Asheville Daily Citizen J Tod J NEWS NEWS Tocfy. VOLUME IX. NO. 40. ASHEVIULE, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 27, 1893. PRICK 5 CENTS- Whitman's CANDY ! PUKING TUB SUM M BR WE WILL GET A PRBSH SUPPLY EVERY FRIDAY BY BXPKBSS k: R O O R 5 UOOM Brick Cottage, Near Public Square, Corner Walnut antl Pen land Streets, FOR RENT) Also One Oflice Room, Over Store, A. O. C OOPER. . .-tv-v There is but one best Five Cent Cigar and we have got it ! Try Sensation and be convinced ! KR O G E R. S FECIAL. AUMMUR AALB PBCIAL, VUHMBK OaLB , BON MARtHE SPF.CIAL SUMMER SALE ! Mighty tents on the Dollar or a Discount of iio per cent on all good, except contract goods, such as Centemcri & Foster, kid glove. Hurl At Wilson's collar, and cuffs I nd Prarl Unlaundrcd shirts THE PUBLIC K'iow uh writ rnoiich that when we advertise an MO certs anle it means. BIG BARGAINS. This sal" will only continue until Julv 1, nd Strictly Cast), as nny good o credit I ill be churKcd regular prices. Our line. I rc lull ami comi-lcte In all departments to this is a great opportunity for good goods at fircit sacrifice. BON MARCHE 37 ttoutti main Mtraret. W. B OWYN. W. W. WKST Gwyn & West, ISucctMor to Walter B. Gwyn ) ESTABLISHED ld81 REFER TO BANK OF ASHEVILLE. Real Estate. Loans Mecureljr Placed al 8 Per Cent. Notary PuliMc, Commissioner of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE SOUTHBAMT COUKT SQUAKB. CORTLAND BROS. Real Kalate Broker and Investment AkcuIi NOTARY PUBLIC Miaow securely placed at 8 per mat. IIAM 25 26 Pnttoa A venae- Hecond '.Boot. JOHN CHILD, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER Furnished and Unfurnished House.. OFP1CB mxlHH. Loan, securely placed at Btifht per cent. GO TO W. A. Latimer, 10. 16 CODRT SQUARE, and;bu phbsu water OBOUMD mn heal LATIMBR HAH U8T BBCKIVBO A NEW SHIPMENT OF WHITE ULY FLOUR TOO CAN ALWAYS FINOOOOD TEKKESSEE EUTTER At Wo. 1 Court Bqaare. sear CHy Hall, THE COLUMBIAN FLY FAN ! This Year's Patent ! Tbe Brst Fan on the Market ! We have made the Price Low ! MUSKINGUIVL FILTERS. Nature's Product ! The Best, l.araest. Neatest, Cleanest Filters In the city. For the filter, lO gallons a day YOUR SUMMER HOME. Have You Furnished It? We srr Headquarters for all notte furnishings (in account of times will make very low prices, when you buy of as. We Rive no list of price hire, hut come aad sec as. We have the goods. TFIAD. W. THRASH & TO 100 BARRELS SUGAR WHICH WE OFFR TO THIS 'Wholesale : Trade ! AS CHEAP AS CAN Bit BOUtlH r IN ANY MKKIi r. POWELL 8 SNIDER'S. FREK COINAGE OK SILVER UHK4T INTERKHT I IS TMKS AC- TIUN OK INDIA LOWKST PRICKS! ON HAMMOCKS AND CROQUET SETS. Huylcr'a Canities Received Today t J. M. HESTON'S. NO. 26 SOUTH MWN STREET. MOUNT SlTI'ATKO AT THK FoOT I UPMlTCHBLL, HnlHBST Mountain Bast op thk I Rue KIRS ! ' Bg-5 E '5 m g 6 Si s- X 7 ill. a o C ' m 1- ? 5 u of Si, J! MITCHELL :t: 5 Hl'MTINO PUil BBAK, Woi.vks and Wild cats, Fishing run Tbout ! . HOTF.L Board. S2U per nionth; $7-nO per Week; $1 6(1 per liitf. Address i A- A- TYSON. jun1d3m Black Mountain. N AMERICAN BAKERY We are preijired to aupply the citiz U8 of AshnvilJe with FreHb Bread, HoIIh, I'ies and Cakes of every description. If you want nie wedding or party cakes, give u an os tler and if you arn not pleased in quality and urtis- a 1 i a -m tic worn we win reiuna you your money. . We will ndd daily different lines of cake. Will bake any kind of cakes to order. 8 II, COURT SQL! ARE I HIRE'S ROOT BE.4.11! HlHE'S IIOUT BET It! II J HE'S RO(JT BEEU This rirllclou. and In inoraiing Drink i. e ved al oar foantain t THE FORCE TBUL. Cor Tti Mints) Will coin no More Mil 'Will ProbahlT be Adopted For an Farly Hesslon or Con gresk. Cincinnati. O., June 27. At t confi-r. encv nt hankers and mcmocrs ot the board of trade last evening, resolutions were adopted favoring an early session of Congress, the immediate repeul of the Sherman bill and the puttint; of lOO cent of silver in the silver dollar. Washington, June 27. One effect of the action of the government of India sus pending the free coinage of silver lias been to renew the demand for aa.rly session of congress. This view of the situation was presented to Secretary Carlisle this morning by many of his congressional callers and by numerous telegrams from all sections of the country. Rcfore go ing to the cabinet Secretary ("nrlisle re ceived a cablegram from London an nouncing a further decline in the price of silver to 35 oencc. At this price the sil ver