p iiTTiifiVini Monday Evening, July 3. 1893. THE A8T1 EVILXiE DAIIYF CITIZJW. 1: ?)' :i W. M. C. AWOCIAriOM. A Capital MsscttnK Wanwlll -food For rtae Brain. AROUND TOWN. Washington, p. m. uesaav Julv 3. Forecast till 8 Gentf.'tllv lair weatner; association westcrlv wit'da; slight Iv cooler Tucsiluy morning. TheW. N. C. Teacher' met at Wajnesville last Thursday. Promptly at 2:30 p. m.. President Stnrncs let the jjavcl fall and the peda-, gogucs were called to books. Devotional , tj,e police court today Mr No Citizen tomorrow. Mayor Prttton Gticri offenders $60 in exercises were conducted dv kc? Gay of Waynesville. Hon. R. S. Gilmer welcomed the association in one of his best spevches. The President asked Prof. R. L. Madison of Jackson to respond in behalf of body. This the Professor did in a happy manner. The uext next thing in order was en rollment of members, collection of fees. The attendance was small but the inter est throughout the whole session was good. All teachers present showed a deep interest in the cause of education, and this little army, though few in num ber, exhibited a determination to win. Various tooics were discused. Open ing addresses were made by Prof. Kius land, of Clyde; Miss Stephenson. Home Industrial School; Prof. Chambers, Waynesville; Prof. H. L. Kin, Ueaver dam, and others who entered heartily into the general discussions. On Thursday night Dr. James Atkins delivered a fine lecture on "Moral' In struction." Friday niRht was the time for the president's aunual address. The subject was "Liberty." The address was well received. After this 34 of the ass .ciatiou engaged in a "Mix-llinir bee." Fifteen cents ud- mis&ion was charged for the benefit of the M. E. church South. The receipts were nearly $30. In the elect ion of officers for the ensu ing vear Mr. Starnes declined a rciiotni- nation to the presidency and Prof. Rob ert S. Madison, president of the Collow hee Hieh School, was elected. Messrs, M. L. Shipman, of the Transylvania Hustler, and I. D. Boone ot the Waynes ville CourUr. were elected secretaries, and Miss Fannie Burr Way was chosen treas urer. The meeting throughout was interest tne and harmonious. The exercises were lively and were interspersed with music led by Professor Chambers, of Waynes ville Ai-ademv. and a Mr. Davidson who, with his two little daughters and little son, came over from the Sulphur Springs with two violins, a flute and a harp with lots of strings, and delighted the teachers with sweet music. The body, alter a delightful session. adioumed subject o thecallot the lixecu tive Committee, which is composed ot the following: Professors K.L. Madison lebairman ex officio). H. L. King, B. li Atkins, I. B. Uunslor.1, E. P. Stratlley; Superintendents C. B. Way, A. J. Oar ner. M. L. Shiuman (secretary cx othcio) Misses Florence Stephens. n and Azalia Creasman, Mrs. John P. Morgan and Hon. K. D. Gilmer and Jesse D. Boone. MM.- Kl.IAtS A - rT. Three Offlec Filled BalnfM Collect os PEOPLE aAMaG. at revenue office to , returned to his and Peraonol Baraieraiin About Peo ple In and Out of Town. W.J. Cocke is home from Harvard. Gen. E. K, Hampton is in the city from Sylva. White Smith returned to the city on Saturday. Rev. J. L. White will spend the week at Blackwcll s. "Judge G. A. Shutord is at Waynesville tor a tewidays. F. R. Hewitt, of Swain, is in the city on his way east. Mrs. R. S. Tucker and Miss Floreuee Rovlan. are at the Battery Park from Raleigh. Mrs. Fannie G. Hellen, of the Winston revenue office, will leave for home to morrow. Mrs. W. H. Penland 'and the children have returned from a week's stay Blackwell's. T. Vernon Eaves resigned his position as deputy collector in the on Saturday. Mrs. I. P. Sawver and Miss Daisy have returned to the city from a visit