Saturday Evening, July 1, 1893. THE ASHEVILLE DAILY CITTZFV. POLICEMEN REPRIMANDED AROUND TOWN. MA.VOK PATTON'8 RF.MARKH THIN aoRNIl Washington. Juh I Forecast till 8 p m Sundav: h wers, hut prohably fair during grruter part of Sitmiay; scutberly, shiAiiK t" westerly- winds. THE MAKKByt. Nm Vurk Market. Nbw York. July oHned ateoiiy, June, gust 7 Ml; 'iit mhiT. Novemlu-r 1 c'fitfin fututea, : Julv. T.79; An- 7 1H; ct r, 8.08; fiirolmen BtcpketiMd aad Col lins Crn'nrrtl, Ttae Firm Be canne He Ran From Hunter, The Second Becanae He Did Not Keep Hunter Frum Rtm nluig MlepnenMon. The reprimand to Patrolmen Stephen son and Collins, which the police com mittee decided on yesterday, was de livered to those officers at 9:30 today by Mayor fatton, in t lie following ums. "The duty has bee" imposed on the Mayor by the comsaittee on police to reprimand two patrolmen. In doin so the Mayor will express his own opinion and will try to express thoae of the committee as he understands them. "On Wednesday niht it seems that a man who had been driukinn to such an ex tent as to produce disrespect for the laws of thisState.andf r the ordinances of tliix city, find a pistol on the street. Two officers went in pursuit and undertook to arrest him. In this thev did rinlu; will hold Monday. In this thev ilid but in their manner of makitiu the arrest they did entirely wrong, ami deserve ser ious reprimand. "All arrests of parties violating the or dinances ot this city should be made in a calm, dignified, but determined manner, if possible without injury to the offender; and in case force is necessary for his sub jection, then just such ilenrce of force as is uecessarv to support the law. Ot this degree the officer must be the judge in cmeruencv, as no one else can possibly judge ot it. - - - - "It appears that these two officers instead of making this arrest in tins manner, began talking to this half in toxicated offender, auvini; 'Tom, don't do this,' and 'Turn, don't do that.' In so doing the Mayor holds you both to deserve serious reprimand. "Again, it appears that the offender after having been taken hold of by the nfti.vrs resisted, and broke lose from and nrcsented his pistol at Officer Stephenson. At that moment it was t dutv o( Officer Collins to have used J necessarv force to subdue the offender, ami firntect his associate from the dan or ,hirli sei'imd to threaten him. and fur the failure to do so Officer Collins deserves and is severely reprimanded. "It is n more difficult and serious duestion to decide what was the duty of Officer Stephenson under the then exist ing circumstances. Having gooo reason to believe nis lite to be in danger, tin Mavor holds it to have been his dutv to delend himself even to the taking the lil'p ot 'the .-issailant. Of course such a consummation would have been greutlv to lie dcplond, but the responsibility would have rested upon the assailant and not upon the officer, who was trying tn xrrtite the law. It appears that upon the offender's presenting his pistol at Officer Stevenson that the officer ran. In this the Mavor holds him to deserve most serious reprimand, and reprimands hint therefor. "It is my sincere hope that during my Administration no repetition of these i-iri-umsi.-inces mav occur. Should they Hn n. I rhnrvc von to complete the ar rest of the officer in a cool, impersonal, diiMiihcd and determined maimer, using as few words as possible, only enough U.iiii, minimi as will make a reasonable man aware that you ;'re officers, and hw vt- the Hit lit to niake tbearrcst. Then proceed to complete the arrest and sul due all resistance, tor which purpose the least possible degree of lorcc or violence bv which it can be accom nlished. "The Mavor hopes it mav not again lie necessary lor him to exercise this dis agreeable duty." THAT KKPHIN4NU. The County Commissioners their regular monthly meeting