dollnr is worth 5Hx,i cents. The action of the India government in closing India mints to the free coinage of silver is regarded here as doing; away with the necessity for reconvening the international conference, which was to meet ajjain in Brussels this fall. It is not believed that this nction wos taken without express orders from tbe En glish government, which has a general suixTvision and control over Indian affairs. London, tunc 27. In the House of Lords yesterday the Earl of K.inilcrly slated that the Indian council held passed an act for the immediate closing of the Indian mints to the frcecoinagc of silver. He added that arrangements are licing made to issue rupees from mints in ex change for gold at the rate of sixteen lencc er rupee, and lor receiving sover eigns and half sovereigns ut the treas uries in payment ol dues at the same rate. The Earl ot Kimbcrly furt her said that it is intended to introduce the gold standard in India, but that the old gold in the mint will not be made the sole It'linl tender. In the House ot Commons Ol-idstouc gave information similar to that given in the Houscof L'-nlsby llicKnrl nf Kim- Itcrlv and lie added that gold would not lie made legal tender at present . Calcutta, June -7. General satisfac tion is expressed here at the action re garding the ciirrcncv taken hv the Indian council yesterday. Government securities rose rapnllv. A. HironK arras of Laniera Ihe Defence. Atlanta. Ga., June 27. The fulia Korce murder case began yesterday and was resumed this morning before Judge Richard Clark. The statement of Miss force was introduced by Solicitor Hill for the prosecution. This statement was written by Miss lulia, and she claimed that it embodied a true statement of her entire life up to the time of the killing of her two sisters. It was remarkable in that it pretended to extend back to six months before she was born. Messrs. Oeorge and Allen Force were put upon the stand by the defence and denied the truth ot her statement. Miss Sarah Colly testified that Miss Force told her that the statement was written on Tues day liefore the killing. It is an unusual thing to see the family of the murdered person seated by the murderer or mur deress, but such was the case this morn ing when the opening argument was beard by the solicitor. Solicitor Hill and counsel for the de fense announced that they had closed. The solicitor made a few remarks out lining tbe State's case. He was followed hv Mr. Burton Smith lor the defence. Mr Smith made a strong appeal to the I tiry, and the eliect of it was plainly visible upon the faces of several. Col. larncman, of Macon, followed also tor the defence. He is akinsmanof Miss Force and he made an exceptionally fine argu ment. When Hardeman relerred to the fact lhat Miss Julia Force had wished her mother damned, the defendant was affected and sobbed. THE DOQ l,4W, WHO'I A. TMOrtiH T M'l" t Alleged Tlint Thrre Im s Ion om In t'hlcaico. Chicago, 111.. June 27. At the regular weekly eonlerence of the Baptist minis ters yesterday a resolution condemning the Sunday opening of the I-"air wjis naniinously adopted. After reciting at ngth the conditions imposed lv Coii- ress at the inception of the exposition. he resolutions say tlial the tictiou ot rectors ol I he Fair in taklntr advan- tgc of the silence of the appellate court s an act ol downright rebellion against he government, to winch thty call the ttcntion ol the President, rc-i nesting im to take such measures asnmv nec essary to carry the case to the Supreme court ol the United Stales. An Act That Bsncombe nog; Own ers Are Interested in. The laws of 1893, just out, contain the iiuncombc dog law, which will lie of in terest to the ieoplc of this county gen erally. The bill is entitled "an act to protect sheep in Buncombe county from the ravages of dogs," and is as follows: Sec. 1. That all nogs in said county shall be listed for taxation and assessed as other domestic animals are. "Sec. 2. That it shall lie incumbent upon each and every owner of a dog or dogs in said countv to keep the same off the premises of other iiersons, as other stock are required to be kept off the laud of others by the stock law in force in said county, unless said dog or dogs shall be securely muzzled, or in the com pany of the owner thereof. Sec. 3. I he owner ot any dog violat ing the above section by allowing his dogs to go at large shall be fined one dol lar lor each olTence and shall pay all damages done by said dog whilcrunning