friends in Charlotte. Fred, and Willie Barrett are In the city from Favetteville. visiting their grand mother, Mrs. S. A. Buchanan. lohn Child sustained a painful injury of the knee while jumping from a train at Round Knob on t-riday last George Williamson, a former Aslieville b.v who has been spending a few days with relatives in the city home in Danville today. A. H. Fuller, Mrs. Fuller, Miss Alice Fuller. Miss lennie Allien and Charles and Myron Fuller, of Brocton, Mass., are in the city on their way to Hogback. ludee Van Wvck, of the Brooklyn City court, is at the Battery Park for a stay otsome length. The Judge is accom panied by his wife and their daughter. Miss Leila Van Wyck. Among the guests for the summer latelv arrrived at the Battery Park, are Mrs. W. A. Garrett. Misses Jennie and Ivnla Hai-ret and Master Henry Garrett f Anvnain. Georgia: S. K. Levy. Mrs Siloam Levy and Mrs. Ben Levy child of Galveston, Texas. AHred W. Duckett, Mrs. Duckctt (wee Buchanan) and Mrs. Sara Buchanan wre a mom? the Werra's passengers ar riving in New York last week. Th party are in Ashcville for the summer, alter" which their residence will be taken nr. in one of the commercial cities of the country. sor a pabllc Library Bonding- Some weeks ago The Citizen stated that it was probable a lot lor a public lihrarv would be obtained on Church street, south of the Presbyterian church The matter will probably be closed in a day or two by the transfer by the trnarmi i.f the Presbyterian church uud rant. T. W. Patton and Miss Fannie L, Putton. to the trustees ot the Library association, of a lot having 56 leet frontage on Church street, and a depth of over lOO feet, a,.A includirir that Dart of the old vravevard deroted to the dead of the Patton family. It is understood, too, that the funds necessary for the erection l a modest nnblic library building oa the lot so generously donated, are sight. Everybody wants to noon the dummy tomorrow. The first car leaves Sunset Park at 8:15. and every half hour after that till 12:5. Commence again at 2:15 and every halt hour after thai till 7:15. The night run commences at 8:5 nrl last car leaves mountain ai 1 1 p. ro. ' Refreshments at pavilion. NT'takc rharlotte street car at public square on the boor and half hour. BMartt-atlssa. asaraCalsaa nmr made no ui mind to move my vebk-ie to Chattanooga, I wtu sen tne balance of this week baggie for less than cost to save freight and other ex. peases. M. McDevitt & Son, Ray's stacks. Fine soda water always finer by is trillion never by accident. Let it be .atcntion, not accident, that yon obtain t at Pelhatn'a. ' When von waat nice tender beef, go to W. M. Hill & Co.'s to iU- Tha Lyceum will discuss the Sunday question on tomorrow night. The track at Carrier's crounds is Ix-ine put in first-class shape today for the bicycle races tor tomorrow. The tax listers renoi t a big batch of abstract as then suit of their labors with the taxpayers last month. Register Mackey issued twenty-three marriasre licenses during the month of June fourteen white and nine colored. The Epworth League of the North Aslieville M. E. Church, South, will give an entertainment on Frid iy evening next. An assignment has been recorded by J. L. Carroll, r., grocer. North Main st. Eli Mustin IS the assignee ano preier- . r . . . . ence is mane ot . i. v-arrou, or. Chief Clerk Branch, of the Battery Park, expects that the hotel will be filled wiih Slimmer enests by the 20th. Large crowds came in Saturday and Sunday. The citv uolice aDuenred m blue suits ud while helmets vesterdav. The new uniforms are trom lacob Keen Sons, Philadelphia, through II. A. Miller ol this city. Yesterdav wasja dry day no soda water no carers. It was tougn on some citizens. Nothing but mineral water could be