THE ASHEVTX.I.E DAILY CTTIKN. Wednesday livening, June 28, 189.T (O TO AHH LINK LE EVII.LE. TbereWIIl b h Double Hallv cnver Service on I be apuriaa- bnrx Road 'w DIlalonit ot Ibe Mnrphv Branch. On Sunday next, July 2, a new Kched ule is to k into effect on the lines of the Richmond and Danville leading into Asheville, and this schedule will be something out of the ordinary. For in stance double daily trains will run over the Asheville and Spartnnhurn, while the single train service will continue on the main line, between Salisbury and Ashe ville. Again, there will be two trains a day between Asheville and Faint Rock. And. again, passengers over the Mur phy road will spend the night at Brvson City, that line, 12-4 miles long, having been made into two divisions. On the Western North Carolina roa.l train No. 12. eastbound. which now leaves here at 2:0 p m., will, ht ginning Sunday, arrive at 2:1U and lenve at 2:30 p. m. No. 11. westbound, now arriving at 3:45 p. m., will come in n 4:05 and leave at 4:15 p. m. On the Asheville and Spartanburg road train No. 14, southbound, which now leaves at 7 a. m , will leave at a. m.. and, returning No. 13, will arrive here at 6:40 p. m. instead of 10:15 p. m. as at present. A new train will be put on this li ne running between I'iiint Rock and Spartanburg. The southbound train will leave the former point at 2:10 p. ni. Returning from Spartanburg it will reach Asheville at 9:12 p. m., leave at 9:17 and arrive at faint Rock at 11:02 p. m. This train w ill make no connection at Paint Rock. On the Murphv line an entirely "new deal" is to be made. The train which now leaves Asheville at 8:3t) a. ni.. will leave at 6:40 p. m., and reach Brvson City at 10:20 p. m. There the train will remain until 7 o'clock next mornitm. and Murphv will be reached at 12:30 p. m. Leaving lurphy at 1:3U p. m.. the eatbcund train will arrive at Brv son City at 7:12 p. m., remain there until 4:05 next morning and arrive at Asheville at 8 a. m. , to connect with No. 14 southbound. This train will be solid passenger to Hryson City, between which point and Murphy it will run as "mixed," or passenger and lreight. The State railroad commission has heit to fore required a through solid passenger train, but the commission has linally consented to the arrangement which will begin to operate Sunday. A traiu is to be put on the Murphy branch to run Sundays only between Asheville and Waynesvillc. This trsiio will leave Asheville every Sunday at 9 a. m. and arrive at Way ncsville at 10:25 a. ni. Returning it will leave Wavms ville at 6 p. m., and arrive at Asheville at 7:30 p. m. --:ori-K PAHMNG. of Mocksvillc is it the C. PerNoiim ParflicrHphs About Peo pie I n and Out of Town. J. C. Cooper came in from Brevard last night. 1- I'inkus, a prominent Statesvillian, is here. Orpheus C. Kerr is in town about 500 of him. T. B. Bailey Batttrv I'ark, I. M. Bei nhardt of Green I'ai k, N is in Asheville. C. P. Pal rick is at the Battery Park from Richmond. Postmaster C. W. Boshatncr of Statcs ville was here today. Rev. J. L,. White returned from Waynes villc yesterday afternoon. Rev. R. L.. Abernethy, president ol Rutherford college, is in the city. Mrs. E. R. Overman of Danville, Va., is visiting relatives in Asheville, her old home. Fiank Brown of Mocksvillc is visiting his lather, Col. T. Ii. Brown, on Park avenue. Miss 1-ettie Morris, who has been in Roanoke, Va., for four months, returned yesterday. Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Kerr went to Wavncsville todav to visit their daugh ter, Mrs. J. K. Boone. S. A. Mi-Canless returned yesterday afternoon Irom a month's visit to the World's Fair and Lexington, Ky. Wn. A Weddin of Henderson, N. C, formerly a prominent citizen and alder man of Asheville, is at the Swannauoa. Justice A. C. Avery, of the State Su preme court, came in from a trip over the Murphv branch yesterday alternoon. Mrs. Chas. W. Stikeleather has re turned from a visit to relatives in Stsites vilie and other points east of the moun tains. John Ray, formerly district organizer for the international Typographical union, came up from Kaleij;" yesterday. J. H. Howell and Mrs. Howell will leave tomorrow for Labrador and the provinces for their annual summer out ing, to be gone four months. Prof. W. B Phillips, one of the Orange street school teachers last vear. came m yesterday afternoon Irom an outing in the mountains. and left today for Tarboro. Dr. W. L, C rouse of Lincolnt on, a mem ber of the last Legislature and chair man ot the house committee on roads, is autosrnphed at the Swannanoa. Dr. Crouse came here to see Collector Hlias. Miss M. Ella Brown returned yester day from a five months' sojourn in the South, visiting relation" in Brunswick, Huntsville and l.reensboro. Miss Brown had a most enjoyable time, but of course aaw no place she liked so well as Ashe Ule. To Foanlaln Platelb. After standing idle, rustv and forlorn for many months, the court square foun tain has started playing. And its play ing is music sweet and low to tbe tired and dusty wayfarer as he drills through tbe square, and perchance stops and stands for an instant where the silvery drops of aqua para may strike and re fr sh him. It is a gorgeous sight and yon may go up head. Mr. Superintendent Murray ! Not a dog has yet. so far as Tub Citizen knows, wet bis shaggy bide in tbe fountain basin. Ota a Bear Haal. A party left Aabeville this morning for tbe Smoky mountains, where they will pead 10 days bunting bear and fishing In tbe partv are: Rev. J. Q. Adams and wife. Rev D. W. Herring, W. J. Hough and wife. Mrs. C. L. Peasants, Misa Annie and Leasie Pleasants, Mrs. C. E. McKee. Miss Matthews, A. B. Creech, O. D. Re veil. J L. Wagner, Joe and W in ton Adams. Nat. Wagner. amooamHajlaa Tnniirht on tbe dummy Kite to. Last car wUt leave saowataia term an at 10:30 p- as. Harris' Labia, crate $2.60; bottle. 10 rent. SI OO back for retain crate arad bo t tics. Mugle bottle Scents. Pel barn's. AROUND TOWN. rVasA'ntoii, June 23 forecast till S p. ot. Thursday : Partly cloudy and probably shnnei s; easterly winds, be coming variable. Don't forget tbe gala day at Carrier's track on tbe t-ourth. Internal revenue collections for the Fifth North Carolina iistri t yesterday amounted to $2,709 32. The Raleigh excursion came in yester day at 6:20 p in., with 215 passengers lm;ir. from Raleigh and intermediate points. The Woodmen will meet this evening at 8:20 in Jr. O. U. A. M. hall. North Main, to complete the organization, in troduce new members and install officers. A granite block is missing from the paving between tbe rails of the car track tin North Main street near Merrimon avenue. Several blocks on this line need 'tain ping." In Mayor Patton's court this morning Jane Lumley was tried for keeping a disorderly house and was fined $5() and sentenced to 30 rlavs in jail. Two other cases brought in $15. There i" is to be a moonlight excursion on the d. imy line toniuht. Excursion ists can take the car at the square at 8. 8:3U and 9 o'clock. Returning the last car will leave the mountain terminus at 10:30. The members of Calvarv Presbyterian church, colored, on Eagle street, will dediciite their new church on Sundav next. July 2 at 3:30 p. m. Rev. I. J Sanders. D. l , picsnlent of Riddle uni versity. Charlotte, will preach the ser mon. The mottthlv mcetiug of the W. C. T, U. al Y. M. C. A. rail Thursday at o clock li. m will Lie important, as dele gates are to be elected to the State conven tion at Wavnesville and other matters in relation to that interesting meeting considered. The