The regular monthly nu-rtiiiK ol the Joint Board will be held Monday utter- , noon. The new schedule will co into effect I tomorrow on the roads leading into Asheville. The prizes for the winners in the races on the Pourtli me on exhibition ill A. M. Field's window. South Main street. Rev. Wallac- Rollins will preach at Central Methodist church tomorrow morning. Rev. J. C. Troy will preach in the evening. Rev. Wallace E Rollins will preach at Riverside, M. K church. South, tomor row night at S::iO o'clock. Usual service in the morning bv the pastor, Kev C. 1 roy. Ruthcrtorilton Banner : Mrs. Htirgin and lamily "f this place expect to mo ve to Asheville next week, where two of t he voiing men of the family have em ployment. J. A. and W. II. Penland will be the judges, and C.eorgc Henderson, referee, in the Fourth ot ulv sports at Carrier's track, and A. M. Field will hold the stoj, watch. The Kpworth League devotional meet ing will Ik- held in Central church lecture room tomorrow evening at 7:. Sub ject: "Hearing the Word" Het. 3:12; Leader, Claude 11. Miller. Mock Uuotatloua. Nbw Vokk. July 1. Krie 16V4; Lake Shore 10U; I'xicaico ami Northwestern I got..; orlulk and Western. 23. Riehniond ami " West 1' Terminal 3; Western 1 niun 17h HALTIMnKR, Jtl dull; snot. June wheat v aamplr I line, lulv, 4-1 Summer Goods. REFRIGERATORS 54.: vellow. .H3 flit It (more Market. . 1 -I.-Inl,r a,.l irhl-fll u 1..I.. RUIA millinu 1 HH(:7o': corn, eiisy; spot white corn by naniple. or v i. I in II by was a l A card From T Hunter on The Huhjecl. Kiiitok Tiik Citizen : I am very much surprised to see in your paper of yester day that I'atiolman Collins has been re- iirimamled for his part in the affair ot Wednesday night. More unjust censure, in mvnninion. was never uiven. Tueiai Is are these: On the night in iiiestion, while I was going home over Haywood street with n pistol in my hand, Mr. t'nllins overtook me and placing his h:md on mv arm said : "Tom. I'll have to arrest vou." I asked "What for He replied: "There has been some shoot- imr around here anil I see vou have nistol. (live it to me." I said all right, and started to hand him the pistol, when Stenhenson came up and laid hold ot mv riuht arm. saving "Yes, we will have to arrest you " Then, without giving the- niatfil tn Collins. 1 folded mv arms across mv breast for an instant. I made some shirht remark and spread my armi anart. shoving the policemen aside Stephenson, 1 think, dropped his hat and stooped to regain it and then WMlkrd around me. 1 am not sure whtt followed, but think 1 shuHUd my It i t oi. the pavement at w hich Stephenson ran. and helbie Collins had a chance to stop mclwusaftei Stephenson, running at ter him for tun. Stephenson fell near the street leading out from Ur. lavlor s ami called out to me not to Hurt mm. i stopped and told him tocome back that I in. M not hurt a hair ot his head. Thru 1 wi.lked back and met Collins mid vnvi him mv pistol and that was the end ot the affair. I cannot sec how the police committee could place the two officeis on an equal tooting in cen suring them. Mr. Collins has been on the force lor four vears and this is the first time I have ever heard the slightest charce of cowardice made against him. He deserved no reprimand. T. F. Hunter. PKOFI.K AMir. Ke H int - Rcwi-.i-' Nfen. Ill Vlt .1 The funeral service ot tlie iiiimu tii; '' f Mr. and Mrs. Low was licl-i tins morning at 1(1 o'clock at the residence ol the parents on Ilayworl street Rev. I C. Trov. The interment Riverside cemetery. Superintendent J. 1. Ivgglcstoii , of the Asheville citv schools, gives notice to hose applying for positions as teachers that an examination will lc held on Wednesday next. Julv 5. promptly at '.) o'clock, in the Montford i veil uc school Dunning. Tin-: Citizkn yesterday published an tent to the effect that Robert I. John ston.ot Asheville. who haspist iktcii grad uated In un West Point, had leen as signed to he engineer corps ol the army bv Secretary ot war Laniont. 