at large. Sec. 4. That in case of failure to pay said fine and damages with all costs connected therewith, the owner of each dog shall upon conviction be rctpuircd to work the public roads of said countv at 75 ents a dav until such fines, damages ami costs are paid, lustices ol the iieace in said county shall have jurisdiction un der this act. The act was in force from the day ol its ratification, the (5th of March, 1803 CHINA WILL RETALIATE THK GaAKV ACT KEOARDEU AH HOHTII.K. i Proposal Thai the chlneseMln Uler lie Recalled A Proclama tion Aialnst Ttie sale or Ameri can Oil and Others to Follow. San Francisco, June 27. Chinese advices by steamer from China state that the council recently convened to discuss the Geary act. Prince Cbing and and two other members of Yemen pro posed recalling the Chinese minister at Washington in the event of the United States government enforcing the act. The statement is also made that it was at one time intended that the de parture of He Yong Ju for the United Statrs should be delayed until something had been done to repeal the obnoxious clauses, ol the act. The instructions sent to kou van to waanmiton were that he was to return to China on the expiration of bis term without waiting for his successor. It is said that the principal re.isc 'or the recent Hong Kong proclare n against the sale of American oil is that it is the first of the retjdatorv measures against everything American. Canton and Swatow are expected to follow suit soon. Raasla and (termnny. Berlin. June 27. The German foreign oflice expects that Russia will forthwith open a commercial war against Germany. The officials attribute the failure of" the negotiations between Russia and Ger many to Francophile and I'an-Slavist influences in St. Petersburg, inducing the Russian government to demand impossi ble concessions. d Was Vet a Loan of A7. Relucted hv The Bauks. Cincinnati, June 27. Louis Snyder's sons have made an assignment to C. M. Harding of Franklin and George H. rmlce of Hamilton of their lour great taper mills at Hamilton, ot their real estate iu Butler countv, and of their great paper warehouses wit h contents in Cincinnati. Their assets are over a mil- ion dollars of which $U50.000 is ot debts due them and considered good. Their total liabilities are less than 300,- OOO. It is estimated that liriuidation lv foieed sale would leave them $-1-50,000. Their assignment is due to the fact that hey were unable to borrow from the banks yesterday the sum of $7, OOO. IIEINITSII & KEAOAN, LIIURTH STIt EET AND PATTON AVENUE THK WAI.UKNHKN, Lcclnre hv Mr. Trail, One of The Hnrke Countv Colon v. The recent settlement of a colony of the Waldcttscs, or Vaudois. in this State, ought to create an interest in this people. who have come to make their home in North Carolina. Who are they? Whence Mot Mafe An where. Lima, O., June 25. About 12 o'clock today while Edward Christen, jr.. was charging a soda fountain, the fouutain burst into n thousand pieces, tearing off his h ft leg, breaking every window light the building, and doing a great deal of damage to the building. He died this evening. Poor Time To strike In. Hutchison, Kas., June 27. The farm laborers of Kausas arc organizing a union, so as to place themselves in a position to demand better wages They are now receiving from $15 to $2() a month, and want their wages raised to $30. . Risen AitaliiHt The French. Paris, June 27. A dispatch from Sin gapore says the natives in Southern Annam have risen against the French and that re-inforcemcnts have I teen sent to the French troops in that region. Mo Ready Money. Cincinnati, O., June 27. The firm of Rcnnckamp Brothers, manufacturers ot furniture at 225 and 229 Clinton street m-de an assignment this morning Assets, $100,000; liabilities, $4-0,000. Awful. London, June 27. Advices from Mec ca show that there were U99 deaths from cholera in that city yesterday. What has been their questions will lie an AsHKTs Of A MILLION. do thev come? iiistorv? These swercd by Mr. C. A. Tron iu a free lecture at the first Presbyterian church tomor row evening at S:30 o'clock. Mr. Tron is himself a vaudois and is president of the VaUlese corporation. which selected and purchased the land in Mtirkc county on winch this colony ol foreignc-s has been settled. The story of the W aldenses is one of thrilling interest. For OOO years they endured all kinds of (H'rsccutiou for what they lellcved to be the truth. It was the story of their wrongs that called from the soul of ohn Milton the grandest sonnet in any lan guage, the sonnet beginning: 'Avenge, O Lord, thy slaughterer! saints. whos nones L.ic scattered on the Alpine mountain, cold The public is cordially invited to attend this lecture. No charge for admittance. PREPARING TO TRANHFER. 