had. and not even a wink" in that. Five coach-loads of excursionists left today on the Bill more stone-cutters pic nic to Wavnenville. Two bauds, and n box-car filled with soft drinks went along to keep the bos company. Field's window is one of the attrac tions about town today, containing the nriz-s to be won at the snorts at Car rier's Track tomorrow, and decorated with the colors of Asheville's Bi club. The invitation from the Aslieville Base ball club to the Greensboro Nine has oeen accented, and the visitors -vill be in the citv with the Danville excursionists on Wednesday. The teams will cross bats on Thursday afternoon. Messrs. Browning and Rhoadi-s, the managers ot the lveiiilwortn Inn nave issued invitations to a concert and dance tomorrow nicbt. The season s orches tra arrived toda and is the liest the managers of the Inn has ever secured The County Commissioners bcgantheii monthly session to day. The monthly 'l.-tims were issued and several horns given t3 consideration ot tne coutuv roads. The convict force w"l he Kept at work on the road between Alexander and Black well's for the present. Robert P. ohnstn received the orders I the War Department todav naming him as an additional second lieutenant and aL signing him to duty in the corps of engineers. Lieutenant Johnston will lx stationed at Willctt's Point, New. ork Harbor, after September 30tli. The main auditorium ot the South side Presbyterian church presents a very at tractive appearance now that the new ne ws are in place. The Sabbath services are held upstairs. There was a hiu congregation yesterday. Five persons united with the church at the morning service. nroela-v A I bin. Collector Elias was at bis desk bright and early this morning;, hut not too soon for the applicants for position in his office, many of whom awaited hia arrival and "just a sninulc" of bis time. The collector's good nature is his best friend in the pres nt strain for place. He meets his callers witn a neignoony ereotine that shows that j grnnt all their requests' if Id Summer Goods. REFRIGERATORS he were possi ble the onlv difficulty in the wnv hcing the lack of positions to till. 1 he col Irrtnr is bniidlinc th.- husiness ol the1 busied offie-e in the internal revenue service with the dispatch of n business mnn. and the wheels of the ailministra- tion in the htth district; are moving smoothly. Thefrllowingappintments were matte hv Collector Elias todnv : S. L. Rogers, cashier. $l.BO. J. S Robinson, deputy 1 .200. V. (). Co ner, clerK. l..u. Mr. Rogers i- at present the clerk of Mi.rrm e-nuntv Sunenor court. Mr. Rohinn is a son of ex-0ivernor Robin son and resides at Franklin. Mr. Con ner is from Mars Hill in Madison countv. Each of the appointments was matte without the knovledne of the ap- iwiintee and without the mhcation or solicitation of any person in treir behalf DUMMY LINK "CHKUHI.K. Iave Court House Square on Char-I lotte street electric car for Sunset Park at 9 a. m.. and everv 30 minutes there after until 12:30 p. m. Comineiicmi; then at 2 l. m.. take car at mi u a re every 30 minutes until 7 p. ui. THli MAA'KBTS. -ANQ- Avoid JDisettse By Using XJ Blticle From Diwtillcd Wter ASHEVILLE ICE & COAL CO.. 34 Patton Attune. Telephone Mo. 40. ICE : CHESTS ! WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS. Lawn and Piazza. Goods. MATTINGS HAMMOCKS, &C. W. B. WILLIAMSON A CO., CARPETS. ETC., ASHEVILLE MILLING COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF FURNITURE, Nation Avenue. ETC., A.n)ncvile, K. awa a ass mm Roller King and Electric Light Flonr, Ciioice uorn iieai, GRAHA1VL FLOUR Dlera In All Kinds ot ;GRAIN and MILL FHBD! Karv Vor-nt Market. Nbw York, Jiilv oiomd uleatty, June. Rust 7. no: arptcmber, November 3 Cotton Cut. ne., 7.B; Julv. 7. Ml; Au 7 "J7; Oct ier, S.OU; HlocB inolatltns. MR w Vohk. Tulv 3. line iBVt; Law Shore i:iV4: ihicaiw and NurmwiMtrn 12(11'.; vnrfolk and Weatrrn. aa; Kicnmooo ami Wr Point Terminal 3: Wewtrrn Bsltlmore Market. m.i TiwniiR inlv n Flour. lul1: wheat. Hull: oot. lunr. S7.: lulv. BHVi.: rnillinu wheat ly sainpu-. Bw;7(i; corn, caj; "l". lime, Juiv. '; wlnte corn uy sainpu. 