1 lie statement was made in the St itesville Landmark's Washington letter and reprinted in Tn K Citizks. Mr. Johnston savs he has received no iiomicuiioii vhatcvei of such assignment. The first annual picnic ot the Hiltmore branch journey man Stonceut ter's asso ciation ot North America will occui Monday at Way nesville. A special train has been chartered and a very large- crowd is expected to go out. The train will leiive r h she v ill, lli-tliit at N o ciock, a. ni. At v avnesvine toe u.iv will Ik- spent in watcl iiiy the contests tor prizes and the enjoyment ol music iind dancing. The tare tor the rouim trip is $1.50 tor men, and oO cents each lor lathes, ami i-hi h ren under years oi :ige. The picnic offers an excellent op portunity tor a day s enjoyment. CI.OH1-: I P Ht'NUaV. The CIohIhk I.u-w i'o lit- Knforced Hereafter. Chief ut Police Harkins tells Tun Cm- hn that bi-ginning tomorrow he will enforce to the extent of the law the ordi nance against humi .y sate oi cigars leverages, etc. Seeseetiou OUT -ity code The penalty is $50. thk ci.i.-:;k bovh. nnlra Kor The Water Worka AhIk-vt1l-. N. c . 193. Each consumer is required to call at the office of Superintendent lefore the lOth dav of Inlv Oclolx-r, Januarv and April and pnv his bill. Failure to oliey this rule will cause the water to be cut cut offonthe Itth dav of said months. Annual charges payable quarterly in advance. In accordance with the above rule. 1 will be at mv office in the city hall bom the first to the 10th of each month to receipt water bills. J. L. Ml'KKAY. Water Superintendent. nl'MJIV LINK SCHKIH'I.K. Leave Court House Sotiare on Char lotte street electric car for Sunset Park at 9 a. m . and everv 30 minutes there after until 12:30 p m. CommenciiiL' then at ' p. ni., tnke car at si i ii.i re everv 30 minutes until 7 p. m. KwrieatitH. warigalna H iving made up mv mind to move mv vehicles to Chattanooga. I win sell the f this week buggies tor less t . v ii.e freight and other X- M Mcltevitt & Son, Ray balance t h ,u , .v J , :isi s -.fll-lc. massed hams at W. M. Highest Prices Paid for Railroatl Tiekots Special Hales OlTcrt'tl Affi dent Insurance. Clarke, (i Hotel For nice Western Hill & Co. Inef go to W. M Inanlo K" advrrllarnienla. I.ot This otliei- Print R. S oil. ha Voth-e Tho A. Pales. Nntiee I I. Ki-Klesn. Notice w K R-iniliMh Found W A : " S Rt W nteif Mrs V Feinnson. float d l'JT H-vwnnif street. A t ost Ttmd.'W Thrah Co. of penrl brails Flnler pleaae leave nt this Ifiee jvldlt V 1 1ST A strinR of jiearl K1V ftilARIi In choice locality near llatterv Park and luistottiee, on street car line 127 Haywood street. .i y 1 if 1 w Nl Thursday, on W. A umiirella; owner can eret same : S s ears bv e ill and ptovi 1 1 Fill in in nt ahove companv's orfice pr'i' rty an 1 paying for -il NTEI A .-oorl cook for the Ksmet aula Inn; white woman ulinut 4-o yes ot flKe Write, stating qualihcHtion and naifm wanted to Mra. N f-erxu-on. Bat Cave. N C w AflSS AUCB KriH'A, tciu-hrr of voice at L. nd iitnno. a farmer wtuiJent of the C" U'kc f Mimic of Cincinnati TtstimonialH shown Kesidcncc, 79 Chestnut strc t. jeiiTillmt 9 REHOl'SB FOR RBNT-On Willow jatrtrt. two floor 'Jix4(: ''rv and tx tclient for ttrHir; piiMfssion u'v Bear den, Kankin ,Sr o . rf South Main street )-17d lut-s thurn s t i:t'ach OTICi- TO TBAi I HRS Applicant for iioHitions in the public i'bool oi the city timv he examined WVdnesd y, July 5. KxamitiatiimH will be held in the Mont ford nrenue school And will bcin pr-mitt v at 9 o'clock. Retectfu11y, J. I HKltton, supt rintendent jvld'Jt at tuci Wsi N' ICE : CHESTS ! WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS. Lawn and Piazza Goods. MATTINGS, HAMMOCKS, &C. W. B. WILLIAMSON c CO., FURNITURE, CARPETS, ETC., ETC., 