1100,000 l-'1 1 The on Mike KaBamore Hotel CSeorice Hurried Troy, N. Y., June 27. A siccial to the Troy Times says: The Sagamore hotel at Lake George was destroyed! by fire at an earlv hour this morning. The flumes were discovered abaut 12.30 o'clock, and within three hours tbe building was almost totally destroved. The loss is estimated at $200,000. Some of tbe furniture was saved. No one was injured, althongh there were about lOO guests at the house besides the servants The Sagamore was located on Green Is land, near Belton, and was one of the finest summer hotels in the country IF You Want Sticky Plv Taper, that each double sheet will catch a quart of Flies, is fresh and won't tear when you pull it apart, so ta RAYSOK & SMITH, Druggists. FOR Pure Dalmatian Insect Powder, in bulk or im sprinkle top cans, insect powder guns, etc.. try KAYSOR &: SMITH, 31 Patton arc. FOR Paris Orccn and Coal Balls) go to Tar Camphor (Moth RAYSOR Sc. SMITH'S Drug Store. FOR The Nicest Ladies' or Gent's Pocket Book or Card Cuhc, with or without sterling; silver orna ments, just go and see the line of RAYSOR Sz. SMITH'S, Druggists. IF You Want a nice Pearl Handle Pen Knife, a pair of sharp or blunt pointed scissors, or uuythiug in the way of nice cutlery, go to KAYSOK & SMITH, 31 Patton ave. FOR a Good Hair, Tooth, Cloth, Hat, Shoe, or Scrulj Brush, a good stock and low price, at RAYSOR & SMITH'S, Drug Store. FOR Ice Cold Soda and Mineral waters, nicely served, so to KAYSOR & SMITH, Prescription Druggists, 31 Patton Avenue. NEWS IN OUR OWN STATU. Collector Rollins Will "Wand and Deliver" to Mr. Kllas Frldav. The force in Collector VV. W. Rollins office is now busy preparing for the transfer of the oflice from Mai. Rollins' hands to those of Collector Kope Hlias. The transfer will take place Fridayifter- uoon at the close ol the day a business, and the business of the fiscal year as well, and will be suiierintcndcd by J. C. L.otz, of the Treasury department. This duty has devolved un Mr. Lotz for several terms past. He has been in the service for perhaps 30 years and knows it as an oicn book. Mr. blias is expected here from rranklui in a day or two. MAYOR'S COURT. A DESPERATG PIUHT. It Mot ot Ioassr way off And Mnch Inter. -Mt. Madrid, June 27. Advises from Manil la state that a desperate tight has oc curred at the island of Mindua, the largest of the Phillipcni group. A force nf 6. OOO rebellious natives under the leadership of their Sultan made an at tack upon the fort. The Spanish garri son succeeded in repulsing tlte tin lives afier a stubliornlv contested fight. Tbe natives lost 87 killed, including the Sul tan, while 300 of their number were wounded. The Spanish loss, is any, not stated. A Midwinter Fair. San Francisco. June 27. Herr B Cornelly, the representative ot Germany at the Columbian exposition, arrived here Sunday in the interest of a mid winter fair. He will meet the citizens and ennvass the subject with them, lie says it is possible for California to secure 10,000 of the 12.000 exhibitors now at Chicago. Mew Raok rrrsldenl. m Winston. N. C, June 27. Special. John G. Miller, of the Planters' National bank, Danville, Vs., has been elected cashier of the First National bank of Winston, vice Capt. S. H. Allen, resigned. Mulrr takes charge July first. Keener of a Dlaorderlsr Mouse 3etn Isoand 30 Days. Belle Dorscy, charged with the keeping ol a disorderly house, was before Mayor Patton this morning and by that official was sentenced to pay a fine of $50 and spend 30 days in tail. 1 wo drunks and a tighter were fined $10 each, making the total of fines $80. Mayor Patton has a scale ot fines tor drunks that strikes terror to the heavy drinkers. His fine for the first offence is $10, and $5 is added for each succeeding offence. Thus the second drunk will cost $15. the third $20 and so on. A ppreclatcd. That bouquet ol flowery yerbality, tbe Wilson Mirror, speaks thus of Miss Porter, teacher of music in tbe Asheville Female college: "That ma gnifieent woman and Heaven- tuned vocalist, the lautiful Miss Lizzie Porter, honored Wilson with her enchant ing presence last week, and on Sunday sung in the Methodist church a solo that was as sweet and as lovely as