54; yellow. '., 2 Anlievllie Markets. Innvi4ril riallv lit I ) W 1 ' 1 . 1 fit SNIDUH. wholraalc and retail itrocera. These nricra I air beinft paid by the merchants to-oav. lluttj-r I5M20I Annie 7512B , 1 JVIAiiiiiea. nneo i l'Ji..3 I'nmnkln). each.fU2 7(Kal00'SorKum 30 I 21 tf2MHwai. ner th IS aw't 1 jnHnfv 1 Irian. SOlWheat 8 30li40iv. um 5fl lOOIMt-al 6 Cabbage, per fh.. 1 U lata 4-fi 1 Wllflfl. I)f hU.IWInul HO KVC Peaa B5W)75 Hay. ton 20M I Clinitnnta ... . Vitt. dm . .. SMM'i I'.rta I hickena Turkeys liucka. . tatoea. Potatoes. 1 uraipa. Oniona II Iirhent Prices Paid for Railroad Tickets Special Kates Offered Acci dent Insurance. Clarke, 4- C. Hotel IndutoNew AdvertlsemenM. Ruiila Inn." Nolic Manka Kooma for Kent. Wanted Agents. New Ordinnnc-a Private Hoardi.. IStatcment F. M IMtller. Opium B M Wnnllcy .tiiea w I, it' ujitta. Cat Rates C. F. Kay For Sale CabuaK- IManta Fur -ale Ch-a;i Safety Wicycle. WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE, EAGLE BLOCK, CORNER STORE. SPECIAL. SALE All light colored suits reduced from $2 to $5 on cacb suit. Now is your opportunity. SPECIAL, SALE All underwear in gauze and bal brigRan stripes reduced below value. Prepare fur hot weather. Our stock is large and complete. SPECIAL, SALE Straw hats. The balance of our straw hats will be sold below usual prices from this date. Good shapes are scarce; better select your bat today. SPECIAL, SALE Negligee Shirts, Neckwear and Belts, new stock of each just received. Styles elegant, prices lower tban ever. SPECIAL, SALE Children's Clothing, desirable styles and seasonable goods. Will be closed out at 50 per ceut. below vttlue. CALL - AT - ONCE 1 The citizens of Asheville drink the water of the Swannanoa river. If that watr is impure, it ii)unt be conceded that the ice taken from its surface is likwise impure. BUT if there is dan ger in the ice, it is a patent fact that thre is awful dan- jjer in the limpid, spark ling water itself, and the incoming administration should hasten to provide a new untainted supply from an undented source. Meanwhile the anxious and perspiring citizens can ob tain pure, wholesome ice, BOTH NATUUAL AJND MANU FACTURED, at reasonable and seasonable rates from I only THE CAROLINA ICE AND COAL COMPANY, No. 39 Patton ATmnc. Telc-piaotic, 130. IIEADQUARTEBS : FOR : FEED! 67 ISTortlx Main St. TELEPHONE NO. OUIR nice rooms tor X? avenue; $ a month JySdtf FOR HO. I atreet. S!.B CHBAP A Safety bicycle, d as new. Apply at SO South Main a l w Chief of Police Hurkins is in receipt ol avJWVVJV-F ujr Idle a letter to-dav Irom parties in Auaenon, i "'i"y South Carolina, requesting names ot no tela and boarrlinc house keepers for the accommodation of Irom 250 to 300 peo pl- who will come to Aslievilleoii hririav Irom Anderson and ot ner points on an excursion. According to tne uretnvnie News, an excursion is to run from Green ville to Aslieville about the 15th Mrs. T. C. Harris of Raleich, president ot St. Mary's Alumni wssociratiun. is now in Asheville and has the names of '25 ot the old nupils of the institution, anil will hold a meeting at the house of S. R. Keoler. 