attendance upon the social : t Bethel M. U church. South, last evening crowi'ed the lecture room A program of recitations, mu ic. etc., was rendered and refreshments served, ir('cr which an hour was spent in social converse by those present. The entire affair was very much enjoyed. About 25 of Buncombe's educators are expected to leave t morrow for Wavnes ville, to attend the annual convention ol the Western North Carolina Teachers' association, which occurs Thursday and Friday. Am"ne those who will go are County Superintendent C. B. Way, Hon. John W. Startles, and Prof. H. L. Kii:g. A pleasant time is promised to the college boys at the Y. M. C. A. Friday evening. College songs will be sunt;, and some of the college yells will lie niven. There will also lie other musical find literary exercises. The colors of the colleges will lie worn bv their respective representatives. Refreshments will lie served. The Statesvillc baseball team, which played the Ashevilles this afternoon, came in yesterday afternoon. The team s composed of: Lr. l. t. inapt), mana ger; J. C. Grav, p., captain; C. L. Gray, A. Frank, lb.; E. B. Graham. 2 b ; A. C. Maginnis. s. s.; J Harbin, r. f ; J. Fau- cette. c. t.; W. R. Robertson, 1. f.; K. L. Flanagan, 3 b. It has not vet licen decided whether a game will lie plaved tomorrow between the Asheville and Statesville teams. It a game is plaved it will occur in the morning, as the Statesville team will lea ve on the excursion tomorrow alter noon. If a game is decided on. announce ment will lie made by handbills and on the bulletin board at The Citizen office. Water was pumped into the new staudpipe for the first time yesterday afternoon. In one hour and 53 minutes five feet anil two inches was forced in by the water pump. The record with the old standpipe and pump was two feet in an hour. 1 he big cylinder held the water well. Mr. Cotinery, the contrac tor, expects to complete the standpipe early next week. A. C. Tron, one of the Waldenses colony that settled in Burke countv, will deliver a lecture in thel-irst Presbyterian church this evening, on the history ol the Waldenses. The lecture will tie one of especial interest at this lime, as the Vaunois have recently come into this section, and everyone will doubtless be greatly instructed bv what Mr. Tron will have to say. The lecture will be free, and an invitation is extended to the public generally. This is taken from Edward Bok's Sun day letter in the New York Recorder, and is a part of a chapter on the floral tastes of great writers: "Bill Nye cher ishes the wild flower, which blooms in protusii u at his place in South Carolina, although, as he says, we have a dozen varieties ot cry saiithetnums, tr sh from japan, which our neighbors pronounce plumb rice.'" With the exception ol the statement that the Bard ot Muck Shoals lives in South Carolina the assertion may be- correct. Mr. Nye is now a Tarheel and will likely remain such for a long t ime. The t'halr of latt-lmonv And now cometh J. R Patterson, for a long time register ot deeds tor Buncombe county. State tf North Carolina, who. Ieing duly sworn this the 28ih day of June, A. D. 1893, depose th and saitli that the "chair of matrimony" in Regis ter Mackey's office, about which there has been so much comment, was pur chased and established bv him (the said J. R. Patr.erson) while register for said county aforesaid Further than this, deponent saith naught, except that the said chair is a good one and is just what it is "cracked up to be." CHKINTUN IUKAI., Revival wtlll In ProKreaa. The meeting at the First M. E. chur. h is moving on with good results. Last night a feeling of deep solemnity and interest prevailed the large audience. The sei mon ot Rev. Mr. Avis from Prov. 1:24 was a powerfnl appeal to dinners to heed