6 Patton ATenue, Asheville, N. C IHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE, EAGLE BLOCK, CORNER STORE. Sl'KCIAL. SALE All liRht coloretJ suits miuccd from $2 to $5 on each suit. Now is your opportunity. SPKCIAL. SALE All underwear in gauze and bal brigcan stripe reduced below value. Prepare for hot weather. Our stock is lare and complete. SPICCIAL. SALE Straw hats. The balance of our straw hats will be sold below usual prices trom this date. Good shapes are scarce; better select your hat today. SPECIAL SALE Negligee Shirts. Neckwear and Belts, new stock of each just received. Styles elegant, prices lowrr than ever. SPECIAL SALE Children's Clothing, desirable styles and seasonable goods. Will be clostd out at 50 ihm cent, below value. a CALL, - AT - ONCE ! Avoid Pteentie By Using Made From Distilled Wlei- ASHEVILLE ICE & COAL CO., 34 Pattoii AtentK Telephone No. 40. ASHEVILLE MILLING COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF Roller King and Electric Light Floor, Choice Corn Meal, GRAHAM. FLOUR. Denlers In All Kind ol IGRA1N and HULL, FEED X The citizens of Asheville drink the water of the SwHmmnoa river. If th;it water is impure, it imiHt he eom-etled that the ire taken from its mil-fare in likewine impure. BUT if there is dim mer in the ice, it is a patent fact that tlWe it awful dan ger in the limpid, sparkling water itself, and the im-ouiing administration should hanten to provide a, new untainted supply from an iimietiletl source. Meanwhile the anxious and perspiring citizens can oh tain pure, wholesome ice, HOT II NATURAL AND MANU FACTURED, at reasonahle and seasonable rates from only THE CAROLINA ICE AND COAL COMPANY, Mo. 39 Patton Avnuc. Telephone, 130. HEADQUARTERS: FOR: FEED! ISTortli Main St. TELEPHONE NO. 67. pic III and Oni of Town. M. C. Totna is here from Henderson villc. Pulii'ki Cowper is in Asheville today from Raleigh. fo. H. Chaoin ol Greenville. S. C, is at the Swannanoa. Hon. Wulter E. Mooreof Webster is at the Grand Central. L. Withers, of the Columbia State staff, is in the citv. Byron Witson. U. S N., of Marion, O. is at the Battery Park. l.C. Hall and J. McD. Michael of Hickory are in the city. Way nesville Courier: Miss Burr Way of Aabeville is visiting her brother, Dr. J. H. Way. Prof. J. M. .Tiernan came np from Salisbury yesterday and is autographed at the Swannanoa. Mnj. Jack Hayes, of the Filth cavalry. IT. S. A., the noted Indian fighter and scout. nowtationed at Fort Keno, is at tr Ratter Hark. accompauKa oj nan. Hayes. ' latuinrac Portiere are very orna- xntal and flies will not pasa them. A fin .aanrtment at Law s, 35 Patton avenue. WIm ii om want nice tender beef, go to W. M. lull St Co.'a for iU Hiippt llniral I ti- V. M. c: A K- cep'.lon I.aai l veniiii. One of the most enjoyable events ifi V M. C A. hiftorv was the rect pnon ten lered the collti;c boys last evening Sludents were there Ironi every pome o the coin pass, and they were a boily ol young men that any college would be roud to own. All elasses antl kinds ol sehools were represented, trom lale to Weavrville. liach school hail its rep resentative speaker and each sneaker lauded his Alma Mater to the skies as onlv college boys can. Thev told ol the gotid old tinies at college, of the Irienil- hiu formed there, ot all tlie na ppv.rccoi- lections of college days aiul the inanx tlucnces for good thrown around tin in there. The Jiff relit college M.t.A s their rffort to educate the moral along with the intellectual siile ot th. !sludeut's hie were given due credit tor ilieir noble work. In one hour a irlimose was given ot tlie si ink-nt lileot t wentv-onc um vei si ties anil ileges. The following were represented: l uiversitv of Tennessee, hy I 'rot. P. P. C'laxton; University of North Carolina, bv T. C. Smith. r.; hniorv anil ffenry, b'v Kev. J Ii. Hoick; Trinitv college, l.y Frank