her own exquisite lace. She has a voice of richest melody and the in .gt entrancing sweet ness, and every note seems like an echo ol some celestial harmony." License To Wesa. Register Mackev bus issued license to wed as follows: J. M. Hemphill and R. M. Melton, of Buncombe; white. Clinton Democrat: Miss Lena, the sixteen-year old daughter of Mr. James Powell, of South Clinton, was the vic tim of a painful accident last rriday. While "looking" a hen's nest in her father's mill the hen flew into Miss Lena's face, causing her to suddenly throw back her head against a revolving shaft. Her hair was caught and wrapped around the shaft, over which she was hurled violently several times before the machinery could Ik- stopped. She was not instantly killed and sustain ed no serious injuries. Smithhcld Herald: Uarly Tuesday morning Mr. Hezekiah Peterson, a middle-aged white man, who lived about three and a half miles southwest of Smithfield, took his own life by shooting himself in the head with a shot gun. He committed the act at his barn door, pnlling the trigger, it is supposed, by a String tied to his toe (as this was the position he was found in) while sit' ing on the steps at the barn door, the muz zle of the gun being placed against the left temple. About ten days ago Mr. Koliert Greene, sr., ol Greenville, stuck a nail in his foot. The wound, while painful, did not cause him very much inconvenience, and he thought it was healing nicely. When he arose Monday morning of this week he was surprised to find the mus cles of his iaws so contracted that he could scarcely move them. On Tuesday h; was confined to his room with a severe case of lockjaw. He suffered intensely for three days and died Thursday night The event of the week in Raleigh is the Episcopal convention of the diocese today which will elect an assist ant bishop. Those persons prominently spoken ot in connection with the position are Kev. Or. K. S Barrett ot Atlanta, M M. Mnrsball of Raleigh, J. F. Murdock, J. IJ. Cheshire, jr., Cary of Saratoga, N. Y., Lloyd of Norfolk, Va., and Water man of Sewanee, Tcnn. The liquor dealers' local associations and th.- State association organized a tew days ago are making their power felt. They threatened a large eastern brewing company with a boycott all over the State unless it withdrew its local agent. The agent was pulled in instanter. Charlotte News: A day or two ago a little child of M. F. A. Hicks swallowed a brass ring. The ring had been broken and was sprang open, and it caught in the child's windpipe. Tbe little child be came black in the face and was almost dead before tbe ring was drawn from its throat. One of the trustees of the proposed Baptist female university at Raleigh says that Key. O. L. Stnnjrhcld has been appointed agent for tbe collection of tbe lund. To date SI o.OOO is in hand, and with this the two acres of land desired have been purchased. Boiling Springs Reformer: Mr. Clin Hamrick was attacked Tuesday with cholera morbus, but is now up and down the rows, steady as a clock in tbe field as be is ever steady in all the walks of lite. No more plums for Clint. Goldsboro Headlight: We learn that thousands of crates of beans are left in the fields by our truckers to be slowed up, as they will not pay the actual cost of shipping. All $2.00 and $2.50 STRAW HATS Reduced to $1.50 Collar and Cuff box or Coat Uander given away to every purchaser to the ex tent of $1 or more. MI rCHELL- THK BIliN'f OUTFITTKR, 28 PATTON AVE. MINERAL WATER ! Why suffer with lNDioaurrioM and all kinds Of LlVBS. KlDNBT UD BLOOD TlOIISLU when nature ha. provided at Vooa Iooas Subs Kkmrdt Hiimlsh, Wholswhi and Ihbxpsnsivb. The MINERAL WAT BR, fresh from Mr. D. D. Battle's Rebabkails spbing, now being daily delivered at say residence in Asheville, ia working wonderful cures, as can be testified by inquiries of Judge H. Reed, Judge J. H. alenimoa, Key. J. I White, J. R. Patterson, Doctor. O. W. Paie- f.y. D T. Millard. Mr. Barnes of Ohio, now on Spring; street, Asheville, and hundreds of other. Price, only lO casta a gallon, delivered daily anywben In the city. Orders through mail, or left at Ida a ton. Wright St Co.'s shoe .tore, 89 Patton avc will receive prompt attention. Analy sis given oa a replication. D. D. SUTiTLEh 95 Collars; street Ieb21dtf At Ballard & Rich'.. Tclcphoae No. 17. LONNIE R. PULLIAM, Practical Ulectridan, 11 W. Cosrt Square. Jc23dla Asheville, N. C MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY CHOCM STREET, 11.