50 I'enland street, tomorrow at 5 p. m. The Albert Fleedes scholarship will be considered at this meeting, to gether ith other interesting matters to St . Mary's old pupils, nil of whom are asked to attend this meeting without other or more formal invitation. Ke plants for sale I wild Greenhouae I dfit rent at 30 Startus! Apnl v at No. 30. FURNITURE ! : FURNITURE blair & Mcdowell, We kfp constantly on hand a large and select stock of of feed. Make a sfircialty of the business. Are in constant commanica tion with the principal dealers and mills in various markets, paving cash. We get all discounts possible. We sell mainly to consumers from ton lots down to a single package. Call and get our prices. We will save yon money. C. S. COOPER,. R1VTB BO ' H O I Nil Pleaaant roo"-a. good table, fine location Convenient to I noitomcc ana street car ones, ar e.rove atreet. dla' A GBNT9WANTKD to aell an lndipenl- 1 a ble article to mercliant and stablemen Bill pav Apply to Am- rican M nnutacturinie Co . Apnletoa. S. CT . care M . Htll. aat- ATISS A LICK i.VA. ""d ii-n, a KtTOtTA. teacher of voice TTier ituncnt ! tne i. ci- Ictee of Muaic of Cincinnati Testimonials ahuwn. Keatdence. 79 Cher taut street. je27dlmt Xir'RBHnUSB IOR RKNT On Willow V atreet. to floor 26xii; -Iry and ex- givk e:m a crowd. celient t ' storage; poaiesaioa Ju't den, Kankin K i o . 5a Sontn Man I -17a tuea tnura shx tracn 1 . Bear- am street. Good Nporl at Carrier's Track To morrow tfternoon The Asheville Baseball Club will show an attractive card for the celebration ot the Fourth at Carrier's Track tomorrow afternoon, the sports to begin at 3 o'clock sh-irp. The West Ashevile and Sulphur Railway Company., will put on ill the ears necessary to handle tne large cio (vd expeditiously, and on afternoon ot comfortable enjoyment may be oected. The program will he a ZVi yard toot- race ihrecuicyeie races, a shck race, a wheelbarrow race and a game 01 h.-ise- ball between the Red and Blurs, picked Irom the best players of the city, with Morris and (arrison, and Kankin and Youim for the batteries. The bnse- bnll club has out uogood sport tti'd sea son and deserves the biggest crowd of the season tomorrow afternoon. The race will start nnd finish at the grand stand. The entries lor the hicvele rnces are in the first class. I. S. Pleas Mits. E C. Suvi er. W. K. Howard. I. L. Rich and I. S. Moodv. ala8 two. Thud W. I hrasn, win Sm.-ithers. C. E. liendcrsou. W. D. Gash and L. K. Alexander. Class three. Max Carter, lohn Band loe Malone. Frank Blackwood and McKae Hatcti. 1WTOTIC for positions in the TO TBt- II KKS Applicant- oiitlic seliool ol I the city tniv Ik examined We.lnesd.y. July I A. lixaniinatiftns will be field in tbe Mnnt- ford avenue aeh-.ol ami -will Iteisin pr'mitly I at 9 o'clock Respectfully, J. I IvftKleston, rapt nntcmlent j ldlt sat tues 'VTOTICI l.nial llolidav Tuc-dav. lulv LI th, beinK a 1ckI bo'id -iv, tbe banks of tbe city will be cle.aed J. 11. KANKIN, eaanwr W. .H I'BVLtNP, Cahier. L. P UcLtit'I), Canbi.r UWtUNCK PULL1AM, Cashier. No. 45 Patton Avenue. CALL - AND - EXAMINE - OUR - STOCK. Bed Room Suitos, Parlor Suites, Dining Itoom Set. Mattresses, Chairs, Window Shades, &c. WE CAJN SAVE YOU MONEY. F. UN -Spring -On West Ash. ville and Sulphur ma open ear betwMt iepot ana Suliihur Springs, qlnnn the banks of the tieautiful French Hr. 1 river, lor three miles, the moat majznifit-rnt view of Vandcr bilts. anil the great B'oe Kirlit and Craggy niountania from tne not I mil. ix raoea mm return for 25 cents, until July 1. by taking Sulphnr Springs car at postofficc. See schedule. Twenlynne PeskM HiKbcr Than Nt. WatttiinKton. A new section 1 cio snilra to Horison. "Buola Inn." 3,8S feet above sea. Al ways cool. Best tattle in North Carolina Mountain Bndleaa climba. Finest gr. ded mi'untain road-i in tbe lTnited States Plen tiful livery Fx-elrent protected trout tsb- ing. Telephone, three daily mails, tennis. liowllnz. DHliaros. etc -mews trxrn a new Sutnmerlaad free on application Terms moderate. H. P K K 1-Siri Y. Secretary. Mnvillr. Mitchell county. N. C. dl St NEW bOODS -1N- CLOSK TOMORRU W All Manna Take and in a Holiday Crlebraie. The undersigned merchants untl busi ness men have agreed to close our stores and give our employees bolidav luly 4th: P. E. Mitchell, BI:inton Wright & Co., II. Redwood & Co.. I. I. Brevard. H. U. Fulenwider & Co.. WhitliH-k Clothing House. W. B. Wilbiimson & Co., Blair & Mi O.iwcll. Thud W. Thrash & Co. . 