V. Shepard; Ilainiilcn-Svtliii'y, bv I'rof I. I). Kgglest'ni; Virginia Agricuit- urnl ;.nd Mechanical college, hy L.btlvnl Anderson; West Point, ' Kolitrt P. Inhiision: Iirown universitv, ov .vi. kt-oson: Yale, bv Kev. Wallace E. Rol lins: Wofford college, bv Fiank S. muh Kcprcscntativcs were also present ironi Tusculum, Wake Forest, Wcaverville, Universitv of Pennsylvania, rtiiversily ol South Carolina. Judson college, Uiug- h ni, Davis and Ka venscrott. Inspired bv the delightful music ren dered bv Mrs. Ii. Ii. Bagan, Miss Helen Collins and Me-srs. Koherts. (ieo. Lollins and Millard, the boys spoke in their hap oiest mannei . Net came the refreshment furnished by the ladies' committee and evtrvone (lid tull justice to the good things pro vided. To Secretary Ferguson ai.d the ladies' committee the colietfe boys are indebted lor "a high old time." NoriOH Senlcd propoaalw will If re ceive! hv thr nchoftl i-ommitt'e of the cii of .tieville fir 25 e riis of aeaaoned nk wood K I'C' t lnRtli!, to uc delivered nt the iliftVrent school tuiildinKa on or before the irth of October Bids ill be ooencd at 1 U o'clock m., July lO. W. F. Randolph, accrctary lyldyt tjMt'N on West Asheville and Sulphur ' Spriiikrs open ear between lfpt and Sulphur springs, -'tltinK the banks of the beautiful French Broad river, for three miles, .ne most magnificent view of Vander bills, and the Kreat B'ue Kidge and Cranny rntiur. tains froni the hof l hill Si miles and retu n lor -'5 cents, until lulv I. by taking Sulphur Sprinxa car at posteffice. See aehed-ule. hasi:bai.i. thk fourth Take a Hvhdai Atad tsara: Tb Asllar vllle Bosra Flav Ball. The teams for the crown game of base ball on the Fourth at Carrier's track were seleted today ns follows: Reds Garrison, c.;'. Capt, Morris, p. I. Fletcher, lb lohnson. 2b.: R. Wil liams. 3b.; G Rankin, s. a.; Tbos. John- son, 1. 1.; Chanclley, c. I., Wacioeii, r. I. substitute, Dorsctt. Blues W. Fletcher, c.: A. Rankin, p. Chambers, lb ; Ak-xandcr. 2b.; Capt. Young. 3b : H. Merrimon. s. a ; Jordan 1. f : Lindsey. c. t.; Weaver, r. f.; substi tute. White. A number of Asheville's best players are in the teams and the game will be an interesting one beyond a doubt, livery body should prepare to eo out to the grounds on the Fourth. Portiers and Screens. A new lot just received and oflered at prices to suit the times. Law's. Chickens as nice and cheap as the city at W. M. UiU & Co. any tn FURNITURE ! : FURNITURE ! blair & Mcdowell, No. 4.5 Patton Avenue. CALL - AND - EXAMINE - OUR - STOCK. We keep constantly on hand a large and select stock of of feed. Mate . specialty of the business. Are in constant communica tion with the principal dealars and mills in various markets, pnvinp; cash. We get all discounts possible. We sell mainly to consumers from ton lots down to a single package. Call and get our prices. We will save you money. C. S3. COOPER,. THE EMPORIUM VTOTICB OF SAT B-l'tider and bv T.rtuc i3l of a dfed in trimt. with full power of sale therein, executt to me ns tiustc by Andrew I I-iiiclsi-y . datf n the 'J 1 mi day A, prM. P., 1H2, and recorded n thf same day in the ftice tf tht reRrmter l leed if Hun- nmhe count v. in hook of mortence- and need in trust No a, on paf 169. et a q. anl upon which dcfitu't hax been made, will sell to the htfhcnt bidder for cath. at the court house door .in the citv if .nheville. coun' v of hunc .mbc, N. C. on Saturday, the iM.Uh in- of Julv, A. 1 . lS'i.T, at 1 2 m , the property described and conveyed in the deed in trust, einu the following de scribed lands and nrem'ici twit: 'A cer- ain tract or iarcei ot 'and I vine. Mtuaieanrt inn in Ashevill- To vnshi:, Huncotiibe rotafity, state of orth Carolina, art pit nine the lands of W. W Miller, Thomas l.ii dsey. and others, o the waters f Maw c reek, n tributHrv to Swannanoa riyer. and bounded and m"re particu'arl described as follows eginnjiiii at a stake, the nortl e ur correr f(..t No. 3. as shown Im a plat tiled in the ftiee nf the clerk of the superior court of Hnnt'ombe county, in the divi-ion of the IV Mdlt r I ind, and runnmie st 17 poles to white ak. Miller's old corner, thence sou-h with M iller s old line -iO-! i-oki I o u itake, the northeast corner of lot No fi of the siHid plat: thence west .J7 p -lea to a stake, th.