & D. PASSENGER DEPOT H. LEE, Business JVlanapjer. K. S. CLAYTON, SVFERINTENDENT. J. THE BEST IN THE WORLD ine at Columbia lor Savti with Parlor cars. W. A. TURK. S. II. HARDWICK. Gen. Pass. Agt. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., Washington, 1. C, Atlanta, Gn. W.H. GRKliN, Gen. McnaRcr, Washington V. H. McKKK. Gcn'l Sunt.. Columbia. S. C. SOI.. HAAS. Traffic Manager. WaHhlnglon THE COUNTRY MAILS. i Brevard, Ar. G p m I.v. 7 am Rutherfordton, 7 p m 4- am D"rnsvilU-, " i am" 5 ami Bench, 9 am 0 a m Leicester, "11 am " 12 BiacKwelr 9 Hit . banr bbacco uiliiiicd in tl of tolucco, ih.ii: in in tho wo! id, p.m.! K inos upon Ibis mar' immo.iiate section ' country tliat produces a grade inv, llavor a.i.l (jn. in pf"sliir-n ( com iliy is not grown elsewhere rn::l tlio choice of all olTcr- Sjwre 10 j 'dins nov cxpciue to give the trade No KIksIiis In Japan. There is in Japan no kissing, not even in the nursery. All the dangers which have been so eloquently described in newspapers rising from the touch of lips in human love directly and at the com munion table indirectly are avoided by the national aversion for labial contact. Albert S. Ashmead. AL. D., in Science. A prominent physician says that half the cases of nervous prostration, dyspep sia and insomnia that come to him for treatment are to be directly traced' to an inactive liver. When she loses a child the Japanese mother does not wmig her bands and look up to heaven. She sits with folded hands, sunken head, her eyes looking into her lap. "Fairlop oak," the Titan of the Hain- ault forest, which was uprooted by great windstorm in the year 1830, was 109 feet hiuh and 80 feet in circumfer ence. In a curious probate case decided tn 1879 the testator left "10 to the under taker who buried his wife." No Woiulcr tlio Steamahlp Was Late. The Chester, just arrived, had on board a troop oi joS3jicks, mo iirst, evur to visit this country. Tlioy aro from tlio province of Kabardo in southern Russia. The Cossacks brought their names with them, and after reading them no ono enn be much surprised that tho Chester wus three days behind her usual time. Hero are a few of tho short ones: Prince Eris toff Macitaenicjoilly, Prince Doinitri Magalobichoilly, Princess Demitrii Ma galobichoilly and Andrew Yorichoilly. New York Times. A Wealthy Man's Reriaest. A bequest of a Scotchman named Proudfoot, who died recently at Natal, provided $20,000 for tho laborers of Mof fat, Scotland. JJy the concerted action of the beneficiaries, some 0 in number, the money is to bo used in establishing a public institution for sick and aged poor persons and in the of a pen sion fund. Strange Bights on a Spring Day. An entirely trustworthy friend of the Listener's informs him that on last Sun day in Middleton, 20 miles from Boston, grasshoppers were seen hopping about in tt lively manner. On the same day a man was seen walking across Middleton pond on the ice. Boston Transcript. , Mrs. Alma Norn t rum, a pretty young Swedish woman of Kansas City, became violently iiibano a few days ago while singing "Ts-ra-ra Boom-de-ay and has kept up the song almost unceasingly ever since. A man at Riverside, Fla., recently sac ceeded in extracting from IB ionnda of orange peel oil in proportion of M pounds to a ton of pgfl. A Wutor Supply Under Hvery llurn. Evory barn should havo a cistern un der it, and especially if tho burn havo a basement for wintering Btouk. With suitable contrivances a supply of pure water may bo provided, bo that the water is shut off automatically whon tho vessol is filled to a certain height. This is dono by a wooden valve resting on tho water and buoyed up by it so that tho water is shut off whenever It Is needod. Such cisterns under hams have of ton furnished tho water promptly 60 as to savo serious losses from firo. Al bany Argus. A Wlso Answer. Tho shah onco ashed a group of court iers whom they though tho greater man, himself or his father. At lirst ho could get no reply to so dangerous a question, the answer to which might cost tho courtiers their heads. At last a wily old courtier said, "Your father, sire, for, though you aro equal tu your father in all other respects, in liis ho is superior to yon that ho had a greater son than any you havo." Chatterbox. Astronomy Reforo Christ. About 500 D. C. Aniuagoras of Ionia was born. When he "grew up in wis dom." ho was tho first to teach tho course and cause of both solar and lunar eclipses and to give his follewcrs rules whereby they could distinguish planets from fixed stars. Ho was punished for declaring that tho sun was not a god. St. Louis Republic. A Lost Lesson. Mrs. Winkers (meaningly) The paper says a man walked into a saloon yester day afternoon, took a drink and dropped dead. Mr. Winkers fsolomuly) Procrastina tion is a terriblo thing. lie should havo taken his tonio sooner. New York Weekly. A Sensitive Patient. Dr. Emdee Feet go to sloop. shows your circulation is had. Editor Daily Kazoo 1 tint's all you quacks know. I suppose if my corns ached thnt would show that the advertis inir natronago was falling off. Now York Herald. Whether quaffed from a vessel of tin, glass or gold; There 's nothing so good for the young or the old as Hires A delicious, health giving, thirst-satisfying beverage. A temperance drink for temperance people. A 25c. package makes 5 gallons. Sold and Enjoyed Everywhere. THIS When in v;ant of the test ; ask for Bui! Pur . None e Mark or the Sold everywhere Trad genuine wiinout me Boll on each package. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., D'IKHAM. M. C. I DURHAM J CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO, 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 7 1-2 COLLEGE STS. -101- That A conch shell was picked np recently by a herder on ono of tho highest buttes in the John Day mountains, Oregon, some 5,000 feet above sea level and far from human habitation. Men don't seem to tako to the bookish irfrl somehow as much as one would ex nect them to do. Perhaps it's becauso her head is developed at the expense of her heart. There are 7,000 Welshmen in the chief American cities 2,500 in Pittsburg, 1,000 hi Chicago, 1,300 in Cleveland and 1.000 in New York and Philadelphia. The smallest bird is the West India humming bird. Its body is less than an Inch long and weknj only SO grains. rr(! SKY sear t IF YOU SUFFER WITH DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, OR ANY DERANGEMENT i"F THE STOMACH, LIVER OR BOWELS, TRY CRAB ORCHARD WATER. T HA9 CURED THOUSANDS, rr Wll U tlCNEFIT VOil IT IS WORTH A TRIAL. SOLD OY ALL DRUCiCiir.-tf. i u that the luliel has tho " Crnb Apple " oa ". CRAB ORCHARD VATER CO., I'liinjihlct ires by mail. Louisville, Ivy fcbl ld-.-od-lm The best . Ale and Telephone JAPANESE C URE A Vi.w nnd rnnmlptft Tronfment. colislhtllli; of RUPl'OSI'i'OKlKS, Cnpsulen iI Oliitmi'lit nurt two lloxiwnl Oiiitmont. A novor-fnlllnir Ouro for 1-iliw nf ivry nature ami d-rcM. It niakM nn oiHM-nllon are pnlnfu! nntl eoMuin a HTmnuout euro, nnd often I rrHiiittiiir tn riftHth. utini-cesMiry. Why endure I this terrible dissnss? We guarantee, e I Doses to cure any oase. bf.iH'flts rpcclvpri. H a box, 6 for o. Sunt by mull. aimninti.pfl lwin'd l.y nr nfronts. OnllpTIDITIAll Cured. Pile Prevented, lUnO I lr IVJ11 bvlanancse Liver Pellets the crcnt T.1VKU nnd BTOM ACIl KKOU1.AT0R nnrt I UUHJUrlKirir.H. miutll, lllll.l nun .. take, crucially udaiited for cbildrcu's omb. w Uoeet jt ct-nis. GUAUANXlito issuea omy oy RAYSOR & SMITH. 31 Patton Avenue, Asneville, N. C Keep In stock "Mount Vernou," "Canadian Club," and Old linker Kye Whiskies. Wines, Uraudics, Beer, Ale and Stout fur family use. All goods delivered free. Porter on drought, Enteroncc No. 19 North Main and 7V& College streets. No. 1S2. P. R.: On nnd after May Uth I will send .statement of accounts by mall to parties in debted to mc if not ecttlt 1 by that time. Respectfully, Pratnls: O'IDoxxrroll raupniKTOR caholina saloon. WE LEAD: OTHERS FOLLOW. ACME WINE & LIQUOR HOUSE lJSlTO Claims the largest stock of first classy ''(roods of any house in the State. Makes) a specialty of 'Cookine Braadics and Jelly Wines. Sole agents for the Acme Old Corn.' E. M. ANDREWS, 16 and 18 W. Trade St. Th lrndlns Furniture, I'lunn and Orjtan dealer in the Carulinas. V rite him for nriete, or nee W. il. 1'rcblen, specin! sfent, at iK South Main Street. Aeheville, N. u. .nec- nttrntion Riven to lurnmninft nniris snu Ot e risidcscta. li. M. AM'R IvnS, jfld3m C hsriott, . J AS. H. LOUGHRAN, Proprietor No. 58 South main Street. TliLKPHONE CALL NO. 139, P. O. BOX 688, A81TEVILLE. MY MOTTO IS TO KEEP THE BEST AND CHARGE ACCORDINGLY. WORLD'S FAIR. If von ore eninir to the World'e Fnir, write the Iinily Gitimen. Ashcville, N. C, lor illustrated printed matter deseribins; the Pair, and time-tablcs and pamphlets iasucd h Ihe atcaincr lines or railroads you would nc from your home to Chicmfzo. No chsrire 1. fr.nde. Thin offer is made special sr- rangement with the He-creation Iiepartmcnt the Christian Union BONANZA" WINE AND LIQUOR CO., Nos. 41 and 4.3 S. Slain St., Aslieville WnoLBSAl-B DHPARTMBNT, OBMT8' PAK1X1S ANU KBAD1NU KOOM. ' NO. 41. 55 South aia Street, doore below ty ticket of fice. SPECIAL ACCIDENT IN8CRANCB ri)H 1fUKI.ll'a rain I 3,000 and $15 Weekly for $1 per week. Same for ladies. CIGARS, TOflACCO AND IIOTTI.B OOflDR, BAM- "XT" A O FLB, BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM. JLX V XO BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEL! ENT. We rcspectfally solicit a share of yosr eatroaaca. P. As BIARQUARDT, Slanacer. W ln EntraucciNo. 43. Tclcpttones CatXI, Xfe 7a.