11. Law, Carolina Coal Company. Uslug wnrre It Cool. New York. July 3. Tbe Falcon, tbe ship of Lieutenant Peary, tbe explorer, I sailed last eremng at 6 o'clock. Stales ler -rtaas Water vsoraa of Asncvlllar. M. C. sSoj. Each consumer is required to call at the office of Superintendent before the 10th day of Inly. October. January and April and pay bis bilL. Failure to obey this role will chqsc the water to be cat cut off on tbe lltb day of said months. Annual charees payable quarterly in advance. In accordance with the above rule, I will be nt mv office in the city ball from the first to the 10th of each month to receipt water bills. J. L, Murray. Water Superintendent. STERLING SILVER. CHOICE POTTERY CUT GLA8S AND NOVELTIES. J. H. LAV' SS i d 3T Patton avenue. CHINA AND GLASS, CUTLERY, LAvMIPH, Ktc (ILVEH HHVMU TBO WARE, MI8BIMC Cbickena as nice and cbcan as the city at W. M. UUI &. Co. any ta New Patterns ausd Always tae Lowest Price J. H. LAW, So sad ST Pallisalll COAL No. AND WOOD YARD, 20 North Court Square, (FORMERLY CARRINCTON'8.) PL.ASTEK PAHIS, COAL, COKK, FIREWOOD. KINDLINGS, CHARCOAL, L,lxIE, CEMENT. TELEPHONE NO. 121. LAND PLASTER, SEWER PIPE, HAY AND FEED. DEPOT YARB AN WAREHOUSE, TELEPHONE NO. T9- FINE BREJLD IS THE (IRRaTEST LUXURY OF L.TFE. TO MAKE IT YOU MUST HAVE flOOP FLOUR. "OMEGA" PATENT Is tlaeHFixaeot: Winter "aaVlxeat THE EMPORIUM Is crowded day and night every department rtiHhing, from West College Btreet to Patton avenue, from base- merit to third floor; a perfect jam; business 50 per cent in advance of any season we ever had in Asheville. The pub lic has discovered the superlative quality of our goods, our improved methods of business, our every effort to please, our talented assistants, our immense stock and our low prices; they have discovered also that anything comeH from Mhnuaugh's haw the stamp ot' style about it. Off stales are as much avoided as bad debts in this estab lishment. . Our Dressmaking Department is already a success. Worth, the renowned drenHmaker of today, would be jealous were he to see some of the lovely gowns turned out by our modiste. Miss Haupt. Our Millinery are styles exclusively our own. We have sha and colorings, you cannot find anywhere South. ' No more complete department to be found anywhere. Miss Driver is not only a trimmer of talent but a designer. Nearly everybody prefers her hats to the French patterns. Our prices range for nice goods from $5 to 4U. Our Dry Goods and Notions are the largest and finest collection in North Carolina. No bombit; we can prove every word of it. 'Tie known in busine ss circles in New York we buy the finest goods South except Atlanta and New Orleans. More fine stuff here than this town can show collectively. Our Kid Gloves, new Parasols and Sunshades, new."" Dress Goods and Trimmings, Silk and Laundered Shirt Waists and new Baton Suits will command a great deal . of attraction this week. - : Our Special Salf of Silks will surpris- everybody Mon day; 83 inches wide, beautiful designs; our price will be 80 cents as long as ttiey last. Respectfully, F. P. YJItVaN AUGC-3. On the market. Ask your grocer for it- It is not cheap, but quality justifies price. - We Sell Only to ElercHaiiti. I Our Ladies JElalr Dressing parlor is doing a flourishing IVlTJSTXra FAKEd CC UlVI-pikI- X business, Miss Smith is quite an artist in her line. i