- nor h west cor -er of had bt No thence north 3o-. poles to 'hi- iM-ginninK. contnnin 1 acres, be tle same mote or less, an i tM-ing l"t "o , as nwn nv tne above m ntioncd nd described plat, said lot having been dr twn by James M . iller an the d'vi-ion of tne O I. Miller land; and alcobe- iiiir the same lot ol land conveyed to the sun! Andrew T,indse bf John M King and wife by deei execnted the 2Jd day ol Rcp- tenjhe , A. I., IH-H For a further descrip tion of the land rclrrence can be hmil to book of mortgages and dei ds in trust No. 2, on pijare et seq, in the tithce of the register ol deeds of Buncomb county. This the 1st day of July, A. IV, 1 K3. 1 nus, A. jun rvn. iyld-tt sat Truat. Bed Hot nn SuittH, Ptirlor SuiteH, Dining Room Setn. Mattrt8se, Chairs, Window Shades, &c. I WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. COAL AND WOOD YARD, No. 20 Nortri Court Square, (FORMERLY CARRINGTON'S.) COAL, COKE, KIUKWOOD, K1NDL1NCSS, CHARCOAL, LIME, CEMENT. NEW GOODS STERLING SILVER, CHOICE POTTERY,. CUT GLA8S AND NOVELTIES, J. H. LAW, 86 and 37 Putton avenue. CHINA AND ULA8H, CUTLbKV, LAHPN, Etc SILVER PLATED WARE, BOtTSU FUBNIHHING. New Fmtteras and Al ways tbc Lowest Price ! J. H. LAW, 8S aad 87 Pattoo veaaae. TELEPHONE NO. 121. IS THE (JURA TEST LUXURY OF LIFE. TO MAKE IT YOU MUST HAVE GOOD FLOUR. "OIVLEGA" PATJENT Is tlielFirLe t Winter Wneat GE LOUR On the market. Ask your jjrocer for it. It is not cheap, but quality justifies price. We Sell Only to Eiercfaaat. Is crowded day and night every depHrtment runliinj;, from WeHt ColIee street to Patton avenue, from baae ment to third floor; a perfect jam; buHineHH 50 per cent in advance of any season we ever had in Asheville. The pub lic ha discovered the superlative quality of our goodpt, our improved methods of business, our every effort to please, our taleuted assistants, our immense stock and our low prices; they have discovered also that anything comes from Miiiiiiaujih s has the stamp of style about it. Off styles are as much avoids! hs bad debts in this estab lishment. Our DreHinakinar Department is already a success. PLASTER PARIS,! Worth, the renowned dressmaker of today, would be jealous were he 1 to see some of the lovejy gowns turned out by our modiste. Miss llnupt. Our Millinery are styles exclusively our own. We have shapes and colorings, you cannot find anywhere South. No more complete department to be found anywhere. Miss Driver is not only a trimmer of talent but a designer. Nearly everybody preters her hats to the French patterns. Our prices range for nice goods from f 5 to 4U. Our Dry Goods and Notions art the largest and finest collection in North Carolina. No bombast; wecn prove every word of it. 'Tis known in business i4rcls New York we buy the finest goods South except Atlanta and New Orleans. More fine stuff here than this tx)wnun show collectively. Our Jvid u loves, new l'arasois ana Hiuishades, n Dress Goods and Trimmings, Silk and Laundered Shii Waists and new Eaton Suits will command a great Cl Jl aitftM'UUU tuin nroai Our Spcifial 8al of Silks will surprise everybody M05 day, 33 inches wide, beautiful designs; our price will LAND PLASTER, SEWER PIPE, HAY AND FEED. DEPOT YARD AND WAREHOUSE, TELEPHONE NO. 73. 80 cents as long; as tuey last. Respectfully, F. P. MIMIMAUCH. X Our Ladies' Hair Dressing parlor is doing a flourishinf' MUSTIN, FAKES & COIVLP ANY. business, Miss Smith is quite an artist in her line, V .It .1 I I