the call of God to salvation. Four persons were at the alter tor prayer and two were converted. This m krs 23 conversions since the meeting began. Meetings from this time on every day at lO a. m. and 830 p. m. Hoh, John t. LHniiioii1! l.eelnre Last Bveotng. The splendid building of the Young Men's institute on Eagle terrace was brilliantly lighted last evening, to wel come one ol the most distinguished men of the c-lored race Hon. John M. Lang- ston of Virginia who opened the Y. M 1. lecture course with his lei lure on "The Christian Ideal of Manhood and Woman hood." The ofiening of the lecture was i delaved until affer 9 o clock. Mr. Langston in starting ut said he had been Told before leaving home that he would find a fine building here dedicated to the) betterment of the necro, but he was hardly prepared for what he really saw in this magnificent building He declared that no Southern State had treated the colored man with as much consideration as had North Carolina, and that the finest colored men ot the South eame from North Carolina. He noted an in stance of a Raleigh negro who, he said, was tbe best mechanic in the country, and was now working in San Francisco. The speaker then began his lecture proper and for more than an hour kept the undiverted attention of the large audience. He brouijht out the lives of ohn the Baptist, of Jesus .Christ, ot Paul and of the perfect woman described in Proverbs 31. as ideals of manhood and womanhood to Be emulated it one would live a trul christian life. The lecture was replete with valuable advice and was enjoyed by all. Mr. Langston in concluding said some verv pleasant words for Geo. W Vander bilt, whose monev had erected the build ing in which the lecture was given. "How pleasant it is " he said, "to see an old ituiii referring to the late . VV. H. Vander hilt giving ol his wealth to institutions ol t bis character; and how much more Deautiiul it is to see a voung man on tributing thus for the i l vancemcnt ot the Lord's work." Mayor Pattoti, who had been called to the stand, was first to congi at ulate the lecturer upon his effort. Mr. Langston in stature is rather a small man, and very bright in color. On the platform he is very graceful and his gesturing, instead of lieing acrobatic emphasizes his points as he desires. As a lecturer he is a suc cess. THH MAKKETsT Summer Goods. "ri- Can't mm jnm. A gentleman and bis wife now stop ping in Asheville on their way to the World's Fair, have procured aluminium checks stamped with their Chicago hotel addrefs. to be suspended around the necks of their children, wbile visiting tbe exhibition. Barsalna, saBV-fcatoat Having; made ap my mind to move nay vehi. lea to Chattanooga, I will sell the balance of this week buggies for leas than cost to save freight and other ex penses. M. McDevitt & Son, Ray's stables. - Caticara resolvent 91 bottles. 75 cents; omttneat 60 cents a sr. 38 cents; soap 25 cents size, 20 cents. Pel ham's. AO- 7.9S; New fork Market. Nkw VoitK June 28 0tt..'n dilutes oiiened ea.y. Jane. ; Jaly, T.tt7 irust. 7 September. 7 ; Oct iter, November stuck (jaoiHtlan. Nftw Vohk June 28 -Brit t6t: l.ako Shore 103l3; Ctiie-affo and North western 123; Norfolk and Western, 23: Richmond ind West Poiot Terminal Western nion M 1 n Haltlmore Markrl Bai.timorr, June VH NJout ilull; wheat, dull; sitot. June. 6Stt; Jul, fitHi; milling wheat ttv snniple fi8((i-0; corn, etuiy; spot liinc. July, 4-7Vi; white com by sample, f; vellow. fl()i,j A.Htivltle Markeia. Corrected daily by PllWKH. t SN1I1KK. wholesale and retail jfrocers. These prices are beiUK paid by the merchants to-day. Huttr t5m20IAu,lr 7SM12." Hires i i i: A iilc. dried 3u5 Ohickens 1 2I4WMH fumpklns,;r Turkeys 7(Co)l OO SorKUm 3D Ducks 21((l.riHet Bwax. tier tt 15 Potatoes, aw't 2Ki Honey 1 I itatoea, Irish. HOI Wheat 85 TurotlJS aOfdM-DiL urn Or. Onion luoiMml r. Cabbage, per Tr 1 K ats 4-Ii HcanB, pr bu.lOOfftl SOIRyc 7o I'eas 575 Hajr, ton $2(lOll Chestnuts UoOlCoVrv. doz SftfaJO DVMHV LINK SCHKUIU.K. Leave Court House Square on Char lot tc street electric car Utr Sunset I'ark at 9 a. m , and every 30 minutes there after until 12:30 p. m. Commencing then at 2 p. m., take car at square every 30 minutes until 7 p. m. II igbest Prices Paid for Railroad Tickets Special Kates Ollered Acci dent Insurance. Clarke. C. Hotel Inflex to Mrw AdTertlnvinealH. Cheap Tickets Rav, Ncttice C A. Webb To . oan l.wvn v West. For Rent U A. Farinh -It Private Boariiing Flint street a loan on she itle real est ate wor h at least double amount tl loan; improved property pre ferred Owyn He West. dlt FOR RBNTOR l our i . om cottflR. on North Klint street. ppl - to I. A. Harinhott, Real Bstatc A Kent, 20 Patton avenue dlt J"TIe 15 The Knights of Pythias will hold rcizuinr mertins tonight Work in tank of esuire. Klectiun of oftieers. Cnnrlea A. Webb. C. C. PVIVAT-- BOAKIllvn-choie rooms with firstetass board tn e-ett teal location . Reasonable rates at 9 Klint. second loor from Haywood. je7d3i. RAT KS l"SH than baift Marion. Morgan ton. Statesville. Salisbury. Grr ndtioro ort KaleiKh W. M Clarke, l.rand C-n ral Hotel j-i!7d3t Pelbam's Pile Cure. $X.OO i 75 cents. MISS ALICE fl'Ul'A, tcaehrr of voice smd piano, a former -tudent f the Col lege of M usie o! Lincmnati Testimonials shown. t-evidence. 7 Chestnut stre. t. je27dlntt CHEAP TICKBTS to Marion, Morgan ton, Statesville, Salisbury. Orfinthorn, uurnnEton and Kaleiteh. Less than un.'-iali ngalarfare Ray's Cut Rate ofjiee. No 28 South Miin street. It F IRK INStJRANCK placed in a dozen of the ttest companies in the world. Life, accident and filate grlass business a's placed to the le?t advantaiie. l-rnnk Carter, agent First National bank buileiog. m a y :i()deod 1 m F iHN On West Asheville and Sulphur S4lrinies open ear between Depot and Suhihnr Surinijii, along the banks of tbe beautiful French Br-ad river, lor three miles, the murt tnaKnifieent view of Vander bilta. and the great h'ue Ridge and CraajKjr miiuntaini front tue hotel hill. Six miles and return foe 26 cents, until July I, bv taking Sulphur Springs car at postomce. See schedule. NEW CjOODS REFRIGERATORS l ICE : CHESTS! WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS. Lawn and Piazza Goods. MATTINGS, HAMMOCKS, &C. W. B. WILLIAMSON He CO., FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC., ETC.. Psllon Avenue, Asheville, N. C. WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE, EAGLE BLOCK, CORKER STORE. SPECIAL SALE All liht colored suits reduced from $2 to $5 on each suit. Now it your opportunity. SPECIAL SALE--All underwear in gauze and bal- briggan stripes reduced below value. Prepare for hot weather. Our stock is large and complete. SPECIAL SALE Straw hnts. The balam of our straw hats will lie sold below usuiil prices Irom (hisdatc. Good shapes are scarce; better select your hat today. SPECIAL SALE Negligee Shirts, Neckwear and Belts, new stock of each just received. Styles elegant, prices lower than ever.. SPECIAL SALE Children's Clothing, desirable styles and seasonable goods. Will la? cloned out at 50 per cent, below value. CALL - AT - ONCE! STERLING SILVER. CHOICE POTTERY.' CUT CLA8S AND NOVELTIES, J. H. L.AVW, 88 and 37 Pattoa avenue. CHINA AMD ULAS, CUTUiBV, LAflPH, Etc SILVER PLATED WARE, BOII8H rVRNIHBIrtG. New Patters and Always the Lowest Price I J. H. LAW, 8S a4 ST PattosiAvemae. FURNITURE ! : FURNITURE ! blair & Mcdowell, BJo. 45 Patton Avenue. CALL - AND - EXAMINE - OUR - STOCK. Bed iiooui Suites, Parlor Suites, Dining Room fckitH. Mattresses, Chairs, Window Shades, &c. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. COAL AND WOOD YARD, No. 20 North Court Square, (FORMERLY CARRINGTON'S) COAL., COKE, FLASTKR PAltlS, I Lit E WOOD, KINDLINGS, ('HAIUX)AL, LIME, LAND PLASTER, SEW EH PIPE, CEMENT. HAY AND FEED. O. E. MOODY, TELEPHONE NO. 121. DEPOT YARD MB AnEHOOfE, TELEPHONE NO. It. I"IJSrE: BREAD IS THK illKATEST LUXURY OP LIFE. TO MAKE The eitizenB of Ashevilh' drink the water of the Swrinnanoa river. If that vyatr is impure, it must foe conceded that the iie taken from its Hurfiice is likewise impure. BHT if there is dan ger in the ice, it is a patent fact that ihnre is awful dan ger in the limpid, sparkling water itself, and the incoming administration should hasten to provide a new untainted supply from an undented source. Meanwhile the anxious and perspiring' citizens can ob tain pure, wholesome ice, BOTH NATUIiAL AND MANU FACTURED, at reasonable and seasonable rates from only THE CAROLINA ICE AND GOAL COMPANY, IT YOU MUST HAVE GOOD FLOUR. "OMEGA" PATENT lo -fclxolFixxeot Winter "Wheat L O TJ R- On the market. Ask your grocer for it. It is not cheap, but quality justifies price. We Sell Only to Elcrchantn. MUSTIN FAKES & COMPANY; Avoid Disease By Using Made From Plstillcd Wter ASHEVILLE ICE & COAL CO., 34 Patton ATennr. Telephone Mo. 40, ASHEVILLE MILLING COMPANY, -MANUFACTURERS OF- Roller King and Electric Light Floor, Choice Corn Meal, GRAHAM FLOUR. Dealers In All Kinds of 'GRAIN and KIII.E. FKKD t No. 39 Patton Avnue. Telephone, 130. HEADQUARTERS : FOR : FEED ! North Main. St. TELEPHONE NO. 67. Wf keep constantly on hand a large and select stock of of feed. Make a Rpecialty of the businesa. Are in constant communica tion with the principal dealers and mills in various markets, paving cash. We Ret all discounts possible. We sell mainly to consumers from ton lots down to a single package. Call and Set our prices. We will save you money. C. 8. COOPER. THE EMPORIUM Is crowded day and night every dcpnrtmHiit rushing, from WeHt College street to Patton avenue, from base ment to third floor; a perfect jam; business 50 per cent in advance of any season we ever had in Asheville. The pub lic has discovered the superlative quality of our goods, our improved methods of business, our every effort to please, our talented assistants, our immense stock and our low prices; they have discovered also that anything conien from Mimuaugli's Iuts the tamp of style about it. Off stales are as much avoided as bad debts in this estab lishment. Our Drtwsmaking Department is already a success. Worth, tbe renowned dreMnmaker of today, would be jealous were he to see some of the lovely gowns turned out by our modiste. Miss Hnupt. Our Millinery are styles exclusively our own. We have shapes and colorings, you cannot find anywhere 8outh. No more complete department to be found anywhere. Miss Driver is not only a trimmer of talent but a designer. Nearly every body preters her hats to the. French patterns. Our prices range for nice goods from $5 to 40. Our Dry Goods and Notions are the largest and finest collection in North Carolina. No bombast; we vox prove every word of it 'Tis known in business circles In New York we buy the finest goods South except Atlanta and New Orleans. More fine stuff here than this town can show collectively. Our Kid Gloves, new Parasols and Sunshades, new Dress Goods and Trimmings, Silk and Laundered Shirt Waists and new Eaton Suits will command a great deal of attraction this week. Our Special Sale of Silks will surprisa everybody Mon day; 83 inches wide, beautiful designs; our price will be 80 cents as long as txiey last. Respectfully, - F. P. MIIVirMAUGH, Our Ladies' Hair Dressing parlor is doing a flourishing business, Miss Smith is quite an artist Izx her line, '

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